
Kuprin white poodle idea of ​​the work. The image of a dog as an indicator of the moral qualities of a person. Prototypes and description of real events in the story

The system of lessons for studying the story

1. Textbook:, Literature Grade 5: textbook-reader: in 2 parts.- M.: Mnemosyne, 2008.

2. The simulator "The plot of the story "White Poodle" is taken from the site of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources - http://school-collection. *****/


Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Path to literature. "White Poodle"

The purpose of the lesson: To give students an idea about the personality of the writer, about the diversity of his interests, to acquaint them with some facts of the biography, thereby preparing them for the perception of the story "White Poodle", other stories of the writer. Introduction to storytelling. Reading chapters 1 - 2 of the story "White Poodle".

I.Organizational moment.

II. Independent reading of textbook material about the writer

III. Writer's story

Conversation on the questions: What do you remember about the writer's life? What memory of him seemed the most interesting? Why? What kind of person does Kuprin appear to you?

IV. Introduction to story exposition

Reading chapters 1-2 chapters (exposition, description of the nature of Crimea). - Conversation on:

What characters in the story does the author introduce us to?

· What did you know about the life of Seryozha and grandfather Lodyzhkin before they united in the "Little Wandering Troupe"? What kind of relationship developed between them? Why?

· How do they feel about themselves?

Where do the events described take place?

· What is the nature of Crimea in the story?

V. Lesson summary


. Plot and story conflict. The nature of the characters.

The purpose of the lesson: Testing knowledge of the text of the story. Identification of the storyline of the story, participation in the conflict of the characters of the story. To form the ability to establish a causal relationship of events, to consolidate knowledge about the plot and conflict of the work. The formation of students' skills to characterize characters based on the means of their image, to determine the author's attitude towards the heroes of the work. Analysis of the participation of characters in the conflict of the story and the development of events in it. To form the ability of students to comprehend experiences literary hero, its internal state; enrich students' vocabulary regarding the "inner life" of the character.

I.Organizational moment.

II. D/Z check

Name the episodes that made you worry about the characters. What caused the unrest?

Using the story outline you made at home, briefly retell the plot of the story.

Sample plan:

1. Traveling troupe of artists

2. Unlucky day

3. "Want! Dog-u-u!

4. “Not everything ... is sold, what is bought”

5. Arto stolen

6. dog rescue

III. Story analysis

Define the terms: Episode, plot, plot, conflict, climax.

- What episode can be called an outset (Trilli wants a dog)?

- Viewing the video fragment "At the cottage" Friendship»

What caused the conflict at the Druzhba dacha? (social conflict)

Name the participants in the conflict. How does Kuprin draw the inhabitants of the dacha? What is the role of Trilly and his mother in causing the conflict?

Find in the third chapter a description of the appearance of the janitor. What impression does he make?

- Viewing the video clip "Torg"(moral conflict)

For the fourth and sixth chapters, tell about his actions in the story with Arto. What qualities endowed the janitor Kuprin?

What qualities of the grandfather's character appeared in this episode?

There are two boys in the story. How and why are they so different from each other?

What events made Serezha grow up? (Theft Arto)

How did this adulthood manifest itself in Seryozha's speech and behavior? (facial expression becomes more strong-willed; orders, takes everything into his own hands, because grandfather is “limp”, has lost faith in justice;)

Why did Seryozha decide to steal Arto?

Find words in chapter 6 that reveal the boy's experiences. What feelings are fighting in it?

How does Seryozha characterize his behavior that night?

IV. Lesson summary

Homework prepare a story about one of the heroes of the "White Poodle"


Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. "White Poodle". Landscape in a story. The meaning of the name.

The purpose of the lesson: Expression by students of their attitude to the characters of the story, evaluation of their actions from a moral point of view. Consideration of the functional role of the landscape in the story. Determining the meaning of the story's title

I.Organizational moment.

II. Checking D / Z and assimilation of the material of the last lesson

4-5 people work with the simulator, at this time we listen to stories about heroes


The main characters are offended by fate, they were united by life and led by hard roads of wandering circus artists. But they deserve more than just sympathy. A proud man, an honest worker, grandfather Lodyzhkin is remembered, who refused the erased kopeck piece of a miserly lady. He appears as a noble and faithful friend in a "duel" with the rich inhabitants of the dacha and their janitor. He does not have a passport, he lost his real name with his passport, but retained his human dignity, kindness and the ability to touchingly take care of others, weaker and more defenseless: an orphan boy, a dog. The half-destitute old man is sure that "not everything is sold that is bought." The old man does a noble deed: he refuses to sell his poodle friend for three hundred rubles - a fortune that would allow him to open a grocery store. This act emphasizes the immorality of the Obolyaninov millionaires, who are ready to pay any amount for the whim of their offspring, and if the money does not help, then provoke a crime - theft.

Artaud's theft is a terrible blow for Lodyzhkin. Life from hand to mouth, dusty roads, insults and humiliation, the loss of Artaud - all this knocked down the old man. He became pitiful and helpless in his grief, despair reached the limit. Grandfather Lodyzhkin howls plaintively, calling for Arto, speaks to Seryozha in a low voice, barely audible, and as a result whispers the words in fright, sobbing helplessly. “We won’t do anything here,” he repeats, having lost his last faith in justice.

The difficult life of a wanderer is destined for Seryozha. Until the age of seven, he was with a cobbler, until he became an actor in a wandering troupe. The meeting with the kind, caring Lodyzhkin allowed the boy to learn how to honestly earn bread, by the age of 12 he already mastered the techniques of a real acrobat.

In grandfather's dreams, he becomes an artist of the best circus. One can only guess about the boy's future. But the extreme situation - the theft of a poodle - shows already formed best qualities Sergey: fidelity to friendship, the ability to support and reassure in difficult times loved one, not to get confused and make an important decision on your own, the ability to overcome fear, take risks in order to achieve a good goal - and achieve it.

Training apparatus

III. Analysis of the role of landscape in the story

Work in groups

Find descriptions of nature in the second, third, sixth chapters. Prepare for expressive reading. Through whose eyes is nature shown? Prove it.

Group performances

What feelings do pictures of nature evoke in grandfather and Seryozha? How do these feelings characterize each of them?

Consider reproductions of paintings by artists depicting the Crimea? How did you see the Crimean nature

IV. Paperwork

A story about the real basis of the plot.

In the summer of 1903, the writer and his family lived in Miskhor. The writer's daughter writes in her memoirs: “in the afternoon, wandering artists came to our dacha - an old man with a barrel organ, a boy of thirteen, Seryozha, an acrobat, and take off the trained white poodle. As soon as the sounds of the hurdy-gurdy were heard, spectators gathered to our dacha - Turkish builders who worked at the neighboring dacha, nannies with children from other dachas and just random passers-by.

After the performance, the old man received money and Alexander Ivanovich called them to dine on the terrace near the kitchen. But they took bowls of food and settled under the trees on the banks of the Seligirka. The old man was taciturn and tried to talk about himself as little as possible. But Seryozha willingly shared his plans. On long journeys across the Crimea, they reached Odessa. There, Seryozha once managed to visit the circus, and since then he has dreamed of becoming a real acrobat. He also told Alexander Ivanovich about how once a rich lady demanded that they sell her a poodle, which her boy really liked.

“Grandfather refused to give up the dog. The lady got angry with us. We were afraid that she would inform the police, and even say that we stole something from her, - the boy said. - So we rather left the city ”

The writer made changes to the real story and called the story "White Poodle".

Why is the story named that way? You will have to discuss this in your essay.

If you find it difficult, you can use the auxiliary response plan.

Auxiliary plan:

1. Which character is associated with all the important events in the story?

2. What was the job of a poodle artist? Why did grandfather Lodyzhkin value him so much?

3. What human qualities of the heroes of the story (grandfather Lodyzhkin, Seryozha, Trilli, mistress, janitor) highlight their attitude towards the dog?

4. Did the hero of the story, the poodle, help Kuprin explain to the reader what kindness, honesty, incorruptibility, loyalty and devotion in friendship, courage are?

Sample answer:

Why is the story called "White Poodle"? Apparently because the most important events of the story are connected with Artaud .. The focus is on the episodes in which the fate of the dog is decided: the ugly whim of the spoiled Trilly, the heartless trade of the rich inhabitants of the dacha and the janitor with grandfather Lodyzhkin, the criminal theft of Arto, the risky rescue of the poodle Seryozha . It is in these episodes that the heroes of the story clash - poor and rich, well-fed and hungry - living according to different social and moral laws.

The attitude towards the white poodle makes it possible to highlight the characters, advantages and disadvantages of the heroes of the work: the incorruptibility of Lodyzhkin, the immorality of the inhabitants of the dacha, the courage of Seryozha, the lackey devotion and the criminality of the janitor

Homework review of Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor"

Federal Agency for Education

SEI HPE "Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University"

Faculty of History and Philology
Department of Literature

Course work
topic: Variability of methods of analysis when studying the story of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle".

By discipline: methodology of teaching literature.

Blagoveshchensk 20____


2.1. Analysis of the story by A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle".
2.2. The use of literary methods in the analysis of the story "White Poodle".
2.3. The use of methods for identifying and activating the reader's co-creation in the analysis of the story of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle".
1.1. Techniques of a literary nature ..........................................
1.2. Techniques that develop the co-creation of the reader ....................... ..........
2 Variability of methods of analysis when studying the story of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle"
2.1. Analysis of the story by A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle"... ..........................
2.2. The use of literary methods in the analysis of the story "White Poodle" .............................................................. .............. ......
2.3. The use of methods for identifying and activating the reader's co-creation in the analysis of the story of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle" ...........

(make it a sign, then erase the borders and then the page numbers will not “jump”.
Separate each section so that it does not move with the “page break” command In the page markup, look for the “breaks” command)


The basis of literature lessons is working with text. At the same time, the main thing in the literary education and development of students is not only a good knowledge of the text and the ability to retell it, but a real understanding of what the author wanted to convey to the reader in the work. Thus, the main task of the teacher is to choose such a method for the lesson, which includes text analysis techniques that will be most effective when studying this work.
The teacher expresses in the class not only his impressions of what he has read, but is also called upon to reveal the scientific position of literary criticism. The literary text does not affect the student in isolation, because the justifications given by the teacher, the opinions of comrades and their own perception together determine the student's attitude to a literary work and his understanding.
From the foregoing, it follows that the teacher is called upon to determine the direction of analysis, to choose the main path of analysis and methods of studying the text. It is important for the teacher to understand when and why he chooses a certain method of analysis, as well as when studying which particular work he does this.
The topic of our study: “Variability of methods of analysis in the study of the story of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle". On the example of the analysis of a particular work, we will make sure that the same author's creation can be considered from different parties, depending on the analysis option - that is why our study is relevant. Moreover, the variability in teaching itself orients the language teacher towards improving the content of lessons, developing students' ability to enjoy art, enriching their spiritual world, and forming moral ideals.
Thus, the goal before us is the following - to determine which of the methods of analysis is the most fruitful and appropriate in the study of this work. Find methods of analysis that, on the one hand, will help to deeply study the work, and on the other hand, will contribute to the comprehensive development of the student reader.
In accordance with this, we define the objectives of the study:

    get acquainted with the theoretical basis of the issue - the existing methods of analyzing a literary work;
    reveal the features of each of the methods of analyzing a literary work; What for?
    analyze the text of the story "The White Poodle" using
when studying the variability of methods of analysis
The object of the study is the methods of analysis,
the subject is the story of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle".
Reading and analyzing a work of art are successive steps in the perception of verbal art. Analysis in school conditions is a collective activity, and because the study of literary works is carried out in the conditions of communication cool team, incorporates the reading and life experience of all students in a given class, and because school analysis, like any educational activity, involves enriching the student's individual impressions with the experience of other readers and the interpretation of the text presented by the teacher. Analysis is the most important method of scientific comprehension of a literary work. one
      Literary methods.
    Marantsman - tricks p.151
    Composition analysis 154
    Style Analysis 155
    Oral drawing185
    Screenplay 191
    Dramatization 196
    Retelling 199
P.133 REZA The arsenal of school methods of working on a literary work is varied. The teacher needs to choose the ways of viewing the text that are necessary for the development of students and take into account the characteristics of each particular work. Why is there no indication of whose classification you are referring to, and footnotes to the source?
1. Techniques for identifying the author's position in the process of analyzing a work of art.
As indicated, (WHO?) The methodology of teaching literature, using the comprehension of the author's position in school analysis, is based on modern achievements in literary criticism. Techniques pursue the goal: to clarify the author's thought, to make the writer's views and beliefs understandable.
a) The study of composition. The composition helps students to see the author's intention, to comprehend his position in life. The main techniques for studying composition are the comparison of parts and elements of a literary text, the identification of plots and images of heroes, the consideration of the connections between landscape and portrait and the general flow of the text.
b) The study of the style of the writer. Study methods are varied. Observation of it begins with elementary exercises: find epithets, metaphors, action verbs, and so on. The following tasks are also possible: insert a word deliberately omitted by the teacher, and then name it and explain the expediency of its use by the writer. Detail work plays a big role.
c) Comments of a historical, tstis apmichy, socio-cultural or literary type. They restore in the eyes of the students the reality depicted by the writer, clarify his intentions. The teacher also needs to recreate the situations that gave rise to the writing of the work.
2. Methods of comparison and its types.
a) Comparison of a work of art with its real basis, a hero with a prototype. First, such work reveals that works of art are a reflection of life. Secondly, it allows you to make sure that this reflection is not a mirror image, that the writer combines both life and his attitude to this life in the work. Marantsman p.158
b) Comparison of works by different writers with similar themes.164
c) Comparison of characters, episodes, scenes within one work.164
d) Comparison of the work with other works of the writer. p.162
e) Comparison of different versions of the same text, identification of the development of the author's thought in the process of creating a work (work with drafts and canonical text).158
f) Comparison of a literary text with works of other art forms. c179 The inclusion of related art forms in the study of a literary text pursues the goal of sharpening aesthetic susceptibility, developing associative and imaginative thinking in schoolchildren, and expanding their understanding of art: painting, graphics, applied arts, music, cinema, and so on. They can cause, when confronted with the first impressions of a read work, a desire to analyze it.

1.2. Techniques that develop the co-creation of the reader.

According to (WHO?) Tasks of school text analysis: the awakening of empathy, the activation of the imagination of schoolchildren, the formation of reading qualities and more. All these tasks do not allow one to confine oneself in school analysis to the methods of literary analysis.
1. Revival of life impressions. Many methodologists advise the teacher to precede the reading with live impressions. This technique creates a personal relationship to what is being read, attracts the emotional experience of the student to work on the text. For example, before reading a poem about nature, you can offer to remember, tell or write about the most memorable days of spring, summer, autumn or winter, about your impressions of a hike, nature excursion, trip, and then compare the composition of schoolchildren with the work being studied. This work exacerbates interest in the text being studied, creates an emotional tone. The revival of personal impressions can not only precede analysis, but also be woven into it and even complete the work. The main thing in this technique is to find a connection between the thoughts and ideas of the students with the images of the writer. Your computer points out errors, correct them!
2. Expressive reading. By the way the student read the text, one can judge the nature of his initial perception. The task assigned to the class: how to read this work? - may be a hidden form of analysis. You can find the exact intonation only by approaching the author's voice in the work and at the same time feeling what kind of echo the writer's thought gives rise to in his own soul. Expressive reading leads to emotional awakening in the work and awakens creative imagination. For example, work on Lermontov's poem "sail". You can offer students to compose a score of a poem, and then, based on it, work on emotionality. Expressive reading is important not only academically, but also pedagogically. Reading aloud teaches the culture of expressing feelings, it turns out to be one of the ways to the art of communication.
3. Retelling. Retelling provides not only the development of certain reading qualities of the student, enriches his speech, but also helps to comprehend the meaning of a literary work. There are several types of retelling, each of which helps to draw the attention of students to one or another element of the text.
a) detailed description. Its purpose is to convey the content of what was read in as much detail as possible in order to develop the skills of a logically constructed presentation, the formation of memory, and the enrichment of students' speech.
b) concise (short) retelling. Its goal is to find the main thing, to be able to convey the main thing meaningfully and without verbosity.
c) retelling-extraction is a retelling of material scattered in different parts text, although connected by the unity of the plot and characters. This may be the extraction of material depicting a character or group of persons, a particular theme, landscape, and so on. For example, the story of Tatiana in the story by I.S. Turgenev "Mu-mu", a real and mechanical nightingale in the fairy tale by G. Kh. Andersen "The Nightingale", nature in the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow". Is it a technique that develops co-creation?
d) retelling with a change in the face of the narrator. This is a story about the events taking place in the work, on behalf of one of the characters or, conversely, the transfer of personal memories and impressions from a third person, less often from the second in a generalized sense.
e) retelling with elements of the essay. This is the transfer of the content of the text with the inclusion of elements of students' creativity, their attitude to what is being described, drawing the details of the plot, and so on.
f) artistic storytelling is the most difficult type of retelling. It requires a thorough knowledge of the text and the skill of its presentation, reflects the peculiarities of the style of the studied work in the skillful performance of the narrator, in his expressiveness.
4. Word drawing. The realization of images arises during reading, contributes to the deepening of the subjective beginning of analysis. It assumes that a person, relying on the images created by the writer, details his vision in the picture, which he verbally reproduces. It is appropriate to suggest that students begin this work with a description of the portrait (only the appearance of the hero). At the same time, it should be remembered that it is impossible to give a portrait of the hero in a non-specific situation. In oral drawing, the student's emotions are very active. The forms of it (drawing) should become more complicated and modified from class to class.
5. Drawing up a screenplay. Cinematography is close to children's consciousness. Dynamism is an integral feature of cinematography, and the student sees the world in motion, the change of visual impressions captures the child. In the course of creating a film script, children learn not only to understand the language of cinema, but also to peer deeper into the literary text. In order to write a screenplay based on a literary work, one must experience it, be carried away by the issues raised in it, one must truly “see” its characters. The screenplay enhances empathy and develops the skills of thoughtful slow reading. It enlivens the figurative vision and helps to see the detail in the light of the whole. The teacher shows a film fragment and, based on the direct impression of what he read, finds out such concepts as large, medium, long shot, shows the semantic meaning of changing the shot. Then the boundaries of the film episodes are outlined, the general motif of the script that unites all the episodes. Students complete the table.
Frame Recording Plan

6. Staging (dramatization). It encourages students to be creative. "Revival" of heroes activates imagination and empathy. This technique allows you to enhance the development of the conflict, sharper draw lines in the minds of students. So that this work does not turn into a parody, it is necessary to offer schoolchildren feasible tasks, carefully prepare for the performance. Staging is a type of work when the student is asked to think about how they would arrange the characters at a certain point in the action, to imagine their postures, movements, gestures.
7. Literary game. Entertaining techniques are an effective method of studying and creative interpretation of a work. There are reading games (crosswords, crossword puzzles, puzzles, charades) and performing games, which are much more than types of performing games. (staging). They closely interact with other methods of studying literature.

    Variability of methods of analysis in the study of the story of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle".
      Analysis of the story by A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle".
Starting to explore the text of a work, we immediately turn to the history of its creation in order to know when and under what circumstances the author created his literary creation, and maybe even who served as the prototype of this or that hero. But the arsenal of information about Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" is small. It is known that it was written in 1903. During these years, the writer lives in St. Petersburg and works in the "Journal for All", where this work is published for the first time.
In the story, Kuprin touches on the theme of friendship, the theme of the human, humane attitude towards the animal. As if the world is divided into two halves in the story “White Poodle”: on one side of it are a rich lady and her son Trilly, on the other - an old organ grinder, grandfather Lodyzhkin, a little acrobat Seryozha and a poodle Arto. The conflict that arose between them because of the dog becomes sharp, full of real drama. This conflict emphasizes the difference in psychology, in the ethical and moral principles of representatives of both sides. For the mistress, the poodle is just a thing that is bought and sold. For grandfather and Serezha, Artoshka is their friend, for the sake of which the boy is ready to risk his life.
The author divides the work into six chapters, and therefore into six semantic parts. In the first chapter, Kuprin immediately notes the scene of action - the southern coast of Crimea. Further, the description of the appearance of the main characters immediately begins: the boy Seryozha, grandfather Lodyzhkin and the poodle Arto. With the help of this description, the author not only introduces the reader to the main characters of the work, but also shows from the first lines how poor and hard the life of these people is. Serezha is twelve years old, this is a young boy. Grandfather Lodyzhkin is an elderly man. With them is a poodle that runs and shows the way. The age of the heroes is also guessed in the way they walked: the boy “walked”, and the grandfather “trudged”. Despite the heat, Seryozha “kept a rolled-up carpet for acrobatic exercises under his left elbow, and carried a cramped and dirty cage with a goldfinch in his right,” and this already shows his careful attitude towards his grandfather. And with the help of this simple and extremely understandable description, we can easily imagine what the author describes.
It is no coincidence that the description of the hurdy-gurdy, which grandfather plays and which is the only income for itinerant artists. Kuprin describes the barrel organ in detail to show how old and practically useless it is, because they don’t even undertake to repair it. But the writer says that despite this, grandfather loves the hurdy-gurdy very much and treats it like a living being, talking to it: “Grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin loved his hurdy-gurdy as you can only love a living, close, perhaps even related creature. Having become accustomed to her for many years of a hard wandering life, he finally began to see in her something spiritualized, almost conscious. No less he loved the boy and the dog. Of course, in the course of the work we will see this clearly, but already in the first chapter, Kuprin focuses on this moment. These seemingly trifles characterize grandfather on the positive side - he is not embittered at life, he retained the ability to see the beautiful and, most importantly, the ability to love, cherish loved ones.
The second chapter begins with a description of the sea, the landscape against which the events take place. The heat is unbearable. The speech of the characters deserves special attention. Grandfather’s is full of colloquial words and expressions, which in itself indicates that he comes from the people: “it means, they say”, “house”, “ugly”, “teles”, “troshki”. Seryozha's speech is also simple, he uses colloquial versions of the words: "look, mow", "I die on the spot", "how much bon". This is explained simply - communication and life with grandfather leaves an imprint on the boy's speech. It is also noteworthy that the grandfather refers to the poodle, using the affectionate expressions "brother dog", "Artoshenka". This already tells us about the grandfather's attitude to Artaud as to a native creature. Feeling tired from the heat, Lodyzhkin realizes that even the dog has a hard time in the summer heat. We also see that grandfather is prudent and wise, at Serezha’s offer to swim, he offers to be patient, because: “... after bathing, he will decompose even more”, “... there is nowhere to go down to the sea. Wait, we'll get to Miskhor, and there we'll rinse our sinners' bodies. Before dinner, it's flattering to take a dip ... and then, then, sleep a little bit ... and an excellent thing ... "
Kuprin gives a description of the nature of the Crimea, but the old man does not admire it, because “... he knew these places well; every year he went around them one by one during the grape season. On the other hand, Sergey admires a lot, because he was here for the first time. And this seemingly insignificant note of the author plays a big role in understanding the character of the protagonist. Not every person will enjoy nature, only a subtly feeling, attentive, sensitive person is able to discern the beauty of nature and enjoy it. Therefore, it becomes clear to us that Seryozha is one. The author himself notes: "... all this did not cease to amaze the naive soul of the boy with its lively blooming charm." He is still very young, but already able to see the beauty of nature: “Magnolias, with their hard and shiny, as if lacquered leaves and white flowers, the size of a large plate; pavilions, entirely woven with grapes hanging down heavy clusters; huge centuries-old plane trees with their light bark and mighty crowns; tobacco plantations, streams and waterfalls, and everywhere - in flowerbeds, on hedges, on the walls of cottages - bright, magnificent fragrant roses ... "
In this chapter, we also see the relationship between grandfather and Serezha. The old man also affectionately calls the boy "my brother", treats him with care. In addition, Lodyzhkin tells the boy about the southern cities (Sochi, Adler, etc.), the people who live there (Ethiopians, Turks, Circassians), about plants (palm, orange, lemon). He does not dismiss Seryozha, but explains everything that is interesting or incomprehensible to him. In turn, the boy listens to his grandfather attentively, does not contradict him, which means that he respects his elders and is not spoiled. The heroes are unpretentious, they are happy with any earnings: “In general, Lodyzhkin was of a modest disposition and, even when he was persecuted, he did not grumble.” Grandpa Lodyzhkin, the boy and the dog always diligently performed their tricks, not knowing in advance how and how much they would be paid. The case when one lady gave the artists a holey dime, and grandfather threw it away, tells us that grandfather became unpleasant from such an act, that although he was poor, he retained his dignity. This picture also shows how evil and not appreciating the work of others people can be. Grandfather Lodyzhkin says: “The lady probably thinks: all the same, the old man will let her down for someone at night, slowly, that means. No, sir, you are very mistaken, madam." With these words, the writer explains to the reader that grandfather really spends all the money he earns on the food of the entire troupe, which speaks of his caring and indifference.
In the third chapter, the heroes find themselves at the Friendship dacha, where they observe a picture of how several people try to persuade a little naughty boy to drink a potion, but he behaves strangely and uncivilized, beats in hysterics. Every word in this scene, every description speaks of the characters and their actions. Let's start with a description of Trilly. He is very well-groomed, blond hair, a clean suit - all this is directly opposite to Sergey's appearance. But, despite the outward gloss, the boy's behavior is more than strange - he allows himself to insult adults, does not obey. But the behavior of these adults themselves is bewildering - the mother kneels down and begins to beg him to take the medicine, while promising any gifts, the doctor and the others revolve around him and also beg. With this scene, the author shows the ultimate spoiled Trilly. And what about the main characters? They are amazed at what they see: “Sergey, who had been looking at this scene with curiosity and surprise for a long time, gently pushed the old man in the side. - Grandfather Lodyzhkin, what is it with him? he asked in a whisper. - No way, will they beat him? “How did they raise him like that, take him a fool?” - says grandfather. The residents of the dacha drive the artists away, neither their appearance nor the desire to show the performance aroused either pity or tenderness among the gentlemen. They angrily chase away the boy and grandfather. But again, indulging the whims of little Trilly, they return the artists, allowing them to show tricks. Here, the boy's speech deserves great attention, which appears only as screams and cries: “I want to! Me!” and others. This characterizes him as a small, ill-mannered egoist. In turn, Serezha's behavior is exactly the opposite: he diligently performs tricks: "Sergey's repertoire was small, but he worked well, "cleanly," as the acrobats say, and willingly." Trilly then demands that a dog be bought for him. And adults are trying to do it. They are not shy in expressions and rudely, insulting the old man (“crazy old man, idol”), beg to sell Artaud. They believe that there is no thing that is not for sale, that is, a dog for them is not a living being, but just a thing. But grandfather, in turn, not only does not sell the dog, but politely talks with the gentlemen: “- I humbly thank you, sir, but only ... - Lodyzhkin, groaning, threw the hurdy-gurdy over his shoulders. - But this business does not work out in any way, so that, therefore, to sell. You'd better look somewhere else for a male ... Happy to stay ... ". Thus, here we see the main conflict of the work: for rich people, a dog is just a thing that can be bought for money, comforting a hysterical child for a while. And for grandfather and Seryozha, the poodle is a friend, because they not only use it in their speeches, but also treat it affectionately, which we see both in speech and in actions.
In the same chapter, the author shows us that the poodle Artaud himself is not just a dog that follows orders and follows travelers, but is a true friend who worries about them and is not indifferent to everything that happens to them. For example, when Seryozha bathes, the poodle on the shore does not find a place for itself. Kuprin even voices the dog’s thoughts: “Arto barked furiously and galloped along the shore. It worried him that the boy had swum so far. “Why show your courage? - the poodle was worried. - There is land - and walk on the ground. Much calmer"; “What are these stupid tricks for? I would sit by the shore, next to the old man. Oh, how much anxiety with this boy! In all this, a kind, careful attitude of the characters to each other is read. Grandfather even swears good-naturedly, Seryozha obeys grandfather.
The description of the heroes when bathing evokes not only affection for how they worry about each other, but also pity from their appearance. Both the grandfather and the boy are very thin - the author emphasizes: “... sunken sides. His body was yellow, flabby and powerless, his legs were strikingly thin, and his back with protruding sharp shoulder blades was hunched over from years of dragging a hurdy-gurdy, ”he describes Lodyzhkin, and Seryozha:“ for nothing that bony - you can see all the ribs. And I also recall the description of wretched clothes when Seryozha shows tricks in the country: “Sergey spread a rug on the ground, quickly threw off his canvas pantaloons (they were sewn from an old bag and at the back, at the widest point, were decorated with a quadrangular factory brand), threw them off himself an old jacket and remained in an old cotton tights, which, despite numerous patches, deftly embraced his thin, but strong and flexible figure. This is the contrast that the author uses to show us the severity of the situation - the blond boy Trilly with his well-groomed skin and clean suit and tanned from constant exposure to the sun, Seryozha, thin in torn clothes. Kuprin draws attention to this, because it is important to take this into account in the further development of events, when the janitor catches up with the artists who have already left the dacha and offers a lot of money for the dog, and the grandfather refuses even here. For him, Artaud is not worth any money, he is his friend, a close relative, period. But here is not only the old man’s reverent attitude towards the dog, but also his moral character, moral values, which are read in the phrase: “You just tell your master who is building the railway,” grandfather raised his voice. “Say so: not everything, they say, is sold, what is bought.” He even calls the janitor "Judas, a boor and a corrupt soul", so surprising to him, everything that happened is unpleasant, unacceptable to him.
In the fifth chapter, we see the breakfast scene. Grandfather and Seryozha have simple food, which they are happy about. Grandfather Lodyzhkin takes care of the younger one here too - he gives him larger pieces, realizing that the child is growing, and also feeds the dog, despite the fact that there is not much food, and you still need to earn money for subsequent meals.
After breakfast, the artists decide to rest and sleep a little, then the janitor stole Artaud. Serezha and grandfather are frightened, upset by the loss of the dog: “The boy ran back and forth along the other side of the stream, whistled piercingly and shouted loudly, with anxiety and fear: - Arto, hey! Back!"; in turn, grandfather is also worried: “- Arto! Art-shen-ka! the old man howled plaintively. The boy and grandfather were upset to tears. But it was bitter not only because the dog had been stolen, but also because it was not possible to return it, because grandfather had lost his passport and was afraid that he would not be arrested without this document. All this causes such pity and pain for the heroes. Kuprin managed to portray the situation in such a way that it touches to the core. And again, endless concern for each other: “You are my dear, dear,” the old man would say, shaking all over. - The dog is already very intricate ... Artoshenka is ours ... We won’t have another like this ... - All right, all right ... Get up, - Sergey ordered. - Let me clear the dust from you. You are completely limp with me, grandfather. Seryozha, although he is just a child: “... he understood well all the fatal meaning of this terrible word “patchport”. Therefore, he no longer insisted either on further searches for Artaud, or on peace, or on other drastic measures. At the same time, he thinks not only about himself and his desires, but also about the well-being of his grandfather. With all this, the boy decides to steal Artaud and runs away from the coffee shop where he and his grandfather stayed for the night. Neither the darkness of the night, nor the sea, which "splashed with living, sparkling metal, encircled the shore," frightened him. Sergei, of course, was a little creepy, but courage overwhelmed his heart, he struggled with fear. Climbing over the fence of the dacha, he fell, but this did not stop him. The house of masters seemed to him "filled with merciless lurking enemies, who secretly, with an evil grin, watched from the dark windows every movement of a small, weak boy." The boy heard the screech of a dog from the dark basement - the dog seemed to feel that the boy had come to save him and called for help, screeching. The janitor who ran out of the basement seemed to Seryozha “a giant, an enraged fairy-tale monster”, but he was not afraid of him either, but acted quickly. The boy and the poodle managed to escape. Moreover, they ran away together, without words understanding each other and acting at the same time. In itself, the fact that rich gentlemen kept a poodle not in the house, but in the basement, speaks of their true attitude towards him - this is just a means of entertaining their little Mr. Trilly. Seryozha, conquering fear, went ahead, saving the dog.
For a diploma, such an analysis will not be enough. Is it really impossible to strengthen one's own judgments with literary material?
2.2. The use of literary methods in the analysis of the story "White Poodle".
The use of various methods of text analysis in a literature lesson gives the teacher the opportunity to show this work from different angles. Each technique helps to focus the attention of students on one or another element of the text, the hero, and also reveal the true meaning of what is being studied.
Techniques for identifying the author's position in the process of analyzing a work of art pursue the goal of clarifying the author's thought, making the writer's views and beliefs understandable. The teacher relies on the study of the composition, style of the writer, as well as comments on the historical socio-cultural or literary type.
When analyzing the composition of the story "White Poodle", the teacher draws the students' attention to the fact that the work consists of six chapters, the composition is organized by plot, presented in an event form.
Ask students to briefly describe the content of each section.
You can not give an analysis of the story in the coursework, but take material from it to answer this question.
In the first chapter, we get acquainted with the heroes of the work (Seryozha, grandfather Lodyzhkin and the poodle Arto), learn about their life, occupation (the boy is twelve years old, the grandfather is elderly, they are wandering artists - the grandfather plays the hurdy-gurdy, and the boy and the dog show tricks). In subsequent chapters, we will learn about how hard and poor the lives of these people are, and the basis of the story is the incident that occurred at the Friendship dacha (the artists showed a performance, and the capricious boy Trilly demanded to buy a dog, and when Seryozha and his grandfather refused to sell it, the janitor of the gentlemen stole her, and Seryozha subsequently returned the poodle).
At first glance, it may seem that the use of this technique (analysis of the composition) can lead to a mechanical retelling of the main points of the work. But it's not. After all, if the teacher, following along with the students through the main parts of the work, focuses the attention of schoolchildren not only on the order of events, but on why the author built the work in this way, then this will help to understand the author's intention of the story. In the development of events, the connection and contradictions between the characters are revealed, various features of human characters are revealed. For example, the fact that at the beginning the author tells about how Seryozha and grandfather earn a living, how hard it is for them, and only then tells about the incident at the Druzhba dacha is logical, because the reader can trace the contrast of people who have encountered conflict (poor and wealthy), to understand that despite all the hard life, itinerant artists are not embittered and are not able to sell a dog even for a lot of money. The development of the action gives an idea of ​​the possible ways of developing the conflicts of the work. For example, in the course of studying the composition of the story, after analyzing the fourth chapter, you can offer children creative thinking: for this purpose, we suggest speculating about how the story could be continued after the janitor stole the poodle. The students, relying on the information that they know from the first, second, third and fourth previous chapters, should assume the further development

"White Poodle" - friendship is more valuable than money

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870 - 1938) is known as the author of numerous works in which special attention is paid to the analysis of human relationships. The writer also showed great interest in young readers. He is the author of well-known stories for children and about children - "Kindergarten", "In the bowels of the earth", "The Miraculous Doctor" and others. His works are especially loved by young citizens.

The plot of the story "White Poodle" Kuprin almost copied from nature. Wandering artists came to the writer's dacha in the Crimea, whom Alexander Ivanovich sometimes invited to dine. Among the frequent guests were an old man with a hurdy-gurdy, an acrobat boy named Seryozha, and a white poodle. Seryozha and told the story of how a rich lady persistently asked to sell the dog. The poodle really liked her little son. But the old man and the boy refused to do so, for which they incurred the wrath of the rich lady.

This story was very interested in Kuprin. The writer saw two very important themes in a simple plot. Firstly, the theme of social inequality, and, secondly, selfless friendship and concern for "our smaller brothers." In 1903, Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" was published.

Alexander Ivanovich generally sympathized with children "from the bottom." He was bribed by the spiritual simplicity of these guys, their ability to perform noble deeds. Such is the wandering artist Seryozha in The White Poodle, brought up by the old organ-grinder Lodyzhkin. They are confronted by a completely different world, which is personified by a rich lady and her spoiled son Trilly.

The conflict of the story is built on the different attitudes of these people. For wealthy gentlemen, a dog is just a fun thing to buy and sell. For the old man and the boy, their Artoshka is more than a friend. For the sake of his salvation, Serezha even risks his life.

The characters in The White Poodle are drawn by Kuprin very clearly, and taking into account children's perception, even slightly deliberately. This circumstance makes it possible to clearly define the contrast between the children. Trilli perceives nature with complete indifference, while Seryozha with delight. The lady's son is tender and clumsy, while Seryozha is strong and dexterous. Trilly's speech is a set of consumer words like: "I", "I want", "give" ... The words of the young artist testify to his restraint, an adequate perception of reality.

Kuprin builds the composition of the story very competently and without fuss. Events take place in a short time, everything is subordinated main goal- using the example of the story with the poodle, to show that loyalty and friendship are the main wealth in a person's life. At the same time, each part of the story (there are six in total) is a logically complete episode.

The "White Poodle" has a happy ending, although in real life it could have been different. But Kuprin subtly feels the child's soul, so he inspires optimism in the young reader. The child must believe that justice will prevail. So the writer formed the moral principle in children.

In addition to the analysis of the "White Poodle", check out other essays on the works of Kuprin:

  • "Garnet Bracelet", analysis of the story

"White poodle" Kuprin A.I.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870 - 1938) is known as the author of numerous works in which special attention is paid to the analysis of human relationships. The writer also showed great interest in young readers. He is the author of well-known stories for children and about children - "Kindergarten", "In the bowels of the earth", "The Miraculous Doctor" and others. His works are especially loved by young citizens.

The plot of the story "White Poodle" Kuprin almost copied from nature. Wandering artists came to the writer's dacha in the Crimea, whom Alexander Ivanovich sometimes invited to dine. Among the frequent guests were an old man with a hurdy-gurdy, an acrobat boy named Seryozha, and a white poodle. Seryozha and told the story of how a rich lady persistently asked to sell the dog. The poodle really liked her little son. But the old man and the boy refused to do so, for which they incurred the wrath of the rich lady.

This story was very interested in Kuprin. The writer saw two very important themes in a simple plot. Firstly, the theme of social inequality, and, secondly, selfless friendship and concern for "our smaller brothers." In 1903, Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" was published.

Alexander Ivanovich generally sympathized with children "from the bottom." He was bribed by the spiritual simplicity of these guys, their ability to perform noble deeds. Such is the wandering artist Seryozha in The White Poodle, brought up by the old organ-grinder Lodyzhkin. They are confronted by a completely different world, which is personified by a rich lady and her spoiled son Trilly.

The conflict of the story is built on the different attitudes of these people. For wealthy gentlemen, a dog is just a fun thing to buy and sell. For the old man and the boy, their Artoshka is more than a friend. For the sake of his salvation, Serezha even risks his life.

The characters in The White Poodle are drawn by Kuprin very clearly, and taking into account children's perception, even slightly deliberately. This circumstance makes it possible to clearly define the contrast between the children. Trilli perceives nature with complete indifference, while Seryozha with delight. The lady's son is tender and clumsy, while Seryozha is strong and dexterous. Trilly's speech is a set of consumer words like: "I", "I want", "give" ... The words of the young artist testify to his restraint, an adequate perception of reality.

Kuprin builds the composition of the story very competently and without fuss. Events take place within a short time, everything is subordinated to the main goal - using the example of the story with the poodle to show that loyalty and friendship are the main wealth in a person's life. At the same time, each part of the story (there are six in total) is a logically complete episode.

The "White Poodle" has a happy ending, although in real life it could be different. But Kuprin subtly feels the child's soul, so he inspires optimism in the young reader. The child must believe that justice will prevail. So the writer formed the moral principle in children.

>Compositions based on White Poodle

Story analysis

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a great Russian writer, who wrote many novels, novels and short stories. The story "White Poodle" about the friendship of an old organ grinder with a circus dog was written in 1903 and published a year later. This is a story about the best relationship that can develop between a person and an animal, about loyalty and devotion, about humanity and kindness. The main characters of the story are an aged organ grinder Martyn Lodyzhkin, a twelve-year-old orphan boy named Seryozha and a white poodle Arto. Despite a series of failures that happened to the characters, the work has a happy ending.

From the very beginning, the author introduces us to the course of events and introduces the occupation of wandering artists. All three live on the Black Sea coast and travel from day to day through small villages, showing circus tricks. Grandfather Martyn has a long-aged hurdy-gurdy, which barely plays, and sometimes makes a mournful creak. So Seryozha and Arto show the most interesting things to the audience. Serezha performs acrobatic stunts, and Arto shows all sorts of "fun things". Strong friendship helps them to live and survive. They do not have a very large income, as the audience comes across different. Someone will give a whole gold, and someone will give nothing at all. Therefore, the artists eat poorly and their clothes are worn out.

In the middle of the work, we learn that the artists got to the cottage called "Friendship", where they met a not very friendly family. A boy of eight years old named Trilly lived in the country house, who was looked after by a whole brigade of servants and maids. The boy's mother indulged all his whims, and then his next whim was to take Artaud away from itinerant artists. Lodyzhkin was offered incredible money for a white poodle, and even realizing that he could buy a tavern for himself and Seryozha, he did not sell his friend. As a result, the janitor was given the task of stealing Arto without Lodyzhkin's knowledge. And so he did. While the artists were sleeping, he lured the dog with sausage and stole it.

The author ends his story on a happy note. Seryozha guessed who was responsible for the disappearance of their friend and the next day, after dark, he crept into the dacha of the rich. There he found Artoi in one of the outbuildings and they fled together. It should be noted here that the plot of the story was practically based on real events, since wandering artists often visited Kuprin's dacha in the Crimea. Among them was an organ grinder, an acrobat boy and a circus dog. Taking into account children's perception, the author tried to competently and unpretentiously build the composition of the story. All events took place in a short time and tell about true friendship.