
Metaphysics of Katason history download fb2. "Paper ruble" by S. Sharapov


In the twentieth century, the United States managed to become a hegemon. In the 21st century, America is the only superpower, the world's creditor and the world's gendarme. And it owes all this to the Federal Reserve System, the structure that stands behind all American politics.

This year will be the centenary of the Federal Reserve, serving as central bank USA. For a century, politicians and politicians constantly appeared in the country. statesmen who tried to curb a private corporation with the sly label "US Federal Reserve System." Today, for most Americans, the threats associated with the permanent financial and economic crisis have become obvious. Gradually, an understanding began to emerge of the role played by the banksters and the US Federal Reserve, which owns the "printing press," in creating this crisis. But the Fed is becoming the target of criticism and harsh attacks not only from the Americans.

This is the first Russian Fed survey. Its author is Valentin Katasonov, professor of the department international finance MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. He penned many monographs and books on how modern financial ...

The economic war against Russia has been going on for a long time, but only now has it taken on such decisive and frightening forms. For the first time in many years, our country is on the verge of a real blockade. Russian property abroad is being arrested, trade is frozen, the world seems to be frozen on the verge of a real war, and now its dress rehearsal is being held.

Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov - professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics - is known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes sides of the global financial system. His new book deals with the hot topic of "economic war". Our country has taken up the challenge and entered the battle on the economic front. But is Russia ready for such a war and can it win?

Valentin Katasonov believes that there are chances of victory, but at the same time, the Russian economy cannot resist without contacts with the West. How to get between Scylla and Charybdis and this new book of the famous economist will tell.


Probably the most significant event in the second half of 2014 in Russia was the financial crisis and the sharp drop in the ruble against almost all reserve world currencies. And, according to analysts, this is only the beginning of a deep crisis.

What events can we expect in the near future in the Russian economy and financial sphere?

The ruble is the same visible and weighty symbol of national sovereignty Russian Federation like her anthem, coat of arms and flag. So why is he left at the mercy of the "independent" from Russian state Central Bank of Russia - a branch of the US Federal Reserve System? Why does the “fifth column” within Russia control the financial symbol of Russian sovereignty?

How can Russia protect the ruble and its economy from the aggression of the West and its agents waging an economic war against our country for complete destruction? This is the new book by Professor Valentin Katasonov.


The famous Russian economist Valentin Katasonov is sure that the Western sanctions against Russia are another episode of the eternal economic war of civilizations, where the main "military force" is the American dollar. And this "weapon" is controlled by the FRS (Federal Reserve System) created back in 1913 - an independent federal agency the US government, which is both the center of national emission and the center of emission of the world's reserve currency.


The fundamental work of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Economics Valentin Katasonov examines the history and ideology of capitalism - a monetary civilization that created a new system of slavery, more effective than the traditional slave system.

The author convincingly proves that the basis of capitalism is the ideology of Judaism, dividing the whole world into a certain chosen minority and the rest of humanity, called to serve him. Katasonov explores the genesis of the development of capitalism from Of the ancient world to the present day, showing the formation of tax and debt slavery.


Will the 21st century be called Chinese? Will the yuan be gold? Are we going to buy “red” currency instead of “green” currency in exchange offices? Or will the Chinese dragon collapse from the financial skies without defeating the almighty dollar?

What can we expect from the new hegemon of the world economy - China - in the near future? Will he become the detonator of a new wave of the global crisis? Or - the economic and political center of a beautiful new world? About this - in the new book by Professor Valentin Katasonov. Read on and you will be ready for what is to come.


Many are convinced that “progress” is taking place in the world, that is, the process of acquiring more and more complete knowledge by man and mankind. However, there is knowledge and "knowledge." One knowledge brings a person closer to what philosophers call the absolute truth, while another "knowledge" can lead him away from this truth. We live in a time when man and mankind are moving by leaps and bounds along the road that leads man further and further from the truth. And the guide that leads mankind along this road turns out to be, strange as it may seem to many, science. Science, as many believe, is a social institution entrusted with the mission of cognizing nature, society, and man. However, today there are many signs that it has become a sect. Moreover, a sect that has a frankly anti-Christian orientation. A striking proof of this is a pseudoscientific theory called "Darwinism".


Valentin Yurievich Katasonov is a professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes sides of the global financial system. In his books, he shows who and how regulates financial flows in the world and, most importantly, why Russia, with many unresolved internal problems, is now sponsoring the West and sending billions of dollars there.

According to the author, the powerful banking clans of the West, primarily the Rothschilds, have long developed their own global financial doctrine, and they are doing everything to ensure that Russia invariably remains a monetary and raw material appendage of Western civilization.

How this doctrine was developed, what concrete actions were taken and are being taken to implement it, what role is assigned to the current Russian government in it - Valentin Katasonov dwells on all this in detail in his new book presented to your attention. The materials provided by the author have been collected over the years and are exclusive.


The book aims to explain the socio-economic model of the modern world. It is called differently: "market economy", "post-industrial society", "capitalism", etc. However, such terms do not fully reveal the essence of this model. The author defines it as "money civilization". It is based on usurious capital, which today is represented by banks, investment funds, and other financial companies. Usury capital has built a world financial pyramid, with the help of which it exploits most of humanity, economic and political control over individual countries and the world.

The book reveals the structure and functioning of this financial pyramid. Dan historical overview centuries-old struggle of usurers for power, which the author called "permanent monetary revolution." Particular attention is paid to Russia, which was also drawn into the global financial pyramid and occupied one of the lower floors there. An overview of alternative socio-economic models is given, ideas for the liberation of Russia from the rule of world usurers are formulated.



A systematic analysis of the root causes of the global financial and economic crisis provides a wealth of problematic material for research at seminars and lectures with students and senior students of economic universities and faculties.

The author examines the origin and formation of the so-called "money civilization" or market economy in the context of the spiritual and moral evolution of society. Overcoming the permanent crisis, according to the author, is possible only with the complete dismantling of the "monetary civilization". The rather radical conclusion of the author allows us to maintain and deepen interest in the study of economic disciplines. Retrospective-predictive presentation of the material allows the reader to build his own causal scenarios, models of the present and the future, allows him to agree with the author or oppose him, which makes the book an effective textbook.


The latest events in the world economy, which began in Cyprus in March 2013, are an excellent educational material on which our Russian kleptomaniacs can be shown that they are always "suckers" for the global financial oligarchy.

The European Union authorities have decided to confiscate a significant part of depositors' funds in Cypriot banks. A few months later, Brussels approved the application of the Cyprus-tested bank bailout scheme in all countries of the European Union. Tomorrow this scheme can be legalized on a global scale. In fact, before our eyes, there is a rejection of the cornerstone principle of capitalism - "holiness" and "inviolability" of private property.

Global expropriation begins in the interests of a narrow group of the financial oligarchy. In the very near future, it may strike Russia as well. The author proposes a program of measures to protect our country from global expropriation in the context of the economic war unleashed by the United States and the West against Russia.


The book presents an attempt at a metaphysical understanding of the history of mankind from Ancient rome to the present day. Despite many changes in everyday life, the incredible development of the productive forces, the appearance of many technical innovations, man and society in ancient Rome and our time are surprisingly similar. We habitually call the society of that time the slave system, and the modern society - capitalism. Meanwhile, at that time there was slave capitalism, and in our time we have capitalist slavery. Two thousand years ago, humanity found itself on the brink of an abyss. Today it is balancing on the same precipice.


This book, for the first time in more than a hundred years since the publication of the works of German sociologists Max Weber and Werner Sombart, returns to a fundamental understanding of the religious and spiritual roots of modern capitalism. The author subjects the work of these sociologists to a critical analysis, separates the "grain" from the "chaff" in their concepts, reveals new phenomena in capitalism, caused by the spiritual transformations of man and society in the XX - early XXI centuries. The work puts forward the fundamental thesis that today all major world religions are undergoing a process of transformation into a single world religion, which the author conventionally calls the "religion of money." Such a "diagnosis" is extremely important for humanity to realize the deep reasons for the impending crises and cataclysms and consciously begin to dissociate itself from the "religion of money." In the final part of the work, a Christian (Orthodox) alternative to capitalism is presented in a concise form.


The proposed book by the well-known economist MGIMO professor Valentin Katasonov is devoted to the topic of reparations, which is little covered in the Russian media and in our literature. There is a false idea that reparations are a phenomenon of bygone days. That their story ended in the 50s of the last century, when Germany stopped paying reparations to the winners of the Second World War. However, it is not. The author shows that even the story of reparations from the Second World War is still far from being closed. In addition, today some countries pay reparations for other wars. At the beginning of the 21st century, a number of states began preparing claims against other states in order to obtain compensation for damages of various kinds (not necessarily caused by wars and military operations). Sometimes for this they have to deal with the "reshaping" of history. The author calls this new phenomenon "the commercialization of history" and "the monetization of interstate relations."

The book pays special attention to modern Russia as the legal successor of the USSR. Some countries of the near abroad (primarily the Baltic ones) are preparing claims for the Russian Federation for damages for the so-called "Soviet occupation". The author debunks the insolvency of such claims. At the same time, the book contains estimates that show that the USSR received reparations from Germany in an amount equivalent to only 3-4% of the damage that our country suffered during the Second World War. The author believes that it is too early to put an end to the history of German reparations.


Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov, professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, is known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes sides of the global financial system. His new book focuses on the hot, but little-researched topic of "economic war". The current economic sanctions, organized by the West against Russia in connection with the events in Ukraine, are perceived as a sensational event. Meanwhile, the author convincingly shows that economic wars, with the participation of our country, have been waged for decades.

The author paid special attention to "counter-sanctions", the experience of Russia's opposition to blockades and embargoes. Valentin Yuryevich gives a forecast for the future of today's sanctions, how Russia will deal with them. And Katasonov's predictions come true almost always!


The Spanish Civil War (1936), Japan's attack on China (1937), Hitler's Anschluss of Austria and the capture of Czechoslovakia by Germany (1938) ... How many European inhabitants of the second half of the 30s suspected that these were not local conflicts, which are always enough in the world, and the first stage of a new - the bloodiest in history - world war, that it is the great powers that are building their geopolitical and economic positions before grabbing each other's throats?

Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria ... Perhaps, in half a century, historians will call the "local" wars in these countries the first stage of the Third World War?

It remains to find out where the new Armageddon will begin.

Can today's Ukraine, like Poland once did, become an apple of discord among the great powers and a pretext for a nuclear fire that sweeps humanity off the face of the planet?

How can we avoid a big war?

Who designed and why political crisis in Kiev, which turned into a bloody massacre in the South - East?

How long is the bloodless Ukrainian economy left to live, which is increasingly losing its gold and foreign exchange reserves?

How will the collapse of the largest country in Europe affect Russia, and what should we do in order not to collapse after Ukraine into the abyss?

The answers to these questions can be found in the new book by Doctor of Economics, Professor Valentin Katasonov, dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis and ways out of it.


In the twentieth century, the United States managed to become a hegemon. In the 21st century, America is the only superpower, the world's creditor and the world's gendarme. And it owes all this to the Federal Reserve System, the structure that stands behind all American politics.

This year will mark the centenary of the Federal Reserve as the central bank of the United States. Over the century, politicians and statesmen have constantly appeared in the country who tried to curb the private corporation with the sly name of the US Federal Reserve. Today, for most Americans, the threats associated with the permanent financial and economic crisis have become obvious. Gradually, an understanding began to emerge of the role played by the banksters and the US Federal Reserve, which owns the "printing press," in creating this crisis. But the Fed is becoming the target of criticism and harsh attacks not only from the Americans.

This is the first Russian Fed survey. Its author is Valentin Katasonov, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. He penned many monographs and books on how the modern financial system functions.


Interest in the Stalinist era of Russian history in our society remains invariably high, including the economy of this era. The book of Doctor of Economics V. Yu. Katasonov - one of the leading economists of modern Russia - reveals the essence of the Stalinist economy, shows its unique character not only in comparison with the economies of other countries, but also the economy of the USSR in the early and late periods. The topic of the Stalinist economy is currently quite taboo, since against its background any models of the so-called "market economy" imposed on Russia fade. The author breaks through the conspiracy of silence around this topic, gives a detailed description of such elements of the Stalinist model of the economy as centralized management and planning, a single-tier banking system, a double-circuit money circulation, a state monopoly of foreign trade and a state currency monopoly, a cost-control mechanism, public consumption funds, etc. According to the author, the unique experience of state building based on the Stalinist model of the economy may be extremely useful for the economic and political revival of Russia.



The book is devoted to the little-studied topic of "economic war". For many, the current economic sanctions against Russia, organized by the West in connection with the events in Ukraine, are perceived as a sensational and unprecedented event. The author shows that there is nothing sensational in this, since the economic war against our country has been fought for almost a century, since the end of 1917. The book examines the main stages, goals and methods of the economic war against Soviet Russia, USSR, Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the experience of our country's countering various sanctions, blockades and embargoes. The most powerful response of the Soviet Union to the economic war of the West was Stalin's industrialization, during which 9,000 enterprises were built. The country received full economic independence. The state monopoly of foreign trade has become an important instrument of industrialization and ensuring economic independence. The book proposes a program for confronting the current "economic war" against our country, taking into account domestic and world experience.


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Katasonov Valentin Yurievich - Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship.

Graduated from MGIMO in 1972.

2001-2011 - Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. 1991-1993 - UN Consultant (Department of International Economic and social problems). 1993-1996 - Member of the Advisory Council under the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Russian Program for Organization of Investments in Environmental Rehabilitation (World Bank project on environment). Specialist in the field of environmental economics, international capital flows, project finance, investment management.

Author of ten monographs, including: "Great Power or Environmental Power?" (1991), “Project finance as a new method of organizing investment in the real sector of the economy” (1999), “Capital flight from Russia” (2002), “Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary and financial aspects” (2002) and others.

Since January 2012, he has been the head of the Russian Economic Society. SF Sharapova, is the editor-in-chief of the printed organ of the REO - the magazine "Nashe Delo".

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