
The level of development of student self-government in Rozhkov. Development of student self-government in the classroom. View the contents of the document “Methodology for determining the level of development of self-government in the student body.”

Methodology for determining the level of development of self-government in the student body.

( developed by M.I. Rozhkov)

Target: determine the level of development of student self-government.


The board gives the semantic meaning of the digital codes:

4 - “Yes”

3 - "Rather yes than no",

2 - “It’s hard to say”

1- “Rather no than yes”

0 - “No”.

Each student fills out a form with the following digital codes and sentences:

1. I consider it important for myself to ensure that the team in my class works better._____________________________________________

4 3 2 1 0

2. I make suggestions for improving the work of the class.

4 3 2 1 0

3. I independently organize individual activities in the classroom.

4 3 2 1 0

4. I participate in summing up the work of the class and in determining the immediate tasks.

4 3 2 1 0

5. I believe that the class is capable of friendly independent action.

4 3 2 1 0

6. In our class, responsibilities are clearly and evenly distributed among students._____________________________________________

4 3 2 1 0

7. The elected activist in our class enjoys authority among all members of the team.

4 3 2 1 0

8. I believe that the asset in our class copes with its responsibilities well and independently.________________________

4 3 2 1 0

9. I believe that the students in our class conscientiously carry out their social duties.

4 3 2 1 0

10. I implement decisions made by the meeting or class members in a timely and accurate manner.

4 3 2 1 0

11. I strive to make every effort to ensure that the tasks assigned to the team are completed.________________________

4 3 2 1 0

12. I am ready to answer for the results of my work and for the results of the work of my comrades._____________________________________________

4 3 2 1 0

Processing the results.

When processing the results, 12 proposals are divided into 3 groups of components.

1) involvement of students in self-government activities (proposals 1-4);

2) organization of the class team (5-8);

3) responsibility of members of the primary team for its affairs (9-12).

For each group, the sum of points given by all survey participants is calculated. It is then divided by the number of survey participants and by 16, the maximum number of points that the respondent can indicate in each group.

For example , the sum of the points given by 10 survey participants for the first group is 78. Then 78: 10: 16 = 0.4875.

The resulting coefficient is correlated with the interval scale:


Low level of development of student self-government in the children's team (for component 1)


Average level of development of student self-government in the children's team (for component 1)


High level of development of student self-government in the children's team (for component 1)


Indicators for the remaining two groups are calculated similarly. If at least one of the coefficients is less than 0.5, then the level of self-government in the class is low.

"Reflecting on Life Experience"
test N.E. Shchurkova

The purpose of the test is to identify the moral education of students.
To successfully conduct the test, absolute silence and anonymity are required (it is only possible to indicate gender by placing the letter “u” in the corner of the sheet for a boy, “d” for a girl). Sheets of paper are pre-prepared for more convenient calculation of results.

Question number

Answer letter


It is important to ensure that during testing the atmosphere is conducive to concentration, sincerity, and frankness. The test questions should be read one by one in an even, monotonous voice so that intonation saturation does not affect the choice of answer.

Instructions. Choose one of the three proposed answers and mark it in column (a, b, c) with a + sign.

    A man is standing in the way. You need to pass. What you are doing?
    a) I will go around without disturbing you;
    b) I’ll move it aside and pass;
    c) depending on what the mood is.

    You notice among the guests a nondescript girl (or an inconspicuous young man), who sits alone on the sidelines. What you are doing?
    a) nothing, what’s my business;
    b) I don’t know in advance how the circumstances will turn out;
    c) I’ll come up and definitely speak.

    You are late for school. You see that someone feels bad. What you are doing?
    a) I’m in a hurry to go to school;
    b) if someone rushes to help, I will go too;
    c) I call 03, stop passers-by...

    Your friends are moving to a new apartment. They are old. What you are doing?
    a) I will offer my help;
    b) I don’t interfere in other people’s lives;
    c) if they ask, I will, of course, help.

    You are buying strawberries. The last remaining kilogram is weighed for you. From behind you hear a voice regretting that there weren’t enough strawberries for your son to take to the hospital. How do you react to the voice?
    a) I sympathize, of course, but what can you do in our difficult times;
    b) I turn around and offer half;
    c) I don’t know, maybe I’ll really need it too.

    You learn that one of your friends has been unfairly punished. What do you do in this case?
    a) I am very angry and scold the offender last words;
    b) nothing: life in general is unfair;
    c) I stand up for the offended.

    You are on duty. While sweeping the floor, you find money. What you are doing?
    a) they are mine, since I found them;
    b) tomorrow I’ll ask who lost them;
    c) maybe I’ll take it for myself.

    You pass the exam. What are you counting on?
    a) for cheat sheets, of course: the exam is a lottery;
    b) because the examiner is tired: maybe he’ll miss it;
    c) on your knowledge.

    You have to choose a profession. How will you do this?
    a) I’ll find something near the house;
    b) I'll look high paying job;
    c) I want to create something valuable on earth.

    Which of the three proposed types of travel will you choose?
    a) in Russia;
    b) in exotic countries;
    c) for one of the leading developed countries.

    You come to the cleanup and see that all the tools have been dismantled. What will you do?
    a) I’ll chat a little, then we’ll see;
    b) I will go home immediately if those present are not acknowledged;
    c) I will join someone, I will start working with him.

    A certain wizard offers you to make your life prosperous without having to work. What will you answer to this wizard?
    a) I agree with gratitude;
    b) first I will find out how many people he provided for their existence in this way;
    c) I resolutely refuse.

    You are given a public assignment. I don't want to do it. What will you do?
    a) I forget about it, I’ll remember it when they ask for a report;
    b) I do, of course;
    c) I evade, look for reasons not to remember.

    You went on an excursion to a wonderful but little-known museum. Will you tell anyone about this?
    a) yes, I will definitely tell you and try to take them to the museum;
    b) I don’t know how I will have to;
    c) why talk, let everyone decide what they need.

    The question is being resolved about who could do the work useful for the team. You know that you are capable of doing this. 11o What are you doing at the moment?
    a) I raise my hand and indicate my desire to do the work;
    b) I sit and wait for someone to call my last name;
    c) I value my personal time too much to agree.

    You and your friends are getting ready to go to the dacha on a sunny, warm day. Suddenly they call you and ask you to postpone your trip for the sake of an important common cause. What you are doing?
    a) going to the dacha according to plan;
    b) I’m not going, I’m staying, of course;
    c) I’m waiting for what my friend will say.

    You have decided to get a dog. Which of the three options suits you?
    a) a homeless puppy;
    b) an adult dog with a character known to you;
    c) an expensive puppy of a rare breed.

    You are going to relax after work (study). And so they say: “There is an important matter. Necessary". How do you react?
    a) I will remind you about the right to rest;
    b) I do it if necessary;
    c) I'll see what others say.

    They speak to you in an insulting tone. How do you feel about this?
    a) I answer in the same way;
    b) I don’t notice, it doesn’t matter;
    c) I break the connection.

    You are not good at playing the violin (or any other musical instrument). Your parents will certainly praise you and ask you to play for the guests. What you are doing?
    a) I play, of course;
    b) of course I don’t play;
    c) when they praise me, it’s always nice, but I’m looking for a reason to shirk the game.

    You are planning to receive guests. Which option would you prefer?
    a) cook all the dishes yourself;
    b) purchase semi-finished products in the “Cooking” store;
    c) invite guests for coffee.

    Suddenly you find out that the school was closed due to some special circumstances. How do you receive such a message?
    a) endlessly happy, walking, enjoying life;
    b) worried, making plans for self-education;
    c) I will wait for new messages.

    How do you feel when one of your comrades is praised before your eyes?
    a) I’m terribly jealous, I feel uncomfortable;
    b) I’m glad because I also have my merits;
    c) I, like everyone else, applaud.

    You were given a beautiful, unusually shaped fountain pen. Two guys come up to you on the street and demand that you give them a gift. What you are doing?
    a) I give - health is more valuable;
    b) I’ll try to run away from them, I’ll say that I don’t have a pen;
    c) I don’t give gifts, I start fighting.

    When it comes New Year, what do you think about most often?
    a) about New Year's gifts;
    b) about vacations and freedom;
    c) about how I lived and how I plan to live in the new year.

    What is the role of music in your life?
    a) I need it for dancing;
    b) she gives me spiritual pleasure;
    c) I just don’t need it.

    When you leave home for a long time, how do you feel being away?
    a) dreams of native places;
    b) I feel good, better than at home;
    c) didn’t notice (didn’t notice).

    Does watching news TV programs sometimes spoil your mood?
    a) no, if my business is going well;
    b) yes, quite often nowadays;
    c) didn’t notice (didn’t notice).

    You are offered to send books to a distant mountain village. What you are doing?
    a) I select interesting things and bring them;
    b) I don’t have any books I don’t need;
    c) if they bring everything, I will also take something away.

    Can you name five places on Earth that are dear to you, five historical events that are dear to you, five names of great people that are dear to you?
    a) yes, of course I can;
    b) no, there are a lot of interesting things in the world;
    c) didn’t think about it (didn’t think about it), I should do the math.

    When you hear about a person’s feat, what most often comes to your mind?
    a) this person, of course, had his own personal interest;
    b) the person was simply lucky to become famous;
    c) deeply satisfied and never cease to be amazed.

    Thank you very much for your answers!

Processing of results and interpretation

The number of choices made by students in each case must be counted and expressed as a percentage of the total number of students.

Answers numbered 10, 17, 21, 25, 26 are excluded from the count.

An indicator indicating sufficient moral education of students and the formation of an orientation toward the “other person” is the number of choices of 13 or more in the following options:
Count a. Count + for questions 1, 4, 14, 15, 27, 29, 30.
Count b. Count + for questions 5, 7, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 28.
Count V. Count + for questions 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 24, 31.

An indicator indicating some immoral orientation, an egoistic position, is the number of choices of 13 or more in the following options:
Count a. Count + for questions 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 31.
Count b. Count + for questions 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 19, 27, 29, 30.
Count V. Count + for questions 14, 15.

An indicator indicating the unformation of moral relations, unstable, impulsive behavior is the remaining number of elections, where preference is clearly not detected.

“Studying student satisfaction with school life

(A.A. Andreev)

Target: determine the degree of student satisfaction with school life.

Students are asked to listen to the statements and rate the degree of agreement with their content on the following scale:

4 – completely agree 3 – agree 2 – difficult to say 1 – disagree 0 – completely disagree


1. I go to school with joy

2. At school I usually have good mood

3. We have a good trainer-teacher

4. You can turn to our coach for advice and help in difficult life situations

5. I can always express my opinion freely

6. I believe that our school has created all the conditions for the development of my abilities.

7. I believe that school truly prepares me for independent life.

8. I miss school when we don't have classes.

Processing the results

The indicator of student satisfaction with school life (U ) is the quotient of dividing the total score of the answers of all students by the total number of answers.

U more 3 – high degree of satisfaction

from 2 to 3 – average degree of satisfaction

IfU less than 2, low degree of satisfaction

Then the number of students in the class with high, medium and low levels of satisfaction with school life is calculated. The data is entered into the summary table for the OS.

Submit data:

High degree - ... people.

Average degree - ... people.

Low degree - ... people.

Leaflets with children's answers and calculations

Game “Shop”

(prepared by O.V. Solovyov)

Target: studying the level of moral development of students’ personality and the spiritual and moral atmosphere in the classroom community.


The first stage of the game takes place at the beginning school year in the form of “purchase and sale”. Schoolchildren are invited to form several small groups (5-6 people each). All students play the role of buyers moral values. “Purchase and sale” is carried out as a kind of barter transaction. Positive qualities (politeness, kindness, accuracy, patience, responsiveness, etc.), which, according to the children themselves, they lack, they can acquire in exchange for their negative ones (rudeness, sloppiness, indiscipline, greed, etc.). d.) or on their positive ones, which they have in abundance.

After the “purchase and sale” has been completed, the class teacher, together with the students, sums up the results of the transaction. They discuss what needs to be done in order to consolidate the “acquired”, “purchased” positive qualities in the activities of the class team.

The results of the first stage are recorded in the table:



Acquired” Positive qualities

Sold” negative qualities

Then, throughout the school year, the class teacher monitors the children, organizes joint activities to improve the spiritual and moral atmosphere in the class, and stimulates students’ work to develop positive qualities.

At the end of the school year, the second stage of the game takes place. Children are encouraged to “purchase” those moral qualities, which, in their opinion, they managed to form in their character during this school year, and put up for auction “unnecessary things”, i.e. those negative qualities that they still have.

At the end of the game, the class teacher sums up the results of the auction and helps the children analyze the results of the work of the class team over the past school year.

The teacher fills out the following table:



Enshrined positive qualities

Remaining negative qualities

Pedagogical analysis of the game results.

Based on the results of the first stage, the class teacher can record the initial level of ethical development of the students’ personality and determine the spiritual and moral values ​​of the class community and problems in raising children.

After the second stage, conclusions can be drawn about the spiritual level of students and changes in the moral and psychological climate of the class team. For the convenience of recording the results of “purchase and sale,” you can prepare cards on which positive qualities are indicated, and blank pieces of paper for notes, where students will write down their negative qualities.

“Invitation to visit” technique.

Target: study the psychological atmosphere in the team, identify the sympathies of children.

Progress. The children are given the following situation: “You have decided to invite your classmates to visit you. Who would you like to see among your guests?

Invite the children to write down the names of 5 people.

Methodology “Psychological atmosphere in a team”

Target: study the psychological atmosphere in the team.

Progress. Each student is asked to assess the state of the psychological atmosphere in the team using the following pictures:





Warmth of relationships

Mutual support




Analysis of the results involves subjective assessments of the state of the psychological climate and their comparison with each other.

Methodology “What kind of team are we?”

Goal: to identify the degree of student satisfaction with various aspects of team life.

Progress. Students are given six statements. You need to write down the number of the statement that most closely matches his opinion.

    Our class is very friendly and united.

    Our class is friendly.

    There are no quarrels in our class, but everyone exists on their own.

    There are sometimes quarrels in our class, but our class cannot be called conflict-ridden.

    Our class is not friendly, quarrels often arise.

    Our class is very unfriendly. It is difficult to study in such a class.

Processing the results. Those judgments that are noted by the majority of students speak about certain relationships in the team and specifically about each student, how he feels in the system of these relationships.

Diagnostic technique “Questioning”

Students are asked to answer the following survey questions:

1. Do you like school or not very much?

Not good


I do not like

2. When you wake up in the morning, are you always happy to go to school or do you often want to stay at home?

More often than not I want to stay at home

It's not always the same

I'm going with joy

3. If the teacher said that tomorrow it is not necessary for all students to come to school, those who wish can stay at home, would you go to school or would you stay at home?

Don't know

I would stay at home

I would go to school

4. You like it. When are any of your classes cancelled?

I do not like

It's not always the same


5. Would you like not to be given homework?

I would like to

I wouldn't want to

Don't know

6. Would you like there to be only breaks at school?

Don't know

I wouldn't want to

I would like to

7. Do you often talk about school life to your parents?



I'm not telling

8. Would you like to have a different teacher?

I do not know for sure

I would like to

I wouldn't want to

9. Do you have many friends in your class?


A lot of

No friends

10. Do you like your class?


Not good

I do not like

To analyze the questionnaire, you can use the following key:


Score for 1 answer

Score for 2nd answer

Score for 3 answers

Questionnaire analysis:

25-30 points – high level school motivation, cognitive activity. Such students clearly follow all the teacher’s instructions, are conscientious and responsible, and are very worried if they receive unsatisfactory grades or comments.

20-24 points - good school motivation. Most students have this type of motivation. primary classes successfully coping with educational activities.

19-11 points – a positive attitude towards the school, which is of interest to students due to extracurricular activities. These are students who are interested in communicating at school with their peers and with the teacher. Their cognitive interests are poorly developed.

10-14 points – low school motivation. Students go to school unwillingly and sometimes skip classes. Such students experience serious difficulties in their educational activities and find it difficult to adapt to school education.

Below 10 points – negative attitude towards school, school maladjustment.

Methodology for identifying the level of development of self-government

Target: determine the level of development of student self-government

Carrying out.

Each student fills out a form containing the numbers of the sentences below. The respondent expresses the degree of his agreement with these proposals in ratings: 4 - “Yes”, 3 - “Rather yes than no”, 2 - “It’s hard to say”, 1 ~ - “Rather no than yes”, 0 - “No” .

1. I consider it important for myself to ensure that my class is the best.

2. I make suggestions for improving the work of the class.

3. I independently organize interesting things with my classmates.

4. I participate in summing up the work of the class and in determining the immediate tasks.

5. I believe that the class is capable of friendly independent actions.

6. In our class, responsibilities are clearly and evenly distributed among students.

7. The elected activist in our class enjoys authority among all members of the team.

8. I believe that the asset in our class copes well with their responsibilities independently.

9. I believe that the students in our class conscientiously carry out their social duties.

10. I implement decisions made by the meeting or class members in a timely and accurate manner.

11. I strive to make every effort to ensure that the tasks assigned to the class are completed.

12. I am ready to answer for the results of my work and for the results of the work of my comrades.

13.We have a good idea of ​​the tasks that the school faces.

14. Students in my class often participate in organizing various events for the whole school.

15.We strive to help representatives of our class who are members of the school’s self-government bodies in solving the problems facing
In front of them.

16.My comrades and I regularly participate in discussions of problems facing the school.

17.We strive to cooperate in solving problems facing the school with other classes and associations.

18.I am satisfied with the attitude of my friends towards students of other classes.

19.We strive to help other teams and junior classes in solving the difficulties that arise before them.

20. I believe that students elected to the school’s self-government bodies enjoy well-deserved authority.

21.My classmates conscientiously carry out the instructions of the entire team.

22.We strive to ensure that the school staff achieves better results.

23. Ready to defend the interests of the school in other groups and public organizations.

24. I am aware of my responsibility for the results of the work of the entire school.

Processing the results. When processing the results, 24 sentences are divided into six groups (blocks). This systematization is due to the identification of various aspects of self-government:

1) involvement of students in self-government activities (proposals 1, 2, 3, 4);

2) organization of the class team (proposals 5, 6, 7, 8);

3) responsibility for the results of joint work in the class (propositions 9,10, 11, 12);

4) participation of the class in the management of school affairs (proposals 13,14,15,16);

5) interaction with other classes in organizing school-wide life (proposals 17,18,19,20);

6) awareness of responsibility for the results of the work of the entire school staff (proposals 21,22,23,24)

Methodology “Our Relationships”

Target: identify the degree of student satisfaction with various aspects of team life.

Carrying out. The student is asked to familiarize himself with, for example, six statements. You need to write down the number of the statement that most closely matches his opinion.

For example, to study friendship, cohesion, or, conversely, conflict, a series of statements can be proposed:

1. Our class is very friendly and united.

2. Our class is friendly.

3. There are no quarrels in our class, and our class cannot be called conflict-ridden.

4. There are sometimes quarrels in our class, but our class cannot be called conflict-ridden.

5. Our class is unfriendly. Quarrels often arise.

6. Our class is very unfriendly. It is difficult to study in such a class.

Another series of statements reveals the state of mutual assistance (or lack thereof):

1. In our class it is customary to help without a reminder.

2. In our class, help is provided only to your friends.

3. In our class, help is given only when the student himself asks for it.

4. In our class, help is provided only when the teacher requires it.

5. In our class it is not customary to help each other.

6. In our class they refuse to help each other.

Those judgments noted by the majority of students indicate the state of relationships and the atmosphere in the team. At the same time, the opinion of a particular student shows how he feels in the system of these relations.

in the student body

(prepared by Professor M.I. Rozhkov)

Purpose: to determine the level of development of student self-government.

Progress. Each student fills out a form with the following numerical codes and warnings:

4 - “Yes”, 3 - “Rather yes than no”, 2 - “It’s hard to say”, 1 - “Rather no than yes”, 0 - “No”.

43210 1. I consider it important for myself to ensure that the team in my class works better.

43210 2. I make suggestions for improving the work of the class.

43210 3. I independently organize individual activities in the classroom.

43210 4. I participate in summing up the work of the class and in determining the immediate tasks.

43210 5. I believe that the class is capable of friendly independent actions.

43210 6. In our class, responsibilities are clearly and evenly distributed among students.

43210 7. The elected activist in our class enjoys authority among all members of the team.

43210 8. I think that the asset in our class copes well with their responsibilities independently.

43210 9. I believe that the students in our class are conscientious in fulfilling their social duties.

43210 10. Timely and accurately implement decisions made by the meeting or class members.

43210 11. I strive to make every effort to ensure that the tasks assigned to the team are completed.

43210 12. I am ready to answer for the results of my work and for the results of the work of my comrades.

43210 13. We have a good idea of ​​the tasks facing the school staff.

43210 14. Students in my class are constantly involved in organizing various events for the entire school team.

43210 15. We strive to help representatives of the class collective in the self-government bodies of the entire collective in solving the problems facing them.

43210 16. My comrades and I regularly participate in discussions of problems facing the school staff.

43210 17. We strive to cooperate in solving problems facing the entire team, with other classes and associations.

43210 18. I am satisfied with the attitude of my comrades towards other classes

43210 19. We strive to help other (junior) teams in resolving difficulties that arise before them.

43210 20. I believe that students elected to school self-government bodies enjoy well-deserved authority.

43210 21. Students in my class conscientiously carry out the instructions of the student government bodies of the entire team.

43210 22. We strive to ensure that the school staff achieves better results.

43210 23. Ready to defend the interests of the entire school staff in other groups and public organizations.

43210 24. I am aware of my responsibility for the results of the work of the entire school team.

Currently in Russia there is a process of formation new system education, which is associated with the process of democratization of the school.

School modernization brings to the fore the idea of ​​personal developmental education: identifying and developing the potential capabilities of each child, creating conditions for individual self-realization.

IN modern conditions a person has become in demand who is able to take an active part in transforming surrounding activities, who is not afraid to take responsibility, that is, who has a leadership position.

In children's associations, leaders perform different roles: leader-organizers (business), leaders-generators of emotional mood (emotional), leaders-initiators, leaders-skills, leaders-educates, etc.

The process of training leaders is a complex developing phenomenon in which objective and subjective factors of personality formation actively interact. After all, the success of solving organizational problems depends on who acts as an organizer.

The meaning of student self-government is not to control some children over others, but to teach all children the basics of democratic relations in society, to teach them the process of managing themselves, their lives in a team.

The purpose of school self-government is to promote the formation of a self-governing personality, to cultivate a democratic culture and citizenship in each member of the student body, to stimulate social creativity, and the ability to act in the interests of improving one’s personality, society, and the Fatherland.

Objectives of school government:

  1. Involve students in active school life through organizing various activities.
  2. Develop the creative individuality of students.
  3. To cultivate in students a respectful attitude towards team members, to strengthen areas of friendly relations.
  4. Learn to protect students' rights.

I am a 7th grade homeroom teacher. During three years There is student self-government in the classroom, which is the first level of school self-government, which provides for the involvement of all students in managing the affairs of the class. It is based on the activities of self-government according to the following principles:

  • openness and accessibility – student self-government bodies are open to team members and accessible to them;
  • equality and cooperation - in student groups, all their members: selective activists and ordinary members - occupy equal positions;
  • voluntariness and creativity - the primary student body is given a free choice of the content of activities, forms of work to achieve personal and collective goals;
  • continuity and prospects - student self-government bodies operate during school and holiday periods.

Goals implemented by self-government bodies in various types activities:

  • in education – this is the organization of mutual assistance in studies, the organization of collective cognitive activity of students;
  • in social and labor - the implementation of self-service tasks, landscaping, patronage work, etc.;
  • in leisure - the maintenance of leisure, preparation and conduct of physical education, mass cultural and other leisure events.

Children can be assigned the following areas of school life:

  • in educational activities: checking diaries and textbooks;
  • in leisure activities: holding class and school evenings, discos, holidays, collective creative activities, class hours, promotions;
  • in the activities of the school press: newspaper publication;
  • in sports activities: organizing and holding sports events;
  • in work activities: duty, general cleaning, work on school grounds, cleaning monuments, patronage work with the elderly, sick people, war and labor veterans.

To create self-government bodies it is necessary:

  1. Find areas of school activity that are useful for the school and meaningful for students.
  2. Make them emotionally rich and interesting.
  3. Provide pedagogical support and assistance.

The development of student self-government is impossible without an educational system and software and methodological support for this type of activity at all levels. Our educational program is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Fostering an environmental culture, a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle.

An important condition in organizing self-governing activities for students is partnership, which makes it possible to include children in doing real things, in transforming the life around them. This is participation in socially significant projects: “Mercy”, “Greening the site”, environmental program “Plant a Tree”, protection of historical and cultural monuments: “Memory Watch”, revival of national culture: scientifically - research papers, creative and telecommunications projects.

Organizing classroom activities requires constant student activity and the fulfillment of various assignments. These assignments and their implementation are very significant in the life of the entire class team. In order to determine what tasks students will carry out in class, they need to initially determine the area of ​​application of their efforts.

The highest body of self-government in the classroom is the class meeting, held twice a quarter: at the beginning - to plan socially oriented activities of students and at the end - to sum up the results.

At the beginning of the school year, an election campaign takes place. At a class meeting, the leader of the class team is elected by secret ballot. Then the class teacher writes words that are significant for determining future assignments: library, gym, editorial board, holidays, correspondent, work, help, study, etc. Then the guys determine with which word they want to associate the execution of assignments in the class and determine what standing assignment in the classroom they would like to have:

  1. Class duty service.
  2. Library class service
  3. Classroom Learning Service.
  4. Press center and class correspondent service.
  5. Housekeeping class class.
  6. Chef class service.
  7. Script class service.

The class teacher must thoroughly study the interests of students and find a way to individually support each student. It is necessary that all children are included in one service or another. Each body elects a chairman and a deputy from among its members, and the remaining 2-3 people are its members. The class council is formed from the chairmen of the commissions. It includes 7 chairmen. All council members take turns playing the role of council chairman (1 month). Each member of class self-government bodies has his own responsibilities.

To develop student self-government, I use a variety of methods and forms of work (M. I. Rozhkov “Development of self-government in children's groups”).

One way to involve all students in self-government is collective planning. The planning process includes the entire methodology for activating students’ individual activity and various forms:

  • collective creative work;
  • business game;
  • competitions;
  • public survey (diagnosis);
  • exploration of useful matters;

For example, school duty. The chairman of this body assigns students to positions in advance, discussing with each the place where the duty officer will be located. During the day, the chairman of the duty service monitors order in the school, controls those on duty, and at the end of the day, when the teachers on duty give grades for duty and point out comments, the class team gathers to discuss the past day. At the end of the week on the line, duty along with the diary is transferred to the next class, where the class on duty emphasizes what the duty officers need to pay their attention to most of all. The senior duty officer at the school organizes the line for passing duty. He also makes comments to the class on duty and assigns a final grade for duty. In case of an unsatisfactory assessment, duty is extended.

Student self-government requires mandatory interaction between children and the teacher. Children need adult help, especially when they have problems in interpersonal relationships. It is the teacher who has pedagogical experience and psychological knowledge who can prevent conflict in the team in a timely manner, direct children’s activities in the right direction, and help the child in solving his problems and in the desire to assert himself. It is to help, and not to do the work for the children, otherwise the children will treat their position formally.

When conflicts arise, I use the form of discussion.

Discussion (discussion of a controversial issue).

A discussion is a dispute according to the rules, not to argue and impose your opinion, but to find the truth together with your comrades, to solve the problem. During the discussion, the most complex and “sick” problems are publicly discussed, and ways to solve them are outlined. And conflict resolution.

Currently, discussion is used in the educational process of school as one of the interactive techniques.

At the end of the year, I conduct diagnostic tests among students:

1. “Methodology for studying student satisfaction with school life.”

Purpose: to determine the degree of student satisfaction with school life.

The results showed that 4 students had a high degree of satisfaction, 18 students had an average level of satisfaction, and 2 students had a low level of satisfaction.

2. “Methodology for determining the level of development of self-government in the student body.”

Purpose: to determine the level of development of student self-government.

The results showed that the development of self-government in the classroom team is at an average level.

School is our second home. There is one school for all residents of a small republic, and everyone should feel cozy and comfortable in it, every inhabitant of this big house should feel their importance, their even the smallest role in establishing order, in organizing free time - in general, feel they are in demand. In general, to be successful, to take an active life position, to be able to live, coexist, communicate, to have a tolerant consciousness - isn’t this the goal that the educational systems of all schools set for themselves? Childhood is a certain stage of life when the most important qualities of character are laid and formed. Therefore, the school has a special responsibility - to educate a true citizen of his country, a decent person, a comprehensively developed personality.


  • Methodology for determining the level of development of self-government in the student body(Annex 1)
  • Class hour “Selecting an asset class”(Appendix 2)
  • Presentation “Development of student self-government in the classroom”(Appendix 3)


  1. M.A. Alexandrova, E.I. Baranova and etc., Guidelines to the class teacher about self-government in the classroom, Creative Center, M., 2006
  2. I want to be a leader, manual, Nizhny Novgorod, 2003
  3. N.I. Derekleeva, M.Yu. Savchenko, I.S. Artyukhova, Class Teacher's Handbook, "VAKO", M. 2006
  4. M.I. Rozhkova, To the class teacher, "VLADOS", M., 2001
  5. E.P. Sgibneva, Cool watch in graduating classes, "PHOENIX", Rostov-on-Don, 2006

self-government in the student body.

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“Methodology for determining the level of development of self-government in the student body.”


Methodology for determining the level of development

self-government in the student body

3 - “Rather yes than no”,

2 - “It’s hard to say”

1- “Rather no than yes”

Fill out the form, select the desired number.

1. I consider it important for myself to ensure that the team in my class works better._________________________________

2. I make suggestions for improving the work of the class.

3. I independently organize individual activities in the classroom.

4. I participate in summing up the work of the class and in determining the immediate tasks.

5. I believe that the class is capable of friendly independent action.

6. In our class, responsibilities are clearly and evenly distributed among students._____________________________________________

7. The elected activist in our class enjoys authority among all members of the team.

8. I believe that the asset in our class copes with their responsibilities well and independently.___________________________

9. I believe that the students in our class conscientiously carry out their social duties.

10. I implement decisions made by the meeting or class members in a timely and accurate manner.

11. I strive to make every effort to ensure that the tasks assigned to the team are completed.________________________

12. I am ready to answer for the results of my work and for the results of the work of my comrades._____________________________________________

Processing of results using the “Level of self-government in the student body” method, _____ class

F.I. student

involvement of students in self-government activities.

class team organization

responsibility of team members for its affairs






Teacher ______________________

Methodology for determining the level of development of self-government in the student body


Progress of the event: Each student fills out a form with the following digital codes and sentences:

1. I consider it important for myself to ensure that the team in my class works better

2. I make suggestions for improving the work of the class

3. I independently organize individual activities in the classroom.

4. I participate in summing up the work of the class and determining immediate tasks

5. I believe that the class is capable of friendly independent actions

6. In our class, responsibilities are clearly and evenly distributed among students

7. The selected asset in our class is respected among everyone

8. I believe that the asset in our class copes with their responsibilities well and independently

9. I believe that the students in our class are conscientious in fulfilling their social duties

10. Timely and accurately implement decisions made by the meeting or class members

11. I strive to make every effort to ensure that the tasks assigned to the team are completed

12. Ready to answer for the results of my work and my comrades

13. We have a good idea of ​​the tasks facing the school staff

14. Students in my class often participate in organizing events for the whole school.

15. We strive to help class representatives in school-wide self-government bodies in solving the problems facing them

16. My comrades and I regularly participate in discussions of problems facing the school staff

17. We strive to cooperate in solving problems facing the entire team, with other classes and associations

18. I am satisfied with the attitude of my classmates towards other classes.

19. We strive to help other teams resolve difficulties that arise before them

20. I believe that students elected to the school’s self-government bodies enjoy well-deserved authority

21. Students in my class conscientiously carry out the instructions of student government bodies

22. We strive to ensure that the school staff achieves better results

23. Ready to defend the interests of the entire school staff in other groups

24. I am aware of my responsibility for the results of the work of the entire school team

Processing the results: When processing the results, 24 sentences are divided into 6 groups (blocks). This systematization is due to the identification of various aspects of self-government:

Inclusion of students in self-government activities (1,2,3,4)

Organization of the class team (5,6,7,8)

Responsibility of members of the primary team for its affairs (9,10,11,12)

Involvement of the class in the affairs of the school community (13,14,15,16)

Relations of the class with other student groups (17,18,19,20)

Responsibility of class students for the affairs of the school community (21,22,23,24)

For each block, the sum of points given by all survey participants is calculated. It is then divided by the number of participants and 16 (the maximum number of points in each block). The level of self-government of a class collective or association is determined by the results of deducing the coefficients of the first three blocks. If at least one of them is less than 0.5, then the level of SS in the class is low, if more than 0.5 and less than 0.8 - average, more than 0.8 - high.

Diagnostic results for determining the level of development of self-government in the student body using the methods of students of the Municipal Educational Institution Ermakovskaya Secondary School of the Lyubimsky Municipal District

Target: determine the level of development of student self-government

Aspects of self-government


inclusion of students in self-government activities

class team organization

responsibility of members of the primary team for its affairs

involvement of the class in the affairs of the school community

class relations with other student groups

responsibility of class students for the affairs of the school community

The level of self-government of a class collective or association is determined by the results of deducing the coefficients of the first three blocks. If at least one of them is less than 0.5, then the level of SS in the class is low, if more than 0.5 and less than 0.8 - average, more than 0.8 - high.

Level of development of self-government in total educational institution determined by the coefficient of the last three blocks. If each of them does not exceed 0.55, then the level of SU is low; if it is above this level but below 0.85, it is average; if it is more than 0.85, it is high.

Table for entering results:

The semantic meaning of digital codes:

rather yes than no

Hard to say

More likely no than yes

Table for entering results:

Table for entering results:

Table for entering results:

Table for entering results:

Table for entering results:

Table for entering results:

Table for entering results:

Table for entering results: