
Information loss. How to recognize information stamp, instruction. Organization and communication effects of public speech

Let's start with the fact that we turn to the past, my post from November 2014 "How power is working on the Internet":

At one time, Ogilvi wrote that for the perception of a person of advertising and encouraging him to action - it is necessary that this advertisement gets to his eyes, at least 28 times. And this is the last century data. Currently, considering the abundance of media, portals, sites and other things - I am sure that this figure is many times more. And if we are talking about the boring state initiative - ten times.

What does it say about? First of all, that even the entry of your agenda, articles or events in the news releases of the country's leading TV channels - an even account will not give anything. This resonance will come true the next day, another informational occasion will appear, for example, which fell on someone from the sofa window.

As it was a long time ago, I wrote about the "phenomenon of Navalny", which was in a unthinkable earlier effect from posts in his magazine. A citizen spends five minutes per post - and then a dozen federal officials are justified by the screens. It was caused by the novelty of such an information field as the Internet and the ignorance of officials of its specifics. Now they are not completely afraid of resonance on the net, perfectly realizing that in the evening from the agenda will leave what he thundered in the morning.

The presence of your infoovode in the top - does not give anything. The publicity of your infoovod to the central media - does not give anything (soon it will not be paid attention to this).

The effect gives only a systemic, regular, distributed work on each information about the time. Here are dozens of posts on the topic of the fifth column in Yekaterinburg, but from April 2013, the information struggle with the American portals, but - with the US Consul. And this is only part of examples.

What conclusion can be made: projects in the information field have ceased to be one-time. Now, to achieve an effect (and the effect, I only consider the perception of the audience of information in the right key, understanding and adopting a voiced position) requires constant work with the material for even no months, and years.

We have a wonderful new information world in front of us, in which the evaluation criteria and methods of work have changed. Now that an official as a report is invited to a list of topics and printing comments - this is a triple deception. The performer deceives the Customer, the fundamentally crawling funds, the customer is deceived itself and reports inappropriate reality conclusions and reports above the vertical of power. As a result, the power sees a picture - very far from reality.

Now, in April 2016, I understand that we are seeing two trends. First, I was completely right about systemic and regular work on information reasons. Even of the examples dedicated in the text, the US Consul in Yekaterinburg changed, we have long been working on a new one, Marcus Micheli, which, before the fight against American portals, the head of Heers Shkulev himself spoke, complains :. Not to mention the fact that the fact of the information war against Russia is recognized at the state level. On this good, or rather, logical - ends.

The main methods of work on the network (both state and opponents) are the character of "one-day", short-term campaigns with a convulsive count of likes, views and cheating them for the report.

But there is a nuance - an informational field - it is akin to potatoes, if you plant a potato for ten years in a row in the same place, the earth will say, the crops fall. So here - to attract attention, even if more and more resources are required for the short-term period. And it means all the louder headers, from a recent example :. During one day, the audience was told about the Caucasian fight with transvestites, running off a woman with a sliced \u200b\u200bhead of a child, and even before that, the explosion of the bear, the scaled head of a walrus, and other joys.

We were called with earthworms, they have 10,000 likes, it is necessary to urgently give a refutation of at least 15,000 likes. This is the whole essence most of the information confrontation today. External, at least. On the one hand, it is convenient that no day is the new battle. And simple - hit, responded, the topic is closed. Easy again, the header is more stupid, the points of the stack of news more, but "will not take off," tomorrow we will try again.

But nothing helps. The attention of people every day is increasingly dulled and even in the news about dozens of victims of terrorist attacks is less and less than the reaction of people, more and more cheating.

The effectiveness of long system work is becoming increasingly. If you are on the network for five to ten years and make the same thing - on the accused of your populism will look like an idiot. If you are developing a concrete topic for years - I will look at the accusation of you in consumption as well. For contrast, you can look at the pre-election hysteria - politicians and their surroundings are pushed with elbows and fights, seeking to protect the interests of citizens, the media is squeezing with compressed cams, slogans and burning fighters. Here you are paid and populism.

Cons of systemic work is a long expectation of the result and costs of resources - the same time. But the effectiveness of this approach is understandable, an order of magnitude higher than the campaigns "one-day".

One of the tragedies spiked in our eyes literally the other day:

West kins in Putin mud! (c) sands
- [Swallop mud]
- We talked (c)

And it seems to compromise such a living, there you are corruption, and a pie handpiece and even sex, the points of blazing are neuroyano ... but does not take off. And why? One-day. The whole tricky strategy is climbed by a simple joke-fair:

The chief political worker of the Red Army Shcherbakov reported the leader of numerous signals to General Rokossovsky. They say, constantly around him there are as far as beautiful women - telecommunications, doctors, the cooks, with whom he is inhibits. And at the same time constantly changes the composition of his field harem. "What will we do, Comrade Stalin?" - asks Scherbakov.
Stalin looked like, thought and answers: "What will we do? We will envy!"

Responsible for the media, representatives of the authorities can relax - the main information method of the United States and Europe is non-working.

Responsible for the media Representatives of power should be strained - a systemic anti-Russian work will inevitably be replaced, and even the time to prepare new public opinion leaders is also available, until 2018.

UPD.By the time the end of this article on the media passed the following challenge, and again accusations of the President of the Russian Federation in love communications, now the elect, who is not an abona who, and the media million of Rupert Murdok. This once again confirms our conclusions and guarantees the failure of the next information attack, but with one nuance. Now any criticism of Russia and Vladimir Putin on the part of the media owned by Merdoku, we can interpret how to revenge the loser-cuckold :)

For most of us, the fact that we are listening to, listen to our opinion and agree with it. Many believe that if you make the interlocutor desire or another, then you can conquer the whole world. For those who are able to get in place of another, to understand his thoughts and desires, listen to the opponent, he can boldly look into the future without fears. A person who can motivate the actions of another can and lead people.

Fig. 6 techniques and influence on the interlocutor

There are 6 receptions, it is necessary to influence and affect the interlocutor, which will be described in detail below. These simple techniques make up the most.

Acceptance of the interlocutor

1. Always communicate with a great interest with the interlocutor. The right principle of any dialogue will be an interest in the life of the opponent, and not the stories about their problems and troubles. If you are interested in the life of another person, then the dialogue with him will always be successful and will lay out to you the interlocutor.

2. Chinese wisdom teaches always to give smiles around. Smile on the face is a way to manage your own emotions and mood. And also this is a way to make a smile at the opponent.

3. It is very important enough to pronounce the name of the interlocutor quite often, because psychologists argue that the name for any person is the most pleasant sound.

4. It is important to be able to listen to others. You can arouse the sympathy of the opponent to you, if you carefully listen to his opinion. Few people stand in front of the barely noticeable interest in interest and attention. It is known that people prefer a worthy listener to the best speakers. Friendliness and desire to listen - such a rare phenomenon today. A man talking only about his life, respectively, thinks only about himself.

5. Choose themes for the conversation that are interested in opponent. The faithful and unmistakable way to the heart of the interlocutor is a communication that he is above all the honor and appreciates. Very often you can establish business contacts.

6. It is necessary to be able to convey to a person its significance and in no case turn it into open flatterness, only sincerely and honestly. In this way, you can find not only the associate, but also a friend. A similar communication style gives both participants in communicating moral satisfaction and a sense of respect for each other. It is proved that a person somehow seeks to be appreciated and recognized. Moreover, flattery and insincerity will not bring the expected result, but only a real estimate of all human advantages.

According to the latest research, informational influence is recognized as one of the most effective tools that are not inferior to traditional methods of conducting hostilities on the mass of impact.

With the help of a properly built sequence of essays, you can not only form public opinion, but also to manage the actions of this crowd. The tough crowd believes little proven and unreliable information. Moreover, in the era of high data circulation rates, information technologies have mastered the information stuff.

Lack - a fairly new concept. Three or four years ago, a similar method of influence was not separated separately. It was updated with the rapid development of the information and commutation media of the Internet.

Features of informational vanity

By nature, the informational chalk is very similar to hearing. For example, in both cases there is a target audience, which from various channels receives from the outside prepared messenger.

But at the same time, the stubs have their differences from rumors.

FirstlyTheir target audience is several times large: "Large groups of people - the audience of states." Rumors imply the dissemination of information for a narrow audience at the level of "Individual - a group of people."

SecondlyInformation bags tend to use such information channels such as state and non-government media, public opinion leaders with their audiences, Internet communications and so on. For rumors, more peculiar channels of informal communication.

Thirdly, The density of information reports of the informational vobility is ten times higher than the similar hearing indicator. At the same time, in a short period of time, each of their involved channels can broadcast several messages with a single mission. These can be news stories, interviews, messages, copyright shows, official statements, expert opinions and other (they will be discussed below).

FourthThe temporary characteristics of the distribution of informational stamps and bringing information messages to the audience significantly narrowed - since the hour. At the same time, the average rumor is taken from day. It is quite obvious that such regulations helped to come up with a slang synonym for the concept of "dissemination of information" - "overclocking" (overclock information on the channels).

FifthIf there is a low awareness of the audience with a prerequisite for an effective "startup" of the audience, then the criterion for the "start" of the informational stamp is only the presence of the working channels of the quick distribution of messages. And than them more, the higher the efficiency of the informational chamber.

Distinctive features of the stuffing can be:

but) ensuring secure taskAny event of informational influence. In this regard, information bags are customary to mask under the usual media plots.

We picked up visual examples from the practice of Russian information storms. They can be conditionally distributed by category:

The results of the meeting of authoritative organizations ("Meeting of the Russian Security Council", "Meeting of the Interreligious Council of Russia for Evaluating Events in Ukraine" or "Decision of Diammaz-Antea's specialists to establish the causes of the death of Boeing-777");

Open statement of Russian politicians (the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation A. Novak on the price of gas for Ukraine, the President of the Russian Federation V.Putin on reconciliation with Ukraine, Department of the General Council of the EP party, member of the State Duma State Duma Committee S. Zheleznyak about the collapse in the economy of Ukraine and the Social Collapse );

Statements of foreign political leaders (President of Belarus A. Lukashenko on the flow of weapons from Ukraine, the ex-premier of Italy and the leader of the party "Forward Italy!" S. Berlusconi);

Other media methods.

b)involvement of sources of information of the victim country in the process of spreading the chamber. It must be said that this effect is carefully studied with the initial planning of the informational stamp, since it creates a "second wave".

The principle of "Domino" is triggered. In practice, almost always information from Russian sources picked up by Ukrainian (or other foreign) media. Without thinking, they broadcast messages with reference to the primary source, thereby providing assistance in the acceleration of the chamber of their information flow. The striking example of the "second wave" was the spread (02.26.2014) by the Ukrainian media of the fake chamber that the supposedly head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov leaves in Crimea "On the train of friendship to support Russians in Crimea" . Primary source - microblog @kadirovrussia on twitter. . Literally after an hour and a half about the "arrival", the heads of Chechnya reported UNN, Finance.ua, "Observer" and "Glavred". The news was also widely divided by social networks And forums. In the Ukrainian information flow, resonance existed for several hours.

But, sometimes the information stamp does not reach its effect. The reason for this is often the extremely high resonance of events from the primary source, which deliberately implies a low level of local media confidence in this information.

Consider an unsuccessful attempt to informational vanity by Russian special services. In August 2014, dozens of materials about the most simultaneously appeared in the Russian media. "Torture prisoners by Ukrainian security officials"(We give some of the materials):

The key messaging of the informational vobility was formed by the President of Russia V. Putin: Putin laid the responsibility for the wreck of the Malaysian liner. The entire spectrum of custom reports clearly shows the scale of coverage, high density of information materials and a single semantic orientation. Their obvious goal is to distribute Moscow's opinion as soon as possible and not to develop other versions.

A month later, the scale of the operation "imposing false causes of the death of Boeing 777" was distributed to a foreign expert community, foreign political scientists and foreign media.

Six months after the tragedy, informational stamps were concentrated already on foreign specialists who were accused of bias the investigative commissions in the death of the liner.

Today, the operation on the imposition of false causes of the death of Boeing 777 passed into the direction of current planned information activities through the media. Such a transition from the reactive phase of information influence to phase is proactive became possible thanks to the information instruments formed by the Arsenal, which today works with almost no external effort, as if by inertia.

Thus, over the past few years, one of the frequently used methods of informational influence has become an information stamp.

A prerequisite for the formation of an informational storage is the decision of a public opinion leader to bring his message to the target audience. In contrast to hearing, the chassis is distributed by the reactive method, with a large number of reputable sources to the process.

The information stack is characterized by the "second wave" of the dissemination of information, which is created by others, incl. Foreign media.

Vyacheslav Gusarov, Information Security Expert, Clap, IP Group

* The author's opinion of the publication may not coincide with the agency's position

Material is not new. But in view of the amount of chasing and enthusiasm, with which these stubs are scattered even further, I think it is not superfluous to re-read again.

The aggression of the United States / West and their slaves, such as the current Ukraine against the Russian world, is only strengthened, so learn how to recognize the information stages from which the work of all spheres of society may depend on. Drains are two types: intentional and not intentional. Not intentional, it is most often a social network when subscribers click "repost" of one or another unverified information. Or when large news agencies are mistaken, do not purposely publish unverified information. Therefore, before making a repost of any recording, always analyzing it, first of all - try to go to the most important source of information. Now let's talk about intentional stacks.

1. Differences - Carousel.

To do this, you need at least 2 sites, but in reality there may be more than 10. At the same time, sites must be promoted and known. Technology: "News" is posted on 1 site. The second site writes this news, a little in other words and refers to the first site. The third website refers to the second, etc. And the last site - refers to the first)). Thus, the "news" is turned out to be scarce. Such a scheme is designed primarily on the most ordinary people who do not understand the analysis at all, they say that they saw, and they believed.

A site or group in social networks writes "news", and, as the source indicates the news agency RIA, for example. And they are simply written, the source - RIA-news http://ria.ru is - do not indicate the direct link to the text of the news with RIA. In this case, we go to the RIA website and manually looking for this news. If it is not there - there was a challenge.

Such stubs are most often created in large and authoritative publications, even federal, such as 1 channel, Interfax, ITAR-TASS-A, etc. The "news" is created, and it indicates the source:

- "How we were told a source in close circles ..."

- "How we were told by our man in a min-defense ..."

- "How we were told the source in Sberbank, who wished to remain unknown .."

- "According to the press service ..."

That is, the news is created allegedly from the source, the presence of which is impossible to check. Such a news to check the most difficult, for its accuracy of 50 to 50. Maybe a really man wished to remain anonymous, and maybe there. You can check this news in only one way - finding this person, this "source".

4. Dumps - "Sarafan Radio".

This is when 100% truthful news is created, and then, after several other information agencies, it may gradually change + to add a new one, and in course the result is moving into another meaning. Example:

1. V.Putin arrived in Vladivostok and familiarized himself as a program for the implementation of the construction of the Far East.

2. V.Putin turned out to be a displeased program for the implementation of the construction of the Far East

3. During V. Putin's visit to Vladivostok, multi-billion-dollar embezzlement of budget funds was revealed.

4. In Vladivostok, a SUV crashed, which traveled a businessman engaged in the construction of the Far East.

5. As you can work in Russia, when Putin regime kills entrepreneurs and private business of the Far East.

6. The USD department of the United States expresses extreme concern to the pressure of V.Putin on the democratic business rights of the Far East.

Etc. That is, truthful news - V.Putin just flew to Vladivostok with a working visit and looked at how construction goes. The ultimate news is changed to be unrecognizable, so that even the psaki connected))).

5. Differences - in fear of the eyes are great.

Here, I suppose everything is clear. This is when some nonsense or nothing at all - inflate to something global. Example: The boy played with Petardo and the lodge of the finger. The grandmother caused an ambulance, saying that the child was torn off her finger. Feldsher ambulance, told his girlfriend that the child was torn off the explosion with the explosion. That, in social networks, wrote that an explosion occurred in the city, the child was seriously injured. Local news wrote that there is a landfill from which one child died next to the city, from which one child died. 1 Channel wrote that in the city, as a result of an explosion on military warehouses, 100,500 people were killed and the floor was turned into ruins.

Quickly, of course, but it is so such stuffing and work.



If you put "Like" records or the more you do "repost" - you become a chain in disseminating information, and you also lies with the responsibility for its consequences.

Therefore, if you see some kind of news, at least in social networks at a simple person on the page, at least hear it from the mouth of the leading federal channels - always make her analysis, and go to the source !! Do not forget, US / West aggression and Bandera Ukraine against us only increases, do not lose vigilance !!

And the examples are not reading. One and the freshest pokhabnya "True about 28 Panfilovtsev" What is worth.

Many words cease to be used in speech due to obsolescence, but the language is continuously and fairly intensively updated with new terms and expressions.

Over the past years, 10-15 in Russia there have been historical transformations: in economic, cultural, political systems, scientific and legal fields, in the mentality of the people, which was reflected in the vocabulary composition of our language. New (words and expressions), which were not in a literary, nor in domestic language, nor in social or called neologisms. About one of these terms - about "storm" - and will be discussed in the article. What is this concept? What does it mean? In which areas is applied?

The concept of vomiting

Nowadays, the Internet has become an integral part of life, many completely refused televisions and other media, receiving information, news from the Internet. And then it is appropriate to figure out: what is a grading? This is a slang word that happened from the word "throw". Means the term "throwing into a worldwide web any information that should cause a strong and massive discussion, and the best condemnation of the public." That is, the chalk is information, most often false, which causes hot disputes and discussions on the Internet.

If your lobster has succeeded, then young people usually say: "They splamented." Often, unreliable information is placed on an Internet resource in order to increase attendance, which leads to an increase in the views of advertising videos and, accordingly, profit growth.


Lack is a youth slang, and the word is used in three values: compromising, lies, insult. For example, "not very similar to the grading, it is probably true." The word began to be used not only in spoken speech, but also in verses, and even songs. For example, in the words of lyszki "Diss on ATEV": "You're just a Pozer. There was a lot of grinding "- the term is used, most likely, in the meaning of" false ", since" Pozer "means" FMO ", and under the" chamber "refers to the expectation of some sensationality of information.

The term is used not only in colloquial speech, but also the Internet slang. In fact, the World Wide Web is overflowing various kinds of information, the accuracy of which remains under a big doubt. And here there is a drawing stories or stories, unwilling information with unreliable facts or without them. But then a number of questions arise. How to determine whether it is a challenge of information or truth? Is it really impossible to believe anything on the Internet?

Signs of vobility

To distinguish reliable information from fictional, there are several signs. So, if this is a fictional story, then:

  1. It is set out without facts and evidence.
  2. It is very believable and realistic, and sometimes even superradiated.
  3. She does not cause doubt. Moreover, the Internet source is often indicated, where the information was taken from.

It is worth always thinking with your head and understand that more than 85% of the information in the media and the Internet is a challenge. But at the same time, it does not follow to him negatively - this is just a term that means "fictional information". It is necessary to simply change your attitude towards what is read and hears, and have your own opinion.

The meaning of the concept

In general, recently the term is very often used in the value of "false information", but there are other meanings:

  1. Throwing, adding something somewhere. For example, "you can do without a grain chain on the country's domestic market."
  2. Disclosure to some information. For example, "Lack of data on the mayor's candidate".
  3. Neologism is used in a political environment when it comes to adding unaccounted votes to change the results (in elections), that is, fake or falsifying votes. For example, "tired of the bullings of bulletins on and bribing voters."

The synonyms are the following words: deception, fake, falsification.

Information chambers

Distinguished intentional stacks and unintentional. An example of unintentional is the reposites of unverified information in social networks. Or, for example, when unverified data (without intent) is published.


  • Carousel. The essence of this species is that there are at least 2-3 promoted and well-known sites. The information is posted on the first, the second rewrites it in his own words and refers to the first site, the third one, and the first makes a reference to the third. Information is swollen. The scheme is simple and designed for ordinary readers who do not analyze anything and do not check.
  • The authoritative site writes the news and refers to major news agencies, and makes a link not to the source of this news, but on the site itself. To check the accuracy of the news, you need to go to this site and manually search for it, and if it is not there, it was a grading.
  • Link to reputable people. The same scheme as with news agencies. Indicate as a source of news the name of a famous person. This information is very difficult to check, you must independently search for an interview of this person.

  • There is such a scheme: a reliable news is created, and then after several other sites, it gradually changes and ultimately acquires a completely different meaning.
  • There are intentionally distorted some specific data. For example, the information is written quite reliable, but quantitative characteristics are deliberately changing.

These are the main ways to create chambers in the information space. Before discussing something, it is necessary to check the accuracy of this or that information, analyze it and find the original source.

Another area in which this expression is used is a political environment, in particular, when it comes to elections, but more specifically on ballots.

Grinding ballots is a violation of the elections, which consists in the room in the ballot of more than one bulletin by one person. This is a illegal act in order to influence the voting results.