
Production of nails as a business: a list of equipment, a description of the manufacturing technology, the nuances of the case. How are nails made? How to make nails at home

The key to the success of any business is a stable demand for the products sold or services provided. A budding entrepreneur should pay attention to those goods that are relatively easy to produce and sell. It is desirable that the sale is carried out in bulk. One of these areas is the production of nails as a business - the demand for them is stable at any time of the year, and purchases in most cases are carried out in significant volumes.

How nails are made

The business plan for the production of nails should be developed only after becoming familiar with the technological process for the production of these fasteners.

I must say that it is not very difficult: the steel wire, previously cleaned and prepared, is cut into equal parts. As a result of this, the edges of the trim are sharp. One of them remains in this form, and a blow is struck on the second, which flattens the wire, and a nail head is obtained.

The process of making nails is clearly presented in the following video:

Thus, the entire process of producing nails consists of two technological operations, which are fully automated on modern equipment. The manufacture of these fasteners can be done and how.

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How to organize a business - nail production, equipment selection

To organize production, you will need a small room, with an area of ​​20 sq. m. For example, you can use a garage box, and on the territory of a suburban area - outbuildings.

The main condition is the presence of a 380 W electrical network, since the most profitable equipment for the production of nails is designed specifically for this power. Of course, there are models that work on a 220 W network, but their performance is not high enough.

As practice shows, the consumption of electricity for the production of the same volume of products for machines with household voltage turns out to be higher than that of equipment that requires a voltage of 380 W.

The choice of equipment is wide enough today. You can buy machines made in Russia, China, Ukraine and European countries. Experts note that the quality of the machines is approximately at the same level, therefore, it is necessary to focus not on the country of manufacture of this or that machine, but on its operating parameters:

  • productivity per minute;
  • the diameter of the wire used;
  • rod length adjustment;
  • head diameter adjustment.

Of greatest interest are machines that make it possible to change the last three parameters, which makes it possible to produce various nails and thereby provide a full range of these products.

Another point worth paying attention to when selecting equipment is the presence of an automatic wire unwinding device on the machine. It is absent on many inexpensive models, but such a device is necessary for high-quality production. Therefore, if the machine is not equipped with it, it will have to be purchased additionally.

Also, for quality products, you will need a grinding machine designed for the final processing of nails.

Raw materials for production

For the production of nails, low-carbon steel wire of such grades as St 1,2,3 KP and St 3 PS is used. The wire is supplied in reels weighing from 500 kg to 2 tons.

The average cost of one ton is 18,000-19,000 rubles. Galvanized wire is more expensive, which makes it possible to produce galvanized nails.

Before starting production, it is necessary to find suppliers of quality wire. The best option is to purchase raw materials from a metallurgical company. In this case, both the quality of the wire and its cost will be at an acceptable level.

Experts advise to exclude options for purchasing wire made in China. It costs less than the Russian one, but its quality is low, and about a quarter of the nails produced are found to be defective.

It is also necessary to avoid the use of wire with traces of rust. It not only makes it worse appearance nails, but also affects the performance of the machine - fragments of rust settle on the working surfaces and lead to a deterioration in the quality of work or equipment breakdown.

What income does nail making

The business plan - producing nails - should focus on the ability of the equipment to produce a certain amount of output. For example, the average productivity of an inexpensive machine is 350 nails per minute, 168,000 pieces can be produced in eight hours of work.

The production of such a number of nails of the most demanded size of 70 mm will require about 635 kg of wire. If we assume that the specified volume will be consumed every day, and the equipment will work without downtime and breakdowns, then about 19 tons of wire will be consumed per month. The cost of raw materials will amount to about 360,000 rubles. Approximately 20,000 rubles. will need to be spent on packaging material - boxes, boxes, etc.

With the cost of 70 mm nails, about 47,000 rubles. per 1 ton, monthly earnings can be about 890,000 rubles.

It must be understood that it is impossible to sell such a quantity of goods without registering an enterprise with a tax authority and paying taxes. Therefore, when calculating the efficiency of production, it is worth including in the costs not only the costs of raw materials and equipment, but also for paperwork, rent of premises, taxes and contributions of an individual entrepreneur, etc.

And about how taxes for individual entrepreneurs are calculated at this address:.

Business outlook

As a business, the production of nails has great potential for development. At the first stage, it is important to establish stable distribution channels. It can be direct sales to large wholesalers, construction companies.

In the future, you can organize your own retail outlets, as well as organize the production of nails in small consumer packaging. These products: 2-3 dozen or 100-200 g nails are in great demand. Therefore, with successful business development, you can purchase a filling machine and pack nails under your own brand, as well as produce products ordered by retail chains.

Advice: before starting the production process, conduct a market research for existing demand - you need to find out which products are most in demand among buyers.

The first way... Simplest. We take a brass wire of the required diameter, a sharp scalpel or knife and begin to cut off a piece of brass wire by rolling it on something solid. When cut in this way, an annular bead is formed. I use this method for attaching very small parts, where it is necessary to imitate small nails. For example, the rudder loops on a boat. In the loop and at the base, a hole is drilled clearly along the diameter of the wire, a nail is inserted, and the collar prevents the nail from flying through the hole. To prevent the nail from flying out of the base, it must be slightly bent.

Second way... Slot in nails with hats. To do this, you need to make a small adaptation. It is necessary to take a plate of metal with a thickness of 2-3 mm, drill a hole in it with a diameter for a wire, for example, 0.5 mm. Then, with a 1 mm drill, we make a countersink to the depth of the conical part of the drill or a little deeper. The adaptation is ready.

Rice. 1. Countersink hole.

Next, you need to make blanks of nails. To do this, you need a gas burner or household gas stove and baking soda as a flux. With their help, we will form thickenings for the caps at the end of the wire. Add a few drops of water to a small amount of soda to make a solution of liquid sour cream. We dip the wire in a soda solution. Holding the wire vertically, we bring it to the flame of the burner, while the brass begins to melt and curls up into a kind of drop.

Rice. 2. Formation of a droplet on the tip of the brass wire.

Rice. 3. A drop at the end of the brass wire.

Cut off the desired length from the wire with a drop and repeat this operation the required number of times. Next, we insert the blanks into the adaptation and flatten the top of the blank with a hammer.

Rice. 4 and 5. Insert the wire into the device.

Rice. 6. Flatten.

Then remove the excess metal with a file.

Rice. 7. Finished cap.

The result is such a nail.

Rice. 8. The nail after processing in the device.

After removing the flash, we get the finished nail.

Rice. 9. The nail is clamped into the collet clamp at the stage of flash removal.

Rice. 10. Finished result

Advice... Before forming a ball at the end of the wire, it must be stretched a little. The diameter of the wire will decrease slightly and the workpiece will be easy to insert into the device.

Third way... Nails with semicircular heads. Here, too, it will be necessary to adapt, rather complicated.

Rice. 11. Devices for making nails with semicircular heads

First you need to make a guide. It is made of any metal and any length. One condition is that the hole must be calibrated with a reamer. In this example, the diameter is 6 mm. Next, we make an anvil. It is made from a slightly larger 6mm drill shank. and is machined to the size of the guide hole. The anvil should fit into the guide hole without play, but not tightly. Next, you need to make punches. They are made from file shanks. Since the diameter of the shanks of the files is less than the hole in the guide, it was necessary to make adapters, which should also fit into the hole in the guide without backlash. All this is done so that the caps are in the center of the nail. In this figure 12, the head of the round head nail is displaced due to wear and tear.

Rice. 12. On the left is a normal nail, on the right is a defective nail.

How to make a semicircle in a punch. To do this, you need a ball from the bearing, the diameter is selected, the guide and the punch adapter. Anneal the file shank to soften the metal. On a lathe, we make a not deep countersink in the center of the end of the shank, assemble the punch and adapter and insert them into the guide. Place the ball on a strong metal base and drive the ball into the punch. The balloon can burst, so there should be several of them. Next, on a lathe at the punch, we make a cutting edge, an angle of at least 120 degrees. At a lower angle, the punch will be pricked.

Rice. 13 and 14. Punches

When the indentation and corner have been made, the working side of the punch must be hardened. The hardness of the punch should be such that when hitting the anvil, the edge of the punch does not wrinkle or prick. We warm up the working part of the punch to a cherry color and, holding it vertically, lower it into the water. It is only necessary to heat the working part, the rest should be soft. If necessary, then we heat up the anvil. I managed to make a working punch somewhere from the third time. The first one hardened the whole, at the first blow it split. At the second, the angle of the cut was too sharp, it also split. It turned out only the third time. In fig. 15 the left punch is slightly overheated, the cutting edge is beaten, but nothing works.

Rice. 15. Comparison of cutting edges of Poissons.

Using balls of different diameters, we get hats of different sizes. Blanks for nails and processing are done according to the technology described above.

Rice. 16 and 17. Insert the wire with a ball at the end into the anvil until it stops.

Rice. 18. Place the anvil with the wire in the guide.

Rice. 19. And from the other end of the rail comes a Poisson.

Rice. 20. By hitting the poisson with a hammer, the head of the nail is formed.

Rice. 21. Formed hat.

How did the ancient people make nails? The first nails were invented in primitive times, they were made of hard wood, fastening together the wooden parts of a dwelling or other buildings. They also made nails from other natural materials, using fish bones or sharp thorns of plants for this. There is a nail museum in Borovichi district, where you can see nails of different times, starting from wooden ones, of different sizes and brands.

By the way, wooden nails have never lost their relevance. At the beginning of the 20th century, village shoemakers skillfully hammered miniature birch carnations into the soles of their boots. The birch pins swelled with water and held the soles tight.

The answer to the question of when and from what metal nails were made in the old days suggests itself. The first metal nails began to be made in the Bronze Age, casting or forging them from copper and bronze, and later, in the Iron Age, from a more durable material - iron.

Depending on the purpose, the nails had their own names. For example, “baroque nails” were used for the construction of river vessels, and “ship nails” for marine shipbuilding.

In the 19th century in Europe, the production of nails in factories was carried out manually in an artisanal way (small-scale production using manual labor): the blacksmiths brought a metal rod in a forge to heat, stretched it on an anvil and sharpened it at the end. After that, the workpiece was chopped off at the head and flattened with a hammer in a bar with a hole to give the shape of a hat.

Nails only became a common commodity in the first decades of the 19th century with the invention of machines for forged and wire nails. Wikipedia states that the patent for the nail machine was obtained in 1790. However, in Brockhaus and Efron's dictionary we will see a different date: “Sir Davis Bulmer received a patent for the first machine for making nails in England in 1606”, while it is noted that this invention had no effect in practice.

What and how are nails made of today?

Today they are mainly made of steel. For special tasks, nails are made from copper, brass, bronze, zinc and other materials. There are examples of using more unusual materials. In Germany, steel nails with a thin polymer coating are produced. Their use is justified in the furniture business, thanks to the protective coating, rust does not spoil expensive wooden products. Fiberglass English nails are just as strong as iron fasteners. They are also used for fastening furniture parts, in shipbuilding, etc. In Japan, plastic nails are produced. They are very durable and can be easily driven into oak boards.

In modern nail production, mainly rotary press machines are used. Products - products from 6 to 400 millimeters long and 0.8 to 8.8 millimeters thick. For the manufacture of nails, wire with a round cross-section is used as semi-finished products.

The mechanism of the machine for nails is a simple algorithm: the device cuts off the nail of the desired length, forms a head and forms a pointed end.

The video shows the process of making nails on a machine.

The smart nails puzzle is a classic one consisting of two identical nails.

The gap where the nails intersect is wider than the thickness of the nails themselves, so the nails can be joined together as well as severed without force.

The apparent simplicity of this puzzle makes it great, and the solution to the puzzle is not as obvious as it seems at first glance.

This tutorial will show you how to shape the nails and, of course, how to solve the puzzle itself.

Step 1: bending machine

The secret to making this puzzle is to understand how to make 2 nails in the correct shape.

The simplest way is to create a bending device, which consists of two 7.5 cm metal rods and a wooden block. The rods can be made from two bolts by tightening them in a vise and cutting off the heads and threaded parts. Sharp edges remaining after cutting must be carefully sanded.

Using a 0.8 cm cue ball, I drilled two holes in the wooden block about 2.5 cm apart. One hole was about 2.5 cm deeper than the other - this is important.

Step 2: Clamp the bending machine in a vice

Metal rods need to be driven into the holes, and the wooden block must be tightened in a vice.

You can create a similar device using different materials and fixtures - the idea is that you need two sturdy posts, set close to each other on a fixed base.

Step 3: nails

I have tried different nails, but my favorite is 16D 3 1/2 ″ nails. Try to create puzzles from several varieties of nails, or wire to find the perfect one.

If the nails are covered with anti-corrosion grease, it is best to wipe them down, otherwise, while you are finished, all this grease will be on your hands.

Step 4: bend the nails

Holding the nail firmly in your pliers, place it between the rods as shown in the picture and bend the nail around the longer rod.

It may take a few tries to get good results, but after a couple of bent nails you will see how to do it right.

Step 5: almost done

The nails should look like this.

Step 6: clearance

The key is to get the correct clearance where the nail intersects with itself.

The gap should be slightly wider than the thickness of the nail itself.

If necessary, gently hammer the bent nail so that an identical nail cannot pass through the gap.

Step 7: Do More And More ...

Obviously you need two nails for one puzzle. But I recommend doing a lot of puzzles simply because it would be a great gift for the people you come into contact with.

Step 8: How to solve the puzzle

First you need to put the nails together. The process is the reverse of how to disconnect them. The solution is in the second and third figures - movement requires a lot of rotation. The two nails should wrap around the midpoint where they touch.

Just play with them and apply a little effort at different angles and you should be good at it.

But, everything is not as easy as it seems, and for the joy of solving it, I highly recommend following the photographs only in order to collect the nails. And try to separate without peeping.

Bent Nails is a classic DIY puzzle that should delight you and everyone you give it to.

One of the main products made from low-carbon steel wire GOST 3282-74 is nails, therefore the wire received another name - nail wire... For the manufacture of nails, uncoated steel round wire is used.

Rigid wire for nails

In production, wire with a diameter of 1.2 to 6.0 mm is used, which is supplied in coils weighing 180-200 kg or in coils weighing 800-1000 kg.
Nailing surface wire GOST 3282-74 should not have scale, cracks or sunsets. Minor dents or scratches may be tolerated within the tolerance range. The wire, intended for the production of construction nails, does not undergo heat treatment, which allows it to remain strong, but at the same time it must withstand at least four bends without destruction.

Low-carbon steel wire for general use


Nominal wire diameter

Maximum deviation in wire diameter

Increased accuracy

Normal Accuracy



Nail wire

Currently, inexpensive nails are stamped on special automatic nailing machines. Hank or bay wire GOST 3282-74 is installed on the unwinding device, from which, with the help of the feeder, it enters the working area, where the nail is formed. Depending on the purpose, nails are made with different head sizes and are subdivided into:
- construction nails GOST 4028-63;
- roofing nails GOST 4029-63 with an increased size of the head;
- slate nails (the head is made of galvanized steel);
- molding nails (small head and long nail shank).
For exterior construction or finishing work, galvanized nails must be used in order to avoid rust on the head and around the nail.
High-quality galvanized nails (wire for nails can be bought from our company) are made from uncoated nail wire and then galvanized. Do not use galvanized wire for production, since at the time of the formation of the head and cutting, the integrity of the zinc coating is violated.

Nails are not only one of the oldest, but also the most common fastener. Any construction, repair, any activity related to the assembly of any product is not complete without nails. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the demand for this fastener does not decrease over time, which means that the production of nails can bring considerable benefits.

To get into this business, it is enough to have equipment such as a nail making machine. Moreover, the production of fasteners can be set up in any volume - from an industrial scale to the manufacture of nails purely for their own needs, which will not interfere, for example, furniture makers or builders, who get an excellent opportunity to save on the purchase of fasteners.

What material are nails made of?

At the same time, the cost of finished products, that is, the nails themselves, will depend solely on the cost of materials purchased for their manufacture - wire, which is made of low-carbon steel and is sold in bobbins of various weights. Also, the size of the nails produced will depend on this wire. A conventional nailer is capable of producing nails with diameters up to 1 to 6 mm.

Features of the nail making machine.

The most important feature of the nail making machine is that it works fully automatically. The only operation that has to be done manually in this case is changing the wire spool. By the way, the fact that the wire is sold in bobbins greatly facilitates the whole process, since the bobbins fixed on a special holder of the machine are simply unwound, which ensures a long continuous production process.

All nail making machines can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. machines capable of producing nails up to 2.1 mm in diameter and up to 60 mm in length;
  2. machines that produce nails up to 4 mm in diameter and up to 120 mm in length;
  3. machines that produce nails with a diameter of up to 6 mm and a length of up to 200 mm;
  4. machines for making nails with a diameter of up to 9 mm and a length of up to 320 mm.

Regardless of the category of the machine, all of them can be called universal, since they are capable of producing nails of various types depending on the settings entered at the beginning of the production process, for example, container, construction, finishing or roofing nails, nails with a flat or conical head.

Among the others technical characteristics possessed by this equipment, the most important are:

  • machine weight - depending on the design features, the machine can weigh from 800 kg to 2 tons;
  • machine power - is selected based on the planned amount of products and can vary from 3 to 20 kW;
  • machine productivity - depending on the category of equipment, the machine can produce from 100 to 600 pieces of nails per minute of work.

Another feature of this equipment, based on its automatic mode of operation, is that the craftsmen who work on it do not need to be highly qualified or undergo any additional training. In addition, the production of nails does not require a large number of workers. For example, in the event that the production room is equipped with one such machine, two people are enough to complete all stages of the work quickly and conveniently.

The principle of operation of the machine for making nails.

The process of making nails using a machine is quite simple and consists of several stages.

  1. A special device on the machine, equipped with a cutting knife, receives a wire of the diameter that the product should have, which is unwound from a reel attached to the holder.
  2. In the device, the supplied wire is cut into pieces, depending on the required length of nails set in the settings.
  3. After that, the resulting piece of wire falls into another device - a punch equipped with strikers, with the help of which a head is formed on one side of the wire, and on the other side - a pointed end.
  4. The finished nail is dropped into a special receiving container using a slider.

The process of making nails is not interrupted as long as there is wire on the reel, as a result, in one working shift, depending on the category of equipment, up to 3 tons of products can be produced.

As you can see, the manufacture of nails of various types is a rather simple process that requires investments only in the purchase of a machine and wire, as well as in the rental of premises. According to technological standards, for the installation of two such machines (and this will be enough to start a fairly large-scale production), a room of 50 square meters is sufficient. In addition, additional premises will be required for storing finished products and wire in bobbins - that is, starting such a business does not require very significant funds.

If it comes about not too large-scale production, then one machine will be enough, which can be installed, for example, in the garage. Moreover, for these purposes it is quite possible to buy used equipment, spending even less money.

Статьи - How nails are made (production and manufacture). What steel are nails made of?

Nails are one of the most popular and oldest metal products in its history.

The first nails were inherently forged products, at the moment due to the invention of wire, and its huge distribution, this technology has been safely forgotten. A better and much easier way of producing nails was found than ordinary forging (and there were not enough blacksmiths).

The advent of wire not only simplified and reduced the cost of the method of producing nails, but also made it possible to significantly expand the range of products.

Following the wire, special nailing machines appeared, the task of which was to make nails from the wire.

Data nail machines create nails according to the cold forging principle.

Considering the modern process of creating nails, it is worth noting that not any metal is suitable for the production of nails (soft metal is not suitable, since it will simply bend when hammering in a nail). As a rule, for these purposes, a low-carbon steel wire of general purpose (GOST 3282-74) is used, while this wire should not be thermally processed.

To create such a wire, four grades of steel are used: St 1 KP, St 2 KP, St3 PS, St 3 KP.

For wire coil handling nail machine it is necessary to wind the wire from the coil; for this purpose, a special device is used, which is shown in the figure.

After the wire from the coil, having passed through the straightening device, entered the feed mechanism of the machine and the direct creation of the nail begins.

The speed of the feed mechanism determines the length of the nail.

The wire moves and falls into the area of ​​the "nippers", where it is "biting off", after which the nippers disperse, and a special percussion device hits the end of the wire, thereby forming a hat future nail.

After the formation of the head and the release of the percussion device, the process is repeated. So, one by one, nails are stamped.

Shaping the sharp end of the nail(opposite of the cap) occurs during the nibbling stage. The nippers of the machine are made in such a way as not only to detach part of the wire, but also to form a tip. According to GOST, the taper angle of the tip should be no more than 40 degrees.

Nailing machines from different manufacturers may differ from each other, but the process of creating a nail with their help remains the same, simple and straightforward.

Own production of construction nails and mesh.

Read also:

Types of screws and their scope

Basic properties of tool steels

Strip, description, scope and production

If earlier nails were made by forging, now they are made from steel wire on special machines. The production is quite simple and does not require significant material and labor costs.

Activity registration

First you need to register with the tax office, for this type of activity a form is suitable Individual entrepreneur , as a form of taxation, you can choose UTII.

Room selection

For the organization of production, any room is suitable, the main thing is that it has heat and electricity (380 watts). Rent of the premises will be about 20,000 rubles. per month.

Equipment selection

There is a wide selection of equipment for the production of nails on the Internet, the price from 500 thousand rubles and higher.

Nail production technology

But if we consider used equipment, then you can keep within 300-500 thousand rubles.

Having analyzed the proposals for the sale of machine tools, as well as having studied the information on specialized forums, it turned out that the most multifunctional machine is the automatic nailing machine AG4116 (Productivity 125 kg / hour).

The price of a new machine is 700,000 rubles, used machine can be purchased for 450,000 rubles.

Cost price

Raw materials.

The raw material for the production of nails is wire. Each type of product uses its own standard size of wire, its own material. The price of raw materials for the production of the most popular construction nails (120 mm) is 32,000 rubles per ton.


The engine power of the machine is 5.5 kW / h, the price for 1 kW is 3.35 rubles.
It takes 8 hours of work (125 kg / hour) to produce a ton of products. Electricity consumption for the production of 1 ton will be: 5.5 * 3.35 * 8 = 147.4 rubles.


Finished products are packed in wooden boxes. (50 kg).
The cost of 1 box is 400 rubles,
The cost of packing 1 ton of nails will amount to 8,000 rubles.


When buying an automatic machine AG4116, 1 person can handle the production (salary piecework 750 rubles for the manufacture of one ton of nails).

Product prices:

Prices for products depend on the purpose and size of nails, so the price for the most popular grade M120 is 50,000 rubles per ton.

Calculation of income and payback of nail production

Based on the planned production volumes of 20 tons per month, the planned revenue will be 1,000,000 rubles per month
The production cost will amount to 817 940 rubles (the cost price of 1 ton is 40 897 rubles * 20 tons)
Gross profit: 182,060 rubles
Administrative expenses (rent, fuels and lubricants, communications) + taxes: 50,000 rubles. month
Net profit: 132,060 rubles per month.
Net profitability: 13%


  • When purchasing a new machine = 132,060 rubles / 700,000 rubles. Payback 5.3 months
  • When purchasing a used machine = 132,060/450,000 rubles. Payback 3.4 months

Victor Stepanov, 2012-03-01

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