
A very large shrimp. Types of shrimp: description and photo. Types of freshwater shrimp

Until recently, we had only one shrimp - beer. But life has become better, life has become more fun, and now even the most modest Russian stores offer 2-3 types of frozen shrimp, and in reputable supermarkets, shrimp lie on ice and are called “chilled”. ToWhat kind of shrimp do we sell and how to choose them?

How many types of shrimp are there and how do they differ?
There are about 2000 species in nature shrimp. All of them can be divided into two groups - cold-water and warm-water. Outwardly, they differ in size - cold-water ones are much smaller.

Cold water shrimp are our regular shrimp?
It is possible to say so. Northern red shrimp are the most common, but northern chillim and red comb shrimp are also common. By the way, they are red and raw. These shrimp are cooked alive in sea ​​water and freeze immediately after cooking. You can distinguish boiled shrimp from raw shrimp by tail: in boiled it is twisted, and in raw, the tail is straight. But here it is important to know that northern shrimp are delivered to Russia only boiled-frozen, and such a straight tail is a sign that the shrimp was already cooked dead.

An interesting moment - Russian fishermen shrimp they are caught, but they are delivered to the USA, South Korea and Japan, and we buy shrimp caught by the Danes and Canadians, they say it is profitable from an economic point of view.

Another nuance concerns the size or " caliber» shrimp. On the packaging you can find such numbers - 50/70 ( pieces per kilogram - approx. ed.), 70/90 and 90/120 Than more number the smaller the shrimp. So, cold-water shrimp are small, and the size of 70/90 is already rare for them. Therefore, I advise you to buy shrimp caliber 90/120, for all the rest more ice than meat.

That is, we have to be content with the smallest shrimps?
Small doesn't mean bad. On the contrary, the smaller the shrimp, the juicier their meat and the brighter the taste. For this reason, I like northern shrimp much more than tropical ones. Moreover, cold-water shrimp are caught in their natural habitat, while warm-water shrimp are grown on farms on an industrial scale.

Are you saying that warm water shrimp are worse?
I would say that they are not for everybody, besides, it is really easy to get confused when choosing them. For example, " royal» Shrimp do not exist in nature. Under this name, all large warm-water shrimps, with the exception of the brindle, so named because of the specific color of the shell.

AT different countries their own king prawns - there are white Pacific, Indian, Chinese, Japanese sweet prawns, Atlantic red and even giant freshwater prawns that live in South-East Asia. But in the natural habitat, only 20% of the total is caught. king prawns. The remaining 80% comes from farms where shrimp are bred in special ponds.

Where do king prawns come from in Russia?
We mainly receive shrimp grown in China, India and Bangladesh. Farm shrimp are always larger than wild shrimp, and the manufacturer's packaging must indicate that this is an aquaculture product. They sell frozen king prawns in three types - uncut, with a shell without a head, or completely peeled. By the way, despite the impressive size - 25-30 cm in length, the meat in the king prawn is only 30% of the total weight, the rest is the head.

Are tiger prawns farmed too?
To a lesser extent than royal ones, but farm tiger prawns are supplied to Russia. Black tiger shrimp are brought from India and China, and ordinary ones from Indonesia and Thailand. They differ in color - the common ones have dark stripes on a light shell, while the black ones have the opposite.
The size of tiger prawns is even larger than that of king prawns - 30-35 cm, and meat is 50% of the total weight. These shrimp are sold raw, with or without the head. With a head they look very impressive, and are often used to decorate dishes.

And what is scary farm shrimp?
Some people don't like the taste it gets shrimp grown on artificial feed. Someone is afraid that they are bred with the use of stimulants, dyes and antibiotics. I just like northern shrimp more - they are tastier and useful substances they have much more. But all this is true only if the shrimp is fresh.

What should be fresh shrimp?
Fresh shrimp must be properly frozen. The coloring should be even, the icing should be thin, and the tail should be pressed against the abdomen. White spots on the shell or snow flakes in the package mean that shrimps defrosted several times. Pay attention to the head of the shrimp, if any. The brown head occurs in pregnant shrimp, their meat is the most delicious and healthy. The green head indicates that the shrimp fed on algae and a special kind of plankton. But the black head speaks of a serious illness, eating such a shrimp is dangerous to health. Black spots on the shell are also unacceptable.

Tiger prawns are considered an excellent delicacy among seafood lovers. They grow very quickly, reaching a fairly decent size. These decapods got their name due to the transverse stripes on the body and tail. As for the color of these same stripes, and the shrimp in general, it depends on its variety.

There are many types of tiger shrimp in the world. The most popular of them are ordinary, black and green. All of them are distinguished by juiciness, fleshiness and excellent taste. Interestingly, two-thirds of tiger shrimp are grown on farms, where it is sometimes possible to obtain individuals weighing 1 kg. No wonder these giants are in demand all over the world.

common tiger prawns(lat. Penaeus kerathurus) live in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The largest colonies are found in the Adriatic. Their head is much smaller than that of freshwater king prawns, but the tail, on the contrary, is much larger. Its weight occupies half of the mass of the entire body.

On the tail of ordinary tiger shrimp are transverse stripes. It is curious that in females they are green, but in males they are pink, not at all boyish, in color. True, if you buy these shrimp frozen in a supermarket, you will not find stripes on their body - with the death of a shrimp, its decoration disappears.

They settle at a depth of 40 to 60 meters. During daylight hours, they hide by digging into the sand, and at night they go in search of food. Females reach a length of 9-20 cm. When breeding, they do not need to carry eggs on their abdomen, as they have adapted to lay them on the seabed. Vietnam and Thailand are the largest producers of common tiger shrimp.

Black tiger prawns(lat. Penaeus Monodon) live in the western Pacific Ocean and off the Atlantic coast of the United States. They are artificially bred in countries such as China, Vietnam, Taiwan and Malaysia. This business is quite profitable, since in farms some individuals reach a length of 36 cm and weigh a whole kilogram.

This variety is distinguished by a black shell and light transverse stripes. Interestingly, black tiger shrimp breed exclusively in their natural environment. To do this, their wild relatives come to spawn in warm coastal lagoons. Naturally, resourceful farmers have long studied all their favorite places for spawning.

When the time comes for breeding, special bamboo poles with algae tied to them are placed in the water. It is around them that young larvae gather. People can only collect them with nets and transfer them to special reservoirs.

Green tiger prawns found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In addition, they penetrated the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal, where they successfully multiplied and took root. Their body color is light brown with dark transverse stripes. Scattered throughout the shell are small green blotches of various shapes. Females of this species grow up to 23 cm, they are juicier and fleshier than males.

Of course, the list of varieties is not limited to the three named. Warm sea and ocean waters have also become a haven for brown (lat. Panaeus esculentus), Japanese (lat. Panaeus Japonicus) and blue (lat. Penaeus stylirostris) tiger prawns.

Shrimps- this is one of the gifts of the sea, which is considered a delicacy in many countries of the world remote from the sea. Shrimp are a subspecies of marine crustacean creatures and can reach sizes up to thirty centimeters. On average, the size of a shrimp is about ten to twelve centimeters (see photo). There are also about a hundred different types of shrimp, which differ mainly in size. Shrimps are caught in the seas, but sometimes they can be grown on farms.

An interesting fact is that at birth, shrimp are hermaphrodites, and throughout life path change sex from male to female in order to bear offspring.

Often, shrimp are sold in stores in fresh-frozen, frozen and boiled-frozen form. They can be sold both in packages and by weight. Fresh shrimp are dark green or pinkish-transparent in color, while cooked-frozen shrimp are bright pink or red.

If you went to the store and want to buy shrimp, then you should know how to choose them correctly so that they bring you only positive emotions.

Shrimps that have been frozen fresh are of the highest quality, as they contain the highest amount of useful elements.

Shrimp varieties

Today, there are about a hundred varieties of shrimp that go to stores and markets, however, the most popular of them are:

  • royal;
  • brindle;
  • northern (chilims).

King prawns, which are caught in the seas, are significantly different from their counterparts, which are grown on special farms. Shrimp grown in non-wild conditions can reach sizes up to twenty-five centimeters in one year, while they have a much more massive rear part relative to the head, which makes them tastier. Most often, the color of king prawns is greenish or even bluish. This type of shrimp goes on sale most often in fresh-frozen or boiled-frozen form.

Tiger prawns are distinguished by their particularly large size, as well as the characteristic dark stripes on the shell, which is why they got their name. Tiger prawns can reach up to forty centimeters in length, in addition, they contain much more meat than other types of shrimp. This type of crustacean can be both caught in the seas and bred on farms, so there are always plenty of these shrimp on the shelves.

Several types of tiger prawns are on sale: frozen, fresh-frozen, chilled, boiled-frozen, as well as canned.

Northern shrimps, otherwise known as chilims, are the smallest representatives of their species. The maximum size of such shrimp usually does not exceed eleven centimeters. Northern shrimp are fished or farmed legally in the Atlantic. An interesting fact is that, unlike their relatives, only northern shrimps carry caviar under their belly. Other species of shrimp throw it directly into the water.

On the shelves you can find only boiled-frozen type of northern shrimp, since only this method of transportation allows you to keep them as fresh and juicy as possible.

How to clean and cook?

Before I tell you how to cook different types shrimp, it is necessary to clarify that they can be cooked both in the shell and without it. If you want to cook a shrimp without a shell, then you need to know how to clean it. In our article, we will tell you in detail how this can be done.

  1. The first step is to defrost the shrimp. To do this, it is best to put them on a plate, and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that they thaw gradually. If you are in a hurry, you can put the bag of shrimp in room temperature water, changing it as it cools.
  2. When the shrimp are defrosted, you should put them on a wooden board, then sprinkle well with salt. Thus, they will be salted, and it will also be much easier to remove the shell.
  3. Now it’s worth taking the shrimp in your hands, in one of which you should hold your head, and in the other tail. After that, you need to carefully unscrew the head, and then tear off the legs.
  4. Then, starting at the head, gently pull the scales of the shell up, thus removing the entire shell. The tip of the tail should be carefully removed by pulling it towards you.
  5. If you see a dark line along the back, then it will need to be removed, since this is the esophagus.
  6. After you clean the shrimp, they will need to be thoroughly rinsed under running water, and then proceed to cooking.

Now that you know how to properly peel shrimp, you can move on to the cooking process. To begin with, let's look at the method by which you need to cook boiled-frozen shrimp. However, it is not necessary to clean them. First of all, they need to be defrosted. For boiled-frozen shrimp, the method with boiling water is suitable: they need to be put in a colander and poured over with water from a freshly boiled kettle. After that, you should transfer the shrimp to the pan and pour boiling water over them so that it completely covers the shrimp. You can add herbs, dried cloves, salt and black pepper to the water to taste. The shrimp should cook in this way for about two minutes, after which they can be laid out on a plate and served.

If you are going to cook raw shrimp, then you should know that they need to be cooked much longer, whether they are peeled or not. To cook raw shrimp, you need to wait until they defrost on their own. After that, pour water into the pan, add salt, bay leaf and lemon juice there and wait until it boils. Now you can put the shrimp in there. They should be cooked for at least 10 minutes, but the time in each case may be different. You can determine the moment when the shrimp are ready when they float to the surface and turn pink. After that, you can turn off the water and transfer the shrimp to a plate.

How to cook?

As you know, shrimp can be cooked not only by boiling. In many restaurants around the world, shrimp are fried and baked, which only makes their taste brighter.

If you want to cook shrimp, then you can add greens and various spices to the water for them, which can make the shrimp taste richer and the aroma stronger. Boiled shrimp are perfect for seafood salads, you can make sandwiches, canapes with them, and also eat just like that as a snack.

Fried and baked shrimp have a great taste, but if they are not fried on olive oil, they will not act as a dietary product. But they are wonderful for sandwiches and cream soups. In addition, you can cook such an amazing dish as pasta with shrimp. There are a huge number of recipes for cooking and using shrimp on our website, you can always choose what you like, as well as see photos of ready-made dishes.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of shrimp are undeniable, since they, like many other seafood, contain a huge amount of useful elements. Shrimps have long been used as a powerful aphrodisiac, which increased the libido of both men and women.

Shrimps are a very low-calorie product, so they can act as a dietary meal. At the same time, shrimp contain a whole set of vitamins, which is undoubtedly a plus for those who are forced to deny themselves high-calorie foods.

Regular consumption of shrimp helps to eliminate allergenic cells, thereby reducing the risk of allergic reactions to any products. Also, shrimp contains a large amount of antioxidants, which is why regular consumption of them contributes to the destruction of cancer cells.

If we talk about whether eating shrimp can cause harm, then the answer will be unequivocal: it can. But only in two cases: in the case of excessively frequent consumption of shrimp, and also in the event that they were caught in ponds polluted with radiation.

Composition of shrimp

The chemical composition of shrimp is very diverse. Most importantly, they contain a large amount of protein, which nourishes the body with energy. Also in shrimp there are useful Omega acids that have positive influence on the condition of human blood vessels, as well as on the elasticity of the heart muscle. Shrimp also contains a large number of useful trace elements that fill the body and take care of it: manganese, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, and many others. Vitamins in shrimp are also in abundance, and they are especially rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, E and D.

Thus, one small shrimp can rightfully be considered a storehouse of useful components.

In the underwater world, there are a huge number of living creatures that differ in classes and types. The class of crustaceans is represented by shrimp. They can be found in any sea or ocean. Shrimp vary in appearance, size, color and lifestyle. The shrimp lifestyle is calm, they do not change their area of ​​​​habitat and are in the same territory throughout their lives.

The life of a shrimp is from half a year to a year, and the average size varies from 6 to 14 cc. The maximum length is 40 cm, this is the largest shrimp in history. Shrimps of the minimum size are harvested in the North Pacific and the Barents Sea.

Features of the life of a shrimp

A species of shrimp, common on the west coast of Africa, lives in muddy areas near the mouth of a river. The temperature of the natural water layer varies from 17 to 23 degrees, and the depth does not exceed 70 meters. In daylight, the shrimp burrow into the mud and rest until dark. At night, they hunt for small creatures from the category of crustaceans.

The Far East is also rich various types shrimp. There they are called shrims or chilim. In the coastal regions of the Kuril Islands, in South Sakhalin and in Primorye, there is a species of grass shrimp, they live in sea grass. And near the mouths of the river, small sandy shrims live. A large species of shrimp that reaches 30 cm is called shrims - a bear cub, they are common in the Japanese, Bering and Okhotsk seas.

Rating of the largest shrimp

In first place in the ranking of the largest shrimp is the shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus. This species was caught in Colombia, its length reached 40 cm. The size of the shrimp was twice the size of the average tiger shrimp, which reaches 20 cm. It was attributed to a variety of peacock shrimp or mantis shrimp. The mantis shrimp is a predator whose size can reach 30 cm, and powerful claws give it additional size. Because of them, it is popularly called "biting finger".

Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus, or Peacock shrimp

The peacock species of shrimp hunts from the sand. They use their pincers like a hammer that can break open mussel shells to feast on the tender meat. Also, they can easily hit the octopus and damage it. This type of crustacean has a unique optical system. Their eyes see in optical, infrared and ultraviolet ranges.

Peacock shrimp can glow at night. This phenomenon was discovered by marine biologists, they found that the light signals that come from the eyes of shrimp are a signal of an approaching danger to other individuals. The mantis shrimp is clearly visible in shallow water, the surface of its body is covered with characteristic spots. And in the depths of the reservoir, they can only be distinguished by the light that comes from the eyes of this individual.

To understand the full scale of the wealth of such a "signaling" and compare the functionality with a peacock shrimp, you need to use special equipment, the weight of which will reach 100 kg.

In second place is a type of shrimp that reaches 28 cm. It is fixed in and is the official representative of the big view shrimp. The crustacean is 10 times larger than all species of its class, it was caught by fishermen in the north of the New Zealand coast.

The official record for the largest shrimp was set by a biologist from the UK - Alan Jamieson (Alan Jamieson). The shrimp was caught at a depth of 10 kilometers. The scientist was surprised by his prey and for a long time could not understand what kind this creature belongs to. It was possible to catch an unknown shrimp with the help of a trap located at the bottom of the sea.

On the same expedition, Alan Jemison's team managed to catch another representative of the crustacean, the size of which was 33 cm. However, an unknown creature slipped out of the trap at the moment of lifting. This species has not been officially recorded and remains unstudied. There is a video recording of a secret view that confirms the existence.

Unexplored secrets of the underwater world

Renowned director McLocky created a film about a giant mantis shrimp, it was released in 2003 and was called - "Crust" - Crustacean. The genre of the film is fantasy. In the story - a giant peacock shrimp falls into the hands of a former boxer, and he will teach her all the elements of boxing.

If you transfer the meaning of the plot to the real world, then with the provocation of a peacock shrimp, you can lose all the fingers on your hand. Therefore, you need to handle it only with a special glove.

The existence of many species has not yet been proven by scientists, but everyone hopes to discover their own unique species, which will reach record sizes.

"Finding such a huge shrimp proves the fact that we know very little about the inhabitants of the marine world, their life and reproduction," said Alan Jemison's scientists.

To set a record, you need to carefully and gradually study the underwater world, this may take a large number of years, but they will not be wasted.

It is not known exactly how many species of shrimp exist, because, firstly, many varieties live in the seas, oceans and fresh water, and it cannot be argued that all of them have already been discovered. And, secondly, work is constantly underway to cross and select aquarium shrimp, as a result of which new species appear.

Shrimp belong to the phylum Arthropoda, class Crustaceans, that is, they are the closest relatives of crayfish. In some species of shrimp, this is reflected in appearance. How exactly?

Aquarium shrimps: types and content

Shrimp in the aquarium perform several functions. The first is cleaning the bottom of the aquarium from organic residues. For the most part, shrimp are peaceful creatures, therefore, if you see a shrimp eating, for example, dead fish, you do not need to blame it - the shrimp simply cleans the aquarium of decaying remains, which contributes to its cleanliness and balance.

The second function is aesthetic. Many species have a beautiful color, so the aquarium with them acquires a "zest".

What types of shrimp are there for the aquarium? Let's consider the most interesting of them.

freshwater individuals

It should be noted that these types of shrimp are not suitable for eating. Therefore, it is possible to breed shrimp in an aquarium only for beauty and sanitary functions. There is a wide variety of freshwater aquarium shrimp species that naturally live in rivers, lakes, and estuaries.


Popular and unpretentious. Live an average of 1-2 years. There are several types of neocardine shrimp. It is recommended to keep them separately, since all neocardins can interbreed with each other, which will lead to degeneration of the color in the offspring.

From neocardina vulgaris, all the rest descended, as a result of random mutations and selection work. The regular neocardinka is transparent and, because of its extreme simplicity and low cost, is ideal for those who have never kept shrimp before.

cherry shrimp

Otherwise, it is called "red cherry", "cherry shrimp", "red fire" or simply "cherry". It appeared in Russia in 2004.

The most suitable conditions for neocardines are water temperatures of 22-25 degrees Celsius and thickets of plants at the bottom, like Java moss. You should avoid the neighborhood of cherry and predators, as well as other crustaceans - crabs, crayfish.

The color of cherry shrimp, as the name implies, is red. Thanks to the work of breeders? there are many variations of its saturation and shades. By the way, it can vary depending on the conditions in the aquarium - food, lighting, neighbors, water temperature, soil color (the color intensifies on a dark bottom), and so on. From stress caused, for example, by the threat from predatory fish, shrimp discolor.

Cherries are easy to distinguish by sex - males are smaller and more fussy, their color is weaker. In contrast, females are slower and calmer and brighter in color.

yellow shrimp

The yellow shrimp was developed in Japan from the wild neocardine species in the mid-2000s. By the way, cherry shrimp was bred from the same wild species.

The yellow shrimp got its name due to the color, which is rare for shrimp. In size, it, like a relative cherry, is small - 2.5-3 cm. The range of acceptable temperatures for keeping is slightly more than that of that one - 22-28 degrees Celsius.

Female yellow shrimp are larger than males, their color is rather dark yellow and the underbelly is curved, so they are easy to distinguish from males. In addition, females may have a stripe along the back, which males do not have.

One variation of yellow shrimp is neon yellow, distinguished by a bright yellow stripe on its back.

Riley shrimp

A mutation of the cherry shrimp, bred in 1996. There are different color variations; The classic Riley shrimp has a bright red tail, head and chest, and a transparent body. Adult females have a yellow spot on the neck. The size of these shrimps is 2-2.5 cm, females are slightly larger than males.

Chocolate, white, blue neocardina

The females of this species have a rich brown color, while the males are much paler. The size ranges from 2.5 (males) to 3 (females) cm. The temperature suits them from 23 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Neocardina Shanjagensis white is sold under the name Snowball or White Pearl, obtained thanks to caviar that looks like snowballs. Unpretentious shrimps, transparent whitish, look best on dark ground. Females are more decorative than males. The temperature suits them from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.

An interesting feature of these shrimp, which distinguishes them from all other neocardines, is the absence of a larval stage.

Neocardina Shanjagensis blue. You can meet other names - Blue Ice, Blue Pearl. This is the second color variation of Neocardina Shanjarentis. It has a bluish color with a pearl, as if hidden in front of the calf. Also unpretentious to the conditions of detention.

Other shrimp

In addition to such common neocardines, there are other interesting types of shrimp.

Amano shrimp. These shrimp reach a length of 4-5 cm. Their color is unusual, on a transparent or light green body there are small red-brown spots or broken lines, as well as a light stripe on the back. Amano are masters of disguise, their ability to mimicry is so great that sometimes they cannot be seen at all at the bottom.

Females in Amano shrimp are much larger than males and in sexual adulthood wider than them.

A distinctive feature that makes these shrimps desirable inhabitants of the aquarium is that they eat threadworm, algae, which is not easy to overcome. The optimum water temperature ranges from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.

Green shrimp. Sometimes it is also called dark green shrimp. Among aquarists, she became known in 2007. It is distinguished by a rich, dark green color and a size of 3-3.5 cm. It is easy to confuse it with Babaulti, a shrimp similar in color.

Dark green prefers water with a temperature of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. Females are larger, thicker and darker in color than males. Their caviar is a rich lemon-green color.

Shrimp Babaulti. Also called green algae shrimp, this is true, since most often it is the green shrimp of this species that can be seen in the aquarium. What kind of colors are there for this type of shrimp? They can be blue, red, brown and orange. When stressed, they can instantly change the color of their translucent body.

The size of these shrimp does not exceed 4 cm, females are larger than males and in adulthood have a yellow-green spot on the neck.


She is a black bee or a crystal black shrimp. It has a black and white color and reaches 2.5-3 cm. It is sensitive to the parameters of water and its pollution, it needs water with pH 6.5-7.5, GH 4-6, KH 1-2, temperature 18-26 degrees Celcius. It is important to create just such conditions for the black bee, therefore it cannot be called easy to keep.

Blue bee shrimp. Its size and optimal keeping conditions are similar to cherry shrimp.

The shrimp was first introduced in 2008. Despite the name, the color can be not only blue, but also purple or brown. Because of this, it can be difficult to determine the exact type of shrimp, because most of the bees are caught in wild nature, and its breeding has not yet become widespread.

The sex of bee shrimp can only be determined in adulthood. The main difference between females and males is that their lower abdomen is curved, and the female herself is larger.

Red Crystal and Indian Glass

Red crystal. Sometimes it is called the red bee. It originally appeared as a mutation of the black bee. This is a beautiful shrimp with white and red stripes, the size is 2.5-3 cm. It is not easy to keep it, like its progenitor, it loves soft acidic water with a temperature of 18-26 degrees Celsius, it is demanding on the purity and quality of water.

Indian glass shrimp. Another name - ghost shrimp - she received for her transparent color. However, they can be yellowish or orange. There are small spots on the tail. Females reach 5 cm, males - 3-4 cm. The water temperature for normal life should be 20-29 degrees Celsius.

Shrimp Rosenberg

Huge shrimp, an adult has a size of 13 cm. They can hunt small fish, eat aquarium plants. The water temperature is desirable 26-30 degrees Celsius, high water hardness is required for good shell development.

These shrimp are transparent at a young age, over time the color may change, the transparency decreases, blue stripes may appear on the body.

Rosenberg shrimp are interesting in that their behavior is quite complex, there are mating games.


Other names are bamboo shrimp, Asian filter shrimp, tree shrimp. It was called a filter feeder due to the legs with cilia-fans, with which the shrimp filters water flows and thus catches food.

Coloring comes in different colors and shades - brown, red, red. The size of an adult is 7-10 cm, the optimum temperature is 22-27 degrees Celsius.

Shrimp Cardinal

Very beautiful small (2-2.5 cm) shrimps of deep red tones with white front legs and dots on the body. They meet infrequently and are not suitable for beginners, as they are demanding on the conditions of detention. The water temperature is recommended from 26 degrees Celsius, in cold water Cardinals don't live long. Also, high water hardness and pH 7-9 are important for them.

You can see the beauty of this type of shrimp in the photo.

Harlequin and Ringed Hand

Like Cardinals, Harlequins are very beautiful. Their rich, contrasting colors combine red, white and black. These shrimp are very small - only 0.6-1.2 cm. They are quite shy and whimsical, therefore it is better for experienced aquarists to keep them. The temperature is preferred from 26 degrees Celsius.

Shrimp Ringed hand. These are large (6-8 cm) marbled beige-brown shrimp with long claws of red and rusty hues. Thanks to the claws, they got their name. These shrimp are not as peaceful as many others - they often fight and can injure small fish. Males are larger than females and reach 8 cm. The temperature for keeping is 20-30 degrees Celsius, they love oxygenated water. They can eat plants.


Usually referred to by features appearance shrimp, and their names are often very bizarre and unusual. Another one is Ninja. This shrimp was named so because of its ability to quickly change colors and mimicry, allowing it to literally go into invisibility. It is difficult to name the color of a shrimp, because it can change it to almost any other.

It is also called Christmas shrimp, honey shrimp.

The size of the Ninja is normal for shrimp - 2.5-3.5 cm, the optimum keeping temperature is 22-27 degrees Celsius.

Khanka shrimp

It was named after Khanka Island on Far East. According to the features of the structure and behavior, they are similar to freshwater crayfish. The size of this shrimp is 3-4.15 cm, males are 10-15 mm larger than females, which is generally rare for shrimp.

Khanka shrimp - not a particularly attractive species, grayish-brown translucent color. They have whiskers and claws. They are kept not for beauty, but for the benefits brought to the aquarium. It is desirable to maintain the temperature of the water in which they live, from 21 to 24 degrees Celsius and organize a "change of seasons" - in winter, cool it to 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Chameleon and Pearl Shrimp

Chameleon. Otherwise - Shrimp of the Year. Brown color, light stripes and dark brown spots on the body. These shrimp have powerful claws. Aggressive, it is better not to keep fish with them and create shelters in the aquarium if there are several shrimps. Active in the evening. The temperature is preferred 18-24 degrees Celsius.

Chameleon males are much larger than females, 9-12 cm versus 7 cm.

Pearly shrimp. Relatively small shrimp up to 5 cm in length. There are other names - Sand Shrimp, Marble Shrimp. Peaceful appearance with small claws and pleasant coloration, their body is light greenish or brownish-white in color, covered with white and black dots. whimsical, love clean water 15-28 degrees Celsius and pH above 7 are very sensitive to changes in its parameters.

Japanese river shrimp and black tiger shrimp

These shrimp have a size of 7-8 cm, large orange or brick claws, white "stockings" on the legs and a transverse stripe on the back. The body itself is translucent brownish, with age the color saturation increases.

In general, they are not aggressive, but they can fight for territory, as well as eat sedentary fish and snails. A very unpretentious look, but it is still desirable to maintain the temperature in the range of 26-30 degrees Celsius and saturate the water with oxygen.

Black tiger shrimp. Very beautiful black shrimps with orange or black eyes. Females are slightly larger than males and grow up to 3 cm. They are very difficult to keep, do not tolerate changes in water parameters, which are limited by clear boundaries. The required water temperature for maintenance is 21.5-23.5 degrees Celsius, pH - 7.2-7.4.

Sea shrimp. Species: Doctor

In cooking, it is the salt-water species of shrimp that are used for food. However, consider the most famous inedible species suitable for marine aquariums.

Adult Doctors are 5-6 cm in size. They have an attractive color - a white longitudinal stripe on the back is combined with crimson on the sides. There are also white tendrils.

This shrimp needs a marine aquarium with a temperature of 22-26 degrees Celsius, salt water and high hardness, imitation of a coral reef is desirable. During molting, the content of iodine in the water is desirable.

An interesting feature of the Pacific cleaner shrimp is that they do not have females, all shrimp are born males and only with the passage of age become bisexual, that is, the shrimp is both male and female.

Fire Shrimp Cleaner

These shrimp are very shy and secretive, hiding in shelters in daylight. But over time, they can begin to recognize the owner and take food from his hands.

In matters of keeping, one should be guided by the needs of the desired type of shrimp, taking into account the temperature suitable for it, the frequency of water changes and other parameters.

Many need hard water high content calcium (carbonate hardness in the range of 5-10), because shrimp, like all crustaceans, periodically molt, and in soft water their new shell may not harden enough. Immediately after molting, shrimp have a soft body that is easy to damage, and at first they hide. The old shell of the shrimp is usually eaten.

All shrimp are very sensitive to copper, even small doses can be lethal. In this regard, the shrimp should be moved to another tank if other inhabitants of the aquarium require treatment with copper-containing preparations, or, conversely, treatment in a special quarantine aquarium. Snail pills can also be detrimental to shrimp.

For all medium-sized shrimps, a small (from 10 liters) aquarium is suitable - a shrimp tank with a thick layer of soil in which aquarium plants will take root well. You should choose their unpretentious species, since in shrimp it is not necessary to establish the supply of CO 2, so beloved by plants. Suitable Javanese moss, hornwort, wallisneria, Thai fern and others. In a large aquarium, shrimp simply "get lost" because of their miniature size. The average stocking density of these crustaceans is 2 shrimp per liter (this is true only for small species).

Most shrimp need a high oxygen content in the water, so it is advisable to have an aerator and turn it on at least at night, when the plants stop emitting O 2 . You also need to remember that as the temperature rises, the level of oxygen decreases, respectively, additional aeration is also needed. And at temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius, shrimp die very easily even with aeration, because protein folds in their bodies.

Thus, there are a huge number of shrimp species, the description of which cannot be fully described. Among these funny and useful animals, both beginners and experienced aquarists will find suitable ones for themselves. The main thing to remember when purchasing shrimp is the simple rules for keeping them, and then these tireless cleaners will serve as orderlies and decoration of the aquarium.