
What can be sprayed with boric acid solution. Proper use of boric acid for plants. For soaking seeds

Boric acid is a colorless and odorless crystalline substance. Available in concentrated solution or powder. Dissolve in warm water before use. It has found its wide application as a fertilizer for garden plants. It promotes better development and nutrition of plants, increases the flow of sugar, which increases the crop yield several times.

Fertilizing tomatoes with boric acid additionally stimulates the growth of stems and roots, reducing the risk of infection with various diseases.

Beneficial effects of boron on tomatoes

Spraying with boric acid increases the yield of tomatoes.

Using Boron as a plant feed - simple, affordable absolutely every gardener, effective remedy.

It perfectly stimulates the growth of metabolic processes and increases the production of chlorophyll. Under its influence, the synthesis of plant substances is normalized. In addition, a tomato bush treated during the process is much more resistant to changes in weather conditions and resistant to diseases.

Boron deficiency

When a plant lacks Boron, its appearance may indicate this.

With a lack of boron, the stems and leaves of tomatoes become brittle and flowering is delayed.

  • The leaves of this tomato are small, deformed and pale.
  • Apical shoots with time die off.
  • The plant itself blooms poorly, the ovaries form slowly.
  • In addition, its deficiency provokes other important problems associated with the general well-being of the plant.

Lack of boron affects the fruit set of tomatoes.

Bohr deficiency entails:

  • the ovary is formed with difficulty, resulting in ugly fruits;
  • flowering is significantly delayed, the ovary is discarded en masse;
  • the roots and stems of the plant become brittle and hollow;
  • leaves of young seedlings may acquire a purple tint;
  • side shoots begin to grow actively, but soon they dry out;
  • the growing points of the bush die off;
  • Chlorosis begins on older leaves.

Boron deficiency can occur in poor, poor soils, wetlands, carbonate alkaline and acidic soils. Medium and light loams have a sufficient level of boron content.


With an excess of the element, tomatoes also cannot develop and grow normally.

In this case, they may experience marginal necrosis. With it, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, dry out and die. The plant gradually withers, which leads to a significant reduction in yield.


Feeding tomatoes with boric acid is especially important when grown in poor soils.

Boron is an essential element for proper development of tomatoes . But, before using it as a fertilizer, you should familiarize yourself with the effect it has directly on the tomato crop.

Effect of Boron on tomatoes:

  • influences the formation of the number of ovaries, can accelerate the process of fruit formation;
  • The chemical elements of the plant enter into a chemical reaction with Boron, which causes the production of more sugar in the fruit. The reaction occurs naturally, which does not raise any doubts about its safety for health. The tomatoes become very sweet and tasty;
  • under the influence of Boron, nitrogen fertilizers are better absorbed . Almost immediately after treatment, the plant changes and takes on an attractive, healthy appearance;
  • strengthens the immune system . The plant is practically no more and;
  • the bush grows better and faster;
  • if there is excess moisture in the greenhouse, it stops the rotting process.

Foliar boron fertilizing

The application of boric acid by spraying guarantees a positive result within several days.

There are 2 ways to apply Boron fertilizing. These are: root - the plant is watered with fertilizer at the root and foliar - spraying.

Event time

For proper plant development, boron foliar feeding is carried out several times a season.

Boric acid can be used to soak tomato seeds.

Before planting, the planting material must be soaked for a day in a boron solution at the rate of 0.2 g of powder per 1 liter of water. It is advisable to use water at a temperature of 55 degrees. In this case, the seeds must be placed in gauze or a canvas bag. Water temperature is very important, you need to know that Boric acid powder does not dissolve well in cold water.

Processing of planting material promotes better penetration of nutrients and beneficial microelements into the seeds. This treatment allows the seeds to sprout faster and strengthens the immune system.

Treated seeds are resistant to diseases and in the future this will ensure the production of strong seedlings.


During flowering, tomatoes are treated with boron to obtain more ovaries.

Stages of foliar feeding with Boron:

  1. The period of bud formation.
  2. Active flowering period.
  3. In the initial stage of fruiting.

Root feeding is carried out at the same time as foliar feeding. It is advisable to carry them out together at the same time. Then the plant will be fully provided with nutrients and protected from all sides.

It rarely happens that after the first treatment with Boron, the plant begins to wither; if this happens, subsequent boron fertilizing should be abandoned.

Spraying tomatoes with boric acid for ovary

It is important to spray with a good sprayer so that the solution settles on the leaves in the form of a mist rather than dripping down.

The effect of foliar feeding can be seen already 2–3 days after treating the bushes. Spraying is done using a spray bottle.

You need to spray the entire plant from all sides: leaves, buds, ovary, flowers.

  • The procedure is in progress strictly in the morning or evening hours . Plants cannot be processed in hot weather. Direct sunlight can cause plant burns.
  • The fertilizing temperature should be close to the soil temperature.
  • The proportions of boron solution used are different, depending on the purpose of the treatment.

Working solutions

The concentration of the working solution depends on its purpose.

  • against ovary fall — Dissolve 1 g of Boric acid in 1 liter of boiling water. After the solution has cooled, you can spray the bushes;
  • - 1 tsp. Bora is diluted with 10 liters of warm water. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to spray the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate about 7 days before boron treatment. After it, after 7 days, the plant should be treated with iodine solution. Treatment is carried out in mid or late June;
  • for root treatment The working solution is prepared at the rate of 10 g of Boric acid per 10 liters of water. Since the drug does not dissolve well in powder, you should dissolve it in 1 liter of hot water and add it to the remaining 9 liters. If the prepared solution is hermetically sealed, it does not lose its beneficial properties for several days. For spraying, it will be enough to dilute 5 g of the drug in 10 liters of water.

Foliar feeding has its advantages over root feeding. The result of spraying is visible the very next day, while the results of root spraying will be noticeable only after a few days. In addition, significantly less working solution is used when spraying.


Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening hours in dry weather.

Spraying must be done correctly. You must use a good sprayer with fine spray nozzles.

The solution should fall on the plant in the form of a mist, and not in drops. The best effect is obtained by spraying the leaf from the back side. Therefore, when processing, the bush should be held at a much inclined angle in order to properly spray the underside of the leaf.

It is important to consider that an excess of boron is very harmful to tomatoes, so the dosage must be strictly observed.

Experienced gardeners have used Boric Acid as a fertilizer for many years. Until now, Boron is considered one of the most effective means in gardening. To properly carry out such fertilizing, you should familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals.

  • you should make it a rule - When carrying out any fertilizing, the temperature of the water and soil should be approximately the same;
  • foliar feeding should be carried out at high humidity and air temperature no more than 22–25 degrees . At elevated temperatures and low humidity, the solution will simply dry out and there will be no result;
  • before spraying all plantings, you should try the solution on 1 plant and observe for a while how it reacts to feeding;
  • the dosage must be strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, in case of an overdose, the plant will receive a severe burn and die. With a small dosage, you may not expect any effect at all;
  • Boric acid can be used to control pests such as ants.

You should listen to the advice so that when feeding you do not make common mistakes and destroy the plants.


The main thing in processing with Boric acid is not to overdo it and prepare solutions in the appropriate proportion. Only with proper use of the drug can you obtain a high-quality tomato harvest.

Cabbage is a very healthy vegetable that can be eaten fresh, used for preparing vegetable salads, culinary dishes, and canning. Our neighbor in the area loves and knows how to salt and pickle cabbage for the winter. Such preparations are in no way inferior in taste to pickled cucumbers or tomatoes.

It would seem that what could be easier than growing ordinary white cabbage? But in reality, not everything is so simple. Not only timely careful care is required, but also regular balanced feeding with organic and mineral fertilizers. In 2015, we grew good heads of cabbage, but in 2016, in a different place, the heads of cabbage never set.

The effect of boron on the formation of heads of white cabbage

A lack of boron can seriously slow down the growth of heads of cabbage. It is not uncommon for cabbage to develop not one, but 2 defective heads of cabbage due to a lack of this microelement, which develop incorrectly. In this case there is no need to talk about commercial qualities.

To avoid such a development of events, before starting to plant heads, the following foliar feeding should be performed. 5 g of boric acid is first completely diluted in a small amount of hot water, and then using cold water the total volume of the working solution is brought to 10 liters.

It is best to spray cabbage with the resulting mixture in the morning or evening hours. The result will not be long in coming - during harvest you will receive healthy, strong heads of cabbage.

By the way, in addition to replenishing the lack of boron, such treatment will repel many pests - cutworms, white moths, cabbage moths.

What else can you feed this cruciferous crop?

Boron is considered one of the most important and necessary microelements for all garden and vegetable crops, including tomatoes. Fertilizers containing it will help provide plants with this substance; boric acid is considered the most effective and efficient. When applying, it is necessary to take into account a number of specific features of this fertilizer.

Brief description of the culture

Tomatoes belong to herbaceous vegetable crops from the Solanaceae family. There are both annual and perennial plants.

The stem is erect or lodging, branching. It reaches a height of 30 cm to 2 meters and above. The foliage is dissected into large lobes, imparipinnate. The flowers are yellow, small, collected in inflorescences - brushes. The fruit is a berry weighing from 50 to 500 or more grams, juicy, colored in various shades of red or yellow. The root system is powerful, tap-type, quickly forms and grows. It lies at a depth of up to one meter, spreading in different directions by 1.5-2.5 meters.

The value of boron for tomatoes

Tomatoes experience a severe lack of boron in the first weeks of cultivation, when the formation of roots, flower clusters, buds occurs, flowering occurs and the ovary is formed. The addition of boron during this period stimulates the growth of young roots, due to which young plants take root and take root faster.

Why fertilize tomatoes with boron?

The substance has the following effects on older plants:

  • stimulates the growth of flower clusters and increases the number of buds in them;
  • prevents shedding of the ovary;
  • increases the level of resistance of tomatoes to major fungal diseases (powdery mildew, leaf spot, late blight);
  • activates the flow of carbohydrates into fruits, thereby increasing their sugar content;
  • promotes friendly and abundant flowering;
  • increases the ability of tomatoes to synthesize and absorb the substances they need;
  • reduces the risk of rot developing in wet weather;
  • stimulates rapid ripening of the crop.

Tomatoes need boron in a relatively small amount, but the lack of this microelement immediately negatively affects the condition of the plant. When there is a deficiency of the substance, the following negative changes occur in the culture:

  • chlorosis develops, which initially appears on old foliage and then affects new foliage;
  • powerful growth of lateral shoots is activated, which dry out very quickly;
  • turn brown and black, and subsequently the growth points die off;
  • petioles and stems become brittle and hollow;
  • foliage on seedlings and young tomatoes takes on a purple color;
  • the number of buds decreases;
  • flowering rate decreases;
  • the ovary crumbles;
  • The yield is reduced, the fruits are small and often deformed.

Boron deficiency

Boron deficiency is least noticeable on clay and loamy soils. Typically, boron deficiency is most pronounced in the following types of soil:

  • sandy soils;
  • carbonate alkaline soils;
  • acidic soils after liming;
  • poor sandy loams;
  • swampy soils.

Excess boron is no less dangerous for tomatoes than its lack. In this situation, necrosis begins on the lower leaves, they turn yellow and fall off. Subsequently, the damage spreads to the foliage of the middle tier. The plant gradually fades, the yield is significantly reduced.

Excess boron

This microelement is present in various fertilizers, but boric acid is the most common among gardeners and summer residents. Available in the form of borax or powder, in which the boron content is 11.3 and 17.5%, respectively. The substance is most common in gardening and horticulture, since fruit and vegetable crops consume more boron than grains.

Brief description of the drug

Boric acid occurs in its pure form in nature. Its sources are minerals, hot geysers, and the sassolin mineral.

It is chemically synthesized by mixing borax (sodium tetrabonate) and hydrochloric acid. The finished product is in the form of odorless white powdery granules. Upon closer examination, layered small flakes can be found on the surface of boric acid granules.

Additional Information: boric acid is poorly soluble compared to other acids, but a suspension can be obtained in heated water.

Application of boric acid

Fertilizer is used in almost all vegetative phases of tomato growth and development. During pre-sowing treatment of seed material, the substance is used as an antiseptic and growth stimulant. To do this, the seeds are soaked for a day in an aqueous solution of boric acid, after which they are planted in the ground. To prevent the seeds from floating to the surface of the solution during the soaking process, they should be placed in a special gauze bag.

Seeds in a gauze bag

Dry or diluted fertilizer is added to the soil before seedlings are planted there after germination.

In subsequent phases of tomato development, an aqueous solution of boric acid is applied either by the root or foliar method. In the first case, diluted fertilizer is poured directly under the root, and in the second case the leaves are sprayed. The second method is considered more preferable, as the microelement is fully absorbed and immediately becomes available to the plant.

If potassium fertilizers are applied in excess, their negative impact can be reduced by unscheduled spraying of plants with boric acid. The fertilizer solution has a stimulating and disinfecting effect, due to which it is also widely used for the prevention of late blight and other diseases. Boric acid is also added in cases where the plant is clearly deficient in the microelement.

Fertilizer timing

Tomato seeds are soaked in boric acid one day before planting in the soil. Pre-sowing application of fertilizer in greenhouses and beds is carried out either a few days before transplanting tomatoes, or directly during the process of planting plants in the ground, thoroughly mixing the fertilizer with the soil. In this case, it is necessary to embed the boron into the lower soil layers, otherwise it can burn the root system and provoke the death of the plant.

Fertilizing tomatoes with boron

Fertilizing using boric acid is usually carried out 2-3 times per season, and if necessary, their quantity is increased. The first procedure is carried out with the aim of better formation of the ovaries during the appearance of buds on the first fruit cluster. Then fertilizing is carried out during mass flowering and fruiting of tomatoes. At the same time, root spraying is also allowed.

Important: During the pollination period of tomatoes, boric acid treatment is not carried out. Instead, it is allowed to add ash to the root area.

Spraying with boric acid against late blight is usually carried out in late May - early June, before the first symptoms of the disease appear. In this case, tomatoes are sprayed no earlier than 2 weeks after planting in open ground. A week before treatment, tomatoes are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and 7 days after adding boric acid, they are sprayed with iodine.

Fertilizer application in case of boron deficiency is carried out at the first appearance of the main symptom of boron starvation - chlorosis. At least one and a half weeks should pass between two feedings. If after the next treatment the condition of the bushes has noticeably worsened, further use of boric acid should be postponed or completely abandoned.

Preparation of boric acid

Methods for preparing a fertilizer solution vary depending on the current growing season and the purpose of treatment. To prepare the solution, you should first prepare water heated to soil temperature, since boric acid crystals are practically insoluble in cold liquid. It is necessary to strictly observe all proportions, since even a slight violation of them can cause harm to the plant instead of benefit:

  • when soaking seed material before sowing, dilute half a gram of fertilizer in a liter of water;
  • to apply to the soil before transplanting seedlings or adding seeds, you need to dilute 2 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water;
  • to protect plants from late blight, one teaspoon of fertilizer should be dissolved in 10 liters of water;
  • before treating tomatoes at the root, dilute 10 grams of dry fertilizer in 10 liters of water;
  • for foliar treatments, it is necessary to dissolve 5 grams of boric acid in 10 liters of water, observing a solution consumption of 1 liter per 10 square meters of area.

Preparation of boric acid

Carrying out treatments

Regardless of the phase and purpose of use for tomatoes, boric acid is sprayed in the mornings or evenings, when there is virtually no risk of sunburn of the plant. Tomatoes are processed in dry, windless weather, when no precipitation is expected shortly after the procedure.

Additional Information: If it rains within a few hours after completion of spraying, the treatment must be repeated in good weather, since moisture washes the fertilizer away from the plant.

In some cases, tomatoes are root fertilized with boric acid. The method implies that it is not the plant itself that is treated, but the upper layers of soil between the rows and near the bushes. To do this, use a garden watering can with a special nozzle. The effect of the procedure is not noticeable immediately, but after a certain time, during which the crop receives boron from the soil and absorbs it. This method of spraying tomatoes is appropriate if it is carried out exactly on time and the plants themselves are in acceptable condition.

Spraying tomatoes with boron

When root feeding there is a risk of burns on the roots. To prevent such consequences, it is recommended to pre-water the bushes with water.

Boric acid is more effective for tomatoes during foliar treatment in a greenhouse and in a garden bed in open soil. In this case, boron that gets directly onto the surface of the leaf is absorbed almost instantly. This spraying method is considered optimal in the fight against diseases and for accelerating fruit set in tomatoes.

Important: The effectiveness of foliar spraying also lies in the fact that this method of treatment reduces the consumption of boric acid. This makes it more profitable from an economic point of view. There are 50-100 ml of prepared solution per plant.

For the procedure, use a working sprayer or atomizer equipped with a nozzle with a fine spray mode. Fertilizer should reach the plants in the form of a mist, not massive drops. It is also desirable that the liquid solution of boric acid does not flow from the surface of the leaf onto the soil, but lingers on it.

Fertilizer is absorbed most effectively and quickly through the underside of the leaf blade. In order for it to penetrate this part of the plant, it is necessary to place the nozzle towards the plant from bottom to top and at a slight angle.

Boric acid against ants

Fertilizer can also become an insecticide and destroy a number of pests, including ants. Boron negatively affects the nervous system of insects. Having penetrated inside their body, the drug provokes paralysis, which soon leads to the death of the ant.

Boric acid belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class, which makes it moderately dangerous. Boron has the ability to gradually accumulate in the body and is difficult to remove from it. When working with fertilizer, you must follow the instructions for use and take precautions. You should prepare the following equipment in advance:

  • latex gloves;
  • respirator;
  • apron;
  • special glasses.

Individual protection when spraying tomatoes

During the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to ensure that there are no pets or small children near the fertilizer. For a child, the lethal dosage is 4 grams of boric acid orally, for an adult – 15 grams.

Other feeding products

Among the mineral fertilizers, the most suitable for feeding tomatoes are the following:

  • double and simple superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate and chloride;
  • potassium salt.
  • Among the complex fertilizers recommended for use:
  • Station wagon;
  • Effecton;
  • Kemira;
  • Mortar;
  • Signor Tomato.
  • yeast;
  • humates;
  • ash;
  • herbal infusion.

Proper plant care is the key to a rich harvest.

Feeding cabbage with boric acid is a necessary treatment for such a useful, but very capricious, vulnerable vegetable as cabbage. We all know about the many beneficial properties of this vegetable; cabbage is an indispensable product in the kitchen of every housewife. Everyone loves it: both thin and plump (as a dietary product), both adults and little ones. This vegetable is deservedly considered the queen in the garden kingdom. Cabbage can also be consumed raw: in all kinds of salads, stewed, and fried. Well, what would borscht be without cabbage? And everyone’s favorite cabbage rolls also cannot be prepared without it.

But only summer residents and gardeners who have grown this vegetable at least once in their lives with their own hands know how whimsical and vulnerable it is. The use of all kinds of fertilizers is a necessary condition for growing this vegetable. Cabbage needs regular spraying throughout its growth period. This is due to the fact that such a healthy vegetable appeals not only to people and animals, but also to all kinds of pests. And the fruit itself is created in such a way that in its many clothes various insects breed and reproduce, which themselves are not averse to feasting on it.

For processing, and for spraying and feeding this valuable vegetable, there are many different special chemicals, the use of which will protect the vegetable from pests and diseases, but... the use of these products, although it heals the vegetable itself, is not reflected in the best way on the human body.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from the adverse effects of chemicals, it is necessary to feed and fertilize such a delicate vegetable only with proven and less harmless substances.

In order not to worry about your health and the health of your family, you can treat and feed the cabbage with boron solution. The use of boric acid will protect the vegetable and will not cause damage to the human body.

By fertilizing the green beauty and using boric acid, you will not only provide it with reliable protection from diseases, but also provide it with reliable nutrition, because boric acid stimulates active growth and significantly increases productivity. The use of boron solution will have a very beneficial effect on cabbage.

In addition, such processing is a very economical and inexpensive method. After all, boron powder is cheap and is sold not only in specialized stores, but also in every pharmacy.

Benefits of using boric acid

The advantages of using boron are obvious. By spraying the green beauty with boron solution, you:

  1. Helps to significantly increase the ovary.
  2. Accelerate the active growth of the plant.
  3. Improves the taste of the vegetable. Cabbage fertilized with boron has a high sugar content.

Such a beneficial effect on the ovary, and indeed on the entire vegetable, is due to the fact that the acid contains special substances that not only promote excellent ovary and active growth, but also improve the absorption of nitrogen by the soil, which in turn significantly increases productivity and gives vegetables are frost and drought resistant.

It is important to know! Boric acid does not tend to accumulate in vegetables, so it is extremely important to spray and water plants with it throughout the growing season.

Important to remember! This product must be used strictly following the dosage, otherwise the plants may get burned.

Methods of application

Boric acid must be diluted in water. Moreover, first it is diluted in hot water, and then you need to dilute it with cold water to the required amount.

If cabbage is grown by seed, then pre-treat the seeds with a boron solution; to do this, they are soaked for 24 hours in one liter of water with the addition of 0.2 g of boron. Before planting seeds or seedlings, the beds themselves must be watered with a diluted boron solution.

The plant itself must be fed in cloudy weather, or early in the morning or in the evening; cabbage should not be processed during the day when the sun is shining brightly and it is hot outside, in which case there is a high risk of leaf burn. To make the result more effective, you can spray the plant by adding a little potassium permanganate to the boron solution, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Important to remember! Root fertilizing is not recommended; the root itself can be fertilized only in case of urgent need. Root treatment is carried out only in case of acute boron deficiency; before this, the plant is watered abundantly with water.

But foliar feeding is a very necessary and effective measure. Foliar feeding is sprayed on the leaves of the plant on both sides.

Is it possible to spray cabbage without any apparent reason? This is a very important question. Experts say that it is possible, especially during the period of ovaries. Only in this case, the fertilizer is used exclusively in the form of irrigation, in diluted form, strictly adhering to the required proportion. Preventive foliar irrigation will significantly increase vegetable yields. But you need to use such fertilizers strictly following the instructions and recommendations.

Signs of Boron Deficiency

The following signs precede the use of boric acid:

  1. In ordinary cabbage, a lack of boron results in the formation of a hollow head.
  2. Cauliflower has a pronounced glassiness: when the inflorescences become transparent, the head is also deformed, the inflorescences acquire a rusty tint, and the taste of the vegetable becomes bitter.

If all of the above signs are present, it is necessary to begin processing the plant as quickly as possible. Spray the vegetable with boric acid with the addition of manganese. You can also combine a boron solution with molybdenum. This treatment will significantly speed up the maturation of the heads.

  1. We spray it for the first time when the bud is formed.
  2. The second time was during the flowering period, when 5 leaves appeared.
  3. The third time - during the period of active fruiting.

Benefits of boron treatment

If there is a lack of boron in the soil, and even in the plant itself, then the cabbage does not have enough strength for normal fruiting, as a result the fruits will be small and twisted. This deficiency also affects the taste; the head of cabbage acquires a pronounced watery taste and loses its natural sweetness. Boric acid perfectly activates the root system, protects plants from diseases and pests such as heart rot and scab.

Boric acid is a unique fertilizer for various garden crops. It is used when there is a lack of boron in the soil. It is this component that plants need so much throughout the growing season. If we talk about cabbage, then without boron it begins to wither, and its leaves dry out and rot. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of using boric acid as cabbage fertilizer.

Effect on cabbage

If there is a lack of this component, the cabbage does not have enough strength to fully bear fruit. In addition, its fruits begin to shrink, take on a twisted appearance and become watery.

In the video - boric acid for cabbage:

Boron also participates in the synthesis of nitrogen-containing microelements, normalizes metabolic processes, and increases chlorophyll. If this element is present in the required quantity, then the yield of cabbage increases, as does its shelf life. At the same time, it withstands the vagaries of the weather much better.

How to breed and process

Every day the use of boric acid in gardening is becoming increasingly popular. There are several options for using this drug. The gardener himself must decide which one to take. In this case, he should start from the problem, for example, to save the plant from diseases or improve productivity. But you can read how fertilizer for cucumbers, like boric acid, is prepared

Seed treatment

This manipulation is performed to stimulate growth and prevent the development of diseases during germination. To prepare the solution, the concentration must be strictly observed.

Take 0.2 g of the substance and dissolve in 1 liter of water. Keep them in the solution for 12 hours or 24 hours. If it is necessary to sow a large amount of planting material, then before sending it into the ground it is worth dusting it with a mixture of talc and boric acid.

Soil fertilization

This type of manipulation is performed for prevention or in case of suspected boron deficiency. To obtain a solution, you need to take 0.2 g of boric acid, 1 liter of water. Before planting, water the seeds or row of seedlings. 10 m2 will require 10 liters of solution. After watering, loosen the soil and you can plant the seedlings. You may also be interested in information about how

Foliar treatment

To obtain a working solution, combine 1 liter of water and 0.1 g of the drug. Throughout the growth of cabbage, it is worth fertilizing 3 times. The first time spraying occurs when the buds are setting, the second time - after 3 weeks, and the final time - when the cabbage ripens.

If the manipulation is performed in combination with other drugs, the concentration of boric acid can be reduced. 10 liters of water will require 5 g of the substance.

It will also be useful to learn about what products and fertilizers should be used in order to get

Spraying at the root

This manipulation is performed when there is a lack of boron. But only if this has been determined accurately, and not just if there are suspicions. Initially, water the cabbage with regular water, and only then apply the solution. To obtain it, you need to take 1 liter of water and 0.2 g of the drug. But what other vegetables can be fed with boric acid, you can read in the article

It must be taken into account that diluting boric acid requires high temperature water. First, you need to dilute the drug with hot water in a small amount, and only then add the missing amount of water, but only at room temperature.

For pest control

  1. Take boric acid powder and simply scatter it around the garden bed in those places where there is a concentration of ants. This method of using the drug is the simplest, but at the same time effective.
  2. Take 100 ml of water, dissolve 5 g of boric acid in it. Then add 10 g honey and 40 g sugar. Stir everything and place the resulting mixture in a flat container. Place it in the garden near the ant trails.
  3. Take 2 yolks, grind them with 5 g of pharmaceutical preparation. Make peas from the mass and place them in problem areas.
  4. Take 20 ml of water, combine with 40 g of glycerin, 10 g of honey, 5 g of boric acid and 30 g of sugar. Mix everything, make small bait balls. This method is effective because the bait remains soft and wet for a long time.
  5. Take 3 potatoes, boiled in their jackets. Peel the skin off them. Add 3 boiled yolks, 10 g of the main component, 10 g of sugar. Stir everything and roll bait balls, which are then placed over the cabbage bed.

Video shows pest control on cabbage: