
Raising highsex chickens. Haysek Brown and White - achievement of Dutch selection. Video of Hisex Brown chickens - arrangement of a winter chicken coop, its heating and feeding features

Good afternoon, regular and new readers of our chicken site! Hisex chickens - description of the breed with photos and videos, maintenance and care in our material. Layers of the egg-laying direction Hisex are the result of selection carried out on the basis.

These chickens have become widespread throughout most of the territories. the former USSR due to good productivity with minimal investment, unpretentiousness to the conditions of feeding and maintenance, as well as the high survival rate of representatives of the breed.

And despite the complexity of their reproduction at home, due to the poor maternal instincts of the quads and the impossibility of transferring the characteristics of the breed by crosses, since they are not fixed at the genetic level, many breeders are still happy to acquire these birds for their backyard.

  • 1 General information and characteristics of the breed (cross) of Hisex chickens
    • 1.1 Origin of the breed
    • 1.2 Appearance
    • 1.3 Purpose of the breed
    • 1.4 Character and temperament
    • 1.5 Productivity
  • 2 Varieties of breed (cross) hens Hisex
    • 2.1 Hisex Brown Chickens (Brown)
    • 2.2 Chickens Hisex White (White)
  • 3 Features of caring for adult chickens and Hisex chickens, their breeding
    • 3.1 Conditions of detention
    • 3.2 Diet
    • 3.3 Breeding specifics
  • 4 Diseases of Hisex chickens and their prevention
  • 5 Advantages and disadvantages of the breed (cross) Hisex chickens

General information and characteristics of the breed (cross) of Hisex chickens

Despite this, according to reviews of breeders containing Hisexes, they are surprised to note the ability of chickens to lay eggs even at sub-zero temperatures. This breed is represented brown and white a variety with a bright brown or snow-white feather color, respectively.

These quots are distinguished by a calm disposition and get along well both with representatives of other breeds of chickens, and when kept together with other birds. Reaching an average weight of 2 kg, laying hens are capable of producing up to 320 eggs during the year with an average weight of each of them in the range of 65-70 g. The weight of roosters is about 2.5 kg, while they are characterized by a calm disposition towards other birds and the absence of aggression to the owner. Despite easy adaptation to living conditions and diet, representatives of the species are very susceptible to stressful situations that can negatively affect productivity indicators. In this regard, when keeping Hisex chickens, it is recommended not to abruptly change the place of residence of the bird, to limit access to the chicken coop for pets and to avoid a sharp change in the feed ration.

The origin of the breed

Experts note that wrong to highlight Chicken Hisex White and Brown in separate breeds because, in fact, they are the result of selection work and are hybrid varieties of the Leghorn species. The breed was bred by breeders from Holland, in which by 1970 it turned out to be a hybrid species with fixed characteristics. A few years later, representatives of the species came to the territory of the USSR, where they quickly gained wide popularity among breeders.


Despite several varieties of Hisex, all hens of this hybrid species have a pronounced ridge that has a bright red tone and hangs down to one side. Birds of this direction are endowed with a uniform color of white or brown with white markings formed on the tips of the feathers.

Important! For farmers with little experience in breeding chickens, the advantage of the Hisex cross is the ability to reliably identify males in the general brood already at one day of age.

To distinguish Hisex males from females, the fluff is colored in light yellow tones, in contrast to the quads, covered with beige fluff. Their body is covered with feathers that fit tightly to the surface and have a strong structure. The paws and beak of this variety can range in color from straw to deep yellow. They have a medium-sized head and strong legs set wide apart.

Note! Given the small size limits that layers of this species reach, some unscrupulous breeders may pass off adult hens as young queens. To prevent such a deception, you can check the paws of the Hisex laying hen, which in young individuals have a light yellow tint, with age they acquire a gray color.

Purpose of the breed

Experienced farmers note a number of similarities between Highsexes and Rhodonites, for the most part, breeders from individual farms are engaged in breeding them, although occasionally you can find the industrial content of this breed at egg enterprises.

Character and temperament

Breeders note a calm temperament, good coexistence of representatives of the breed with other species of birds and humans. Highsex crosses are distinguished by high physical activity, and therefore, sufficient free space is required for their maintenance.

Important! It is the condition mentioned above that practically excludes the cellular content of Hisexes, which is practiced in industrial production.


Kvochki different types Highsexes are characterized by early maturation of the reproductive system, which occurs at the age of 20 weeks.

After entering the period of active egg-laying (usually Hisex laying hens begin to lay at the age of 4-5 months), hens of this breed are able to supply the farmer with eggs with high calorie values ​​almost every day for several years in a row.

As a rule, the average duration of the Hisex chickens remains at high level within 2-3 years. The average production of Hisex hens ranges from 320 eggs for Brown to 280 eggs for White.

Breeders note the habit of quails to lay eggs in the designated place, and if this does not happen for any reason, this is quite easily corrected by placing a round blende in the selected place.

Important! The average mass of Haysex clutch products differs in cage and floor keeping, as well as the egg production rates of chickens, averaging 62.5 g for the first and 67 g for the second method.

The shell of the eggs being laid is brown or White color and stands out for its good strength indicators.

Note! However, experts also note the disadvantages of keeping hens of this type, the essence of which boils down to the low quality of meat, which is characterized by rigidity even at a young age of hens.

The performance of hens depends on the absence of stressful situations, the conditions of keeping and the microclimate of the chicken coop and a balanced diet.

Varieties of breed (cross) hens Hisex

Varieties of Hisex brown (Braus) and white (White) colors represent two directions derived from chicken breeds New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Leghorn. The resulting crosses, in addition to their high resistance and unpretentiousness to the conditions of keeping and feeding, differ from the original breeds in higher productivity indicators.

Chickens Hisex Brown Brown

Crosses of the Hisex Brown chicken breed are a hybrid species that stands out for their miniature build with a dense constitution. It owes its brown color and constitution to the ancestors of the species Rhode Island and New Hampshire.

These Hisex chickens have brown feathers with light blotches on the tail, have a graceful build with a massive constitution. Representatives of this species have a standing leaf-shaped crest.

Breeders cite quick addiction to people, lack of aggression, curiosity and a high degree of activity as their distinctive features.

By the way! Breeders claim that the distinctive features of this variety of chickens is their unpretentiousness, while their average egg size is slightly smaller than that of the Hisex White chicken breed.

Video review of Hisex Brown chickens

Chickens Hisex White White

This variety of Hysex is marked with white plumage, which, according to breeders, they adopted from Leghorns.

These crosses have a slightly elongated body and snow-white feathers, at the ends of which there may be slight blotches of brown.

Hisex White chickens do not suffer from the absence of a ridge, which has a wide shape and is slightly piled on one side or has a standing shape in roosters.

Note! Characteristic feature Hisex White is that, with a general friendly attitude, individuals showing aggression can be found among the representatives of the species.

Since the breed was bred in Holland, it has higher requirements for keeping conditions and indoor microclimate.

Important! Some breeders claim that this type of hen may have decreased egg production under unfavorable conditions, such as extreme temperature fluctuations in the coop.8

Video of Hisex White chickens - when the egg crosses begin to lay

Features of caring for adult chickens and Hisex chickens, their breeding

Despite the unpretentiousness, emphasized in the reviews by all farmers in relation to crosses of the Hisex chicken breed, the keeping of chickens has some peculiarities. For their successful development and reducing the percentage of livestock mortality, it is necessary:

  • Ensure the temperature of the room for the young at a level of 22 ° C, if necessary, install infrared lamps and heating devices in the chicken coop
  • To exclude overheating of young chickens, which occurs at a temperature of 25-28 ° C, since when it occurs, fatigue and a decrease in motor activity are first observed, after which immobilization occurs, as a result, there is a high probability of death of young animals.

Despite good coexistence with other species, in order to exclude the defeat of common avian diseases and infections, including staphylococcus aureus, pullorosis, brucellosis and salmonellosis, timely vaccination and separate keeping of chickens are recommended.

Conditions of detention

As noted above, the characteristics of the breed practically exclude the cellular content of the Haysexes. If the breeder nevertheless decides to resort to this method of keeping, it should be noted that there should not be more than 2-3 individuals in the cage.

It should have good lighting, a heating system, feeding, drinking, collecting eggs and equipped with the necessary means to maintain microclimate parameters and protect against predators and rodents.

Dryness, shaking and changing the litter as it gets dirty, taking the recommended preventive measures to prevent the appearance of insect pests and pathogenic microflora.

Hisex chicken diet

For the full development of chickens and obtaining Hisex chickens with a high degree of productivity, experienced farmers advise adhering to the nutrition system and the following recommendations:

When entering the age of active egg-laying, the basis of the feed ration is compound feed, which, in the opinion and reviews of some breeders, refers to the shortcomings of the breed.

Other farmers argue that the costs are more than compensated for by the high productivity of the queens.

Video of Hisex Brown chickens - arrangement of a winter chicken coop, its heating and feeding features

Breeding specifics

The difficulty of breeding Hisex chickens is that when crossing with other breeds, there is no inheritance of traits.

Important! Since the breeding of Hisex is complicated by the poor characteristics of the brood, layers of other breeds should be used as hens for the selected eggs, or resort to the services of incubators.

In this regard, in order to renew the livestock, it is necessary either to buy pullets from trusted suppliers in a timely manner, or to use high-quality eggs obtained at poultry farms.

Note! During the first days of chickens' life, it is best to provide lighting throughout the day and a temperature in the range of 27-30 ° C.

Video of chickens cross Hisex

Diseases of Hisex chickens and their prevention

Despite the fact that the Hisex crosses are characterized by good adaptability and a fairly high natural immunity, timely implementation of anthelmintic treatment also allows excluding the occurrence of diseases and mortality. The necessary preventive measures to prevent the onset of disease include:

  • The inclusion of antibiotics in the diet when the first symptoms of diseases appear.
  • Isolation of sick individuals from a healthy part of the livestock.
  • Exclusion of access to drinking bowls and feeders for pets and rodents to feed stocks.

Ensuring the timely implementation of sanitary and hygienic measures for the processing of drinkers, feeders, changing the litter and cleaning the chicken coop.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed (cross) Hisex chickens

Among the advantages of the Hisex cross course, according to the owners, the following can be distinguished:

  • Ability to tolerate low temperatures while maintaining productivity.
  • High survival rate of chicks and their good disposition.
  • Good natural immunity to infectious and invasive diseases.
  • Increased egg production, reaching maximum values ​​with the correct content.
  • Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and the diet offered by the farmer.

Among the negative aspects associated with the maintenance of layers of this species, breeders call:

  • Demanding on the presence of a spacious room.
  • Difficulties caused by the breeding of birds, the need for constant acquisition of pedigree young stock for the renewal of the herd.
  • Lack of maternal instinct in the majority of Haysex hens.
  • The impossibility of transferring high performance characteristics when used for breeding birds of other breeds.
  • High costs for balanced nutritious feed mixtures, when using which the maximum egg production parameters are achieved.

Hisex chickens are highly productive hybrid individuals, characterized by maximum results with minimum investment. The breeders who dealt with them do not get tired of being amazed at the unpretentiousness and productivity of laying hens, demonstrated by them even in adverse conditions. However, with the provision of the minimum necessary conditions, the Hisexes, with an early entry into the age of active egg-laying, are able to produce high-calorie nutritious eggs for almost 3 years.

Video: interesting observations of a farmer for Hisex laying hens after buying on a poultry farm in 4 parts

Chickens Hisex white videos

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Chickens from the Netherlands highsek are not a breed, but a cross with egg or egg-meat characteristics. It was obtained in the genetic laboratories of the Dutch factory "Euribrid" in the late 60s - early 70s of the last century. In Russia, highsek chickens appeared in 1974 at the Borovskaya factory in the Tyumen region.

Chickens of the Leghorn breed

From the same parental pairs, scientists from the Netherlands received two variants of highsec hybrids:

  • brown (brown) - egg-meat cross;
  • white (white) - egg cross.

Chickens breed Rhode Island and New Hampshire

The breeds of White Leghorn, Rhode Island, New Hampshire participated in the creation of hybrids. Results vary in hatchery goals, appearance and egg production. They are united by external features:

  • proportionality of the physique;
  • activity and calmness;
  • gracefulness, ease of movement.

Cross is characterized by four-linearity, three-fold autosexuality: in parental couples, the sex is determined depending on the speed with which the plumage changes at the age of 24 hours. In males, this happens more slowly, in females, faster. For the final result, the color of the fluff in chicks at the age of 1 day plays a role. In roosters it is light or yellow, in females it is brownish.


  • High egg production, which does not decrease with less food consumption;
  • light weight;
  • resistance against viruses and diseases;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • livable character.


  • The livestock needs to be regularly updated, as this is not a breed;
  • for the same reason, breeding is problematic;
  • demanding on nutrition and maintenance.

Appearance and character

Brown (description):

  • stocky, strong build;
  • weight in males up to 2.4–2.6 kg, in laying hens - up to 2 kg;
  • silky yellow-brown plumage (occasionally with white tips).

With high activity, the character of the Brown is phlegmatic, more balanced than that of the Whites. Their heat loss is lower, and they gain weight faster. Chicks survive 99%.

Highsek Brown breed

White (description):

  • elongated, neat silhouette;
  • subtlety and grace of physique;
  • low weight (layers - up to 1.7 kg, roosters - up to 2 kg);
  • smooth white feathers with brown tips;
  • wide scallop hanging to one side.

Roosters and chickens are active, sanguine or choleric in nature. They are friendly towards each other and other species, although some specimens show aggression. Young animals survive by 95-99%.

Brown productivity

Egg-meat hybrid brown carries 300 or more eggs per year (130 g of feed per ten). They are characterized by:

  • weighing up to 70 g;
  • white or brown (light and dark shades) shell;
  • increased content protein and low - yolk;
  • durability.

Egg-meat hybrid brown lays 300 or more eggs per year

White productivity

The white variety quickly begins to lay eggs (at five months or earlier) and produces from 280 to 300 per year (at the rate of 1.24 kg of food per ten). Some scientific studies call the figure 330 pieces. Their characteristics:

  • large volume and weight (63 g);
  • increased content of yolk compared to protein;
  • nutritional value;
  • low cholesterol.

The middle age of the laying hen is two or three years (keep even fewer cocks). Then its production capacity drops sharply, and the poultry is sent to slaughter. Its meat cannot be called delicacy (the cross was bred for other purposes). However, it is suitable for food: for other pets or for dishes that require a long cooking (jellied meat).


When buying these roosters and chickens, be aware of their sensitivity to housing conditions.

Highsek chickens are sensitive to housing conditions

They need:

  • in the correct regime and nutrition;
  • in continuous lighting;
  • in the absence of stress.

Failure to comply with the conditions leads to a drop in egg production and a deterioration in the health of chickens (although the brown variety is more psychologically stable and viable). To make the birds more active, arrange the daylight hours in the room for 17 hours in duration.

Chicken coop device

Equip the room as follows:

Keeping the coop clean is important for the health of adults and young females.

Whites or browns run well when kept in. In cold weather, keep the room temperature at least 12 degrees Celsius. Keep it clean - this is important for the health of both adults and young females and roosters. Birds need space and movement - this way you prevent aggression and cannibalism from them.


Hybrids are whimsical in food and need feed with a high content of minerals. Give them food that is saturated:

  • vitamins;
  • protein.

A properly composed diet contains:

  • cereals: wheat, oats, corn, barley;
  • legumes;
  • fish in fresh and fishmeal;
  • cake, meal;
  • vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, boiled potatoes;
  • plants (young nettle);
  • chalk, coal, ground eggshell

Hybrids are whimsical in food and need feed with a high content of minerals

Youngsters are given:

  • crushed grains;
  • wheat, corn or barley porridge with vegetables;
  • finely chopped boiled egg.

Introduce a combo feed into your diet. Feed chickens up to 2 weeks 6 times, up to 8 weeks - 4 times, and then three times. An adult bird eats about 115-120 g of food per day. Observe the diet. Place a container of sand in the coop (this is calcium for the shell and a goiter cleanser). clean water room temperature and change it regularly.

Diseases and prevention

White and brown haiseki are striking in their resilience: unlike many breeds, they do not die from infectious and fungal diseases. Helminths also do not threaten their lives. However, it is better to prevent the disease than to cure it later. Don't forget about prevention. Vaccinate your flock against Newcastle disease and Marek's disease.

White and brown haiseki striking resilience

Other specific problems arise from the size of the eggs or the presence of double yolk in them (with increased feeding and overdose of vitamins). If the laying hen produces eggs that are too large (up to 80-90 g), this will result in damage to the oviduct, bleeding and pecking.

Breeding at home

Hayseki is a hybrid breed, bred by the painstaking work of a group of geneticists. It is the result of scientific effort and continued experimentation. Such hens were created in laboratory conditions that cannot be provided at home. Also, the use of special preparations, the importance of knowledge and accurate calculations limit the scope for the actions of the amateur breeder.

Obtaining offspring from adult crosses or breeding when crossing with other chickens does not give satisfactory results. Egg production in the second generation drops sharply. Since high-sek is not a breed, chickens do not always pass on their production characteristics to chickens.

Experts advise buying young animals at poultry farms

Other problems also arise: the brooding instinct for such hens is weakened for obvious reasons (although with persistence it will be possible to teach the hen to the nest). Therefore, experts advise purchasing young animals from poultry farms. However, if you are attracted to selection, then cross the highsecs for the best performance with representatives of the parent breeds:

  • Rhode Island;
  • white leghorn;
  • New Hampshire.

Or choose breeding similar in quality (Russian White).

  • If you are afraid that the eggs will fall to the floor, put a rubber one on the nest;
  • for whites and browns taken from a poultry farm, change the diet and regime gradually;
  • a ping-pong ball put there will help to accustom to the nest;
  • in order to avoid pecking, prepare a room for settling in advance;
  • when decorating a chicken coop, choose neutral colors, give up dark ones;
  • the attention of chickens is attracted by blue food placed in red or orange feeders;
  • When accustoming chicks to, pour as much water as possible, and as they get used to it, reduce its level so that there is no splashing.

Productivity has made the highsec (white and brown) hens celebrated as champion laying hens. With the right maintenance, attention and care, these birds will surprise you with their excellent egg performance, sociability and docile nature.

Hello, dear visitors of the site, among whom are probably both pros and amateurs. Your visit is always appropriate and delightful. Today's theme will be looking at Haysek laying hens as the leading extra-productive cross. Hisex breed of chickens with a description, photos and videos in our material.

The Hisex breed of chickens has long been well known as crosses, since it does not belong to independent breeds. Many farmers are aware of this fact, which does not diminish their interest in breeding this type of birds.

The product of many years of work of ornithologists, born through the genesis of the White Leghorn and New Hampshire families, has two variants of plumage pigmentation, these are superficial differences in the creation of a hybrid. Thus, the names White and Brown belong to the white and brown families, respectively.

This species is very young - its appearance dates back to the 70th year of the twentieth century, and scientists from the Dutch farm "Eurybrid" worked on the breeding of the newcomer.

Productivity type

The key goal that at that time was set for the research center was the development of a new species based on the enhanced yield of the protein product. What has been achieved in this vein?

The result, as practice has shown, surpassed theoretical calculations, since the modest dimensions (an individual of the white cross weighs up to 2 kg) does not interfere with carrying large enough eggs of 63-65 grams. At the same time, the bird also demonstrates Olympic endurance - the number reaches 300-320 pieces / year, and the slogan: minimum weight - maximum result ideally characterizes it.

The indicator is enhanced by another factor - the duration of productivity, since in this mode females can cope with tasks for 2-3 years. Both those and those brothers are quite popular in any format of organizing poultry farms.

Characteristics and appearance.

The two directions of the same cross are different, which is expressed in both appearance and productivity.

Hisex breed of chickens White

  • cheerful, hyperactive and mobile;
  • rather small, delicate body;
  • light weight - up to a maximum of 1.7 kilograms.

The brown type is more related to a universal offshoot, since the genes of four ancestors flow in its blood, among which are the ones described at the beginning of the article.

Hisex breed of chickens Brown

  • stocky, strong build;
  • body weight of males - 2.4-2.6 kg, females - up to 2 kg;
  • silky yellow-brown plumage (sometimes with whitish tips).

The characters are also different - the dark ones are more phlegmatic, calmer and show somewhat greater vitality, resistance to cold weather and a change in diet.

The similarity of external outlines:

  • gracefulness, ease of movement;
  • proportionality of the physique.


In a few words about the temperament of the heroes of our today's article, we have already mentioned in the section describing the features of behavior. Special attention should be paid to the fact that members of the family are not conflicting - both light and dark members of the clan.

The activity of little whites still accompanies their vulnerability and sensitivity to stress, but brown ones are still calmer, less excitable and less susceptible to panic.

Sexual maturity, pigmentation and egg weight

White Haysek is interesting for its rapid, early ripening - in less than six months, the young show the ability to wear. Mature age for a reference productivity it is 2-3 years, then the laying hen gives out its annual rate of 280 eggs.

At the same time, this product is characterized by a very rich nutritional value and the lowest cholesterol coefficient. With whites, a special piquancy is necessary in all respects - practice has shown that minor deviations have a categorical effect on the performance.

Brown, increasing in weight, is capable of producing over three hundred eggs with a dark, powerful shell per year. Decreases in food intake rarely affect their fertility factor. It is worth considering the information obtained by analysts that all basic coefficients depend on the nuances of the content, manifesting themselves in a special way in different conditions.

Maternal instinct. The ability to incubate.

Due to the artificial origin and the reduced instinct of the hen in females, the breeding of offspring by the natural method is an extremely difficult task, therefore, experts recommend the acquisition of young livestock in poultry farms, where the bird is hatched in incubators.

Features of young animals

The technology for determining the sex of parental couples is in direct relationship with the intensity of plumage change upon reaching 24 hours from birth. In males, the feather grows slowly, females survive this process more quickly. The final effect appears in a day, when the pigmentation of the cannon in chicks is of decisive importance.

So, in boys, the fluff is light or yellowish, in girls it is closer to brownish. A special area of ​​focus is climate control for growing fluffy offspring. The thermometer should be higher than for older ones, because hypothermia leads to the death of the brood.

If the menu is dominated by cereals and a set of proportionally selected, corresponding to age needs, then such food will be ideal for the health of pets.

Brood feeding.

Up to two weeks they feed six times a day, up to eight weeks - this rate is already four times, and upon reaching two months, food is served three times a day.

Young cattle menu:

  • crushed grain;
  • factory-made compound feed;
  • finely chopped boiled white and yolk;
  • cereal and cereal mash with the addition of vegetables.

Adult diet

Mature hybrids are special lovers of food with an enhanced complex of minerals - an adult bird absorbs about 120 grams of food rich in vitamins and protein per day.

Here's an example of a basic balanced diet:

  • oats;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • legumes;
  • wheat;
  • cake;
  • meal;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • young nettle;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • fresh fish and fish grinding;
  • chalk, coal, ground shells.

The nutritional algorithm implies the presence of an additional container filled with sand, which, in turn, serves as a source of calcium for the shell and a means of cleansing the goiter. The water needs to be changed regularly, keeping its room temperature.

The basics of growing and breeding.

The Hisex breed of chickens feels great in cage dwellings, but for the best - create a fairly free, well-ventilated space at the rate of four individuals per square meter, despite the fact that the room should be extremely dry and clean.

Perches for cackling settlers are installed at a height of 60 cm from the floor.

For nesting, shady, cozy niches with a deep bedding of straw are chosen. Like many birds in the courtyard, this cross has a special need for lighting. The creation of artificial lighting prolongs the daylight experience, and this effect regulates the increase in productivity.

Features of age-related performance of females, molting and climatic resistance.

Molting and break occurs in this type of poultry in a standard manner, causing a decrease in tone, increased susceptibility to stress.

It is up to the owners of the herd to create uniform living conditions for their pets, taking into account the peculiarities of this difficult time for pets.

Diseases and prevention

When raising young animals, it is extremely important to monitor the cleanliness, ignoring sanitary regulations - the risk of developing ailments. In general, the immunity, bred in the seventies of selection, is stable.

White and brown beauties and beauties surprise with their vitality: unlike many thoroughbred relatives, they do not die as a result of attacks of infections and fungal diseases. Helminthiasis is also not an insurmountable threat to the life of the animal.

  • Marek's disease;
  • Newcastle disease;
  • bursal disease.

Due to the large size of the laid testicles or the presence of a double yolk in them ( by-effect hypervitaminosis), specific difficulties can often arise, which can lead to damage to the organs of the oviduct, bleeding and pecking.

Let's summarize the conceptual advantages and disadvantages of the culprit of this material.

What are the reviews?


  • low weight;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • peaceful character;
  • strong immunity against viruses;
  • stable productivity while reducing food consumption.


  • exactingness to food and maintenance (in the case of White);
  • breeding origin - the reason for the need for regular updating of the livestock;
  • breeding is a problem because poultry is the product of scientific and industrial genesis.


In general, the differences between the two gene modifications, although they are within the same nomination, require a versatile approach to the content. Carefulness and a careful, qualified approach to keeping birds will lead to good results in meeting the need for protein products.

We wish you and your loved ones all the best!

In the comments you can add your photos of laying hens, rooster and chickens! Or other poultry. We're wondering what kind of chicken coop you have?
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I have been keeping an egg cross of Hisex Brown chickens for more than 10 years, I have gradually abandoned other breeds, and I do not plan to abandon this in the foreseeable future. This bird is painfully beneficial, especially for those who have their own home, even in a city.

With the proper organization of the maintenance of Hisex Brown chickens, you will quickly achieve a positive effect. Recently, at my leisure, I calculated the profitability of my layers, it turned out to be in the range of 70% on average per year and about 100% per season, and this is not counting manure. You should have seen my bow in autumn!

Moreover, all the feed is purchased. Only the production of moonshine can become a more profitable business. But in this case, representatives of the competent authorities will not let you sleep peacefully. This year I am thinking of buying more young animals in order to increase my livestock.

The main advantages of keeping chickens of the Hisex Brown cross:

  • chickens are suitable for keeping in an urban environment, very little free space is required;
  • you will have healthy vitamin products all year round;
  • individuals of Hisex Brown rush almost all year round, and you can easily realize the surplus, have a constant small income;
  • provide your garden and vegetable garden with quality fertilizers;
  • does not require much maintenance, you can easily make the process standalone.

I have a population of 63 Hisex Brown chickens, which produce an average of 50 eggs per day. My family and I don’t need that much, otherwise we ourselves will be crowing at speed. We sell surpluses among colleagues and acquaintances and very rarely on the market, such a quantity of products for regular customers is quite enough.

And it's not difficult in the morning, getting ready for work, to throw a couple of dozen fresh eggs into the car. We leave ourselves those that are smaller, in principle, what's the difference, children generally eat eggs only in baked goods -

The high egg production of the breed is a distinctive feature of these chickens, believe me, I have tried more than one breed before. Of course, if you do not observe the light regime, you will not achieve such a result. Even the cold is not of such fundamental importance, the main thing is that there are no drafts.

I will not lie, egg production in the winter period decreases even when the light bulb is on. In late autumn and winter, even with the optimal light regime, I get 20 - 25 eggs from my livestock. Of course, there is no profit, but also special losses, too, the chickens pay for themselves. My pets do not rush at all, only one month, usually in the second half of winter.

We are updating the Hisex Brown livestock

It is not a problem to buy a thoroughbred bird in Belarus. Poultry farms take out young animals to the markets of even regional centers, and it is not difficult to acquire grown poultry. Of course, you can start raising chickens on your own, but since these are hybrids, the egg production of the second generation will be less, but insignificantly, and in this case you save on buying young animals. The main thing is not to mix thoroughbred livestock with other poultry, especially with meat and meat-bearing representatives.

Incubating chicks is extremely easy. Only 21 days - and you have a bunch of yellow mongrels. He wrote about his experience in incubating goose eggs, but incubate chicken eggs much easier. A prerequisite for preserving the young is feeding them with special compound feed for chickens, at least up to one month of age. Of course, you need to gradually accustom yourself to homemade food, adding millet to the diet, and then wheat and other grain feeds. But the basis of feeding productive crosses, including Hisex Brown, is compound feed, you cannot save on this.

Hisex Brown chickens in our aviary

The temperature regime is no less important. Chickens are immediately placed in special pre-prepared wooden boxes. They are heated by conventional incandescent lamps. The top of the box is covered with an old blanket and the optimum temperature is created inside. So that God forbid there is a fire, it is better to nail a plank across the box, attach a light bulb and check the reliability of fixation. Put inside a feeder and a drinker with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. In good weather, you need to gradually accustom the young to walking, for this you need to put together a box in advance for keeping chickens outdoors. To protect against predators, it is advisable to fill the net on top.

Features of feeding and keeping hens

In order to get good egg production in the autumn-winter period, a light bulb is on in the hen house. We turn on the lights at 6 pm upon arrival from work and at about 10 pm, right before bed, turn off the lights for our pets. We feed adult chickens with grain mixture. To save money, we cook small potatoes, which we steamed with chicken and give to our bird as bait. Once or twice a week to maintain egg production at the proper level, we feed the hens with compound feed.

Hisex Brown chickens have a snack with a mash of boiled potatoes

You can, of course, not bother and feed the chickens with one compound feed, the egg production will be at a height, but taking into account the cost of such feed, it will be most profitable to buy eggs in the store or grow chickens for your own pleasure, you will not get a loss, but the profitability will be reduced to zero.

My conditions of detention are close to natural. Hisex Brown chickens are both closed and on the run. I gave them a decent plot and fenced them off with a one and a half meter fence made of mesh. For a chicken, such an obstacle is not an obstacle to entering the street or vegetable garden. Therefore, twice a season we carry out hairdressing procedures with my wife, we cut the feathers of the bird on one wing.

In winter, when there is no opportunity to feed the herd with green grass to get eggs good quality with a bright orange yolk, and not pale, as in some producers, we feed with carrots, cabbage and brooms, harvested in summer.

And finally, about the benefits of homemade eggs

Even when I was studying at the Agricultural Academy, the following experiment was carried out at the laboratory in biochemistry: a special reagent was added to the egg yolk, as a result, the color should have changed, indicating the presence of vitamin A. But no matter how much we dripped on the yolk of a factory egg, no reaction followed.

The laboratory assistant was upset, she thought it was a bad reagent. For the next lesson, one girl from the group brought a homemade egg, half a drop of solution was enough for the yolk to turn blue. I remembered it for the rest of my life! Draw conclusions.

Highsek chickens are quite popular in Russia and in other countries of the world. Moreover, they gained popularity in a fairly short time, since the name highsek was officially registered relatively recently - in 1970, in Holland.

In fact, the highsek is not an independent breed, but a cross or hybrid obtained as a result of crossing white chickens and famous for their high productivity.

Highsek history

In the photo is a highsek chicken

Highsek chickens inherited the white and light brown color from their relatives, which became the genetic basis for them. As you know, chickens of the White Leghorn breed have pure white plumage, and the New Hampshire chickens have light brown, or hazel, with a black tail; the representatives of the new cross inherited the same characteristics.

Dutch breeders from the Eurybrid Company set themselves the task of developing a breed that would have a high egg production, and they succeeded.

In our country, this subspecies began to be bred in 1974, first in the Crimea, and then in other regions and republics of the Soviet Union. Due to the high rates of high-sek egg production, they became quite popular all over the world, and already in the mid-80s of the 20th century they firmly established themselves in poultry farms in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, France, Holland, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, India. , Japan and China.

Description of highsek chickens

Highsek chickens are able to produce up to 320 eggs per year, each egg weighing about 65 grams. Laying hens are productive for 2-3 years. Puberty and the ability to lay eggs occurs at the age of about 4-5 months, the survival rate of chickens is in the range of 95-99%.

Consider the white and brown subspecies of highsek chickens separately with photos and descriptions.

White highsek chickens belong to the egg type and are characterized by low weight - 1.5-1.7 kg, activity and mobility. Laying hen of the white highsek begins to lay at the age of 140 days, and in the most productive first year it gives about 280 eggs weighing 63-65 grams. The eggs of the white subspecies of the Highsek breed are highly nutritious and low in cholesterol, so they are in constant demand among consumers.

Description of the cross: in appearance, white high-sek chickens almost do not differ from white leghorns. Their head is medium in size, the body is raised, wedge-shaped, narrowed towards the tail. The chest is wide, the belly is well developed, the legs are of medium length, the neck is long. The tail is wide, the crest is bright red, leaf-shaped, the plumage is dense.

The weight of an adult rooster reaches 2 kg, and hens 17, -18 kg.

Chickens of this breed are quite resistant to helminths, fungal and infectious diseases, such as salmonellosis, pullorosis, staphylococcus, streptococcus.

The disadvantage of white highsec is that the productivity of their layers decreases after 2-3 years, and by this time the meat becomes tough and tasteless - "rubbery". According to the reviews of business executives engaged in breeding highsecs, their meat is tasty only at the age of 1.5-2 years.

Chickens of the subspecies highsek brown belong to the egg-meat direction of productivity. They have a yellow-brown color of feathers, and a body larger than that of a white highsek.

Description of the cross: the head is small, the body is strong, dense, narrowed towards the tail, the chest is wide, slightly convex, the belly is medium in size, the tail is wide at the base, the legs are not large, the plumage is light brown or dark brown.

The live weight of adult males reaches 2.4-2.6 kg, laying hens about 2 kg. For a year, a brown highsec laying hen is capable of laying 300-305 eggs weighing up to 65 grams, with a dark and strong shell.

According to farmers, unlike white highsecs, brown ones have a calmer, phlegmatic character, and more vitality - the survival rate of their young animals reaches 99%. In addition, they almost do not reduce the number of eggs laid with a short-term reduction in feed volume. According to experts, the breed characteristics of chickens of various breeds, including highsecs, depend on the characteristics and conditions of detention, in different conditions these signs will manifest themselves in different ways.

Conditions of detention

Highsek laying hens, as well as other poultry, need to create normal conditions of detention. There should be enough space and space in the chicken coop - its area should be calculated within at least one square meter per 4 individuals.

The room should be warm, clean and dry, free of drafts, but with good ventilation. Hay or straw bedding should be changed as it gets dirty. Antiseptic treatment of the chicken coop should be carried out 1-2 times a year, and if a disease is detected in a bird, even more often. Preparations for disinfecting a chicken coop are sold at a veterinary pharmacy.

In winter, the temperature in the hen house should not be lower than 12 degrees. If the room is well insulated, additional heating in the room may not be needed.

The perches should be installed no higher than 60 cm from the floor, and all the rungs should be at the same level so that the layers do not have competition and struggle for higher places.

It is better to make a nest for laying eggs in the corner of the room, in a dark place - for this purpose, a wooden box or a wicker basket covered with straw is suitable. In addition, high-sek chickens are great for cage keeping, which has its pros and cons.

In winter, when daylight hours become short, additional, electric lighting should be used indoors, this will increase the egg production of chickens. The light in the chicken coop should be at least 12-15 hours a day, and in the morning it is better to turn it on at the same time so that the bird develops a reflex and there is no stress.

In the summer, the chickens should have the opportunity to walk in the yard, make them a fence with a canopy from the sun, put containers with sand and ash, throw uncut grass and weeds from the garden - they themselves will peck what they like.


Compound feed for chickens can be prepared independently, or bought ready-made. Ready-made feeds are more profitable in that you do not need to spend time preparing them, but often the quality of the mixture in the package is in doubt. Eating ready-made, factory feed, chickens may be left without the vitamins and minerals they need. In addition, such feeds are more expensive than those that are made on their own.

At home, mixes for layers should be made in the following proportion: corn and wheat 40% each, legumes - 20%. In addition, vitamin and mineral supplements should be added to the mixes - fish and bone meal, fresh herbs, meal, cake, fresh vegetables. The water in the drinking bowls should be slightly tinted with potassium permanganate - the pale pink solution will save the livestock from many infectious diseases.

Growing young animals

It is very difficult to breed high-quality chickens at home at home, so it is better to buy young animals at poultry farms or incubators. The sex of highsec chicks can be determined already at one day of age - males are lighter than females.

As a rule, chickens are hatched in spring or early summer - at this time it is already warm enough, and there is a lot of greenery, which greatly facilitates the task of growing and feeding the chickens. During active growth, it is better to feed them with compound feed with a high content of vitamins and minerals. Here greens, eggs, dairy products, bone and fish meal are also used.

If it is still quite cool and damp outside, the cages with chickens need to be additionally heated with special electric lamps. The room temperature should be higher than that of adult chickens, within 20-24 degrees Celsius.

Males can be separated from females at the age of 2-3 months - they do not need to be fed as intensively as layers, there is no need to transfer feed in vain. And in general, it is not worth keeping them for a long time, because in this cross with age, the meat becomes tough and tasteless.

According to farmers, birds of this breed are easy to keep both at home and in industrial enterprises.