
What do king prawns look like? Shrimp: description, varieties and preparation. Red crystal and Indian glass

For the convenience of our guests and regular users, we have compiled a catalog of popular types of aquarium shrimp. This list is in alphabetical order, with a photo and a link to a single shrimp. Also, if necessary, you can always refer to the section of the site.

Not so long ago, in 2006, thanks to new research on Japanese shrimp, it was established that the Caridina japonica shrimp (discovered and described in 1892) and the Caridina multidentata shrimp (described earlier in 1860) are the same species. Thus, since 2006, the name of the Amano shrimp has been officially changed to "Caridina multidentata".
The renowned aquascaper and creator of the so-called "natural aquariums" Takashi Amano was the first to use these shrimp to combat algae in his herbal aquariums.

Having discovered their amazing ability to eat algae, he immediately ordered several thousand shrimp from a local live merchant. Since the 1980s, aquarists have been calling her "Amano".

Babaulti shrimp have a bright green body. Green babaulti shrimps are distinguished by their peculiarity: they are able to change the color of their body, becoming green, then light brown or red. The color depends on what mood the animal is in, how it eats, and in what conditions it lives.

It is also worth noting that it is quite difficult to find well-colored babaults on sale, as in the pictures. Often these are tiny, pale green shrimps.

In addition, there are many babaulti color morphs: brown, orange and red varieties.

Blue dream shrimp do not have any special requirements for aquarium decoration. The main thing is the presence of a certain amount of moss, plants and driftwood in the aquarium. All types of plants can be used, but small-leaved plants and mosses are best. It is recommended that you build secluded spots for the shrimp and add oak, almond or beech leaves to the aquarium. Dry leaves are both a shelter and a treat for shrimp.

Cherry or Cherry shrimp is a species of shrimp, selectively bred in Germany, obtained in the process of long crossing of wild Neocaridina Heteropoda shrimp.
An aquarium with shrimp of this species should be well planted with plants on which the Cherry Shrimp spend a lot of their time just to sit, and be sure to have hiding places in which they hide for protection, especially after molting.

Almost transparent shrimp with dark transverse stripes along the body and light specks. Rostrum with straight upper and slightly convex lower margins. The single-toothed, straight-ahead end of the beak protrudes slightly beyond the anterior margin of the scaphocerites. Of the three antennae of the 1st pair, two have grown together with 6-7 segments. Has small claws. The color of the shrimp largely depends on the color of the food, as well as on the shade of the soil. Shrimp size is about 5 cm.

In 1993, Japanese Hisayasu Suzuki, while breeding classic black shrimp, accidentally got an unusual shrimp - a red shrimp. After a while, 3 more pieces of such shrimps appeared. Having decided to fix the red gene, he proceeded to select and breed shrimp with red stripes.
By 1996, the breeder had several thousand red and white stripe shrimps that were rapidly gaining popularity and love among shrimp lovers. Hisayasu Suzuki patented their name "Crystal Red".

The genus Macrobrachium is Macrobrachium.Shrimps from the genus Macrobrachium have been used in aquarism for a relatively long time. All members of the family are not distinguished by their peacefulness. Some representatives of the genus are distinguished by solid (up to 15-20 cm) sizes and are used in gastronomy (in particular, Macrobrachium rosenbergi, which is successfully bred on an industrial scale on special farms).
Fortunately for nature lovers, there are quite a few relatively compact creatures among the representatives of the genus, suitable for cultivation in home aquariums. These primarily include shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense - River, oriental Japanese shrimp. In addition to Macrobrachium nipponense, other members of the genus are kept in aquariums.

Rili shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda sp. Rili) - the fruit of selection, bred in 1996. in Taiwan, Hisayasu Suzuki - a Japanese breeder, thus, who gave the world a magnificent shrimp crystal.

Here are the indicative conditions that are most favorable for keeping and breeding Rili shrimp: an aquarium - from 10 liters, water temperature - 22-28 degrees, pH 6.0 to 8.0 with soft and medium hard water. It is advisable to keep shrimps in a group of 10 +++ individuals, the aquarium should be rich in aquatic flora - shrimps should have shelters in the form of plants and mosses.

Glass shrimps live for a relatively short time 1 - 1.5 years and grow up to 4 cm. They are extremely easy to maintain and care for. Ghost shrimps, unlike many other relatives, are not pretentious about soft and slightly acidic water. Water parameters for their content temperature: 22-27 С, pH - 6.5-7.5, kH 5-8; gH 5-8, dH 4-8; TDS - 120-180. Weekly water changes are required. Aeration and water filtration is also required. In the aquarium, you need to create places where the ghosts can hide. This can be driftwood, thickets of plants, a pile of stones, etc.

The habitat of the Cardinal shrimp is the rocky areas of the lake of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Its size is on average one and a half centimeters. They are very active in obtaining food from bottom stones and algae, as well as from the shells of snails from their native island. Therefore, in their home there should be an abundance of decorative elements such as aquarium plants, stones, driftwood for the aquarium and other items overgrown with algae. The color intensity of the Cardinal shrimp has nothing to do with gender, age, emotional or physical state of the individual. Body color - various shades of cherry and red, attractively contrasting on the sides with white specks, which may be edged in blue. A characteristic feature is white front legs, with which the crustacean quickly and amusingly goes through, getting food.

The Black Diamond Shrimp, also known as the Black Diamond Shrimp, primarily in Japan, is becoming a very popular species with modern shrimp breeders. This species was selectively bred from the common Tiger Shrimp, where, over a long period of time, specimens with the blackest stripes were selected for crossing, in the end, the selection gave the long-awaited result and the shrimps became completely black.
There are two varieties of the Black Tiger Shrimp - one with black eyes and the other with orange eyes. Moreover, those with orange eyes are valued much higher than their black-eyed relatives.

Types of aquarium shrimp video review

There are more than 2000 different types shrimp. But at the same time, they can be conditionally divided into two main types - warm-blooded (southern) and cold-blooded (northern) shrimps.

The first of them includes all the expensive "giants" that we often see on store shelves - tiger and king prawns. Northern shrimp are those small "seeds" that can be chewed instead of seeds.


King prawns are much more expensive than their more modest cousins, but you should think twice before buying them.

Firstly, they are grown in special nurseries, adding growth stimulants to their feed. There is no need to say once again that antibiotics enter our body through shrimp meat.

Secondly, vanamey shrimp are often sold under the guise of king prawns. They look similar, but in taste they do not reach even the simplest shrimp.

Why pay more?

Cold-blooded shrimp benefit significantly in taste. And all thanks to the fact that they live in the northern seas, the icy waters of which do not allow these marine inhabitants to quickly reach large sizes, but at the same time are the most natural and healthy place for them to live.

Such shrimps feed on fresh plankton and move a lot, and therefore their meat is elastic, aromatic, with a pronounced taste.

Unlike the soft and almost tasteless meat of king prawns, which are hatched in special tanks, they move little and receive processed granulated feed.

So how do you choose the right shrimp?

Choose the most naturally grown.

The “correct” shrimp should be neutral gray in color with no spots or haze on its shell. Often on sale you can find shrimps, on the head and back of which there are white spots. This means that during the transportation of this product the temperature regime was violated more than once, which means that the shrimp is already a little spoiled.

If you notice that the head of a sea dweller has turned black, then it is better to leave it in the refrigerator tray of the store. This color means that the shrimp was sick during its lifetime.

Also, the shrimp deployed in a straight line should cause doubts in you. If their tails are not tucked in so that the shrimp turn out to be almost curled up in a circle, then this means that they were no longer frozen fresh.

That is why, when you see one of the above signs, it is better to buy some other treat for dinner. After all, now you already know perfectly well how to choose good shrimp.

Do not confuse black-headed shrimp and brown-headed shrimp.

Since the second option is a sign that the shrimp is pregnant, and this makes it especially beneficial for our health. Although many people do not have much love for such shrimp as well. Thinking about how to choose the right shrimp, also rely on your own tastes - what you personally like best.

What to watch out for when choosing shrimp?

The shrimp are by nature not bright at all and not at all orange. Their natural color is dull gray with a slight pinkish tint. We see packages with hot pink or even orange seafood on sale every day.

These are all manufacturers' gimmicks. They tint the product to make it appetizing and, therefore, sell faster.

Also avoid glazed shrimp. If the shrimp is hidden under three layers of ice, this does not mean its poor quality at all. But this means that you pay more for ice than for food, and when defrosting, you will not get the expected amount of shrimp. How to choose frozen shrimp? The best option is to buy dry-frozen shrimp.

What to look for when choosing a shrimp?

When buying shrimp, it will be useful to figure out from which country this product was delivered to us. Cold-blooded shrimp come to us, as a rule, from such European countries as Denmark, Lithuania, Estonia and Norway. King and tiger prawns are imported from Asian countries - China, Thailand, Vietnam and others. Of course, it is better to give preference to European shrimps, as they almost certainly passed quality control. The same cannot be said about Asian ones. So we buy shrimp of European origin.

Shrimp can be sold with or without shell. If you need shrimp in order to then use them in cooking, then there is definitely no point in wasting time peeling them off. But at the same time, you must remember that the taste of unpeeled shrimp is richer.

Choosing between packaged shrimp and loose shrimp, give preference to the first option. So, just in case, you will have at hand information about the manufacturer of the goods. You should choose shrimp from a trusted manufacturer.

Now you know how to choose the right shrimp. And you understand that it is enough to devote quite a bit of time to the selection of shrimp, and you will be pleasantly surprised with the result.

Properly chosen and well-cooked shrimp will invariably delight you with its simply stunning aroma and rich sweet-salty taste.

You can serve shrimps in garlic sauce or simply sprinkle with lemon. They will go wonderfully with many dishes on your table and will give you a lot of pleasure on their own.

Aquarium shrimp are as popular as fish or aquatic plants. A transparent container with these arthropods will be a wonderful interior decoration, but before starting them, you need to figure out how difficult they will need to care. This will largely depend on the species acquired, therefore, it is better for beginners and experienced owners to acquire different representatives of arthropods.

Aquarium shrimp exist different types and the complexity of the content, so before purchasing it is better to study them better

general description

Although there are many types of aquarium shrimp, they all have common feature- the same body structure. They have a well-developed tail, eyes with a wide viewing angle, long whiskers that perform the function of touch. Instead of claws, they have three pairs of legs that perform a motor function. The whole body is covered with a layer of chitin. In addition, females are usually almost one and a half times larger than males.

In all other respects, these arthropods are not alike. They vary in origin and family, size, color, and habitat. Therefore, there are several types of aquarium shrimp. Some do not require special care, while others can only be maintained by an experienced breeder.

Types for beginners

For those who start shrimp for the first time, it is better to pay attention to attractive, but unpretentious representatives who do not need to create special living conditions. These include the following varieties:

All of these species are non-aggressive and do not cause trouble for their owner.

For experienced breeders

If you managed to successfully cope with unpretentious creatures, you can try to get shrimps that require more careful attention. For example, one of these types:

These decorative shrimps require professional care under the supervision of an experienced aquarist. For their maintenance, special soil treatment and the installation of a reverse osmosis system are required.

Basic conditions of detention

The shrimp in the aquarium needs proper care. To provide it, even before purchasing arthropods, you need to prepare their home and think over what they need for a comfortable life in the future.

Choosing an aquarium

For shrimp, you need to choose a container of a suitable volume, where for each representative there will be about 0.5 liters of water. Of course, some species feel fine in more cramped conditions, but sufficient space will be the key to the peaceful coexistence of neighbors.

Calculate the volume of the aquarium based on the number of shrimp. For each shrimp 0.5 liters of water

The shape of the container is not of paramount importance, but newcomers will find it easier to care for a rectangular wide tank that is easy to clean. You also need to remember to close the container with a lid to avoid jumping out of its inhabitants.

The best solution would be to start a shrimp, that is, a special aquarium where only arthropods will be settled. If fish live in the same container, hunting for small shrimps is inevitable, so they will need a large number of shelters, such as decorations, stones or moss.

Water preparation

Arthropods are more sensitive to water characteristics than fish. They usually do well in temperatures between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. If the temperature rises to 32 degrees, they will die. If it drops to 15, they will stop multiplying and lose mobility, but there is no mortal threat. The former behavior is quickly restored when the liquid is brought to normal temperature.

For unpretentious shrimps, you can take the most ordinary tap water. It's even good if it has a slightly increased rigidity, since shrimp will build a shell from the elements included in it during molting. But too hard water will be uncomfortable and stop reproduction.

Most shrimp do well in water 20-28C

More demanding creatures will need water with a near neutral pH and zero hardness. This is achieved by passing the liquid through a reverse osmosis unit. After that, you will need to add special salt to the water for the comfortable life of the shrimp.

Before pouring into the aquarium, the water must settle and reach room temperature. You can change the liquid only once a week, pouring 1/5 of it and replacing it with fresh one.

Necessary equipment

As for the equipment of the aquarium, first of all you will need a compressor, since a large number of shrimps may not have enough oxygen.

If there are a lot of shrimps, you definitely need a compressor in the aquarium.

Filtration systems are usually installed in aquariums where both arthropods and fish live, so the shrimp can do without it. But if there are many inhabitants, but few plants, then it is better to purchase an external canister or internal sponge filter. To prevent small shrimps from being sucked in there, you will need to put a sponge on the pipe of the device.

Illumination by crustaceans is necessary for the formation of daily biological rhythms. In addition, aquarium plants cannot do without light. For this purpose, fluorescent or LED sources are well suited. They will work efficiently and economically, and they will not heat up the water.

To maintain the desired temperature, you will have to get a heater. It is better if it is equipped with a thermostat that maintains the set value. But it is not always possible to completely trust the device, so sometimes you need to control the temperature set by it with a thermometer.

If it is hot days and the water in the aquarium is very hot, you will need to install a fan or refrigeration unit to reduce the temperature to acceptable values.

Waste products should be removed regularly so that the ammonia released from them does not lead to diseases of the shrimp. To do this, you will have to carefully siphon the soil.

Suitable food

Nutrition - important point in the maintenance of aquarium shrimp. They eat everything: algae rudiments, fish food, plant leaves. But they also need to be given boiled vegetables or special food purchased from the pet store. In the latter case, you need to pay attention to the composition. It must contain calcium, which is necessary for building a shell. Otherwise, the shrimp may begin to eat their own shell.

Frozen brine shrimp are good food

Frozen food made from bloodworms, brine shrimp, or even cod meat is a good choice.

More often than 1-3 times a week, arthropods do not need to be fed, since they will eat up the plants in the aquarium anyway, and increased nutrition can harm them. In addition, in nature, they often go without food for 7-10 days.

Breeding rules

Reproduction occurs when the female reaches puberty. At this time, she begins to secrete enzymes that attract the male. He fertilizes the eggs that have appeared under her tail, and after 4-6 weeks larvae appear from them. As soon as they come out of their eggs, they will immediately be able to feed on their own and, in general, lead a lifestyle typical for adults.

But for this process to take place, it is necessary to create conditions for mating. The female's reaching puberty can be accelerated by replacing the water with fresh water more often. In this case, shrimp molt faster, preceding the release of pheromones.

Shrimp fry immediately lead an independent lifestyle, like adults

After successful fertilization, you need to be even more careful about the characteristics of the water. Under any unfavorable factors, the female can shed her eggs and a new generation will not appear.

It should be borne in mind that up to 40 new larvae may appear at a time, but overpopulation usually does not occur, since with a lack of space and food, large individuals begin to feed on small ones, thereby regulating their numbers.

Fish Compatibility

If you do not want to have a separate shrimp, you can add arthropods to snails or small, non-aggressive fish. Shrimp get along well with the following species:

  • micro-fees;

Neon fish can be a good neighbor in a shrimp aquarium

However, even these fish will be interested in too small neighbors and some of the shrimp will still be eaten. This can be avoided by adding large enough arthropods to small fish so that they cannot swallow them.

To check in successfully, you need to adhere to the following rules:

Thus, slowly and following the well-being of new pets, you can successfully settle them in a new place of residence.

Common mistakes

Those who first decided to have shrimp often face certain difficulties. Their pets get sick or even die, although it would seem that everything was done correctly: an aquarium was chosen, water and food were prepared, all the necessary equipment was purchased.

Aquarium shrimp can hurt and die if the water is too stagnant in the aquarium.

The thing is that small arthropods are very sensitive to various components. environment. The owner should be aware that the following factors are detrimental to them:

  1. Insufficiently settled water. Fresh liquid, in which microflora has not yet developed, is detrimental to shrimp, therefore, before the first pouring, the water should stand in dark place within a few weeks.
  2. Tobacco smoke. If people smoke in a room with an aquarium, aquatic inhabitants will not live long in such conditions. Shrimp are so sensitive to odor that they can be harmed even by falling asleep on the food with an unwashed hand holding a cigarette.
  3. Medicines and water stabilizers. Any chemical preparations containing the slightest trace of copper have a detrimental effect on arthropods.

Thus, the owner can accidentally make a mistake that will lead to the death of his pets. To prevent this from happening, you need to take a responsible attitude to caring for the inhabitants of the aquarium, and then they will delight with their beauty and health.

Every year more and more home aquarium lovers are interested in keeping freshwater shrimp in its waters. Such interest is justified by the unusualness of these crustaceans, their unpretentiousness, as well as a huge abundance of various, unique colors.


Aquarium freshwater shrimp differ from each other in their size and color variations. However, the construction of the body is identical in all species. Thanks to their long antennae, they have a very good sense of touch and smell. The eyes rotate in different directions, which provides a wide view. The anterior thoracic segments are fused to the head and have reliable protection in the form of a shell. Movement along the bottom in search of food is carried out with the help of walking legs. They, like crayfish, have a well-developed tail. With its help, they can perform movements reminiscent of races, thus saving themselves from predators. The size of a freshwater aquarium shrimp depends on the species, and ranges from two to fifteen centimeters. Shrimp live in aquarium conditions, on average, 1.5 years.

Types of freshwater shrimp

Aquarium shrimps are represented by a huge variety of species, the ranks of which are replenished with new ones almost every month.

The types that are the most popular and unusual:

Conditions of detention

Aquarium shrimp and the conditions for keeping them completely depend on their species. Most of whom are not very finicky. But there are a number of specific parameters that must be monitored and maintained at the desired level.

The most important criteria for existence are a comfortable water temperature and oxygen saturation. To increase oxygen saturation, you need to use aerators and compressors. The aquarium should have a water temperature within 21 - 30 degrees. If the temperature drops to 15 degrees, the crustaceans become very lethargic, and if they exceed 31 degrees, they will simply die.

To prevent small fish from being sucked into the filter, sponge filters must be used. It is also very important to carefully monitor the process of replacing the water. You should change the water at least once a week in the amount of 1/5 of the total volume of the aquarium. Although most species are not picky about the conditions of detention, but still, one should not be irresponsible to the parameters of their habitat. Otherwise, losing sight of something can lead to bad consequences.

The aquarium must be equipped with a lid, as some species easily crawl out of it.


It is difficult to call shrimp gourmets, you can offer them a variety of food. While in search of food, they ride absolutely everything, from decomposed parts of algae to the corpses of other inhabitants of the aquarium. It is necessary to feed it once every few days, with daphnia or canned or live food. Feed should be alternated with each other for a balanced diet. It is worth knowing that in no case should you feed shrimp with cheap dry food, which includes cereals.


For shrimp reproduction, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this. The female, when ready for breeding, releases peculiar pheromones into the water to attract males. Males, smelling such pheromones, begin to look for a seducer, who is hiding in a shelter, from their admirers. Reproduction itself occurs quickly enough, in just a few seconds. Then on the back of the female, specks of yellow or gray appear, this is the eggs from which fry will appear in a few weeks. After hatching, the fry immediately become independent, just like the adults. Fry eat the same thing as adults, move in the same jerky way, and hide in the same way under pebbles and in vegetation.

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The gastronomic gifts of the seas and oceans are popular all over the world. Some are considered a delicacy, others are already so familiar that they are constantly present even on the table of people living far from the sea. These include, for example, shrimp.

What is it, what it looks like and where it is found

Shrimp are molluscs from the crustacean family. Shrimps are unique organisms both in structure and in habitat.


Crustaceans have interesting anatomy. First, they shed their shells, replacing the old one with the new one. It is necessary to grow. While the build-up of new carapace is taking place, shrimp are capable of regenerating lost limbs, but the process is slower with age.

Secondly, all organs of the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems are located in the head area. The heart is also located there. Breathing is provided by gills, which are hidden under a protective shell. The crustaceans move with the help of ten small legs located on the cephalothorax and abdomen. The shrimp have good mobility. The search for food is carried out with the help of olfactory receptors and touch in the form of sensitive antennae. The organs of vision are located on special processes, therefore they rotate almost around their axis. 16 types of cells are responsible for color perception; for comparison, a person has only 3 of them.

Thirdly, shrimp are representatives of blue blood, because a liquid of exactly this color flows through their veins. We do not see this, because when there is a lack of oxygen, the blood becomes colorless. The life span of crustaceans, depending on conditions, ranges from 18 months to 6 years.


The crustacean family has a vast habitat. They can be found in the sea, river, lake, ocean. The only exceptions are the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic. The composition and salinity of the liquid do not matter, but their large concentration is still in the equatorial zone of the world's oceans.

Like all crayfish, shrimp play the role of "orderlies" in the ecosystem of water bodies, as they feed on the remains of organisms that have fallen to the bottom. Also in their diet is sludge, which is formed from the decomposition of plants. There have been cases when crustaceans attacked small fish, but, as a rule, sick ones.


For scientific purposes, shrimp are classified into four types.

  • Warm water are found in southern reservoirs and cultivated artificially. Among this category of crustaceans, more than a hundred species are known, the most famous are the black and white tiger. Large representatives are found precisely in the group of warm-water individuals, they reach a length of 30 cm.
  • Cold water live in the Baltic, in the Okhotsk and Barents seas, as well as in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, including the Greenland and Canadian coasts. Unlike warm-water crustaceans, they do not lend themselves to cultivation. Crustaceans living in cold waters are smaller, their length reaches no more than 12-15 cm. However, gourmets claim that they are tastier, and nutritionists consider them healthier and more nutritious than their warm-water counterparts. They are also cheaper. The most famous species are northern red and red comb, as well as chilim.
  • Saltwater according to the name they live in salt water.
  • Freshwater shrimp are characterized by a limited habitat. They can be seen in the rivers and lakes of South Asia, Australia and the CIS countries, including Russia. Their sizes are small - up to a maximum of 15 cm.


Shrimp is one of the most diverse species of crustaceans. Today, the fauna of the Far East alone has more than 100 species.

The most popular among buyers are large species: royal, white and black tiger and chilim. In general, crustaceans are classified according to their habitat, size and breeding conditions.


The crustaceans, which are sold in shops under the name "ordinary", are more often Atlantic or caught in the North Seas.

The shrimp found in the Arctic Ocean and Atlantic are considered to be the tastiest. These include the following varieties:

  • chilims or northern shrimps do not grow to large sizes, but they are more nutritious than their counterparts from the southern seas;
  • red northern;
  • white northern;
  • pink northern;
  • red comb.

In the Atlantic Ocean, the following types are common:

  • southern deep-sea;
  • red royal;
  • serrated;
  • northern pink;
  • southern pink.

The habitat of the white king prawn is the Indian or Pacific oceans.


Tiger prawns are the largest representatives of their group. They are found not only at sea, but also in the Atlantic Ocean. However, only in the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas do they reach their gigantic size, sometimes up to 40 centimeters. The shrimp earned their name thanks to the dark stripes on the tail, and in males and females they are of different colors: in the former they are dark pink, in the latter they are green. You should not try to see the stripes on a store product: during freezing, they disappear, so usually the crustaceans are gray on the counter. Among brindle, there is a division into black and green. The first come from the Asian shelves, the second - from the shores of India and the Pacific Islands.

King prawns can be seen on Russian retail shelves more often than tiger prawns. But more often it is a fictitious trade brand, which means large selected marine shrimps of any kind, suitable in color and size. Since the mixture is inexpensive, it is popular.


Some gourmets believe that freshwater shrimp tastes better than salty water shrimp, but this is a moot point. The largest representatives are the giant crustaceans Macrobrachium rosenbergii, living in the tropics South-East Asia, China and India. They can also be found in the North Australian waters and rivers of Oceania. An interesting fact is that individuals of this species are found in fresh water, and eggs are laid in salty water, for which they have to approach the mouth of the river, where it joins the sea.

Freshwater shrimp can also be found in the vast Russian Federation as a rule, they are descendants of preglacial crustaceans, when water bodies were formed. Such, for example, is troglokar - a blind representative of the Caucasian cave lakes. Silt serves as food for him. In Soviet times, when fish from the Amur were moved to Far East and Central Asia, together with them the Paratya and Leander shrimps "moved". The same crustaceans can be seen in Lake Amur. In addition, freshwater crustaceans are found in Astrakhan and Sakhalin. Astrakhan shrimps were accidentally brought in from Japan and Vietnam in the fifties. Oddly enough, it has successfully adapted to the cold Russian climate.

Wild or artificially bred

Warm water crustaceans are easy to cultivate, so they are more often grown on farms. For example, a sales leader tiger prawns the countries of Southeast Asia are considered: Vietnam and Thailand.

Farmed crustaceans are much larger than their wild counterparts. They are more meaty, which pleases buyers.

It should be noted that wild specimens are, of course, small in size, but they have strong shells, a rich sea flavor and denser meat, as they are in constant motion.


Shrimp is a storehouse of useful elements and vitamins. The very first thing is a large amount of protein, which is our "battery", because when it breaks down, energy is generated that the body needs for life. One hundred grams of meat contains about 20 grams, while fat is only 2 grams, and carbohydrates - about 1 gram. One serving of shrimp will provide 47 percent of your daily protein intake.

Saturation of omega - fatty acids helps to maintain the tone of blood vessels and heart muscles. Shrimp contains a set of trace elements that ensure the work of various organs: potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, iodine and others.

As for the vitamin complex, group B should be especially highlighted.However, there are many vitamins A and E. Vitamin D is needed to regulate the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, as well as to absorb the former. Even a cooked product contains a lot of this important element. On average, 100 grams of meat contains about 32 percent of the daily value.

Benefit and harm

Like any food product, shrimp have their own indications and contraindications.


Each seafood is beneficial for the human body, as it is full of useful components. For all its usefulness and nutritional value, shrimp are considered a dietary dish, since they contain few calories: about 90 Kcal per 100 grams. when cooking. Of course, if the product is fried or baked with a fatty sauce, then the calorie content will increase significantly, and you should not abuse such food.

Regular consumption of these crustaceans in food will reduce the number of allergenic factors. The antioxidants they contain are capable of destroying cancer cells if shrimp is on the regular menu.

Among the many reviews, there are those related to cholesterol levels. Shrimp does contain a lot of it, but it is a healthy natural cholesterol that does not contribute to accumulation in the human body and does not cause heart disease.

Shrimp is a source of cobalamin, or vitamin B12, which is essential for brain health and normal nervous system function. It is also involved in the synthesis of DNA and the structure of blood cells. A decrease in B12 levels contributes to the acquisition of feelings of chronic fatigue, irritability and loss of mental characteristics.

Saturation of omega - fatty acids helps to prevent heart attacks and normalize blood pressure. Shrimp are rich in omega-3s, so their regular consumption can be considered a prevention of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The same fatty acid compounds can improve mood, tone up, and prevent depressive conditions. Moreover, the presence of magnesium in shrimp increases their antidepressant effect.

The presence of iodine makes shrimp meat indispensable for the prevention of thyroid diseases. It normalizes the formation of hormones. By the way, crustaceans contain 100 times more iodine than beef. For the normal functioning of the immune and endocrine systems, as well as for the structure of blood cells, bone tissue and muscles, calcium is required, which is found in abundance in crustaceans. Elements such as sulfur and zinc have healing effects on skin, hair and nails. In addition, sulfur normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands, increases general tone organism, improves the condition of blood vessels.

Special cases

For men.

  • In particular, for athletes and all those who lead an active lifestyle, shrimp meat serves as a source for maintaining muscle tone.
  • For men over 40, the use of shrimp is shown as a prophylaxis of cardiovascular vascular diseases.
  • Seafood improves potency, you can enhance the effect by consuming them together with fresh herbs and nuts.
  • The presence of such an element as zinc in crustaceans improves the reproductive function of sperm.
  • Shrimp's unique mineral compounds are involved in the production of testosterone, one of the most important male hormones.

For pregnant.

  • Doctors observing women in position recommend eating seafood so that the fetus is formed on time.
  • In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, and the embryo to develop without pathologies, it is necessary folic acid and vitamin E. These are all found in shrimp meat.
  • The saturation of shrimp with B vitamins has a good effect on nervous system mother and child.
  • Various mineral compounds, which are rich in seafood, have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, normalize blood circulation, and reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
  • Shrimp meat contains the so-called good cholesterol, which does not accumulate in the body, allows you to reduce the load on the liver, improve the outflow of bile, eliminate headaches and weakness.
  • The low calorie content of crustaceans contributes to a harmonious healthy diet without gaining excess weight. In addition, this balanced product normalizes the work gastrointestinal tract, reduces the risk of gastritis and heartburn.
  • The presence of iron serves as a prophylaxis for anemia in mother and child.
  • Iodine in shrimp meat supports effective work endocrine system.

For the child's body.

  • Modern nutritionists and pediatricians recommend introducing seafood into the diet of children no earlier than three years old.
  • Stop eating shrimp if you have the slightest sign of allergy. It is better to try them at an older age, when the body gets stronger.
  • Artificially grown seafood is contraindicated for a child; it is better to give preference to crustaceans that were caught in the ocean.
  • At first, the amount of shrimp eaten at one time should not exceed 40-50 grams. It is enough to repeat 2 times a week.
  • The abundance of natural protein in seafood is beneficial for the development of muscle tissue and bones, which reduces the risk of fractures and tooth decay.
  • Mineral substances stimulate the work of children's digestion, activate antiviral defense, improve the structure of the blood, help the heart to develop without pathologies.

For dieters.

  • Shrimp are nourishing, but at the same time have a low calorie content, which allows you not to stress while losing weight.
  • Seafood enhances metabolic processes.
  • The proteins and protein found in shrimp meat stimulate muscle growth.
  • Crustaceans improve metabolic processes in the body, remove "bad" cholesterol.
  • The composition of shrimp contains beauty vitamins: retinol and tocopherol. With their help, the structure of hair and skin is improved, and with a sharp weight loss, stretch marks do not appear.
  • Dieters are prone to frequent depression and apathy, or, conversely, irritability. B vitamins, which are enough in shrimp, help to put in order the nervous system. And folic acid helps to raise the tone.


Among the masses useful properties there is also harmful, in particular, the ability to accumulate substances destructive to the human body, for example, radiation and heavy metals. Therefore, it is important to know how and where the shrimp lived and what they ate.

Allergy sufferers should take into account that the presence of a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins in shrimp meat complicates its use for them. It is better to try to introduce it into the diet gradually and when reactions appear, stop in time. Fried shrimp lose some of their excellent properties. Not only that, they can cause heartburn.

Do not overuse seafood. A large amount of protein in their composition causes stress on the kidneys and liver, therefore, can cause some complications.

What can you cook from them

Before using shrimp in various culinary dishes, you should prepare them. It is important to remember that crustacean meat is tender, it cannot be overcooked, otherwise it will become "rubbery" in taste and texture.

Correct cooking

Frozen unpeeled seafood.

  • It is enough to heat fresh seafood for 3-8 minutes. The time depends on their size. Since the period is short, experienced chefs advise placing the shrimp in water that has been brought to a boil. In no case should frozen crustaceans be thrown into boiling water. They must first be defrosted under running cold water.
  • Boiled shrimp also requires heat treatment. You should not think that you can do without it. The only difference from fresh frozen ones is the lower cooking time, about 3 minutes.

Unpeeled shrimp after boiling must undergo a cleaning procedure. Only then are they used for cooking.

Frozen peeled seafood

When buying peeled shrimp, you can start cooking right away.

  • An appetizer in a spicy salting. Ingredients: a pound of fresh medium crustaceans, one and a half liters of water, about 1.5 tablespoons of salt, one glass of finely chopped dill, 1-2 bay leaves, 5-6 pieces of allspice. Method of preparation: pour water into a saucepan, add all the listed ingredients except shrimp and herbs. As soon as the brine boils, add seafood and dill to it. The boil time is three minutes. Then catch the shrimps with a slotted spoon, put them on a plate and serve.
  • Boiled frozen shrimps with vegetables. Ingredients: 0.5 kg of seafood, 1.5 liters of water, finely chopped vegetables, two tablespoons of each type (carrots, parsley, onions), about 1.5 teaspoons of tarragon, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, spices and black pepper taste. Method of preparation: shrimps are gently defrosted, put in a saucepan, vegetables are also there; the mixture is poured with boiling water and put on the fire again, the remaining ingredients are added. Cooking time from 3 to 4 minutes. At the end, spread on a plate, garnish with herbs and serve.

Using shrimps, you can make various cocktail dishes, salad dishes, soups, bake them in dough, steam or fry in oil, or you can simply serve boiled, but with an amazing sauce.

Delicious steamed shrimp

Foods needed for 2 adult servings:

  • 10-15 shrimp of large varieties;
  • litere of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.

To make mayonnaise you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon mustard
  • half a teaspoon of ground paprika;
  • one quail egg;
  • vegetable oil - 0.1 liters;
  • 1 tablespoon wine vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 garlic cloves and a couple of basil sprigs (you can use dried spices).

Cooking method

  • Frozen shrimp should be removed from the freezer in advance and defrost naturally. The liquid that is glass from them is not poured out. The crayfish are cleansed: the head and intestines are removed. However, the carapace must be left as it will retain its aroma and taste during heat treatment.
  • Next, a broth is prepared from a liter of water, salt and the liquid that remains after defrosting. In it, crustaceans are soaked for half an hour, which will provide them with juiciness and a uniform ambassador.
  • After this time, the shrimp are rinsed and placed in a double boiler for five minutes. The remaining brine can be poured into the working container of the kitchen unit instead of water, then the meat will be even more flavorful.
  • Serve shrimp with homemade green mayonnaise, which is prepared during the heat treatment of seafood. For it, you need to thoroughly grind the basil, garlic and salt into a homogeneous gruel. Mix quail egg with mustard and paprika, carefully add vegetable oil to the mixture, stirring constantly, add garlic-basil dressing and lemon juice. Add salt if necessary.

Shrimps in dough

Required products:

  • fresh frozen crustaceans - 0.4 kg;
  • Cheese "Philadelphia", "Parmesan" and any hard cheese for toasts, 0.1 kg each;
  • puff pastry - 1 plate.

Cooking method

  • First, you need to defrost the shrimp by rinsing them under running water, then immerse them in boiling water and cook for about five minutes, then take them out with a slotted spoon and dry them on a paper towel.
  • Roll out the dough a little and stuff with cheese as follows. The first layer is from Philadelphia, spread over the dough, then it is sprinkled with finely grated Parmesan and the last is the toast cheese, hand-torn into medium-sized pieces.
  • After that, the shrimps are evenly stacked in one layer and at a distance from each other so that the dough can be rolled into a roll.
  • When all the ingredients are laid out, you need to carefully roll everything into a roll.
  • The resulting "log" is cut into separate portioned pieces 3 cm wide. On one side, the sticks must be pinched so that the cheese does not flow out: the bottom is obtained.
  • Parchment is spread on a baking sheet and the pieces are folded upside down. The temperature in the oven should be about 200 degrees, then the baking time will be 30 minutes.

Clarifications. It must be admitted that not everyone can afford Philadelphia, so you can take any of its other analogues, for example, domestic brands processed cheeses Viola or Amber will do just fine.

Smoked shrimps

Required products:

  • 500 grams of large shrimp;
  • 1 teaspoon salt and sugar;
  • 1/2 cup pomegranate or soy teriyaki sauce, or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Cooking method

  • The seafood is defrosted, peeled and simultaneously washed with cold water, then mixed with salt and sugar, and the sauce is added.
  • Put the mixture in the refrigerator for marinating for 2-3 hours.
  • After that, the shrimps are strung on skewers for smoking and left in this state for half an hour to get rid of excess liquid.
  • Prepare 3 handfuls of alder chips for a pleasant scent.
  • Hang the prepared mini-skewers on the grates of the smokehouse. The procedure will take no more than 20 minutes from the moment the smoke appears.

Clarifications. To prevent the flowing juice from burning, professionals advise covering the tray with foil.

Shrimp "under a fur coat"

Everyone knows the famous herring salad of the same name, but using seafood, you can prepare an equally delicious appetizer dish that everyone will appreciate.

Required products:

  • 0.5 kg of crustaceans (pre-cleaned and cooked);
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 4 medium boiled potatoes;
  • 1 small jar of red caviar (140 grams);
  • packaging of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

  • Peel and coarsely grate all components, cut the shrimp lengthwise into two equal parts.
  • Further, the layers are stacked in the following sequence: mayonnaise, half of shrimp, mayonnaise, grated potatoes, mayonnaise, grated eggs, mayonnaise, the second half of shrimp, mayonnaise, caviar in a thin layer.

Clarifications. Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for about 6 hours.

Caribbean hot appetizer

The recipe is suitable not only hot but also cold. Required products:

  • a pound of boiled and frozen shrimp;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 lime;
  • 2 garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • glass of water;
  • spices to taste: salt, ground ginger and black pepper, Tabasco.

Cooking method

  • We heat the oil in a frying pan, put the defrosted shrimp in it (preferably in a shell).
  • Fry for 2 minutes, add chopped or crushed garlic, pour in a few seconds after tomato paste and water, add spices.
  • The mixture should boil for no more than a minute until cooked.

Spanish shrimp with garlic

Required products:

  • large crustaceans;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic;
  • ground dry chili;
  • salt.

Cooking method

  • Rinse and peel fresh seafood, dry with a paper towel.
  • Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices, heat the oil, mix in it and fry all the ingredients over high heat, stirring constantly and tossing for about three minutes.

Shrimp in Italian

Required products:

  • pre-boiled seafood - 500 grams;
  • olive oil;
  • vodka;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper (preferably red);
  • 1 handful of chopped herbs (parsley, basil);
  • tomato paste a little more than a glass.

Cooking method

  • Chopped spices are placed in the heated oil: garlic, herbs, peppers, fried for a few seconds.
  • Next, tomato paste is introduced into the mixture and simmered for another 5 minutes, after which shrimps are added: it is better to leave them in shells for juiciness.
  • Pour everything on top with vodka, fry for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

Clarifications. Italians eat this snack with their hands.

Shrimp oil

Required products:

  • half a pack of butter (100 gr);
  • leftovers from peeled shrimp: shells, heads (1 glass). If the latter are not there, then it is better to add 4 whole unpeeled shrimp for flavor.

Cooking method: before, all the ingredients were pounded in a mortar to a puree state, and then grinded through a sieve. Now in an age of advanced technology, you can use a blender. To do this, the shrimp mixture must be heated over a fire in melted butter... Then transfer everything to a blender and beat. Pass the resulting gruel through a sieve and cool. The oil is ready.

How to cut correctly

Each chef has his own way of cleaning shrimp. But there are a number of standard rules that a beginner should heed.

Peeling fresh frozen shrimp

  • Defrosting. If the crustaceans were glazed with ice fresh, then it is better to rinse them under running cold water. This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the calf.
  • Removing the shell. Here you will need sharp narrow scissors, with which you open the shell from the back. It is better to remove the shell towards the tail.
  • Cleaning. First of all, you should get rid of the intestinal vein, for which an incision is made along the back. It will not be difficult to get this thin thread through it. Legs are next removed. Some gourmets prefer to clean their heads, but not everyone agrees with them, as it contains many useful elements.

It is worth peeling shrimps in this way only if you plan to fry or bake them. It is better to cook seafood unpeeled.

Peeling Boiled Frozen Shrimp

The method of cutting a frozen product that has been pre-cooked is similar. Rinsing with running water cannot be ruled out, since this will defrost it.

Peeling boiled shrimp

Many shrimp lovers still pre-cook them.

Firstly, it is much easier to clean this way, and secondly, the seafood retains its extraordinary aroma.

  • Removing the feet. Before the procedure, the crustaceans are turned over with their backs down and the legs are gently pulled out of the cooked pulp. Be careful not to remove the eggs with them. It is very tasty and extremely healthy.
  • Removing the shell. To remove it, you first need to tear off the head, and then tighten the armor protection, while holding the shrimp by the tail is better.
  • The tail can not be removed, because when using it it is convenient to take seafood for it.

Storage conditions and shelf life

In order to choose the right product in a store, you need to know a few rules.

Selection rules

  • In supermarkets, you should only buy frozen shrimp.
  • It is better to buy seafood packaged.
  • You should carefully read the information on the packaging. It contains the dates of freezing, expiration date, quantity of shrimp per 1 kg, company and country of origin.
  • Pay attention to appearance shrimp. A quality product has a uniform color.
  • Blackness on the legs indicates the need to think about the freshness of the product.
  • It is better not to take black-headed individuals, since such a color of the head indicates a disease.
  • Pay attention to the smell when buying fresh shrimp.

Storage rules

  • Outlets sell two types of shrimp: fresh frozen and boiled-frozen. They are only kept in the refrigerator.
  • If the conditions in the store or at home are violated, it will lead to food poisoning. Therefore, you should carefully choose and carefully store this seafood.

Cold storage

  • Permissible temperature range: from 2 to 8 degrees, but less is better.
  • You cannot keep shrimps in cellophane.
  • When storing in the refrigerator, cover the dish with the product with a cloth to prevent moisture evaporation and drying out.
  • It is preferable to use the lowest, coldest shelf, and exclude an overly fragrant neighborhood, since shrimp meat absorbs odors well.
  • The shelf life is from 3 to 5 days.

Freezer storage

  • The shelf life of shrimp in the freezer depends on how well the freezing procedure was carried out.
  • The shock method is the most successful when the manufacturer freezes the product immediately on the vessel at the time of fishing. This is done using liquid nitrogen. Thus, the maximum number of nutrients... In this case, the period will be up to 6 months.
  • The longest recommended period is 0.5 years. However, there have been cases when shrimps were eaten that had been stored for a whole year.

Storage at room temperature

  • After purchase, chilled shrimp meat is stored for no longer than three hours. Better to wrap it in foil.
  • Fresh product can be poured with salt water, so the period will last for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • The shelf life of heat-treated shrimp in room conditions does not exceed five hours.

  • Shrimp is a favorite food of people and animals, so countless numbers of them are caught. However, the extraordinary fertility does not allow these crustaceans to completely disappear.
  • Crustaceans have been eaten since ancient times. However, the ancient Greeks did not boil them, they baked or fried them.
  • The sizes of crustaceans vary from 2 to 35 centimeters.
  • The largest shrimp in the world belongs to the black tiger species. It can weigh up to 0.65 kg and be up to one third of a meter long.
  • Frozen shrimp with red or orange shells were pre-cooked.
  • An interesting fact is that shrimps are hermaphrodites. They can change sex during their lifetime. A male hatches from the egg, which is subsequently reborn into a female to bear offspring.

  • It turns out that shrimp can make sounds. Moreover, the noise reproduced by the whole flock knocks down the submarine's hydroacoustics.
  • The snapping shrimp is interesting for its unusual "talent". In its structure, it has unusual claws, with which it emits deafening clicks for fish. This is how crustaceans of this species hunt.
  • Healers use the pigment contained in the head of the crustacean to prevent heart and vascular diseases, including heart attacks and normalize blood pressure.
  • Japan is famous for its luminescent shrimp, which live in the coastal sand in shallow waters and glow during ebb and flow.
  • Africa has its own attraction - the ninja shrimp. It has the properties of a chameleon, changes color to match the environment.
  • The amazing mantis crustaceans are endowed with eyes that see in optical, ultraviolet, infrared and polarized light.

  • Shrimp DNA contains as many as 90 chromosome pairs, while humans have only 46.
  • The average age of crustaceans reaches six years, but in history there were twenty-year-old individuals.
  • Shrimp caviar has amazing vitality. Even when dry, it retains reproductive ability, and if it is returned to the conditions necessary for reproduction, then viable offspring can be obtained.
  • If the head of the frozen shrimp is black or there are white stripes on the body, then the product is spoiled and it is better not to take it.

Also, black spots on the legs, yellow and bumpy surface of the body speak of poor quality. White dry spots indicate that the shrimp is frozen.

For how to make delicious shrimp spring rolls, see the next video.