
Urgent financial assistance, or where to find a wealthy sponsor. How to find a sponsor and why they give money How to find a sponsor to a public organization

The request "looking for sponsors" is relevant for any starting and developing business. Modern technologies made available many convenient options for attracting investment to the company, but at the same time increased competition. Everyone is looking for sponsors, but only a minority of startups manage to really attract investors. Here's how to get sponsors interested in your project and build productive relationships with them.

Finding a sponsor to start a business is very difficult. It is difficult to convince someone to invest in a project that is just starting up: it is not known whether the investment will pay off. Nobody wants to suffer losses, even those who, according to others' opinion, can afford it. The market is overflowing with ambitious young entrepreneurs, confident that it is their company that will "shoot" and make them rich in a few months of work.

In reality, everything is much more complicated. Most of the new projects are being closed, and the overwhelming majority of those who have resisted receive an income that is not at all the income they originally expected. Potential sponsors are well aware of this and are in no hurry to share money with every first one.

To overcome this situation, a novice entrepreneur must work simultaneously with several channels of raising funds, as well as be able to present his business, differ from others in an advantageous way. Let's consider the main types of sponsors and ways to find investments for a startup.

Any novice businessman dreams of finding a sponsor, but only a few succeed

Attracting family or friends

The easiest way to find a sponsor for your business is to reach out to family and friends. The advantage of the method is that you will be welcomed and praised for striving to create your own business and will most likely be helped. Minus - the help will be very modest, if, of course, there is no oligarch among your relatives.

You should not count on the help of relatives, although there are examples when parents helped their children start a business: they bought equipment, gave start-up capital, and used connections. This channel is very personal and not available to everyone. Practice shows that most startups are launched without relatives, using other ways to attract investors.

Other entrepreneurs

If a business needs a sponsor, it can turn to a working entrepreneur and negotiate support with him. This is a rather risky and not promising business: entrepreneurs earn money on their own in a competitive environment and are not ready to share it just like that.

But there is still an opportunity to attract investors in this way: you need to interest them and promise benefits. Moreover, to promise not in words, but to show plans and calculations. This will be more productive communication, beneficial to both parties. If relatives are sometimes ready to give money free of charge, then the entrepreneur needs to be explained how and when the investment will be returned to him.

How to start a dialogue? The best way is to send directly to the businessman / company by email:

  • letter with a request;
  • presentation of the project with calculations and payback periods;
  • Contact details;
  • other important information that can stimulate a positive decision.

Bank participation

Banks give loans to start-ups and existing entrepreneurs at a more favorable interest rate than to individuals. But to get such a loan, you need to prepare:

  • business presentation;
  • an accurate estimate justifying the amount of the loan.

Business loans are given only to registered businessmen (individual entrepreneurs or LLCs, each lender has its own conditions). Therefore, it will not be possible to attract money in this way until the certificate is issued. The bank, of course, cannot be considered a sponsor, since all funds received from it will have to be returned with interest. But on the other hand, it is reliable and guaranteed to receive funds.

For the best result, it is better to use several ways to find investors.

Venture funds

Venture funds are engaged in "risky" investment. That is, they invest in such projects, the return on which is in question. Usually this is a business in the field of high technology and innovation. Venture funds do not partner with companies that duplicate services and products already on the market.

Investors in venture capital funds are ready to invest in projects that promise them high returns after the sale of shares and securities. They are not interested in the work and competitiveness of the company, or rather, they are only interested in them to the extent of the increase in the value of shares.

Venture funds have a lot of money that they are willing to invest in potentially successful projects. But a strong presentation and accurate calculations are required from an entrepreneur seeking sponsorship. Insufficiently accurate business plan, errors in calculations, overestimated profits - all this is quickly calculated by venture investors and refused to sponsor.

Governmental support

But state support can be counted on by entrepreneurs and companies whose sphere is related to the solution of social and economic problems of the population. For example, agricultural producers, construction workers, pharmaceutical and medical institutions.

Government support is usually in the form of loans and tax incentives... Loans are issued through state banks, where you will have to provide a set of documents for applying for a loan.

The recipients of state support are often subject to special requirements: a certain age, place of residence, etc. Keep in mind that support is not only state, but regional and municipal. You should look for up-to-date information about programs on the websites of authorities.

It is quite permissible to write to the local or regional administration on your own: tell about your business, its social significance, benefits for the region and the amount of assistance needed. In this way, you can gain support, attract attention, or at least learn about existing programs.

Private investors

Attracting private investors is similar to finding sponsors among entrepreneurs: they need to be interested. If entrepreneurs are interested in profit, then private investors can rely not only on money, but, for example, on increasing awareness, a positive impact on reputation. This can be useful for them in a political or other career.

The initiative, of course, comes from the entrepreneur seeking funds. Do not expect that some of the private investors will be interested in the project and offer money himself. It is much more promising to offer yourself, to present the project and its benefits.

Sponsors support only those projects in which they see prospects and benefits

Business incubators

The funny name "business incubator" hides organizations that help young entrepreneurs start their business. The amount of assistance is always different: it includes consultations and small advertising before the selection of premises on favorable terms and cash loans. The goal of such incubators is to help create a profitable company that will compete in the market.

This is a good option for aspiring entrepreneurs without work experience: the incubator can really give them a lot. The parties conclude an agreement where they spell out the terms of cooperation. It is important to understand that a business incubator helps for a reason: like all investors, it plans to get benefits for itself. This can be the payment of a fixed amount after a certain period of time, a deferred rental payment, and so on. All conditions must be contained in the contract, that is, the entrepreneur, before concluding the transaction, understands how he will pay for the assistance.

What is required to enter an incubator? Usually this is an application, a small package of documents and a business plan (sometimes they help with its development). Before concluding a contract, you should study the site of the business incubator, find out what projects it has already implemented and, if possible, talk to the “graduates”. This can approach the deal more thoughtfully and not face scammers.

Search for a sponsor on the Internet

How to find a sponsor for a project on the network? There are two effective ways:

  1. Specialized sites for finding sponsors for business.
  2. Promotion of your own website and pages on social networks.

There are a lot of sites for finding sponsors, as well as those who want to get money for their business. To start the search, you need to register at several sites, upload a presentation and a business plan of your project there. Visit the site regularly so as not to miss responses and respond to potential investors.

Another option for finding money for a business via the Internet is associated with its own website and social networks. The site is business card companies. It is difficult to imagine a modern entrepreneur without a website. The better it is, the higher the likelihood of attracting clients and sponsors.

For the second, you need to do special section "For Investors", where to tell what kind of help you are counting on (it is not always money, it can be equipment, land, real estate, a car, and even advertising) and why it is profitable to cooperate with you. It is necessary to provide for several forms of sending funds, as well as feedback.

To find a sponsor, you need to be able to present a project well

How to build a relationship between sponsor and sponsored

Suppose a novice businessman managed to find an investor who is ready to invest in his project. How to build a relationship with him so as not to "frighten off"? Correct relationships are based on several principles:

  1. Mutual benefit. If the investor does not understand what he will get from cooperation, he will refuse to give money. The business plan should clearly indicate its benefits.
  2. Honesty. Inflated expected profits, hidden costs and other circumstances that can affect the return on investment of a business alienate investors. Even if at the beginning of cooperation they manage to be hidden, then they will appear and forever ruin the business reputation of the startup.
  3. Openness. The investor will be safer if he gets access to the accounting documents of the company, and the entire history of the project is transparent.

How to negotiate

Negotiations on the conclusion of a deal for the help of an investor are almost always initiated by an entrepreneur. How can he negotiate to attract a sponsor? First, you need to speak in the "language of benefits": focus the attention of a potential sponsor on what he will receive after investing funds. It is good if the business already has its first successes. Projects that exist only on paper do not inspire confidence in many people.

Secondly, speak confidently, competently, measuredly, demonstrating knowledge of your project and market realities. There is no need to "dump" a lot of information on the interlocutor, he will get confused and forget it. It is important to create a favorable impression, to show yourself as a person who owns information and knows how to communicate.

Third, ask for a little. It is better to find several investors and take a small amount from each than to ask a lot of money from one. A large loan increases the risks for the sponsor, which he will not like. Fourth, imagine yourself as an investor. This simple technique will allow you to select the most convincing arguments and even anticipate the backlash.

Project presentation requires a lot of preliminary work

What questions to ask

During negotiations, questions are mainly asked by the investor, and the start-up responds by talking about his project. But it's okay to ask a few questions that will present you and your business in a better light. For example, it is appropriate to ask what exactly the investor expects from cooperation with you and in what time frame he expects to return the investment. This will help you better think through your development strategy and demonstrate your balanced approach to investors.

Correct self-presentation

Investors are often faced with applicants who present themselves as "the best" and "the only ones in the market." V modern conditions it's funny, but projects with such theses go to the trash can. You should not try to look more experienced and more influential than you really are.

A correct presentation is a demonstration of your real strengths combined with a willingness to acknowledge weaknesses and identify ways to address them. A budding businessman can say: “I am a good pastry chef with 5 years of experience. I understand how the kitchen works and what the customers are interested in. I didn’t drive Accounting and I don’t know which taxation to choose, so now I am looking for a reliable accountant ”.

No-nonsense self-confidence, professionalism and a business-like approach work better than loud statements.

Business project presentation

You need to prepare well for the presentation of the project. The presentation can only take place in word or in multimedia format. The second is preferable. Graphs, calculations, photographs and videos add clarity, that is, they give investors a more accurate picture of the project.

The presentation is conventionally divided into two parts:

  • the speech of the author of the project (the presentation itself);
  • answers on questions.

The second part is much more difficult: not all questions can be foreseen. Therefore, a good start-up presents the project himself. He knows him "inside and out" and can answer any questions. On average, the part before the questions should take 7-10 minutes, with 7 being preferable 10. How long the part with the answers to the questions will last cannot be said. The pattern is as follows: the more you are interested in the project, the more questions there will be.

Sponsors say yes to projects with high-quality presentation and great potential

When can you lose a sponsor?

The most common reason for a sponsor's refusal to cooperate is dishonest conditions stated by the entrepreneur, or incorrect profit calculations. If the sponsor finds out that the startup has withheld important information from him, he will stop working and take the money. This is a big blow to your reputation and should not be allowed.

The sponsor will leave if the project does not deliver the promised benefits. It is important to understand that the search for a sponsor and an agreement with him is only the beginning of work. After attracting money to the project, you will have to work more: to justify trust and create benefits for yourself and the investor.


The question of finding a sponsor and raising money for a project concerns any novice entrepreneur. Someone starts a business with the money of their parents, and someone proves the profitability of the project to venture investors, while others are connected to government programs... There are no unequivocal recommendations. It is useful not to be limited to one source, but to raise funds through several channels. It is important to present the project honestly and not to deceive potential sponsors with inflated profits.

Most modern girls are not looking for heaven in a hut with a loved one. Romance faded into the background and this is not surprising. After all, you really want to afford a good dinner in an expensive restaurant, a trip to a beautician, a prestigious sports club and a trip to the ocean. Fur coats, gold jewelry, a cool car - how to get it without spending years "working on your uncle"?

You can provide yourself with a heavenly life with the help of a sponsor. If a young lady is attractive, smart, knows how to present herself and is ready to accompany a rich man, then she can count on quite tangible sponsorship. Material support is naturally provided not for beautiful eyes, but rather not only for them. A girl should give her attention to a wealthy person, become for him the best lover and caring companion. There is no doubt that in return daddy will fulfill all her whims and whims. The case is small, to decide how to find a sponsor.

Difficult and painstaking way

It is clear to everyone that it is difficult to find a rich sponsor in everyday life: you rarely see him in a store or in a cafe. For a fateful meeting, you will have to try. Nightclubs and restaurants are the habitat of wealthy people, but there are also restrictions here. Most likely, you will have to somehow look for VIP places created for a limited number of people. These are elite sports clubs, private parties. It is clear that getting into their territory is problematic. Plus it is expensive. You won't go to a restaurant in the same gorgeous dress for the second time in a row. Therefore, you will also have to spend money on the external entourage.

There are several pitfalls along the way that you should know about in advance.

1. High competition - not only did you come up with a brilliant idea of ​​getting to know the owner. Therefore, be prepared to meet other kept women "in search". Not all of them are well-disposed towards competitors.
2. Fraudsters - even at private parties, pickupers appear who pretend to be rich and famous. Such a person has not a penny to his soul and he will lead you by the nose until he gets what he wants.
3. Absence of a positive result - in this case, the saying that “the absence of a result is also a result” is not true. Spending on trips to expensive clubs and the constant need to keep yourself in good shape may not pay off.

Internet to help

If you do not know how to find a sponsor and are not ready for a serious cash investment, as described above, then choose the simpler path. Refer to the World Wide Web! Fill out the form on a specialized website, most often it is free and requires a minimum of free time.

People from the business world simply cannot physically look for a girl in real life. A man wants to become a sponsor, but time for him is money. Therefore, a series of one-time meetings is not for him. Another thing is the database of kept women on the Internet. Here you can see the "product" by the person. Find out all the information about the applicant at once. Usually, not only physical and anthropological parameters (height, weight, eye color, age) are prescribed, but also the interests of the girl. This makes it easier to find and you have a real chance to get to know each other.

Business must be approached wisely. After all, there are no fewer applicants in the network than in reality, and you need to pay attention to your person. The main thing is a high-quality photo. Better to spend once on a photo session. A professional photographer will make it so that it will be impossible to take your eyes off your image. If this is not possible, then ordinary pictures will do. Think carefully about your pose and background.

After the photo, proceed to filling out information about yourself. Remember, nobody reads long texts. The man must cling to your profile. Therefore, let it be a few proposals, but they should stand out against the background of these competitors. You should not get carried away with listing your own merits, you do not get a job. Remember, your goal is to find a sponsor how to do it. Therefore, feel free to prescribe what you are ready to offer and would like to receive in return.

How to behave

Although in a pair of a landlord and a kept woman, all the roles are scheduled in advance, you should not, at the first acquaintance, reduce everything to solving monetary issues. Get along with a couple of subtle hints, join the game where you are a capricious girl, and a man is the one who fulfills her wishes. Such a relationship is pleasant to the donor. He always knows what he will get for his generosity. And you will always be sure that any of your whims will come true.

Good luck searching!

1). Sports sponsorship levels

The literal definition of a sponsor is a person or organization that provides funds for a project or activity carried out by another person or organization.

Here are the four most common levels of sponsorship.

Level 1. Gift / Donation - An individual or organization allocates funds for a specific purpose. In fact, this does not impose any obligations on the athlete, other than natural gratitude, expressed in the form of a letter or public recognition. Don't forget to thank everyone who helped you!

Level 2. Trade Sponsorship - A local store or company provides the athlete with equipment / equipment, free of charge or at a discount.

Level 3. Home Sponsorship - Free or discounted gear / gear plus some travel and competition reimbursement.

Level 4. Professional Sponsorship - Equipment, expenses plus additional fees.

It is clear that most of us would like to immediately receive sponsorship at the professional level. However, it is worth mentally being prepared to go all this way, from Level 1 to Level 4. As you move up from level to level, you earn trust, experience and the necessary knowledge of how to negotiate with your future sponsors.

Also remember that not all sponsors are created equal. The levels above are just for guidance. Every company, corporation, organization has its own sponsorship rules. For example, sponsorship from Nike will be very different from sponsoring a local sporting goods store - even if technically it's the same Level 2.

Before answering the question of what it means to be sponsored, we first need to understand why companies become sponsors. There are several reasons why companies sponsor athletes.

2). What does it mean to be a sponsored company?

  1. The image of these athletes is associated with representatives of the target audience of the company.
  2. These athletes can attract and elicit positive responses from a variety of demographic groups.
  3. These athletes can positively influence the image of the company and its products.

In a nutshell, companies look to get an ROI - return on investment - for their sponsorship. In the case of a contribution, the act of helping and supporting another person brings joy to the contributor. But for Tier 2-4 companies look to gain back what they have invested in sponsorships.

In short, companies are hoping to recoup their sponsorship investment. In the case of Level 1 - Gift / Donation - the sponsor simply enjoys his act of support. But at Level 2 and above, the company expects to reap the benefits of its sports sponsorship investment.
When a company sponsors an athlete, they are looking for someone whose image and qualities will successfully complement the company's image. This means that if an athlete is hardworking and committed to the sport, they can get support from a company that wants to demonstrate that they have the same qualities (hard work and dedication). Consumers choose products that are recommended by a particular athlete because of the athlete's reputation with the consumer. If the consumer is accustomed to trust, respect and admire the athlete, they may feel the same way towards the sponsoring company that the athlete represents.
What does this mean for the athlete himself? He must understand that being sponsored means:

  1. Give good (and hopefully sincere) feedback about the company and its products.
  2. Mention your collaboration with the press.
  3. Train hard and multiply your athletic performance.
  4. Participate in company promotions online and offline.
  5. Advertise the company by placing its logo on your equipment, social media page, etc.
  6. Attend events organized by the company.
  7. Publish exciting sports news and statuses on social networks, adding to them the sponsor's logo and a link to the sponsor's website.

3) How to find a sports sponsor

You can search for a sponsor in the most in different ways and very often the sponsor is where you least expect. Here are some possible approaches.

  1. Get recommendations - search for a sponsor through family and friends
  2. Conduct an active search - Call, send emails, make inquiries to various companies.
  3. Attract - make sponsors pay attention to you.

Of course, we would all like the last option to work, and that the companies themselves come to us with proposals. But, just like with the Sponsorship Tiers, you need to start by looking for recommendations and work your way up to the top.

Your family and friends may include someone associated with a company that supports athletes. To get sponsorship in this way, you need to do two things:

  1. Tell everyone that you are looking for a sponsor.
  2. Ask to share this information.

Very often people forget about these two simple steps. Most athletes take it for granted that their inner circle is aware of their progress. However, make sure your friends and family know you are looking for a sponsor. Running a campaign will bring friends and family together around your goals. They will be able to support your campaign by spreading the word and making contributions.

2. Conduct an active search

Going to a company where you don't know anyone can seem intimidating, although there is nothing to be afraid of. We offer the following methods to help grab the company's attention:

  1. "Machine gun" method: You create a standard email in which you tell about yourself and the purpose of your appeal. Using this template, you send an email to all possible companies.
  2. "Sniper" method: You contact each company on an individual basis. This method can be more powerful, as in the letter you can indicate the reasons why this particular company should become your sponsor. (Hint: these must be reasons that matter to the company, not you. “I don’t have the money to go to the competition” is a disrespectful reason. “The spectators of these competitions represent the target audience of the company. Your sports background and achievements are consistent with the values ​​of the company (you will have to look through their website, advertisements and find these values) "- good reason) .

Important people for you in the company:

  1. Marketing director. The marketing executive almost always has the budget for marketing activities that include sponsorship.
  2. Director of Government and Local Affairs... This is especially true for companies operating in the local market and interested in establishing links with the local community.
  3. Head of sponsorship programs. Such a position can be in a large company, in smaller ones all sponsorship activities are supervised by the heads of the marketing department.
  4. Brand manager. Such specialists are available in large companies operating in the consumer market.
  5. General manager.If you know that the head of the company is fond of sports, or, what is especially important, your sport, then it makes sense to try to contact him personally. But in such cases, it is best to seek a recommendation from a third party..

How to contact the company?

  1. An email / letter explaining the reason you are applying, plus short story about his sports career.
  2. Subsequent call to the company to make sure the letter has been received. When you call, try to arrange a face-to-face meeting to discuss your proposal in more detail.
  3. Arrange a meeting to present to the potential sponsor all the benefits of working with you.

3. Engage

One way to get the attention of potential sponsors is to build a community of supporters and followers on social media. To build a community, you need to publish interesting and engaging information about your sport or other area of ​​your ongoing interest. Use MAKEACHAMP, Facebook, Twitter, and write there regularly to gather a group of supporters. Going forward, you can leverage this community to attract sponsors.

4) Sponsorship opportunities

1. Corporate sponsorship programs.

Many companies have already developed sponsorship programs, with questionnaires and requirements. You can find them with a simple search in Yandex and Google. Also, the next time you go to a sports competition, pay attention to the banners and logos in the hall, in printed programs, on the competition website, on the equipment of other athletes.
Traditionally, athletes are supported by companies that manufacture and sell sports and healthy lifestyle products. Also look out for food and consumer goods manufacturers. Car dealers. Oil and gas companies.
We advise you to conduct serious research on the Internet, find a description of existing sponsorship programs and send applications for participation in them. Also remember, if once your candidacy went unnoticed, nothing prevents you from contacting again and again, when you get to know the requirements of the company better and make the necessary changes to your profile.

2. Agencies providing services in the field of sports marketing.

Whether you have sponsors or are just starting to look for them, working with a specialized agency or agent will be rewarding. They will help you to design your sports image and take over negotiations with sponsors. Search the Internet for relevant agencies and offer them your candidacy.

3. Crowdfunding campaign on MAKEACHAMP

Running a MAKEACHAMP crowdfunding campaign is a great way not only to get the funding you need, but also to attract the attention of potential sponsors. During the campaign, you will absolutely have to be super active on social media and grow your support group. The more people learn about your campaign, the more chances that these people will include your future sports sponsor.

Life in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city, exhausting work and modest rest in domestic resorts - not every girl is satisfied with such a prospect. But not everyone will be able to live in abundance, devoting all their time to career growth, completely forgetting about worldly benefits and entertainment. Most of the fair sex dreams of a beautiful life and golden mountains without much effort. Holidays in the best resorts, travel around the world, a comfortable life without thoughts of earning - how to make these dreams come true? It's very simple - dating sponsored men. But where can you find a wealthy partner who will generously thank his companion for communicating, because such men do not lie on the street? Specialized dating sites with rich daddies will help in this.

Which dating site should you choose?

Finding a wealthy man on the Internet is one of the most common ways to get things done. And this is not surprising! After all, most successful men simply do not have enough time to find a companion in real life, but everyone wants to have a submissive beauty by his side, whom he is not ashamed to show to friends and partners. That is why the number of dating sites for successful men and their kept women is growing rapidly. But which ones are the best and how not to run into deception? Our rating of popular services will help you understand these issues, where girls can easily find a sponsor for a man in Moscow and far beyond its borders.

Above, we have presented you a list of the most sought-after sites with successful men. All of them are carefully checked by us and meet all reliability requirements:

  • Confidentiality of personal data - all information used during registration, including your mobile phone or e-mail, will be available only to site administrators.
  • You do not need to indicate your first and last name in the profile, limiting yourself to a fictitious nickname.
  • Your profile will be inaccessible to unregistered users.
  • You will be able to search for a sponsor by private service advertisements.
  • All correspondence with other users remains strictly confidential.

On RatingDatings only high-quality dating sites with daddies are presented, having read the reviews of which you can choose the most suitable option for yourself according to your requirements and wishes. But to make your search as productive as possible, it is worth taking into account a few of our tips.

A frank story of Yana, who after the divorce decided that the main thing in a relationship is not love at all.

On this topic

On this topic

My next "catches" on the dating site were not so successful. The guys came across poorer and I didn't like them too much. With one of them, I was in a relationship for some time, but did not receive either moral or material satisfaction from this. One day, quite by accident, I found myself in the company of my friend's colleagues. Among them was an imposing man with beautiful gray hair, much older than all those present. We got into a conversation over a glass of wine, and I honestly admitted what attracts me in a relationship: money and care. He said that he completely agreed with me, and, in his opinion, a normal man should fully provide for his beloved. We continued the conversation a couple of weeks later, when he found my phone number through a friend and asked me out on a date.

Everything turned out, as always, trite: married, grown-up children, a common business with his wife, and real estate that he didn’t want to share. The relationship between them came to naught long ago, and behind the scenes everyone can live their own life. He also said that I was his type, and if I was not embarrassed by his age (he was 20 years older), we can try to build a relationship. I liked him, the difference in years did not seem significant, besides, he looked very attractive, and I had nothing against having an affair with him.

The affair dragged on: we were together for four years, and I left this relationship with a new apartment and a good airbag. He also helped me to place my son in a good Moscow university. We parted as friends, despite the fact that he left me for another girl.

Now I'm in a relationship again, I don't want to talk about them for personal reasons, but I can say that next to me is a worthy man who completely supports me and helps my son, to whom, by the way, during all this time, my own father did not give anything, except for scanty alimony.