
Radchenko read fortune-telling on coffee and tea. T. Radchenko - Fortune-telling on coffee and tea. Fortune telling on coffee and tea

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Tatiana Anatolyevna Radchenko

Fortune telling on coffee and tea


Nowadays everything large quantity people turn to magicians, psychics, fortune-tellers. When a person knows what awaits him, he has the opportunity and time to adjust his actions according to the circumstances. Fortune-telling techniques not only give clear answers to questions of interest, but also help to understand the development of a situation in a certain direction. "Forewarned is forearmed". Taking into account fortune-telling predictions, a person goes beyond the framework of cognitive reality and begins to use in life such opportunities that were previously hidden from his consciousness.

The life of any person is like an iceberg, most of which is submerged in water and hidden from view. The upper part of it is the life that is visible and really appreciated. Fortune-telling is designed to clarify the hidden part of our essence, our capabilities and reveal such moments that a person in everyday life may not notice. Fortune-telling can reveal the chance behind which well-being lies, and which one must be able to recognize in time. It makes it possible to find out different ways solving the situation, the advantages and disadvantages inherent in each option, and how to direct their efforts in the right direction.

With the help of the correct reading of the signs, you can find out the problems of today, the near future, news in your personal life; clarify business issues, find out the ulterior motives that affect life; analyze the surrounding reality; get a hint on how to quickly overcome a crisis situation.

The fortune-telling techniques provided in this book, despite their age, are applicable to modern life... In various textbooks on this topic, you can find different interpretations (the same difference can be traced in the Dream Interpretations). Having chosen any technique, you must read the explanations provided from beginning to end. Thus, your subconscious mind will have information that it will follow. In the subconscious mind, in a simplified state, there are four main blocks: emotional, visual(visual), kinesthetic(tactile) and program... In the programmatic, the lowest block, our further actions, opportunities and those tasks that we are destined to solve in this life are coded. The fortune-telling process establishes a connection between the subconscious and consciousness: both the fortune-telling signs and their interpretation are prompted by the subconscious, which has caught the question or desire to find out what is hidden. Since the fortune-telling sphere is the realm of the subconscious, you will strengthen a harmonious connection with it and a new interesting vision of the world may appear. Everything that was previously mysterious will open the veil of secrecy for you.

All recommended interpretations of oracle signs are universal, light, simple and accessible; and at the same time, given their importance, try to trust your own intuition. In magic, sorcery, fortune-telling, prophecy, along with well-established techniques and general rules of application, intuition plays an important role. Your inner voice will tell you the most suitable interpretation of the visible, the opportunity to highlight the main thing and stop attention on what is more consistent with the state of mind of the fortuneteller. If you have divination abilities, it would be unfair not to use them. If, in your opinion, there are no abilities, but there is an inclination and desire, you have chosen an excellent opportunity to develop something new in yourself - an inner vision, the ability to combine the past, present and future and, using prompts from “above”, become the master of your life path.

For women, communication with other people through fortune-telling techniques gives natural charm, special "charm" and mysterious attractiveness, regardless of age and appearance. You will become a witness of plans, hopes, joys, experiences, you will begin to feel more subtly the soul of another person and understand the hidden mechanisms of mutual trust.

For truthful fortune-telling, additional knowledge and personal experience are required. It is impossible to convey in printed words what can be gained by experience.

During fortune-telling, be extremely attentive to your own thoughts and feelings. Fortune telling is a creative process. Allocating more time for practice, you will feel a change in yourself, since fortune-telling not only develops intuition, but also sharpens the mind, promotes telepathy and clairvoyance. Thus, the art of divination is a good opportunity for an individual spiritual development... Further practice will reveal your personality, your own inner strength. You will notice that you have become more confident, sociable and have the opportunity to achieve success where you previously did not expect.

During fortune-telling, it is very important for another person to establish individual emotional contact and tune in to his wave of perception. Try to keep your personal opinion about the facts that you will predict to yourself. Be neutral in your judgment.

Chapter 1. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is quite popular and is very successful in obtaining the necessary information.

The countries of the East are considered the homeland of this fortune-telling, then it migrated to Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Armenia. This practice is now flourishing around the world.

Preparing for fortune-telling

It is best to use a medium-sized, round, non-kinked coffee cup for fortune telling with a white or light inner surface, without any decorations or ornaments (this is very important for clear recognition of signs). Sometimes the thick pours out of the inner surface of the cup and flows down the outside - such signs predict interesting unexpected surprises; therefore, if the outside of the cup is brightly painted, it can be difficult to interpret the event in question.

Coffee can be taken ready-made or ground by yourself, in which case it must be sifted through a strainer. The smaller the grind, the better the markings will be. Clots from coarse grinding can quickly crumble and disrupt the composition of signs.

Before brewing coffee, you should check with the person who wants to guess what kind of coffee he prefers: with sugar, slightly sweet or without sugar at all, since the process of drinking coffee in itself should be pleasant.

Usually one full teaspoon of coffee is recommended per cup, sugar - to taste, everything is thoroughly mixed and filled with water. The coffee is brought to a boil, "until the chaff." After stirring the coffee well, pour it into a cup and let it brew slightly. Before drinking coffee, it is advisable to distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the questions of interest. Sometimes it is enough to think: "Let what will appear."

After drinking coffee, turn the cup sideways, bottom to the left palm, and twist it slowly away from you so that the thick spreads on all sides of the cup. Then turn the cup over on the saucer.

On a saucer shows events that have occurred in the past, but still have an impact on life processes. Signs in the cup show the present and the future.

When interpreting, not only individual signs are taken into account, but also their combination. Sometimes complete pictures of actions appear on coffee, for example: a tree, a dog under a tree, a bird on a tree, a sun next to the crown, etc. In such cases, an explanation is given first of all the scattered small signs: dots, dashes, then individual drawings, and at the end - a figurative explanation of the totality of signs and the whole picture.

Visual division of a coffee cup into sectors

For a more specific divination, the inner surface of the cup is divided into four equal sectors (Fig. 1):

1 sector- the inside of the cup from the side of the handle;

2 sector- the surface to the right of the handle;

3 sector- the surface opposite the handle;

4 sector- the surface to the left of the handle;

The bottom of the cup is an individual sector.

The main significance of the sectors

Signs located in the first sector, show the near future ranging from several days to several weeks.

Signs located to the right of the handle (second sector), show everyday and everyday affairs of a certain duration.

Signs located in the third sector show personal and family life.

Signs located in the fourth sector give information about all strangers: friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues.

Signs located at the bottom of the cup, symbolize cordiality and those feelings that are very important to a person.

Significance of sectors by seasons

In the same way, the cup is divided, if you need to find out the events occurring in a particular season: winter, spring, summer, autumn (Fig. 2).

First sector- near the handle - shows the current season (for example, summer); then looks from left to right clockwise - second sector- to the right of the handle shows the events of the next season (autumn). Third sector- opposite the handle - denotes, in this case, the winter season: the last fourth sector in a circle to the left of the handle - the season of spring. This is how events throughout the year are displayed.

Signs located at the bottom of the cup, are considered summing up the year; they show how a person will be satisfied with the events that he will witness during the year.

Distribution of events throughout the month

Events during the month are also divided in time into four parts:

1 sector- events of the current week;

2 sector- events of the next week;

3 sector- events of the third week;

4 sector- events of the fourth week.

Signs at the bottom of the cup show personal events and emotional experiences throughout the month.

The time and period of the determined events are negotiated before the start of the fortune-telling.

If you want the most important events to appear without specifying a specific time, the signs in four sectors are interpreted as follows:

1 sector- what happened;

2 sector- what is;

3 sector- What will happen;

4 sector- how everything will end (the result of fortune telling);

at the bottom of the cup- personal attitude to events.

Before starting fortune-telling, you should find out the client's year of birth. This is necessary for the following: for example, the sign of the snake symbolizes boredom, coldness, cunning or jealousy, depending on which sector of the cup and near which figures it is located, carries one or another meaning. However, if a person was born in the year of the snake (1953, 1977, etc.), then in this case the sign of the snake can reflect this person personally.

The name of the year can be specified in the table.

Eastern Calendar Table

Zodiac signs can show the time of the month (unless these signs are on the bottom of the cup). For example, Libra is the center of autumn, the month of October, more precisely from September 23 to October 23.

Year of the Rat

1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996

Year of the Ox

1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997

Year of the Tiger

1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998

Year of the Cat (Rabbit)

1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999

Dragon Year

1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000

Year of the Snake

1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001

Year of the Horse

1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002

Year of the Goat (Sheep)

1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003

Year of the Monkey

1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004

Year of the Rooster

1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005

Year of the Dog

1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006

Year of the Pig

1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007

Clarification of time by the signs of the zodiac

The signs of the Zodiac, indicated not by drawings, but by symbols adopted in astrological practice, have a different meaning.

Chapter 2. Meaning of numbers

Basic meaning of numbers

1 - someone loves you;

2 - illness, failure;

3 - purchases, trade deals;

4 - you still hope;

5 - talk, gossip;

6 - wedding; there will be problems;

7 - family happiness;

8 - a quarrel with a loved one;

9 - new acquaintance;

10 - successful circumstances;

100 - happy circumstances, long life.

Additional meaning of numbers

Number 1

In the first sector- love occupies an important place in your life.

In the second sector- love of convenience.

In the third sector- true love.

In the fourth sector- love is combined with common work - office romance.

At the bottom of the cup- first love for oneself, then - for others. Large figure (more than 2 cm)- because of you they suffer or yearn.

Small unit- sympathy, emotional disposition. Two units- pride prevents you from opening your feelings. Reverse unit- hidden love.

Two units in the opposite direction- you are loved by two people who do not know each other.

Inverted unit- loneliness without love.

Two inverted units- "the crown of celibacy." Unit in horizontal position - the love of a married man.

Number 2

In the first sector- a bad day in the morning.

In the second sector- poor health.

In the third sector- failure in love.

In the fourth sector- will let the employees down.

At the bottom of the cup- weakening of immunity, if the number in the center is heart disease.

Big number 2- exaggeration of their troubles. Small number- minor mischief.

Two deuces- Today is bad, tomorrow it will be worse.

Deuce in the opposite direction- temporary deterioration of the situation.

Two deuces in the opposite direction- there is no end in sight to the problems.

Inverted deuce- bad things loved one. Two inverted deuces- someone from the inner circle will come under investigation.

Deuce in horizontal position- dangerous forgetfulness.

Number 3

In the first sector- a large purchase.

In the second sector- profitable trade deals.

In the third sector- a gift from a loved one.

In the fourth sector- clubbing with colleagues.

At the bottom of the cup- successful trade, your money attracts more money.

Big figure- large trade turnover.

Small number- debt recovery.

Two threes- a reliable companion will appear.

Reverse three- hidden purchase.

Two threes in the opposite direction- secret acquisition of a large item.

Three of a kind in a horizontal position- Trade fatigue.

Number 4

In the first sector- news of the performance of the expected.

In the second sector- hope for high patronage.

In the third sector- hope for mutual love.

In the fourth sector- hope for a wonderful holiday will come true.

At the bottom of the cup- you know how to anticipate events and you know what to hope for.

Big figure- everything you need will be done for you, and in the best way.

Small number- execution of small orders.

Two fours- you are surrounded by noble people, you can count on them.

Reverse fours- hope is slipping away.

Two fours in the opposite direction- drop all hopes, think over new options for opportunities.

Inverted four- count on and rely on you (if next to the letter D - what will you lend).

Two inverted fours- your naivety will be used for their own purposes.

Foursome in a horizontal position- lack of action to fulfill the hope.

Number 5

In the first sector- cases related to constant negotiations.

In the second sector- a lot of conversations with useless people.

In the third sector- discussion of your "other half" with a girlfriend or friend.

In the fourth sector- business conversation with superiors and colleagues.

At the bottom of the cup- your advice is convincing, they listen to you.

Big figure- convincing eloquence.

Small number- more people talk about you than you think.

Two fives- gossip.

Five in the opposite direction- you yourself dissolve the rumor.

Two fives in the opposite direction- the spread rumors in the company will turn against you.

Inverted five- you have a special opinion on everything and you will prove it.

Two inverted fives- questioning of witnesses.

Five in a horizontal position- a conversation with a lawyer.

Number 6

In the first sector- partial spending on a wedding that will not take place.

In the second sector- matchmaking is postponed due to some problems (near the letter D - due to material problems, near the letter В - due to unforeseen grief, etc.).

In the third sector- a wedding by means of deception.

In the fourth sector- re-registration of former spouses after divorce.

At the bottom of the cup- a good matchmaker.

Big figure- the intervention of strangers or loved ones in order to upset the wedding.

Small number- minor contentions due to wedding troubles.

Two sixes- simultaneous wedding of two friends or girlfriends.

Six in the opposite direction- the partner changed his mind about getting married.

Two sixes in the opposite direction- the wedding was destroyed by a rival.

Six in a horizontal position- registration without a wedding.

Number 7

In the first sector- constant help of her husband in family affairs.

In the second sector- you and your half are a perfect match.

In the third sector- unquenchable love between spouses.

In the fourth sector- a successful business in which the whole family is involved.

At the bottom of the cup- great family happiness.

Big figure- a big happy family.

Small number- anxiety of spouses for each other.

Seven in the opposite direction- the appearance of family happiness.

Two sevens in the opposite direction- you endure treason, because you are afraid to be left alone.

Inverted seven- your betrayal.

Two inverted sevens- because of your flirting, family relationships can be destroyed.

Seven in a horizontal position- a familiar family life without complications.

Number 8

In the first sector- on purpose pretend that you are offended.

In the second sector- disputes in the family to which you are involved.

In the third sector- discord of lovers over a trifle and mutual experience.

In the fourth sector- hot business disputes.

At the bottom of the cup- the desire to insist on one's own ends in a big scandal and discord.

Big figure- the bad consequences of the quarrel.

Little eight- spoiled mood with stinging words.

Two eights- protracted conflict.

Figure eight in a horizontal position- demonstrative silence and coldness.

Number 9

In the first sector- meeting with a person whom they are familiar with in absentia (via the Internet, etc.).

In the second sector- acquaintance with friends of close people.

In the third sector- romantic love acquaintance.

In the fourth sector- acquaintance with employees at a new job.

At the bottom of the cup- your coquetry attracts everyone more fans.

Big figure- an acquaintance that will turn your whole life.

Small number- a new acquaintance will not make a big impression on you.

Two nines- a friend of your partner wants to get to know you better.

Three nines- recruitment to a sect; acquaintance with religious fanatics.

Nine in the opposite direction- acquaintance with foreign partners.

Two nines in the opposite direction- secret acquaintances.

The meaning of double digits

1 2 - trouble because of love.

1 3 - love for trading shenanigans.

1 4 - hope for a meeting with the "prince on a white horse".

1 5 - gossipers.

1 6 - joy because of other people's failures.

1 7 - love in the family.

1 8 - curiosity about other people's scandals.

1 9 - I like to constantly change partners.

2 0 - a few more tests, and everything will be fine.

2 1 - such difficulties that there is no time for love.

2 3 - stagnation in trade.

2 4 - a proposal that was not supported by anyone.

2 5 - obscene language.

2 6 - all acquaintances do not lead to the wedding.

2 7 - disputes in the family because of the mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

2 8 - fight and injury.

2 9 - it would be better not to get acquainted.

3 0 - a prestigious business lady.

3 1 - love of hoarding.

3 2 - fight with companions.

3 4 - expansion of the scope of activity.

3 5 - exaggeration of their income.

3 6 - purchases for the wedding.

3 7 - a rich family.

3 8 - a quarrel with a companion.

3 9 - attracting new people to a pyramid-type enterprise.

4 0 is a fluke.

4 1 - you can count on the help of your beloved.

4 2 - red tape with government papers.

4 3 - hope for good earnings.

4 5 - agitation.

4 6 - the hope that the wedding with a rival will fail.

4 7 - reliable family rear.

4 8 - special provocations for a quarrel.

4 9 - new company.

5 0 - the ability to convince customers.

5 1 - interest in gossip and intrigue.

5 2 - panic due to disturbing news.

5 3 - premature calculation of income.

5 4 - agitation.

5 6 - different opinions about why the wedding did not take place.

5 7 - negotiations of the quarreling spouses through an intermediary.

5 8 - anonymous.

5 9 - a promise to introduce.

6 0 - rupture of relations for the better.

6 1 - loves, but does not intend to marry.

6 2 - born bachelor.

6 3 - organization of a wedding, toastmaster, agreements on payment.

6 4 - defamation of a rival.

6 5 - negotiation of matchmaking.

6 6 - the groom will not appear at the wedding.

6 7 - parents are against marriage or marriage.

6 8 - a dispute over inviting guests.

6 0 - acquaintance on the eve of the wedding.

7 1 - the family loves children very much.

7 2 - anxiety about the illness of one of the family members.

7 3 - gifts for the whole family.

7 4 - in the family they trust each other and take care of each other.

7 5 - discussion of neighbors.

7 6 - children do not make parents' weddings.

7 8 - discord in the family due to the temporary settlement of a relative.

7 9 - lodgers.

8 0 - a demonstration of resentment.

8 2 - a scandal and a call to the police.

8 3 - disputes with service personnel.

8 4 - incitement.

8 5 - accidentally overheard gossip.

8 6 - hesitation: spend money on a big wedding or just get by with registration.

8 7 - the arrival of the guest will disrupt family plans.

8 9 - quarrels due to the infidelity of the spouse.

9 0 - acquaintance of parents with their future son-in-law.

9 1 - meeting new friends while traveling.

9 2 - acquaintance in the hospital (clinic).

9 3 - meeting a businessman.

9 4 - holiday romance.

9 5 - meeting new neighbors.

9 6 - cunning pimping.

9 7 - acquaintance of rivals with each other.

9 8 - a painful impression of acquaintance.

The numbers located in the fourth sector closer to the handle indicate time: years and months. For example: 2 8 - two years and 8 months; 9 - nine months; 9 0 - nine years, etc.

Fortune telling on coffee and tea

"Fortune-telling on coffee and tea / Tatyana A. Radchenko": AST, Astrel; Moscow; 2007


If you want to know your future - do not rush to wash your cup after drinking tea or coffee! After all, as you know, tea and coffee grounds can say a lot about the "owner" of the cup. If you have divination abilities, it would be unfair not to use them. If there are no abilities, but there is an inclination and desire, you have chosen a great opportunity to develop something new in yourself - an inner vision, the ability to connect together the past, present and future and, using prompts from “above”, become the master of your life path.

This book, written by a hereditary fortuneteller, will help you learn the secret meanings of the symbols at the bottom of the cup and their relationship with the signs of the zodiac. The book also contains the ancient technology of fortune-telling using the table of predictions with detailed comments from the author.

T. A. Radchenko

Fortune telling on coffee and tea


Nowadays, more and more people are turning to magicians, psychics, fortune-tellers. When a person knows what awaits him, he has the opportunity and time to adjust his actions according to the circumstances. Fortune-telling techniques not only give clear answers to questions of interest, but also help to understand the development of a situation in a certain direction. "Forewarned is forearmed". Taking into account fortune-telling predictions, a person goes beyond the framework of cognitive reality and begins to use in life such opportunities that were previously hidden from his consciousness.

The life of any person is like an iceberg, most of which is submerged in water and hidden from view. The upper part of it is the life that is visible and really appreciated. Fortune-telling is designed to clarify the hidden part of our essence, our capabilities and reveal such moments that a person in everyday life may not notice. Fortune-telling can reveal the chance behind which well-being lies, and which one must be able to recognize in time. It makes it possible to find out the various ways to resolve the situation, the advantages and disadvantages inherent in each option, and how to direct your efforts in the right direction.

With the help of the correct reading of the signs, you can find out the problems of today, the near future, news in your personal life; clarify business issues, find out the ulterior motives that affect life; analyze the surrounding reality; get a hint on how to quickly overcome a crisis situation.

The fortune-telling techniques provided in this book, despite their age, are applicable in modern life. In various textbooks on this topic, you can find different interpretations (the same difference can be traced in the Dream Interpretations). Having chosen any technique, you must read the explanations provided from beginning to end. Thus, your subconscious mind will have information that it will follow. In the subconscious mind, in a simplified state, there are four main blocks: emotional, visual(visual), kinesthetic(tactile) and program. In the programmatic, the lowest block, our further actions, opportunities and those tasks that we are destined to solve in this life are coded. The fortune-telling process establishes a connection between the subconscious and consciousness: both the fortune-telling signs and their interpretation are prompted by the subconscious, which has caught the question or desire to find out what is hidden. Since the fortune-telling sphere is the realm of the subconscious, you will strengthen a harmonious connection with it and a new interesting vision of the world may appear. Everything that was previously mysterious will open the veil of secrecy for you.

All recommended interpretations of oracle signs are universal, light, simple and accessible; and at the same time, given their importance, try to trust your own intuition. In magic, sorcery, fortune-telling, prophecy, along with well-established techniques and generally applicable rules, intuition plays an important role. Your inner voice will tell you the most suitable interpretation of the visible, the opportunity to highlight the main thing and stop attention on what is more consistent with the state of mind of the fortuneteller. If you have divination abilities, it would be unfair not to use them. If, in your opinion, there are no abilities, but there is an inclination and desire, you have chosen an excellent opportunity to develop something new in yourself - an inner vision, the ability to combine the past, present and future and, using prompts from “above”, become the master of your life path.

For women, communication with other people through fortune-telling techniques gives natural charm, special "charm" and mysterious attractiveness, regardless of age and appearance. You will become a witness of plans, hopes, joys, experiences, you will begin to feel more subtly the soul of another person and understand the hidden mechanisms of mutual trust.

For truthful fortune-telling, additional knowledge and personal experience are required. It is impossible to convey in printed words what can be gained by experience.

During fortune-telling, be extremely attentive to your own thoughts and feelings. Fortune telling is a creative process. Allocating more time for practice, you will feel a change in yourself, since fortune-telling not only develops intuition, but also sharpens the mind, promotes telepathy and clairvoyance. Thus, the art of fortune-telling is a good opportunity for individual spiritual development. Further practice will reveal your personality, your own inner strength. You will notice that you have become more confident, sociable and have the opportunity to achieve success where you previously did not expect.

During fortune-telling, it is very important for another person to establish individual emotional contact and tune in to his wave of perception. Try to keep your personal opinion about the facts that you will predict to yourself. Be neutral in your judgment.

T. A. Radchenko

Fortune telling on coffee and tea


Nowadays, more and more people are turning to magicians, psychics, fortune-tellers. When a person knows what awaits him, he has the opportunity and time to adjust his actions according to the circumstances. Fortune-telling techniques not only give clear answers to questions of interest, but also help to understand the development of a situation in a certain direction. "Forewarned is forearmed". Taking into account fortune-telling predictions, a person goes beyond the framework of cognitive reality and begins to use in life such opportunities that were previously hidden from his consciousness.

The life of any person is like an iceberg, most of which is submerged in water and hidden from view. The upper part of it is the life that is visible and really appreciated. Fortune-telling is designed to clarify the hidden part of our essence, our capabilities and reveal such moments that a person in everyday life may not notice. Fortune-telling can reveal the chance behind which well-being lies, and which one must be able to recognize in time. It makes it possible to find out the various ways to resolve the situation, the advantages and disadvantages inherent in each option, and how to direct your efforts in the right direction.

With the help of the correct reading of the signs, you can find out the problems of today, the near future, news in your personal life; clarify business issues, find out the ulterior motives that affect life; analyze the surrounding reality; get a hint on how to quickly overcome a crisis situation.

The fortune-telling techniques provided in this book, despite their age, are applicable in modern life. In various textbooks on this topic, you can find different interpretations (the same difference can be traced in the Dream Interpretations). Having chosen any technique, you must read the explanations provided from beginning to end. Thus, your subconscious mind will have information that it will follow. In the subconscious mind, in a simplified state, there are four main blocks: emotional, visual(visual), kinesthetic(tactile) and program. In the programmatic, the lowest block, our further actions, opportunities and those tasks that we are destined to solve in this life are coded. The fortune-telling process establishes a connection between the subconscious and consciousness: both the fortune-telling signs and their interpretation are prompted by the subconscious, which has caught the question or desire to find out what is hidden. Since the fortune-telling sphere is the realm of the subconscious, you will strengthen a harmonious connection with it and a new interesting vision of the world may appear. Everything that was previously mysterious will open the veil of secrecy for you.

All recommended interpretations of oracle signs are universal, light, simple and accessible; and at the same time, given their importance, try to trust your own intuition. In magic, sorcery, fortune-telling, prophecy, along with well-established techniques and generally applicable rules, intuition plays an important role. Your inner voice will tell you the most suitable interpretation of the visible, the opportunity to highlight the main thing and stop attention on what is more consistent with the state of mind of the fortuneteller. If you have divination abilities, it would be unfair not to use them. If, in your opinion, there are no abilities, but there is an inclination and desire, you have chosen an excellent opportunity to develop something new in yourself - an inner vision, the ability to combine the past, present and future and, using prompts from “above”, become the master of your life path.

For women, communication with other people through fortune-telling techniques gives natural charm, special "charm" and mysterious attractiveness, regardless of age and appearance. You will become a witness of plans, hopes, joys, experiences, you will begin to feel more subtly the soul of another person and understand the hidden mechanisms of mutual trust.

For truthful fortune-telling, additional knowledge and personal experience are required. It is impossible to convey in printed words what can be gained by experience.

During fortune-telling, be extremely attentive to your own thoughts and feelings. Fortune telling is a creative process. Allocating more time for practice, you will feel a change in yourself, since fortune-telling not only develops intuition, but also sharpens the mind, promotes telepathy and clairvoyance. Thus, the art of fortune-telling is a good opportunity for individual spiritual development. Further practice will reveal your personality, your own inner strength. You will notice that you have become more confident, sociable and have the opportunity to achieve success where you previously did not expect.

During fortune-telling, it is very important for another person to establish individual emotional contact and tune in to his wave of perception. Try to keep your personal opinion about the facts that you will predict to yourself. Be neutral in your judgment.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is quite popular and is very successful in obtaining the necessary information.

The countries of the East are considered the homeland of this fortune-telling, then it migrated to Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Armenia. This practice is now flourishing around the world.

Preparing for fortune-telling

It is best to use a medium-sized, round, non-kinked coffee cup for fortune telling with a white or light inner surface, without any decorations or ornaments (this is very important for clear recognition of signs). Sometimes the thick pours out of the inner surface of the cup and flows down the outside - such signs predict interesting unexpected surprises; therefore, if the outside of the cup is brightly painted, it can be difficult to interpret the event in question.

Coffee can be taken ready-made or ground by yourself, in which case it must be sifted through a strainer. The smaller the grind, the better the markings will be. Clots from coarse grinding can quickly crumble and disrupt the composition of signs.

Before brewing coffee, you should check with the person who wants to guess what kind of coffee he prefers: with sugar, slightly sweet or without sugar at all, since the process of drinking coffee in itself should be pleasant.

Usually one full teaspoon of coffee is recommended per cup, sugar - to taste, everything is thoroughly mixed and filled with water. The coffee is brought to a boil, "until the chaff." After stirring the coffee well, pour it into a cup and let it brew slightly. Before drinking coffee, it is advisable to distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the questions of interest. Sometimes it is enough to think: "Let what will appear."

After drinking coffee, turn the cup sideways, bottom to the left palm, and twist it slowly away from you so that the thick spreads on all sides of the cup. Then turn the cup over on the saucer.

On a saucer shows events that have occurred in the past, but still have an impact on life processes. Signs in the cup show the present and the future.

When interpreting, not only individual signs are taken into account, but also their combination. Sometimes complete pictures of actions appear on coffee, for example: a tree, a dog under a tree, a bird on a tree, a sun next to the crown, etc. In such cases, an explanation is given first of all the scattered small signs: dots, dashes, then individual drawings, and at the end - a figurative explanation of the totality of signs and the whole picture.

Visual division of a coffee cup into sectors

For a more specific divination, the inner surface of the cup is divided into four equal sectors (Fig. 1):

1 sector- the inside of the cup from the side of the handle;

2 sector- the surface to the right of the handle;

3 sector- the surface opposite the handle;

4 sector- the surface to the left of the handle;

The bottom of the cup is an individual sector.

The main significance of the sectors

Signs located in the first sector, show the nearest time ranging from several days to several weeks.

Signs located to the right of the handle (second sector), show everyday and everyday affairs of a certain duration.

Signs located in the third sector show personal and family life.

Signs located in the fourth sector give information about all strangers: friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues.

Signs located at the bottom of the cup, symbolize warmth and those feelings that are very important to a person.

K - buy yourself a cross.
JI is personal love interest.
M is the value of opinion.
N - reliable deeds.
P - insincerity.
R - love to drink.
C - cases.
T - acquaintance.
Y is luck.
F - fantasies.
X - get married (get married).
C - sensuality.
4 - doubtful situations.
Ш - stable position,
Щ - special circumstances.
Yu - upsetting moments.
I - life will get better.
The letters on the side of the cup opposite to the handle denote the first letters of the name.

Specific meaning of letters by sector

Letter A
In the first sector- today you will learn the taste of victory and success.
In the second sector- victory in the competition.
In the third sector- victory on the "love" front.
In the fourth sector- a prize or award.
Capital letter- pleaded guilty to you; remorse of the guilty.
Small letter- the fight and victory did not bring much joy.
Two letters A- further victories are guaranteed to you.
Inverted letter- strong opponent; alternating success.
Two inverted letters- long visits to the authorities or courts will eventually be crowned with success.
Letter A in horizontal position- fatigue from constant opposition.
Letter B
In the first sector- all papers have been prepared for your superior position.
In the second sector- leadership and leadership.
In the third sector- the desire to rule in love.
In the fourth sector- campaigning for your elections.
At the bottom of the cup- power over your passions.
Big letter B- successful promotion to the chief.
Small letter B- the ability to speak in an imperious tone.
Two letters B- division of power.
The letter B in the opposite direction- time to pull yourself together, otherwise you will lose power and strength.
Two letters in the opposite direction- removal from a high position.
Inverted letter B- exaggeration of their power.
Two inverted letters B- deception is that you are "one step higher" than you really are.
Letter B in a horizontal position- you will temporarily replace your boss.
Letter B
In the first sector- Tedious discussion of bad news.
In the second sector- sympathy in grief.
In the third sector- big troubles in personal life.
In the fourth sector- defeat or loss of the whole team.
At the bottom of the cup- a strong heart experience.
Capital letter- a bad diagnosis (if near the number 2 there is a protracted chronic illness).
Small letter- by all accounts, this is not grief yet.
Two letters B- trouble after trouble.
The letter B in the opposite direction- a fictitious nuisance in order to gain sympathy.
Two letters B in the opposite direction- false news about the incident.
The letter B is upside down- deliberate display of exaggerated suffering.
Letter G
In the first sector- you need to consecrate the house or place of work.
In the second sector- to put candles on the saints: George the Victorious, Nicholas the Pleasant or those by whose name you are named.
In the third sector- for a happy life you need to get married.
In the fourth sector- visit the church to bless your deeds.
At the bottom of the cup- start the day with a prayer for peace of mind and soul.
Big letter G- help from higher powers.
Small letter G- appease your brownie.
Two letters Г- wear talismans and amulets from the evil eye.
The letter G in the opposite direction- you are considered "eye-catching".
Two letters G in the opposite direction- you are suspected of witchcraft.
Inverted letter G- atheism, disbelief.
Two inverted letters G- superstition.
The letter G in a supine position- religious hypocrisy.
Letter D
In the first sector- time savings.
In the second sector- deliberate concealment of their income due to unwillingness to lend.
In the third sector- alphonies.
In the fourth sector- delayed wages.
At the bottom of the cup- worries about debt.
Big letter D- lack of money, poverty.
Small letter D- a lot of small debts.
Two letters D- the loan is not affordable.
Inverted letter D- unpaid business.
Two upside-down letters D- bankruptcy, fraud by the "financial pyramid".
The letter D in a horizontal position- living at the expense of relatives.
Two letters D horizontally- homelessness.
Letter E
In the first sector- a feeling of complexes.
In the second sector- a calm life with a clear conscience.
In the third sector- always ethical behavior.
In the fourth sector- shame for the one who was trusted.
At the bottom of the cup- only moral, ethical deeds are peculiar to you.
Big letter E- an appeal to conscience.
Small letter E- regret about some actions.
Two letters E- increased self-criticism.
The letter E in the opposite direction- a secret dishonest act that you want to forget as soon as possible.
Two letters E in the opposite direction- remorse for not helping a person in trouble.
Inverted letter E- disappointment in justice.
Two inverted E letters- cheating without a twinge of conscience.
The letter E in a horizontal position- relying on sincerity, benevolence of loved ones.
Letter Ж
In the first sector- desire for a holiday, but so far gray days.
In the second sector- active, lively participation in an interesting business.
In the third sector- a fun meeting.
In the fourth sector- a clubbing after receiving the money.
At the bottom of the cup- a positive attitude towards life.
Big letter Ж- durability and endurance.
Small letter Ж- loss of composure.
Two letters Ж- long rest and boredom at work and team.
Letter Ж in a horizontal position- good life experience; timely correct decisions.
Letter 3
In the first sector- lingering problems.
In the second sector- a lot of worries at work and at home.
In the third sector- a protracted romance with a married man who promised to divorce.
In the fourth sector- all business will soon have to be redone in a new way.
At the bottom of the cup- nerves are playing pranks.
Big letter 3- constant worries do not give rest.
Small letter 3- daily care of children.
Two letters 3- troubles because of strangers (if the letters are very small - because of other people's children).
Letter 3 in the opposite direction- "window dressing" in business.
Two letters 3 in the opposite direction- cheating on what you are working on.
Letter 3 in horizontal position- imitation of fatigue.
Letter I
In the first sector- mental anxiety.
In the second sector- anxious expectation of a commission or an audit.
In the third sector- upset due to a delayed date.
In the fourth sector- anxiety about contraction.
At the bottom of the cup- the need to calm down (drink valerian, etc.).
Big letter I- you are too impressionable nature.
Small letter I- interest in disturbing events abroad.
Two letters I- disturbing news.
Letter I in the opposite direction- reading foreign press.
Two letters AND in the opposite direction- in-depth study foreign language; polyglot.
The letter I in a horizontal position- phlegmatic attitude to bad news.
Letter K
In the first sector- cross in the morning.
In the second sector- buy a cross and have spiritual protection.
In the third sector- purchase or make a talisman for love spells.
In the fourth sector- attending a religious meeting or spiritual fellowship.
At the bottom of the cup- purity of thoughts.
Big letter K- an increase in faith, religiosity.
Small letter K- belief in omens.
Two letters K- observance of the fast.
The letter K in the opposite direction- individual (secret) visit to the church.
Two letters K in the opposite direction- religion.
The letter K in a horizontal position- meditation.
Two letters K in a horizontal position- yoga classes.
Letter L
In the first sector- observance of personal interest.
In the second sector- the benevolence of people.
In the third sector- love communication.
In the fourth sector- the desire to be alone.
At the bottom of the cup- light flirting will grow into love.
Big letter L- love is more important to you than anything else.
Small letter L- doubts about your feelings: either you love this person, or not.
Two letters L- Simultaneous sympathy for two personalities.
The letter L in the opposite direction- external indifference to the subject of sympathy.
Two letters L in the opposite direction- the feeling that you have been bewitched.
Inverted letter L- a sudden outburst of feelings.
Two inverted letters L- correspondence love for the chosen idol.
The letter L in a horizontal position- your love is always under the control of reason.
Letter M
In the first sector- your plans need revision, clarification and approval.
In the second sector- empty chores due to ill-considered actions.
In the third sector- the illusion of love.
In the fourth sector- mitigation of disagreements in connection with common affairs.
At the bottom of the cup- meaningless, empty dreams.
Big letter M- exaggerated gloomy prospects.
Small letter M- the ability to live with fantasies.
Two letters M- melancholy, withdrawal.
Inverted letter M- annoying thoughts.
Two inverted M letters- fear of being abandoned.
The letter M in a horizontal position- escape from reality.
Letter H
In the first sector- a reliable business.
In the second sector- self-righteousness.
In the third sector- reliable partner.
In the fourth sector- you will always have someone to rely on in difficult times.
At the bottom of the cup- You can only rely on yourself.
Big letter H- openness to the world, trust.
Small letter H- hope for children.
Two letters H- money in a safe place.
The letter H in a horizontal position- the belief that you will not be let down by those on whom you are counting.
Letter P
In the first sector- advice to keep your mouth shut.
In the second sector- provocation.
In the third sector- an insincere relationship.
In the fourth sector- deception in the calculation.
At the bottom of the cup- the habit of lying.
Big letter P- cheating a large number of people.
Small letter p- the child began to lie.
Two letters P- to live off the naivety of people.
Inverted letter P- spousal deception.
Two inverted letters P- the birth of an illegitimate child.
The letter P in a horizontal position- housing adventure.
Letter P
In the first sector- a reason to drink.
In the second sector- participation in drunken showdowns.
In the third sector- Showdown drunk.
In the fourth sector- everyday drinks after work.
At the bottom of the cup- drinking distraction due to personal troubles.
Big letter P- chronic alcoholism.
Small letter P- periodic binge.
Two letters P- unrestrained drunkenness.
The letter P in the opposite direction- home brewing.
Two letters P in the opposite direction- alcohol poisoning.
Inverted letter P- clandestine trade in alcoholic beverages.
Two upside-down letters P- clandestine production of alcoholic beverages.
Letter C
In the first sector- a chance meeting with first love.
In the second sector- dubious rivalry.
In the third sector- the third and then another marriage.
In the fourth sector Is a friend not to be trusted.
At the bottom of the cup- stinginess to oneself.
Big letter C- everything will end happily.
Small letter C- small pleasures.
Two letters C- receiving conflicting information.
The letter C in the opposite direction- to be punished.
Two Cs in the opposite direction- getting rid of fear.
The letter C in a horizontal position- great conceit.
Letter T
In the first sector- the first acquaintance.
In the second sector- a device for service through the connections of a friend.
In the third sector- acquaintance at a wedding.
In the fourth sector- acquaintance with a military man.
At the bottom of the cup- there will be a good occasion for acquaintance.
Big letter T- an intermediary in acquaintance.
Small letter T- dating agency services.
Two letters T- speaking to a new audience.
Inverted letter T- you will be confused with another person.
Two inverted T letters- an acquaintance will pretend not to know you.
The letter T in a horizontal position- the importunity of a new acquaintance.
Letter Have
In the first sector- the correct calculation for luck.
In the second sector- an active fan.
In the third sector- luck in love.
In the fourth sector- satisfactory period.
At the bottom of the cup- you need to give your heart a rest.
Big letter U- success among friends.
Small letter U- successful completion of the course.
Two letters U- big ambitions.
The letter U in the opposite direction- good luck in a hopeless case.
Two letters Y in the opposite direction- an enviable success where it was not expected.
Inverted letter U- you were ahead of you.
Two inverted U- a holiday for your competitors.
The letter U in a horizontal position- life itself successfully directs you in the right direction.
Letter F
In the first sector- you are entertained by your own fantasies.
In the second sector- reading old books or watching any TV show out of boredom.
In the third sector- a painful showdown.
In the fourth sector- a philosophical outlook on life.
At the bottom of the cup- they will forget to invite you to the holiday.
Big letter F- a big fan of idols.
Small letter F- an interesting hobby and enjoyable hobbies.
Two letters F- rehearsal for the upcoming conversation.
The letter F in a horizontal position- "doing nothing", "lazy", passive rest.
Letter X
In the first sector- the choice of attire for the wedding.
In the second sector- filing an application for registration.
In the third sector- wedding for love.
In the fourth sector- an unsuitable marriage.
At the bottom of the cup- jealousy of a friend that she is getting married.
Big letter X- a secular wedding.
Small letter X- village wedding.
Two small letters X- silver wedding.
Two letters X- golden wedding.
The letter X horizontally- wedding of middle-aged people.
Letter C
In the first sector- a fun start to a relationship.
In the second sector- pleasant attention from a partner.
In the third sector- you will kiss a lot.
In the fourth sector- good news in matters of the heart.
At the bottom of the cup- a seductive offer.
Big letter C- attractive sexual energy.
Small letter C- you are too modest.
Two letters C- visiting a disco, club.
The letter C in the opposite direction- there are many secrets and secrets from their parents.
Two letters C in the opposite direction- connection with a person of Caucasian nationality.
Inverted letter C- the partner is still a boy.
Two inverted letters C- all gentlemen are younger than you.
The letter C in a horizontal position- decided to take a break from communication and turned off the phone.
Letter H
In the first sector- calculation errors.
In the second sector- dependence on violent people.
In the third sector- complications in the relationship.
In the fourth sector- keep your plans secret.
At the bottom of the cup- "black" thoughts do not give rest.
Big letter H- emergency.
Small letter H- excessive enthusiasm for slot machines.
Two letters H- passion for the occult sciences.
The letter H in the opposite direction- a joke with humiliation.
Two letters H in the opposite direction- involvement in dark machinations.
Inverted letter H- reading conspiracies.
Two inverted letters H- the influence of magic.
The letter H in a horizontal position- “Barabashka” settled in the house.
Letter W
In the first sector- time to thank you for your assistance.
In the second sector- collective congratulations to the birthday man.
In the third sector- gifts and flowers for loved ones.
In the fourth sector- corporate party in honor of an important date.
At the bottom of the cup- an acquisition for the soul.
Big letter Ш- the owner of a restaurant or club.
Small letter W- ostentatious chic.
Two letters Ш- construction of a mansion.
Inverted letter W- a very hidden nature.
Two inverted letters W- an isolated way of life.
Letter U
In the first sector- forced generosity.
In the second sector- discussion of your candidacy.
In the third sector- love adventure without continuation.
In the fourth sector- settlement of a court case.
At the bottom of the cup- nervous fatigue.
Big letter U- excessive custody.
Small letter U- original surprises.
Two letters U- a generous offering.
The letter U in the opposite direction- annoying calls.
Two letters Щ in the opposite direction- annoying environment.
Inverted letter U- a modest position.
Two inverted letters U- humiliating expectation.
The letter Щ in a horizontal position- thoughts of retaliation for those who decided to make a bad joke on you.
Letter E
In the first sector- past events affect the current state of affairs.
In the second sector- meeting a fellow countryman on a long journey or abroad.
In the third sector- memories of previous feelings.
In the fourth sector- meeting of former classmates.
At the bottom of the cup- menopause.
Big letter E- visiting native places (near the cross - the graves of relatives).
Small letter E- desire to move to a small town or village.
The letter E in the opposite direction- second youth.
Two letters E in the opposite direction- active improvement actions appearance and figures.
The letter E in a horizontal position- familiar environment.
Letter U
In the first sector- upsetting moments.
In the second sector- life surrounded by elderly people.
In the third sector- late love.
In the fourth sector- wise advice.
At the bottom of the cup- a sense of accomplishment.
Big letter U- new plans after retirement.
Small letter u- you do not feel your age.
Two letters U- health group.
The letter Yu in the opposite direction- caring for an elderly person.
Two letters Yu in the opposite direction- the likelihood of ending days in a nursing home.
The letter U in a horizontal position- honor in old age.
Letter I
In the first sector- settling a disputable situation.
In the second sector- correct understanding of the situation.
In the third sector- argue over who you need.
In the fourth sector- petition for the right person will be crowned with success.
At the bottom of the cup- personal care.
Big letter I- become the initiator of a happy event.
Small letter i- leading position in the team.
Two letters I- great confidence.
The letter I in the opposite direction- the ability to obey.
Two letters I in the opposite direction- put up with slavery.
Inverted letter I- a new vision of their capabilities.
Two inverted letters I- great selfishness.
The letter I in a supine position- a convenient daily routine.

Chapter 4. Meaning of figures and signs

ANGEL- protection of higher powers.
Angel near the moon- getting rid of misfortunes and diseases.
Angel near the star- spiritual cleansing.
Angel near several stars- illumination with ideas "from above".
Angel near the sun- knowledge of the truth.
Angel near the sword- just retribution.
Angel near the cross- righteous life.
Angel near the figure of a man- self-knowledge.
Angel near the clock- the time has come for spiritual development.
Angel near the book- reading religious literature.
Angel near the heart- soul renewal.
An angel near a dove- the decision to change life for the better.
Angel near the tree- spiritual energy.
Angel near a dark cloud- loss of Christian symbolism.
Angel near number 3- purchase, acquisition of Christian symbols (icons, cross, incense, etc.).
Angel in the third sector- patronage of matrimony.
Angel in the fourth sector- the blessing of deeds.
Two angels- patronage of the whole family.

STORK- change of seats (if the stork is in flight).
Stork near the road- long journeys with return.
Stork at the bottom of the cup- the birth of a long-awaited child.
Stork on the roof of the house- purchase of your own living space.
Stork near a small square- change of apartment.
Stork in the nest- creating a family.
Stork in the fourth sector- getting an advantageous place.
Stork near the circle- Peace on Earth.
Stork near the star- you will ascend very high.
Stork near the baby- pregnancy.
Stork with ring- the long separation from the beloved is over.
Stork with a tower- a big government post.
Stork with letter- good news.
Stork with ship- trip abroad.
Stork with airplane- flight abroad.
The stork sign, regardless of its location, is always a good, good sign.

AQUARIUM WITH FISH- your apartment is a gathering place for all friends.
Aquarium with one fish- a symbol of the fulfillment of a made wish.
Aquarium with two fish- someone else will settle in your apartment.
Aquarium with fish next to the cat- the temptation to set someone up.
Aquarium over the entire size of one side of the cup- an increase in living space by several rooms more.
Aquarium near the tree- one and the same group of friends for many years of life.
Aquarium with many small fish- a large company of children.
Aquarium near the rattle- a nursery.
Aquarium near the square- Kindergarten.
Aquarium near the small flag, pennant- summer camp for children.
Aquarium near the ball- children's competitions.

SHARK- a dangerous case.
Shark near the cross- involvement in a risky venture.
Shark near number 2- warning of illness due to negligence.
Shark with open mouth near a stork- dangerous pregnancy.
Shark surrounded by small fish- a high-ranking person with great self-importance.
Two sharks- friendship of big tycoons.
Shark near number 8- a dangerous dispute.
Shark upright- the privileges of children at the expense of influential parents.
Shark near the trellis- arrest of a prominent figure.
Shark near the hedge- the charge to be dropped.
Shark near the house- blackmailing neighbors.
Shark near the road- an emergency before your eyes.

WATERMELON- everyday or "seasonal" desires.
Watermelon near the horseshoe- the beginning of a successful streak of life through an interesting find.
Watermelon near many small dots- the desire to use other people's money.
Two watermelons- contact with like-minded people.
Small watermelons- contacts in an atypical way.
Watermelon near the letter E- exploiting the weaknesses of relatives.
Cracked watermelon- the time spent in the hospital during the summer season, if near the number 2 - the operation at this time.
Watermelon surrounded by slashes- it will take a lot of nerves to fulfill the desire.
Watermelon near a straight horizontal line- your work will bring joy to you and others.
Watermelon near a small curly tree- summer pleasures.
Watermelon near the tree- spending the whole summer in the village or in the country.

HARP- participation in collective events.
Harp near the Sun- a great ceremony.
Harp near the crown- an audience.
Harp near the image of the Lion- satisfied vanity.
Harp near a woman- disclosure of creative potential after 30 years.
Harp near the treble clef- enjoyment of music.

T. A. Radchenko

Fortune telling on coffee and tea


Nowadays, more and more people are turning to magicians, psychics, fortune-tellers. When a person knows what awaits him, he has the opportunity and time to adjust his actions according to the circumstances. Fortune-telling techniques not only give clear answers to questions of interest, but also help to understand the development of a situation in a certain direction. "Forewarned is forearmed". Taking into account fortune-telling predictions, a person goes beyond the framework of cognitive reality and begins to use in life such opportunities that were previously hidden from his consciousness.

The life of any person is like an iceberg, most of which is submerged in water and hidden from view. The upper part of it is the life that is visible and really appreciated. Fortune-telling is designed to clarify the hidden part of our essence, our capabilities and reveal such moments that a person in everyday life may not notice. Fortune-telling can reveal the chance behind which well-being lies, and which one must be able to recognize in time. It makes it possible to find out the various ways to resolve the situation, the advantages and disadvantages inherent in each option, and how to direct your efforts in the right direction.

With the help of the correct reading of the signs, you can find out the problems of today, the near future, news in your personal life; clarify business issues, find out the ulterior motives that affect life; analyze the surrounding reality; get a hint on how to quickly overcome a crisis situation.

The fortune-telling techniques provided in this book, despite their age, are applicable in modern life. In various textbooks on this topic, you can find different interpretations (the same difference can be traced in the Dream Interpretations). Having chosen any technique, you must read the explanations provided from beginning to end. Thus, your subconscious mind will have information that it will follow. In the subconscious mind, in a simplified state, there are four main blocks: emotional, visual(visual), kinesthetic(tactile) and program. In the programmatic, the lowest block, our further actions, opportunities and those tasks that we are destined to solve in this life are coded. The fortune-telling process establishes a connection between the subconscious and consciousness: both the fortune-telling signs and their interpretation are prompted by the subconscious, which has caught the question or desire to find out what is hidden. Since the fortune-telling sphere is the realm of the subconscious, you will strengthen a harmonious connection with it and a new interesting vision of the world may appear. Everything that was previously mysterious will open the veil of secrecy for you.

All recommended interpretations of oracle signs are universal, light, simple and accessible; and at the same time, given their importance, try to trust your own intuition. In magic, sorcery, fortune-telling, prophecy, along with well-established techniques and generally applicable rules, intuition plays an important role. Your inner voice will tell you the most suitable interpretation of the visible, the opportunity to highlight the main thing and stop attention on what is more consistent with the state of mind of the fortuneteller. If you have divination abilities, it would be unfair not to use them. If, in your opinion, there are no abilities, but there is an inclination and desire, you have chosen an excellent opportunity to develop something new in yourself - an inner vision, the ability to combine the past, present and future and, using prompts from “above”, become the master of your life path.

For women, communication with other people through fortune-telling techniques gives natural charm, special "charm" and mysterious attractiveness, regardless of age and appearance. You will become a witness of plans, hopes, joys, experiences, you will begin to feel more subtly the soul of another person and understand the hidden mechanisms of mutual trust.

For truthful fortune-telling, additional knowledge and personal experience are required. It is impossible to convey in printed words what can be gained by experience.

During fortune-telling, be extremely attentive to your own thoughts and feelings. Fortune telling is a creative process. Allocating more time for practice, you will feel a change in yourself, since fortune-telling not only develops intuition, but also sharpens the mind, promotes telepathy and clairvoyance. Thus, the art of fortune-telling is a good opportunity for individual spiritual development. Further practice will reveal your personality, your own inner strength. You will notice that you have become more confident, sociable and have the opportunity to achieve success where you previously did not expect.

During fortune-telling, it is very important for another person to establish individual emotional contact and tune in to his wave of perception. Try to keep your personal opinion about the facts that you will predict to yourself. Be neutral in your judgment.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is quite popular and is very successful in obtaining the necessary information.

The countries of the East are considered the homeland of this fortune-telling, then it migrated to Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Armenia. This practice is now flourishing around the world.

Preparing for fortune-telling

It is best to use a medium-sized, round, non-kinked coffee cup for fortune telling with a white or light inner surface, without any decorations or ornaments (this is very important for clear recognition of signs). Sometimes the thick pours out of the inner surface of the cup and flows down the outside - such signs predict interesting unexpected surprises; therefore, if the outside of the cup is brightly painted, it can be difficult to interpret the event in question.

Coffee can be taken ready-made or ground by yourself, in which case it must be sifted through a strainer. The smaller the grind, the better the markings will be. Clots from coarse grinding can quickly crumble and disrupt the composition of signs.

Before brewing coffee, you should check with the person who wants to guess what kind of coffee he prefers: with sugar, slightly sweet or without sugar at all, since the process of drinking coffee in itself should be pleasant.

Usually one full teaspoon of coffee is recommended per cup, sugar - to taste, everything is thoroughly mixed and filled with water. The coffee is brought to a boil, "until the chaff." After stirring the coffee well, pour it into a cup and let it brew slightly. Before drinking coffee, it is advisable to distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the questions of interest. Sometimes it is enough to think: "Let what will appear."