
Is tea good for you? Useful properties of tea Tea its useful properties

It goes equally well with salty sandwiches and sweet cakes. It is indispensable when you need to warm up, but it is also excellent in the heat - it will quench your thirst no worse than cold spring water. Today shops offer hundreds of different teas. For many years now, there have been disputes about which one is more useful - black, green, white or oolong. And although they are all made from one plant - Camellia Sinensis, there is still a difference.

How did the world know about tea?

The history of this drink goes back several thousand years. There is a legend according to which the first tea drink was prepared in 2737 BC. NS. in China. Like all great discoveries, tea also came about by accident. While Emperor Shen Nung was sitting under a tree, several leaves of Camellia Sinensis fell into a vessel of boiling water. This is how the first tea appeared. We can say that nature itself brewed this amazing drink.

Researchers believe that the first tea trees grew in China, near Sichuan and Yunnan. And before the Europeans discovered these plants, the Chinese had been enjoying the drink for centuries. The Japanese, who were trained by Chinese monks, brought the drink to their country. And in England, tea became popular only in the 17th century.

Asia is the largest tea producer today. Approximately 80-90% of raw materials are procured in India, China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the cultivation of crops was also started in East Africa, in the mountainous regions of Kenya.

general characteristics

Tea is a tree or shrub of the genus Camellia, grown in tropical and subtropical climatic conditions, needs rich soil and abundant rainfall. V wildlife the plant can reach 9 meters in height. However, plants grown for industrial purposes rarely exceed a meter and a half. This height is the most comfortable for collecting leaves. In addition, regular pruning of Camellia Sinensis promotes the rapid formation of new branches with young leaves. With proper care, a tea tree can produce crops for over 100 years.

There are three types of tea:

  • Chinese;
  • assam;
  • Cambodian.

Representatives of the Chinese variety are Chinese tea, Japanese, Indonesian, Georgian Vietnamese and some others. Assam is a species first found in India. Also, this type of plant is common in Uganda, Kenya, Sri Lanka. As for Cambodian tea, it is a natural hybrid of Chinese and Assamese. Grows in some regions of Indochina.

All types of tea are made according to the same principle. The collected leaves are first dried (so that the greens soften a little and give up some of the moisture). Then comes the stage of reusable twisting of leaves into miniature rolls. After that, the leaves again lose excess moisture. The next stage is oxidation, as a result of which it is broken down into simple sugars, and chlorophyll into tannins. And it is at this stage that the future type of tea is determined. Typically, the longer the leaf has been oxidized, the darker the beverage will be.

The drying method also affects the result: black varieties are dried at lower temperatures, green ones require heat in excess of 100 degrees Celsius.

And before finally turning into a fragrant drink, the tea leaves are sorted, crushed and packed.

Black tea

As already mentioned, this product undergoes a stronger oxidation. Ready tea leaves are dark brown, almost black in color, the drink from them (depending on the concentration) can be from orange to dark red. By the way, in southeast Asia, this type of tea is called not black, but red. Good varieties of this drink can be recognized by the characteristic tart taste and lack of bitterness; the aroma contains light "notes" of honey or flowers. Contains 40 to 60 mg per cup.

Green tea

This is a slightly oxidized product. Dry tea leaves can be from light green to deep green, the drink from them is yellowish-greenish. Good green tea has a herbal smell and a tart sweetish taste. If the drink tastes bitter, it is a sign of a low-grade product. A cup of tea contains 25-30 mg of caffeine.

White tea

As a rule, this is a drink made from buds or very young tea leaves, which lend themselves to minimal processing. Usually the process of making white tea is limited to drying and drying. Dry tea leaves are yellowish, and the infusion of them is light shades of yellow or green. Has a characteristic sweetish aftertaste and floral aroma. Leaves unwind quickly under the influence of boiling water. The amount of caffeine in a cup does not exceed 15 mg.


In the CIS countries, it is often called red tea, while the Chinese call this drink turquoise or green-blue. This product is oxidized for no longer than 3 days, which as a result gives it a special taste that is unlike other species. Contains approximately 50 mg of caffeine.

Also, sometimes the so-called yellow tea is distinguished in a separate form. In terms of production technology, it is very similar to green. For centuries, it was considered an elite variety that was only available to Chinese emperors. Exporting the product was strictly prohibited by Chinese laws.

The life of Pu-erh tea begins the same as that of green tea. But then the leaves give in to additional fermentation and aging, which can last for several years. Distinguish between "young" and "old" pu-erh. They differ significantly in taste, color and aroma.

Benefits for the body

Tea is perhaps the oldest drink in history - people have been drinking it for almost 5,000 years. Camellia sinensis leaves are rich in polyphenols that have properties. For a long time, tea has been a medicinal drink for the Chinese. Today, when talking about tea drinks, green is more often remembered as a drink rich in antioxidants and helps to lose weight. Tea can also protect against cancer and Parkinson's disease, reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke, and is good for bones. Below we will talk in more detail about the benefits of this drink for humans.

Weight Loss

Researchers who have studied the polyphenols in tea have found that these substances not only contribute to additional energy expenditure, but also cause fat oxidation, leading to weight loss.

Scientists have calculated that after drinking tea for 24 hours, calorie burning increases by about 100 kcal.

One study showed that people who consume green tea daily and do not change their eating habits lost about 2 kg of excess weight in 12 weeks. Another study found that tea drinkers had their BMI closer to normal.

An interesting experiment was carried out by scientists on mice. The animals were fed a high-calorie fatty food, but they were given green tea. It turned out that their weight gain was much slower than that of those who had not tasted the tea drink.

Cancer prevention

The polyphenols in tea can prevent the formation of malignant tumors as well as inhibit the growth of new cancer cells. Scientists have studied the rate of progression of prostate cancer. In men who consume tea, the tumor increased by 9% per year, while in those whose diet did not have this drink, the progress of the disease was determined at 30%. And if not so long ago it was believed that only green tea can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, then recent studies have proved that black varieties are also no less effective.

Stabilization of the cardiovascular system

Italian doctors have noticed that black tea stabilizes blood pressure in patients with hypertension. In Japan, where the tradition of tea drinking is extremely popular, it was calculated: the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun are less prone to death from cardiac problems, they are also less prone to thrombosis, hypertension and strokes.

Laboratory results have shown that this product regulates blood concentrations. Hence the conclusion of scientists: just one cup of tea a day is the prevention of stroke, heart attack and other cardiac diseases.

Influenza protection

Many of us, at the first sign of a cold, remember a cup of hot tea with honey or. This drink helps to warm up quickly. But few people know about another incredible ability of black tea. If you rinse your throat twice a day with a strong infusion of this drink, you can strengthen the immune system and protect yourself from illness during an epidemic.

Strengthening bones

As strange as this statement may sound, ordinary tea can strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. We are accustomed to the fact that the function of strengthening bones, as a rule, is taken on by dairy products, rich in and. However, the polyphenols in the drink are just as good for your bones. Drinking tea, according to research, reduces the risk of fractures by up to 30% hip joints in the elderly.

Prevents tooth decay

Plaque contains over 300 types of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Tea infusion (more precisely, the polyphenols contained in it) slows down the growth of bacteria. It is enough to rinse your mouth with tea for at least 30 seconds several times a day to notice positive changes. But so far, researchers say that only a black variety of drink has this ability.

Tea is also useful for:

  • preventing rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • protection against neurological disorders;
  • stabilizing blood sugar levels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora;
  • relaxation;
  • removing excess fluid from the body.

Green tea

Today it is perhaps the most popular type of tea. Studies have shown that this drink contains a huge amount of antioxidants. The range of benefits is extremely wide. It helps with obesity, treats mastopathy and has anti-tumor properties. It is also known that green tea contains components that have a beneficial effect on the retina and improve vision.

Black tea

This drink contains unique antioxidant substances, including theaflavins, which are actually responsible for the red hue of the drink. Studies have shown that this substance has the ability to lower cholesterol. Black tea can also help reduce the effects of stress, including stabilizing blood pressure and preventing the risk of heart attack.


This type of black tea is a favorite drink of Buddhist monks. They taught monkeys to collect leaves from the tops of wild tea trees. The monks were convinced that such greens contain the maximum dose of caffeine, and the drink from it has a light orchid aroma. Another name for this tea is "Black Dragon". It is known for its ability to lower cholesterol, improve the condition of bone tissue, strengthen the immune system and the heart.

White tea

It is generally considered to be the purest form of tea drink known. It has high antioxidant properties and prevents disease better than other types. This drink is used to improve skin condition and lower cholesterol, heart disease, and many other diseases. It is extremely rich in phenols, thanks to which white tea is called the elixir of youth. Its extract prevents the formation of wrinkles.


The only type of tea that can be fermented, like wine or yoghurt.

In the course of such processing, it acquires unique antioxidant properties and a unique chemical composition. Animal studies have shown that this drink is able to lower cholesterol levels back to normal levels.


The Japanese tea ceremony includes many nuances regarding the preparation and serving of the drink. This art has been studied for years. Like many centuries ago, in Japan, the tea drink is associated with Buddhists, meditation and Zen practices.


The tea drink came to this country in the 17th century together with the Dutch when modern New York was still a Dutch colony. Americans made their contribution to tea history in the early twentieth century when they came up with refreshing iced tea and tea bags.


Tea also came to England thanks to the Dutch and immediately became a drink of high society. It soon became a national product, displacing ale. It was the British who invented milk tea and introduced the tradition of afternoon tea.


The Russians first tasted this drink in 1618, when the Chinese presented Tsar Alexei with several chests of fragrant leaves. At that time, close trade relations were maintained between the two countries. But, given the difficult and distant path, the price of the drink in those days was fabulously high. It took more than 100 years for the price of tea to drop, and it was not only possible to taste it at court. The Russian tradition provided for its own "tea ceremony" - with the participation of a samovar.


And although today India produces almost 30% of the world's tea, the first plantations appeared here only in the 19th century, and then thanks to the British colonialists. Meanwhile, wild-growing tea plants have always been in this country. Especially many of them were found in the jungle in the northeast. However, tea drinking in India reached widespread popularity only after the Second World War. The most popular Indian tea is samala (sweet, with cardamom and cinnamon). The Indian tradition of tea drinking involves the use of various spices, especially cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves.

A few common questions about tea

Should you add milk to tea?

This question is asked by many, watching the British, whose tradition of tea drinking provides for such an unusual combination. Back in 2007, a group of European scientists undertook to study how milk affects the beneficial properties of tea. Researchers have determined that the dairy product completely negates the ability of black tea to strengthen the heart. Based on the results of the analysis, the scientists advised people who consume black tea in the hope of gaining benefits for the heart, to abandon such a tea and milk combination.

Is caffeine in tea harmful?

A cup of tea contains 30 to 100 mg of caffeine. By comparison, a small cup of espresso coffee contains at least 120 mg of caffeine. Scientists once conducted a small experiment: they removed all caffeine from tea. But at the same time, it turned out that along with caffeine, tea loses some useful ones, and the benefits of the drink are sharply reduced. After this experience, the researchers agreed that it is better to use traditional tea after all. Moreover, this drink contains the substance L-theanine, which gives a feeling of relaxation. It is because of this chemical compound that Buddhist monks have chosen tea as a drink for relaxation and preparation for meditation. So there is no reason to worry about the presence of caffeine in tea.

A cup of the drink will not cause insomnia.

Is Bottled Iced Tea Good For You?

Chemists have found that after freezing, tea loses a significant portion of the polyphenols. The second disadvantage of a bottled drink is more calories (due to sugar and other additives).

How many cups are allowed?

Some studies show that the more tea you drink, the better for the body. The optimal amount is called two to three servings of the drink per day.

1 cup of tea improves bone mineralization by 5%, and also reduces the risk of hypertension by 46%.

Drinking 2 cups a day reduces brain damage caused by old age, and reduce the risk of skin cancer by 35%.

3 cups is 11% lower risk of heart attack and 37% lower chance of developing breast cancer.

Connoisseurs of tea ceremonies claim that tea turns out to be truly healthy and tasty if it is brewed for 3-7 minutes. But they add: each type of tea has its own brewing rules.

A black drink is prepared in the proportion of 1 teaspoon to a glass of boiling water. Insist for about 5-7 minutes in a closed porcelain or ceramic teapot, which is additionally covered with a napkin (this will retain the essential oils that are responsible for the aroma of the drink).

Green tea is poured with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 85 degrees Celsius. The same tea leaves are used 3-5 times. To do this, the first time the tea should be infused for one and a half to two minutes, each subsequent time - 15 seconds longer. Each portion of the brewed tea is poured into a teapot and then poured into cups. This method allows you to maximize the taste and aroma of the drink.

White tea is brewed with soft water, not hotter than 70 degrees. Insist for about 4-5 minutes. One serving can be brewed 3 times.

Important note. All utensils for the tea ceremony must be preheated (pour over with boiling water). Do not leave the tea leaves in the teapot, otherwise the drink will get a bitter taste.

Possible dangers of tea

  1. If you drink 12 cups of tea daily, fluorosis can develop over time.
  2. Excessive enthusiasm for the green species can cause hypotension.
  3. Pregnant women should drink only a very weak drink.
  4. Green tea is not recommended for people with constipation.
  5. It is important to avoid drinks with colors and flavors.

Herbal teas: top list of the most useful

Herbal teas are caffeine-free and have powerful healing properties.

They are determined depending on the plant from which the drink is brewed. Typically, herbal teas are useful for indigestion and insomnia, to combat the first signs of a cold, and as an alternative medicine for many internal ailments. The raw materials for herbal teas are most often ginger, nettle, chamomile, thyme, jasmine, mint, St. John's wort and many other herbs. The main requirement for such drinks is that the raw materials must be environmentally friendly. And of course, you should not overuse medicinal herbs, since many of them also have side effects.

From hawthorn - improves blood circulation and the work of the cardiovascular system, soothes, removes excess salts from the body.

From hibiscus (hibiscus) - lowers cholesterol, contains many antioxidants, is useful for hypertension.

From ginger - improves digestion, relieves nausea, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is useful for people with arthritis.

From cardamom - useful for indigestion, flatulence, nausea, lung disease, and cough.

From clover (red) - useful for women during menopause, soothes, improves sleep quality, strengthens bones, improves memory.

From cinnamon - promotes rapid weight loss, increases physical endurance, protects against viruses, controls blood sugar, is more effective with honey.

Nettle - treats anemia, lowers blood pressure, relieves pain in rheumatism and arthritis, strengthens the immune system, is useful for coughs and colds, helps to get rid of infections in the urinary tract, treats kidney and bladder diseases, has a laxative effect.

From lavender - useful for diseases of the respiratory system, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, relieves fever, accelerates wound healing.

From lemongrass - contains a substance citral, which helps to digest food, for this reason it is advised to use it after dinner.

From lemon balm - soothes, is useful for diseases of the thyroid gland and digestive organs, anxiety, insomnia, improves memory and mood.

From mint - soothing, analgesic, strengthens the immune system, relieves vomiting and nausea, is useful for coughs, bronchial asthma, but it is not recommended for people with heart disease.

From milk thistle - cleanses the liver and improves its functioning, is useful for the digestive system, regulates the production of bile.

From rooibos - rich in vitamins and antioxidants, helps with insomnia and nervousness.

From chamomile - aids digestion, relieves stress, treats insomnia, but can cause allergies.

From - rich, useful for the adrenal glands, strengthens the immune system, improves skin condition.

Echinacea - rich in antioxidants, strengthens the immune system, relieves pain and inflammation, and is useful as a prophylactic against colds.

From dandelions - leaves and flowers are brewed, this tea is rich in vitamins and minerals, is useful for edema, soothes pain in arthritis, improves liver and digestive system function.

For several thousand years, mankind has enjoyed tea, feeling its beneficial effects. This drink has stood the test of time and proved that it deserves to be on our tables both on holidays and on weekdays.

Green, white, yellow, blue-green, red and black ... This classification of tea is generally accepted in China, in the homeland of this plant. There, tea has long been perceived as a soothing, aromatic and tasty drink with medicinal properties... Now useful properties of tea scientifically confirmed.

The benefits of tea for the body

There are many different varieties that differ in taste and health benefits. Most of them contain tannins that are important for the digestive system and essential oils that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Useful properties of green tea

This is one of the most popular types of tea, which has been consumed for 4 thousand years. Many do not even know that it is collected from some bushes, like black, red and other types of tea.

The whole catch lies in the type of processing. The benefits of green tea for the body are due to the fact that the leaves do not ferment and wither, so they retain the maximum amount of important substances.

  1. Stimulates biological activity because it contains vitamins.
  2. It is an excellent prevention of problems with the nervous system, and also promotes concentration.
  3. Beneficial features tea are associated with the normalization of the state of the circulatory system, since the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. It is also recommended for hypertensive patients to lower blood pressure.
  4. Favorably affects the functioning of the excretory system.

Green tea contraindications

  • Elderly people, as green tea can provoke joint diseases and gout
  • People with diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, erosion should not drink green tea, as this drink increases acidity
  • Don't drink green tea for people with kidney disease
  • It is worth excluding this drink from the diet for those who suffer from hypertension, insomnia, arrhythmia. The caffeine it contains has an aphrodisiac effect.
  • Pregnant women should refuse green tea, especially if pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis.
  • This drink is contraindicated for people with an enlarged thyroid gland, glaucoma and children under 12 years old.

This tea is perhaps a wonder for us, but the inhabitants of the East know it well. This type of tea takes an intermediate place between black tea and green tea. Oolong tea tastes like green, but lacks its peculiar herbaceous flavor.

The color of this drink is dark brown. This tea is consumed immediately after production, but some prefer aged tea for better absorption by the stomach. By its properties, it is again close to green tea, and, by the way, is considered one of the most useful types of tea in general.

  • This type of tea lowers cholesterol;
  • Serves to fight overweight;
  • This type of tea is a good prophylactic agent against osteoporosis, promotes bone health;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth;
  • Helps in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • This type of tea stimulates the immune system.

Oolong tea contraindications

Contraindications for oolong tea are mainly due to the content of the natural alkaloid theine in it. This chemical compound is an absolute analogue of caffeine, therefore its effect on the human body is also similar. Hence the contraindications.

Do not drink oolong tea for pregnant women, people suffering from hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Although for the appearance of a noticeable negative effect of this drink, you need to drink it at least ten cups.

Useful properties of white tea

This type of tea came to the attention of scientists relatively recently. It is said to leave green tea behind in its health benefits. It contains the highest amount of antioxidants.

Actually, "white tea" is the top leaves of the tea bush that did not have time to bloom; when you brew it, the drink smells like a delicate floral aroma.

  • This tea normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • This type of tea makes the arteries healthier, lowers blood pressure;
  • Serves for the prevention of heart disease;
  • Strengthens bone tissue;
  • This tea is a rich source of antioxidants;

White tea, contraindications

White tea has much fewer contraindications. Do not get carried away with this drink for pregnant women, patients with hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease. It is better to exclude it from the diet of those suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis. That's probably all.

Rooibos tea is advised to drink to those people who are prone to depression, neuroses, all kinds of sleep disorders, suffering from headaches, etc. This type of tea is devoid of caffeine in its composition, it has a calming effect on nervous system.

  • This tea contains substances such as fluoride and manganese, contains a daily intake of calcium - thereby contributing to dental health;
  • This type of tea is a source of zinc, which is essential for the health of our skin, as well as magnesium, which is required for the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • This tea is useful in treating stomach ailments, colic - even in children;
  • This type of tea has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, relieves itching;
  • At different times of the day, this extraordinary tea has a completely different effect - in the morning, for example, it invigorates, at lunchtime it relieves fatigue, and in the evening it helps to cope with insomnia.

Rooibos tea, contraindications

This type of tea is characterized by the fact that it contains neither caffeine nor theine. Therefore, it does not have such contraindications as black or green tea. You can use it around the clock without the risk of raising blood pressure or earning insomnia.

In addition, this drink has a very low content of tannin, which interferes with the absorption of iron in the human body, and a low content of oxalic acid, which promotes the formation of kidney stones. So this tea has one contraindication, it is individual intolerance.

Ginseng tea beneficial properties

There is hardly anyone who has never heard of such a wonderful plant as ginseng. Though perhaps not everyone has tried it. This plant is appreciated for its tonic properties, but that's not all:

  • Ginseng tea stimulates mental processes;
  • Improves reaction;
  • Stimulates immunity, increases the body's resistance to adverse effects;
  • This type of tea relieves stress.

Ginseng tea, contraindications

Tea with ginseng is contraindicated for people with acute infectious and inflammatory processes, bleeding, hyperexcitability, as well as for pregnant women.

If you are hypertensive, then ginseng tea is not for you. And not for children under the age of 16. And even if this drink is not contraindicated for you, try not to drink it in the afternoon.

Well, that seems to be all. But still, I would like to warn you that tea should not be considered a panacea for all possible ailments - after all, any folk medicine will be effective only if you change your lifestyle. It should also be noted that any type of tea will really be a medicine for you, if you do not forget to consult your doctor.

One of the most popular varieties, which takes a long time to produce compared to other varieties. First, the leaves are dried, rolled, fermented and dried.

The chemical composition is wide, which determines the beneficial properties of black tea, which directly depend on the quality of the raw materials, the correct preparation and the amount of liquid drunk.

  1. Stimulates metabolism, blood circulation, kidney function, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  2. The beneficial properties are associated with the fact that tea is the prevention of skin cancer.
  3. Due to the presence of tannins, it has antioxidant properties.
  4. Given the presence of polysaccharides, the black variety is useful for diabetics to drink.

Black tea, contraindications

When can black tea be harmful and who should exclude black tea from their diet:

  • people with gastritis or stomach ulcers in the acute stage
  • patients with hypertension
  • people with diseases accompanied by high fever
  • with kidney disease in the acute stage
  • people with glaucoma
  • during pregnancy
  • children under 12 years old

Red tea - benefits

If you want to try the right red tea, then you need to look for packs that indicate that the plant was grown and packaged in China.

The beneficial properties of red tea have been known since ancient times, which made it popular all over the world. This variety has a rich chemical composition, as it contains polysaccharides, acids, amino acids, pectins, essential oils, vitamins and minerals.

Pu-erh tea - beneficial properties

In China, the most popular drink is Puerh, which is distributed all over the world. During the production process, tea leaves undergo complete fermentation, which determines its excellent qualities.

Properly brewed pu-erh tea has a tart taste and a honey and orchid note. In some varieties, tea rose and chrysanthemum leaves are added for flavoring.

  1. Scientifically proven pu-erh tea improves brain function, strengthens memory and increases attention.
  2. Given the presence of various amino acids and the ability to reduce appetite, the drink helps to lose weight. It helps to improve metabolic processes.
  3. It has a diuretic effect and has a positive effect on intestinal motility.
  4. Tea improves the activity of the liver and cardiovascular system, since it reduces cholesterol and increases vascular permeability.

The flower, which is popular with women who want to learn about the feelings of the chosen one, is very useful, which leads to its widespread use in traditional medicine recipes.

It contains up to 0.8% essential oil, acids, vitamins, minerals and other substances. The benefits of chamomile tea are important in treating many health problems.

  1. It has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, helping to cope with colic and even gastritis.
  2. Given the presence of ascorbic acid, the drink strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of catching colds.
  3. The beneficial properties of chamomile tea are associated with the fact that it stabilizes the nervous system, improving mood and helping to cope with bad moods.
  4. It has an antibacterial effect, relieving internal inflammatory processes.

Viburnum tea - benefits

Viburnum berries are a traditional treat for the Slavs and are used not only for culinary purposes, but also in folk recipes.

They have a unique composition, which gives a chance to use them to treat and prevent the development of many diseases, and they also increase the protective functions of the body, which helps to resist the negative effects of viruses and bacteria. Tea with viburnum, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times, are allowed to be drunk regularly.

  1. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. It is recommended to drink the drink during the cold season.
  2. Due to the presence of tannins, viburnum has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Berries are useful for hypertensive patients, as they help reduce blood pressure.
  4. Has a calming effect, helping to cope with stress, fatigue and bad mood. Even a cup of tea will give you a boost of energy.

Linden tea - beneficial properties

Fragrant flowers are the best for making tea, which has an original taste and pleasant honey aroma. It has a pleasant sweetness due to the presence of natural sugar.

It is best to prepare the drink in small quantities, as it loses its beneficial properties over time. The benefits of linden tea affect many organs and systems.

  1. It has an antipyretic effect, so it can be given to children with colds and flu.
  2. Cleans the body, removing toxins and toxins.
  3. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes.
  4. It has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

The herb presented has been used in folk recipes since ancient times, as it contains many essential oils, acids, minerals, tannins and other components.

Thyme tea is beneficial for the body's defenses, helping to fight viruses and bacteria, relieving coughs and headaches. The drink has a positive effect on the activity of many internal organs and systems.

  1. Improves the activity of the nervous system, which helps to better cope with depression and fatigue.
  2. It is recommended to drink a drink for cystitis, prostatitis and kidney sand.
  3. Tea with thyme, the benefit for women of which is associated with the ability to cope with excess weight, is allowed to drink daily.
  4. It is also useful for pregnant women, as it improves lactation and the quality of milk, but you need to drink it in limited quantities.

Mint tea - benefits

The aromatic plant is very popular in cooking due to its fresh taste. The leaves are included in recipes for various drinks, including tea, which is gentle and refreshing.

Mint tea, the benefits of which have been confirmed by doctors, strengthens the immune system, which is especially important during the period of active spread of viruses and infections.

  1. The drink is useful for hypertensive patients, since it normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Thanks to the presence of menthol, tea relieves cramps, which helps to cope with prolonged headaches.
  3. It has an antipyretic effect, relieving symptoms of the common cold and sore throat.
  4. The beneficial properties of tea are to normalize the state of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver.

Ginger tea - benefits

The hot spice has become widely used in cooking relatively recently, but its useful properties have been known for a long time. There are different folk recipes, but the easiest and most affordable way to get benefits is to make tea.

It combines various vitamins, minerals, essential oils and other substances. Ginger tea, the benefits of which have been proven through numerous studies, is very simple to prepare: you just need to add a few pieces of fresh root to a regular drink.

  1. It has an antiviral effect, which is important for certain diseases of the internal organs.
  2. Promotes the acceleration of blood circulation, which causes a warming effect and improves mental performance.
  3. The beneficial properties of ginger tea are associated with its ability to remove bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure.
  4. Affects the secretion of gastric juice, which has a positive effect on the activity of the digestive system.

Koporye tea - benefits

In traditional Slavic teas, various plants are used, which have great benefits. Fireweed or ivan tea is the main raw material for making fermented Koporye tea.

  1. The drink has a sedative and calming effect, which helps to cope with stress, depression and insomnia.
  2. Promotes the improvement of metabolic processes.
  3. The next useful property of tea is due to the presence of tannins, so it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
  4. With regular use, the work of the endocrine system improves.

It's safe to say that tea is the most popular drink on our planet. For several centuries, people of different nationalities, professions, and ages have been drinking it with pleasure. Many of them do not know anything about the history of this drink, but this does not prevent them from enjoying the wonderful taste and aroma of this wonderful drink. This love for tea is also explained by the fact that tea has beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Tea leaves are rich useful substances... They contain vitamins PP, K, B, P, C, essential oils, trace elements (fluorine, iodine, manganese, zinc), theobromine. There are flavonoids and antioxidants in tea. Experts talk about the many medicinal properties of tea, highlighting the main points:

  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • normalization of blood circulation, metabolism, heart function;
  • slowing down the processes of fat formation in blood vessels, this reduces the occurrence of blood clots;
  • suppression of tumors in the body;
  • slowing down the aging process of cells;
  • antibacterial effect on microbes;
  • preventing the development of caries.

Which tea is healthier for the body

It is difficult to say which tea is healthier. Each variety has its own unique properties. Green tea stimulates brain function better, black tea is indispensable for infectious diseases. Pu-erh helps to lose weight, red - removes cholesterol, white contains many useful vitamins. Let's try to figure out what kind of tea is useful.

The benefits of black tea for the body

Regular consumption of black tea helps to improve bowel function, rid the digestive tract of microbes and harmful substances. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. If you have to remember a lot of information, it is worth having a cup of black tea.

The drink neutralizes damaged cells, protecting against the development of cancerous tumors. The condition is that you need to drink five cups of tea for this. Black tea is effective for intoxication of the body, poisoning, including alcoholic ones. It is necessary to drink tea during the day in small sips.

The benefits of green tea for the body

Green tea removes toxins, toxins and carcinogens from the body. With regular consumption of tea, you can increase the tone of the body, speed up the metabolism. Green tea is often included in weight loss programs. By normalizing metabolism, you can effectively bring the weight back to normal.

This aromatic and tasty drink strengthens the functions of the immune system. Can be avoided colds because green tea has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Experts recommend using tea for those who are at risk of blood clots.

The benefits of hibiscus for the body

Hibiscus tea, which is made from hibiscus leaves, in last years is becoming more and more popular. It has a special aroma and taste, contains a large amount of fruit acids, amino acids, vitamins, microelements. Hibiscus strengthens the immune system, the body becomes resistant to viral and infectious diseases.

Tea regulates the menstrual cycle and is recommended for women if they have problems. The antispasmodic effect of hibiscus allows you to take it during severe pain. action that promotes weight loss. It helps with diseases of the kidneys and liver, also affects the work of the heart, blood vessels, thinning the blood.

The benefits of white tea for the body

White tea belongs to the category of elite teas. It heals the body, rejuvenates, helps to strengthen the immune system. The drink practically does not contain caffeine, therefore it is allowed to drink to pregnant women, hypertensive patients. White tea prevents tooth decay. The large amount of antioxidants contained in this type of tea help the body fight the formation of cancer cells. It well cleanses the body of harmful substances, removes excess cholesterol.

The benefits of yellow tea for the body

Yellow tea increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, has a positive effect on the functioning of the spleen, liver, and normalizes the endocrine system. This drink is an excellent antidepressant. It improves immunity, helps to get rid of headaches. Compresses with tea help with burns.

Benefits of mate tea

Mate tea is included in the list of the healthiest drinks. It helps to improve concentration and has tonic properties. Regular consumption of mate helps to strengthen the immune system and normalize blood pressure.

Talking about teas different types and varieties, one cannot fail to note the beneficial properties of herbal teas. What is tea useful with? Very useful, St. John's wort, mint, ginger, lemon.

"Tea can be drunk both in summer and winter, maintaining excellent health until old age."

"He makes the body active and strong."

"Tea relieves headaches, dizziness, and heaviness in the head."

"It gets rid of the blues problems."

"Tea makes breathing easier, cures suffocation."

"It fixes vision problems."

"Tea relieves fatigue, improves mood, and relieves pain in the liver."

"It works well against roughness, strengthens the stomach, improves appetite and digestion, especially in obese people and gluttons."

"Tea relieves nightmares, removes salts from bones, strengthens memory."

"It prevents and treats malaria, overeating, and relieves fever."

"Tea strengthens the internal organs and prevents consumption."

"It helps with colds, dropsy, scurvy; cleansing the body through sweating, drives out infection."

"The virtues of tea" - England 1660

Strengthening the body

To all its advantages, tea also has a bactericidal effect. It heals wounds, relieves inflammation, helps with burns.

In case of a cold, do not forget about tea: it will warm the nasopharynx and fight against microbes.

If you have diarrhea (simple, sorry, diarrhea), dipresia, tea will demonstrate its tanning and antiseptic properties.

Antioxidants in tea

Although tea contains virtually no calories, it contains vitamins A, C and E, as well as very healthy substances called flavonoids, or polyphenols.
Flavonoids act as antioxidants, reducing the impact of reactive oxygen molecules, which are formed during metabolism and contribute to aging and the emergence of chronic diseases.

Anti-cancer effect of tea

Can tea prevent cancer?
Hundreds of scientists around the world have been working on this issue since the 1980s. As you know, the catechins contained in tea are antioxidants and, therefore, prevent the growth of tumors (at least in laboratory conditions). A number of promising facts have been obtained that speak in favor of the fact that tea (especially green tea) may protect against certain types of cancer.

  • A Japanese study published in 1980 found that people who drank 10 or more cups of green tea a day had a lower risk of stomach cancer.
  • At least two studies published in the 1990s have clearly shown the relationship between an increase in green tea consumption and a decrease in the incidence of pancreatic cancer.
  • A study published in Notes on Cancer in 1998 showed that ECGg, a catechin found in green tea, is an active ingredient in inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer cells in the laboratory.
  • A series of Japanese studies, the results of which were published in 1997-99, showed that ECGg and other polyphenols inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells, including proctological adenocarcinoma, ductal breast cancer, skin cancer, and lung cancer.
  • A study of 35,000 postmenopausal women found that drinking at least 2 cups of green tea a day reduced the risk of cancer of the esophagus and genitourinary system.
  • A 1997 article titled Why Drinking Tea May Prevent Cancer, published in Nature, showed that green tea's cancer-fighting properties are attributed to its ability to suppress urokinase (uPA), an enzyme that accompanies the formation of metostasis in humans. ... The authors of the article investigated 190'000 substances that suppress uPA, including ECGg.
    Their conclusion was that one cup of green tea contains seven times more ECGg than the maximum possible dose of the most well-known urokinase inhibitor amiloride.

This promising study showed that tea not only can prevent cancer, but also inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. For example, a study published in the 1999 issue of the journal Nature showed that during in vitro experiments, ECGg interfered with the flow of blood to tumors, thereby slowing their growth. Other studies in the late 1990s showed that green tea polyphenols were protective against the incidence of prostate cancer and liver cancer.

A comparison was made of the strength of the effect of a decoction of black and green tea on the activity of cancer cells. The results, published in the 1998 brochure Molecular Biology of the Cell, showed that while the black tea solution was effective at 10%, the green tea solution was effective at 1%.


Turns out green tea kills alcohol cravings. This is why China and Japan, countries with a particular preference for green tea, have far fewer heavy drinkers than Western countries. To prepare an anti-alcoholic drink, use the following recipe: 1 tsp. green tea for 1 cup of water. Drink without sugar. The remaining leaves are not thrown away - they are eaten. The effect is not immediate. Months will pass and the effect will come.

Antibacterial properties

Tea (especially green tea, but also black tea, oolong tea and pu-erh tea) has been shown to inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutants, a bacteria that breaks down sugar in the mouth, causing tooth decay.

Antivirus protection

In laboratory conditions, it was found that catechin from tea leaves suppresses viral infections such as influenza, herpes, polio.


Weak green tea (no more than 2 cups a day) is useful for pregnant women.
The drink contains many useful vitamins and minerals.
Japanese scientists have found that women who regularly drank green tea before pregnancy give birth to stronger children.


Adding tea to rinse water after shampooing can soften hair and enhance shine.


If you attach them to closed eyes chilled wet tea bags can help reduce swelling.


It should be noted that a cup of green tea after dinner not only delights the mind and stomach, it also fights tooth decay.

Tea is saturated with fluorine compounds; as you know, fluorine is the only mineral element found in tea in large quantities... It prevents dental diseases, which is why fluoride is added to city water, toothpaste and mouth rinses. Fluorine water typically contains 0.00007 to 0.00012%, while green tea contains 0.000132 to 0.000418%. And there is no danger of fluoride poisoning when you drink tea.
(But please don't add sugar to it, this will destroy all the benefits.)

The effect of tea on dental health was clearly demonstrated in a Japanese study published in a dental journal in 1994. Scientists asked 35 volunteers, aged 18 to 29, not to brush their teeth or rinse their mouths for four days. Instead, they rinsed their mouths with a tea polyphenol solution after meals and before bed. In 34 subjects, the content of pathogenic bacteria decreased significantly.

Tea also has other effects on oral health. In laboratory conditions, catechins of all types of tea (black, green, oolong and Puerh) have been shown to suppress and even destroy bacteria that cause dental disease.
Even one single cup of tea can have a protective effect.


At least two studies from the 1990s showed that ECGg, a catechin found only in tea leaves, strengthens the immune system by promoting the regeneration of infection-fighting T and B cells.


Black tea has a tightening effect and disinfects the skin, thus being an ideal topical remedy for inflammation.

With a vascular mesh on the face, a mask is made from chilled tea leaves (tea grounds are applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes).
The same mask is useful for aging dry skin. Only after removing the tea leaves you need to lubricate the skin with a fat cream.

It is useful to wipe oily, aging skin with ice cubes made from green tea. To enhance the effect, you can add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to the tea infusion (one tablespoon for one glass of tea)


Osteoporosis, or fragility of bones, is a common condition in older people, especially women. Some studies have linked caffeine intake to osteoporosis, which has been true for tea drinkers as well.

But a 2000 study of more than 1,200 English women published in the American Journal of Nutritional Medicine found that drinking tea, on the other hand, strengthened the thigh bones, which are the most dangerous for fractures. The women who took part in the study were between 65 and 76 years old, and 1,100 of them drank tea regularly. Those who added milk to tea were most protected due to the action of the calcium in the milk.

It is not entirely clear how tea helps to strengthen bones. Fluoride in tea may play a role; in addition, the author of the study suggests that tea may contain substances that have an effect similar to that of the female hormone estrogen. Estrogen, on the other hand, helps to strengthen bone tissue.

Nervous system

Tea acts as a mild antidepressant, increasing the overall mood: it is microdoses of caffeine that work with some of the tea vitamins.
Increases endurance to stress, and if stress is still too strong, it helps to restore strength.


For an injury or foot pain, add used tea bags to a warm foot bath.


For rhinitis, rinse your nose with green tea infusion. To do this, pour one teaspoon of crushed green tea with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Use a disposable syringe without a needle for flushing. Repeat this procedure 6-8 times a day.

Burns and rashes

By adding a quart (¼ liter) of strong black tea to a warm bath, you can relieve itching from sunburn.
Also, chilled wet tea bags have a soothing effect on burns and rashes.


Mothers have long known that a diet of bananas, rice, applesauce, and tea is an effective home remedy for diarrhea. Both black and green tea have this effect mainly due to the flavonoids they contain.


Kidneys and bladder

Due to its diuretic effect, tea helps against swelling and formation of kidney and bladder stones.
Five cups of green tea daily reduces the risk of stone formation by 60 percent.

Heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular disease is rapidly ahead of cancer in prevalence.
Tea is an excellent means of preventing them.

  • First, it lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Secondly, it promotes the permeability of blood vessels, as it destroys fat deposits on their walls and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Third, it strengthens these walls.
  • Fourthly, it somewhat accelerates blood circulation, dilating the vessels of the brain and heart.

If you have arterial hypotension (hypotension) - drink black tea, and stronger.
And if hypertension is not in the most severe form and there are no contraindications, then weak green tea along with foods that contain a lot of vitamin C (lemon, rose hips, currants).

There is some evidence that tea protects against heart disease, but it is not as clear as in the case of cancer. A number of laboratory experiments have shown that polyphenols help lower cholesterol levels and prevent blood coagulation by blocking these two factors in the onset of heart disease.

Also, several studies involving humans have yielded encouraging results.
For example, a study by Israeli scientists found that people in the black tea group had lower cholesterol levels than coffee drinkers.

A 1992 study of 20,000 Norwegian men and women, published in 1992, found that those people who drank five or more cups of black tea a day had lower cholesterol levels than those who did not drink tea at all.

One of the largest studies involved 12,763 adults from seven countries.
Published in 1995 in the Archives of Internal Medicine, The Seven Countries Study found a strong link between the presence of flavonoids in the diet and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Flavonoids are known to be abundant in tea.

Tea can affect heart health by maintaining a normal body weight. A study by Chinese scientists, published in 1998, found significant weight loss in experimental rats after 63 weeks of consuming a mixture of their usual food with crushed green tea leaves; At 15 weeks, the green tea-fed rats weighed 12% less overall than the controls.

Also in the framework of a Dutch study published in 1999, 3454 people were observed who drank an average of one to two cups of tea daily. It turned out that their risk of developing severe aortic atherosclerosis is 46% less. Atherosclerosis, in turn, is the cause of cardiovascular disease.
People who drank more than 4 cups of tea a day had a 69% reduction in risk.

The main fact that the scientists found was that tea drinkers generally lead healthier lives than other people. Indeed, life on the principle of "sip by sip" is calm, measured, concentrated; gives less stress than living bread by bread.
Accordingly, a quiet life is more beneficial to your heart.

Weight loss

Green tea polyphenols have been shown to block the activity of amylase, an enzyme in saliva that breaks down carbohydrates. Based on this, it was concluded that green tea is more conducive to fat burning than fat storage.

A small study of overweight middle-aged women published in 1985 analyzed the dietary effects of green tea capsules. After two weeks of drinking, the green tea group lost twice the weight of the medication group; after four weeks, the green tea group lost three times the weight of the control group.

Vitamins in tea

Tea contains provitamin A - carotene, which ensures the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, lungs, bronchi, urogenital organs and is especially important for maintaining good vision.

Green tea is rich in vitamins K, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 ( folic acid), B12, PP (nicotinic acid).

Tea also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
Green and yellow teas contain 10 times more vitamin C than black teas. Vitamin P in green tea is 4 times more than in oranges or lemons. In combination with vitamin C, it significantly enhances the effectiveness of ascorbic acid, contributes to its accumulation and retention in the body.

Minerals in tea

Mineral and other inorganic substances in tea contain from 4 to 7%.
Tea contains magnesium, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, gold.

Caffeine in tea and drinks

Caffeine is a natural component of tea leaves, although its share in tea is much lower than in coffee, chocolate or Coca-Cola.
Due to caffeine, tea has earned a reputation as a drink that relieves fatigue and improves mood. It acts as a stimulant for the central nervous system and heart, can also stimulate gastric secretion and increase urinary frequency.

The more the tea is oxidized (or “fermented”), the more caffeine it contains: black tea has the most caffeine, green tea has the least.
On average, a 170-gram cup of tea contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine - less than half the amount found in a similar cup of coffee.

The highest caffeine content, as in the case of catechins, is found in tea made from a bud and two top leaves of a tea bush.
Many factors affect the caffeine content of tea: the altitude at which it grows (the higher the tea grows above sea level, the more caffeine it contains), the presence of fertilizers and zinc in the soil. While scientific research on the effects of caffeine on the body is controversial, there is no reliable evidence that caffeine causes any disease or exacerbates chronic malaise.

Caffeine (mg)

Coffee(140 gr.).

From the thick
Strained 80
Soluble 65
Cafein free
Espresso (55 gr.)
Green tea(140 gr.), Brewed for 3 minutes.
Black tea(140 gr.)
Brewed 3 minutes 40
Cafein free
Chilled tea (340 gr.)
Cocoa(140 gr.)
Milk chocolate
Soft drinks(340 gr.)

Coca Cola 46
Diet cola 46
Pepsi cola
Diet Pepsi 40
RS Cola
Mountain Dew

How does the morning begin? Millions of people around the world start their day with a cup of aromatic tea. But is tea good for our body?

Useful properties of tea

Tart, fresh or, conversely, deep and velvety, black or green, hot or cold - the taste of this drink can be as different as nature is rich in shades of colors. When brewing tea, we do not think why in some countries there are still whole tea traditions, and the process that takes us a few minutes turns into a real ritual there. In those countries where tea is grown, no one is interested, is tea in bags good for you?, because in this form it simply does not exist for them.


Neither scientists trying to thoroughly study its composition, nor ordinary consumers, who are not very interested in the composition, do not doubt the beneficial properties of tea. But if the former are more concerned with the "cause", that is, thanks to which elements the tea has a high degree of usefulness, then all the rest are content with the "effect", namely the positive qualities characteristic of this drink.

Beneficial substances in tea

  1. The basis of tea bases is tannins. The quality of tea directly depends on the tannin content in it;
  2. The source of the tea aroma is essential oils;
  3. Alkaloids, namely theine (caffeine), which does not accumulate in the human body;
  4. Proteins, the content of which is about 25%;
  5. Amino acids;
  6. Vitamins. Tea contains all known vitamins, especially vitamins P and C, the whole group of B vitamins;
  7. Minerals;
  8. Organic acids;
  9. Pectin substances.

What is useful in it? Everyone has long known that in terms of the amount of caffeine (it is this stimulant that helps us wake up in the morning), tea, or rather, some of its varieties, are significantly superior to coffee. It is thanks to this substance that tea gives a feeling of vigor, improves mental and physical potential. In addition, caffeine molecules are involved in metabolic processes, i.e., they contribute to the transformation of fats into energy. It is worth noting that a freshly brewed cup of tea is able to relieve headaches due to the vasodilating properties of the substances that make up the tea.

It is not for nothing that the Chinese civilization is considered one of the most ancient. Their traditions are borrowed by all peoples, their wisdom is applicable to the modern world. Perhaps it makes sense to adopt their tea ritual and learn to enjoy every sip of fresh tea, not rushing and not overtaking time, but enjoying every minute and listening to the taste of the “fire of life”.

Who is tea bad for?

  1. First of all, these are young children. Due to the presence of substances that stimulate the nervous system in the composition, it is not recommended to drink tea in pure form children under 6 years old.
  2. Elderly people, especially those who have problems with cardiovascular system... At this age, it is desirable to limit the total amount of fluid in order to avoid excessive stress on the body.
  3. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The enzymes contained in tea are capable of increasing the acidity of the stomach. For this category, it is especially important to know whether hibiscus tea with its inherent sour taste is useful. Flowers of hibiscus or Sudanese rose not only have the healing properties of green tea, but also quench thirst well. However, this tea is contraindicated for those with a history of gastritis, ulcers and urolithiasis.
  4. Pregnant and breastfeeding women. Due to the presence of caffeine in the composition, it is advisable not to consume strong tea, at the same time a pinch of dry tea leaves will help get rid of nausea with toxicosis.

How much tea can you drink per day

Considering that a few centuries ago, tea was consumed exclusively in medicinal purposes, we can conclude that even for such a seemingly harmless drink, there should be restrictions. Russian and British scientists agree that they should limit themselves to four cups of black tea per day (about 1 liter). Regarding other types of opinions, there are some differences: Chinese doctors recommend drinking at least a liter of green or white tea per day, the British advise reducing the number of cups to 3. In this regard, it is appropriate to ask the question: is green tea useful if its use needs to be limited?

The answer is unambiguous - of course, useful. Green tea contains much more of the same caffeine than black tea. Accordingly, the degree of influence of the constituent substances on the human body increases. Green tea is a powerful source of antioxidants that are known to be active in the fight against cancer cells. Plus, green tea can lower blood sugar, kill viruses, regulate blood pressure, and act as an antiseptic.

How to choose healthy and tasty tea

You can endlessly chant the virtues of tea and praise its wonderful properties, but there are nuances that can devalue all these qualities and even cause harm. First of all, it is necessary to remember that tea categorically refuses to coexist with metal: as a result, an unpleasant, rusty in taste and color drink is obtained. That is why in China - the country thanks to which tea was "born", huge funds are spent on the production of tea utensils from the finest porcelain.

One more important point when choosing tea - the right kind. Connoisseurs of this wonderful drink advise you to pay attention to appearance dry brewing. A good tea should have a rich, even color of the leaves with a glossy effect; the tea leaves should be firm, strong and juicy, of the same size. The tea should not contain impurities of other herbs and varieties. Properly dried, fresh, high-quality tea should not have any foreign odors and follow one rule: it should smell good. In connection with the above, it is logical that the question arises: is tea in bags useful, and what exactly is poured inside?

The widespread opinion that only recycled raw materials are used for tea bags is nothing more than a myth. In bags, ordinary tea leaves are packaged, subjected to mechanical processing, i.e., highly crushed. Sachet paper is made from a mixture of cellulose and hemp, which are completely harmless and tasteless and odorless.

Healthy tea recipes

Tea drinking is an old tradition that has not lost its relevance even today. Any feast always ends with tea, office workers prefer tea to other drinks, guests always come "for tea", they also solder sick people with it during a cold. However, not everyone knows that tea can be drunk not only in its pure form, but also with the addition of other ingredients, for example, lemon and ginger. At the same time, tea not only retains its beneficial properties, but also becomes a source of targeted impact on a specific problem.

Is ginger tea good for you? Almost every housewife uses ginger in one form or another. This fairly well-known spice has long and firmly settled in culinary recipes both main and dessert dishes. Scientists have long proven that ginger helps to accelerate metabolic processes in the body and the breakdown of fats, thereby helping a person to cope with excess weight.

The recipe for making ginger tea is simple: a teaspoon of grated ginger root is poured into a glass of freshly brewed green tea. You can add a teaspoon of honey to reduce the harsh taste. This drink should not be drunk before bedtime, as ginger stimulates the nervous system.

You can talk about the benefits of lemon for hours. In addition to citric and malic acid, its composition includes vitamin C, which is very valuable for the body, which is an antioxidant. Is lemon tea as good as they say? There is not an ounce of exaggeration in this statement. Drinking a glass of green tea with lemon daily can help the body eliminate toxins and uric acid, which damages tissues and internal organs. To do this, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to a cup of green tea. This recipe is good for the whole body as lemon has antiseptic properties necessary to fight off pathogenic bacteria.