
What to do with pine pollen. Pine pollen useful properties and contraindications. Pine pollen: treatment

Pine pollen is a weightless light yellow substance that covers the ends of pine branches in spring, the so-called "male columns". Like all plants as a whole, pine pollen accumulates a huge amount of vitamins, phytoncides, and minerals.

The first mention of the consumption of non-bee pollen dates back to the 1st millennium BC. - Chinese pine pollen is mentioned in the annals, and excavations in ancient Chinese cities have confirmed that the composition was precisely of plant origin.

Pine pollen is the source of life

Pine pollen is one of the rarest and most valuable gifts of the tree. Its composition includes a phenomenal amount of useful substances - 268, this nutritional value is designed to ensure the creation and vital activity of a new organism. It is impossible to recreate such a complex in laboratory conditions - this is a real miracle of nature. In addition to nutritional value, pine color has medicinal properties, and can act as a self-sufficient medicine or in addition to drug treatment. Traditional medicine claims that pine pollen has the ability to cure tuberculosis. In addition to pine, cedar pollen is highly valued, its properties are similar to the color of pine, however, it is even less common. Spruce pollen is also suitable for consumption, however, on the territory of our country, most of this valuable product is supplied by the Crimean pine and Scots pine.

In the People's Republic of China, Chinese pine pollen is recognized as a national treasure for its wonderful properties. For almost twenty years, a product has been produced there, which includes pollen from Chinese pine of two rare species that grow only in this country. In the process of creating a preparation, pollen is processed in a special way - its walls are subjected to low-temperature crushing by a jet of air supplied under high pressure, due to such processing, the digestibility of the final product increases, and its shelf life also increases. The drug is well studied, patented, approved by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China and is recommended for admission by local doctors. Chinese pine pollen is produced in tablets, which simplifies its use. A lot of laudatory reviews have been written on the Internet for the Guozhen tablets. Often, pollen is taken with bamboo leaf extract, according to oriental doctors, such a combination helps restore the balance of Yin and Yang energies - the basis of health and harmony in the body.

Video: All About Pine Pollen

Pollen Traditions

In folk medicine, pine pollen has been used since time immemorial in the form of a tincture, a decoction, as an additive in milk.

Pine pollen with milk was used in villages as a nutrient mixture for weak and sick children. The full complex of vitamins and microelements contained in the product was dissolved in milk and enriched with proteins and fats. It was also recommended to take such a mixture for people after an illness.

The properties of pine pollen are perfectly revealed when combined with honey. The folk tradition was to make dainties from honey with the addition of "male cones" of pine, nuts, seeds. Both adults and children ate such sweets with pleasure, for the benefit of health. And they rinsed the mouth with the crushed mixture of needles, washed the wounds, treated the burns.

In Russia, alcoholic tinctures were often made on pine needles and pollen. They were used as an external and internal means. As wipes and lotions, tincture with the addition of pollen was used for skin care and wound treatment. As an internal remedy, the tincture was used to improve gastric secretion, to warm frostbite, or in small therapeutic doses for inflammatory processes.

There were a great many recipes for such tinctures - each family kept their own. In summary, this recipe included:

  • alcohol,
  • pine pollen.

These components were combined in different proportions depending on the purpose of the tincture. The biostimulating properties of such a drink were determined by the vitamin and mineral composition of all ingredients.

You should not abuse the tincture with the addition of pine preparations, the pleasant taste does not cancel the toxic effect of large doses of alcohol.

The majority of folk remedies include honey. On the one hand, this enhances the effect of pollen, but on the other hand, it can negatively affect a modern person with his unpredictable allergic reactions. Honey is a powerful allergen and its combination with a phytocomponent should be tried for the first time carefully, in a small dose and followed by close observation of the body's reaction.

Composition and useful properties of pine pollen

Pine pollen contains:

  • glutamic acid,
  • proline,
  • serine, glycine, threonine,
  • routine,
  • b vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B12
  • a huge amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C),
  • carotene (provitamin A),
  • vitamin E (beauty vitamin),
  • macronutrients (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium),
  • trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, selenium).

This composition defines a unique alloy of properties:

  1. The immunostimulating effect determines the use for colds, seasonal acute respiratory infections, ARVI, colds.
  2. Bactericidal action. Pine pollen has such a powerful antimicrobial effect that it began to be used to combat the causative agent of tuberculosis - Koch's bacillus, which even develops instant resistance to antibiotics.
  3. Cleansing property. Pine has a beneficial effect on liver secretion, cleanses the body.
  4. The benefits of pine for seasonal polynoses have been proven. Yes, it sounds strange to use pollen for a pollen allergy. However, due to the fact that pine pollen is much larger than that of birch, alder, hazel, it does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, it contains completely no proteins that can cause a sharp immune response in the body.
  5. Stimulating property. The use of pine "male cones" for cardiovascular diseases, hypertension helps to restore the structure of microvessels, thereby improving the blood supply to the brain and organs.
  6. Good reviews are given by those who used drugs for diabetes. Pine pollen acts as a protector for the pancreas - on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is an undoubted benefit on the general condition of the body, an increase in immune functions, a decrease in the incidence of diabetic ulcers, suppuration, and inflammation.
  7. The medicinal properties of the substance are actively used in cosmetology. The use of pollen rejuvenates the skin.

With all of the above useful properties, pine harvests have practically no contraindications for use. The composition of the substance is so balanced, does not contain allergenic proteins, hormones of animal origin, pollution and toxins, that it can be used even in small children. The beneficial properties of pine preparations are confirmed by medical research and competent reviews.

Video: What is pine pollen and how to prepare it

When and how to collect pollen

Pine pollen is collected during the flowering period of the plant. Although this process is called flowering is not entirely legitimate. In botany, those formations that arise at the ends of pine branches in the spring are called microstrobila or male cones. Male disputes mature in them.

Pine pollen is nothing more than the matured male sporangia necessary for pollination of female gametes, which leads to the development of cones on the tree. The structure of this unusual formation is such that the wind can carry it thousands of kilometers from the source. Air samples taken high in the mountains showed that pine pollen is present there in a significant amount.

In Central Russia, the period when pine pollen is formed falls on the beginning of May. To the north and east of the central regions, the flowering time may be shifted by a couple of weeks, depending on weather conditions. Flowering lasts only 1-2 days, so it is recommended to first collect material on the edges and southern slopes, and then only go into the shade of the forest. Thus, the collection period can be extended.

In Siberia, in addition to pine, cedar blooms during the same period. Cedar pollen is analogous to pine pollen, with some variations in the content of resins, essential oils and the percentage of vitamins.

The main feature by which it is determined whether the pollen is ready is the color of the inflorescence. If the tips of the pine branches have acquired a bright yellow-green hue, then you can start collecting. The inflorescences are cut and neatly stacked on clean, thick paper. Then the material is transferred to a dry, warm place without drafts. Pine pollen is very volatile, the slightest movement of air will blow away all the collected material. Hence the main condition: it should be collected only in calm, windless dry weather.

Pine pollen after drying requires sifting, it must be separated from the scales and folded into a tight paper bag. Fabric bags are categorically not suitable as a way of storing any material with a small texture. It is also not recommended to use plastic containers for storage, as the drug can become damp.

Contraindications to the use of pollen

The first and main contraindication to the use of pine preparations is the individual intolerance of this product or other pine products - needles, cones.

In addition, long-term use of pollen-based drugs is a contraindication. Firstly, there is a hypervitaminization of the body with all the ensuing negative consequences, and secondly, long-term intake of foods with pollen can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The list of conditions when the use of pine preparations is contraindicated:

  • kidney disease, nephritis
  • pregnancy,
  • heart failure.

Video: The miracle of nature - pine pollen

Pine pollen in modern medicine

Pine's unsurpassed properties in protecting and stimulating the immune system have attracted the attention of researchers. In modern medicine, medicinal preparations have been created, which are based on pine pollen. Immunostimulant tablets are recommended for use:

  • athletes,
  • people with immunodeficiency conditions,
  • often ill children.

The healing properties of pine make it possible to take pills based on it for people with strong intellectual stress and for recovery from operations and injuries.

Another recently developed product is Pine Pollen with Milk. It is a high quality product for dietetic nutrition and recovery after periods of excessive physical exertion. The development is useful for children, the elderly, and athletes.

Pine pollen with milk is also recommended for people who abuse smoking, alcohol, those who have an unbalanced diet or during periods of recovery from illness. Method of application: it is recommended to dissolve the contents of the sachet in water and drink.

The third preparation based on "male cones" today is Chinese pine pollen. Capsule tablets are recommended for a number of diseases and as a vitamin supplement to food. The composition of the tablets is absolutely natural ingredients: Chinese pine pollen. The recommended method of administration is 2-3 capsules of the drug twice a day. If the dose is higher - not scary, but it is better not to get carried away.

General reviews on pine pollen preparations are very positive. There was a quick recovery of working capacity, a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails. The therapeutic effect of the drugs was expressed very clearly in conjunction with the main therapy of the profile disease.

However, they do not overlook all the useful properties of pine-based medicines, their undoubted benefits for the body, they must be taken as prescribed by doctors. A similar requirement applies to pine cones, needles, bark, and in general - any herbal remedies. A prescription for the purchase of these medicines is not required.

Hello dear reader!

A lot has already been said about the beneficial properties of Scots pine. and needles, resin and essential oil have many wonderful qualities that allow them to be used for medicinal purposes. However, pine has another unique healing agent - pine pollen.

The pollen appears on the pine in the spring, in May, during the so-called "bloom". Conifers do not have real flowering, however, the processes of pollination and fertilization in them are similar to those in flowering plants. I talked in more detail about the "blooming" of a pine in a separate article, and those who wish can get acquainted with it by going through.

Pine pollen matures in the male strobilus (male cones) developing at the tops of the lateral shoots. They are collected in a kind of cob, only without wrapper leaves. Mature strobili are yellow or orange. They ripen in the north - at the end of May, in the middle lane - in the middle of the month. Accordingly, to the south, the pine “blooms” even earlier.

Pine pollen composition

Pollen grains of plants contain male germ cells - sperm, as well as a supply of substances. necessary for the preservation of their vital activity and subsequent successful fusion with female reproductive cells - their fertilization.

It is clear that the set of substances providing such an important process is almost ideal. It is not for nothing that many insects use pollen as the most important food resource. This does not apply to pine pollen - it is carried by the wind. But the array of nutrients in pine pollen is also impressive. Pollen is good for us too.

Many flavonoids are rutin and substances close to it.

Pine pollen contains a unique multivitamin complex: carotene (provitamin A), vitamins E, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, C.

Macronutrients contained in pine pollen: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. Trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium.

All this makes pine pollen a unique healing agent and food product. Pine pollen relieves fatigue and helps to cure many serious diseases.

It is important that there are practically no contraindications in its use. Pine pollen is non-toxic. However, it should not be abused! Excessive consumption of pollen reduces blood clotting.

It is curious that, despite a number of statements on the Internet about pine as a source of hay fever (pollen allergy), pine pollen, apparently, does not cause allergies. Moreover, it is capable of treating allergy symptoms.

Chinese scientists who studied the possible allergenicity of pine pollen did not find any protein substances in it - allergens! But it is the formation of antibodies in the blood for these substances that is the cause of allergies.

In addition, the pollen grains of pine are much larger than the fine pollen of most wind-pollinated plants - birch, alder, hazel. As a result, pine pollen is retained by the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, without reaching the bronchi.

Useful properties of pine pollen

Pine pollen helps to strengthen the immune system, which largely determines its healing properties. When colds , runny nose pine pollen helps the body to cope with the disease faster.

And not only with a cold! Nowadays, it has become a serious problem again pulmonary tuberculosis ... Antibiotics either do not work or work badly - the causative agent of the disease, Koch's bacillus, has become immune to them.

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53 comments on “”

  1. AndreyShaD

    This is the first time I've heard about pollen. I'll have to go and see it in May!

    Reply ↓

  2. Alexander

    Yes, I have never heard of an allergy to pine pollen. About birch more than once, and even my "ex" suffered from it, but not about pine. Why don't bees collect it? I have never heard of pine honey 🙂

    Reply ↓

    1. Alexander

      No, bees do not take pine pollen. as well as birch or cereal pollen. Therefore, there is no pine honey 🙂

      Reply ↓

      1. Alexander

        In general, bees make honey from trees only from linden?

        Reply ↓

      2. Alexandra Polina

        Bees are my weakness, so I will bring my five kopecks into the discussion.

        Nectar is a liquid that is secreted by the special glands of the flower to attract insects, not just bees. Bees collect nectar and make honey from it. By the type of plants from which the bee takes nectar, the types of honey also differ.

        Pollen is pollen grains (male germ cells) - with the help of pollen, fertilization and fetal formation takes place - and plant reproduction. The bees collect the pollen - separately from the nectar - and put it on their legs. It is a protein feed for bee larvae. Pollen has nothing to do with honey varieties.

        Many beekeepers do not collect pollen - for this it is necessary to install a special mesh on the entrance - the bee crawls through the hole - and a ball of pollen falls from it into the box, the bee does not even notice how this happens. I came home, but there is no pollen, she comes back again for a new portion.

        As a rule, the collection of nectar and pollen takes place from the same plant.

        But when there is not enough pollen from ordinary flowers for some reason, then bees take pollen from a variety of sources. They are used: birch, aspen, pine, corn, wheat, rye, barley, wormwood, hemp, sorrel, quinoa and many others.

        Reply ↓

  3. Evgeny

    Thanks for the information, it is interesting that pine pollen helps with diabetes mellitus - I think there will be more benefits than pills.

    Reply ↓

  4. Olga Bogach

    Thank you, Alexander, for the valuable information! It will be necessary to collect at least a little from my mountain pine in the spring. I think inhaling pine pollen is also very beneficial.

    Reply ↓

  5. Olga

    Be sure to go in the spring and look at the pine pollen in the forest, and if it works out, then collect it. Interesting information.

    Reply ↓

  6. Oleg

    Didn't know this pollen has such beneficial properties. Very interesting post. Thank!

    Reply ↓

  7. Vera Tyukaeva

    Alexander! How many pine trees do you need to shake to get a significant amount of pollen?

    Reply ↓

  8. Marina

    I read about pine pollen for the first time. We must try to collect it so as not to wander around the forest idle 🙂

    Reply ↓

  9. Galina

    I am always looking for something interesting on the sites and this is exactly the case! I will definitely go on a survey in the spring so as not to miss the important moment of pollen maturation. I'd like to apply the recipes and improve their health.

    Reply ↓

  10. Irina Lukshits

    Pine pollen has very interesting properties. My husband will have to be instructed to collect the bumps. Moreover, he is a forester, he can guess the time of collection. I'll show him your article. Thank!

    Reply ↓

  11. Victoria

    Good morning everyone! I know about the healing properties of pine not by hearsay. As a child I had bronchial asthmatic syndrome (unfortunately it was passed on to children), my mother took me to a pine forest every day. Now I harvest for children every year (yesterday they were, they picked it up) not yet ripe cones, with pollen. Only I brew tea not with pollen itself, but with “cones”. And when the cones ripen (this is about mid-June) I collect and cook “jam” Thank God we fight against bronchitis! I wish you all good health!

    Reply ↓

  12. Tanya

    Good day! I can't find information about the rules for storing pollen anywhere. In this ode, my husband and I collected 200 grams of this priceless product, dried the anthers for 3 days, pollen spilled out of them, then I put everything in a jar and after a week I felt an unpleasant smell of dampness. I dried it again for a couple of days and closed it with a tight lid. Today I opened it and saw mold all over the can. Probably there was high humidity when I dried, I don't know. Upset just to tears. It's a shame, I wanted to feed my family with vitamins all year. Can you tell us about the rules of drying and storage? Thank!

    Reply ↓

  13. Tanya

    Reply ↓

  14. Ekaterina

    Hello, I read your article, and I do not understand something. You write that protein is included in the composition of pine pollen, and in the next column write that the Chinese scientists did not find it in the composition of proteins, how to understand this? He is or is or is not, so what is right? Maybe I didn't understand something, please explain.

    Reply ↓

  15. Natalia

    Collected bumps with pollen. I trotted out at once, that it was shaken. There were small gnats along with pollen, I picked them out, poured pollen into honey. Okay, although now I doubt the purity of the product ... Then I put the same anthers on plates and left them to ripen. After 4 days, I found worms there. Thrust through a sieve, the smallest that was. And there, in the yellow pollen, I saw moving orange subjects. Very little worms, as I understand it ... In the end, I poured everything into the trash, although it's a pity, including my own labors. Then I learned about nylon that it was possible through it. I don't know if it will delay these, they are also small. But even if he does, my husband says that the metabolic products of these worms are harmful, and he will not eat it. Please comment. I got this idea on fire, but now I don't know what to do. Either leave, or try to go.

    Reply ↓

  16. Tanya

    Good day! This year, they collected a lot of pollen with their parents, immediately mixed it with honey, fearing past experience) I told my dad about the little worms that Natalya discovered, began to look closely and also found several (2 mm long) after sifting on a sieve. They were not found in the sifted pollen. We have a very fine sieve, especially for pollen. So, here's the third case for you) I have a question, how much pollen is better for 1 kg. honey, we put 4 tbsp. with a slide?

    Reply ↓

  17. Raushan

    Hello. Does pollen have shelf life?

    Reply ↓

    1. Alexander Post author

Along with pollen or pollen collected by bees, traditional medicine has also found application for coniferous pollen. In particular, we are talking about ordinary pine. Here are four useful recipes and tips for choosing a product.

It would seem that all plants that do not have flowers are not pollen-bearing. In fact, pollen is formed not only on the stamens, but also in special pollen-bearing sacs. After ripening, they crack, and the contents are carried by the wind - this is how pollination takes place in all gymnosperms. These include a family of coniferous shrubs and trees such as juniper, pine, cedar, etc. The question is, why talk here about some kind of pollination processes? It's just that pine pollen is of value to humans - this product is successfully used in folk medicine.

We are looking for pines with pollen in Russia

Mostly Chinese pine pollen is sold on the Internet, not Karelian or, for example, Scottish. They talk about the use of this remedy by traditional medicine in China - there pine pollen is registered as a medicine. Received registration number 529, which is considered valid since 1997.

Pine with pollen sacs

And if you come to the city of Sochi in the spring, you can see how the Italian pine “blooms”, it is also a pine tree. There are no flowers, but there is an abundance of pollen closer to summer.

Refining the search area

If in China pine pollen is harvested in all northern regions, then in Russia the region for collection remains North Ossetia. We are talking about the Bolshoi Zelenchuk gorge near Arkhyz, and also about the foot of the Tsey gorge. The collection is carried out 5-6 days a year, and, as a rule, in May. The product in question cannot be cheap: the raw materials are harvested by hand, and the trees are literally scattered over the rocks.

Tsey gorge, May

Bees do not perceive coniferous trees as either a honey plant or a pollen plant. The process of collecting from bees would be easier, but so far people are doing on their own.

In Great Britain, pine of one variety can grow - Scottish. So, pine pollen from Foggy Albion has one property - it contains testosterone. However, the content of this hormone remains such that you cannot get harm, even if you take a double dose of the product. The standard dosage is 2-3 teaspoons per day.

Clarifying the grade

We said that needles are not a honey plant, and at the same time we made an inaccuracy: bees can make honey from honeydew. The variety of honey is called honeydew, or rather, coniferous honeydew. The point is that good coniferous honey can be obtained only from white or European spruce, from larch or mountain pine. But Scots pine, that is, Pinus sylvestris, does not belong to significant melliferous plants.

Pinus sylvestris, Siberia

It seems that the pollen of the pine Pinus sylvestris has no special value. Trees of this species grow in most of Russia.

The healing product mentioned in the text is a powerful antioxidant. Bee honey, in turn, is also a strong antioxidant. Record rates, for example, are characteristic of chestnut honey. Let's clarify: we are talking about the Sochi variety, which is also called "Lazarevsky". The honey plant should be the Crimean chestnut.

We are looking for useful substances

Lingin is the basis of tree cells. The modern scientific approach has made it possible to reveal that lingin is an effective sorbent, that is, a substance that absorbs toxins. And any pine pollen, regardless of the variety, contains lingin in a record concentration.

Classification of intestinal microflora

Lingine benefits:

  1. Harmful bacteria and their waste products are completely neutralized;
  2. Toxins of any nature, as well as allergens and heavy metals, are quickly removed from the body;
  3. Lack of dietary fiber, that is, fiber, will be compensated by 80-90%: the intestinal microflora "comes to life" under the influence of lingin.

Here we have named positive properties, including allergies. But it wasn't about pollen allergy! This means that pine pollen has beneficial properties and contraindications in the same, that is, in approximately equal amounts. Just like deciduous pollen.

Birch "earrings"

Conclusion: you should not eat the product without consulting your doctor.

Video collection process

Simple but healthy recipes

We will prepare an alcoholic extract in spring or silver water. The latter can be obtained by infusing raw water in any silverware. Taking 300 ml of pure water, prepare an alcohol mixture with a strength of 40%. Pine pollen can be taken in an amount of 50-60 grams, then it is mixed with ground cones and "dry matter" is obtained - exactly 150 grams.

Any tincture must be filtered ...

The extract is infused for 3 days, and after filtration, consumed in a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals. Indications: any oncology, including leukemia.

One medicine and four diseases

The previous recipe can be considered the simplest. Treatment is carried out for 3 weeks, then take a break for 7 days. A similar frequency is characteristic for the treatment of tuberculosis: between courses lasting 2 months, an interval of 2 weeks is maintained. Only the recipe needs to be complicated:

  • Pine pollen is mixed without any additions with honey heated in a water bath to 40-45 C. Proportion - a heaped tablespoon per liter.
  • Reception schedule - one hour after or half an hour before breakfast and before lunch. Volume - a teaspoon at a time.

For children under 12 years of age, all dosages are halved, and pollen treatment is not carried out until the age of 9.

The method of application provides that the syrup or extract must be washed down in any case. And here the use of a decoction of herbs is recommended. In case of tuberculosis, the herbal collection should have an expectorant effect.

Decoction against dry cough

In general, the syrup prepared according to our recipe helps with childhood anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even with prostate adenoma. It is not necessary to prepare decoctions in the last three cases.

Still, how to take pollen correctly, before or after meals? If the pressure is reduced, only the second option will be valid. It is important.

With hypertension

Hypertensive heart disease is a serious chronic disease. In the fight against it, a natural medicine will help:

  • Pine pollen is mixed with raw milk, and this mixture is taken one hour before breakfast;
  • The volume of milk is 50 ml. The pollen is collected at the tip of a knife.

We indicated the treatment schedule when prescription "2" was considered.

Fresh milk is better

Usually, improvement occurs in 4-5 months.

A child under 9 years old should not take biologically active substances either in the form of mixtures or in any other! The caveat applies even to external use.

If you don't buy anything ...

In central Russia, the ripening of pine pollen sacs begins in May. When the bags turn yellow, they must have time to be collected - this takes 3-4 days. In general, pine belongs to dioecious plants. That is, only "male" trees will be pollen-bearing.

Pollen bags for collection

Let's say the "raw material" has been successfully procured. How to deal with him further?

We prepare the medicine ourselves

All bags are laid out in one layer to dry them in a dry and warm place. Dry pollen spills onto the paper itself, on which the "raw material" is placed. Next comes the sifting process, that is, separation from the scales. Pine pollen is on sale, which has an uneven color. This means that the scales were not sifted.

Yellow capsules without splashes

However, the manufacturer can grind the valuable product together with the flakes. The color will then be brown.

The pollen enclosed in a shell has one method of application: the capsules are swallowed with water. However, the contents of the casing can be poured into a clean dish. Then it will be possible to use any recipe.

Sugar syrup instead of a sieve

Dried pollen sacs can be used neat. They need to be sorted out and washed, and then filled with boiling syrup. The proportion of sugar and water is 1 to 1. If the bags float, press them down with a saucer. The mixture will cool down and then filter it.

Filter the syrup through cheesecloth

When the syrup has settled, the pine pollen will precipitate. This precipitate is used as directed in recipe "2".

Taking the medicine before meals, it will be necessary to control the condition in the first two or three days. When the pressure drops below the norm, it is recommended to drink strong tea with sugar and with the addition of 15 drops of ginseng or eleutherococcus extract.

Not so simple

The product in question is an antioxidant more powerful than some vitamins. Let's make a comparison.

It turns out that pine pollen has 50 times more powerful effect than pure vitamin E. And it is known to be used in cosmetology.

Vitamin E supplementation

Well, all that remains is to figure out what a medicine intended for external use and containing pollen looks like.

Researcher A.P. Popov, author of the book "Forest Healing Plants", writes the following: the most difficult recipe that he managed to find contained 5 components. Among them were milk, honey, chicken eggs and vegetable oil. The main component was pollen, but the product was intended for internal use. The book, by the way, was published in 1978. And the remedy is mainly suitable for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Let's clarify that the pollen must be brewed with boiling milk, and then other components are added.

Pine pollen is used in the following areas: cosmetology, medicine, sports. It would be strange if a strong antioxidant was not used in training athletes.

"Natural medicine" is in demand in sports

Unfortunately, no one talks about ready-made solutions. But perhaps many people use the recipe from the book.

Recipe 1: With tuberculosis

You will need 1 tbsp. pine pollen and 1 liter of honey. Mix pollen with honey until the given beekeeping product is uniformly colored yellow, stir well. Let the mixture sit a little.

Take it three times a day: on an empty stomach in the morning, afternoon and evening, 2 tsp. half an hour before meals (or half an hour before meals). You can drink it with warm milk or herbal decoction. It is better to complete the last time you take this remedy before 19:00. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, after which it can be repeated. But do not forget about pauses between doses (about 2 weeks).

But you should not give up special anti-tuberculosis therapy with such treatment, since the effectiveness of drug treatment together with pine pollen and honey increases by about 5 times.

Unique fact: there are cases where people have completely recovered just by taking pollen with honey. So draw your conclusions, dear readers.

Recipe 2: Before surgery, or after

During preparation for surgery, or when the body is depleted, pollen with honey will regulate body functions.

To increase the functionality of your exhausted body after (or before) surgery, you can use the following recipe. Our favorite ingredients are pine pollen and honey. Take half a tsp. pine pollen and mix with 1 tbsp. medicinal beekeeping product. Take this remedy three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Recipe 3: To remove toxins from the body
For preparation, take green tea, honey, lemon and vodka. You need to brew 1 liter of tea (not strong), then you need to add one tablespoon of honey product, half a lemon and one tablespoon of an alcoholic drink. Mix well and take orally three times a day.

This remedy will perfectly cleanse the lymph. The toxins will leave your body at an incredible rate, you will feel much better.

Recipe 4: Healthy and tasty
To prepare this delicacy, you need: 50 grams of honey, 10 grams of pine pollen, and 100 grams of fresh natural honey. Mix everything in one bowl and stir for a long time until you get a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to store such a product in a dark glass container in a cool place. Take one teaspoon three times daily before meals. Very tasty and healthy!

And, by the way, products with pine pollen and honey are not only beneficial for the body, but also very tasty. So you can safely give this mixture to children, you will not regret it. Pine pollen with honey is the guarantee of your health!

Pine pollen concentrates a lot of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, natural enzymes and amino acids that contribute to the health of the body, increase physical strength and energy.

The composition of pine pollen is free from impurities, does not contain nitrates, pesticides, toxic substances, and is distinguished by biological stability. The constancy of the composition of pine pollen compares favorably with other types of pollen obtained by bees, which facilitates its use for medicinal purposes.

Pine pollen contains more than two hundred biologically valuable substances, while their percentage is higher than that of most other products. So, after dehydration, most fruits and vegetables retain no more than 10% of the mass, while the dry residue of pine pollen without water is 94.7%, which makes it an extremely concentrated and complex food product.

The composition of pine pollen includes nucleic acids, poly- and monosaccharides, 20 basic amino acids, including 8 essential ones, which cannot be synthesized in the body on their own and must be supplied with food.

The healing properties of pine pollen

Pine pollen has a huge range of medicinal properties:

    The antioxidant activity of pine pollen exceeds ascorbic acid 20 times, and tocopherol or vitamin E - 50 times. That is why pollen is successfully used for toning and strengthening the body during illness and rehabilitation after illness. This natural medicine can be used as an immunomodulatory agent and a stimulant that increases the body's reserves to fight stress.

    Pine pollen has blood-thinning properties, enhances tissue respiration and increases the activity and concentration of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which successfully shows itself in neutralizing free radicals. After applying pine pollen, the amount of lipofuscin in the liver, heart and brain decreases. Lipofusin is a substance formed in the body by free radicals. As a result, the resistance of cells increases, their life cycle increases, the risk decreases, and they do not settle on the walls of blood vessels.

    The health-improving effect of pollen on the walls of blood vessels improves blood circulation, reduces the level of bad, increases the nutrition of the brain, which prevents memory impairment, and prevents psychasthenia. The general strengthening effect of pine pollen on capillaries enhances visual acuity, which can be reduced due to diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases.

    The anti-inflammatory effect of pine pollen prevents and.

    Pine pollen is used to treat diseases of the digestive tract - the stimulating effect of pine extract increases appetite and restores healthy intestinal microflora, prevents intestinal disorders, indigestion, etc.

    Pine pollen is used for treatment, since this natural remedy increases the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and enhances the processes of hematopoiesis.

    The anticarcinogenic properties of pollen, its resistance to radioactive radiation and the ability to prevent radical oxidation processes ensure the effectiveness of this phytoconcentrate in the fight against cancer cells.

    After a course of pine pollen, the reproductive abilities of men are improved, and inflammatory processes and pathologies of the prostate gland are cured. Pine pollen has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, normalizes the cycle and alleviates negative manifestations.

    Pine pollen is deservedly called a panacea for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. It effectively heals and, by darkening on the lungs, defeats the strong and.

Cosmetic properties

Pine pollen is widely used for cosmetic purposes, both for home and industrial cosmetics production. Back in 1950, the first patent was registered in France for pine pollen as a component of skin care cosmetics, and in the 1970s there were already three patents in Japan.

Home use of pine pollen for cosmetic purposes is based on the properties of lignin (one of the polymers in inflorescences) to improve skin permeability to other useful components of cosmetics.

Vitamins A, C and E in pollen have a number of beneficial properties for the skin:

    Tocopherol dilates superficial vessels, improving blood microcirculation in the skin, which gives the face a healthy color, and the skin - smooth and well-groomed appearance;

    Ascorbic acid is necessary for the synthesis of the collagen skeleton of the skin, which is necessary for its firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of the face oval; in addition, vitamin C inhibits the activity of melanocytes, eliminating excessive pigmentation. After applying pine pollen, lightening of age-related pigmentation on the face was found in the elderly.

    Vitamin A prevents the formation of blisters on the skin, is the prevention of purulent skin diseases, including those of youth.

The antiseptic properties of pine pollen inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria on its surface, which often cause acne.

To prevent sagging, aging skin, it is recommended to take pine bud pollen inside.

Pine pollen for various diseases

Pollen is a male pine inflorescence containing all the necessary substances for the fertilization of female cells and the birth of a new plant. That is why pine pollen has a rich and varied composition of proteins, minerals, vitamins, nucleic acids and enzymes.

About 30 essential minerals in the composition of pollen are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, for the course of biochemical reactions. Taking pine pollen extract or pure pollen to restore the mineral balance is much more effective than pharmaceutical mineral supplements, since microelements are better absorbed in the natural product.

In addition to the antioxidant vitamins described above, the composition of pine pollen is rich in vitamins D3, which are necessary for the formation of bone tissue, contains B1, which prevents heart failure and diseases of the nervous system, riboflavin is important for the normal course of metabolic processes.

Amino acids are also found in pine in a bioavailable form for the body. Unlike proteins that make up protein food (meat, eggs, fish), which contain amino acids in a bound form, pine pollen amino acids are not bound into protein structures. Therefore, when they enter the body, they are immediately absorbed, entering the places of synthesis of new proteins.

Valine, threonine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan are among a number of essential amino acids that must be constantly supplied to the body through food. From amino acids, like from building blocks, the body can synthesize all the necessary structures - these are not only proteins of muscles, skin and organs, but even proteins-enzymes that carry out general regulation.

Pine pollen and relieve fatigue

Pine pollen is used by professional athletes as a stimulant to relieve fatigue and increase the physical reserves of human health, since it does not contain components that do not pass doping control. Pine pollen was taken by the winner of the bike marathon from Finland at the Munich Olympics, which allowed him to increase his endurance and strength. Another famous athlete who prefers drinks based on pine pollen to replenish energy reserves and give vigor is the crowned boxing champion Muhammad Ali.

Pine pollen supports heart and blood vessels

Magnesium in pollen is not only a component of many enzymes and cellular structures, but also participates in the transport of cell nutrients. Pine flavonoids contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis, as they lower the level of bad cholesterol and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, these substances increase the blood supply to the brain and heart muscle, preventing stroke and coronary heart disease, making the walls of blood vessels more elastic.

Antitumor effect of pine pollen

The anticarcinogenic properties of pine pollen are manifested in its ability to enhance the antioxidant activity of cells and tissues of the body, as well as in the suppression of aflatoxins that promote tumor growth. In addition to the targeted action on malignant neoplasms, pine seeds contribute to the recovery of the body after radio and chemotherapy procedures.

The role of pine pollen in the treatment of prostate disease

The therapeutic effect of pine pollen in diseases of the prostate is due to its complex action. Firstly, biologically active substances in the inflorescences (enzymes, enzymes, flavonoids, vitamins) restore the function of the secretory organs of the endocrine system.

Secondly, the components of pine pollen have a general healing effect on the cardiovascular system, in particular, they increase the permeability of the smallest vessels, increasing the elasticity of their walls and preventing clogging by atherosclerotic plaques.

Thus, the blood circulation of the tissues of the prostate gland is restored, swelling and blockage of the urethra are reduced.

Pine pollen and diabetes

Pine pollen stimulates immunity as a whole, and its health-improving effect is primarily reflected in the human endocrine system. Thus, trace elements of pine pollen restore the mineral reserve of the body, contributing to the correct course of synthesis processes, regeneration of cells and tissues after damage by free radicals and toxins.

Biologically active components of pollen restore the function of secretory cells of the pancreas, increasing the amount of insulin they produce. taking pine pollen as part of the diet for diabetics improves the condition of patients and is an effective and safe method of treatment.

Pine pollen and other diseases

External use of pine is recommended for all kinds of rashes and purulent skin diseases. Applying pine pollen dressings to the wound surface prevents tissue decay and inflammation. In addition, pine pollen is used to treat bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, anemia, and colds.

How to collect pine pollen correctly?

The flowering time of the pine usually coincides with the flowering of apple trees in mid-May. Male inflorescences, as they mature, turn from greenish to yellow, and after three days they are carried by the wind. Since pine belongs to wind-pollinated plants, its pollen is very light and easily carried away by air currents, and therefore the collection period is no more than 1-3 days. In distant parts of the forest, where there is not as much sun as at the edge, you can still find pollen for 3-5 days. In any case, in order to correctly determine the period and carry out pollen harvesting, experience, attention and efficiency are needed.

After collection, the pollen must be dried by spreading it in a thin layer on paper in a warm, dry room. After that, it is sieved to separate small scales. Use a sieve with the minimum mesh diameter and a clean plastic bag. Additionally, you can sift the pollen through the nylon to get rid of the smallest impurities.

Pine pollen in folk medicine, recipes for use

Prescription for asthma

The benefits of pine pollen for asthmatics are obvious. This natural concentrate contains more than 27 mineral trace elements and a complex of easily assimilated vitamins, but in the treatment of asthma, the most important ingredient in pollen are substances that block H1 histamine receptors, which are responsible for sharp spasms of the bronchial muscles during an allergic reaction. The histamine antagonists contained in pine pollen, with regular medication, constantly block these receptors, which can save an asthmatic from the need to constantly carry an inhaler with them.

To get the desired effect and solve the asthma problem for a long time, you first have to prepare a pollen-based remedy according to the following recipe:

    Take 0.5 kg of pine anthers;

    0.5 kg of sugar;

    0.5 l of water.

Pour the cones with boiling water and sugar so that the syrup completely covers them. It is not recommended to boil the solution - the active components of the pollen are destroyed by temperature. The hot solution is covered for steaming until it cools. After a few hours, the cold syrup is squeezed out through a clean cloth or sieve, after which it must be infused for a day in a dark place. As a result, a precipitate is formed, which must be disposed of by pouring the finished syrup into a separate vessel with walls impenetrable to sunlight (ceramic, wooden, but not plastic or metal). The sediment can also be used for strengthening, in the treatment of colds and other diseases.

Sweet and sour syrup with flower and pine aromas should be kept in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take the syrup with tablespoons three times a day, about half an hour before each meal. After three weeks of treatment with the drug, it is necessary to check the effect by stopping its use for the next week. You do not need to leave the inhaler if the effect was observed during the intake. You can forget about it only if the control week has passed without seizures. After her, the syrup intake is resumed.

Subsequently, after several courses of fighting asthma with the help of pine pollen, it is also possible to partially refuse to take syrup based on it. You can gradually get rid of the need for daily medication in 2-3 years by reducing the dose or weakening the regimen. After three months of use, the amount of syrup consumed can be reduced to 1 teaspoon per day.

The anthers left after making the syrup can be used to brew pine tea.

Recipe for bronchitis

Bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory diseases that doctors have to fight. A doctor can prescribe a lot of different pharmaceuticals to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but few people know how pine pollen is useful in this regard.