
Guinea pig breed rosette description. Rosette guinea pigs. What are rosette guinea pigs sick with?

Guinea pigs are the most popular domestic rodents. There are many breeds, representatives of which differ from each other in size, coat structure and color. The rosette guinea pig stands out against the background of other varieties. This is a rodent with an unusual type of coat: its hairs are twisted around one point in the form of spirals, which are called rosettes.

These pigs are popularly called "rosettes" for their interesting appearance. In fact, the official name of the breed is the Abyssinian guinea pig. She is one of the oldest rodent breeds. The first representative appeared in England in the 1850s. Since then, these animals have spread around the world as favorite pets.

The reason for the appearance of the characteristic curls was a mutation of the gene responsible for the density and structure of the coat. The process was not dangerous for individuals and only fueled the interest of breeders in these rodents.

Interesting! The progenitors of modern rosette pigs lived in South America. The historian believes that some peoples ate these rodents and used them as sacrifices.

Breed standard

The standard rosette pig can be described by the following characteristics:

  • the growth of an adult representative of the breed - up to 28 cm;
  • the male weighs up to 1,100 grams, the female - 700-900 grams;
  • the body is small, streamlined, with the correct proportions;
  • the head is triangular, extended forward, the ears are small and set wide apart;
  • on the face - a pronounced mustache, bulging rounded eyes;
  • the shoulders are narrow, so the head flows smoothly into the body;
  • the hairs are dense and tough; a pronounced comb runs along the spine.

The hairs reach a length of 30-35 mm. At the same time, the coat is very thick, smooth short coat is allowed only in the abdomen. In addition, each pig should be decorated with long sideburns and a mane between the ears.

Features of sockets

Particular attention is paid to the quality and number of rosettes on the pig's little body. The spirals should be with a clear outline, each of them is surrounded by a woolen comb at the edges. According to the standard, all outlets must grow from one point. On the body of a guinea pig, they are located according to the following scheme:

  1. In the area of ​​the forearm and on the sacrum, 2 sockets grow. 4 pieces are located on the back and 2 more on hind legs... The bridge of the nose is also hidden by a rosette or two.
  2. The ridge around the spiral should be well twisted. If the coat is smooth, the specimen is discarded.
  3. On both sides along the body, the rosettes should be distributed in one line. They grow at the same distance from the sacrum and neck of the guinea pig.
  4. The rosettes on the shoulders are located strictly above the legs. And on the hips, they are located in the form of an oval. In the area of ​​the sacrum, the spirals should not overlap each other.
  5. The scallops should be firm and firm, pointing straight up. At the same time, males have a stiffer coat than females, so the rosettes are more pronounced.

The final structure and number of twists is assessed in mumps over 5 months of age. Until this age, the sockets are still tightly attached to the body, and it is rather difficult to study them.

Important! A purebred should have 8 to 12 outlets. If the pig has more than 30 spirals at 20 weeks of age, the individual is discarded.

Colors of rosette pigs

The most common color of rosette pigs is a cross between black or white and red. According to the shade prevailing in the coat, individuals are light-variegated or dark-variegated.

There are also tortoiseshell and roan rodents, but this is rather rare. In this case, the roan color can be of the following shades:

  • blue - from a mixture of white and dark hairs;
  • peach - red hairs mixed with white;
  • tricolor - black, red and white hairs are mixed on the body.

In addition, there are also solid black or red individuals. Also, the fur can be colored in areas: for example, the body is white, and the area of ​​the muzzle is red.

Important! Pets should be taken out of the cage every day. This allows them to provide the proper activity and extend their lifespan. Mumps usually live up to 8 years.

Character and behavior of pigs

Abyssinian pigs are prone to learning everything new around them, they are very curious and active. Representatives of this breed are considered the most restless of rodents. But at the same time they are very shy - they can be frightened by unexpected movement or loud sound.

As a rule, the society for these rodents is represented by its congeners and host. The rosette pig behaves with them in completely different ways, the features are presented in the table below.

Table 1. Features of the behavior of the guinea pig in relation to other rodents and the host

With relativesWith the owner
  • In relation to other pigs they often behave aggressively, they cannot get along with them. Both females and males can fight.
  • In order not to provoke unnecessary clarification of the relationship, a social group of several pigs is created that get along with each other. It is not necessary to add new inhabitants to the cage. If someone from the group suddenly begins to behave aggressively, the "fighter" is removed.
  • Relationships are very different. The guinea pig respects the owner, is friendly and affectionate. There was not a single case when an Abyssinian bit a person.
  • Rodents are very much waiting for the owner from work and respond to his appearance with a joyful squeak. They can easily recognize his steps even from afar. After taming, they become gullible and affectionate, they like to spend time in their arms. They show their love by licking the hands of the owner.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Like representatives of any other breed, Abyssinians have their pros and cons. All of them are presented in the table below.

Table 2. Pros and cons of breeding rosette pigs

Important! If your pet runs freely around the room, it is advisable to remove all the wires higher. This will help protect your mumps from injury.

How to care for an Abyssinian mumps?

Representatives of the breed are considered unpretentious rodents, but they also need minimal care for a comfortable life. If it is absent, the pet may become ill or become aggressive.

Building a house

A guinea pig does not need a lot of space to live, but it is worth considering an area for walking. Therefore, the sides of a square cell must be at least 1 meter. In this case, the cell must be filled with everything necessary for a comfortable life, for example:

  • a small house or box where the pig will sleep and hide;
  • a bowl of food and a drinker with clean water that needs to be changed regularly;
  • manger with hay and vitamins, which can be fixed from the inside or outside of the cage;
  • wheel, ladder or other toys;
  • mineral disc for grinding teeth.

The bottom of the cage should be covered with a layer of wood shavings; granular filler is also suitable. The toilet is usually located in a corner remote from the kitchen.

Fur care

To care for the coat of an Abyssinian pig, it is worth buying a special comb. The rodent needs to be brushed every week. Dead hairs will appear on the comb, which need to be removed. The procedure is repeated until the dead hairs no longer fall out. After brushing, wipe the fur with a damp cloth to remove hair residues and dirt.

Important! For brushing, use brushes with soft fibers. Metal or plastic can harm the rodent's delicate skin.

Nail and ear care

Your pet's nails should be trimmed periodically. In natural conditions, they are erased during running, and during life in a cage, they can interfere with walking and cut into the pads of the paws. Claws are trimmed with special veterinary scissors.

Ears should be wiped 1-2 times a week. To do this, you need to buy a special antibacterial agent... It is applied to a clean cotton swab and gently wiped from the inside of the ear.

Feeding pigs

Abyssinian rodents are almost omnivorous, like other guinea pigs. As a rule, special formulations from pet stores are used to feed them. In the summer they are supplemented with fresh grass, and in the winter with hay.

In addition, guinea pigs need vitamins. The following products are capable of supplying them to the rodent's body:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables (given according to the preferences of the rodent, so that it is both useful and tasty);
  • parsley, rose hips, sweet peppers (make up for the lack of ascorbic acid, since the body of rodents does not produce it);
  • hard branches (pigs grind their teeth, and their excessive growth does not cause discomfort to the animals).

The best solution is to buy special food for guinea pigs at the pet store. It contains the entire set of trace elements for the full development of a rodent.

There should always be clean drinking water in the cage. To prevent stagnation, the drinker is regularly washed and filled with fresh water.

Important! Rosette guinea pigs are very fond of eating, therefore they are often prone to obesity. Therefore, the owner needs to ensure that the pigs do not overeat.

What should not be given to pigs?

Despite the unpretentiousness of the pigs in food and the easy feeding process, it is important to remember about the list of prohibited foods. Guinea pigs should not be given:

  1. Green onions. Its use can cause poisoning and gastrointestinal upset.
  2. Cabbage, peas, beans, and beans. If given in large quantities, they can cause diarrhea and bloating.
  3. Potato. It is not absorbed in the body of the guinea pig due to the large amount of starch.
  4. Radish and radish. Because of the severity, they can threaten with inflammation of the mucous tissues.
  5. Sorrel, rhubarb. These plants contain too much acid, which is toxic to the rodent.
  6. Plum, cherry, apricot and other sweet fruits. They can provoke severe diarrhea.
  7. Meat, fish, seafood. Guinea pigs are considered vegetarians, and animal products are not suitable for their body.
  8. Fried, fatty, smoked, salty. Completely prohibited, like other pets.

Video - What do guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pig training

Guinea pigs, including Abyssinian, are easily trainable. They are happy to obey the owner if he encourages them with their favorite delicacy. Most rodents can only learn simple commands, but some can learn more complex ones. The most popular training commands are shown in the table below.

Table 3. Commands for training guinea pigs

CommandTraining instruction

Approach by nickname

Almost any mumps can be trained to approach the owner by nickname. The training goes like this:

1. The pet is placed on a flat surface a meter away from the owner.
2. The animal needs to be shown a delicacy and calmly called by name.
3. After he comes up, give a piece of food.

Such training should be carried out every day, increasing the distance to the animal. So that he learns his name as soon as possible, it is worth calling him more often.


If the animal is in a good mood and ready to spend time with the owner, you can start teaching him a trick. The algorithm will be like this:

1. The owner raises his favorite treat above the pig's head.
2. The command is pronounced in a confident voice. You can replace it with "serve."
3. The pig reaches for food and rises on its hind legs. You can praise the animal and give a treat.

After a few workouts, the socket will get used to simple actions and will happily carry out the command.

"Turn" or "round"

This trick is taught to the animal in a cage or on the floor during a walk. You need to take the treat in the palm of your hand and carry it in a circle over the rodent's muzzle. At the same time, the owner pronounces the command. To get a treat, the animal will have to reproduce the movement of the owner.

In the first training sessions, you can train the animal to turn incompletely. First 45 degrees, then 90 degrees, gradually leading to a 360-degree rotation.


Quite a simple command that can be taught to any pig. The owner needs to take a piece of the rodent's favorite treat and put it on his lips. The animal senses the food and begins to reach for the owner, after which it will take the treat. The pet needs to be praised and given another piece of delicacy.
After a few workouts, the pig will reach for the owner by itself.

This trick is more difficult than the others. The training goes like this:

1. The owner puts the pig on a chair, he sits on the floor next to her.
2. You need to stretch to the rodent left hand palm up, with a treat on the right.
3. The owner beckons the pig to him with his right hand. You need to wait until she puts her foot on her open palm and say the command.

For training to be successful, you need to do it regularly.

"Ball game"

A pig can be taught to roll a ball on the floor. To do this, you need a tennis ball and some elongated treat (a strip of carrots or celery). Learning algorithm:

1. The treat is placed on the floor, a ball is placed on top. The pet will have to move the ball to get to the poop.
2. When the pig comes to the structure, you need to say "push the ball". After completing the order, be sure to praise the animal.

The exercise is repeated every day until the pet begins to obey the command unquestioningly.

Jumping into the ring

Before practicing with a rodent, you need to find a hoop with a diameter of 25 cm.You can buy it or make it yourself from wire. It will also be convenient to use a tennis racket without a net. The main rule is that the inner edge should be free of notches.

The ring is placed with an edge on the floor in front of the pig, on the other hand, the owner holds his hand with a treat. After the command “into the ring”, the pig is lured, and when it enters the ring, they are praised and treated. With each workout, the ring is raised. But the height should not be more than 3 cm.

Commands in the learning process are pronounced in a calm voice, without harsh sounds. Otherwise, the pig will be frightened and will not listen to the owner.

Video - Rosette Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs are very easy to care for. Guinea pigs with normal fur and rosette, when kept clean, do not need to be combed at all. As an exception, you can brush the coat with a very soft brush, and even then not to the satisfaction of the animal. In long-haired guinea pigs, it is necessary to regularly brush the coat, primarily of the lower back, since there the fur coat falls off most often. The cause is often hay particles or something similar. If the hairs have rolled up, then all that remains is to cut them off. In doing so, the pellet is gently lifted away from the skin in order to cut it off in the area between the pellet and the skin.

Guinea pigs are easy to care for.

To wash your guinea pigs, use the mildest baby shampoo and then rinse thoroughly. After that, the fur must not only dry well with a warm hair dryer, but also keep the animal in an appropriate warm atmosphere. Guinea pigs are especially easy to freeze.

In older guinea pigs, the claws often do not wear off to the required extent. Then they often grow incorrectly, form bends, nodules, sometimes curls in the form of a corkscrew. Therefore, claws should be trimmed regularly. With poorly pigmented claws, this is relatively easy to do, since the areas fed by blood are clearly visible. A few millimeters of excess keratinized claw areas are best cut off with ordinary nail clippers so that the remaining end of the claw is slightly slanted inward and thus follows the normal profile of the tip of the claw. If the claws are black, it is very difficult to determine the area fed by blood.

For safety, they cut off quite a bit. If a few drops of blood flow out, then you need to wet a cotton swab with disinfectant and press it against the bleeding area. It all depends on the direction of the cut!

Bleeding can often be stopped simply by pressing down on the injured area. Such clipping should, of course, be done by the veterinarian whenever possible.

Guinea pigs have a so-called pocket in the anal area. There, especially in older males, feces often accumulate. By gently pressing from outside to inside - ideally on both sides at the same time - the guinea pigs are assisted in emptying this pocket of constant accumulation of droppings.

Under the foreskin of young male guinea pigs, dust from hay constantly accumulates, and hairs also hang. They are intertwined in the form of hooks that are located on either side of the sharp tip of the penis. Similar blades or villi can be found in the front of the urethra. In such cases, they should be removed with all precautions.

Our guinea pig menu

Wild guinea pigs feed primarily on grains and other plant foods that are high in fiber and relatively low in calories. This is the reason that guinea pigs have very long intestines relative to their body weight. Therefore, if we want our guinea pigs to be healthy and have a beautiful shiny coat, a diet rich in fiber is needed.

Guinea pigs primarily feed on hay and green food. They are very fond of salad, broccoli, carrots, as well as cucumbers and apples.

Such food is first chewed off with the help of incisors, and then thoroughly chewed with molars and at the same time moistened with saliva. This is where the digestion process begins, since the saliva produced by the salivary glands has important digestive secretions. This type of food requires guinea pigs to consume food frequently and in very small portions.

If the food is poor in fiber and at the same time too soft, it is not completely chewed and, as a result, is not sufficiently wetted with saliva. Already from this stage, digestive disorders and nutritional imbalances begin.

The following feature in feeding guinea pigs must certainly be taken into account.

Guinea pigs, like semi-monkeys (lemurs), monkeys and humans, belong to the few mammals that are unable to independently synthesize vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in their body. This means that they must fully satisfy their need for it at the expense of food intake.

At the same time, a guinea pig, under normal conditions, needs 16 mg daily, and stressful situation, with an increased risk of an infectious disease, and during pregnancy up to 30 mg of vitamin C per kilogram of weight.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the content of vitamin C in different types stern. There is no danger of overdose.

It is also necessary to constantly include high-quality hay in the diet. This means that it should never be dusty, damp, musty, moldy or otherwise tainted. Consider also the fact that freshly dried hay can be harmful to the health of your guinea pig and should be well ventilated after haymaking for at least a month and a half.

Main compound feed: hay and green feed

In the summer, you need to give the animals a lot of green food. In addition to hay, dandelion with a flower, yarrow, broadleaf and lanceolate plantain, hogweed, starweed, alfalfa, red and meadow clover are included in the diet. Of course, green fodder must be collected in hygienically impeccable and ecologically clean places (from pesticides, car exhaust, etc.). Green food after rain or melt water is harmless. Dirty green fodder should be pre-washed.

If green fodder is harvested in early spring, especially alfalfa, red and meadow clover, then it is still too young and, as a result, rich in protein and poor in fiber, so it should be given in limited quantities.

Spring feed mixture: green feed and hay.

In this case, it is best to finely chop the green food and mix it with hay. Then the guinea pigs will try to remove only the stems and leaves of the green food and eat them. However, as a result, they will be able to eat green food much more slowly than in pure form, that is, without hay.

If you do not have enough green food at your disposal, you should, especially for the necessary enrichment of the food with vitamin C, add various types of vegetables and fruits.

Moreover, all types of lettuce - from cabbage and chives to endive - are suitable for feed, as are chicory, Chinese cabbage, valerianella and parsley. Of the cabbage varieties, broccoli is most suitable - it makes the belly the least puffy and contains at most vitamin C. Then Savoy and cauliflower, the latter has both white heads and leaves, but in view of the fact that they cause severe swelling of the abdomen in animals, in very limited quantities. This applies even more to white cabbage. And, finally, for this reason, red cabbage is generally excluded.

Irreplaceable: vitamins, and above all vitamin C.

Carrots are a very valuable food. It contains especially a lot of carotene, provitamin A. It is vitamin A that is indispensable for growth, skin and mucous membranes, vision and many metabolic processes.

An unusually dietary food is apples. They are rich in vitamins and contain no sugar. Due to the high content of pectins, as we know well from feeding children with mashed apples, they are especially good at regulating the stool.

This means that in case of diarrhea, apples in a sense have a strengthening effect, while in case of constipation, on the contrary, they stimulate the activity of the intestines.

The pear is given in limited quantities, perhaps as a treat, as the significant amount of highly digestible sugar it contains can quickly ferment and bloat. In principle, only ripe apples and pears should be fed.

Guinea pigs eat cucumbers and melons greedily. Therefore, nutrient-poor cucumbers are an excellent dietary food for overweight guinea pigs.

Prepared feed and drinking water

There should always be hay and dry food in the cage, vegetables and fruits should be given once a day.

Fresh water should be available to the animal around the clock, preferably from a drinking bottle, which, of course, should be washed regularly and thoroughly.

How to catch and transfer a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs are rather shy animals. With a lack of constant intensive communication with a person, they are reluctant to be given into hands.

When taken from above, they tend to try to escape. This awakens in them the instinctive reaction of their ancestors, who suffered most from birds of prey.

It is best to take the guinea pigs behind the front legs, with the thumb of the right hand pressed on the left, and with the rest of the fingers, cover its back on the right so that the back of the neck and the front of the back are covered by the palm. Then, with their left hand, they grab it under the chest and stomach. It is best for young children to handle guinea pigs gently by the breasts.

Guinea pigs are very agile. With a free walk around the room, they instantly disappear under the furniture. Often you have to wait very long and patiently for them to appear again. Hunting with a net is possible, but as a result, the guinea pig will be afraid of being caught in the future and will become even more careful.

In a garden or any other open place, in no case should even a very tame guinea pig be left to run in an unlimited space; it hides very quickly in bushes or tall grass and even with a bright color it is very difficult to find it. Already on the first night, she becomes an easy prey for cats, birds of prey, etc.

Handing over the guinea pig and transporting it

Naturally, one day we have to decide to take a guinea pig with us on a trip or during our absence to give someone in charge. If the guinea pig remains in someone's care, then it is better to leave it in its usual habitable cage. In order to protect the guinea pig from drafts during transportation, as well as to protect it as best as possible from external stimuli, the cage is hung with a loose napkin or handkerchief; then oxygen starvation will not occur.

If necessary, short-term transportation of guinea pigs can be carried out in a cardboard box.

Strong shipping containers are much more convenient and, undoubtedly, more suitable for long journeys. They are made of transparent synthetic materials with a well-ventilated lid and carrying handles.

A litter made of sawdust or paper here has great importance... Hay allows the animal to chew, which, above all, has a calming effect. In addition, the guinea pig can burrow in it. Transparent walls allow us to observe the animal.

A tame, accustomed to such moving guinea pig can look out. For a shy animal, a ride in the dark is often still more favorable. In cold seasons, if the guinea pig is constantly kept in a warm room, it is better to protect it from hypothermia by covering it with an additional blanket or scarf. A bottle of warm water placed under the shipping container can also help.

One and one can give 100 - about reproduction

Pregnancy and childbirth

The fertility of rabbits is already proverbial. This is the case with guinea pigs, and they reach puberty very early. Females become sexually mature already from 28-35 days of life, sometimes in exceptional cases even from 20, males - from about 60-75 days of life.

If the reproduction of guinea pigs is undesirable, the animals should be separated in advance by gender. Sexually mature, however, they will become much later.

Females are allowed for selection only at the age of four to five, possibly six months, and males - from six to seven months.

After a gestation period of 59-74 days (average 68 days), one to six pups are born. Moreover, during the first birth, only one or two cubs are often born. There are breeds of guinea pigs in which the first litter is often four to five individuals, but this usually only starts with the second litter. Six are rarely born, a litter of seven or eight - even more so. The gestation period in some young animals lasts along the upper border, in most young animals - along the lower border of the named period.

Already about three to four weeks after mating, with careful palpation, you can feel the fetus in the mother's womb. Childbirth in guinea pigs, whose body, especially with multiple pregnancies, greatly increases in volume, outwardly passes almost imperceptibly.

Guinea pigs are always born head first.

The mother squats on her haunches during childbirth, just like when feeding her cubs. After the fetus leaves the birth canal, the mother pulls out the baby, which is still in the amniotic sac, opens it, and then eats the placenta. Then he begins to lick the newborn. With repeated births, the next calf follows very quickly. If a guinea pig gives birth to a large number of cubs, it does not have enough time to lick. Then very quickly hypothermia of a still wet baby can occur. In this case, it is advisable to provide assistance by wiping and heating the cubs sitting around the mother. But while the mother licks them, she should not be disturbed.

The first days of life

Guinea pigs see and hear from birth and are born with a fully formed coat. Their eyes open already two weeks before birth! Milk teeth also erupt between the 43rd and 48th day of pregnancy, and until the 55th day of pregnancy they dissolve again.

At birth, all permanent teeth are already present, with the exception of the posterior molars, which are still covered with a film.

The weight of newborn guinea pigs sometimes fluctuates significantly. It reaches from 45 to 110 g, in exceptional cases 140 g.

A single litter cub is usually heavier than a large litter. The weight of a single cub of 100 g is not uncommon. Cubs of numerous litters usually weigh only 50 to 80 g.

In the first days of life, the weight does not change, since a loss of several grams is possible. The cubs then, if healthy, begin to gain about 3 to 4 g of weight daily until six to eight weeks of age.

Newborn guinea pigs literally start running in a few hours. The mother has two mammary glands located near the groin. Cubs of five to six or more litters have a great chance of growing healthy if there are other wet nurses in the same cage; then cubs of a single litter, if there is no significant difference in age, can feed on different mothers.

Cubs of guinea pigs begin to eat additional solid food already in the first days of life. At the same time, it is vital for them to absorb the maternal vitamin droppings of the cecum in order to provide themselves with a sufficient content of B-complex vitamins and vitamin K.

Newborn guinea pigs weighing less than 40 grams have no chance of surviving even when foreign milk is pipetted into them drop by drop. Artificial feeding of even normal weight guinea pigs is problematic as they require natural breast milk.

As a substitute, cream can be used, which in terms of protein and fat content most closely matches the composition of guinea pigs' milk.

At three to four weeks of age, young guinea pigs can be removed from their mother without problems.

As for the proverbial fertility of guinea pigs, this is due not only to very early sexual maturity, but also to the fact that the female guinea pig is already in about 105 minutes - 13 hours after the end of labor and is again in heat and can be successfully covered.

Age and weight of guinea pigs

Doubling of the weight of a guinea pig occurs approximately 13-17 days after birth. At four to eight weeks of age, they weigh 250-400 g.

Guinea pigs grow up to 15 months. Their growth is gradually slowing down. Then males begin to weigh 1000-1800 g, females from 700 to 1000 g. The greater weight in some cases is due to significant body fat.

Guinea pigs live from five to eight years, in rare cases up to 15.

Aging guinea pigs often lose weight. They are no longer able to optimally assimilate the feed offered to them. Then, along with a sufficient amount of hay and green fodder, an increase in the diet of such nutritious fodders as carrots, concentrates and additionally multivitamins is recommended. In addition, you should pay attention to the sufficient supply of the body with minerals and trace elements.

But special importance should be given to a sufficient supply of vitamin C to the body, which must be given at least 30 mg per kilogram of animal weight. Older guinea pigs, who may have trouble with their teeth, are less likely to turn to solid foods, often happily eat cucumbers or melons cut into pieces.

A guinea pig from about six, rarely from seven years is considered an "old lady".

Guinea pig senses and learning


The cochlea of ​​the inner ear of a guinea pig has four turns, while in mice and rats, even in humans, there are only two and a half. Thus, the guinea pig has relatively more room for the auditory cells, as a result of which it has a particularly good hearing. If a person can perceive sounds from 20,000 Hz (child) to 15,000 Hz (adult), then guinea pigs perceive sounds with a frequency of up to 33,000 Hz.


The sense of smell of guinea pigs is focused primarily on contacts with each other and on sexual behavioral norms. For example, their urine plays an important role in labeling. So, ready-to-mate males inject urine, females who are not in heat, along with hostile behavior with the help of smell, demonstrate to the male that they are not ready for mating.

Guinea pigs rely primarily on their sense of smell.

Guinea pigs in the social community recognize each other by smell. This is not least the case for the loss after re-identification of young animals.

At the same time, it was noted that this group specific identification, after repeating for several days, also disappears in adult animals. The designation of the territory by a secret, as well as by urine, explains why guinea pigs feel at ease in their usual environment and very restless and unsure of the unfamiliar. This is then manifested in their timid behavior.

Compared to humans, guinea pigs have a heightened sense of smell. It is about a thousand times more developed than that of humans. So, they perceive a variety of smells that people do not notice at all, and therefore can be excited for various reasons.

Guinea pigs are used to living and playing in small groups.

Likewise, guinea pigs' sense of smell plays a very important role during food intake in distinguishing between useful and harmful food. The same applies to the identification of different faces.


Due to the location of their eyes, guinea pigs are able to look both forward and to the sides without turning their head. Thus, they have a relatively wide field of vision, which is especially important for protection from their natural enemies at large. Guinea pigs at least distinguish between red, yellow, green and blue. This also plays a role in food intake.


The tactile hairs around the mouth and nose help guinea pigs to determine in the dark whether it is possible to enter this hole or if there is an obstacle in the way.

Taste perception

When guinea pigs' sense of smell does not allow them to unambiguously identify or approve certain foods, they call on their sense of taste. In this case, along with instinctively conditioned reactions, previously accumulated experience plays a role, for example, when distinguishing between good and bad food.

This means that guinea pigs prefer sweet foods over salted foods. However, they do not give up on the bitter. And among guinea pigs, there are individual taste preferences, which are manifested in the fact that individual individuals often prefer completely different foods as delicacies.

Sound perception

Unlike a number of other rodents such as hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, etc., as well as rabbits, guinea pigs have an extensive repertoire of sounds.

It ranges from mumbling as an expression of contentment, cooing as a sign of establishing contact with one another, to clicking teeth as an unambiguous loud acoustic warning before the upcoming struggle for the primacy of adult males.

Guinea pigs have a varied and rich sound repertoire.

Young guinea pigs emit a thin squeak that encourages the mother or, if kept in a group, other females to take care of the baby. At the same time, mothers respond to these calls for help as their cubs grow up, that is, from about two weeks of age, less and less and in this way accustom their offspring to independence.

Adult guinea pigs also sometimes emit fearful sounds that are well understood by humans. When one of the community members publishes them, the whole group often runs in single file towards the wall or hides under some kind of ledge, since in the wild there you can find a relatively reliable shelter, primarily from birds of prey.

But situations arise when guinea pigs, out of fear, fall into a kind of tetanus - a kind of behavioral norm that plays a protective role.

If a guinea pig is taken awkwardly, causing her pain, she also emits a characteristic sharp squeak.


Guinea pigs can learn to respond to the pronunciation of their name, as well as certain calls and whistles. In this case, it is important to first patiently accustom one or several guinea pigs to yourself, that is, so that by nature shy animals begin to at least trust you and lose their inherent timidity.

Reckless sudden movements, loud noises, etc. can instantly undo progress made over many days of effort.

Do guinea pigs get along with other animals?

There are guinea pigs who do not run away from a dog to which they are already accustomed, provided, of course, that she also behaves decently. And, nevertheless, dogs should never be left alone with a guinea pig.

Above all, cats consider guinea pigs to be their natural prey. A cat can scare a guinea pig with its attacks on the cage.

If the distance between the rods or the size of the cells allows, then the cat will try to catch the guinea pig with its nimble paw.

In principle, keeping guinea pigs with other animals is not allowed, the same applies to birds, especially parrots, as well as small species such as budgerigars. It makes no sense to keep them with other rodents, be it mice, rats, golden or dwarf hamsters, chinchillas or squirrels. True, in this case, the guinea pigs do not become aggressive, but often suffer very deeply from the alien and unnatural partnership imposed on them.

The only type of animal that can be recommended for joint keeping is the rabbit. An adult guinea pig does not have complications with a dwarf rabbit of the same size and even with individuals of larger breeds. In this case, the guinea pigs feed with the rabbits. And they willingly rest together, huddled closely to each other, and clean each other's fur. Some guinea pigs climb with enthusiasm on the back of the head, or even on the back of their "foreign" friend.

Sick Guinea Pig

How to distinguish a healthy guinea pig from a sick one was described at the very beginning.

Now we will give some information on the most important diseases.


Scabies can be caused by a variety of mites. Their entry also occurs through contact. The diagnosis is made by a veterinarian as a result of microscopic analysis. Treatment is the same as for lice infestation.


Ticks can only appear when kept in an aviary in a garden or on a balcony, on which branches of trees or shrubs hang. Should be disposed of by a veterinarian.

Skin diseases caused by fungi

The defeat of the fungus is most often found during prolonged feeding with too concentrated, in other words, poor in fiber feed. Symptoms of the disease primarily appear on the head, the hair falls out and a round or oval spot appears. Appropriate treatment should be performed by a veterinarian.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Causes gastrointestinal diseases which is based on inflammation and manifests itself in diarrhea, in most cases it is caused by tainted feed ingredients and can often be treated with medicated activated charcoal. If he did not help eliminate diarrhea, you must definitely contact your veterinarian.


In the case of flatulence, immediate veterinary attention should be sought, as the formation of gas, especially in the colon, can cause respiratory or cardiac dysfunction and ultimately lead to death by suffocation or cardiac arrest.


If the droppings are too hard, the cause may be a lack of moisture in the body as a result of feeding too dry food and a lack or insufficient amount of drinking water. In the early stages, the disease can often be overcome by providing sufficient water and increasing the proportion of moisture-containing feed. If this does not help, you should seek the advice of your veterinarian.

Runny nose and pneumonia

A runny nose can be caused by a cold, but it can also be caused by bacteria or viruses. Then, nevertheless, as a rule, not only the upper respiratory tract is affected, but also the bronchi and, ultimately, the lungs.

Vitamin C deficiency

With a deficiency of vitamin C, the susceptibility of the body of the guinea pig to infectious diseases increases sharply. Thus, the breathing apparatus becomes very vulnerable to viruses and bacteria that provoke pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs is always a reason for a mandatory visit to a veterinarian.

Treatment of bites

Powdered sulfonamides are recommended in the first place for the treatment of bites that can be especially severe after fights in adult male guinea pigs. They are suitable for the treatment of other wounds.

All of them differ from each other in the length of the coat and its texture, as well as in color. Rosette guinea pigs (Abyssinian) got their name due to the original structure of the fur cover. Having seen such an animal for the first time, one might think that it slept restlessly and turned over from side to side.


The breed originated in 1861 in England, after which it gradually spread to America and Europe. In the twentieth century, the Abyssinian rosette guinea pigs became very popular.


These animals have short hair that does not adhere to the body (no more than four sentiments in length). By standards, an Abyssinian should have ten outlets (one on the shoulders and four on the back and back), although there are representatives of the breed with 8 and 12 outlets. The main assessment criterion is the quality of the sockets. All of them should be well formed, smooth ridges are formed at the joints. Outwardly, the pig looks symmetrical, its body resembles a square in silhouette. The eyes of this breed are almond-shaped.


Rosette guinea pigs can be of different colors: gold, red, white, chocolate and brown. In addition to monochromatic colors, there are combined ones. Taking care of their fur is quite simple: you just need to gently comb it about once a week.


In addition to the fact that rosette guinea pigs have an unusual appearance, they also have a very friendly character. Such pets quickly become attached to their owners, get along well with children. These are mischievous and funny animals. Rodents are extremely mobile, so you need to play with them more often. It is advisable to release them from the cage daily. Spend enough time with these pets. So that the animal does not get bored, you can get him a companion, and the breed of guinea pig does not matter, since the Abyssinians get along with everyone. Rosette guinea pigs are ideal for those who have not kept such rodents before. They are funny, and unpretentious in leaving.

Guinea pig diet

It is necessary to feed the animal several times (two to three) a day. The diet of these rodents should contain:

  1. Green food (vegetables - carrots, cabbage; herbaceous plants - dandelions, plantains, clover, etc.).
  2. Solid feed (oatmeal, cereals).
  3. Branch feed (branches of aspen, willow).
  4. Vitamins and minerals.
  5. Hay.

How to find out the sex of a guinea pig?

Take a pig, place it in your palm. Then lightly (very gently so as not to hurt) press down on her lower abdomen. If it is a male, then you will feel the penis. In adults, everything is clear. In males, the scrotum is also clearly visible, located near the base of the tail. In females, when pressed, you will see the penis, which resembles the letter "Y". It has an extension in the lower abdomen, and tapers towards the base of the tail. Note that the genitals of males are larger than those of females.


Now you know who rosette guinea pigs are, how to determine their gender and what diet will be right for them.

Abyssinian guinea pig has been known since time Victorian England... The origin of the breed is unknown, despite the name, which is an old name for Ethiopia. Breeders assume that the breed is native to South America. The European animal was attracted by its unusual cover: the hair grows in a radial direction, forming rosettes. Because of this, it is called so - "rosette guinea pig".

Features of the Abyssinian breed: breeding, exterior

For this guinea pig character, the transmission of the dominant gene, which is responsible for such an arrangement of the coat. Therefore, the mating of the Rosette guinea pig with a normal breed will lead to the fact that part of the offspring will be Abyssinians.

A sign of a genetically pure pedigree is a paired number of outlets: 8 or 10. When mixing different individuals, a different number of such islands of wool may appear. The color is not important, because the whole feature is in the direction of hair growth.

Rosette guinea pig character

Breeders who have experience in breeding gilts of different breeds talk about the differences in temperament between Abyssinians and other gilts:

  • they are energetic and love outdoor games;
  • are happy to explore new territories;
  • males have a pronounced need for leadership among their cage neighbors;
  • they lend themselves very well to training;
  • vividly demonstrate their mood, be it joy or sadness;
  • because of an inquiring mind and good skills, it seems that they understand their owner as well as a dog.

That is why the Abyssinian guinea pig is an ideal friend for a child.

Abbisin care

It is a pleasure to look after such a guinea pig: it clearly expresses its positive response to a fresh delicacy, the appearance of the owner, the opportunity to walk free. True, you have to tinker a little with bathing:

From time to time, especially in the heat, she begins to smell unpleasantly, despite the fact that this guinea pig, like all her fellow tribesmen, loves to take care of itself;

It is necessary to comb its sockets several times a week so that the rodent is recognizable by its breed.

In hot weather, the animal must be protected from direct sunlight, because its thick cover is an unpleasant opportunity to get heatstroke.

Guinea pigs with the exotic prefix "Abyssinian" are of great interest to both breeders of these animals and ordinary people... Everything in these pets is excellent, starting appearance and ending with simple content. Unfortunately, there are not so many real Abyssinian pigs in the modern world. How can they be distinguished from other breeds? How long do they live? Let's talk further.


Origin story

Rosette pigs appeared in Europe in the second half of the 19th century. Initially, representatives of this breed lived in England, later the animals spread throughout Europe, where they caused considerable excitement. It is believed that the ancestors of these animals lived in Central and South America. As for the name, the exotic prefix "Abyssinian" is very well matched to these bizarre animals.

Pigs have nothing to do with cats with the same name. But why they were called that is still an unknown fact. At the same time, many are interested in how long these animals live at home today.


Abyssinian clearly differs in appearance from representatives of other breeds. Its peculiarity is the presence of so-called “rosettes” in wool, which are vortices of the same shape with clear symmetrical contours. Otherwise, the pet is not much different from their own kind: four legs, eyes, a tail and a slightly flat face with protruding ears on the sides.

Breed standard

Show Abyssinian pigs should ideally have ten rosettes: four on the back, two on the hips and two more on the shoulder blades. Representatives who have a socket on the nose are especially appreciated. The length of an adult is on average 25-30 cm. The female's coat turns out to be softer and more pleasant to the touch. In general, rosette pigs are considered wire-haired.

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According to the standard, the rosette pig can be either monochromatic or spotted. Sometimes there is a turtle color, in which red and black are mixed, as well as blue, which means a mixture of white and black. The most common are piebald pigs. The length of the coat cannot be more than four centimeters.

These pets are great for lazy owners as they do not require much maintenance. If you decide to settle several animals of this breed, then it would be better to create a family of them. In this case, the ideal option would be the settlement of one male and several females. In this case, the boy plays the role of a peacemaker.

The rosette pig's cage should be spacious. It is better to sprinkle sawdust on the surface, among which it is imperative to put a feeder and a drinker. There should also be a pet shelter in the cage, where he can feel safe.


Representatives Abyssinian breed a good appetite is manifested, which spreads to many foods. You can feed the animals with healthy ingredients from the table or purchase special feed mixtures at pet stores. The main food in the summer is grass, and in the winter - hay.


From time to time it is necessary to comb the fur, cut the claws and, of course, monitor the general condition of the pet, preventing the development of diseases. How long do these pets live? With proper maintenance, such a pig can live from 8 to 12 years.


Abyssinian rosette pigs are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and amusing character. They are able to get along with others and are often good friends with young children. This pet can even be taught to sit on its hind legs if you set such a goal for yourself. To play with a pet in a cage, you need to install a wheel, a ladder, balls and various rattles, which can be purchased at any pet store.

Pet character

Abyssinian pigs are characterized by a calm character. They rarely dare to bite people and almost never show aggressiveness. But this does not mean at all that the animal is not able to stand up for itself. Quite the opposite: two females can begin to sort things out, and the males will even get involved in a fight. If the animals are connected by blood ties, then, most likely, they will live well with each other. By the way, this breed is classified as difficult to breed. The rosette pig almost always gets along with a person and happily "communicates" with its beloved owner. How many they live side by side, so much and delight a person!

What are rosette guinea pigs sick with?

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Video "Guinea Pig"

In this video you can see several representatives of this exotic breed.