
What are guinea pig sockets. Guinea pigs of the Abyssinian breed. Features of breeding Abyssinians

Abyssinian guinea pigs are mobile, cheerful and unpretentious in keeping - they do not require special care for their hair. A distinctive feature of the breed is its extraordinary greed for food. Who is the first to "fall" out of the open cage door when he smells a cucumber? Of course, the Abyssinian guinea pig! This excellent quality plays into the hands when taming the pig.

For breeders, the breed is of particular interest - it is the hardest breed to breed. And if the breeder gets offspring good quality, there really is something to be proud of!

Main features of Abyssinian guinea pigs

The most important distinguishing feature by which you can immediately determine the Abyssinian in front of you or not are the so-called so-called so-called sockets on the wool.

Rosettes are a kind of funnels on the wool, when the hairs, as a result of mutation, do not grow evenly, but form such an open flower, grow from the center, forming a funnel.

Usually there are 6-10 such rosettes throughout the coat, they are absent only on the stomach and head.

Also interesting special form mutations among the Abyssinians are the so-called "double rosettes". Instead of one outlet, two are formed at once, and the pig turns out to be all in small outlets. There can be up to 30 of them!

The ideal option is considered to be uniformly formed rosettes with a clear center and without excess hair coming out of it. Moreover, the sockets must be formed symmetrically: the same number of sockets on each side of the body. The ideal Abyssinian will have 8-10 rosettes on the right and left shoulder, four or two on the back and one on each side of the thighs. The edges of the outlets should ideally be clear indicators of where each outlet starts and ends.

In fact, pigs with perfect rosettes are not born so often, many Abyssinians have coat and rosettes that are imperfect by show standards. Therefore, if you are the owner of a cute Abyssinian pig with symmetrical rosettes, it is likely that you will want to show your pet at a guinea pig show. V last years such exhibitions are held regularly.

But if your funny pet's fur isn't quite perfect, don't be discouraged. All the same, your guinea pig will love you just as much as an Abyssinian with perfect fur.

From the history of Abyssinian guinea pigs

It is likely that this is one of the oldest breeds, and the Abyssinian guinea pig has been around for many centuries.

Today, no one can say for sure why these pigs were called Abyssinian.

Those who are familiar with geography and history may assume that Abyssinian guinea pigs got their name from their place of origin, that is, that they come from the historical area. ancient state Abyssinia (territory of modern Ethiopia in Africa). However, it is not. This breed is not found anywhere in this region (the homeland of guinea pigs is South America - another continent altogether!), Which completely destroys the widespread misconception that they were found in Abyssinia.

The first Abyssinian was brought from America to Europe in the 16th century. Back then, these exotic pets were very expensive. For some unknown reason, someone in England decided to call guinea pigs with rosettes Abyssinian, and the breed has retained this name to this day.

The nature of the Abyssinian guinea pigs

There is a well-established opinion among breeders and guinea pig owners that Abyssinian guinea pigs are more mischievous and active than other breeds. Perhaps the reason lies in their increased curiosity. Of course, there is no concrete evidence of this fact, no research has been carried out on the dependence of the nature of the guinea pig on its breed, this is just an opinion, and believe it or not, the decision is yours.

And please don't let this opinion scare you away from getting yourself an Abyssinian guinea pig. Abyssinians are truly gorgeous guinea pigs with their own character and personality. Yes, all guinea pigs love the company of people, but this is a special breed. They seem to enjoy being in our company a lot more than other pigs.

Abyssinians are very energetic and active, especially at a young age. They have a very lively character and it is quite easy to build good relationships with them and make friends.

It is believed that they lend themselves well to training and education.

Caring for an Abyssinian guinea pig is not particularly difficult. The Abyssinians are slightly more difficult to care for than other breeds of guinea pigs, but much easier than other pets.

The main feature is hair care. It should be cleaned regularly to prevent confusion. Just buy a soft brush and spend a few minutes brushing at least once a week. This brushing is especially important in the summer, when the pigs are often outside.

A common question is: should you bathe your guinea pigs? After all, the fur can get dirty. This should be done only as a last resort. Guinea pigs are very clean animals and usually tidy up their fur coat on their own.

Read more about caring for guinea pigs in the "Contents" section.

When it comes to disease, Abyssinian guinea pigs (like many purebred pigs, by the way) are more vulnerable, and they can potentially have various diseases if not properly cared for. Most importantly, keep an eye on your guinea pig's diet, as improper diet leads to serious illness in most cases.

Abyssinian guinea pigs color

Abyssinians come in a wide variety of colors, including multicolor.

The brindl is a two-tone color with a mixture of black and red hairs growing in a mixed pattern all over the body. The eyes of these pigs are black-brown in color. Ears, claws and soles of the paws are black. Brindles can be divided into two categories - light and dark. Their exact classification depends on the ratio of red or black.

The tortoise color (tortoise) is characterized by the presence of spots in color, usually black and red throughout the body.

Color Rune (Ron) (roan) - characterized by the presence of a layer consisting of mixtures of white.

Self is a solid solid color without any spots. It can be completely white, red, black or some other more rare colors.

If you are lucky enough to become the owner of such a wonderful animal as a guinea pig, you probably know that this animal is very cute and unpretentious. And yet you need to know the basic nuances of caring for these babies. By observing them, you can easily increase the lifespan of your guinea pigs.

Today it is known how long guinea pigs live at home - from 5 to 15 years. Not many pets, and even more so rodents, can boast of such a life expectancy. Surely over the years, the pet will become a favorite and friend of the whole family.

The rules for caring for these animals are very simple and will be available even to a child. They need to be fed at least 2-3 times a day. What to feed is also easy to remember.

Guinea pigs are herbivores, and their favorite treats are grass, as well as hay and twigs of trees and shrubs. You only need to be afraid of freshly picked grass, on which dew droplets remain - such food can cause a pet's tummy to bloat.
In addition, almost all vegetables are suitable for feeding rodents: beets, cabbage, carrots, turnips, pumpkin, cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce, Jerusalem artichoke, corn. They will also eat fruits: apples, bananas, oranges.

The main thing is not to forget one feature of guinea pigs, which is due to their past: wildlife these animals ate almost 100% grass, therefore, vitamin C is not produced in their bodies, which means that guinea pigs need to get it from food.

Daily in the diet of these animals should be present foods rich in vitamin C. Every day you need to change the water in the drinker. It will be good for your pet to add a couple of drops of lemon juice to it. Don't feed your pig food from your table!

Even if it seems to you that the animal is happy to eat boiled sausages or fried pancakes, you should know that it is very harmful for him. Sweet, salty, canned, boiled and fried foods are bad food for rodents.
Particularly responsible owners have a question: how many teeth should a guinea pig have. It is natural, because many are surprised not to find fangs from their pet.

But, if you remember that the guinea pig is a herbivore, it becomes clear that she does not need fangs. In total, the animals have 20 teeth, and there is a distance between the incisors and molars, which is typical for all types of rodents.

How to care for a guinea pig?

Every day it is necessary to clean the feeder and ventilate the room where the pet's cage is located. And once a week you need to do a general cleaning in the cage - clean it thoroughly. Although pigs are unpretentious, they are very afraid of overheating.

It is strictly forbidden to leave these rodents in direct sunlight in glass jar, an aquarium and even a cage. Just a few minutes in this heat can lead to the death of the animal. Also, guinea pigs are afraid of hypothermia and drafts.

Another important nuance is that the pig's house, especially a young one, should be in a well-lit place, otherwise she may develop a disease such as rickets.

Thus, you need to place your pet's dwelling in a room where a moderate temperature regime is observed, in a well-lit place, protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

Not everyone knows, but these agile animals are trainable, and that with a little effort and patience, you can teach them some simple tricks. At the same time, there are no secrets in how to train a guinea pig.

First of all, you need to let the pet get used to the owner's hands. To do this, you need to carefully take it out of the cage, clasping it under the front legs so that the baby does not fall. Holding the guinea pig in your hands, carefully put it back in the cage - give your pet some time.

A few days later, when the baby is already used to you, you can train him to respond to his nickname. To do this, you need to put your pig's favorite treat in the feeder and call her by name. The animal will come running to the smell of food.

If you repeat these actions for several days or even weeks, you will notice that your pet will begin to constantly respond to the sound of its name.

Another easy trick you can teach your guinea pig is kissing the owner. In order for your animal to gladly offer you a face for a kiss, you need to take a piece of his favorite treat and bring the baby to the level of your face.

Repeat these kisses for several days - and later the pet will instinctively reach for your face.

Such tricks will be interesting not only for you, but also for the animal, because guinea pigs are very "social" pets. They become attached to their masters and miss them. Therefore, they need your attention and affection.

What else do you need for a happy pet life at home? This is movement. The animal needs to move a lot, therefore, if your pet does not have a very spacious cage, it is important to let him go for a walk. It is best if the guinea pig has the opportunity to frolic in the fenced area in the garden.

So-called “rosettes” are very popular among rodent lovers. This unusual breed also called Abyssinian. A rosette guinea pig looks like it has wool rosettes on its body. Moreover, they should be located symmetrically, and there should be 8 of them in total.

Smooth-haired guinea pigs look more serious than their tousled cousins. There is not much difference in caring for different breeds.

Perhaps the rosette guinea pig requires more attention to its fur. It needs to be combed out more often and should be done with more care.

Those who are just thinking about getting a rodent pet, first of all, will have a question: how much does a guinea pig cost? And the answer to it is another argument for purchasing them. Prices for these animals are low and depend on the breed. You can find a baby for 300 rubles, but more rare breeds, such as skinny, for example, will cost their owners 3,000 rubles.

There are many varieties of guinea pigs in the world, differing from each other in wool texture, color, size. Abyssinian (rosette) guinea pigs got their name due to the special appearance of the wool cover - in the form of twisting spirals, which are called rosettes. The special appearance contributed to the wide distribution of these active animals as pets.

Description and features

Despite the name, the pigs do not come from Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia). It is precisely known that the breed comes from South America. In Europe, we met with representatives of the Abyssinian breed back in the Victorian era. It is no longer possible to establish the origin of the name, since no data about this have been preserved.

Did you know? The long jump record belongs to the Abyssinian guinea pig named Truffle (Great Britain). At the competition in April 2012, Truffle showed a result of 48 cm.

The unique features of the breed are the rosettes in which the long fur of the Abyssinians is wrapped. It is also unique that the number of outlets is necessarily even - from 12 to 30 pieces, and they are located symmetrically.

How they look and to what size they grow

The exterior of these pets is as follows:

  • the body is compact, with the correct proportions;
  • the head is triangular, elongated;
  • narrow shoulders, so there is no border between the head and the body;
  • the wool is dense, tough;
  • the dorsal crest of the fur is clearly defined and follows along the entire spine;
  • the color can be white and any shades from golden to chocolate.

At the same time, special attention is paid to the quality of the rosettes - they should be clear, well-traced, with a delineated woolen comb along the edge. The growth of an adult Abyssinian woman reaches 28 cm. The weight of the male is 0.8–1.1 kg, that of the female is 0.7–0.9 kg. These are not very large pigs.

What character and how long live

Abyssinians are extremely inquisitive and are actively interested in everything new around them. This is one of the most restless breeds. The life expectancy of the Abyssinians is 8-10 years. The breed has good immunity and rarely suffers from diseases.

Pros and cons of content

Abyssinians are very clean and carefully monitor their coat. Compact pigs do not need a large living area and do not require special conditions for keeping.

Video: the pros and cons of keeping guinea pigs The advantages of the breed include:

  • hypoallergenic coat;
  • well-developed mental abilities;
  • sociability and the ability to get along well with children;
  • good health.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the need to carefully look after the fur of the animal;
  • the ability of rodents to taste all the objects that they encounter while walking around the apartment, including wires and wallpaper.

Important! If the pig is free to walk around the apartment, remove the wires to a height where the animal cannot reach them. This will protect your pet from electrical injuries.

Choosing and arranging a home

For maintenance, a cage (size may vary) or a terrarium (aquarium) can be used. Both methods of content have their pros and cons. Inside the dwelling, there must be: a shelter house, a drinking bowl, a feeder. A litter made of sawdust is laid at the bottom of the dwelling.
Important points when choosing a home are:

  • cell size;
  • home safety, especially the floor;
  • ease of cleaning and disinfection.

Cage or terrarium

The first question when choosing a home is the choice between buying a terrarium or a cage.

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In fact, pets can feel equally good in any home if it is cleaned in a timely manner and the animal has enough food.
The bottom of the structure should be solid so that the animal does not damage its legs. The floor is sprinkled with sawdust in a layer of 1–1.5 cm, which must be changed regularly.

What is required inside

Inside the dwelling there must be:

  • house;
  • drinker;
  • feeder.

The height of the cage should be about 30-40 cm, although this is not the most important parameter. Since the pig loves to walk, the length of the cage is more important for her - at least 100 cm. Inside the cage there should be a house - a small structure in which the animal can hide and store supplies there, like in a burrow.

Video: what should be in a guinea pig cage The dimensions of the house are 20x50x20 cm. Windows are not required in it. The cage also contains a grain feeder, a hay nursery, and a drinker. Hay can be placed outside the cage, but in a way that makes it easy for the guinea pig to reach.

The pigs living in a large cage organize a toilet in one of the corners, away from contact with food. This is convenient because only the toilet can be cleaned daily, and the rest of the bedding can be changed as it gets dirty.

Did you know? The largest guinea pig festival takes place in Peru. Representatives of different breeds take part in it. With the help of contests and competitions, they establish the fastest pig, the largest, the most fashionable. And there is even a competition for the most delicious pig.

Abyssinians take care of their coat with sand. But the constant presence of a sand bath will only lead to the pet being actively marking the contents of the bath, so it can be put on for a day, a couple of times a week.

Where to put in the room

The cage should not be placed in a draft; it is also better to place it away from heating appliances. It is optimal to place the cage at a distance of at least 40 cm from the walls and the heating system. The pig room should not be exposed to direct sunlight - this can adversely affect the pet's vision.

How many individuals can be kept together

In the wild, these animals live in small flocks of 5-10 individuals, they build burrows and peacefully coexist in the same territory. In the cellular content, they often live one at a time, so it is difficult to unequivocally assert the benefits of one or another option.

Important! Abyssinian guinea pigs are pugnacious, so it will not be possible to put two boys in the same cage, since they will fight for leadership.

Breeders are unambiguous in one thing: if you decide to expand the circle of communication of an adult pet, then you need to "first" make friends with both pigs. This process can take several months and does not always end well. Youngsters from the same litter, familiar from childhood, get along best of all.

The Abyssinian pig does not require special conditions of keeping, with the exception of grooming the coat, which must be regularly brushed. Nutrition should be high-calorie and balanced, the cage should be comfortable and clean, and water should be in sufficient quantity.

Hair care

Once a week, the wool is wiped with a damp cloth, thus removing dead lint and possible dirt. The fur is combed with a special comb, which are sold in abundance in pet stores. The working part of the brush-comb should be made of soft plastic material so as not to damage the delicate skin of the pet.

Care for claws, teeth, ears

The growth of teeth in a rodent does not stop throughout its life. To grind them down, young tree twigs are included in the diet. If there are not enough branches, loose teeth can damage the cheek. To eliminate the defect, you will need the help of a veterinarian.
In nature, claws are grinded while running and searching for food. Since the cage restricts active running, the claws do not have time to grind and can cause anxiety for the guinea pig. Regular nail trimming will help in this situation.

Ears must be wiped with a soft cotton swab treated with an antibacterial drug. Usually, pigs have clean ears, free of plaque and skin damage. But if you notice the formation of a dark plaque or that the pig has begun to actively itch, then it probably has a tick and must be shown to the veterinarian to clarify the diagnosis.

Did you know? Guinea pigs need vitamin C, but their bodies do not produce it, so you need to ensure its availability in the diet. Vitamin C is found in rose hips, currants, parsley, yellow and red bell peppers.

Cleaning the cage

Video: how to clean a guinea pig cage


The natural diet of the Abyssinian guinea pig is grass, cereals, roots, roots, seeds, vegetables. You can diversify her diet with sprouted grains, fruits, special feed for pigs.

What can you feed

The diet includes:

  • cereals - wheat, rye, corn, barley (at least 1 tablespoon per day);
  • greens - various herbs, parsley, dandelions, plantain, clover (about 1 bunch per day);
  • high-quality hay on a regular basis without restrictions in quantity - the pig will not eat more than it needs, although the Abyssinians are distinguished by their irrepressible nutrition;
  • root vegetables - carrots, parsnips, beets;
  • young tree twigs;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Pigs, like people, have their own taste preferences. They eat the food they like first, so what remains in the feeder and is not eaten should not be given next time if the pet considers this product unpalatable.

What can not be fed

  • meat, fish, smoked meats;
  • pastries and sweets;
  • canned or boiled vegetables;
  • stale or dirty root vegetables.

Important! Feed should only be fresh. It is unacceptable to give food with mold. Loosely eaten juicy foods should be removed from the cage to prevent mold from growing in the pet's home.

What should be the water

A guinea pig needs at least 250 ml of water per day. For a pregnant or lactating female, the rate is doubled. The water must be clean. If you notice that your pet accidentally contaminated it with food or sawdust, then the liquid must be replaced.

The maintenance of rosette pigs is difficult, since the quality of their wool depends on the quality of nutrition and regular care. But all these actions will more than pay off with pleasant communication with this cute pet.
Abyssinian women will happily greet you with their whistle and inimitably ask for food, which will bring joy and good mood to you and your children.

A short characteristic that a rosette guinea pig usually receives: a cute little animal, amusing and restless. Unusual appearance, compact size and prostate care make the animals one of the favorite rodent species.

The second name of this breed is Abyssinian guinea pigs, although the homeland of the distant ancestors of today's pets is the central and southern part of the American continent. It was there that, even before our era, the primary attempts at domestication of rosette pigs began, although there is a version that animals were used as victims in rituals or food.

They began to be bred as pets in Great Britain from the middle of the 19th century. It took a little time for interest and love for funny animals first appeared in Europe, and later spread across the globe.

Guinea pig rosette - red color

For general description appearance 2 words are enough: touching and funny. The unusual structure of the coat is the result of gene mutations. Part of the hair changes direction during growth and curls into a funnel. As a result, rosettes are formed, which gave the Abyssinians their official name. It must be remembered that these rodents do not belong to the long-haired species.

The rosette in the nasal area is especially appreciated by experienced owners and breeders.

Given that rosette guinea pigs are a show species, there is a precise standard that they must meet. The determining factor is the location of the sockets and their number. Main settings:

The determining factor of the standard is the location of the sockets and their number

The main recognized colors are divided into 2 groups:

  1. ... The condition is monotony. Acceptable colors: red, cream, black, white.
  2. Agouti. They correspond to natural wild colors.

There are also piebald and tortoiseshell Abyssinians.

An adult reaches a size of 28 cm. The weight of a male can sometimes exceed 1 kg. The largest females weigh no more than 900 g.

Features of the breed

The main feature of the Abyssinian guinea pigs lies in their character. They are distinguished by their friendliness and good nature. They do not tend to bite their owners, and it takes a little time to tame.

Abyssinian guinea pig, black color

Among the main advantages of pets are:

  • the possibility of keeping for asthmatics and allergy sufferers;
  • the ability to get along with children;
  • high development of mental abilities;
  • strong immune protection.

Another amazing property is subtle hearing. The animal can hear the owner outside the apartment when he climbs the stairs. In this case, the pig begins to squeak happily.

Agouti Abyssinian guinea pig

Additional traits of character and temperament:

  • love to sit in the owner's arms and rumble with pleasure;
  • with a special credit of trust, licking a person's fingers;
  • fear of sudden sounds and movements: with a sudden change in the situation, an attack of panic may begin;
  • according to some owners, the favorite delicacy is fresh cucumbers.

Good health is ranked among the advantages of the Abyssinians. Veterinarian visits can be kept to a minimum if:

  • follow the rules of care;
  • be responsible for the selection of feed;
  • give your pet enough affection and time.

When these conditions are met, the pet lives from 8 to 10 years.

Determining that a pet is unwell is simple: rosette pigs activity and restlessness, constant interest in new things are characteristic. If the animal stops eating and does not leave the house, it means that the disease has nevertheless caught up with the animal and you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic.

Rosette guinea pig, cream color

Under natural conditions, animals live in groups of 5-10 individuals. They tend to build burrows together and coexist within the same territory. However, when kept at home, rodents exhibit such a behavioral feature as pugnaciousness. Accordingly, it is categorically impossible to lodge 2 males in one cage.

When trying to settle together 2 opposite-sex, but adult rodents, they need to be given time to get used to each other. The process takes not a single month and does not always end with success. Individuals from the same litter that grew up together will really get along well with each other.

Guinea pigs rosettes: price and purchase rules

Now, for thoroughbred Abyssinians, they often give out animals, defective according to the location of the rosettes or color, as well as mestizos.
If you want to purchase a purebred rosette pig, you should contact proven kennels or breeders, preferably according to recommendations.

An animal without a pedigree is sold for 1000 rubles or less. Breeder prices vary depending on the pig class. A pet class, that is, an individual not intended for breeding, will cost 1000-1500 rubles. Breed-class pigs are more expensive, the price can go up to 2,000 rubles.

Abyssinian guinea pig care and maintenance

Abyssinians are considered unpretentious pets, however, a minimum set of care manipulations should be required, otherwise, the pet may become ill, or its character will change for the worse.

Tortoiseshell rosette guinea pig

Arrangement of the cell

A small rodent cage is required, but it is important to pay attention to the length: the pig loves to walk, so the front and back walls should be at least 1 m.The dwelling should be equipped with the necessary devices:

  • a house in which the animal hides, rests or stores supplies;
  • drinker and feeder;
  • a manger for hay, can be attached both to the outside of the cage and to the inside;
  • toys - a wheel and a ladder, along which young individuals happily climb;
  • mineral stone for grinding cutters.

It is necessary to pour sawdust at the bottom, but it is better to use specialized granules. It is better to arrange a toilet in the corner opposite to the "dining room". General cleaning of the cage is recommended every week, and the feeders and drinkers must be washed daily.

Abyssinian guinea pig - piebald color


The basis of the diet is a special industrial feed with the addition of grass in summer and hay in winter. Also, you need to include fruits and vegetables in the menu, guided by the preferences of your own pet and the list of permitted products.

The body of guinea pigs does not produce ascorbic acid. It is necessary to provide them with a sufficient amount of substance with the help of rose hips, parsley, sweet pepper.

Owners of Abyssinian gilts should be aware that pet hair requires regular and careful hoopoe. Once a week, wipe the skin with a napkin soaked in plain water to remove dead lint and dirt. It is also necessary to comb the wool with a special device with a soft working part. Hard plastic and metal can damage your pet's skin.

Abyssinian guinea pig babies - color black and red self

In addition to wool, claws also require attention. If in the wild they are erased while running, then at home the animal does not have such an opportunity. You need to purchase special scissors. Ears should also be wiped clean. To do this, you need a clean cotton swab and an antibacterial drug purchased from a pet store.

Rosette pigs love walks, but no less joy is given to them by the opportunity to taste absolutely all the objects they encounter.

Important! If the pet walks around the apartment freely and without constant supervision, all electrical wires must be raised to a height unattainable for them. This will prevent accidental injury from electric shock.

Owner reviews

The charm and uniqueness of the Abyssinians prompts the owners to choose them as pets. Most of the host reviews are favorable and filled with positive emotions.

Sofia, 28 years old... “I have a very sensitive sense of smell, so when choosing a pet I was guided by the absence of“ aromas ”. Abyssinians do not smell at all, and their rosettes are a sea of ​​charm. Our girl is sweet, quiet and calm. Eats well, especially apples. It is enough for her to change the litter once every 2 weeks. I have a preschool son who is just learning to take care of pets. So they established a wonderful relationship, there were no bites, although the child showed imprudence a couple of times. "

Video: Abyssinian guinea pig

Abyssinian guinea pig (rosette)

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