
Mantek chia Taoist practices. Mantek chia - cultivation of female sexual energy. Neigong - the art of body rejuvenation


Manewan Chia, Douglas Abrams, Rachel K. Abrams

Taoist secrets of love for two

Taoist sex art is a five thousand year old tradition that knows the secrets of male and female multiple orgasm. The purpose of this knowledge system is to help people who love each other make sex more enjoyable and healthier. This book is a sequel to the international bestseller Taoist Secrets of Love Every Man Should Know and offers the theory and practice of Multi-Orgasmic Healing Love as taught in the school of the modern Taoist master Mantak Chia.



Multiple orgasm for all men

Sexual harmony

Loss of sexual wisdom

The search for sexual wisdom

Sex is health

New Sexual Evolution


Chapter 1

Orgasm and ejaculation

The nature of orgasm

Multiplication of orgasms










Restraining ejaculation






From genital orgasms to full body orgasms

Chapter 2

The power of desire: multiple orgasms for women

Desire is the energy of life.



Strengthening Desire: Exploring Your Erotic Potential



Get to know your body






Unleashing your orgasmic potential






Your sexy muscle




The path to multiple orgasms


Nine Steps to Multiple Orgasms for Any Woman






STEP 6: G -3 OHA





How not to miss the Big Bang: overcoming anorgasmia








Chapter 3

Better than chocolate, better than coffee:

Your energy

Energy in your body


Sexual energy

Generating, converting and storing energy






Orgasmic Pull Up








The importance of sexual energy



Chapter 4

Give pleasure to each other

Fire and Water

Men - Yang, women - Yin

Excitement: boiling water and a riot of fire

Harmony of desires




Studying the mechanisms of our body



Body parts















Gongfu language: oral sex for men

Gongfu mouth: oral sex for women



Deep and shallow movements

Finding the optimal rhythm

Depth, direction and speed

Screwing in

The pinnacle of excitement

Chapter 5

Sexual Healing

Fountain of youth

Sexual Energy Healing


Examining your genitals

Taossian vaginal massage


Daossian penis massage

Healing Poses









Circulation of sexual energy



Multiorgasmic marathons and fast sex

Ejaculation and loss of energy

Strengthening the genitals


Safe sex and sexual health


Energy of creation and destruction

Chapter 6

Love for real

Developing self-love



Love for a partner



Love can be controlled too


Strength and compassion


Chapter 7

Sexuality and spirituality

« Morning prayer»


Union: fusion and orgasms of souls


Universal love

Transformation of sexual energy into spiritual

Compassion and Other Virtues of the Spiritual Life

Developing empathy


Manifesting yourself

Chapter 8

How to make love throughout your life

The rise and fall of desire

Harmony of desires

Sexuality without sex







Love is getting stronger and stronger

Sexual health for older women



Sexual health for older men



Sexual health for couples

Maintaining sexual charge

Don't make sex a sport

The main secret of sexuality

Secrets open to everyone

WARNING:These practices are very effective.The techniques and exercises described in this book can have a profound and beneficial effect on your health and sex life. However, we refrain from diagnoses and prescriptions. If you are sick with something, see your doctor first. If you have high blood pressure, a bad heart, or a weak body, you shouldn't put too much stress on yourself.

Practice is fun.This book is based on three thousand years of real sexual experience, and the authors are well aware of the amount of effort, however pleasant, it takes to change your sex life. Learning sexual secrets is one thing, but using them is another. The techniques presented in this book have been tested and refined by millions of lovers over the centuries. We have tried to describe these methods as simply and clearly as possible, but still, in order to benefit from them, systematic practice is required.


Perhaps some information about the authors will help you better understand this book and the benefits of multiple orgasms. To begin with, we decided to participate in the writing of this book with Mantak and Manewan Chia, since we never actually intended to write a book about sex.

We accidentally became interested in Taoist sexuality when Rachel went to medical school and Doug studied and worked ten hours a day. We were surprised to find that, thanks to some Taoist techniques, our lovemaking began to give us much more pleasure than before; in addition, we have much more energy for work and life in general.

Taoist sexual art, also called “the art of sleeping quarters,” is a 5,000-year-old tradition that contains comprehensive information on male multiple orgasm and other secrets of sexual gratification. The purpose of this knowledge system is to help people who love each other make sex more enjoyable and healthier. Given the shyness and false information that most of us have associated with sex from early childhood, Taoist sexual art is a real revelation for Western culture.

We gave books on Taoist sexuality to our friends to read; they said that a lot of things seemed great to them, but it was not entirely clear where and how to start. Unfortunately, there has never been a simple guidebook that clearly explains to men and women how to experience multiple orgasms and discover the healing, emotional and spiritual aspects of sex. In the end, after numerous requests from our friends, we decided to try to write such a book.

After careful research of the existing literature, we have come to the conclusion that the most competent and credible experts in this field are Mantak and Maniwan Chia. Mantek Chia studied with Taoist masters for many years and, based on the knowledge gained, he developed a unique system, which he called "Healing Love". This system allows you to enhance the healing effect of sex, as well as pleasure and passion. Mantek Chia has taught thousands of people around the world, trained hundreds of mentors and is considered to be an excellent specialist in the field of Taoist sexuality, as well as in such effective Taoist practices as Tai Chi and Qigong.

We knew immediately that the Taoist masters were excellent doctors and researched sexuality using precise scientific methods. We were primarily interested in the practical benefits that modern readers can derive from this ancient teaching. We wanted to combine Taoist ideas and techniques, which have been perfected over several thousand years, with the latest achievements modern science.

We decided to first write a book for men and called it Multi-Orgasmic Man *, since the effectiveness of Healing Love depends largely on the man's ability to develop his sexuality and, ideally, have multiple orgasms. This book turned out to be very relevant and was read by hundreds of thousands of people in more than twelve countries around the world.

Since the release of that book, readers have constantly asked us when we will write a book for couples that will allow women to learn the method of Healing Love. Finally, after years of creative research and work, we offer readers the Taoist secrets of love for couples. We hope that we have not deviated from the foundations of the ancient Taoist tradition and at the same time provided our readers with information that will be necessary and very useful in the modern world of sexual chaos. We wish you and your partner (or future partner) to experience, through the techniques and exercises described in this book, the joy and pleasure that we ourselves have experienced thanks to the Healing Love Method.

In the Russian edition: "Taoist secrets of love that every man should know"; we have substituted such a name in the text in all references to this book. - Approx. ed. Mantak Chia

Manewan Chia

Douglas Abram

Rachel K. Abrame


This statement may be shocking to many, but men are as capable of multiple orgasms as women. With this book, you and your partner will learn how to achieve full body multiple orgasms. By learning how to have multiple orgasms, you can enjoy sex much more than before. You will also be able to achieve sexual harmony and higher levels of emotional intimacy and ecstasy.

Multiple orgasm for all men

Few know that men are capable of multiple orgasms. Although this fact has been known in the East for several thousand years, and in the West it was proven by Alfred Kinsey and other sex scientists back in the 1940s, it is still perceived with amazement by most men and women.

In our previous book, Taoist Secrets of Love Every Man Should Know, we reviewed the advancements of modern science and presented ancient techniques for achieving multiple orgasms for men. Thus, we have tried to write a guide to the development of sexuality for men. This new book is an attempt to write a guide for both partners that would allow them to get more pleasure and benefit from sex.

Multiple orgasm for all women

While it is well known that women are capable of multiple orgasms, over 50% of women have never had multiple orgasms, or only occasionally have an orgasm. In this book, we explain to all women how to achieve multiple orgasms, and to those who already know how to experience it, how to deepen and intensify the pleasant sensations accompanying it.

Sexual harmony

If both partners know how to experience multiple orgasms, they can reach the pinnacle of sexual pleasure together. This ability allows men and women to synchronize their sexual rhythms and desires, which contributes to the achievement of harmony in both sexual and human relationships.

But sensual pleasure, however exquisite and beautiful, is just the beginning.

Physical health, emotional closeness and spiritual growth

Throughout this book, we have used the sexual experiences of many generations to show how sexual energy can be used to develop many different aspects of life and relationships with a partner - physical health, emotional intimacy, and even spirituality. Modern man is devoid of integrity: he perceives his genitals separately from the rest of the body, and his body - separately from the spirit. In this book, we explain how to reunite these elements to achieve levels of health, intimacy, and spiritual union that many are unaware of.

Loss of sexual wisdom

We have lost most of our sexual wisdom. Our time is characterized as great sexual freedom,

and great sexual chaos. Sexuality is widely used to influence our perception, yet it still has many misconceptions and false shame. Many readers are simply embarrassed to ask a bookstore for a book about sex (even more so about multiple orgasms!). Unfortunately, this is not surprising, since most religions view sex through the prism of fear and moralism. As a result, most of us have deep-seated anxiety, if not shame, associated with our sexual needs and desires.

It takes many people years to shake off this false shame and unleash their sexual potential. Even people with a "healthy" attitude towards sex are embarrassed to talk with a partner about their desires and fantasies. You no doubt tell your partner where he should massage your back, but for some reason you are embarrassed to tell him where to massage your genitals. The key to overcoming the false shame that holds our sexuality back is to accept that our sexual needs and desires are completely natural and to embrace a healthier and more holistic attitude towards them.

The search for sexual wisdom

In this book, we outline the basics of Taoist sexuality. Originally, the scientists and philosophers of ancient China called themselves Taoists (approximately in VI century BC), who were engaged in the study of issues related to health and spirituality. We call the Taoist sexual tradition "Healing Love" because the Taoists believed sex to be an effective way to heal themselves and their partner. This knowledge system is also often referred to as "Sexual Kung Fu." Chinese word gongfu (often pronounced as kung Fu etc.) translates as “practice,” therefore, “sexual gun-fr is just a sexual practice (and not hand-to-hand combat, which unfolds in bed).

Sex is health

The Taoists were excellent doctors, so they were interested in physical health as much as in sexual pleasure. Sex for Taoists is primarily associated with health, not morality.

The Taoists carefully researched the healing power of sex. Taoist doctors sometimes prescribed their patients not traditional medicines, but lovemaking in one position or another, depending on the type of illness.

Taoist sexuality — or, as we call it in this book, Healing Love — emerged as an important branch of Chinese medicine, and an active sex life in Ancient China was considered a guarantee of health and longevity. Modern medical research shows that this is actually the case. V western culture sex in old age is treated as something not quite decent: "old people, but there too ...". Taoists, on the other hand, have always treated sex in old age completely different. They believed that sex is a very important element of our life throughout its entire course.

The Taoists studied sex no less seriously and thoroughly than other areas of medicine, so they could well be called the first sexologists. If we study culinary art to enjoy delicious food, why not study sexuality to enjoy lovemaking?

Sexual harmony and love until death

The Taoists believed that marital happiness is impossible without sexual harmony, and they were guided by this very idea, developing the sexual art. Like any modern doctor, they knew that problems in bed can completely destroy the relationship between a man and a woman. But sexual harmony is not easy to achieve. Very often, the sexual needs of partners vary greatly in character and strength. This is explained not only by individual differences, but also by the fact that the mechanisms of sexual arousal for women and men operate in completely different ways.

Taoists associated these differences with the existence of male and female sexual energy (Yang and Yin, respectively). We will explain how these energies affect your sexuality and how they can be manipulated to meet the needs of both partners.

It should be noted that although the Taoists primarily considered sexual harmony between a man and a woman, the practices described below can also be used by homosexual couples. From a Taoist point of view, each of us has both masculine and feminine energy, therefore the main goal of partners - different or of the same sex - is to achieve energetic harmony.

New Sexual Evolution

Although many of the Taoist practices described in this book were developed over two thousand years ago, they are relevant and effective to this day. In the last two decades, since the secrets of Taoist sex, which have long been known only to initiates, have become available to modern couples, a profound sexual evolution has been taking place in the bedrooms of the Western world. We hope that the sexual arts and sexual science presented in this book will help you in the way they have helped thousands of others around the world.

Before you can enjoy the joys of Healing Love, you must unleash your sexual potential. In the first part of this book, we first explain how to learn to have multiple orgasms. Then, in Chapter 3, we'll discuss how to manipulate sexual energy to experience full-body orgasms. Knowing how to manage the energy of your body is very important for the correct execution of the exercises described in the second part of the book.



Chapter 1

Fireworks: Multiple Orgasm in Men

In this chapter, you will learn:

How to separate orgasm from ejaculation

How to develop sexual strength and sexual sensitivity for orgasm without ejaculation

How to learn to have multiple orgasms

Any man can have multiple orgasms. To do this, he only needs an understanding of male sexuality and the knowledge of a few simple techniques. Multiple orgasms not only enhance the pleasure of sexual intercourse, but also open up a new sexual world for partners. Unfortunately, the sexuality of most men is based on the urge to ejaculate, not to prolonged orgasm. A man who has learned to experience multiple orgasms is able to fully satisfy not only himself, but also his partner. Multiple orgasm is one of the finest gifts a man can give to his partner and to himself. For women, this chapter - if they are reading it - will help them better understand this little-studied ability that their partners develop in themselves.

Orgasm and ejaculation

In order to learn to have multiple orgasms, you must know the basics of your anatomy. The most important point in this section is that orgasm and ejaculation are completely separate phenomena.

This idea seems surprising to most men (and women), so we must explain it. Let's first define the concepts of "orgasm" and "ejaculation". Physiologically, orgasm is the contraction and throbbing that most men experience in their penis, prostate, and pelvic region. These phenomena are accompanied by an increase in heart rate and respiration, an increase in blood pressure and, at the very end, a sudden drop in tension *.

* In this chapter, we briefly summarize the information provided inour first book. For more information on male multiple orgasm, see the first three chapters of The Taoist Secrets of Love Every Man Should Know. - Approx. authors.

Of course, orgasm is much more than just mechanical physiological changes. For most people, this is the culmination of a sexual relationship, one of the most intense and enjoyable experiences. If you've ever had an orgasm, and almost all men have, you know what we're trying to describe here.

Ejaculation is simply a reflex that occurs at the base of the spine and ends with the ejaculation of semen. In short, it's just an involuntary muscle spasm, albeit a very pleasant one.

Many men believe that orgasm is what they experience during ejaculation, but in fact, most of the pleasant sensations associated with ejaculation are possible without it.

Below we look at the scientific evidence that men can have multiple orgasms, but let's start with your own personal experience. It is possible that you have experienced multiple orgasms at some point in your life. Many men are known to experience it during childhood and adolescence, even before they ejaculate.

As you may know, boys begin to produce sperm (and thus gain the ability to ejaculate) during their teens, usually around thirteen. However, most of them start masturbating earlier and orgasm without ejaculation.

Many boys continue to masturbate after one orgasm, as the erection does not weaken without ejaculation. Alfred Kinsey, a pioneer in the study of sex, writes in his famous book, Male Sexual Behavior, that half of prepubertal boys (twelve years of age and younger) have two orgasms in a row, and almost a third have five or more orgasms in a row. Kinsey concludes that "an orgasm without ejaculation is possible."

But multiple orgasms are not limited to adolescence. Kinsey also studied a group of adult men and came to the following conclusion: "Orgasm can occur without ejaculation ... These men had a real orgasm, which was easily recognized, even if there was no ejaculation." Sex therapist Dr. Herant Kachaduryan, professor at Stanford University and author of the textbook Fundamentals of Human Sexuality, explains it this way: “Some men are able to retain semen [avoid ejaculation] during orgasmic contractions; in other words, they have orgasms without ejaculation. Such orgasms are not accompanied by a weakening of erections, which allows these men to experience them several times in a row, like women. " Although the male multiple orgasm has been known for a long time, its study was disorganized. The first laboratory studies of this phenomenon were conducted by sex scientists William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian. The trials involved thirty-three men who could have two or more orgasms without weakening their erections.

During intercourse of the studied men with partners, Hartman and Fitian measured their heart rate, which varied from 70 beats per minute at rest to 120 beats per minute at orgasm (see Fig.). They also measured the intensity and frequency of contractions in the pelvic region (most convenient for monitoring involuntary contraction of the anus that begins during orgasm). The results were startling: the male multiple orgasm arousal curve did not differ from the multiple orgasm arousal curve. v women.

Chia Maniwan, Chia Mantek - Cultivating Female Sexual Energy - read the book online for free


This book, together with the already published book "Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" and the forthcoming books "Awakening Healing Energy Through the Tao," "Taoist Methods for Converting Stress into Vitality," and mastering the lowest levels of the unified "System of Healing Tao", developed today by the modern Teacher of "Practical Taoism" on the basis of the synthesis of many teachings of East and Southeast Asia. At higher levels of this system, students improve their healing abilities, which can be directed both inwardly and at others, master the skills of controlling internal energies in application to martial arts, reach various "levels of enlightenment" and the development of spirit and consciousness.

The methods of the so-called "Ovarian Kung Fu" described in this book allow a woman to preserve and increase her sexual energy and transform it into more perfect forms capable of healing and revitalizing all vital organs and glands of the body. Practiced alone, the techniques offered here allow a woman to have a healing effect on her body and have experiences that far exceed the usual orgasm, and when practiced in pairs, especially with a partner who also practices the parallel, masculine, Seed Kung Fu methods, rise to such heights of sexual experiences, like the "Valley Orgasm", which can turn their whole life into a continuous ecstasy of unity with each other and with the Cosmos.



Master Mantak Jia is the creator of the system known as the Healing Tao and the founder and director of the Healing Tao Center in New York. From childhood, he studied the Taoist way of life and mastered other teachings. As a result of a thorough study of Taoism and supplementing it with knowledge from various other systems, he developed the "System of Healing Tao", which is now taught in many cities in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Master Jia was born in 1944 to Chinese parents. When he was six years old, he learned from Buddhist monks the "sitting and quieting the mind" meditation. When he was studying in high school, he first became acquainted with oriental martial arts, and then learned Tai Chi Chuan from Master Liu, who soon introduced him to aikido, yoga and even more to Tai Chi.

Master Mantek Chia is the creator of the International System of Universal Tao, as well as the director of the Garden of Tao International Resort and Training Center, which is located in a beautiful place in the north of Thailand. The Taoist approach to life had been familiar to him since childhood. Possession of ancient knowledge, supported by the study of other disciplines, allowed the Chia Master to create the International System of Universal Tao, which is currently being taught all over the world.

Mantek Chia was born in Thailand in 1944 to a Chinese family. When the boy was only six years old, Buddhist monks taught him to meditate "to calm the mind." While still in elementary school, he began to study traditional Thai boxing. Then Master Lu taught Mantek Tai Chi Chuan, and soon introduced him to Aikido, Yoga and the highest levels of the Tai Chi system.

Years later, when Mantak Chia was already a student in Hong Kong, one of his fellow students, Cheng Xuexue, introduced him to Master Yi Yen (Yi Yun), who became Mantak's first esoteric teacher and Taoist mentor. From that day on, Mantak Chia began to seriously study the Taoist way of life. He learned to circulate energy in the Microcosmic Orbit, and then, through the practice of the Fusion of the Five Elements, to open the other six "special channels." Continuing his study of "inner alchemy", he mastered such practices as "Enlightenment of Kan and Li", "Sealing of the Five Sense Organs", "Union of Heaven and Earth" and "Reunion of Heaven and Man." It was Master Yi who authorized Mantek Chia to transmit the teachings to his students.

When Manteku Chia was in his early twenties, he studied in Singapore with Master Meyugi (Meuji), who taught him Kundalini Yoga, Taoist Yoga (Tao Yin), and the Buddha Palm practice. Soon he already learned how to remove energy blocks, both in himself and in his students and patients. In addition, he learned to transfer life energy through his palms and to heal Master Meyuga's patients. Then in Thailand he studied qi nei tsang (massage of internal organs) from Dr. Mui Imwattana.

Later, Mantek Chia studied with Master Chen Yaolong (Yao-Lun), who taught him the Shaolin Inner Strength Method. From Master Yaolun he also learned the closely guarded secrets of the internal organs, glands, and bone marrow exercises known as the Neigong of the bone marrow, and the exercise system known collectively as strengthening and renewing the tendons. In the system of Master Chen Yaolun, Thai boxing and Chinese kungfu were combined. At the same time, Master Chia studied with Master Pan Yu, whose system combined Taoist, Buddhist and Zen teachings. From Master Pan Yu, the master learned about the exchange of yin and yang energies between a man and a woman, and also received techniques to prevent aging and destruction of the body.

Master Chia studied Western medical sciences and anatomy for two years to better understand the mechanisms behind the healing energy of the Tao. In parallel with these pursuits, he worked as a manager at Gestetner, an office equipment manufacturer, and became a specialist in offset printing technology and copiers.

Using his knowledge of Taoism and other disciplines, Master Chia began to teach the Healing Tao System. Over time, he trained other teachers capable of imparting his knowledge and founded the Natural Healing Center in Thailand. Five years later, he decided to move to New York, where in 1979 he opened the Center for Healing Tao. While living in New York, Master Chia continued his study of Tai Chi Chuan, mastering the Wu style under the guidance of Edward I.

Since then, Master Chia has taught his techniques to tens of thousands of people around the world and has trained over 2,000 certified instructors and practitioners who promote his system. Numerous Universal Tao Centers, Qi Nei Tsang Institutes, Cosmic Healing Forums and Mountain Temples of the Immortal Tao have opened in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

In 1994, Master Chia returned to Thailand, where he began to create the Tao Garden and the Universal Tao Training Center fifteen miles from Chiang Mai.

Master Chia is a very warm, friendly person, always ready to help and considers himself, above all, a teacher. He introduces the Universal Tao to his students in a direct and practical manner, while constantly expanding his knowledge and approach to teaching. Working on his books, he uses a word processor and is generally well versed in the latest computer technology.

Master Chia believes that thirty-five books will be required for the complete transmission of the Universal Tao System. In June 1990, the International Congress of Chinese Medicine and Qigong named the Chia Master "Qigong Master of the Year." He was the first to receive this annual honorary title.

In December 2000, two meditation halls, two outdoor pavilions for initial qigong practices, indoor halls for Taiji, Tao Yin and Qi-nei tsang, Taiji natural swimming pool, Bagua Communication Center were built on the territory of the International Resort and Training Center "Tao Garden" with a complete Taoist library, an indoor weightlifting hall corresponding to international standards, and eight Recovery Centers.

In February 2002, in the "Garden of Tao", the practices of the immortal Tao were first conducted, in which the technology of "darkness" was applied, which creates all the necessary conditions for the implementation of Taoist practices of the highest level.

1983 - Awaken Healing Energy of the Tao

1985 - Taoist Ways of Transform Stress into Vitality (in Russian translation: Transformation of stress into vital energy - Kiev: Sofia, 1996)

1986 - Chi Self-Massage: Tao of Rejuvenation (in Russian translation: Chi Self-Massage: Taoist Way of Rejuvenation - Kiev: Sofia, 1996)

1986 - Iron Shirt Chi KungI (in Russian translation: Qigong "Iron Shirt" -Kiev: Sofia, 1995)

1986 - Healing Love Through the Tao: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy (in Russian translation: Improving female sexual energy - Kiev: Sofia, 1997)

1989 - Bone Marrow Nei Kung (in Russian translation: Neigong - the art of body rejuvenation - Kiev: Sofia, 1995)

1990 - Fusion of the Five Elemtnts I (in Russian translation: Merging of the five elements I - Kiev: Sofia, 1995)

1990 - Chi Nei Tsang: Internal Organ Chi Massage (in Russian translation: Chi Nei Tsang: massage of internal organs: In 2 volumes - Kiev: Sofia, 1996)

1993 - Awaken Healing Light of the Tao (in Russian translation: Tao - awakening of light: In 2 volumes - Kiev: Sofia, 1995)

1999 - Yin (in Russian translation: Do-In - Kiev: Sofia, 2000)

2000 - Chi Nei Tsang II (in Russian translation: "Chi-nei Tsang II. Chi-massage of internal organs. Expulsion of the winds"

2001 - Cosmic Healing I (in Russian translation: Healing with Cosmos I - Kiev: Sofia, 2003)

2002 - Cosmic Healing II (in Russian translation: Healing with Cosmos II - Kiev: Sofia, 2003)

2002 - Elixir Chi Kung

2002 - Tan Tien Chi Kung

2002 - Cosmic Fusion

2003 - Karsai Nei Tsang (in Russian translation: Karsai Nei Tsang)


Improving male sexual energy

The basis of all Taoist yoga is the work with sexual energy. Taoists have learned to masterfully subjugate this `winged dragon`. After all, sexual energy is the most powerful and most accessible force of the body. If a person changes even a little in this area, then he feels a sharp improvement in health, well-being, perception of the world, creative possibilities, and relationships with other people.

This book by Master Chia is about Taoist "Twin Cultivation" and the search for sexual love, about whether Taoist Sexual Kung Fu will "work" in the West, about why the divine power of sex has been kept secret for millennia and why these secrets are being revealed in our time, about whether sex is good for health, about the biological factors of female sexuality that every man should know.

It offers Taoist practices aimed at mastering and transforming sexual energy, preserving semen, exchanging Yin and Yang energies, healing impotence, and many others ...

Transforming stress into life energy

From a Taoist perspective, harmony and balance are extremely important to health. The body is viewed as a whole; therefore, injury or damage to an organ, gland or system weakens the body as a whole.

The body is also a self-regulating system and is able to come to a state of balance on its own if the opportunity presents itself.

From the point of view of Taoism, the body, mind and spirit are one and the same whole. Therefore, Chinese medicine has discovered that negative emotions such as anger, fear, and cruelty can damage organs and related body parts and cause disease.

The daily practices discussed in this book will help balance emotions and promote health.

Qi self-massage. Taoist way of rejuvenation

From the earliest times to the present day, Taoist teachers have looked remarkably young and healthy. Judging by their appearance, activity and mobility, they can be given twenty years less than they actually are.

One way to maintain this vitality is to rejuvenate with Taoist self-massage.

Using this technique, the Taoists used internal energy, or Qi, to strengthen and rejuvenate the senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, skin) and internal organs.

Today, the technique of Taoist Anti-Aging Self-Massage is approximately five thousand years old; until recently it was one of the secret knowledge that the teacher passed on to a small group of selected students.

Learning from many famous Taoist masters, Mantek Chia was able to piece together the acquired knowledge and combine them into a holistic, logically complete method.

Qigong - Iron Shirt

Improving female sexual energy

The methods of the so-called "Ovarian Kung Fu" described in this book allow a woman to preserve and increase her sexual energy and transform it into more perfect forms capable of healing and revitalizing all vital organs and glands of the body.

The techniques offered here allow a woman to have a healing effect on her body, to maintain and strengthen her health, to have experiences that are much superior to the usual orgasm, which can turn the life of partners into a continuous ecstasy of unity with each other and the Cosmos.

By practicing Sexual Kung Fu, you will become healthier, happier, more attractive not only to men, but to people in general. And the highest level is the purification and transformation of your sexual, emotional and mental energies into subtle spiritual energy and into a spiritual body that can move freely anywhere in time and space.

Neigong - the art of body rejuvenation

The book not only contains accurate and detailed information on the technique of rejuvenating the bone marrow, leading to rejuvenation of the whole organism and increasing its vitality, but also gives the practitioner a powerful charge of energy and enthusiasm, which is so necessary on the difficult path of esoteric practices.

Qigong. Fusion of the five elements

The book “Qigong. Fusion of the Five Elements ”presents Basic and advanced Taoist meditations aimed at transforming negative emotions, which, if properly performed, should lead to moral and ethical perfection, without which spiritual perfection and the associated immortality are impossible.

The ancient Chinese techniques presented in the book appear in all their brilliance and unexpectedly turn out to be in tune with modernity.

Chinese Master Mantek Chia and his wife Mrs. Maniwang Chia became the first representatives of the new tradition, whom the Teachers trained specifically so that the world of people received a full and competent first-hand presentation of its esoteric practice and theory.

Master Chia's books are a very special phenomenon. They openly set out information that until recently was “closed”, but this is done in such a way that it is simply impossible to use it as a means of psychological or psychoenergetic aggression.

It's all about practice - it is built in such a way that a person receives the keys to the possibility of this kind of manipulation when the level of his development and self-awareness already completely excludes the possibility of a desire to harm anyone and in any form. , enslave someone, or forcibly do good, which is essentially the same thing.

Translated from English by N. Ruban, L. Dorofeeva and N. Shpet.

Qi Nei Tsang I. Qi massage of internal organs

Tao - awakening of light 1.2 part

The book "Tao - the awakening of light" is the basics of psychoenergetic training and a complete sequential presentation of Taoist techniques of light meditation, as well as some traditional methods of their application in the practice of integral self-regulation and healing.

The Chinese Master Mantek Chia and his wife Ms. Maniwan Chia became the first representatives of this tradition, whom the Teachers trained specifically so that the world of people received a complete and competent first-hand presentation of its esoteric practice and theory.

Master Chia's books are a very special phenomenon. They openly expound information that until very recently was "closed", but this is done in such a way that it is simply impossible to use it as a means of psychological or psychoenergetic aggression. It's all about practice - it is built in such a way that a person receives the keys to the possibility of this kind of manipulation when the level of his development and self-awareness already completely excludes the possibility of his desire to harm anyone and in any form. , enslave someone or forcibly benefiting, which is essentially the same thing.

Internal structure of Tai Chi. Tai Chi Qigong I

In his new book, bestselling author of the Healing Tao series, contemporary Taoist master Mantak Chia reveals the most intriguing aspect of his system - the art of Tai Chi. This is the first book in the West to provide such a huge amount of clear instructions and clear illustrations for the smallest details of Tai Chi technique. And this is the first book from which you can truly learn the basic movements of Tai Chi!

Tai Chi Qigong I, a style created by Mantek Chia based on the Yang school, is both meditation, yoga, martial art, dance, healing technique, and a way to connect to the fundamental energies of the universe. The author shows how to build relationships with these energies - not only in Tai Chi practice, but also in our daily life.

For those who are not yet familiar with the Mantak Chia system, the book gives her full overview and summarizes the principles of its most important components - Inner Smile, Microcosmic Orbit and Iron Shirt, provides instructions on their basic techniques and explains why and how these techniques accelerate the learning process of Tai Chi.

The internal structure of Tai Chi is an indispensable guide for anyone who is already practicing or just about to learn Tai Chi (of any style). Smoothly leading the reader from the basics physical culture to the lofty truths of Taoism, the new book of the Master is that gift of the Force, from which it is simply impossible to refuse.

Taoist Secrets of Love Every Man Should Know

Do-In. Exercises to restore health and achieve longevity

The exercises in this book have benefited thousands of people around the world. Do-In is essential for everyone who wants to achieve maximum performance, good health and fit, and, perhaps, the only thing effective remedy that allows you to feel the unity of body, mind and spirit.

Whatever your purpose, Do-In will help you arrive at your destination. By developing strength, you will cultivate gracefulness. Your spine will become more flexible, and elasticity will enter the tendons and psoas muscles. Under the influence of subtle inner alchemy, the wisdom of your body will awaken. You will get rid of the blockages of your innate vitality, restore your spine and refresh your body by opening the flow of Chi along the meridians. You will be able to discover and develop your Second Brain, which is located in the abdominal cavity, and acquire the ability to connect with the life-giving force of the Universe.

The most important principle of Do-In is to have fun. The purpose of these exercises is to make life more joyful. While doing Do-In, smile. Smiling creates a sense of freedom and relaxation in the body and mind. Have fun building a beautiful and strong body.

Qi Nei Tsang II Qi massage of internal organs. Expulsion of the winds

Chi Nei Tsang (Internal Massage) describes a practice that has been successfully practiced for thousands of years by Taoists under the guidance of teachers.

Some of the concepts and exercises presented in the book have never been described previously by other authors. It was the intention of the authors of this book to offer additional exercises within the Healing Tao, and the book can serve as a reference guide in this area.

Chinese medicine emphasizes the need to balance the various systems of the body and generally strengthen the body, as a result of which recovery occurs naturally.

Massaging the internal organs is one of the means to help achieve this balance.

Inner Smile. Energy practice

The Inner Smile is a sincere smile to all parts of the body, including all organs, glands and muscles, and nervous system... It produces high quality energy that can heal and over time it is converted into even higher quality energy.

A sincere smile sends out the energy of love that has the power to warm and heal. Just think back to a time when you were upset or physically sick, and someone, perhaps even a stranger, smiled at you sincerely - and suddenly you felt better.

The highest practices of Kan and Li. Enlightenment - Growing an Immortal Fetus

In this book you will find all the information you need to continue the Kan and Li meditation practices. In the Kan and Li Beginner Practices, you learned how to create a cauldron at the navel. In these Higher Kan and Li practices, a new cauldron is reinstalled in the solar plexus, where the main meditation Higher Kan and Li practices take place.

The Higher Kan and Li techniques consist of combining hot and cold energies in the solar plexus, prolonging the evaporation procedure that you learned in the Kan and Li Beginner Practices, and creating pets and virgin children by transforming pure organ energy.

You can reach higher levels of awareness with the help of the higher energy sources of Nature and give birth to the energy and spiritual bodies through self-copulation, then project this spiritual body into the Middle Plane for astral flight.

The practice ends with teaching how to collect the purified energy in the navel cauldron for use in subsequent meditations. You will also learn how to harvest other forms of external energy: from the moon, sun and stars.

Dan Tian Qigong - Empty Power, Perineal Energy and Second Brain

Master Mantek Chia is the creator of the Universal System of the Universal Tao, director of the International Resort and Training Center "Dao Garden" in Thailand. Possession of ancient knowledge, backed up by the study of other disciplines, allowed the Chia Master to create the Universal Tao System, which is currently taught all over the world.

In the Taoist energy paradigm, Dan Tian is the center of the body and is the main generator and at the same time the main storage place for Qi energy in the body, as well as the center of awareness. The Taoists train this lower abdomen as the Second Brain. The Lower Dan Tian remains the key to opening the body and mind to a free, continuous flow of energy.

Tan Tien Qigong serves as the basis for our stability, physical and mental / spiritual balance. He helps us to be active, maintaining contact with ourselves, ourselves, and appreciating our own space, giving space to others. Dan Tian Qigong assumes that the source of true happiness and joy is in ourselves, and not somewhere else. With their help, we can learn to accept and value ourselves, other people and the world around us.

Healing by the Cosmos II. Taoist Cosmology and Universal Healing Links

In our time, when most of humanity spends almost all of its life force exclusively on biosocial survival, mastering new energy sources, including space ones, is becoming an urgent problem.

The training system proposed in the new book by the famous Taoist master Mantak Chia will help you, connecting to the healing energies of the Universe, find the path to your own inner Source.

These ancient Chinese qigong and meditation practices are closely related to Taoist cosmology and astrology - teachings about the structure of the universe and its influence on human life and destiny.

Cosmic inner smile. Smiling heals the body

The book introduces the practice of Inner Smile, which is a powerful meditation for inner healing and relaxation. Deep relaxation dissolves the physical and mental tension that can block the flow of energy and create unhealthy Chi.

The Inner Smile strengthens the energy of the internal organs and glands of our body, all our vitality in general, calms and focuses our "heart mind" (Sheng). This makes us more aware of our body and our inner being, because we learn to communicate with our internal organs, glands, spine and other specific areas of our body, as well as with our soul. The Taoists discovered that consciousness is in us not only in the brain, but in all vital organs, and in a more subtle sense, in every cell of our body.

Practicing the Inner Smile every day provides us with time to look inward, to keep in touch with our internal organs, our Qi, our breathing and our emotions. This enables us to notice any problems the moment they arise and helps balance our emotions and virtues.

Cosmic Sounds. Sounds that heal

The book introduces the practice of the Six Healing Sounds, which helps to restore, balance and cleanse vital organs by correcting these factors. It also stimulates the flow of Chi through the body, allowing for better health and vitality.

The Six Cosmic Healing Sounds help release excess heat that can be trapped in the cooling sacs that surround each organ.

Taking a certain posture and mentally pronouncing sounds, we allow their vibrations to redistribute excess heat to cooler areas of our body, where it can be stored or used for its intended purpose. If the organ energies are in balance, you have a good base for creating and nourishing the energies of virtue. This will help maintain the balance of Qi throughout the system for a long time.

Practicing the Six Healing Sounds daily will restore and maintain calm and good health. Digestion will improve and sexual pleasure will increase. Minor ailments such as colds, runny nose and sore throat can be easily treated or prevented. Many Ecumenical Tao students have overcome their long-term addiction to sleeping pills, tranquilizers, aspirin, and antacids. Heart attack sufferers prevent further attacks. Many psychologists have taught their patients to use the Six Healing Sounds to relieve depression and anger. Body healers use the Six Healing Sounds to help speed up healing. In addition, healers in this case spend less of their personal life force energy.

World Connection Meditation (Connecting with the World Qi Field) to Heal Oneself and Others)

In the process of directly joining the Source, the Cosmos, the Primordial creative power, a person gains independence. Through this process, we can achieve inner peace and happiness. Anyone can develop the ability to heal not only themselves, but others as well.

Naturally, the first step towards achieving this goal is to achieve inner peace and happiness. Therefore, I have developed this meditation, which becomes especially deep when its effect is strengthened by thousands of other meditators, uniting in the Circle of Consciousness and Awareness. This is the Universal Connection of the Universal Healing Tao. This helps us understand the principle of the merging of the three minds.

Western science now knows these three minds. The first mind is the observer, and it is concentrated in the brain. The second mind is conscious, it is in the heart. And the third mind is the conscious mind, which is located in the lower abdomen, that is, in the "abdominal brain". All three minds, merged together in the abdominal cavity, form a single mind. In China, this unified mind is called I. The worldwide connection of protective healing meditation is a spiritual practice that lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. When people in different parts of the world at the same time unite in this meditation, it acquires extraordinary power. It can be easily practiced even by someone who has never worked with the practices of the Universal Healing Tao.

A complete system of Taoist disciplines for body, mind and spirit. Basic course

The Healing Tao Basic Course is primarily intended for the development of body, qi and mind.

By developing our inner strength and inner structure, we heal and strengthen the body and the emotional, or "heart" mind (blue), nourish and "ground" the body and spirit. At the same time, it is very important to learn how to make your body healthy, open and relaxed; concentrate, preserve, multiply and transform your qi (life force), open the energy channels of the body and restore balance, harmony and inner peace; connect with the forces that operate around us and throughout the universe.

Awakening the healing energy of Tao

I intend to write a series of books that would reflect the worldview of the Taoist masters as a whole. Thus, each of my works reveals certain aspects of Taoist teaching and the corresponding aspects of practice.

Each book is dedicated to some of the Taoist systems of self-improvement of a human being. And if you wish. You can limit yourself to practice only what is described in this particular book. However, it seems to me that we should not forget: all Taoist systems of self-improvement are facets of the same precious crystal of a single tradition of Taoist Yoga, all of them have been practiced since ancient times in aggregate.

Therefore, it is most advisable to integrate the material presented in each of my books into the general flow of practice. This will make your training harmonious and comprehensive, will allow you to fully combine its physical, energetic, psychotechnical and spiritual aspects, which, of course, will not slow down to affect its effectiveness and result.

Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know

This book lays out a simple system of physical and psychological preparation that allows a man of any age group to satisfy a woman's fantasy: to drastically increase the quality - and quantity - of love games. This is a simple, affordable and surprisingly effective technique that you can start practicing today.

For women who read and understand the essence of this technique, the secrets of male sexuality, known only to a few men, will be revealed. It is even better to read this book together, together to comprehend the luxury of sexual ecstasy, satisfaction and intimacy, which most people do not even suspect, in addition, people who master the Taoist Sexual Kung Fu technique maintain increased vitality and increase longevity.

The book organically combines the latest scientific achievements with the wisdom of ancient sexual traditions.

The problems of impotence, infertility and decreased sexual desire are considered.

Understandable, competent and entertaining, this book is a good guide for men looking to truly master their own, usually hidden, sexual potential.

Three Tan Tiens in Six Directions

The book presents the practice of Opening the Three Dan Tiens - this is qigong meditation, which strengthens our connection with the Universe, opening us to the eternal power of the Cosmos and the energy of Nature. We are dynamically connected with the infinitely large and infinitely small “As above, so below” - this is an echo of wisdom, heard through the centuries in ancient legends and words of enlightened mystics. If we know how to connect and absorb the energy that exists around us, then we get the opportunity to use all the splendor of the universe.

We exist thanks to a unique combination of forces that are around and within us. The two main ones are electricity and magnetism. Bio-electromagnetism is a Western term for life force and what the Taoists call Qi. For five millennia, the Taoists have used this bio-electromagnetic energy to improve their quality of life and to connect with the universe. By tuning in to these forces, we become conductors, which gives us the ability to absorb and assimilate these energies by body, mind and spirit, establishing a direct connection with the Universe. The Taoists recognized this connection and created the Opening Three Dan Tien Qigong in Six Directions to strengthen this connection and our understanding of this connection.

Six healing sounds

Several thousand years ago, Taoist masters in the course of meditation discovered six sounds that help to maintain the optimal state of internal organs, preventing or curing diseases. They found that a healthy organ generates vibration at a specific frequency. Together with the Six Healing Sounds, six postures have been developed that activate the acupuncture meridians, or energy channels, of the organs.

The methods of the so-called "Ovarian Kung Fu" described in this book allow a woman to preserve and increase her sexual energy and transform it into more perfect forms capable of healing and revitalizing all vital organs and glands of the body.

The techniques offered here allow a woman to have a healing effect on her body, to maintain and strengthen her health, to have experiences that are much superior to the usual orgasm, which can turn the life of partners into a continuous ecstasy of unity with each other and the Cosmos.

By practicing Sexual Kung Fu, you will become healthier, happier, more attractive not only to men, but to people in general. And the highest level is the purification and transformation of your sexual, emotional and mental energies into subtle spiritual energy and into a spiritual body that can move freely anywhere in time and space.

Seminar: Improving female sexual energy.

Being a woman is Art. The aim of our seminar is to awaken your own natural desire and energy, improving your own sex life. You will be able to understand the features of your feminine nature and fully reveal your potential, learn to enjoy your own body more, while improving your health. You will get acquainted with the methodology of working on the development and restoration of female intimate muscles in order to acquire the natural and necessary skills in their possession at the time of sexual contact, during pregnancy, childbirth and the prevention of female diseases.

The same will be carried out:

To download a book

Distance learning "Cultivation of female sexual energy"

You can get through online training at the rate " Healing love for women”Presented in the book of Mantek Chia. To do this, register on the website of the Healing Tao Academy and select the required course for ordering from the list of Academy courses.

Cultivating Female Sexual Energy:
seminars and classes in the center "Shen"

  • Our center hosts regular seminars on Taoist sexual practices.
  • Our center conducts individual classes on Taoist sexual practices at a convenient time for you. Classes are conducted by senior instructors of the "Universal Tao" system Manteka Chia

This book, together with the already published book "Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" and the forthcoming books "Awakening Healing Energy Through the Tao," "Taoist Methods for Converting Stress into Vitality," and mastering the lowest levels of the unified "System of Healing Tao", developed today by the modern Teacher of "Practical Taoism" on the basis of the synthesis of many teachings of East and Southeast Asia.

At higher levels of this system, students improve their healing abilities, which can be directed both inwardly and at others, master the skills of controlling internal energies in application to martial arts, reach various "levels of enlightenment" and the development of spirit and consciousness.

The methods of the so-called "Ovarian Kung Fu" described in this book allow a woman to preserve and increase her sexual energy and transform it into more perfect forms capable of healing and revitalizing all vital organs and glands of the body.

Practiced alone, the techniques offered here allow a woman to have a healing effect on her body and have experiences that far exceed the usual orgasm, and when practiced in pairs, especially with a partner who also practices the parallel, masculine, Seed Kung Fu methods, rise to such heights of sexual experiences, like the "Valley Orgasm", which can turn their whole life into a continuous ecstasy of unity with each other and with the Cosmos.


On the last pages of this book, the reader will find course descriptions and practical training offered in our centers for Healing Tao. This material is also a comprehensive description of the entire system of Taoism. All my books are constituent parts this Taoist view of the world. Thus, each of my books shows one of the important parts of this system. Each lays out healing and life empowerment techniques that you can learn and practice on your own if you wish. Each of these methods, however, assumes the presence of other people and are best practiced in conjunction with other students.

The foundation of all the practices of the Taoist system, the Microcosmic Orbit meditation, is a way of circulating chi energy through the channels of the body. It is described in my book Awakening Healing Energy Through Tao. This practice is followed by the Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds meditations described in my book Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality.

These three practices are widely used in the Taoist system, and mastering them is a very important condition for the successful practice of Healing Love.
When you internalize the information provided in this book and become aware of concepts and concepts that are lacking in Western thought, you will deepen your understanding of the relevance of these practices for your physical, emotional and spiritual development.

A little about the precautions. This book does not make any diagnoses or suggest treatments. It provides the means to improve your health, to correct imbalances in your system, and to have a rich sexual experience. People with high blood pressure, heart disease, or generally weakened people should progress very slowly in these practices, especially with ovarian breathing. In case of any illness, a doctor should be consulted.


Taoist sages look at their own energy from some general perspective. During the day, for example, a young healthy person earns one hundred percent of the energy he needs from food, rest and exercise, and spends about sixty to seventy percent on his daily needs - for work, for food, for digesting food, for breathing, for walking and the like. This one hundred percent of energy can be viewed as one hundred energy loans, similar to bank loans.

But as a person grows old, he gradually earns less and less, although his body requires the same costs; he begins to exceed his credit by withdrawing energy from vital organs - the kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, heart, and pancreas - as well as from various glands, and finally from the brain.

Taoism explains that the main loss of energy in a man occurs during ejaculation, while the main loss of energy in a woman occurs not during intercourse, but during menstruation. If a young healthy woman continues to go about her daily activities at this time, then this causes some additional loss of energy.

If we assume that a woman's menstruation begins at the age of twelve, and the menopause begins at fifty, then she can have from three hundred to five hundred menstrual periods in her entire life. Each month the ovaries produce an egg that contains extremely high quality creative energy.

A significant part of the energy is also spent on the production of necessary hormones, as well as on the production of the lining of the uterus, which is a "nest" for a fertilized egg. Given the huge population of the globe, we cannot afford to have many children - we can allow the birth of one or two children. This means that we are using one or two eggs. All other energized eggs are destroyed. This takes from thirty to forty percent of the energy a woman spends daily.

If you allow this energy to constantly pour out, then the woman will lose from thirty to forty percent of the energy of her life force. There is, however, a way to transform this energy into vital energy for the organs of the body, glands, brain, bone marrow, and also into spiritual energy.

Taoist Secrets of Love for Women - Mantak Chia (download)

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