
Smoke pipes for stoves. Chimneys. Chimneys and chimneys made of asbestos cement

There are no secondary elements in the heating system. Each component is an important link in the entire system. In particular, in stove equipment, it is very important what quality and characteristics the chimney has.

This element of the system is designed to remove combustion products (smoke), under the influence of air draft, to the outside. Such a device can be mounted outside the room, or mounted inside the house. It all depends on the type heating system, fuel, house construction, and other factors.

In our online store, experienced managers will help you choose the optimal type of chimney that will ensure the unhindered, free release of carbon monoxide to the outside.

How to choose a chimney

Every customer is welcome in our store. But it is even more important for us that the buyer is satisfied with the purchase even after its installation and commissioning. Therefore, before you choose stove chimneys in Moscow, we recommend that you learn about the main indicators that you should definitely pay attention to.

A large selection of chimney pipes from the catalog allows you to purchase both single-circuit and double-circuit elements. This element of the heating system can be of the following basic types:

The latter type is attached using various elements, including:

  • Knee,
  • Brackets,
  • Feedthrough pipe,
  • Tee,
  • Roof cutting.

Unlike a “sandwich”, a steel chimney is installed using welding.

When choosing a chimney for a gas boiler or stove, you must pay attention to the power of the stove and the type of bathhouse. It should be remembered that there cannot be a universal component that is equally suitable for different types of baths, for the home, and for the fireplace.

Fashion for fireplaces for the home last years returns. At this stage, fireplaces are not the main element of heating, but rather a place of aesthetic pleasure - live fire, crackling firewood or coals attract consumers.

But having decided to install a fireplace in your home, you should know what kind of chimney it should have. First of all, you should remember that the chimney should be mounted only on internal walls that do not freeze in extreme cold. Also, the lower the pipe protrudes above the roof, the better, the less the risk of clogging the pipe with various dust and dirt.

For a fireplace, it is best to give preference to brick structures, since the “sandwich” can freeze. You should definitely pay attention to the inflow, which will ensure the normal functioning of the fireplace.

5 reasons to order a chimney from us

When choosing where to place an order, you should evaluate the advantages of our online store. First of all, we have free delivery in Moscow, the region and other cities - the tariffs are low. Therefore, residents from different regions of the country can become our customers.

The inexpensive chimneys presented in the catalog are of high quality, designed for a long service life. The product offered is not picky when it comes to care and is easy to clean.

In our online store you can buy chimneys that are safe for any type of room. The buyer only has to choose the right product for the features of the heating structure and install it correctly. Experienced company managers who know what type of smoker should be used in a certain situation will help you make a choice.

Our customers have the opportunity to pay for their purchase upon receipt. This makes Shopping safe and secure.

Brick chimneys and chimneys are the most important elements that make up a heating device. This design is necessary to remove combustion products through draft. For the construction of chimneys they are used modern materials. Examples of brick chimneys with photos are given in the article below.

But brick chimneys are still quite popular. The construction of such structures is used for heating structures with exhaust gas temperatures of no more than 300 C. Such a smoke removal system should not be used for long-term burning structures. This process has a low temperature of the exhaust gases, which will lead to the formation of condensation inside the pipe, and the rapid formation of soot. All this over time leads to deterioration of draft and possible destruction of the chimney.

When constructing a chimney of any type, you must comply with building codes and fire safety requirements. Before building a pipe, you need to decide on its type.

Classification of chimneys

Brick chimneys and chimneys differ in type into:

  • Naked. With this design, the entire chimney is assembled into half a brick, with the base on the stove. This type is the most common. But since the chimney has a square cross-section, when smoke is removed, turbulence is formed in the corners, which reduces draft. A round pipe cross-section is considered ideal, but it is difficult to achieve using brickwork. A slight increase in draft can be done by plastering the corners of the pipe with a certain composition and installing a cap on the brick chimney pipe.

  • Indigenous. Such a chimney is practically independent design. It is located separately, and the connection to the heating structure is made by a special pipe.
  • Prefabricated chimneys. Such structures are made from individual elements.
  • Wall chimneys. Such structures run inside the wall. When installing such a pipe, you need to take into account important point– you should not place such a structure in external walls. The smoke will cool, which will lead to condensation and reduce draft.

Brick chimneys and chimneys - design and diagrams

The design of chimneys includes the following parts:

  1. - top pipe
  2. - otter
  3. - neck
  4. - formwork

Immediately behind the foundation there is an extension tube. In some cases, it rests on the stove and goes all the way to the top. Valves are installed in this part of the pipe, which are needed to adjust the draft.

There is a fluff in front of the ceiling; it is done by expanding the masonry. It is carried out for fire safety. Next to the roof there is a straight pipe, which is called a riser.

Otter called the part of the chimney that passes through the roof. It has a slight extension to protect the attic from precipitation. The outside can be treated with waterproofing.

Important: The size of a brick chimney must be at least 5 meters, and to bring the chimney to this size, a neck is made.

The neck is completed by a head. It has a protective function, and can be used as a basis for installing additional protection devices. The head is the final part of the pipe laying. A brick chimney cannot be built below the ridge, otherwise the draft may decrease and the heating structure will smoke.

Decoration of the fluff

To form it, the level of the masonry is strictly checked and the required number of rows to be laid is calculated. Before installation, the degree of shrinkage of the structure and the material of manufacture are taken into account. If the house has just been built, then the fluffing is done 7 cm before the ceiling.

The fluffing itself is performed in several stages. The most common option is an overlap of 3 cm, which can sometimes reach 6 cm. The internal cross-section of the chimney should not change.

The second row of masonry is connected to the middle of the pipe. The next few rows are made from the chimney channels. The masonry seams are made as thin as possible. On the last row, the laying of the riser begins, which goes vertically to the roof.

  1. — The closer the chimney goes to the ridge, the higher it should be
  2. — The pipe must be at least a meter higher than the roof
  3. — You cannot tap the brick when laying it, as air pockets may appear, which can reduce traction.
  4. — The chimney must be level
  5. — During installation, the horizontal and vertical of the masonry is regularly checked

Brick chimneys and chimneys are laid using a clay solution; the brick is wetted during laying. It is best to use fire bricks. But you can also use silicate M 150; such bricks are not inferior in characteristics, but have the advantage of frost resistance.

IN modern life Modular systems have become widespread. They are a system of modular blocks made of lightweight concrete. They are hollow inside, this allows you to place a ceramic pipe there, which is additionally insulated with mineral wool.

Such insulation also serves as a means of additional protection against fire. Using such a system, you can easily make a single-turn vertical chimney for a heating structure with your own hands.

Efficiency heating stoves and other similar devices largely depends on the design chimney in the house.
Stove chimney pipe designed to remove volatile and gaseous combustion products from the firebox and create draft to ensure the combustion process.
Until relatively recently, all chimney pipes were made either from brick, or from asbestos-cement pipes, or from black non-galvanized metal.
The thing is that when the temperature of the exhaust gases exceeded 100 degrees C, zinc began to evaporate into the room, and its fumes are harmful to health. That’s why they used non-galvanized metal, covering it on the outside with beautiful silver.
Today, chimneys are built from a variety of materials, and each of them has its own pros and cons. So let's try to figure out which pipe to choose for the chimney of your house so that it serves faithfully for decades.

Asbestos cement chimney pipe
Asbestos-cement pipes have been widely used since the middle of the last century. They were cheap, easy to produce, and there was plenty of natural asbestos in the country. Moreover, such pipes could be used without any preliminary insulation for a wide variety of agricultural needs. But they were never intended for arranging chimneys.
During the times of reclamation in rural areas, asbestos-cement pipes were not uncommon, and during the period of mass construction of private houses, they came into use as chimney pipes.
Many opponents of such implementation immediately appeared - first of all, environmental defenders, who argued that asbestos cement releases environment many bad connections.
Although, according to scientists, asphalt on the road is even more carcinogenic.
But, nevertheless, even the roofs of buildings today are covered with a variety of expensive roofings instead of cheap and durable asbestos.
All these fears and myths have little to do with chimneys made from asbestos-cement pipes.
And at the same time, they are not at all safe - this material was never designed for high temperatures, and can burst already at 300 degrees C. Therefore, if you place them, then not at the stove itself - but as close to the roof as possible, where The smoke is already a little cooled.
To prevent the danger of flying fragments and accidental fire (God forbid) in the hot part of the pipe, as well as in uncontrolled places (attic), it is better to wrap asbestos cement pipe bandage made of sheet iron.

There is also another point. Soot forms in any chimney, but the smoother its walls, the less soot is retained on them.
But asbestos-cement pipes have never been smooth, and a lot of soot accumulates on them. And it’s easy for it to catch fire – any stove maker knows this.
Moreover, if the soot catches fire inside an asbestos-cement pipe, it can burst due to temperature. Is it dangerous.
Asbestos-cement pipes are also severely damaged by condensation. Condensate is an aggressive medium consisting of a mixture of combustion oxides and a very small amount of moisture.
Moreover, the oxides contain a good percentage of hydrochloric acid, which even destroys bricks, but asbestos also absorbs it, transferring all this to the building in the form of unsightly stains with the same unpleasant odor.
This means that if you decide to use an asbestos-cement pipe for your chimney, clean it as often as possible.
True, cleaning such pipes is difficult - inspection windows cannot be made in such pipes.

Brick pipe

The construction of a brick chimney has a long history.
Such a pipe is laid out of red stove brick at the same time as the stove. A competent stove maker knows exactly which brick to choose for the stove, even different ones inside and outside, which brick is needed for the chimney inside the attic, and which one is needed for the outside of the chimney on the street.
The inside of the chimney should not be corroded by condensation, and the outside should not be washed away by rain or crack due to temperature changes. Therefore, overheated, underheated and wet bricks should be clearly distinguished.
Pipe made from of this material, needs periodic repairs. In addition, to install a brick pipe with your own hands, you need to use a special solution that is resistant to the combustion process, but at the same time is plastic and heat-resistant.
Since the weight of a brick pipe is very significant, the entire stove-pipe structure is usually one piece and placed on a separate foundation not connected to the house.
Brick chimneys and chimneys are also installed inside the brickwork of the building wall.
Place chimneys and chimneys with bandages on lime or cement-lime mortar inside the house, and above the roof on cement mortar.
According to SNiP, wall channels are made of high quality red solid brick, with a seam no thicker than 10 mm. The inner surface of the channel is not plastered.
However, no matter how well such brickwork is made, the inner surface of a brick chimney is rough and it will still become covered with soot over time. In any uneven area of ​​the chimney, soot accumulates more intensely.
The wall with the chimney duct inside is almost constantly wet from condensation.

Aggressive acidic condensate destroys the brickwork, the brick crumbles and sometimes even collapses inside the channel and narrows its cross-section.
To significantly increase the service life of the chimney, it is necessary to periodically clean it at least once every six months.
The internal cross-section of a brick chimney has a rectangular cross-section, so when gases move in the corners, turbulence occurs, reducing draft.
Therefore, an asbestos-cement or steel pipe is sometimes placed in the internal channel.
The main disadvantages of a brick pipe are weight, size, difficulty of repair and replacement.
But the aesthetics, fire safety and durability of brick chimneys exceed any of their shortcomings.

Ceramic stove pipe

Ceramic chimneys are also a modular system of fully prefabricated elements.
In the simplest cases, they are a regular ceramic pipe, but it is considered more appropriate to use sandwich structures that provide safe operating conditions.
Heat-resistant ceramics are acid-resistant and durable.
Some manufacturers claim a guaranteed service life of up to 30 years, and an expected service life of up to 100 years.
The inner surface of the ceramic is coated with a special heat-resistant glaze, which makes it absolutely smooth.
This prevents the formation of turbulent vortices, the gas flow passes in a calm laminar flow. Soot does not stick to the smooth ceramic surface.
The chimney of such pipes is the most durable. It is not afraid of prolonged intense heating, chemical aggressive environments, or corrosion. Its inner surface is very smooth, almost no soot or ash lingers in it, and as a result, maintenance of the pipes is minimal.
Ceramics is also an excellent heat-absorbing material, and in combination with the expanded clay concrete box in which it is hidden, the outer surface of the chimney ultimately does not heat up at all. And this is a complete guarantee that your house will never fall into that sad statistics of houses that burn due to chimneys!
These elements have a significant total weight, so the ceramic chimney pipe is installed on a separate foundation.
Carrying out brickwork requires considerable time, and installation of a chimney with a ceramic pipe can be carried out in a short time.
Ceramic pipes are expensive and practical.

Metal chimney
Metal chimneys are almost always made of stainless steel. They are an almost modular system of straight sections and shaped elements: adapters, bends, tees, umbrellas.
Such systems can be either embedded inside brick channels or mounted separately.
The stainless steel used is heat-resistant and acid-resistant and condensation cannot corrode it.
Stainless steel is the most suitable material in terms of overheating, soot and getting wet. This material can even heat up to 500 degrees C – and it will not melt yet.
Soot does not accumulate on the smooth inner surface of the chimney.
Thus, due to the smooth, soot-free surface and stable cross-section, stable aerodynamic characteristics of the passage of exhaust gases are ensured.
Single wall metal chimneys consist of one layer of stainless steel, and double-walled ones consist of two layers of metal and mineral (most often basalt) wool is laid between them.
These are sandwich systems. In this case, the outer surface heats up minimally, heat is retained perfectly throughout the entire chimney, and therefore condensation almost does not form on the inner surface.

Sandwich pipes are very technologically advanced and have been used quite often lately, especially for baths. The only thing is that when purchasing, you need to carefully check the quality of the steel, because there are many cases of pipes burning through and fires for this reason.
Sometimes, during repair or restoration work, a metal pipe is placed inside brick channels. This is called a "sleeve".
The low weight allows these chimneys to be installed without a special foundation.

Is there some more corrugated pipes. They are used exclusively to create turns and bends in the chimney, but almost never as the main pipe. But they are irreplaceable if there is a beam just above the stove and all that remains is to go around it. For more, they do not yet have sufficient anti-corrosion or thermal insulation qualities.
It should be noted that there are metal chimneys that are not made of stainless steel. For example, for sauna stoves, some manufacturers offer thick-walled pipes made of low-alloy steel.
And when constructing sauna stoves, craftsmen quite often use cast iron chimneys from sewer pipes.

Concrete chimney pipes

The main advantage of such pipes is the low cost of the material, durability, maintainability and lack of seams. And you can make the pipes themselves at home using sliding formwork.
The composition of the mixture is as follows: three parts sand, water and one part Portland cement M400. The concrete turns out to be quite hard. It is better to make the pipes monolithic, and there will be very little soot.
The only drawback of such pipes is their heaviness. This can be corrected if expanded clay is used in the composition.

Vermiculite pipes
Vermiculite pipes are a new wave of popularity in construction market. Condensation does not form inside such pipes at all, and therefore they very rarely need to be cleaned.
In its composition, vermiculite is close to aerated concrete, and is just as light, but it does not absorb moisture at all, tolerates high temperatures well and has good resistance to any physical influences.

Chimney pipe head
Many people saw something like an umbrella, a mushroom or a hat at the end of the pipe. This part of the chimney is called the head; more modern terminology refers to this structure as a spark arrester or deflector.
The head of the chimney can perform one or more functions - it protects from precipitation, extinguishes sparks flying from the chimney, improves the draft of the stove, and sometimes it is a very beautiful decoration.
The head of the chimney can be structurally simple - in the form of an umbrella, or it can have a complex design to protect against wind blowing and improve overall draft, appearance in this case it may have a different shape.

Chimney draft
There are special devices that measure chimney draft in pascals (the difference in pressure in sections of the chimney), although they are very expensive, so in most cases, rather trivial methods are used to determine draft:
- the traction force is determined by the deflection of a sheet of paper (in most cases, toilet paper is ideal);
- the direction of draft is determined by the direction of the smoke from a lit cigarette.
The sufficiency of traction can also be determined visually:
- Smoke in the room - reverse draft;
- The flame is bright white, there may be a hum in the chimney - the draft is too strong;
- Flame with dark stripes, red – insufficient draft;
- The flame is golden yellow - the draft is normal.
What does chimney draft depend on:
- insufficient height will lead to a decrease in traction, and in the case of excess, then, on the contrary, to an excessive increase. If you are not going to carry out an accurate physical and mathematical calculation, you should focus on a length of at least 4.5 meters.
- The cross-sectional shape directly affects the aerodynamic characteristics of the chimney: for example, in the case of a rectangular or square cross-section, we get additional turbulence in the corners that impede the overall flow, which is not observed in round analogues.
- Placing the chimney mainly in the interior of the building will allow you not only to increase the heating capacity of the entire heating system, but will also make it possible to maintain constant good draft (even in frosty times).

At the same time, placing the chimney outside the building requires it to warm up for a longer time and, as a result, will cause a decrease in draft.
- Too small cross-sectional area sizes when releasing a large volume of combustion products will not create the required thrust. This rule is exactly the opposite: too large a cross-sectional area with small volumes of combustion products will lead to the fact that all the heat will “fly out into the chimney”. Installation of chimney pipes various diameters in different sections of the chimney will not only lead to unpredictable draft behavior, but will also allow the formation of soot and other deposits.

- It is best to place the chimney pipe close to the ridge of the roof, but here certain conditions must be observed: if the pipe is located at a distance of 1.5 meters from the ridge, then the head should rise at least half a meter. If the distance between the ridge and the cap is in the range from 1.5 to 3 meters, then we place the chimney flush with the ridge. When the distance exceeds 3 meters, in this case the head should be located on a line drawn at an angle of 10 degrees from the ridge of the roof downwards. Incorrect location of the chimney in relation to the ridge of the roof can lead to weakening of draft in a certain wind direction.
- The chimney draft also depends on the smoothness of the chimney walls and the presence of sharp turns.
- The shape and dimensions of the pipe head also affect the draft. When assembling and choosing an umbrella, there is a significant danger of “miscalculating” the dimensions and, as a result, getting backdraft, for example, if the umbrella is too large and lowered too low. If you install a factory stainless steel chimney hood, no problems will arise - all the necessary parameters have already been calculated by engineers
- Atmospheric phenomena, air pressure, temperature, humidity, the presence of wind - all this naturally affects the draft in the chimney.
We can adjust the draft manually using a gate.
A damper is a damper, the intended use of which is intended not only to regulate the draft force, but also to protect the room from fire. One damper is installed in the chimney duct, the other, as a rule, is mounted either in the stove itself or in its door. Thus, by varying their position, we can adjust the traction force, which is an important advantage.
A good stove and chimney are the key to warmth and comfort in the house, because with its help you can easily heat even a very large house.
However, not everyone can correctly assemble a stove and pipe with their own hands, which is why in order to do such work, you must have certain knowledge and experience. Laying a chimney with your own hands is not at all difficult, you just need to have all the necessary materials and follow the instructions.

It is not surprising, but in the age of cheap electricity, countless amounts of gas in the depths of the vast country, a huge number of households, dachas and bathhouses continue to be heated with wood. Almost every rural home owner uses a stove.

What is a stove without a chimney? The article is dedicated to them. Stove pipes and chimneys are a mandatory attribute of a heater stove in a bathhouse, a Russian stove in a house, or a long-burning stove in country house. Just as there is a huge variety of furnaces, so solutions for removing combustion products can be varied. Interestingly, pipes on stoves appeared in Rus' relatively recently. Before this, huts were heated “black” and this is due to the state collecting a tax “from the chimney”.

Brick chimneys and chimneys

Traditionally, the most common were stove pipes and chimneys made of brick. They are placed on brick ovens. They are durable and fireproof. It is necessary to follow a few simple rules during installation and use. The brick one is made from red stove bricks. Closer to the head it can be replaced with a regular red ceramic one. The higher the smoke rises up the chimney, the colder it becomes. The requirements for the thermal conductivity of the material are becoming less stringent. But you still need to follow a number of rules:

1. When crossing ceilings, especially those made of flammable material, it is necessary to make a so-called “fluff” on the chimney - a thickening that has increased thermal insulation due to increased wall thickness.

2. When crossing the roof, it is necessary to make a fireproof cut. This is clearly visible in the drawing below. The thickness of the chimney wall should be at least 120 millimeters - this is the width of the red brick. If you decide to make a brick chimney yourself, then the figure shows the order of laying out the “fluff”.

Keep in mind that the inside needs to be made as smooth as possible. When laying out each row, carefully cover the inter-row seams. The smoother the surface, the less soot will be deposited on it.

If you use a brick chimney for a fireplace, the inside of the chimney must be made of fireclay bricks, since the temperature of the gases from the combustion of the fireplace is much higher than the gases coming out of a conventional stove.

Stainless steel sandwich stove pipes and chimneys

The next most common are stove pipes and chimneys. of stainless steel. They are durable and easy to install. The sandwich is the most popular. A chimney made from sandwich pipes has its own characteristics. The most commonly used are sandwiches with a thermal insulation thickness of 50 millimeters. They are found with insulation thickness of 100 millimeters, but this is rather exotic for private housing construction. A thermal insulation thickness of 50 millimeters is enough to protect open areas passing through the attic space. The main rule is that the distance from the walls to the pipe should be at least 50 centimeters. Where it is not possible to maintain these dimensions, it is recommended to lay an additional layer of non-combustible thermal insulation along the wall and cover it with a glass-magnesium sheet or a sheet of iron (stainless steel).

Despite the fact that the pipe itself already has a layer of thermal insulation, when crossing the floors it is necessary to make additional heat and fireproof insulation.

Its width must be at least 30 centimeters. When crossing a wall, it is advisable to even increase it a little. The passage box can be filled with expanded clay, filled with clay, or compacted tightly with non-flammable insulation. An incorrectly executed passage through a ceiling or wall can cause a fire, so it is necessary to take the manufacture and installation of these chimney components very responsibly.

When installing chimneys from sandwich pipes, one should take into account the peculiarity of using a heat generator - a furnace. The chimney can be installed “through smoke” or “through condensate.”

The first connection option is more suitable for a stove that is heated daily, when the chimney does not cool down between firings - most of it passes through warm rooms. Using the oven in this mode does not lead to the release of large amounts of condensate and its accumulation.

The second type - “by condensate” is preferable to use in case of rare heating or with a chimney passing along the external wall of the building. A condensate trap must be installed.

Since the mass of the pipe can be quite large, when installed on the external wall of a building, the base must be additionally reinforced with a supporting structure, a version of which can be seen in the photograph. The pipes must be secured to the wall using special brackets. It must be taken into account that each knee must be secured with at least one bracket. The maximum distance between brackets is 2 meters 20 centimeters.

The part that rises above the roof must be secured with at least three guy wires. A pipe standing on a roof higher than one meter is subject to significant wind loads, and in winter also snow loads. This factor should be taken into account when designing from a sandwich.

A very important point: all connections must be visible and accessible for inspection. Under no circumstances should a connection be allowed inside a ceiling or wall.

Let us mention an important factor - the first pipe from the stove must be without thermal insulation. The smoke coming directly from the furnace is still very hot and therefore there is a possibility of burning the insulating material. A pipe without thermal insulation sharply lowers the temperature of the smoke, plus it is an additional element for heating the room. To protect against burns, an additional mesh is often placed on it.

Sandwich stove pipes and chimneys are practical, easy to install and fairly easy to clean. We do not recommend that you use galvanized sandwich pipes; they quickly burn out and do not last long. If you need quality, choose stainless steel.

When touching on this issue, one cannot ignore asbestos cement pipes. In Soviet times, these were used to make irrigation systems for fields, and enterprising collective farmers used them as chimneys. In fact, they are not intended to be used in this capacity. At temperatures above 200 degrees they crack. Therefore, use for stoves with direct smoke flow is strictly prohibited.

An asbestos-cement pipe can be used as the final element of a brick-on-stone stove. It has a rough surface, which facilitates the deposition of soot. A large amount of soot in the chimney not only prevents smoke from escaping, but is also explosive.

When using any pipe, it must be positioned correctly on the roof. Incorrect placement results in the chimney being blown out by the wind and precipitation entering it. An umbrella or a similar structure can save you from precipitation. The correct location is shown in the figure:

Cleaning of chimneys and chimneys

Cleaning from soot and soot is a mandatory part of operation. The rougher the surface of the chimney, the more soot is deposited on the walls. We have already written that soot not only makes it difficult for smoke to escape, but is a rather dangerous factor, as it can explode when the temperature rises and lead to a rupture of the chimney. Stainless steel sandwiches are least susceptible to soot deposition. But, unfortunately, these chimneys have another problem - condensation. Therefore, they must be equipped with condensate collectors, periodically cleaning them from water and tar.

Brick asbestos-cement chimneys are cleaned with a metal brush with a weight tied to it from below. To clean, you need to go up to the roof. Carefully lowering the tool down and lifting it up, clean off all the soot from the walls. The soot will fall down, where it is removed through the cleaning door.

Burning aspen wood gives a good cleansing effect. The combustion temperature is significantly higher than the combustion of other firewood. When aspen burns, the soot in the chimney burns out. It is better to do this periodically, not allowing a large amount of precipitation to accumulate. The procedure will give effect once a month, and not at the end of the season. You can add aspen during normal heating of the stove.

A preventive measure against clogging and large formation of soot deposits is the main rule of the stoker - do not burn garbage, especially plastic, in the stove.

Chimneys and chimneys - price

Price range for chimneys various types great A good stove brick costs about 25 - 30 rubles apiece. The higher the chimney, the more bricks. The cost of the chimney is also increasing.

An asbestos cement pipe 4 meters long, with a diameter of 120 millimeters in construction stores costs about 800 - 1000 rubles.

A sandwich pipe 1 meter long costs from 1,200 rubles. It all depends on the grade of stainless steel, the quality of the insulation, and the method of joining the steel sheets.

Our advice is not to skimp on the cost of chimneys. It must be remembered that a high-quality chimney is a guarantee of health and safety.

Of course, a modern house with a stove is an anachronism. A thrifty owner installs a comprehensive, economical heating system.

However, what could be better than sitting in front of the fireplace on a cold evening or taking a steam bath in a Russian bath? But a fireplace and a good stove in a Russian bath cannot do without stove pipes and chimneys. This equipment will also be relevant in the construction of stationary grills and barbecues. The design of chimneys and chimneys is quite simple, but has some nuances.

Stove pipes and chimneys can be divided into several large groups depending on the material they are made of. So they can be made using brickwork, from metal pipes of various types, as well as from multilayer materials.

In addition, stove chimneys may differ in the way they are installed:

  • Wall chimneys are mounted directly into the thickness of the walls of the building, external or internal. In this case, stoves and fireplaces can also be installed directly in the walls of buildings.
  • Suspended chimneys are mounted on the external walls of buildings.
  • There are also main chimneys. Such structures are mounted separately, next to the stove.

SNiP requirements for stove pipes and chimneys

Existing SNiPs impose certain requirements on chimneys and chimneys under construction:

  • They must effectively remove combustion products.
  • They must have sufficient height above the roof ridge.
  • Their internal cross-section must be sufficient to completely remove smoke.
  • Pipes must be resistant to high temperatures.
  • They must be durable, the upper part of the chimney must withstand gusts of wind

Let's start with the height of the chimney pipe. A sufficient chimney height ensures good draft and effectively removes combustion products, preventing the room from becoming smoky and maintaining draft. However, excessive pipe height can lead to condensation and reduced draft.

The diameter of the chimney or its internal cross-section is calculated based on the size of the firebox. It increases with the volume of the combustion space, in proportion to it. An insufficient cross-section of the chimney leads to smoke, but an excessive diameter will, on the contrary, lead to a decrease in draft.

What should the chimney be made of, what materials are prohibited from being used?

The main requirement for the material for the manufacture of chimney stove pipes is heat resistance. The minimum fire safety threshold for chimney pipe material is set at 30 minutes and 1000 degrees. In constant operation, the pipe material must withstand temperatures of 500 degrees without damage, since the temperature of combustion products rarely drops below 300 degrees.

The reserve of 200 degrees is due to the fact that soot accumulating in pipes has a tendency to spontaneous combustion.

Strict requirements are also imposed on thermal conductivity. The temperature of the outer layer of chimney pipes should not exceed 90 degrees, and in places where they interface with flammable structures - no higher than 65 degrees.

We especially note that combustion materials have aggressive chemical composition and the material from which the stove chimney pipes are made must effectively withstand the adverse chemical environment. In addition, the part of the pipe extending outside the premises is exposed to climatic conditions and must not be destroyed due to temperature changes.

The traditional material for making chimneys is refractory brick. It almost perfectly meets all the requirements for chimney pipe materials. However, the construction of brick chimneys and chimneys requires certain skills.

In addition, the brick must be individually selected for each heating device. So in stoves, the temperature of combustion products is usually kept at 250 degrees, but in fireplaces, when exposed to direct fire, it can reach 400 degrees. Thus, it is recommended to make the walls of a brick chimney for a fireplace from fireclay bricks, laying a wall thickness of more than 15 centimeters with seams of 5 mm. This significantly increases the cost of manufacturing chimney pipes for fireplaces, as well as the requirements for the strength characteristics of the foundations under the fireplace.

Chimneys and chimneys made of asbestos cement

Asbestos-cement pipes are a relatively cheap but also reliable material for the manufacture of chimney pipes. They can be used for the construction of chimneys in stationary barbecues, light buildings, and baths. When installing such pipes, special attention should be paid to areas where they interface with flammable materials, since asbestos cement pipe may crack during service.

Stainless steel chimneys

As a rule, stove chimneys made of stainless metal can be used in the construction of heating systems with gas boilers. Such a pipe becomes very hot from the passage of combustion products and therefore it must be reliably equipped. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the pipe from which the chimney is made. Thin stainless metal, especially in low-quality pipes, cracks can develop, which can easily cause a fire.

Also, a disadvantage of this pipe model is the strong formation of condensate on their surface.

Pipes and chimneys made of multilayer composite materials

New models of pipes, also called “sandwich pipes,” appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already proven themselves well. Multilayer pipes are manufactured in industrial conditions, usually in the form of meter-long sections; during installation, the chimneys simply need to be connected. Such a pipe is reliable in terms of strength and is highly resistant to high temperatures and aggressive chemical environments.

Typically, a sandwich pipe has three layers. The inner surface is made of stainless steel, the upper surface is made of galvanized steel. Insulating material is placed between them.

Such a pipe is light in weight and quite undemanding for installation. It does not put a lot of stress on the oven. As a disadvantage, we can note the high cost of such structures and a relatively short service life. However, the time of trouble-free operation of a sandwich pipe depends on the specific manufacturer. During operation, such a pipe is subject to thermal deformation, which can compromise its integrity.

Multilayer pipes may have a different composition. So the inner part can be made of refractory clay, and basalt wool can be placed between it and the upper shell of lightweight concrete. This configuration of multilayer pipes significantly increases their service life. In addition, various decorative coatings can be glued to the outer part of such a pipe.

Modular chimneys

Modern industry offers ready-made construction kits for self-installation stove pipes and chimneys. All components are manufactured at industrial plants and then easily assembled at the installation site.

How to arrange a chimney passage through the roof?

1 - chimney chimney, 2 - rafter leg, 3 - fireproof thermal insulation material, 4 - load-bearing beam

Typically, the installation of chimney pipes is carried out during the construction of a building or structure, simultaneously with the installation of a furnace or heating system.

With this approach, you can easily adjust the relative position of the rafters to the chimney and create the necessary gaps between the wooden materials and the chimney. They must leave at least 15 centimeters and are laid with fireproof material, such as basalt wool.

When building a stove or fireplace, when calculating its foundation, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the chimney pipe.

The upper part of the pipe can be equipped with a protective device that prevents sparks from flying away on one side, and rain from entering the pipe on the other.

Laying a brick chimney - training video