
Aphids on cherries - how to treat them, folk remedies. How to fight aphids on cherries, what means and methods can be used Remedy for black aphids on cherries

When inspecting the garden, you need to not only look at the cherry trees with a superficial glance, but also look under the foliage. Pests such as black or cherry aphids hide on the underside of the leaf. At first they are not noticeable, but these pests multiply very quickly, and the damage they cause is significant.

Chapter 1. What harm does aphid cause to cherries?

Cherry aphids are small black insects, 1–2 mm long. Their eggs overwinter under the bark of cherries, and in the spring they hatch into small bugs that attack young parts of the tree.

Adult pests overwinter in the grass under the trees, and when it gets warmer and the cherries begin to grow, they rise to the juiciest young shoots.

They suck juices from young leaves and green shoots of the current year, which disrupts photosynthesis and metabolism. The leaves curl into a tight round bundle, the shoot stops growing, and the aphids move to the fresh green parts of the tree.

It is believed that aphids are not dangerous to cherries because there is no visible damage. But that's not true. The sucking of juices by aphids weakens the cherries. This affects the next year’s harvest and reduces the winter hardiness of trees.

Aphids never live alone - there are always ants next to them. Ants feed on the sweet, sticky secretion produced by aphids. In addition, ants carry aphids to other plants.

The fight against these pests is carried out comprehensively: they are treated against aphids and anthills are destroyed.

Chapter 2. How to treat cherries against aphids

Any insecticidal preparation works well in the fight against aphids. Cherry processing should be carried out in dry weather. It is advisable to do this in the evening or morning. You can spray during the day, but it is important that it is cloudy at the time of treatment and for several hours after.

If aphids have attacked the cherries just before picking the fruits, then you cannot spray them with chemicals. In this case, biological products have proven themselves well. After their application, the harvest can be harvested after 7 days.

Treatment against aphids is carried out twice. Spray again after 10 days, because after this period new individuals hatch from the larvae.

Simultaneously with the destruction of aphids, anthills are eliminated. They are destroyed with a shovel, and the anthill site is spilled with an insecticide solution or sprinkled with ant granules.

To block the access of ants to the cherry, a hunting belt lubricated with a special sticky compound is attached to it. The hunting belt protects not only from ants, but also from pests that like to hide under the bark of trees for the winter.

Chapter 3. Folk remedies for fighting aphids on cherries

Folk remedies are effective, but only if the aphids are detected in a timely manner.

To prepare the solution, use onions and garlic, red pepper and tobacco dust. You can use an infusion of potato tops, tomatoes, dandelion or celandine.

Infusion of onion or garlic - take 200 grams of crushed raw materials and infuse in 5 liters of water.

Red pepper infusion– 100 grams of red pepper are boiled in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. 100 ml of infusion is added to a bucket of water.

Tobacco dust diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 10. Then one part of this infusion is mixed with three parts of water.

Plant materials (celandine, dandelion, tomato or potato tops)– crushed and diluted with hot water 1:1. Leave for 2 days.

Wood ash- 100 grams are poured with 3 liters of water and boiled for 15 minutes.

In order for the infusion to linger on the leaves, laundry soap is added to it. It gives the solution stickiness. Grind half a bar of soap on a grater and dissolve it in a small amount of water. This soapy liquid is added to 10 liters of any infusion.

When destroying aphids using folk remedies, cherry trees must be treated 3 times every 10 days.

Chapter 4. Video

The video describes the fight against aphids on cherries, but there is no fundamental difference.

See cherry pests and the fight against them in the photo, which illustrates the main agrotechnical measures:

Brown fruit mite Bryobia redikorzevi Reck . - a small sucking pest 0.5 mm long, brown in color, with four pairs of legs. The eggs are red, spherical. When there are a large number of eggs on the bark, the branches become rusty-red. Eggs overwinter at the base of fruitlets and in the forks of branches. The larvae are bright red, have three pairs of legs, emerge from the eggs in the spring, when the buds open, and begin to feed on the juice of the buds and young leaves. Damaged leaves lighten, become dirty white and do not develop. When there is a large number of mites, massive leaf fall occurs and shoot growth stops, which greatly affects the ripening of wood and the frost resistance of trees. Up to 5 generations of the pest develop per year, which constantly accumulates in the shaded part of the crown.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of trees during bud break with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos). If there is a large number of mites, immediately after flowering and in the summer, spraying with the same preparations is carried out. You can also use drugs: Fitoverm, Actellik, Inta-Vir.

Cherry aphid Myzus cerasi F. - a small sucking insect 2-3 mm long, black, shiny, feeds on the juice on the young growing leaves of cherries and cherries. The eggs overwinter at the base of the buds, in the spring the larvae hatch, develop, feed on the sap of the buds, and then leaves and shoots. Leaves curl, shoots become deformed. Several generations of the pest develop over the course of a season. The greatest damage is caused to trees in June-July. In autumn, females lay overwintering eggs near the buds.

Control measures the same as against brown fruit mite.

Spraying cherries against pests

Various chemicals are used to spray cherries against pests.

Cherry weevil, or cherry weevil Rhynchites auratus Scop. , - a beetle up to 10 mm long, bronze-green in color with a golden sheen. The larva is curved, yellowish, with a brown head. Larvae and beetles overwinter in the soil. The beetles come to the surface during cherry blossoms and feed on buds, flowers and fruit ovaries. The weevil most often damages stone fruit crops, but when it appears en masse, it harms all fruit and berry bushes. The beetles gnaw off the ovaries, and later disfigure young leaves and fruits, gnawing holes of various shapes in them. Larval development occurs on stone fruit crops. Females, about two weeks after cherry blossoms, gnaw the fruits and lay eggs on the stone. The hatched larvae bite into the seed and feed on its core. Having finished feeding, the larvae go into the soil, where one part pupates and turns into beetles, and the other goes into diapause and overwinters in the larval stage. Affected fruits dry out.

Control measures. Shaking beetles off trees and destroying them. Spraying fruit trees and berry bushes in the spring before flowering and immediately after flowering with one of the preparations: Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Acttellik, Inta-Vir.

Cherry leaf beetle Orsodacne cerasi L. - beetle 4.5-8 mm long, color from yellow to black or black-blue, elytra with dots and inconspicuous hairs. The beetles damage the ovaries and leaves of cherry and rowan trees, causing damage in April-May. The larvae are white, legless, elongated, feed on leaf tissues, mining the leaf blade. When present in large numbers, the leaf beetle causes significant damage to trees.

Control measures. Spraying gardens in the spring, before buds open and immediately after flowering, with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos).

Yellow fruit stone sawfly Haplocampa flava L. - an insect 4-5 mm long, with transparent wings, darkened at the base, and with a dark stripe in the middle. The head and chest are brownish-yellow, the metanotum is often black, and the legs are yellow. The abdomen is brown-yellow, black above. Females lay 1-2 eggs on the ovary in gnawed round holes. The larvae develop in the fruit, damaging the seed. In addition to cherries, it harms cherries and plums. When the pest population is high, the fruit yield is sharply reduced.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of gardens in the spring, when buds open and immediately after flowering, with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos).

Cherry pest control in spring

The main control of cherry pests takes place in the spring, immediately after the soil thaws. It is during this period that insects wake up from the match and begin to actively feed on parts of fruit and berry trees.

Leaf Cutter Bee Megachile centuncularis L . - an insect up to 10 mm long, reminiscent of a honey bee. The body is black, covered with black dense hairs; the female has an abdomen covered with red hairs. Females, using serrated mandibles, cut out round sections of regular shape from the edges of leaves and use them to create partitions between the cells in which they lay eggs.

The females feed the larvae in wood, in the passages of stem pests, plant stems, and old burrows of other bees. They damage deciduous trees and shrubs - cherry, maple, linden, rose hips, etc.

Control measures. Destruction in gardens of flowering weeds from the Asteraceae family (tartar, thistle, thistle), the nectar of which the leaf-cutter bee feeds on.

Look at these cherry pests in the photo, which shows both larvae and adults.

Cherry fly Rhagoletis cerasi L. - a small insect 4-5 mm long, black, with a yellow-orange chest shield, on transparent wings there are four transverse dark stripes. The larva is white, legless, pointed at the front, 6 mm long, the false cocoon is barrel-shaped, 2.5-4.5 mm long, straw-yellow in color. Pupae overwinter in false cocoons in the soil at a depth of 2-5 cm.

In May-June, after the trees bloom, flies emerge from the pupae and feed on the juice of the fruits of early varieties of cherries and cherries. Females lay eggs in the fruits, the hatched larvae feed on the pulp there and, having completed development, fall to the ground and pupate. The end of nutrition occurs at the time of ripening of middle and late cherry fruits.

Damaged cherry fruits lose their commercial quality and become unsuitable for consumption. When present in large numbers, the pest causes significant damage to gardens.

Control measures. Spraying trees immediately after flowering with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos). If the pest population is large, repeat spraying is carried out, but no later than 20 days before the fruit ripens.

Protecting cherries from the leaf roller pest

Leaf roller Enarmonia for-mosana Scop. (syn. Laspeyresia woeberiana Schiff., L. ornatana Hb.) - a butterfly with a wingspan of 14-16 mm, flies at dusk and at night. The front wings are very bright, with a golden-brown pattern, the hind wings are dark brown, with yellow-golden fringe. The caterpillars are dirty white in color and feed under the bark of trees, gnawing through vertical passages and polluting them with excrement.

In places of damage, rusty-red plugs of excrement stuck together with cobwebs protrude from holes in the bark. The caterpillars overwinter under the bark, feed additionally in May and pupate there. To protect cherries from this pest, it is necessary to install traps. During the flight of the butterfly, the shell of the pupa moves halfway out of the bark. Butterflies lay eggs at the base of skeletal branches, near cracks and mechanical damage, but more often in the lower part of the trunk of young trees at the root collar at soil level.

The newly born caterpillars bite into the bark and feed under it. In places of damage, gum often appears, and sagging and growths form. If the pest population is large, young trees dry out within 2-3 years. The leaf roller damages stone fruit and pome crops, but most severely - cherries, sweet cherries and apricots.

Control measures. To protect cherries from pests, the trunks and boles are sprayed at the end of May - beginning of June, during the summer of butterflies, with the drug fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos). Cleaning the trunks from the upper dead layer of bark, whitening the trunks and root collars with a suspension of chalk with the addition of any organophosphorus preparation. If the pest population is large, you can inject the drug Actellik without diluting it with water - inject drops from a syringe into the holes in the bark (2 ml/m2).

Bud roller.

Bud roller, or bud roller Spilonota ocellana F. (syn. Tmetocera ocellana F.) , - a butterfly with a wingspan of 14-18 mm. The front wings are gray with a wide white stripe in the middle and several dark strokes, the hind wings are brownish-gray. The eggs are transparent, shiny, the caterpillar is 9-12 mm long, brown, with a black head and a black chest shield. The pupa is brown, 6-8 mm long. Third instar caterpillars overwinter in white cocoons near the buds and in cracks in the bark. In early spring they emerge from the cocoon, bite into the buds and feed on the rudiments of leaves. After the buds open, the caterpillars feed on the buds and leaves, pulling them together into a dense lump with a web.

Having finished feeding, the caterpillars pupate and about 9-15 days after the end of flowering of the apple trees, butterflies fly out. The flight of butterflies is extended, and the mass flight is observed from the second ten days of June. Each female lays up to 180 eggs, placing them one at a time on the upper side of the leaves. The hatched caterpillars live between two leaf blades held together by a web, or between a leaf and a fruit to which it is attached by a web. The caterpillars are yellow-green, with a black head and chest shield.

From a young age, they gnaw out leaf parenchyma and fruit skin, which leads to deformation and drying out of damaged leaves and fruits. The leaf roller damages all fruit and many berry crops, as well as forest species.

Control measures. If there is a large number of pests in the garden, annual spraying is carried out in early spring, during the swelling of the buds, with one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Actellik. The treatment is repeated 2-3 weeks after the end of flowering of the apple trees.

How to deal with the cherry pest plum moth

Plum moth Grapholitha funebrana Tr. (syn. Laspeyresia funebrana Tr.) - a dark brown moth with a wingspan of 14-17 mm. The front wings have a barely noticeable light gray stripe near the leading edge, the hind wings are brownish-gray. The caterpillar is 10-14 mm long, orange-red with a brown head. Caterpillars overwinter in cobweb cocoons in cracks in tree bark and in the top layer of soil.

In the spring they pupate, and in early June the flight of butterflies begins, which continues for more than a month. 20-25 days after the plum blossoms, the females lay eggs one per fruit, and a week later, caterpillars hatch from them. The fertility of one female is 50-60 eggs. Caterpillars bite into fruits, feed on the pulp and contaminate them with their excrement. Gum leaks out of the wounds in the form of light spots, and damaged fruits ripen prematurely and fall off. The caterpillars complete their development, emerge from the fruits and pupate. In the middle zone, one generation of the pest develops, in the southern regions of fruit growing - 2-3 generations. The plum moth damages almost all stone fruit crops.

Control measures. Before fighting the cherry pest, you need to spray the trees in the spring, when buds open and after flowering, with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos), collect and destroy carrion, use pheromone traps, which are hung 5-7 days after the end of flowering of stone fruits.

Caterpillar pests on cherries (with photo)

The most common caterpillar on cherries is the mole of various types. Look further on the page for a description and photo of pests on cherries: adults and larvae are shown:

Little plum moth Stigmella prunetorum Stt. - a very small butterfly with a wingspan of up to 5 mm. The wings are narrow, with a fringe of shiny hairs. The caterpillar is 4-5 mm long, green, with reddish sides, flat, legless, feeds in leaf tissues, making thin ribbon-like mines. The mines are located on the upper side of the leaf, strongly twisted in the form of a spiral, the final part is almost straight or slightly sinuous, completely filled with excrement. It mainly affects stone fruit crops and, in large numbers, causes drying out and premature leaf fall.

Control measures. Spraying in the spring, when buds open and immediately after flowering, with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos).

Little thorn moth Stigmella plagicolella Stt. - a very small butterfly with narrow wingspan up to 5 mm, framed by a fringe of hairs. The caterpillar is pale yellow, with a green dorsal vessel, has a pale green chest shield and a reddish-brown head, and feeds in leaf tissue, making mines. Mines on the upper side of the leaf in the form of an oval brown spot filled in the middle with black excrement. The beginning of the mine is in the form of a thin, slightly twisted passage, also filled with caterpillar excrement. The pest is common on stone fruit crops.

Control measures

Cherry leaf miner moth Lithocolletis cerasicolella H.-S . - a small butterfly with a wingspan of 6-14 mm. The wings are narrow, with a long delicate fringe, the pattern of the front wings is complex. The caterpillars are small, yellowish-green, have 7 pairs of legs, live and feed inside the parenchyma, making mines on the underside of the leaf, of which there can be up to 10 pieces or more on the leaf. The mines are wide, in the form of a light, yellowish-white film on the underside of the leaf, between the lateral veins. White dots are visible on the upper side of the leaf blade above the mines. Over time, the mines dry out, the leaf becomes deformed, its assimilation function is disrupted, and the wood of the shoots does not ripen well, which affects the frost resistance and productivity of the trees. The moth moth damages stone fruit crops and multiplies especially strongly in dry, hot summers.

Control measures the same as against the little plum moth.

Blackthorn folded moth Lithocolletis spinicolella L. - a small butterfly with a wingspan of 6-14 mm. The wings are narrow, with a long delicate fringe, the pattern of the front wings is complex. The caterpillars are small, yellowish-green, have 7 pairs of legs, live and feed inside the parenchyma, making mines on the underside of the leaf. The mines are located between the lateral veins in the form of a yellowish-white oval spot, with white dots visible above it on the upper side of the leaf. At the site of damage, the leaf blade can be folded. With a large number of caterpillars, damaged leaves dry out prematurely.

Control measures the same as against the little plum moth.

How to deal with spinner caterpillars on cherries

Leaf spinner, or leaf moth Recurvaria nanella Hb. , is a small butterfly with a wingspan of 9-11 mm. The forewings are gray with a dark gray base, with black lines and a transverse whitish stripe. The eggs are oblong and yellow.

The caterpillar on the cherry is 5-6 mm long, fusiform, red-orange, and at an older age, before pupation, it is olive-green in color and has a black head. The pupa is brown, in a white cocoon, 5 mm long. Caterpillars overwinter in cobweb cocoons in cracks in the bark. In early spring, they damage buds, flowers and young leaves, pulling them into lumps with cobwebs.

After flowering, older fruit caterpillars damage young shoots by boring holes into them. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars pupate inside damaged leaves or in cracks in the bark. After 14 days, butterflies hatch, the mass flight of which is observed in June - early July. The fertility of females is up to 150 eggs, which she lays one at a time on the underside of the leaf. After a few days, the caterpillars hatch, bite into the leaves and, feeding on the pulp, make short branched mines in which they live until autumn. Damages all fruit trees and many shrubs. Before fighting caterpillars on cherries, you need to thin out the branches.

Control measures the same as against the little plum moth.

How to treat cherries against other caterpillars

Birch moth Amphidasis betularia L. - a butterfly with a wingspan of 40-50 mm. The wings are light gray with many black dots of varying sizes and wavy transverse stripes on the front and hind wings. The body is thick, cone-shaped. The length of the caterpillar is 50 mm, the color ranges from dark green with a red stripe on the back to brownish-brown with a dark stripe on the back. There are two protrusions on the head, and white warts are visible on the eighth and eleventh abdominal segments. The caterpillars of all other moths have only two pairs of abdominal legs, which is why they bend twice when moving. The pupa is shiny, dark brown in color.

Butterflies fly in May-June; females lay 600-2000 eggs, placing them in groups in crevices in the bark. After some time, the caterpillars hatch and feed from late June until autumn, gnawing on tree leaves. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars pupate in the soil, and the pupae overwinter until next year. The birch moth is widespread and causes great damage to deciduous trees, fruit and berry crops, especially in young gardens.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of gardens in the spring, when buds open and immediately after flowering, with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos) also reduces the number of moths. If there are a large number of caterpillars in the summer, spraying with the same preparations is carried out, taking into account the waiting period. Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Actellik, Inta-Vir are also used.

Smoky ashen moth Boarmia consortaria F. - a butterfly with a wingspan of 43-50 mm. The wings are ash-gray, covered with dark brown pollen, the edge of the hind wings is wavy. The middle field is not prominent, the outer line is noticeable only on the veins. The caterpillar is gray, with brown spots, warts and a dark stripe on the back. The pupa is brown in color, in an earthen cocoon. The pupae overwinter in the soil, butterflies emerge in May, and two generations develop over the summer. The flight of butterflies of the first generation is observed in May, and of the second - in August. Caterpillars feed on leaves, roughly eating the leaf blades. The moth damages all stone and pome crops, as well as deciduous trees.

Control measures the same as against the birch moth.

Winter moth Operophthera brumata L. - a butterfly with a male wingspan of 28-30 mm. The forewings are gray with dark transverse wavy lines, the hind wings are ash-gray. The female is brownish-gray, 10-12 mm long, with underdeveloped wings, inactive, climbs trees along the trunk. The eggs range from yellow-orange to brick-red and brown. The caterpillar is 20-25 mm long, has 5 pairs of legs, yellowish-green with a brown stripe on the back and three light stripes on the sides, the head is yellow-brown. The pupa is light brown and has a forked spine at the end. The eggs overwinter on branches, at the base of the buds.

When the buds open, caterpillars hatch and feed on buds, flowers, ovaries and leaves, entwining them with cobwebs. Often the caterpillars feed between two webbed leaves. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars descend to the ground and pupate in the soil at a depth of 5-10 cm in an earthen capsule. In October, butterflies emerge, males fly until late autumn, females climb trees and lay eggs one at a time or in groups after fertilization. The fertility of one female is 200-350 eggs. The moth damages all fruit crops and deciduous trees.

Control measures. Spraying in the spring, when buds open and immediately after flowering, with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos). In the fall, it is recommended to apply trapping glue belts to the trunks to catch butterflies, mainly female moths, which do not fly.

Lunar moth, or smoky wormwood moth Boarmia selenaria Schiff. , - a butterfly with a wingspan of 38-46 mm, grayish-white in color with numerous black and brown dots on all wings. On the front wings there are two black zigzag transverse lines and a large spot with a dark rim. The hind wings have one transverse sinuous line and a round spot in the middle. In a calm state, the butterfly folds its wings into a triangle and puts out its front legs in the form of antennae. The caterpillar is up to 50 mm long and 3-4 mm wide, thin, gray-green, often red or dark brown with a dark spot on the back. Two generations develop.

Pupae overwinter in the soil, butterflies emerge in the spring, feed on nectar and are nocturnal. Females lay eggs on the leaves of herbaceous and woody plants. The caterpillars skeletonize and gnaw off the leaf blades, leaving only the central veins at the end of feeding. Caterpillars of the first generation cause damage in May-June, the second - in August-September. The moth damages all pome and stone fruit crops, severely harms black currants, and among herbaceous crops - wormwood, sweet clover, etc.

Control measures. If the number of caterpillars is large, trees are sprayed with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos), taking into account the waiting period. Preventative spraying of trees in the spring, immediately after fruit blossoms, with the same drugs against a complex of pests also reduces the number of moth caterpillars.

Multiflora pear Vannessa polychloros L . - a large brick-red butterfly with black spots on the wings. The wingspan is 50-55 mm, on the underside they are dark brown and have a characteristic white dot. The eggs are brown, ribbed, the caterpillars are 45 mm long, bluish-black, with a black head, covered with fully branched yellow spines. There is a rusty-brown longitudinal stripe along the back and two similar stripes on the sides of the body. The pupa is angular, 25 mm long, yellowish-gray, with two spines on the head and pearlescent spots on the back. Butterflies hibernate. In the spring, the female lays eggs on the branches in a continuous layer; each oviposition can contain from 50 to 150 eggs. After 15-16 days, caterpillars hatch and live in broods, completely eating the leaves.

Polyflower is found everywhere and greatly harms stone fruits, pears, and some deciduous trees, such as elm.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of trees in the spring, when the leaves bloom and immediately after flowering, with the drug fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos) also reduces the number of multiflower caterpillars. If there are a large number of caterpillars in the summer, spraying with the same preparations is carried out, taking into account the waiting period. Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Actellik, Inta-Vir are also used.

Cherry trees attract not only people who wish to eat ripe fruits, but also insects. What are cherry pests and how to control them? Photos and descriptions will help you better study plant enemies and find ways to destroy them.

Fruit trees in our gardens become the subject of close attention of insects that infect almost all parts of the plantings. Leaves and ovaries, flower buds and already ripe fruits, small and large branches suffer from pests. When there is a massive infestation of aphids, caterpillars of various species, and leaf roller mites, they can cause serious damage to the garden, weaken it, or even destroy it.

Which uninvited guests are the most dangerous? How to treat cherries against pests, and when is the best time to carry out such work?

Cherry weevil

Small, golden-reddish beetles up to 5 mm long feed from early veins on cherry buds, young foliage and flowers. And such damage indicates a serious danger from pests, but weevils do not disdain filling fruits, eating away the indentations right down to the very pit. Here, cherry pests lay their eggs, and the hatching larvae continue to cause damage, destroying the core of the seed. Spoiled fruits fall off, and the larvae move from them to the ground, where they successfully pupate and wait for spring.

In early spring, when the snow has melted, but the buds have not yet awakened, cherry weevils can be manually shaken off onto improvised materials spread under the trees, collected and burned. This method is convenient if low-growing varieties grow in hell, but is completely unsuitable when the pest threatens large trees 5–7 meters high.

Therefore, a more competent and long-term way is to install fishing belts. They will protect the plantings not only immediately, but also throughout most of the summer.

When attacked by weevils, chemical means of protection, as well as traditional methods, are used. How to spray cherries against pests in this case? Modern insecticides, which are used to irrigate crowns, trunks and tree trunks, help against beetles. Treatment is carried out early, after flowering and in the fall, after leaf fall.

In addition, cherries can be treated with a daily infusion of fragrant or chamomile. A bucket of hot water will require 100 grams of plant material and half a bar of crushed laundry soap.

Slimy and other sawfly species

If larvae appear on the leaves, which simultaneously resemble slugs and caterpillars, then the cherry tree in the area is threatened by the slimy sawfly. The cherry pest shown in the photo and its control should be under the special control of the gardener.

Smooth greenish-black larvae do not exceed 4–6 mm in length and appear on young foliage. Finding itself on the upper part of the leaf blade, the sawfly eats away its juicy part, without touching the veins and lower part. As a result of this exposure, the damaged tissue dries quickly, and the leaves on the tree become covered with burn-like spots. Mass infection leads to premature leaf fall, weakening of plants and poor wintering. In the fall, the larvae enter the soil, and in the spring they fly out, becoming adults, ready to reproduce as insects.

Close relatives of the described pest are no less dangerous for cherries: yellow plum and pale-legged sawflies, cherry sawflies. They also damage leaves and ovaries, and closer to autumn they move to the ground and overwinter safely at shallow depths.

To combat the sawfly, insecticides are used if this does not harm the ripening crop. With minimal infestation, the larvae are picked by hand or washed off with a stream of water onto a film or cloth spread under the tree.

Instead of using chemicals to treat cherries against pests, experienced gardeners recommend using a strong infusion of smoking tobacco.

Cherry aphid

Cherry or black aphids appear on the tops of young branches in the first month of summer. Insect pests of cherries, which reproduce quickly, cover the succulent parts of the shoots in a dense ball in a matter of days. By feeding on plant juices, aphids cause deformation of the affected leaves and stems. As a result, the garden suffers and productivity decreases:

  1. Tree growth stops or stops.
  2. Plants weaken, and fungal infections easily develop in areas damaged by aphids.
  3. The chances of getting a harvest next year are reduced.

When the cherry pest shown in the photo appears, the fight against it should consist not only of treating it with chemicals, but also of following agricultural practices.


  • reduce the population of garden ants that spread aphids to crop plants;
  • carry out competent regular pruning of diseased and fattening shoots;
  • do not get carried away with applying excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers, which provoke the formation of young foliage;
  • clean the trunk from old bark and whitewash the trunks.

In addition to treating cherries against pests using insecticides, catching belts are effective in the fight against aphids, as well as treating the plantings with an ash-soap solution and an infusion of mustard powder.

cherry fly

Seemingly harmless flies can cause no less harm. The cherry fly, for example, is a dangerous pest of cherries, due to which you can lose almost the entire harvest. The larvae laid by insects feed on the fruits and spoil them. When the cherry falls to the ground, the grown insect goes to the surface layer of soil for the winter.

Miner flies are no less dangerous. Cherry pests are detected by the passages in the leaves. Winding tunnels inside the leaf blades indicate that the eggs laid have turned into larvae, ready to emerge and become a new generation of adult insects by spring. In case of mass infection, the leaves suffer so much that the tree cannot properly prepare for winter, as a result it freezes, gets sick, and produces a smaller harvest.

Hawthorn butterfly, goldentail and other cherry pests

Since early spring, not only bees, but also various types of butterflies have been circling over the cherry orchard. Not all of them hunt for nectar. Cabbage-like hawthorn, lacewing, and cherry moth are prominent representatives of cherry pests.

Caterpillars of these species actively eat buds and foliage, so it is important to recognize the enemy as early as possible and begin to fight it. At the caterpillar stage, insects are collected by hand or sprayed with chemicals. The gardener decides how to treat cherries against pests. But when choosing an insecticide, it is important that the chemical provides long-term protection and does not harm the crop.

Since during the season many butterflies manage to give birth to two or three generations, treatment is carried out not only in early spring, after the appearance of foliage, but also at the end of summer.

Cherry pest control and preventative measures

No matter how fast-acting and effective modern means of insect control are, treating cherries against pests will not give the desired result if there is no competent prevention.

Throughout the season, fallen leaves are regularly collected and destroyed. The same is done with mummified, unripe fruits.

Cherry pest control, as in the photo, should involve irrigating the plants with chemicals. But this is far from the main stage. The main work is carried out in the fall and includes:

  • pruning diseased, dry and damaged branches;
  • sections, as well as cracks in the bark and damaged areas with gum formation are treated with garden varnish;
  • fallen leaves, branches and remaining fruits are carefully picked and burned;
  • the soil under the trees is loosened and carefully dug up;
  • with the onset of the first cold weather, the garden is sprayed with a 5% urea solution.

In the spring, the condition of the trees is checked again and comprehensive treatment is carried out against insects and diseases of fruit crops. Most often, systemic means that are effective against a whole range of hazards are used for this purpose. It is important to irrigate not only the trees themselves, but also the soil underneath them. Repeated spraying is necessary after flowering. Another treatment can be done in the summer.

Treating the garden against cherry flies - video


Every gardener faces the problem of garden pests. They not only spoil the appearance of trees, but are also carriers of diseases, reduce productivity, and sometimes lead to the death of plantings. One of the ubiquitous pests is aphids. It affects all plants. Black aphids on cherries can leave the gardener completely without a harvest. What to do and how to defeat aphids?

How to recognize a pest

In order to choose the right control methods, you need to know the pest by sight. If aphids have settled on a cherry, it is noticeable to the naked eye. Aphids are tiny insects with a soft, egg-shaped body. There are both wingless and winged aphids. The pest lives in colonies, settling mainly on the back side of the leaf.

How to determine that a cherry tree is affected by aphids? If in early spring the young leaves of a tree look limp and twisted, after which they become deformed and dry out, and there are a lot of small bugs on their back side, then this is an aphid. At the first signs of damage to a tree, it is necessary to immediately begin combating the pest.

Reasons for the appearance of aphids on cherries

How to save cherries from aphids, what to do to prevent the pest from appearing again - these are the main questions that a gardener faces every year. First of all, it is important to understand why the garden is constantly affected by aphids, and there are several of them:

  • abundance of weeds;
  • ant colonies;
  • weak tree immunity.

If the garden is not well-kept, and there are always a lot of weeds under the trees, then this is the first reason for the appearance of aphids. Winged aphids reproduce well on weeds in early spring, transferring their larvae to crop plants. The tree trunk should always be free of weeds. Only the cultivation of useful plants is allowed under trees: calendula, marigolds and others.

Everyone knows that aphids secrete a sweet juice that attracts ants. They enter into symbiosis with her. In addition, with the onset of cold weather, the ants carry the larvae deep into the ground, which allows them to overwinter favorably. In early spring, they spread them to “graze” on fresh grass. The second reason for the appearance of aphids is the abundance of ants in the garden. If the garden is affected by various diseases, then the trees’ immunity is weakened and they cannot resist pests. To make plants stronger, you need to properly care for them, regularly water them, fertilize them, and mulch the soil.

The fight against aphids on cherries should begin with the destruction of ants.

What harm does aphid cause to cherries?

Beginners in gardening do not attach much importance to the presence of aphids in the garden, not considering them a dangerous pest. But this is a mistaken opinion.

  1. Massive infestation of trees by aphids leads to their death.
  2. There is a risk of infection of plantings with various diseases.
  3. Cherry productivity decreases, the fruits become ugly and small.
  4. Aphids spread very quickly from a diseased tree to a healthy plant.

Aphids settle on cultivated plants in early spring, when the buds open and young leaves appear. The pest sucks out cell sap from the green parts of the plant, as a result of which nutrition in the leaves is disrupted, they curl, turn black and dry out. In addition, aphids damage the buds and young shoots of cherries by laying eggs there. Aphids reproduce at a high rate, so treatment of cherries against aphids must be carried out repeatedly. In one season, up to 20 generations of the pest are hatched.

In addition, black aphids are carriers of many diseases. On affected shoots there is a risk of developing sooty fungus, as well as other fungal diseases. Infection occurs when the pest feeds; microbes, bacteria and viruses enter the plant cells with its saliva. Cherry yields are falling, and a weakened tree may not survive the coming winter.

Ways to combat aphids on cherries

Cherry aphids are a very insidious pest and are not easy to get rid of. Professionals recommend using only comprehensive measures to combat aphids on cherries, which are carried out in several directions at once:

  • repeated weeding;
  • preventive and therapeutic treatments of wood with various infusions;
  • destruction of cherry shoots;
  • regular application of balanced fertilizers for cherries;
  • attracting ladybugs that feed on aphids;
  • use of chemicals in mass casualty situations.

So, how to spray cherries against aphids if the number of pests is not yet large, the weeds have been removed, and the trees have been fed? It is worth resorting to folk remedies that are less safe for human health.

Traditional methods of fighting aphids

The most effective remedies against aphids turned out to be spraying with soap solution, ash, and infusions of medicinal herbs. Before the buds open, cherry aphids are most effectively combated with onion or garlic infusions, to which you can add laundry soap and ash.

  • Garlic infusion. To prepare it, use 100 g of garlic, which must be chopped and poured with 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is infused for about 2 days, after which the shoots are sprayed.
  • Infusion of onion peel. It is prepared in the same way as the previous solution. To prepare, take 500 g of husk and 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out at intervals of 10 days.

Aphids cause severe damage to cherry blossoms. It damages the peduncles and interferes with fruit setting. During this period, the plant is treated with herbal infusions.

  • Infusion of celandine. Take 3-4 kg of fresh celandine or 1.5 kg of dried celandine per bucket of water. The mixture is infused for two days, after which it is filtered and sprayed.
  • Dandelion infusion. Use 300 g of fresh dandelion leaves per 10 liters of water. The greens are crushed and poured with water heated to 40 degrees. Leave the mixture for two days, then filter and spray.

Using these recipes, you can prepare a solution for spraying cherries against aphids from marigolds, horseradish and potato tops.

How to treat cherries against aphids after flowering? You can use an infusion of tobacco, laundry soap, and ash.

  • Ash solution. 300 g of wood ash is sifted, diluted with water and boiled for half an hour. After which the working solution is diluted with water to 10 liters. Spray the cherries with the prepared infusion at intervals of 10 days.
  • Tobacco infusion. Pour water over the tobacco and leave for one day. Then add water to the finished infusion in a ratio of 1:3 and treat the trees.
  • Soap solution. Grate one piece of laundry soap and mix with 10 liters of warm water. Spray with the prepared solution.

It is important to remember that folk remedies for aphids on cherries are effective, but do not last long. They are washed off by rain and require frequent treatments. Therefore, it will not be possible to completely get rid of aphids with their help.

Chemical preparations for aphids

In combination with folk and preventive methods, it is advisable to use chemical preparations for aphids, which are divided into contact, intestinal and systemic agents.

Contact preparations act immediately, being absorbed through the insect’s body. As a result, the aphid dies, but some individuals may survive and begin to reproduce again. Such drugs include: “Karbofos”, “Fufan”, “Arrivo”.

Intestinal drugs are more effective. They enter the insect's body when it eats. Act immediately. These include Konfidor and BI-58 Novy.

Systemic preparations are resistant to being washed off by precipitation and are absorbed gradually, poisoning the plant sap. However, the effect of the drug is extended to half a month. Such a drug is “Aktara”.

The biological preparation “Fitoverm” or “Aktarin” can be used when fruits are set. This is an excellent remedy for aphids on cherries after flowering. With the help of drugs, you can fight the pest without harming nature.

All aphid chemicals must be used using personal protective equipment.

Preventive measures

Every gardener knows that preventing pests is easier than getting rid of them. In autumn and spring, it is necessary to whiten the trunks of all trees in the garden, peeling off the old bark to a healthy place. This will prevent the adult aphids from laying eggs. It is useful to attract beneficial insects to the garden: ladybirds and hoverflies. To do this, spicy herbs are planted around the trees in which the insect overwinters. It is necessary to regularly destroy anthills by pouring boiling water over the passages. Prevent ants from spreading to trees. For this purpose, hunting belts are used, which are used to wrap the trunks.

Remember that treatments against black aphids using any chemicals should be completed two to three weeks before harvest. Treat pest control responsibly, and the results will not be long in coming.

Every gardener who grows fruit and fruit trees knows that growing healthy cherries on your plot is not an easy task. There are many varieties of cherries, but all of them are susceptible to diseases, as well as pests, which must be constantly combated.

Cherry pests affect the entire tree: from the root system to the fruit. Losses of garden crops due to pests on average reach 30%, and during insect reproduction - 70%. Productivity and obtaining a good harvest are impossible without protecting trees from harmful insects and organisms.

There are several reasons why cherries are so susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. The most common ones are these are improper planting and care, unsuitable weather conditions and the transfer of infection from neighboring fruit trees.

The cherry variety also plays an important role in the viability of the tree. When purchasing seedlings, pay attention to pest-resistant varieties developed by breeders that are adapted to your conditions.

In any case, no matter what variety you choose, it is very important to be able to promptly identify specific pests and know how and how best to treat cherries to effectively combat them.

Large white butterfly with dark veins on the wings - hawthorn, in itself does not harm the garden. However, one individual of such a butterfly is capable of laying up to 500 yellow or orange eggs, which in a couple of weeks will turn into gray-brown or yellow-brown caterpillars.

These are the main pests of the cherry orchard; they devour the leaves of cherries and other fruit trees and shrubs. Closer to winter, hawthorn caterpillars entwine themselves into cocoons and remain to overwinter in the leaves.

To avoid unwanted crop loss, start spraying cherries against pests in the spring, in late March - early April. To destroy all cocoons that survived the winter, spray the tree and the soil around urea solution.You will need 700 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Also, to combat hawthorn, you need to collect its nests and equip titmouses in the gardens, since only tits eat these caterpillars.

Important! Treatment with urea solution must be carried out within a strictly specified period: late March - early April. You can’t do it later - you can burn the buds and ovaries.

A common cause of tree death is cherry weevil on cherry. Also called cherry tube gun, which devours buds, foliage, buds, and uses the fruits for laying eggs.

For effective fight with it, in the fall you need to clear the trunks and branches of old bark, whitewash the cleaned areas of the tree with lime, and burn the waste bark and fallen leaves.

The main place for overwintering of most pests, including weevils, is root soil, which needs to be dug up. During the swelling of the buds in the spring, most of the weevils can be shaken off onto a sheet spread under the tree.

In addition to drugs, there are popular folk remedies to combat weevils, for example, spraying with chamomile infusion.Take about 200 flowers, fill with 15 liters of water and let stand for a day. Then strain and add about 60 g of laundry soap to it.

Goldentail (golden silkworm, goldfish)a white butterfly with a golden fluffy abdomen. A pest of fruit trees at the caterpillar stage, it infects leaves until the branches are completely exposed.

Lacetail caterpillars eat leaves down to the veins and attach them to branches with a thick layer of web, forming a nest in which they overwinter. As soon as the buds begin to bloom, the caterpillars emerge from their nests and eat the leaves. Over the course of a season, this pest can destroy up to 25% of healthy leaves.

There are mechanical and chemical methods for killing lacewings. First consist of removing and destroying overwintering nests from trees. The use of light traps and pheromone traps is also effective.

Among the chemical methods, the most effective is spraying before floweringinsecticides “Karbofos” (10%), “Benzophosphate” (10%) or “Antilin” (25 g per 5 liters of water), “Lepodocid” (20-30 g per 5 liters of water). Before the buds open, cherries can be sprayed with Nitrafen and Oleocuprite.

Important! Touching a lacewing caterpillar can cause rashes on the hands, welts on the skin, and suffocation. When mechanically processing trees, use pruning shears and wear gloves.

Mothsa family of moths with more than 50 species. Of these, the most dangerous for cherries is the winter moth.

This pest attacks trees in the fall, in late September - early October. It fastens the leaves with a web and lays eggs there; these leaves are subsequently eaten by caterpillars. The caterpillars also feed on buds, young leaves, and flower buds.

To combat the moth needed in early autumn carry out soil cultivation between rows and dig up tree trunk circles, which reduces the number of pupae. Chemicals you can use are 10% “Benzophosphate” (60 g per 10 l of water), 10% “Karbofos” (80-90 g per 10 l of water), 80% “Chlorophos” (20-30 g per 10 liters of water).

You need to spray before the buds set. The following insecticides also have a good effect: “Zolon”, “Nexion”.

This is a moth, beige with a dark stripe on the front wings. Silkworm caterpillars, about 6 cm long, dark gray, covered with dark hair, damage the leaves of cherries and many other fruit trees. Easily carried by the wind.

They form ovipositions on thin tree branches in the form of encircling rings, and the caterpillars overwinter in these clutches. Before flowering, they emerge from the eggs and devour young leaves and buds. They cause irreparable damage to the cherry tree, which is why it cannot bloom and bear fruit for several seasons in a row.

To combat ringed silkwormsYou need to regularly inspect the tree and if you find oviposition, scrape them off and burn them. You also need to remove all cobwebs from the branches on which pests could remain. This should be done in cloudy weather, then the caterpillars will not crawl out of the nest.

In spring, before flowering, sprayed with such insecticides,like “Zolon”, “Karbofos”, “Metathion”, “Metaphos”, “Nexion”, “Phosfamide”, “Chlorophos”, etc. Before buds open, “Nitrafen”, “Oleocuprite” are suitable.

Fruit mites

damages trees of all fruit species, sucking juice from leaves and buds. The pest overwinters on shoots and branches.

The larvae emerge from eggs in the spring, damage the buds of trees, then feed on the sap from the leaves. Damaged leaves become off-white in color and stop growing and developing. At the same time, branches stop growing, yields drop, and the tree’s frost resistance decreases.

Fighting methods:in autumn or spring, before buds open, plants are treated with a 1-1.5% solution of the drug “DNOC” (dinozal). After bud break, before and after flowering, as well as in summer, trees are sprayed with Metaphos (0.3%) or Phosfamide (0.2%) emulsion.


At the end of spring, May beetles actively reproduce. Females lay eggs in the ground, near the roots of the cherry tree. The eggs turn into larvae, which live in the soil for about 3-4 years, all this time feeding on the roots of the tree.

There are several ways to combat this pest, the most labor-intensive and least effective is mechanical collection of larvae. The safest and most effective method is sodding of land.

The larvae do not tolerate nitrogen, so to combat them, white clover is planted near the cherries. Bacteria on its rhizome process nitrogen from the air and distribute it to the roots of neighboring plants.

Chemicalsspraying with the preparations “Aktofit”, “Boverin”, “Fitoverm”.

You can also minimize the harm from cockchafer larvae by using onion broth for watering the soil around the cherry tree. You need to take a third of the onion peel with two-thirds of the water and leave for 7 days. The resulting solution must be diluted with water 1:1 and watered at the base of the tree in the evenings.

The adult cherry sawfly is black, the wings are transparent, the body length is 4-6 mm. Damages cherries, cherries, plums and other fruit plants. Its false caterpillars eat leaves down to the veins. During the autumn digging of the soil around the trunk circles, the pseudo-caterpillars that have left for the winter are partially destroyed.

A massive appearance of larvae is observed after harvesting, then you can apply spraying trees10% “Karbofos” (75 g), 25% “Rovikurt” (10 g), “Chlorofos” (15-20 g per 10 l of water). After harvesting, you can spray with decoctions of insecticidal plants - common chamomile, black henbane.

The most dangerous cherry pest is cherry moth.This is a reddish-brown insect with white spots and a dark transverse stripe. The caterpillars gnaw off the growing buds and flower buds, then damage the young leaves. These pests leave lumps on the shoots that look like pieces of wool, with black spots - excrement.

As a fight against cherry moth in mid-June you need to dig up the circles around the trunk and carry out spraying 10% “Karbofos” (75 g) and 10% “Trichlorometaphos-3” (50-100 g per 10 liters of water). Processed during bud break or bud formation. Preparations “Iskra” (in mid-spring), “Kinmiks” (after flowering) 1 tablet per bucket of water.

Another option is to pour boiling water over 2 cups of wood ash in a three-liter jar and leave for 24 hours. Add soap shavings. Pour into a 10-liter bucket, stir, strain and add 40 ml of table vinegar. Spray immediately.

small butterfly, whose caterpillars destroy the leaves, leaving only bare branches of the tree. Before flowering, fruit moth caterpillars move to the surface of the leaves and feed from the outside, entwining feeding sites with cobwebs into cobweb nests. Sometimes this pest can destroy almost all the foliage of trees.

After pupation, butterflies lay eggs on tree bark. Methods of destruction Fruit moths are attacked by digging up tree trunk circles and burning fallen leaves. Chemicals– 10% “Karbofos” (75 g) and 10% “Trichlorometaphos-3” (50-100 g per 10 liters of water).

Did you know?The cherry moth larva, which can be found in the berry, is not at all dangerous to humans. Moreover, the presence of this pest indicates that the cherry trees were not sprayed with an insecticide.

One of the most dangerous pests of cherries and cherries. The cherry fly destroys up to 90% of the fruit on cherries, and about 30% on cherries.

The pupae overwinter in the soil at a depth of 2 to 5 cm. In May, after flowering, adult flies are born, 6 mm in size, black and brown in color on the wings. Pests feed on the juice of unripe fruits. The cherry fly lays eggs near the stalk, damaging middle and late varieties.

Early varieties ripen before the fly emerges and remain unharmed. From the eggs in the fruit, a larva develops, which feeds on the pulp. Spoiled fruits darken, rot, separate from the stalk and fall off.

To eliminate the cherry fly, you need to carry out deep plowing in the fall. It is also necessary spray trees 2 weeks after the start of emergence and again another 2 weeks after the first spraying.

Suitable: 50% "Karbofos" (1-3 kg/ha), 20% "Metafos" (1.5-3 kg/ha), 80% "Chlorophos" (1.6-4. 5 kg/ha), preparations “Iskra”, “Molniya” twice a season. The first time is at the end of April, the second time is 18–20 days later. Then once a week you need to spray the soil around the tree with the same preparations.

Cherry aphid (black aphid)a serious pest for cherries in the bud opening phase. The black-brown female, 2-2.5 mm long, lays eggs at the base of the buds, after which larvae emerge and feed on the sap of the leaves. After damage, the leaves stop growing, curl, turn black and dry out.

During mass flowering, black aphids multiply, as a result of which they move to fruits and stalks and contaminate them with sticky excrement and larval skins.

There are several tips on how to deal with black aphids on cherries. Mechanical method consists in removing places of active settlement of cherry aphids - root vegetation and shoots.

In case of mass reproduction, it is necessary to carry out sprayingdrugs “Aktelik”, “Inta-vir”, “Commander”, “Fitoverm”.

There are also traditional spraying recipes which have proven their effectiveness: solution with laundry soap (half a piece of soap per 10 liters of water); another solution - leave the ash solution for three days (0.5 kg of ash per 5 liters of water). This method will not only help get rid of black aphids, but will also serve as foliar feeding.

Important! When using any chemicals, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations and do not exceed the dosage!


Protection from birds on cherry trees is extremely necessary, despite the fact that they are often also helpers in the garden, eating many pests: caterpillars, beetles and larvae.

Did you know? People call cherries “bird cherries” because some birds love to peck them.

There are several effective methods that allow you to protect the crop from sparrows, starlings, thrushes and jays, which harm cherries by pecking the fruits to the bone. Of course, we are not talking about chemical methods, but only about mechanical ones, such as ultrasonic repellers, gas guns, nets, scarecrows and others.

Ultrasonic repeller- a rather expensive product that is justified if you grow a lot of fruit trees. The range of this device is about 90 square meters. m, while it is completely safe for humans.

By generating flashes of bright light or an alarm signal that birds emit when in danger, this device provides reliable crop protection from feathered pests.

If there are not many trees on your site, you can use gas gun. This is a cylinder that is filled with propane and automatically fires without human intervention. It imitates the sound of a gun shot, such a cylinder is enough for 5000 shots.

There are also special nets for repelling birds, a small fishing net will also work. In European countries, for example, gardeners protect themselves from birds by simply throwing nets over the trees. However, this method only works for short, young trees.

You can also turn to classic ancient methods such as scarecrows and tinsel. As tinsel, you can use light shiny and rustling objects - New Year's "rain", old CDs, colored cellophane, foil.

Experienced gardeners advise using blue objects for this, since birds, for unknown reasons, are afraid of this particular color.

There is also an option like processing of cherry fruits with hot pepper solution.You need to take 10 pepper pods, soak them for 3 days in a large jar of water and spray the top of the tree. Before use, fruits sprayed with this solution should simply be rinsed well with water.

Preventive measures against pests

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so do not forget about tree prevention and compliance with agrotechnical measures when caring for cherries.

Firstly, When arranging your garden, choose the right planting location. It should be well-drained soil of suitable composition, in places away from wild plants.

When pruning branches affected by pests, always take 10–15 cm of healthy area, larvae or spores may also be hiding there.

Necessary promptly collect and burn infected leaves, branches, shoots and fruits. You need to burn all this far from your own garden plot.

After harvesting in the fall, all fallen leaves should also be collected and burned, since pest eggs usually overwinter in them. Twice a year in spring and autumn you need to dig up the soil around the tree and renew the whitewash of the trunk and large branches.

Despite the “sickness” of cherries, you should not give up the idea of ​​planting this tasty berry on your plot. By knowing what birds and pests eat cherries, as well as promptly implementing simple methods to combat them, you will be able to grow a bountiful harvest for many years.

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