
Professor Nightingale: “This was the last calm year in Russia. Why was Professor Nightingale not "asked" from MGIMO much earlier? Valery solovey vkontakte new power

Valery Solovey and Dmitry Bykov on Putin's successors, Medvedev's prospects and whose agent Navalny

Professor Nightingale is sure that already in 2021, maximum in 2022, neither Putin nor the Putin system will exist. It is not yet possible to predict what exactly will happen. It will launch perturbations that are disastrous for the authorities, trying to restore the Soviet Union in one form or another. And it will happen this summer.

Photo: Anton Denisov, RIA Novosti


I would venture to say that Valery Solovey is the only political scientist in Russia today. The rest either left, or fell silent, or changed their profession. What kind of political science, when there is no politics either? But the Nightingale continues to call on the opposition to unite, and to the rest it is clear and optimistic to tell what will happen. It is believed that he has some particularly secret sources and he knows much more than others, and therefore his predictions often come true. To sum up the results of the year more, count, and there is no one.

There were several references to confidential information in this interview. I leave gaps that everyone can fill to the best of their knowledge.

- After Medvedev's press conference, there was a feeling that, don’t laugh, he was again being prepared as a successor.

- What's so funny? This option is being considered. Among others, but quite seriously. And he is the most suitable candidate, but in a slightly different structure - when stability will be ensured not by him, but by some collective institution like the State Council. In this design, the main element will continue to be Putin. But Dmitry Anatolyevich feels himself on a horse. His residences, by the way, were upgraded to the level of presidential security, which, of course, boosted self-esteem. He was given to understand that it is not worth paying attention to the revelations of Navalny.

- Did he convert?

- The most serious thing. He and Seagulls had serious psychological problems, they fell into a real depression, because they sincerely considered themselves untouchable. The greatest merit of Navalny is that he tore this film of untouchability from them. The Seagull simply disappeared from everywhere for three days, left Moscow, sat and worried: it seemed to them that they had absolute privacy. Our planes, estates, duck dogs should be hidden from everyone, and we are untouchable. In general, Medvedev was so depressed that Putin ordered Shoigu to shake him up - then they flew to the North Pole, remember? Otherwise, God forbid, he will get drunk. And they say it is undesirable for him to drink for health reasons ... So I had to be distracted by the pole.

- Anyone from the top is leaking information to Navalny?

- I in no way want to hint that Navalny is an agent of the top, but - of course, they are leaking. And he's a fine fellow for taking advantage of it. But, although Navalny is their absolute enemy, they have learned to use him. Therefore, at times, Navalny's investigation becomes a kind of insurance. After all, Putin cannot remove anyone under pressure from outside.

But it doesn't really matter what they're planning for a successor. Everything will happen much earlier and in a completely different way. We can make a bet with you that 2020 will be fatal and in the historical perspective ending 2019 with all its perturbations will be called the last calm year of Russia. And already in 2021, maximum in 2022, neither Putin nor the Putin system will exist.

- How?! As a result of what ?!

- Let's call it this: due to a complex combination of unforeseen domestic and foreign policy circumstances.

- External - related to Ukraine?

- And with Ukraine, and with Belarus, and the Baltic states.

- Will they go there too?

- Why not? Within the framework of geopolitical revisionism, that is, attempts to restore Soviet influence without the formal restoration of the USSR. This idea is relevant and bleeds.

- I just spoke with an extremely reliable expert - he thinks so too, I was just scared.

- Great minds converge (laughs).

- And he believes that NATO will not protect the Baltic states.

- Of course it won't. I cannot suggest specific ways of realizing the Kremlin's intentions, I can only talk about the intentions themselves. There is a desire to take revenge for "the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century," as they call it. Intimidate the West. And we know how to intimidate - their own people are so intimidated. Baltic - Achilles' heel West. There is no intention to seize it - there is a desire to put pressure on, to compromise NATO and the European Union by forceful blackmail ... After that, NATO will cease to exist, because why do we need a military-political alliance that is unable to protect its members? Moreover, in the event of a new round of geopolitical revisionism, the European Union will simultaneously face serious problems - for example, a new invasion of migrants ... However, it will not turn out quite the way the Kremlin portrays itself. There is such an aphorism: in Russia, two circumstances always and everything interfere - first one, then the other. So it is here: force pressure presupposes a large-scale and multi-component plan. This plan is ready, but no one fully knows how prepared all its elements are. In the reports, of course, everything is fine. But in reality? Therefore, inconsistencies will begin almost immediately. And - either the readiness for aggression turns out to be not the same as reported (they did not all lose their heads there), or when they try to mobilize reservists - and it will come to that pretty soon - they will face massive resistance from the soldiers' mothers. But you never know - complex and large-scale plans are now beyond the capacity of the regime: “to start,” as Gorbachev said, will work, but to “deepen” ...

- But even if Putin is removed, those who are more radical, more to the right, more conservative may come in his place ...

- Excluded. “To the right” of Putin are people who are extremely dependent, intellectually inferior to him, without him they will not dare to do anything. Against their background, he is, without exaggeration, a genius.


- Can you somehow explain why he is just now, out of the blue, going to fall into geopolitical revisionism?

- The best historical moment. The West is weak, divided, America has no time for Europe, Ukraine is ready to make concessions ...

- Is Zelensky ready?

- From the Kremlin's point of view - yes, I'm ready. And we must take advantage of this. It's not about Donbass being shoved into Ukraine. In reality, Ukraine will be annexed to the Donbass. When Zelenskiy recently spoke about municipal guards in Donbas, he was merely reformulating the Kremlin's intent. The guard is formally Ukrainian, but it consists of residents of Donbass, headed by former officers of the Russian army. The so-called volunteer corps in Donbass, local self-government, all current institutions will remain - and all this should be financed by Ukraine. This is how it is seen from Moscow. The border is actually open. They write to me a lot from Donetsk, asking: will there be an amnesty? According to the Kremlin's plan, it should be unconditional and complete, including those who committed crimes against humanity there. The part of the Ukrainian oligarchy with which Zelenskiy is indeed connected is ready to lend a hand to Putin. The interview that Kolomoisky gave to The New York Times is not blackmail or shocking, but a principled position. It has the so-called Odessa show-off, but at the heart of everything is very serious. Kolomoisky will extend the hand of friendship to Russia, PrivatBank will be returned to him for this ...

- But in the case of Zelensky's compliance, a third Maidan is possible ...

- Exactly! It will look like this: fascist thugs tried to thwart the plan of the legally elected president of Ukraine to establish peace. Two fraternal peoples have just begun to restore relations - and on you. Then - already at the request of the legitimate president - why not provide him with fraternal assistance? It's not about the seizure of Ukraine - why? Exclusively about the suppression of the Maidan by the forces of the same volunteer corps of Donbass ...

- I don't see what could hinder Putin in the implementation of this plan. Unless Zelensky wants to ...

- Under the pressure of the oligarchs, he wants to. But this is also a complex plan, it involves the docking of many circumstances. Most likely, it will be about the accession of Ukraine to the Union State. But in this regard, there is not only a military unit, written out with special love, but also a political one. Evidence of insufficient knowledge of the subject. Like Putin will be greeted in Kiev with bread and salt. And this, to put it mildly, is not at all true. I admit that at first a wave of enthusiasm will rise again in Russia. But then it turns out that professional military men are not enough, and an existential situation will arise for Russian women: they are not even theoretically ready to give their men to war. Certain elements of a state of emergency ... The need to turn off social networks - and these are already elements of addiction, because this is not a matter of politics. It's a matter of habit, needle placement. The younger generation is simply dependent on them. Then there is a massive take to the streets.

- And what is the National Guard for?

- There is a payroll of Rosgvardia - about 300 thousand people - and there is a reality: 25-30 thousand riot police. It was barely enough for a vegetarian Moscow protest in August. And what about real mass performances? Zolotov, for example, is only eager to demonstrate his loyalty, but there are, in addition to him, professional officers who are not at all eager to shoot at the people. This is a serious risk. And in the event of such an order, elementary sabotage will begin: he cannot leave the location, we have no fuel, people have blocked the roads, communication does not work ... Loss of control.

- In principle, I admit it, because the lag between the first attempt at revolution and its second phenomenon is just about ten years. As between the defeat of the First Russian Revolution in 1907 and February ten years later ...

- The main parallel is that at the first attempt at revolution, you can still get off with cosmetic changes. But its second coming is already the dismantling of the regime. In 2012, it was easy to buy off a little democratization. All bills will have to be paid in 2021.


- Will Trump run for a second term?

- That he will go for it - of course, he really wants. There will be no impeachment, because what kind of scandal is there around Ukraine? That Ukraine, that Russia is for the Americans somewhere on the edge of the ecumene. Trump will not interfere in the Russian situation.

- That is, no foreign country will help, you will have to again seek freedom, as they say, with your own hand.

- There will be a set of socio-economic circumstances and mass protest. There was a qualitative change in consciousness, protests, although still local, spread throughout Russia. The reasons are varied: environmental, as in Shies, social, youth ... Now there are 13 percent of potential Protestants. Over the next year, their number will grow to 60–70. And no talk like “I restored the greatness of the country” will work.

- Well, can not Putin just stop there and do without expansion?

- Excluded. He has a messianic consciousness - he has nothing to do in this world without a great mission. And the implementation of the geopolitical revision plan may begin very soon.

- By next autumn?

- As if not for the next spring. I am ready to meet with you at this time and check. Putin doesn't have much time.

- What is it connected with?

- With the limitedness of not so much political time as his personal, physiological time. It is this factor that makes him act. And by the way, a lot indicates that the close and distant environment of the "leader" understands the risks. The Rotenbergs and Timchenko go into the cash and take it abroad, Lukoil hastily converts the ruble proceeds into dollars. Alekperov almost for the first time thought about the possible sale of his company.

- But in the event of all these problems, a serious financial crisis is possible, freezing of foreign currency deposits ...

- It won't be completely freezing. Exchange for rubles, but within certain limits and at the appropriate - "fair" - rate. Remember the Soviet 95 kopecks per dollar? Our people resist reality - it seems to them that the impending SOMETHING will not touch them. Are they planted? So this is not all, but only the protesters. Or just the rich. Judging? So this is the elite. For a truly massive protest to arise, the population must be backed up against the wall. After all, people do not want to understand to the last that they have been dishonored, defended and robbed.

- But if they understand, where will Putin go?

- This issue is also being intensively discussed at the top.

- And then you will jump out with your idea of ​​uniting the protest forces.

- In a sense, this idea has no alternative. It is clear that after Putin, only a kind of nationwide "round table" is possible, which will initiate and hold parliamentary elections and form a technocratic government. However, it is both a curse and the salvation of Russia - that no one can unite. Conditional archaist-imperial-aggressors are hindered by personal vanity - they will not decide which of them is worse in order to entrust the leadership to this worst one. And conventional liberals are thwarted by theoretical disagreements on a wide range of issues - from feminism to lustration. But the liberals will still have to unite, because the next government in Russia, it seems, will turn out to be liberal. People in uniform here in the foreseeable future will not take power - they have demonstrated to the whole world intellectual poverty plus planetary theft.

- Yanov says that it was like the last temptation of Russia.

- Yes, and it should be enough for a long time. The main thing is that they themselves are uncomfortable living in what happened: there are too many lies, it smells too bad.


- Does any politician respond to your idea of ​​unification?

- You offer politicians in Russia at least the most innocent slogan "Observe the Constitution!" - he's not left or right, completely vegetarian! - but no, they are afraid of open political action. Here are grassroots civic activists - this is serious, they are really fed up with everything, they are ready to unite. I think the politicians, as always, will try to ride the protest that will knock from below. And then they will run across from the Kremlin, telling how they secretly supported the protest all the time.

- It seems to me that you still underestimate the possibility of the arrival of forces, relatively speaking, more powerful than the current security officials and Putin's Putin: some completely bloody nationalists or Stalinists ...

- The Ukrainian situation is very clear for the idea of ​​the dismantling of the regime (and we, I repeat, exactly dismantling or even destruction awaits us): there are nationalists, they are everywhere, they can play a role in the power confrontation. But look, how everyone was frightened by the "Right Sector" Sobesednik.ru], and as a result, the president in Kiev is Jewish. Nationalists enjoy marginal support and always have problems with a positive program, especially in the modern world.

- Do you have any guesses about the president's figure?

- The first thing that needs to be done is to form a temporary coalition, a kind of transitional body, and hold parliamentary elections. When there is a real parliament, the candidacy of the president will also be determined.

- Do you exclude the territorial disintegration of Russia?

- It is difficult to rule out anything in Russia, but I do not see any prerequisites for it, nor are there any truly influential local separatisms and nationalisms (with the exception, perhaps, of a part of the North Caucasus). In my opinion, the influential mass demand for fear and aggression is no longer there either, we overeat. There is a demand for creation, for fresh faces and the associated lustration, especially in the judicial sphere, for the destruction of the television propaganda machine. But not more…

- And there is such a version that you are a sent Cossack ...

- Sent by whom, when and where?

- By the Kremlin, into opposition ...

- What's the point? Information? Everyone in the Kremlin and Lubyanka knows everything. Provocations? But I can hardly provoke something even to the simplest and harmless cooperation (laughs).

- And then how do you know so much? From your graduate student Vaino?

- He was never my graduate student, nor a source. But I have good sources. That is why many influential and wealthy people come to my semi-private lectures.

- Why were you tolerated at MGIMO for so long?

- Patience of the rector himself. Love of students. Ability not to cross the "red lines".

- Where, then, do these insiders come from?

- These are the most reliable, but very modest sources. I also listen to women. Sometimes a woman's intuition cannot be compared to any insider knowledge. And yet, after the 2018 elections, several interlocutors, whose opinion I highly value, clearly told me: the president will not hold out until the end of this term. And I believe in writers too (laughs): you said the same thing then.

- Now I'm not convinced.

- But I know that you have to believe the first reaction. Talleyrand said: do not believe the first impulse, it is usually the most sincere.

Interviewed by Dmitry Bykov

"Interlocutor", 01/09/2020

Valery Dmitrievich Solovey- Doctor of Historical Sciences (the topic of his doctoral dissertation is “The Russian Question and Its Impact on the Domestic and Foreign Policy of Russia”), professor, former head of the Department of Public Relations at MGIMO. In June 2019, he was expelled from MGIMO for "anti-state propaganda and undermining political stability." Author and co-author of five monographs, dozens of scientific and many journalistic articles. He gained wide popularity in 2016 after several accurate political predictions.

Was born in 1960 in the Luhansk region of the Ukrainian SSR. Sister - Tatyana Dmitrievna Solovey, also a doctor of historical sciences.

Graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. Lomonosov (1983). Completed an internship at the London School of Economics and Political Science (1995).

2012 - headed the working group on the formation of the political party "New Force" and was elected its chairman. The Ministry of Justice refused to register the party. In March 2016, Nightingale noted in an interview that the party was "frozen due to the fact that we were threatened with reprisals."

He is married and has a son. Both are famous fans of CSKA football.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready for a new "hybrid operation". He made it clear at his sensational Federal Assembly. Russian political scientist Valery Solovey told about this in an interview with the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

According to Nightingale, a new war will become inevitable if the defense minister is replaced in the new Putin government.

"This means that Russia, that is, President Putin, is ready for a new round of political revisionism. This round should begin and end before May 9," said Solovey.

He specified that Belarus alone is not enough for Russia to create a Union State.

“This was conceived a long time ago. And by and large it is the idea of ​​a geopolitical revenge - a revenge in history. Remember, Vladimir Vladimirovich always said that the collapse of the Soviet Union is the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. He wants to know revenge in history. And he is driven by this idea. at least since 2009, at least since 2009, he has been consistently, step by step preparing this revenge, "the Russian expert shared his opinion.

He warned that not only Ukraine and Belarus, but also the Baltic countries are in great danger. According to Nightingale, in the event of the Kremlin's aggression, "NATO's umbrella will not protect them," as this requires the will of US President Donald Trump, and he has warm feelings for his Russian counterpart.

"The situation will develop in a tragic direction, I know that"- said the political scientist. He stressed that the Kremlin is actively preparing the whole country for a new war of aggression.

"If you pay attention to the mass evacuations of schools, first in Moscow, now in other cities, this is preparation for the introduction of a state of emergency. This is planned," said Solovey. He recalled how back in 2013 no one could believe in the possibility of a Russian attack on Ukraine. It all happened with lightning speed. Probably, with a new war, there will be a similar situation.

According to Nightingale, the Kremlin will quickly find a formal reason for aggression. This may be, in particular, the already familiar "protection of the Russian-speaking" in the Baltic states, or the "enforcement of peace" in Ukraine.

“I’m not going to lie about the Baltic countries, but about changing the tone of coverage of President Zelensky, I’m absolutely certain. Russian Federation before it's too late, "the political scientist specified.

Earlier Dialog.UA reported that Gleb Pavlovsky: "The resignation of the government is a planned special operation of Putin."

In addition, Volokh "support" Putin's young mothers in Russia: "The Fuehrer needs soldiers."

Also Babchenko, what scenario Putin has prepared for Russia: "My dear pink ponies, this is just the beginning. Run."

Valery Solovey: by 2024 there will be 15-20 regions in Russia and state ideology

Valery Solovey, a political scientist and professor at MGIMO, expressed his opinion on rumors about an imminent constitutional reform in Russia.

The other day the chairman of the constitutional court Valery Zorkin spoke about the need to change the country's Constitution.

According to Professor Nightingale, by 2024 in Russia the number of subjects of the federation will be reduced through unification and state ideology will be introduced.

Valery Solovey:

I already had to write and speak on this topic, I will repeat myself with pleasure.

1. Preparation of the constitutional reform, or rather cardinal changes in a wide range of constitutional laws, began in the fall of 2017.

2. Changes were developed in the following areas:

a) the formation of a new configuration of state power and administration;

b) a radical reduction in the number of subjects of the federation (up to 15-20) by combining them for the purpose of ease of management, leveling the levels of development and neutralizing ethnic separatist tendencies;

c) decisive amendments to the laws on elections and political parties (by no means in the sense of liberalization);

d) the introduction of state ideology.
Well and one more thing.

3. Initially, it was not clear which of the changes and to what extent would be given the green light, and which would not.

But in any case, they were not supposed to be implemented all at the same time due to the predicted strong negative reaction.

4. Sine qua non - the reconfiguration of state power and management, which should provide the institutional and legal framework for the transit of the system.

There are several options here too.

From the well-known model with the establishment of the State Council as an analogue of the Politburo and reducing the role of the president to representative and symbolic functions to, on the contrary, strengthening and expanding presidential powers and establishing the post of vice president. (There are several more options.)

5. The transit of the system should be carried out until 2024, in order to catch the enemies of the external and internal by surprise. It was assumed that the decisive years could be 2020-2021.

6. There is one and only reason why these terms could be shifted downward.

And this reason has nothing to do with politics and declining ratings. The situation is assessed as disturbing, but not critical and under control.

7. And even more so, there was no talk of any early elections and could not go. A radical change in the organization of state power and administration is not being carried out in order to hold elections and subject the system to severe stress.

8. Among the key beneficiaries of the reform, the authorities name three people who are already in the top ten of the elite in terms of their political and bureaucratic weight.

There is a bright palette in the assessments of the figure of political scientist Valery Solovyov - he is a spy, a Russian nationalist, and an expert in suggestion. The incredible accuracy of his forecasts of certain events in the life of the country, voluntarily or involuntarily, conjures up the idea that the professor has his own network of informants in the vertical of power. The general public recognized Valery Nightingale after high-profile performances at Manezhnaya Square in December 2010 and on the RBK TV channel.

Childhood and youth

The details of the life of a political scientist available in sources are not rich in facts. Valery Dmitrievich Solovey was born on August 19, 1960 in the Luhansk region of Ukraine, in a city with a promising name - Happiness. There is no information about the childhood of Nightingale.

After high school Valery became a student of the Faculty of History of the Moscow state university... After graduating from the university in 1983, he worked for ten years at the Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences. In 1987 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.

Further work biography of Valery Solov'i continued at the international foundation for socio-economic and political research "Gorbachev Foundation". According to some reports, Nightingale worked in the fund until 2008. During this time, he prepared several reports for international organizations, including the UN, was a visiting researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and defended his doctoral dissertation.

By the way, some observers and political scientists reproach Valery with connections with the fund and the London School of Economics, believing that both of these institutions a priori cannot be carriers of the ideas of creating a strong Russian state... Simultaneously with his work in these organizations, Valery Solovey held a position in the editorial board and wrote articles in the journal Svobodnaya Mysl.

Since 2009, the political scientist has been a member of the Expert Council of the international analytical journal Geopolitics. The magazine promotes the idea of ​​preserving Russian originality, statehood, spreading the Russian language and culture. Well-known media personalities work in the editorial office - Oleg Poptsov, Anatoly Gromyko, Giulietto Chiesa. In addition, Valery Solovey is the head of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations at MGIMO University.

Science and social activities

In 2012, Professor Nightingale made an attempt to make himself known in the political arena louder, creating and leading the New Force party, as reported in January of the same year on the radio station Echo of Moscow. Nationalism, according to the professor, underlies the worldview of normal people, because only thanks to such an attitude towards life there will be a chance to keep the country.

Despite the fact that the ideas promoted by the party found understanding among people, New Force did not pass registration with the Ministry of Justice. The party's official website has been blocked, Twitter and VKontakte pages have been abandoned. This is not surprising, given Valery Solovy's right-wing liberal position: he does not see nationalism as a threat to society, does not consider it an ideology.

Nevertheless, Valery Solovey continues to be active. Today he is the author and co-author of 7 books and more than 70 scientific articles, and the number of Internet publications and articles in the media is in the thousands. It has long become a tradition in the journalistic environment to interview one of the most famous political scientists in the country on every more or less significant issue.

Frank, without embellishment, Nightingale's notes in his own blog on the Echo of Moscow website, on his personal pages in Facebook and "In contact with" collect a lot of comments. Quotes from speeches, the professor's forecasts (by the way, surprisingly accurate) become the subject of discussion, are taken as a basis in the expression on the pages of the LiveJournal of the personal position of caring citizens.

Personal life

All that is known about the personal life of Valery Nightingale is that the professor is married and has a son, Pavel. The spouse's name is Svetlana Anashenkova, originally from St. Petersburg, graduated from the psychology department of St. Petersburg State University, is engaged in the publication of children's literature, teaching aids.

In 2009, together with his sister Tatyana, also a doctor of historical sciences, Nightingale published the book “The Failed Revolution. Historical meanings of Russian nationalism ", which the authors dedicated to their children - Pavel and Fyodor.

Valery Solovey now

The last book by Valery Nightingale so far is “Revolution! Fundamentals of the revolutionary struggle in the modern era ”was published in 2016.

In the fall of 2017, it became known that the leader of the Rosta Party, a billionaire and an ombudsman for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, will participate in the presidential elections in Russia in 2018. In the campaign headquarters of the party, Valery Solovey was appointed responsible for ideology. The professor believes that from the point of view of propaganda, the campaign has already been won, and the goal of Titov's nomination is to influence the economic strategy.

Among the last "prophecies" of Nightingale is the imminent ripening of the political crisis, the loss of control by society, the aggravation of the crisis in the economy. In addition, on a page on Facebook, Valery Dmitrievich expressed his opinion that supposedly one should expect the appearance of Russian volunteers in military conflicts in Yemen, as happened with Libya and Sudan. In other words, Russia will be drawn into yet another conflict, which will again entail multibillion-dollar costs and rejection of the country in the international arena.

Nightingale predicts an imminent end to Putin's next presidency, in two or three years, and the reason lies not even in the years of Vladimir Vladimirovich (the heads of state are much older), but in the fact that "the people of Russia are tired of Putin." And then a series will follow major changes.

Speaking about a possible successor, Nightingale does not consider the Minister of Defense as such, whose candidacy is not directly discussed, but is being discussed in narrow circles. The political scientist drew attention to the former deputy Shoigu, lieutenant general, governor of the Tula region.

Valeriy Solovey is also blunt about the exaggerated Ukrainian issue and the topic in the US presidential election. According to the political scientist, relations with Ukraine will no longer be the same, and Crimea will remain Russian. And Russia, albeit long before the elections, launched attacks, but the victory was due to a successful political strategy, exploitation of the role of a guy from a neighboring yard and mistakes.


  • 2007 - "The meaning, logic and form of Russian revolutions"
  • 2008 - "Blood and soil of Russian history"
  • 2009 - “Failed revolution. Historical meanings of Russian nationalism "
  • 2015 - “The Ultimate Weapon. The basics of psychological warfare and media manipulation. "
  • 2016 - “Revolution! Fundamentals of the revolutionary struggle in the modern era "