
Papers 100 reasons why I love you. Decor items Craft product Valentine's Day Wedding Applique Jar "100 reasons why I love you Glass jars Paper Beads Ribbons. Confessions of a guy to a girl

Lists... I LOVE them. You start it on a blank sheet of paper, add, cross out, but the most interesting thing is that you see how the list moves towards completion!

This year I wanted to make one such list for my husband. Our anniversary is coming up, and I wanted to put together a nice long-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-n list of reasons why I still love him.

This thought prompted me to a beautiful sonnet:

How do I love you? Will you allow? I will say: I love you deeply, and highly, and widely. But if the feelings are not visible, all the same - the soul - with you. I love you to the very limits of existence, As we need the Sun's light during the day, as we need the light from a lamp at night. I love you freely, like that impulse of people in the eternal thirst for justice. I love as pure as they compose a song, a prayer for the boundless mercy of God. I love you with the power of a fierce fire, throwing away my past sorrows, And with a childlike faith in my heart, which sometimes seems lost to us. Like a conscience, Like a departed ideal - I love you, like my breath, Like laughter, like tears, my life - I accept the will of God before you ... And after death I will love even more, maybe ...
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Love takes over the soul

Don't these verses make you smile?

Now imagine how your husband will feel when you offer him the book you compiled with 100 reasons why you love HIM and HIM only. Great pleasure!!!
So don't delay, time is running out :-)

Before printing this book, make sure you collect everything, because you want to have all 100 reasons in it.
First of all, start thinking about the reasons why you fell in love with your husband ... is he a great kisser, are you drawn to his eyes, or do you like how your soul freezes with excitement at the sight of him? I would recommend taking notes on a separate sheet of paper until you have gathered your thoughts together.

Even with all the amazingness inherent in our husbands, 100 reasons why you love him is still a lot. But don't be afraid - we will help you!

Do you love your girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband so much, do you want to have a special reason to say that you love her/him every time you need it? Don't look it up, because these 100 reasons will give you the best answer.

In fact, there are even more than 100 reasons why I love him, including simple but correct phrases, as well as romantic poems explaining why I love you. Enjoy!

Our "research"

We asked our team members (women) to make a list of several reasons why they love their husbands, and from all the lists we received, we compiled one big list of over 250 reasons!

All of them are listed below, and you can use any of them that suits your mood and your relationship with your loved one. You can change or use them as they are listed.

Also, you can use the template of our wonderful book "100 Reasons Why I Love You". Download it below on the page, print it out and fill in the empty spaces for your handwritten text.

Present the completed, designed book "100 Reasons Why I Love You" to your beloved husband or boyfriend - and, believe me, he will be simply delighted with such a gift! The book will be the perfect gift for your beloved husband/boyfriend for another anniversary, birthday, Valentine's day, and even for occasions "oh, I wanted to."

100 reasons why I love you - list of phrases

1 You chose me!
2 We raise our children together in a very happy home.
3 You like to discuss the books we read together.
4 You teach our children to do funny and ridiculous things.
5 You worry about how I feel.
6 We spend a lot of time discussing the decisions we need to make together.
7 You tell me that I'm beautiful!
8 You take out the trash and I don't have to.
9 You are my best friend.
10 You encourage me by eating everything I cook and tell me it's delicious!
11 Your eyes smile when you laugh.
12 You kiss me when you leave home when I'm still sleeping in the morning.
13 You sing for the whole house and you have a beautiful voice.
14 You watch girls' shows with me.
15 You let me speak loudly in the cinema.
16 You always open the car door for me.
17 You eat everything I cook without complaining!
18 You always keep funny pictures on your phone to show me later because you want me to laugh too.
19 You tell me that I am the best beautiful woman in the world.
20 Your face at our wedding was the stupidest happy face ever.
21 When I say "you run over there and I'll go over here", you say, "no, let's go together".
22 You made chocolate chip pancakes for everyone on Sunday... again!
23 You don't hesitate to help me unravel every problem I take on.
24 You told me that I looked good yesterday.
25 You made our daughter a musical instrument that she is SO proud of!
26 You never leave me even when I'm in a bad mood.
27 You turn on the heated seat in the car for me.
28 You always change wet towels for dry ones when you know I'll shower after you.
29 When things don't go according to plan, you put up with it instead of being nervous.
30 Because I miss you... even if you're in the next room.
31 Because when I fall on a run, you take care of my knees.
32 I love every time you reach out in our huge bed to hug me.
33 Because you'd rather go to bed with me than watch a show on TV.
34 Because, after the next race, I always get a message from you "Did you win?"
35 Because TV, air conditioning and WiFi never work without you.
36 You've done a wonderful job with each of our children on their terms.
37 You are my intellectual equal, you meet every challenge I face with a wisdom and understanding that surprises me.
38 Because you are your dreams - these are my dreams.
39 You stop the car and invite me to Starbucks! (for a cup of coffee).
40 Because you are the sexiest man I have ever seen!
41 You know me better than myself.
42 You always want to help me achieve my goals.
43 You put my needs before your needs.
44 You have an inner strength that helps me stay calm when things go wrong.
45 You are able to calm and support me with a simple touch.
46 You can make me laugh, even if the situations are not funny.
47 I love that you think through everything you do for me.
48 You are able to protect me and take care of me.
49 You always help me to be better and get more satisfaction from everything I do.
50 You fulfill all my desires, no matter how small they are.
51 You inspire me.
52 You are my best friend!
53 You are my other half.
54 You believe in me.
55 With you it's not so scary in the dark
56 You love me even in "these days" of the month!
57 I love that your hands match mine perfectly.
58 You make me feel safe.
59 You don't just say you love me, you show it to me.
60 You know how to cheer me up when I'm sad.
61 You are always there when I need a shoulder to cry on.
62 I love that you can always make me laugh... REALLY laugh!
63 I love that you ask me about your day.
64 Your kisses make my knees tremble.
65 You are all I need.
66 If I had nothing but you, that would be enough.
67 I love that we let me curl up VERY close to you... even if you yourself are dying from the heat.
68 You make all my fears go away.
69 I love you because you love me.
70 You take care of me when I forget about it myself.
71 You get up when the kids wake up and I can sleep on weekends!
72 You know when to help and when not to interfere!
73 You work hard so I can stay home and raise the kids!
74 You calmly treat my antics!
75 You go shopping with me and you don't get mad when I take the time to try on!
76 You compliment me (and you do it sincerely)!
77 You do the dishes (Ha!).
78 You are incredibly patient!
79 You always keep your promises.
80 You may not always agree with my decisions, but you always trust me to make them!
81 You are a realist.
82 You love me in joy and sorrow!
83 You will do everything to make me happy!
84 You massage me every time I ask (and I ask often).
85 You make the best homemade milkshakes!
86 You don't mind and join me whenever you can in my love of Starbucks coffee!
87 You are the only person I can eat sushi with!
88 You love unconditionally.
89 You love being a father (and you are very good in this role)!
90 You do everything with love!
91 I love that you are the person with whom I will spend the rest of my life, because I know that with you not a single day will repeat (or will not be easier), but will always be filled with love and aspirations!
92 You turn the air conditioner warmer than usual because you know I'm "frosty!
93 You take SO much care of the kids.
94 You massage my feet every Friday night.
95 You support all my personal interests and hobbies.
96 You give me sincere compliments when you think I look good.
97 You support me when I feel like I've failed.
98 You eat everything I cook, even if it's completely inedible.
99 You love mine despite their antics!
100 You care about your health.
101 You teach kids how to be polite.
102 You make amazing desserts!
103 You always take my word for it.
104 We are always excited when we are together.
105 You come into the kitchen and cook with me, and often do it without me.
106 You are an amazing father!!!
107 You are working a lot.
108 You always support me.
109 You know how to handle electronics.
110 You excite me!
111 I love your hugs.
112 You always open the car door for me.
113 You yourself carry the heaviest purchases from the store.
114 You know how to put me above everything.
115 You are very kind in dealing with children.
116 You treat my family like your own family.
117 You gave me wonderful memories.
118 Your hugs always make me feel better.
119 You give sincere compliments.
120 You treat me like a lady, even if I look like a stuffed animal.
121 You're not afraid to look stupid to me.
122 You have the courage to follow your dreams.
123 You can always make me laugh, even when I feel like crying.
124 I still get goosebumps from you.
125 You easily share with me everything that you have.
126 You know little secrets that lift my spirits and make me happier.
127 You seem to only notice mine strengths and always confident in me.
128 You always have an idea for something fun to do.
129 You make me feel wanted and adored.
130 You make me feel like I can go through anything while I have you.
131 You sacrifice yourself and work hard without even noticing it.
132 You take care of me and pamper me when I'm sick.
133 You always find time for just the two of us.
134 You look at me like I'm the most beautiful in the world.
135 You can fix ANYTHING that breaks!
136 You always ask my opinion.
137 You still kiss my forehead, open doors for me, and kiss me at traffic lights.
138 You lay the girls down and kiss them before bed every night.
139 You always smell good!
140 You always help with cooking, cleaning and changing diapers.
141 You turn the ordinary into something extraordinary!
142 You always help me see something good when my sky is covered with gray clouds.
143 You laugh at my jokes even if they are not funny.
144 You support me in all my stupid endeavors like work, school or running!
145 You work so hard that I can be a housewife and go to school!
146 You say that I look beautiful even when I don't think so.
147 You always ask my opinion when you have to make an important decision.
148 You help change diapers and soothe a crying baby at night.
149 You can make me laugh even when I'm not in the mood.
150 You still act the same chivalrous way you did during our first dates.
151 I love that our love is growing every day!
152 Your charming behavior! Whether we're laughing or arguing, we both end up smiling!
153 Your absolute peace of mind on any occasion!
154 Can you cook! YES, you know how to cook better than me!
155 Your proof of faith and commitment to family and work, allowing our family to be successful, and me to stay at home with the children!
156 Your round-the-clock daily compliments to me, in my best and worst days.
157 You definitely LOVE me, and you prove it in every way!
158 You are definitely the most attractive and exciting in everything!
159 You are the best father a child could ever want! You manage to be a child with them again.
160 You turn me on incredibly when you wash the dishes!
161 You are waiting for me (in a certain sense) until I finally decide that my time has come!
162 You can fix everything!
163 You never complain or roll your eyes when I ask you to kill a spider.
164 I know that if I turn to you with a request to fix or do something for a planned party, you will always find an unusual solution.
165 You are an incredible father and breadwinner for our family.
166 You always offer to bring me broth if I'm not feeling well.
167 You are a gentleman!
168 You are always ready to travel - I love the memories of them with you!
169 You believe in my creative talents and support my hobbies.
170 You are great at hugging.
171 You make pancakes for me, even though you don't like them yourself and prefer waffles.
172 You are really interested in my opinion and appreciate my perspectives.
173 When I'm with you, I can be myself.
174 You have such a beautiful smile and it makes me happy all day long.
175 I like the way you look at me and I feel calm and loved.
176 You think I'm pretty/attractive no matter what.
177 The way you walk, talk, smile or laugh just melts my heart.
178 We are independent, but at the same time we are together and inseparable.
179 No matter how others see me, you make me feel special.
180 You put up with my mood and other shortcomings.
181 You are good to my family.
182 We may photograph our most awkward expressions or poses, but we still perceive each other as the most interesting people in the world.
183 I like the way you hug me and it increases my sense of security.
184 I can be as stupid as I want without fear that you will love me less, because you always say that I am the light of your eyes.
185 You always amaze me.
186 When I hear your voice in a noisy company, I instantly recognize it, and this makes me feel the most peaceful and happy in the whole world.
187 You always speak your mind honestly.
188 You could go to the ends of the earth just to be with me because you think I am your whole world.
189 You remember everything we did together.
190 You protect me like my parents did when I was little, and you will do anything to keep me from hurting myself.
191 You are amazing, even when angry or gloomy.
192 You can find beauty in the little things and show me how to admire them.
193 You hold me like you don't want me to leave.
194 You test me and give me life lessons to make me a better person.
195 I love your passion for hobbies and your interests.
196 You call or text me every day to make sure I'm okay.
197 I love the way you finger my fingers when we're holding hands.
198 Your sense of humor always brightens my day.
199 You make me feel like you'll never fool me, and I believe in it.
200 I love looking at your childhood photos and hearing stories about your childhood, imagining what you were like back then.
201 You take care of me and comfort me when I'm in a bad mood.
202 I love you not only because of who you are, but also because of who I am when I am with you.
203 You always take care of me and stay by my side when I'm sick.
204 You say stupid and funny things to make me laugh.
205 How you kiss my forehead when you go to work every day.
206 I like it when you sing to me, especially when our song is played.
207 How calm you are.
208 I love how I feel when I hug you around the waist.
209 You always like the food I cook, even if sometimes it doesn't taste good.
210 I love your resourcefulness.
211 You love it when I cook, but when I'm too tired or irritated for that, you always feel it, and you can cook something for me.
212 You always remember our anniversaries and surprise me with small gifts.
213 The way you call me "my baby"
214 I like it when you find a small park and take me there for a walk when it's a nice sunny day and a light breeze is blowing.
215 You always give me funny names.
216 When we come to the beach, I like to sunbathe with you.
217 You always know what I think and what I'm about to say.
218 When I am very upset about something, you always listen to my complaints and try to calm me down. But when I calm down, you give me advice on how I can do better next time.
219 I love your ability to uplift my feelings when times get tough.
220 We both love the Yankee baseball team.
221 You upload our photos and post statuses on Facebook even when your friends are teasing you.
222 You can't hide when you try to deceive me I see you through!
223 You don't smoke or use drugs because you want to keep me and our baby healthy.
224 You interestingly tell me your dreams every morning.
225 I like your wrinkles and creases around the eyes when you smile.
226 My parents always speak well of you and know that you are the most suitable guy for their dear daughter.
227 When I first saw you, I looked into your heart. I know that you were the right person and we got off to a great start.
228 I love the sound of your voice when you whisper in my ear. I have goosebumps running down my back.
229 I'm never scared when you're around.
230 You love me for who I am. Although we are different, you never try to change me.
231 I like it when we watch movies late and fall asleep on the couch together.
232 When I imagine my dream partner for a life together, all I see is you.
233 I like the way we finish each other's sentences.
234 You plan our trips during the holidays.
235 I like the way you treat my friends.
236 You leave notes for me to eat breakfast and do important things while I'm still sleeping.
237 You taught me the phrase "I love" in different languages. My favorite option is Je t'aime (French "I love you" - ed.).
238 After a big fight, you always call me first to make up.
239 You look great on the street, but you look even better indoors.
240 You promise to build a treehouse for me so that I can have a cozy and peaceful place when I need it.
241 I love that we can spend the whole evening together, doing nothing, just talking and laughing, and it's wonderful.
242 You have a great body and soul, but you never flirt with anyone because you always say that I am the only one for you.
243 I can confess everything to you, but you never treat me worse.
244 You're good with the homeless.
245 You always laugh at my jokes, even if they aren't funny at all.
246 Thank you for making me feel better about myself.
247 You often draw caricatures of us.
248 You love to sing and dance while brushing your teeth. You are so energetic! My life would not be complete without you.
249 You watch women's TV shows with me, and I play video games with you.
250 You have magical hands that can fix anything - a toilet, a computer, a chandelier...
251 I love that you accept everything I do for you and don't take it for granted.
252 I love you because you give me peace of mind in the midst of worldwide strife.

"100 Reasons Why I Love You" - gift book template

After compiling our list, we had the idea to create a gift book template in which we could enter 100 reasons for loving our loved one and then give it to someone who needs it.

We ended up creating a template and we really liked it. We all printed it out, filled it out and presented it to our husbands - they were indescribably delighted, their eyes were full of love for us!

Please use this "100 Reasons Why I Love You" template to create your own big love family book!


No matter how much each of us loves her husband, none of the women can say that she is married to the perfect man. And we also do not pretend to be ideal wives.

We all have good and bad moods, we all, like you, face the problems of married life. But each of us in our team realized that the more we focus on the positive aspects of our spouses and our marriage, the better our family life becomes :-).

I hope you enjoy creating this book with your personal 100 Reasons to Love Your Husband/Boyfriend and find new words to express how much you love each other every day!

Love and happiness to you!

What to give a beloved man, what to give a girl, what to give a guy for his birthday, for the anniversary of the relationship? An original do-it-yourself gift for a loved one - a jar with notes "101 reasons why I love you."

Of course, you yourself will find something to praise or thank your loved one for. But, if there are difficulties, then here are examples of notes:

1. Happiness is being with you
2. You are never boring
3. You know how to make me smile
4. You always feel my mood
5. You love me with all my flaws
6. When you hug me, everything is fine.
7. I can be myself when you are around.
8. Passion for you makes me lose my head
9. We can do anything when we are together.
10. The best day is the day spent with you
11. I thank God for the happiness of being with you
12. You like me even when I grumble
13. You understand me perfectly
14. You will never say: “This is the 10th time I hear this story!”
15. We can talk about everything and nothing
16. You are my inspiration
17. There is no one more beautiful than you!
18. You give me confidence
19. You know how to give me happiness
20. You always feel if I feel bad
21. I am not afraid of anything when you are with me.
22. You are always on my side
23. It's so nice to chat with you at dinner
24. I can trust you
25. You always help me if needed.
26. When I'm with you, nothing else matters
27. From one of your smiles, all my sadness disappears
28. You always listen when I speak
29. It's so cozy to be in silence with you
30. When you are around, the world blooms around
31. We are the perfect couple
32. I am touched by your appearance when you sleep
33. The thought of you fills with love every moment
34. You understand me even when I whine
35. Every moment with you is filled with joy
36. The best night the one we spend together
37. I don't understand how you can live without you
38. At least you pretend to listen to my advice
39. My heart beats for you
40. You believe in me
41. You always look great
42. You can call to say you love me
43. Your hugs are so affectionate
44. Your support is very important to me.
45. You have an amazing sense of humor
46. ​​Thanks to you, I become better
47. It is impossible to be offended by you for a long time
48. You are the most amazing person on the ground
49. I see love in your eyes

50. I love your smile
51. In the book of my life, the best chapters about you
52. You always know how to please me
53. You care about me and do not demand anything in return
54. You will understand if I forget something important
55. When I look at you, my heart stops
56. You are my dearest treasure
57. You have the key to my heart
58. Sometimes I just need to hug you
59. When we are together, time does not matter
60. You are interested in all the little things in my life
61. Your love protects me
62. Everything became fine with your appearance
63. You can brighten up the gloomiest day
64. When I take your hand, it becomes easy for me
65. You make our life happy
66. You turn me on
67. I want us to always be together
68. You always make me happy just by being you.
69. We know the most beautiful aspects of love
70. You know how to find the right words
71. Your happiness is most important to me
72. You are good anywhere
73. Even your small actions are very important to me
74. I want not to let you out of my arms
75. Looking into your eyes, I understand: my dreams have come true
76. You teach me to love
77. I love listening to your voice
78. You are tenderness itself
79. I love everything you do
80. You don't want to get out of bed with you
81. You are my best friend
82. You are always on my mind
83. I'm crazy about you
84. You awaken passion in me
85. You are like a magnet, I am drawn to you
86. You are my most beautiful dream
87. With you, you can not be afraid to look stupid
88. For me, pleasure is to be with you
89. You can break away from your favorite things to be with me
90. I can ask you stupid questions
91. All I need is to know that you are near
92. Your advice helps me
93. You know my secrets and keep them
94. You are my sunshine
95. You and I look great together
96. All my friends are delighted with you
97. You know how to console me when I'm sad
98. There is nothing sweeter than your kisses
99. Our desires coincide so often
100. I want you to own my life
101. I don't need any reason, I love you very much!

An original confession of love is the dream of every person in love. One of the unusual and attractive acts is to compose short phrases on the topic: "Why I love you." A person has the opportunity to show imagination and frankness, since it is not always easy to come up with, for example, 100 reasons “Why I love you”; will have to try.

The tips below will help you either prepare a template or awaken dormant inspiration. Sometimes it's really enough to admire other people's paintings to make you want to create your own masterpiece - and in our case. The "reasons for love" provided are almost universal and suitable for many couples, but nothing prevents them from diluting, diversifying and modifying. The main thing is that the thematic reasons “Why I love you” do not roll into the usual enumerations of adjectives like “you are good, sweet, affectionate”, but be a little more diverse and original.

How to issue

After selecting the appropriate phrases and reasons, one thing remains: to inform your soulmate about them. There are many options, but the most common are:

1. Throughout the day, tell your loved one prepared confessions. Let's say every 10-15 minutes to approach and affectionately for one reason. The main thing is to be able to spend the whole day together, otherwise this method will not work.

2. Make one hundred pieces of paper, on each of which write for one reason and give it to your beloved / beloved as a gift. Each note can be accompanied by a small picture or emoticon for a more positive response from the recipient.

3. If you have enough friends, you can persuade each of them to send for one reason, which you will tell the person. Of course, the phrase should be changed to "NAME loves you because..." etc.

So, now we can move on to the most important thing: 100 “why”. I love you because...

Confessions of a girl to a guy

1. ...with you I feel the happiest in the world.
2. ... you have an excellent sense of humor.
3. ... with you I feel like behind a stone wall, I feel protected.
4. ...you make me sincerely smile even on rainy days.
5. ... you don't bother me.
6. ... I can always expect moral support from you.
7. ... thanks to your compliments, I have no complexes: I know that I'm pretty.
8. ... sometimes it seems to me as if you are reading my mind.
9. ... I feel welcome next to you.
10. ... you are both a lover and a friend at the same time.
11. ... your willingness to break loose to me at any moment delights.
12. ... with you, I understood what the meaning of female happiness is.
13. ... your promises are not empty.
14. ...sometimes I can be with you a capricious, mischievous child.
15. ...you come to me in my dreams.
16. ... you have a mesmerizing voice.
17. ...you can easily make me laugh.
18. ...you will never hit me.
19. ... I can feel like a real woman.
20. ... I found the "ideal prince."

Confessions of a guy to a girl

21. ...you are a good kisser.
22. ... I like the way you look at me in love.
23. ...I feel stronger because I have someone to protect.
24. ...you always look your best.
25. ... thanks to you, I want to perform feats.
26. ...you excite me.
27. ... you are a talented hostess.
28. ... you trust me and don't get jealous out of nowhere.
29. ... I can admire you.
30. ... if you are offended, then very quickly move away.
31. ... you are my beautiful muse.
32. ...with you I'm not afraid to seem ridiculous.
33. ... next to you, I feel like a naive teenager in love.
34. ... every day I learn something new about you.
35. ...I like to hug you.
36. ... you want to be carried in your arms.
37. ...sometimes I want to please you for no reason.
38. ...you treat my friends and hobbies with respect.
39. ...with you I don't want to look "left".
40. ... you are the girl of my dreams.

General (universal) recognitions

41. ... we understand each other even without words.
42. ...your touch turns on.
43. ... you are the most beautiful person in the world.
44. ... you inspire me every day.
45. ... you know what I like.
46. ​​... you are sincerely interested in what is happening in my life.
47. ...your unpredictability is awesome.
48. ... you always look sexy, despite the look of clothes or sleepiness.
49. ...I like our conversations, even if they are about nothing.
50. ... all my thoughts are occupied only by you.
51. ... you don't put on a mask, you remain yourself.
52. ... your advice is very valuable.
53. ...I like to wake up in the morning thinking about you.
54. ... you are not cheating on me.
55. ... thanks to you, I got the closest and most reliable person.
56. ...we always have something to talk about.
57. ... next to you, I don’t need anything else for happiness.
58. ... our hugs, kisses and glances are the best antidepressants in the world.
59. ...our quarrels never last long.
60. ...thanks to you, I know for sure that love exists.

Joking confessions

61. ...you erotically yawn.
62. ... you know how to talk.
63. ... you walk straight.
64. ...you don't fight like Chuck Norris.
65. ... you do not have a nose, like Pinocchio, otherwise it would prevent us from kissing.
66. ... you are not a genius, otherwise I would have to feel like a stupid person.
67. ...your voice is not nasty.
68. ...your culinary delights still haven't poisoned me.
69. ...thanks to you, I'm no longer a soul mate.
70. ...you don't suck money out of my wallet like a vacuum cleaner.
71. ... you do not suffer from sleepwalking.
72. ...you are not making serious attempts to kill me. I hope this is not only because of criminal liability.
73. ...I don't know all your closet skeletons.
74. ... we have common secrets that cannot be told to anyone in order to avoid someone's death.
75. ...you weigh less than an elephant.
76. ... at the thought of a wedding, I don’t want to run far and for a long time.
77. ... my brain is still not blown.
78. ...I have no choice.
79. ... you are a witch (sorcerer) and you have bewitched me (s).
80. ...together we can conquer the world.

Confessions of married people

81. ...we have a wonderful
82. ...our wedding was unforgettable.
83. ...you haven't changed for the worse since getting married.
84. ...together we have gone through and will go through fire and water.
85. ...our family is perfect.
86. ... we do not forget about each other for a minute.
87. ... our sex life is no different from pre-wedding.
88. ...you and I don't have major scandals.
89. ... I have never thought about divorce.
90. ...we have our own family secrets and values.
91. ...we can always understand each other.
92. ... with your work, you do not forget about me and my family.
93. ... our joint nest is very cozy thanks to you.
94. ... proud of you always.
95. ...we have common habits.
96. ... our relationship does not deteriorate over time.
97. ... all my memories and joyful moments are connected with you.
98. ...you make me feel like I'm 18. Always 18.
99. ...I expect to live many more happy years with you.
100. ...your relatives treat me positively.

Additional/closing card/phrase: "Now you know why I love you!"

Sometimes it's hard for us to confess our love. For some reason, many people are terribly afraid to say "I love you", considering these three cherished words to be a kind of taboo. Today we have prepared a selection interesting ideas and a list of 100 reasons that will help you explain your feelings to a loved one in an original way.


So, I love you because:

  1. You are the funniest and kindest.
  2. You make me happier.
  3. Your scent drives me crazy.
  4. My heart flutters with joy at the thought of you.
  5. I love your sincere and kind eyes, I want to drown in them.
  6. You don't see my flaws.
  7. You forgive me all my whims and oversights.
  8. Thanks to you, I understood the true meaning of love.
  9. You have the most beautiful smile.
  10. I feel loved next to you.
  11. You like just being with me.
  12. You don't care what other people think
  13. You, like me, like to look at the stars.
  14. You make the most delicious coffee.
  15. You worry if I'm warmly dressed.
  16. You spoil me with delicious treats.
  17. You are the best lover.
  18. Only you know how to give such compliments.
  19. My mother loves you.
  20. My dad treats you well.
  21. You understand me perfectly.
  22. You always feel if I feel bad.
  23. Your hugs are the most affectionate and cozy.
  24. Do you believe in miracles.
  25. You trust me.
  26. You will never end a conversation first.
  27. You always take my side.
  28. You are always ready to help me.
  29. You never get bored.
  30. You admire my beauty, no matter what state I'm in.
  31. You can chat for hours about anything.
  32. Every moment spent with you fills my heart with joy and warmth.
  33. You are unrealistically beautiful when you sleep.
  34. You always know how to cheer me up.
  35. With the appearance of you, the smile does not leave my face.
  36. Looking at you, I understand that I have found the meaning of life.
  37. You are not only my lover, but also my best friend.
  38. We are the most beautiful couple.
  39. Your kisses are the sweetest.
  40. You will kiss me in the morning.
  41. You are the most beautiful.
  42. You are my universe.
  43. You know how to surprise.
  44. Your surprises and gifts are unpredictable.
  45. You always remind me of my virtues.
  46. You are the best person I know.
  47. You will never betray me.
  48. You don't use bad words.
  49. You are very educated.
  50. Do you like to read books.
  51. You don't like to play computer games.
  52. You are the most responsible.
  53. You always tell me the truth.
  54. You are my other half.
  55. I feel very comfortable and at ease with you.
  56. You inspire me to new culinary exploits.
  57. You always know how to calm me down.
  58. With you, I'm not afraid to look funny or stupid.
  59. You excite my blood.
  60. You confess your love to me every day.
  61. I like to walk with you by the hand.
  62. You will not quit in difficult times.
  63. Your opinion is authoritative for me.
  64. Do you miss me.
  65. You kiss me every time you come and go.
  66. You stroke my tummy when it hurts.
  67. You motivate me to play sports.
  68. You arrange romantic evenings.
  69. You are the smartest.
  70. I like my state of happiness next to you.
  71. You make me eat right.
  72. You take care of my health.
  73. You are a fun person and the life of the party.
  74. You are not trying to change me, but you perceive me for who I am.
  75. You are the most patient.
  76. You are an interesting conversationalist.
  77. I always look forward to your return.
  78. You find me seductive and sexy.
  79. You notice every little thing in my image.
  80. I am sure of your loyalty to me.
  81. I love our walks in the evenings.
  82. You inspire me to write love poems.
  83. You listen to my opinion.
  84. I fell in love with you at first sight.
  85. You have a beautiful smile.
  86. You are confident.
  87. You are proud, but at the same time reasonable.
  88. You love spending time with me.
  89. Your feelings for me are sincere.
  90. You only wish me happiness.
  91. When you hug me, my body is trembling.
  92. Your family is the most important thing in your life.
  93. You are jealous, but in moderation.
  94. You call me "my little one" and "princess".
  95. You love taking pictures with me.
  96. You dream of becoming the father of our children.
  97. You sing songs to me.
  98. You are funny in the morning.
  99. You say you'll never let me go
  100. Simply because it is the most beautiful feeling in the world and it is you who evokes it in me.

Of course, you should not literally adhere to the above options, because each person is unique, so it is better to make the reasons based on his individual merits, habits and qualities. Remember your special words, common jokes and traditions - and create your own "one hundred reasons why I love you." Such a gift, which can be given for a birthday or Valentine's Day, will be equally pleasant for both a guy and a girl. And now let's decorate such an unusual gift in an original way.

Gift Ideas

So, you have compiled your list of confessions, and now it remains only to present the present in an original way.

There are many ideas for decorating such a gift - it can be a poster, a large postcard, a scroll, a letter, a notebook or a beautiful notebook.

The main thing is not to forget about visual effects when designing: write each new item in a different color, decorate the paper. For example, you can stick on lots of little hearts, butterflies, draw cute pictures, or burn the edges of the paper to make it look antique. In addition, you can create a photo album or a jar of confessions. Let's take a closer look at these two extraordinary options.

  • Photo album with declarations of love. This is a rather complicated gift option, requiring certain costs and time to create it. However, such a gift will surely please the donor. So, select 100 photos that show your loved one with you or by yourself (if you don’t find such a number, then supplement the album with beautiful romantic pictures that can be found on the Internet), insert them into the album and write a declaration of love under each photo .
  • Bank with confessions. This is no less interesting and original option for decorating a gift. To do this, you will need to write the reasons not as a general list, but each on a separate small piece of paper. Then you take a jar, decorate it as you wish (you can use ribbons, sequins, shells, beads, sparkles, stickers, etc.), roll your confessions into tubes and fill the jar. In addition, your set of confessions does not have to be put in a jar - it can be a bag, a box, a box, an envelope, and any other container. This version of the design of confessions is still original in that you can not read all the confessions at once, but, for example, take out 2-3 leaves a day and thus stretch the pleasure of pleasant words for a long time.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for the original design of a gift for a loved one. The main thing is to connect your imagination, tune in to the wave of love and ideas will come by themselves. Love and be loved, and do not forget to pamper your dear people with romantic and sincere gifts.

The best gift is pleasant emotions and attention. On the Internet, you can find a lot of ideas for hand made gifts for your loved ones. A jar with wishes will be a wonderful present. It is quite easy to make it with your own hands. This is a beautiful container with notes of any content. For example, they may indicate the reasons for love for a particular person, wishes, compliments, memories, or even common dreams.

Such a gift will appeal not only to the second half, but also to mother, sister, brother. It is also a wonderful surprise for the teacher. It will be important for the class teacher to know that from a pure soul a jar with wishes was made with her own hands. Write the text as a whole class. The teacher will be delighted with such attention.

Materials for manufacturing

For work you will need:

  • Beautiful glass or plastic transparent jar.
  • colored with an unusual texture.
  • Decor: rhinestones, ribbons, twine, feathers and everything that is enough for imagination.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot glue gun.

You can look for a container for a gift at home. For example, for this purpose, you can use a transparent plastic box for granulated tea or lollipops. If there is no such thing in the house, go to a hardware store or a china shop. beautiful paper and other decor can be purchased at a needlework store. Now turn on your imagination. The container can be painted with acrylic paints or special contours for glass. Stick on rhinestones, feathers. As an option: wrap part of the jar and the lid with twine.

Next, cut paper strips. Their length and width will depend on what size text you want to write. There can be wishes, words of love, compliments, dreams, memories - whatever your heart desires. Roll up the paper strips. Glue a ribbon or thick thread to each scroll. The multi-colored laces look beautiful.

Wish text

Not enough imagination to come up with wishes? Perhaps these tips will help you. We offer you the most popular options:

  1. Happiness no matter what!
  2. Good health!
  3. Favorable wind!
  4. Luck.
  5. Tenderness and kindness.
  6. May all dreams and hopes come true!
  7. May your glass always be half full!
  8. Optimism!
  9. Understanding from others!
  10. Happy news.
  11. Smiles from ear to ear.
  12. Sunny mood.
  13. Discoveries!
  14. Faith in yourself!
  15. Reliable friends.
  16. Eternal youth in the soul.
  17. To turn a hobby into a job.
  18. Believe in the best, and it will surely come true.
  19. Let the house be a full bowl.
  20. Great news always!
  21. May every day bring an occasion for laughter.
  22. May there always be stability in life.
  23. Inspiration!
  24. Lots of time for creativity.
  25. Love life in all its manifestations!
  26. May love never leave your home!
  27. Will to win!
  28. Fairy tale feeling.
  29. Rainbows after the rain!
  30. Let good luck smile in the whole mouth!
  31. Many summers!
  32. Books you can't put down!
  33. Let lilacs always bloom outside the window!
  34. Birdsong!
  35. May you always have interesting dreams!
  36. Travel!
  37. Sweet sunshine!
  38. As much money as you want!
  39. Peaceful sky above.
  40. Don't lose your taste for life!
  41. Wisdom!
  42. Let the dream come true.
  43. Strength to accomplish everything.
  44. Let gardens bloom and birds sing around.
  45. Let the sea surf sing songs to you every summer.
  46. Interesting people around.
  47. Desire to study, study and study again!
  48. Learn to get up at dawn! You will gain a lot!
  49. Clear smile!
  50. Warm attitude to your person!
  51. Creativity!
  52. Drive!
  53. Never stop there!
  54. Pray!
  55. Plant flowers!
  56. Enjoy delicious food!
  57. Drink green tea!
  58. Give up bad habits!
  59. Play with animals. They absorb stress!
  60. Learn to ride a horse!
  61. Listen to the rain!
  62. Play musical instruments!
  63. Listen to the classics.
  64. Just believe!
  65. Be honest with yourself!
  66. Tell your loved ones that you love!
  67. Share with those in need!
  68. Make new friends!
  69. Swim!
  70. Sunbathe!
  71. Ride your bike!
  72. Plant a tree!
  73. Launch a kite.
  74. Climb to the top of the mountain.
  75. Learn foreign languages.
  76. Read every day, no matter how busy you are.
  77. Read books to children!
  78. Dream as much as you can!
  79. Play board games with friends.
  80. Make your home more comfortable!
  81. Catch the fish!
  82. Skate.
  83. Be in nature often.
  84. Grill a barbecue.
  85. Learn to cook.
  86. Learn to understand wine.
  87. Go to the theatre.
  88. Play with children.
  89. Do yoga.
  90. Jump rope.
  91. Eat chocolate.
  92. Go for a walk in the forest.
  93. Collect mushrooms and strawberries!
  94. Drink hedgehog milk.
  95. Do something crazy!
  96. Love yourself!
  97. Follow your dream.
  98. Look at the stars!
  99. Walk in the rain!
  100. Smile at the world and it will love you back!

Put all the notes in a container. Tie a beautiful ribbon to the lid and hang a postcard on it. Everyone dreams of such a surprise in their hearts, because a jar with wishes was made with their own hands. 100 wishes that the hero of the occasion will find inside will touch the strings of his soul.

Freehand or template

Notes can be written by hand. There is another option: download beautiful backgrounds from the Internet and print all the pleasant things that you want to convey to your loved one or friend. You can make up your own words. Or you can use ready-made templates and just print them, and then cut them. This, of course, is worse than inventing it yourself. But if there is no imagination at all, then it is better than nothing.

Gift for newlyweds

Newlyweds can arrange two such containers. They will be pleasantly surprised that the gift was not bought in a store, but jars with wishes were made with their own hands. Photos of decor for the bride and groom can be peeped on the Internet. For example, draw two pigeons, horses, swans on the container. All of them are a symbol of marital fidelity. Inside put notes with wishes from you and your family. The second option: guests throw notes with wishes into a festively decorated container during the celebration itself.

And, of course, such a gift can be presented by the bride to the groom. Subsequently, it will become a family treasure, as a jar with wishes is made with your own hands. 100 Reasons Why I Love You is a heartfelt gift that a newly-made husband will reread in moments of joy or small quarrels.

Memories of the sea

Let's dwell on the marine style in more detail. After all, it can be used as a decor. In addition, in such a jar it will be possible to attach a lot of shells and other gifts of Neptune that you brought from your vacation.

For decoration you will need:

  • Jar.
  • White paint (water-based paint is suitable).
  • Acrylic putty.
  • Alcohol.
  • Two types of glue: PVA and "Crystal".
  • Napkin with a pattern in a marine style.
  • Varnish for decorative works: transparent.
  • Printer paper (preferably colored).
  • Brush (synthetic).
  • Marine decor.
  • Scissors.

Manipulations are performed in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, the bank needs to be degreased. For this, alcohol or acetone is suitable. You can also use an alcohol pad.
  2. We take a napkin. Separate the upper ball with a pattern. We smear part of the container with PVA glue. We put the top layer of the napkin with the pattern inside.
  3. Let's move on to creating the effect of the seabed. To do this, we select small pebbles, shells, sand. To create a shimmery effect, you can mix it with sparkles white color. Everything that is on our seabed needs to be fixed. To do this, fill all the objects with transparent varnish.
  4. In the place where the napkin is located, you need to prime the jar with white paint. Half of the container will remain transparent, the second part - white. Wait until it dries.
  5. When the paint has dried, apply a thick layer of putty on it. Until it dries, put decor on it: pebbles, shells, rhinestones.
  6. Rough large decor should be combined with the transparent part of the jar. To create a smooth transition, we use sand, small and broken shells.

A boy who dreams of sea adventures will like such a gift - a jar with wishes. With her own hands, her mother, sister, girlfriend can do it. Have each member of your family write and throw notes at her with memories of the past vacation. This container can be used as a piggy bank. It will be easier to part with money looking at seascapes, because this is a kind of visualization of a dream.

For a beloved friend

Have you been in touch for many years and know everything about each other? Do you want to surprise your beloved girlfriend with an unusual present? Now handmade is in fashion. Such a present is priceless, as a jar with wishes is made with your own hands. Your friend will love this gift. If you have been friends since childhood, you can describe joint pranks in small scrolls. Perhaps she no longer remembers them. Therefore, the present will cause her tears of tenderness.

A jar with wishes: we make a surprise for mom with our own hands!

There are no people in the world more dear and dearer than parents. On the eve of a birthday or March 8, you can prepare a unique present for your mother. In no one, even the best boutique in the world, you will find such an amazing gift, because a jar with wishes is made by hand. "100 Reasons Why I Love Mom" ​​with dad's help a kid can write. But the mother of adult children will also be moved if she receives such a present. An adult daughter can present her childhood memories associated with him in a decorative jar to her father. Such a gift is priceless. And they will keep it like a treasure.

Idea for Valentine's Day

A month before the holiday, put notes with compliments, your dreams, spicy questions into two beautiful jars. On Valentine's Day, spend a chic romantic evening reading pleasant words. The sea of ​​laughter and positive is provided to you. Fold the notes back and put the jars in a prominent place. They will be the decor in the room. When you get sad or you quarrel with your soul mate, remember these cute notes. They will certainly cheer you up and help build relationships.

Graduates from teachers

Your teaching staff does not know how to congratulate your beloved students on graduation? A teacher in labor education or fine arts can easily arrange such a jar with wishes for children. Schoolchildren will be delighted with such a gift. You can keep it at home. And at the meetings of graduates, you can open the brought container, reading notes and remembering childhood.

Letter to the future

And would you be interested in receiving a letter from yourself after 10-20, or maybe thirty years? Classroom teacher at graduation, he can recommend that students write such a message. Invite yesterday's schoolchildren to give advice to themselves 25-30 years old. The honorable mission to store the container is taken on by the “cool mom”. The lid of the jar can be symbolically filled with wax and placed. It will be possible to uncork the container after 20 years at the meeting of graduates. Former classmates will have a choice: read their messages out loud or keep them as something very personal. Naturally, for letters you will have to pick up a large capacity. The best decor would be a pre-ordered sticker with a group photo of the class.