
When does a newborn begin to sleep well through the night? Day dream. Until what age should children sleep during the day? How old is daytime sleep in children

Co-sleeping will be very useful for mom in the first months of a baby’s life, as it brings several positive aspects at once:

First, lies in the fact that next to the mother the child will always be at a comfortable temperature, and this is very important for children of the first month of life. At this age, the thermoregulatory system of children is not very perfect, they often get supercooled, and as a result, they get colds.

Second, helps to give the baby a sense of calm and security, he hears the beat of his mother's heart, her breath, warmth, feels her presence and all fears disappear.

The third, a mother who breastfeeds a baby and sleeps with him all night has better lactation than mothers who sleep separately from their children.

Fourth, such joint sleep allows mom to sleep, it's no secret that women have to get up several times during the night to feed their baby.

Fifth, the child, with his mother, sleeps more soundly, and his sleep turns out to be more complete, since a very sensitively sleeping mother will start feeding or stroke at the time, preventing the baby from waking up prematurely from sleep.

Sixth, mothers during lactation, especially in the first months of a child's life, are very anxious, and sleeping with a baby will help reduce the degree of mother's anxiety many times over.

Seventh, mother and child sleeping together, as a rule, wake up the same together, which positively affects the mood of both.

Eighth, the risk of sudden infant death is greatly reduced when parents and the child sleep together.

In children, depending on age, attitudes to the place of sleep may change. So at the age of 1 to 6 months, babies sleep well alone in their crib, and by about 1.5 years, many babies begin to actively protest against their bed. Parents should not strongly insist on a separate dream, because such a situation can lead to serious psychological trauma and neuroses. A similar situation most often arises due to the fact that at this age the child begins to form various fears, which in turn is closely related to changes in the development of brain regions.

Many experts and just moms believe that the joint sleep of mother and child is the best sleep option for both. But there are a number of reasons why a child should sleep separately from their parents:

First, lies in the fact that in the parental bed, the child has an increased risk of strangulation by the mother during sleep. The sleep of a young mother is very sensitive, nature arranged it that way, but there are situations when a mother takes sedatives or she is very tired during the day, or maybe she took alcohol, then the sleep becomes strong and the woman cannot control herself and the child during sleep, in In such cases, the baby must sleep in his own bed.

Second, the parental bed is a place of fulfillment of marital duty and the presence of a child in it in one way or another imposes restrictions on the sexual life of parents. Very often, women, due to their fatigue, refuse to fulfill their marital duty, explaining this by the presence of a child in their bed. In some families, the father has to leave the bed altogether and sleep separately from his wife. All this can become a serious cause for conflicts in the family.

Third The reason why it would be better for a child to sleep in his own bed is to acquire the skill of falling asleep on his own. Children sleeping in the same bed with their parents develop a strong need for parental presence, this habit in the future will bring a lot of trouble and problems not only to parents, but also to the child himself. Therefore, it is best to start gradually weaning the baby from sharing sleep with parents after 3 years.

Fourth, the sleep of some parents who are in the same bed with the baby becomes superficial, as a result of which they very often do not get enough sleep.

This is actually all the reasons why the child should fall asleep separately from the parents. If you decide to start accustoming your baby to a separate sleep, then you will need to have more patience and ingenuity. Ideally, it is better to wait for the moment when the child himself wants to move to his bed, such a convenient moment can occur at the age of 3-4 years, when the baby tries to be like adults and strive to do everything himself, at this moment it is worth writing everything for him advantages of a separate bed. You need to start the process of weaning from parental presence gradually, for example, during daytime sleep, the baby should sleep alone or in his bed, he also sleeps in his crib for part of the night. Some parents put the baby in their bed, and then transfer it to the nursery, this option is suitable if the baby does not cry a lot in the morning in search of a mother who has disappeared overnight. In order for a grown-up baby to have a desire to sleep in his bed, think over an interesting design of his room or bed, the modern market in this area is now very large and can offer many interesting design options, both for the bed and the room as a whole. Distracting maneuvers can also be used, for example, instead of herself, a mother can leave a child’s favorite toy or a pet that promises to look after the baby for a while. Gradually, the time of absence in the mother's room increases and as a result, the baby falls asleep on his own. Leave a light in the room at the request of the child, this will help him cope with fears, help control fears.

Frequent waking up at night in infancy disturbs many young parents. However, by learning more about the sleep patterns of young children, it becomes clear to them why the baby sleeps the way it does and when to expect a baby to sleep through the night.

Sleep temperament

All kids are different - some are calm by nature, others are very energetic and active, others find it difficult to restrain themselves and they are quickly irritated, others are uncertain and slow. And this cannot but affect children's sleep. But, if parents take into account the temperament of the baby, they will be able to better understand the baby and influence the baby’s sleep, as well as correctly compose bedding rituals.

Depending on their temperament, some children are able to relax before falling asleep and fall asleep on their own, while others are not. One of the children wakes up from a wet diaper, while the sleep of other babies is not a hindrance. Given the sensitivity of the baby to extraneous sounds, temperature and other irritants, it will be easier to put the baby to bed at night.

Very active babies should choose a longer sleep ritual so that the baby smoothly moves from a state of cheerfulness to a desire to fall asleep. If a calm baby can fall asleep immediately, as soon as the mother turned off the light, this will not work with an active baby. Since active babies become more energetic after feeding, it makes sense for them to have an earlier dinner.

At what age do people stop waking up at night?

This issue is resolved individually, since there are a lot of reasons for waking up in a baby and each has its own. Newborn babies rarely sleep more than 3-4 hours in a row, so you should not expect such a baby to sleep all night. Very rarely, peanuts immediately after birth delight their parents with a long night's sleep, but this is rather an exception.

Many babies start sleeping longer at night as early as 6 months of age. If the daily routine is set correctly, then they sleep without awakening for 5-6 hours, waking up in the morning for feeding. Parents who have endured a period of colic, various illnesses, weaning from night feedings and teething will finally be able to sleep peacefully all night.

Why is the baby waking up?

Most often, a newborn baby wakes up to eat, since breast milk is digested very quickly. However, in addition to hunger, young children have such problems that affect their sleep:

  • Colic - they often disturb the sleep of babies under 3 months old;
  • Teething - such a cause of problems with night sleep appears after 3 months;
  • Wet diaper;
  • Runny nose;
  • Very loud sounds
  • Hypertonicity of the arms and legs - the baby can wake up due to his own body movements;
  • neurological diseases.

It is noted that children who can fall asleep alone fall asleep faster during the night waking up. If the baby is laid down at night with a bottle or motion sickness, then the baby who wakes up at night will expect the same actions to help him fall asleep.

The dream of any person is divided into several types:

  1. Fast. He is active, so during such a dream, parents notice how the baby smiles, grimaces or frowns, and his eyelids tremble. It is during such a dream that a person sees dreams, and the brain at this time processes the information that he received during the day. REM sleep is the easiest time to wake up.
  2. Slow. He is calm and deep. It is during such a dream that immunity is strengthened, the body grows and the person rests, and it is more difficult for him to wake up. Slow-wave sleep has 4 stages, among which there is a more superficial sleep and a deeper one.

REM sleep in a newborn baby takes about half of the time - out of 16 hours of sleep per day, about 8 the child is in REM sleep. If the baby is premature, then REM sleep can be up to 90% of the total sleep duration. That is why babies wake up so often.

Over time, the proportion of non-REM sleep increases and the baby begins to wake up less often. By the age of two, out of 13 hours of sleep per night, REM sleep is about 4.5 hours, and by the age of 14, about 1 hour.


In adults, the duration of REM sleep is up to 20%, the rest of the time a person is in the non-REM sleep phase. Because the sleep patterns of the parents are so different from those of the baby, this leads to sleep deprivation. In addition, during the day, adults are often busy with different things and do not have the opportunity to take a nap. And if the baby sleeps in a separate room, then the mother, who gets up to the baby, finally wakes up at night, which disrupts her sleep pattern.

Studies have shown that a mother woken up at the time of REM sleep (and it most often happens in the early hours of the morning, when the baby wakes up to eat), the mother copes worse with daily activities during the day. It is more difficult for her to concentrate and prioritize things.

Falling asleep earlier will help to avoid waking up during REM sleep - so the mother can go through the REM phase until the moment when she is awakened by the little one. Dad can help here, too, by replacing mom in the morning feeding so that her REM sleep is not interrupted every night.

  • For the child to be able to distinguish daytime sleep from the night, during the day it should be laid in another place. At the same time, during the day you need to lay the baby with open windows (without curtains), and at night - in the dark.
  • Help your baby get used to different sounds, then he will wake up less because of someone's conversation or steps.
  • If the baby "mixed up day and night," help him return to his normal routine. Avoid overexcitation in the evening, and while bathing before going to bed, add medicinal herbs to the water (in the absence of allergies).
  • It is extremely important for a baby to follow the same sleep ritual every day. Therefore, try to work out your own procedure and not violate it.
  • Laying the baby to sleep with the breast is very convenient for the mother, but this habit can prevent the baby from sleeping soundly. A child who wakes up at night cannot understand where his mother's breasts have gone and is very upset. You can lay it down again only with the help of the chest. To avoid such problems, the breast should be taken from the mouth of a baby who has not yet fallen asleep when he has eaten.
  • You should try not to miss the time when the baby is already tired enough and wants to sleep. If you do not help the baby fall asleep, the child will overwork, fall asleep more difficult and sleep more restlessly.
  • The correct microclimate in the room will contribute to a sound sleep of the child. The room must be checked, and the humidity should be set within 50-60%.
  • A good family environment is also important for a good night's sleep. If the relationship between the parents has deteriorated, it is not necessary to expect a calm long sleep from the crumbs.

Sleep is essential for rest and recuperation, which are vital for healthy growth and recovery. nervous system. Sleep helps the baby to comprehend the information received during the day and process it. Parents should not forget that only if all the necessary conditions are met, including the condition of uninterrupted and restful sleep, the full development of the child is possible.

These conditions are important not only for night sleep, but also for daytime sleep.

The value of daytime sleep and the age at which you can refuse it

Any adult, when mentioning his childhood, will definitely remember that they were forced to sleep during the day, and how he did not want to do this, but now he regrets that it is impossible to turn back the clock.

With regards to age, a 2-hour sleep during the day is needed for a child under 6 years old. The younger the age, the greater the need to sleep during the day. For example, a baby sleeps 18 hours, one-year-old babies - 14 hours, at 5 years old a child gives sleep 11 hours, and at 6 years old - 10 hours.

And only by the age of seven, the children's body can only sleep at night (monophasic sleep). Of course, this does not mean that all children of 7 years old do not sleep during the day. They still have a need for daytime sleep for a long time, which is especially evident during the period of illness.
If the child is in the afternoon, then soon this will manifest itself in his excessive excitability, fatigue, frequent colds, delayed physical and mental development.

It should be noted that lack of sleep changes the emotions of children - they perceive positive events less joyfully, and negative ones are much worse than they really are.

The position of parents is incorrect and erroneous, who mistakenly believe that if the child does not sleep during the day, then at night he will fall asleep faster and sleep will be stronger. The mistake is that a child without sleep will overwork and, as a result, the process of falling asleep can drag on for a long time, there will be nightmares at night. This is how an overloaded brain works.

For parents of children sleeping and not sleeping during the day, there is only one rule: an hour and a half before bedtime in the afternoon, you need to play a game with the child that activates thinking process. This will calm the baby, which will contribute to normal rest.

The most important rule for all parents is to see a personality in your child, then he will obey his parents and respect their wishes.

Sleep is an integral and very important part of everyone's life. This is a period of replenishment of expended energy.

For a child, the issue of comfortable and restful sleep is especially important. A growing body needs to properly rest and gain strength for new discoveries and achievements. For the baby, comfort is the closeness of the mother, the warmth of her body and the sound of the heartbeat. For nine months of intrauterine development, the baby lived with this sound, it became for him a hymn of safety and peace. Therefore, at first, the child needs the constant presence of the mother in his life.

However, time passes, the baby grows and parents face an urgent question: at what age does the child sleep in a separate room without problems and worries, does the child need his own room, proceed from the considerations of the psychology of the child’s personal space or not? All these and many other questions about the organization healthy rest for a baby, they can “drink a lot of blood” and it’s great to ruffle the nerves of loving parents.

When to move a child to a separate room?

Answering this question, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that each family and the child in it are individual. It happens that the baby himself expresses a desire to sleep in a separate room, thereby indicating to his parents his independence and courage. It happens that parents from infancy put the baby in a separate bed and even in a separate room, and the little one was very calm about this. It is important to remember that there is no single approach or standard.

The opinions of experts on this matter are very ambiguous. If earlier doctors and psychologists unanimously opposed a long period of joint sleep between mother and child, today the position of many specialists is not so radical.

So, based on the concept of a child's personal space, psychology and pedagogy, represented by such a prominent scientist as Benjamin Spock, are inclined to believe that a child should have his own room and bed literally from birth. Parents are also of the same opinion. early development. This approach contributes to the formation of a sense of independence in the baby and has a beneficial effect on the pace of development of the baby. Moreover, up to 9 months of a baby's life, it is quite easy to teach him to sleep separately from his mother. The fact is that during this period the baby literally perceives everything that happens for granted and natural. Since mom put him to sleep in a separate bed, so be it, in a separate room, so it’s necessary. And no protests, no tantrums.

Otherwise, the situation develops when trying to detach the crumbs after 9 months of age. He has already developed a certain ritual of falling asleep, a stable habit of sleeping with his parents has developed, which will not be so easy to overcome. It often happens that parents, having not achieved a result, resign themselves and the little one sleeps with them until 5 - 7 and even 10 years old.

The optimal age for moving a child to a separate room is considered to be a period of 2 to 3 years. At this time, the child begins to show a desire for independence.

Each position has both pluses and minuses. They are shown in the table below:

for baby for mum for baby for mum
Co-sleeping mother and child
  • feeling of emotional comfort and security;
  • the ability to cope with the period of fear of losing a mother, characteristic of the age of 1.5 years, painlessly;
  • physical contact and making up for the lack of communication
  • convenience of night feedings;
  • prevention of depression after childbirth;
  • development of intuition and maternal instinct;
  • establishing a sleep and wake schedule similar to that of a baby
  • excessive dependence of the child on the mother;
  • difficulty in changing the sleep ritual;
  • subsequently, difficulties with falling asleep, nightmares are possible;
  • problems in the formation of independence
  • problems with accustoming the child to a separate bed and room;
  • long laying of the baby;
  • violation of intimate relations with a partner and, as a result, difficulties and conflicts in relationships are possible;
  • there is a chance in a dream to accidentally crush the baby
Sleep in your room/crib
  • contributes to the formation of a sense of independence;
  • pushes for a faster pace of development;
  • deep, restful and prolonged sleep with occasional nightmares
  • the ability to pay attention to your partner, the presence of a normal intimate life;
  • full sleep without fear of accidentally harming the baby;
  • no problems with changing the sleep ritual
  • at the beginning - a reduced sense of emotional comfort;
  • lack of emotional and physical contact
  • the need to get up for night feeding;
  • anxiety about whether the baby is okay

It is necessary to approach the issue of when to move the child to a separate room consistently. Each family and each child in it is individual, which means that decisions will always have their own characteristics.

A bit about personal space

The main role of the child's personal space in psychology and not only is the feeling of security and comfort, which form the basic skills for the social and everyday development of the individual.

Unlike an adult, a child is less active and “predatory” in defending his boundaries, which means that he is more vulnerable and vulnerable. Therefore, parents are required from infancy to respect the boundaries of the child and take into account his personal space when organizing the process of his growing up.

Age 2 - 3 years is the period of formation of the foundations of the primary space of the child's personality. It is at this time that the baby begins to defend himself, his things and his territory, as well as to show signs of independence, to want to sleep in a separate room in “his” bed. At this age, the baby gets acquainted with such concepts as responsibility and builds ideas about its territory. This place is just for him. Here he plays, sleeps, learns the world and develops. The main thing for parents is to support their child.

In the process of socialization, by the age of 6, the child already divides things into “own” and “common”, which makes him perceive his space more acutely. Now this space takes on a more concrete shape, and the baby learns to use it, understand its boundaries and make it clear to others. At this age, a separate room for the child begins to perform new functions. Here the baby can be alone with himself, take a break from the people around him, devote time to hobbies.

With age, the personal space of the child acquires clear boundaries and characteristics, of particular importance. And a separate room is very important for this process.

When organizing the process of raising their child, it is important for parents to convey to him not only the importance of his personal space. It is necessary that the law of personal space for the child be understood and respected by him in relation to other people.

The beginning of "independent" life

Regardless of the age at which the child is “relocated” to personal apartments, it is rare that a parent will answer the question of whether a child needs a separate room in the negative.

Of course needed. This will create a personal space for the child. Psychology is of the same opinion. Each family member should have a "corner for himself", regardless of age.

Many parents who have the opportunity allocate a separate room to the child from birth. And there are more advantages to this than it might seem at first glance. In a room reserved specifically for the baby, you can create the necessary conditions and amenities for both the crumbs and the mother. Here you can easily create and maintain the optimal atmosphere necessary for the baby: the temperature in the room is from 18 to 20 degrees, silence, cleanliness. An important point is the fact that in the presence of a separate room, everything necessary for caring for a child, as well as children's things and toys, is in one place.

Of course, the question of at what age a child needs a separate room is decided in each family in its own way. However, such progressiveness in the issue of one's room for a child is not always supported by the psychology of childhood. It is believed that the first 12 months after the birth of a child should be accompanied by close contact of the crumbs with the mother and big amount time spent together. Therefore, with the resettlement of the baby, you should wait at least up to a year, and preferably up to 2 - 3 years. This does not mean that the baby should sleep in the parent's bed. If possible and for safety reasons, it should be shifted after falling asleep to its own crib, it should simply be in the parents' bedroom.

Such behavior of parents, on the one hand, allows you to constantly be close to the baby, and on the other hand, maintain a sense of personal space in the child.

I would like to, but...

A separate room is a definite plus not only for children, but also for parents. Its presence contributes to the successful formation of a sense of ownership, responsibility, order and independence. Unfortunately, not every family has territorial capabilities that allow a child to have a separate room. In this case, the question arises, do children need their own room and what alternatives are possible to it?

The point is not in the room specifically, but in creating a place for the baby. If there is no separate room suitable for the children's room, you can always select a "corner" for the little one, fencing it off from the rest of the room with a screen. The child will have a sense of privacy and their own space in this case.

Things are a little different if there are more than one kids. This is where the room is needed. At the same time, if the children are same-sex and about the same age, then they can safely share a room among themselves. Here it is important to take into account the fact that sooner or later they will have a conflict of personal spaces and property rights. To warn him, parents should equip the room with two similar sets of furniture so that each of the children has everything they need: a bed, workplace, a place to store clothes and personal belongings.

But if the children are of different sexes or have a significant difference in age, their cohabitation will be quite problematic. It is advisable to separate children of different sexes into different rooms in a preschool or junior school age. This will make it easier for them to grow up. If it is not possible to resettle the children, then when the children reach the age of 12, part of the room should be divided into two halves by a screen. This will allow children to feel less vulnerable in the process of growing up and puberty.

Summing up

Every parent wants to make life easier for their child, to make it more comfortable. He creates conditions for his crumbs, becomes an escort and protector in this world, his rear and support. Proper organization of baby's sleep is of great importance for its development. Therefore, many parents are faced with many painful questions: where should the baby sleep, at what age does the child need a separate room and at what age should he sleep in it ...

There is simply no single answer to these and many other questions. Each family proceeds from its own considerations when answering them, develops its own strategy. One thing is known for sure, each child needs his own personal space and parents are required not only to create the necessary conditions, but also to respect the boundaries of the baby.

Hi guys, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you! The blue dream of any mother is a healthy and sound sleep of her baby. To do this, she tries to feed him well and dress him in the most comfortable clothes. And he ventilates the room for a long time, achieving the optimal combination of temperature and humidity, in a word, he does everything so that he even today gives her a rest.

However, miracles do not happen. Again rare or frequent screams, awakenings and a pulsating thought in the head: when does the newborn begin to sleep all night? Sooner or later, this question is asked to every pediatrician. I will try to answer it today.

Babies sleep in a completely different way than adults. If we need 8 hours of good rest for normal life, and for someone even 5-6 hours, then newborns need no less than 16-20 hours for health and development. This is 80% of the total daily time.

It seemed like a real blessing. This is where mom can sleep and do all the housework, but in practice, for some reason, she doesn’t always succeed. What is the reason? It turns out that the matter is in the peculiarities of the sleep of the baby.

Superficial sleep

The baby is not sleeping soundly. No, he has a deep sleep phase, but it lasts no more than an hour. The rest of the time, sleep is superficial.

Needless to say, because of this, the baby now and then wakes up in order to eat or just explore the situation. Perhaps the curtain will open for someone now, but when the baby is sleeping, other family members do not need to tiptoe at all. He must adapt. In addition, not only a loud sharp noise can wake him up, but also a monotonous quiet one, if he is not prepared for them, of course.

An interesting experience was made in the UK. There, scientists, trying to find out under what conditions and how soundly the baby sleeps, selected two groups of children. The first one was silenced. The second included a measured sound imitating the beating of the heart. Moreover, the children in this group slept longer. Experts explained everything in physiology. Children heard the sound that soothed them in the womb, so they slept under it.

In everyday life, you can replace the sounds of a heartbeat and ensure that the child sleeps well by turning on classical music in the background. At least that's what the doctors say. It’s worth a try at least because rest is not only a need, but also a guarantee of good mood, excellent well-being and proper development.

Why does the child wake up at night

All new mothers dream of sleeping well at night. And it seems to all of them that their dreams are not shared by their children. Sometimes, they are too naughty. And if during the day this is quite understandable, then what then at night?


Babies are hungry because they can't go through the night without being fed. And let the woman be sincerely perplexed, because she fed the baby for a long time in the evening, the doctors are adamant: breast milk is absorbed very quickly, and a hungry baby cannot sleep.

Exceptions can only be made for children who are on. It is more satisfying, therefore it allows them to stay in the arms of Morpheus longer, although not always.


This is all the more true the hotter the room and the drier the air in it. Optimal air parameters are from 18 to 20 degrees and air humidity is from 40 to 60%.

Wakes himself up with his hands

Newborns are often concerned about hypertonicity of the limbs. Due to the fact that the newborn is not responsible for his body movements, involuntary, sharp swings of arms or legs can frighten him and wake him up. And he, in turn, will wake up his mother.

Regime violations

They, as grandmothers and mothers say, "confuse day with night." In this case, the young mother will need to be patient and wake up the baby for a while during the day. Thus, he will be able to sleep longer at night.

Physiological reasons.

What's this? Colic, teething, discomfort due to improperly chosen clothes, heat, cold, lack of fresh air.

psychological reasons.

A banal desire to play, a lack of maternal attention, which children gladly compensate for at night, various emotional reactions, for example, when a child is overexcited during the day and now cannot sleep.

Needless to say, it is possible to achieve sound sleep in children only by identifying the reasons that prevent it. In fact, it is not so difficult to do this, but first things first.

At what age do babies start sleeping well?

When does a baby start sleeping through the night? Perhaps this is the most important question in this topic, meanwhile, experts are in no hurry to answer it. The thing is that their opinions differ here. Some believe that 6 months is a sufficient age to give up whims in the dark, others are sure that the latter can continue until the baby reaches one year of age, and this is absolutely normal.

By the way, this is not the worst thing. There are mothers who, when asked at what age their child was able to fully sleep all night, confidently name the age of 3 years. But here everything is purely individual. In addition to some external signs, the quality of sleep is also affected by internal ones - the character and temperament of the child. Meanwhile, summing up all of the above, I would like to recall the words of scientists again.

They say that the baby definitely cannot sleep all night with breastfeeding. This skill will come to him by 9 months, not earlier than when his diet will include hearty nutritious food that his tummy can digest for a long time. And all this time he will be able to sleep soundly.

On this cheerful note, I would like to wish young mothers not to be upset. The fact is that contrary to physiology, there are peculiar tricks and secrets that help newborn babies sleep longer.

What to do to get your baby to sleep well

In addition, do not forget about the phases of sleep. The child has two of them, which determine superficial sleep and sound sleep. Not all mothers know that the first comes superficial. They rock or lull the children and, seeing that they have surrendered to the power of Morpheus, they begin to shift them to the crib. What happens next? The child wakes up and no longer sleeps, no matter how much he would like to.

But don't get upset. Superficial sleep is fast. The main thing is to wait until it enters a strong, calm phase and, finally, breathe a sigh of relief. You can recognize this second long-awaited phase by the state of the baby: he becomes completely relaxed, his nights and arms stop moving, become lethargic.

What else can you do to help your baby sleep through the night?

  • Provide him with a comfortable environment. The optimum temperature at which the baby is not cold and not hot is 18 - 22 degrees, and the humidity is 60 degrees. If, in addition to this, the room is well ventilated, he will surely sleep in a blissful sleep.
  • feed. Little children cannot control their desires if they touch instincts. If they want to eat, they will certainly say so. A scream, loud, even in the middle of the night. Therefore, good nutrition is often the key to peace of mind. If for some reason the baby ate the breast well, but woke up after an hour and asked again, it makes sense to consult a pediatrician about supplementary feeding.
  • Eliminate any discomfort. Violation of the rules for changing a diaper, uncomfortable clothes, the seams of which are crushed or rubbed, wet skin and, as a result, diaper rash - all these are reasons for the baby to worry. Of course, in such conditions, it is not necessary to talk about sound sleep.
  • Make sure that there is always a safe environment in the house. Newborns do not know how to talk, meanwhile, they successfully communicate with us from the first weeks. Simply put, they understand and feel us. Any change of mood for them is always noticeable. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in homes where there are disputes, scandals, or where the mother is constantly nervous and angry, children sleep worse. Answering such parents the question of how many months their children will sleep peacefully, the pediatrician shrugs his shoulders and advises to reconsider their views, to improve the situation in the family.
  • Eliminate the possibility when the child . The easiest way to do this is by trying to accustom the baby to the regimen from the first weeks. It is not necessary to feed or wake him up by the clock. It is important to just make sure that he plays more during the day than at night. If this has already happened, you need to help the baby enter normal mode. During the day, it is better to occupy the time of activity with light physical exertion, walks in the fresh air.
  • Avoid colic. The most common cause of their appearance is improper breast capture and, as a result, swallowing air. You can get rid of it by controlling feeding, avoiding foods that contribute to increased gas formation. Colic appears from the 20th day of the baby's life and disappears by 3 months. You can alleviate them with the help of a vent tube, massages, drugs.

Finally, the last thing is the usual ritual. In order for the child to sleep all night, every day he needs to be laid after and feeding, at the same time.

I hope in this article you have found the answer to the question of what time do children start sleeping. Save it to your wall and subscribe to updates. It was Lena Zhabinskaya, bye-bye!