
Chimneys for stove heating. Construction of a stove pipe (chimney) made of brick and metal. Solid fuel, pellet or gas boiler

Official website of the exclusive importer and distributor of METALOTERM chimneys in Russia

The only fireproof chimney pipes in the world are produced by the Dutch company Schiedel Metaloterm B.V. under the brand METALOTERM (METALOTERM).

Chimneys METALOTERM is the best that is offered today by manufacturers of smoke ducts.

Why do we have the right to proudly declare that Metalotherm chimneys - the right chimneys? EVERYONE needs to know this!

Buying a METALOTERM chimney is cheaper than not buying!

Metalotherm pipes (METALOTERM) - professional chimneys developed by ONTOP (Netherlands). This company has been well known among specialists for more than 50 years as a world leader in production ultra-reliable chimneys for marine shipbuilding, for equipment operating in difficult climatic and technological conditions (oil and gas offshore platforms and drilling sites, industrial facilities, mobile and stationary generating stations). From 01/01/2020 Ontop B.V. part of the Schiedel Metaloterm B.V. group.

All innovative technologies developed for industrial chimneys have been introduced into the production of smoke ducts for private housing construction.

We all think about our safety and security. And in terms of reliability and safety of chimney pipes METALotherm (METALOTERM) there are no equals. Real security is now available not only to owners of factories and ships :)!

Chimney pipes Metalotherm AT. The safest and most reliable

The worst thing for any sandwich-type chimney is the ignition of soot, in which in a short period of time there is a sharp abrupt increase in temperature in the chimney to values ​​above 1000º C ( heatstroke).

In operating mode, each linear meter of the inner pipe may increase in length as a result of thermal expansion up to 10 mm, and when soot ignites - up to 18 mm(almost 2 times more!). In this case, the outer pipe practically does not change in length. For example, with a steel chimney 10 meters high, the inner pipe may “climb” up beyond the outer pipe by 18 cm! When cooling, sections of the inner pipe cannot return to their original position due to friction against the insulation and lack of communication between them. socket joints may break and fistulas may form. If, structurally, the inner pipe cannot expand upward, then under the influence of thermal linear expansion it folds into an “accordion”, the structure of the metal changes, when cooling, internal fistulas also form between sections of the working pipe. In the future, such steel chimneys represent fire hazard and gradually burn out.

The ceramic chimney pipe is also susceptible to destruction. The actual combustion of soot occurs almost instantly and is accompanied by a phenomenon similar to a strong bang and flash. As a result of a very rapid and sharp increase in temperature from the operating value of 200-400ºС to 1000-1200ºС ( temperature shock) Maybe cracking already fragile ceramic pipe, especially in areas of internal stress or shock received during transportation and installation. In practice, when soot ignites, the most common problems are chipping of the outlet pipe on ceramic tees ceramic channels.

The causes of soot fires are related with the quality of firewood and missing the deadline for cleaning the smoke duct. And since this is not so rare, the requirement began to be placed on metal chimneys - soot fire resistance.

According to this criterion, chimney pipes are divided into two classes: fire-resistant soot and soot that is not resistant to fire. The term "soot fire resistant" in relation to chimneys means resistance to one-time soot combustion. Such chimney pipes retain their tightness and consumer properties after the soot ignites. BUT the next soot fire is destructive for them. Therefore, European standards for metal chimneys resistant to soot fire stipulate replacing pipes after a soot fire. Russian standards do not yet require their chimney manufacturers to be resistant to soot fire; such tests are not carried out.

Become a witness METALotherm AT pipe testing for the 20th soot fire, which we personally attended!

Chimneys "Metalotherm AT" (Metaloterm® AT) - the world's first modular chimneys made of stainless steel with a manufacturer's warranty 30 years even after repeated soot fires in the chimney(t > 1000º C)!

They can be used without repair or replacement even after several soot fires in the chimney.

Choosing a chimney pipe is a very important and responsible matter. Which chimney should you choose? The best answer to this question is: chimney Metalotherm AT .

Chimney Metalotherm AT /Metaloterm® AT- smoke channel of increased reliability and safety. This is the most the right chimney for wooden houses, which impose increased fire safety requirements.

And, if chosen good chimneys for sauna stoves And chimneys for saunas, then the METALotherm AT chimney pipe is the best solution because it is the safest.

Of course, a modern house with a stove is an anachronism. A thrifty owner installs a comprehensive, economical heating system.

However, what could be better than sitting in front of the fireplace on a cold evening or taking a steam bath in a Russian bath? But a fireplace and a good stove in a Russian bath cannot do without stove pipes and chimneys. This equipment will also be relevant in the construction of stationary grills and barbecues. The design of chimneys and chimneys is quite simple, but has some nuances.

Stove pipes and chimneys can be divided into several large groups depending on the material they are made of. So they can be made using brickwork, from metal pipes of various types, as well as from multilayer materials.

In addition, stove chimneys may differ in the way they are installed:

  • Wall chimneys are mounted directly into the thickness of the walls of the building, external or internal. In this case, stoves and fireplaces can also be installed directly in the walls of buildings.
  • Suspended chimneys are mounted on the external walls of buildings.
  • There are also main chimneys. Such structures are mounted separately, next to the stove.

SNiP requirements for stove pipes and chimneys

Existing SNiPs impose certain requirements on chimneys and chimneys under construction:

  • They must effectively remove combustion products.
  • They must have sufficient height above the roof ridge.
  • Their internal cross-section must be sufficient to completely remove smoke.
  • Pipes must be resistant to high temperatures.
  • They must be durable, the upper part of the chimney must withstand gusts of wind

Let's start with the height of the chimney pipe. A sufficient chimney height ensures good draft and effectively removes combustion products, preventing the room from becoming smoky and maintaining draft. However, excessive pipe height can lead to condensation and reduced draft.

The diameter of the chimney or its internal cross-section is calculated based on the size of the firebox. It increases with the volume of the combustion space, in proportion to it. An insufficient cross-section of the chimney leads to smoke, but an excessive diameter will, on the contrary, lead to a decrease in draft.

What should the chimney be made of, what materials are prohibited to use?

The main requirement for the material for the manufacture of chimney chimneys is heat resistance. The minimum fire safety threshold for chimney material is set at 30 minutes and 1000 degrees. In continuous operation, the pipe material must withstand temperatures of 500 degrees without damage, since the temperature of the combustion products rarely drops below 300 degrees.

A margin of 200 degrees is due to the fact that soot accumulating in pipes tends to ignite spontaneously.

Strict requirements are also imposed on thermal conductivity. The temperature of the outer layer of chimney pipes should not exceed 90 degrees, and in places of interface with flammable structures - no higher than 65 degrees.

We especially note that the combustion materials have an aggressive chemical composition and the material from which the pipes of furnace chimneys are made must effectively withstand an unfavorable chemical environment. In addition, the part of the pipe that extends outside the room is exposed to climatic conditions and must not be destroyed due to temperature changes.

The traditional material for the manufacture of chimneys is refractory bricks. It almost perfectly meets all the requirements for chimney materials. However, the construction of brick chimney chimneys requires certain skills.

In addition, the brick must be individually selected for each heating device. So in stoves, the temperature of combustion products is usually kept at 250 degrees, but in fireplaces, when exposed to direct fire, it can reach 400 degrees. Thus, it is recommended to make the walls of a brick chimney for a fireplace from fireclay bricks, laying a wall thickness of more than 15 centimeters with seams of 5 mm. This significantly increases the cost of manufacturing chimney pipes for fireplaces, as well as the requirements for the strength characteristics of the foundations under the fireplace.

Chimneys and chimneys made of asbestos cement

Asbestos-cement pipes are a relatively cheap but also reliable material for the manufacture of chimney pipes. They can be used for the construction of chimneys in stationary barbecues, light buildings, and baths. When installing such pipes, special attention should be paid to areas where they interface with flammable materials, since an asbestos-cement pipe may crack during service.

Stainless steel chimneys

As a rule, stove chimneys made of stainless metal can be used in the construction of heating systems with gas boilers. Such a pipe becomes very hot from the passage of combustion products and therefore it must be reliably equipped. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the pipe from which the chimney is made. Thin stainless metal, especially in low-quality pipes, can develop cracks, which can easily cause a fire.

Also, a disadvantage of this pipe model is the strong formation of condensate on their surface.

Pipes and chimneys made of multilayer composite materials

New models of pipes, also called “sandwich pipes,” appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already proven themselves well. Multilayer pipes are manufactured in industrial conditions, usually in the form of meter-long sections; during installation, the chimneys simply need to be connected. Such a pipe is reliable in terms of strength and is highly resistant to high temperatures and aggressive chemical environments.

Typically, a sandwich pipe has three layers. The inner surface is made of stainless steel, the upper surface is made of galvanized steel. Insulating material is placed between them.

Such a pipe is light in weight and quite undemanding for installation. It does not put a lot of stress on the oven. As a disadvantage, we can note the high cost of such structures and a relatively short service life. However, the time of trouble-free operation of a sandwich pipe depends on the specific manufacturer. During operation, such a pipe is subjected to temperature deformations, which can violate its integrity.

Multilayer pipes may have a different composition. So the inner part can be made of refractory clay, and basalt wool can be placed between it and the upper shell of lightweight concrete. This configuration of multilayer pipes significantly increases their service life. In addition, various decorative coatings can be glued to the outer part of such a pipe.

Modular chimneys

Modern industry offers ready-made kits for self-installation of chimney chimneys. All components are produced in industrial plants and then easily assembled on site.

How to arrange a chimney passage through the roof?

1 - chimney chimney, 2 - rafter leg, 3 - fireproof heat-insulating material, 4 - load-bearing beam

Typically, the installation of chimney pipes is carried out during the construction of a building or structure, simultaneously with the installation of a furnace or heating system.

With this approach, you can easily adjust the relative position of the rafters to the chimney and create the necessary gaps between the wooden materials and the chimney. They must leave at least 15 centimeters and are laid with fireproof material, such as basalt wool.

When building a stove or fireplace, when calculating its foundation, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the chimney pipe.

The upper part of the pipe can be equipped with a protective device that prevents sparks from flying away on one side, and rain from entering the pipe on the other.

Laying a brick chimney - training video

There are no secondary elements in the heating system. Each component is an important link in the entire system. In particular, in stove equipment, it is very important what quality and characteristics the chimney has.

This element of the system is designed to remove combustion products (smoke), under the influence of air draft, to the outside. Such a device can be mounted outside the room, or mounted inside the house. It all depends on the type of heating system, fuel, construction of the house, and other factors.

In our online store, experienced managers will help you choose the optimal type of chimney that will ensure the unhindered, free release of carbon monoxide to the outside.

How to choose a chimney

Every customer is welcome in our store. But it is even more important for us that the buyer is satisfied with the purchase even after its installation and commissioning. Therefore, before choosing stove chimneys in Moscow, we recommend that you learn about the main indicators that you should definitely pay attention to.

A large selection of chimney pipes from the catalog allows you to purchase both single-circuit and double-circuit elements. This element of the heating system can be of the following basic types:

The latter type is attached using various elements, including:

  • Knee,
  • Brackets,
  • Feedthrough pipe,
  • Tee,
  • Roof cutting.

Unlike a “sandwich”, a steel chimney is installed using welding.

When choosing a chimney for a gas boiler or stove, you must pay attention to the power of the stove and the type of bathhouse. It should be remembered that there cannot be a universal component that is equally suitable for different types of baths, for the home, and for the fireplace.

The fashion for fireplaces for the home has been returning in recent years. At this stage, fireplaces are not the main element of heating, but rather a place of aesthetic pleasure - live fire, crackling firewood or coals attract consumers.

But having decided to install a fireplace in the house, you should know what the chimney should be like. First of all, it should be remembered that the chimney should only be mounted on internal walls that do not freeze through in extreme cold. Also, the lower the pipe protrudes above the roof, the better, the less the risk of clogging the pipe with various dust and dirt.

For a fireplace, it is best to give preference to brick structures, as the “sandwich” can freeze. Be sure to pay attention to the inflow, which will ensure the normal functioning of the fireplace.

5 reasons to order a chimney from us

When choosing where to place an order, you should evaluate the advantages of our online store. First of all, we have free delivery in Moscow, the region and other cities - the tariffs are low. Therefore, residents from different regions of the country can become our customers.

The inexpensive chimneys presented in the catalog are of high quality, designed for a long service life. The product offered is not picky when it comes to care and is easy to clean.

In our online store you can buy chimneys that are safe for any type of room. The buyer only has to choose the right product for the features of the heating structure and install it correctly. Experienced company managers who know what type of smoker should be used in a certain situation will help you make a choice.

Our customers have the opportunity to pay for their purchase upon receipt. This makes Shopping safe and secure.

This article will help you decide on the choice of a metal chimney for your stove. Choose the best option for specific conditions and budget.


Material selection

The material plays a huge role; the service life of the chimney, its ability to withstand various aggressive chemical compounds, reliability and strength depend on it. A steel chimney for a stove is made from three main materials: stainless steel, galvanized and ferrous metal. Now let's look at each material in detail.

Stainless steel

Made from heat-resistant and acid-resistant stainless steel. A good chimney should have a thickness of 0.8 - 1 mm; a thinner one will not last so long.


  • Able to withstand temperatures of more than 600 degrees, and have a long service life.
  • They are not afraid of many substances, and work calmly with constant contact with nitric acid, sulfuric acid, creosote and other substances that are part of the combustion products of coal and firewood.
  • They can be either single-walled or double-walled, with thermal insulation between the pipes. Such a chimney is safe and can be installed in any buildings: residential buildings, baths, saunas, technical buildings, etc.

Cink Steel

It is a budget option for construction. The thickness of the pipes ranges from 0.3 to 01 mm. It is made of steel coated with a layer of zinc, thanks to zinc it has good characteristics of resistance to alkalis and acid combustion products.

They are installed in the same way as stainless steel pipes. They are used less frequently as a material for stove chimneys, as they have a shorter service life and are less reliable in terms of their design and metal thickness. To extend the service life of galvanized pipes, they need to be insulated, this will reduce the formation of destructive condensate.

Black steel chimney

They are now very rarely made from black steel, due to the fact that they have a short service life. Such a chimney is justified only when the budget is very limited. They are made from boiler or ordinary steel, the thickness of the pipes ranges from 0.6 to 2 mm.

More often they are installed on small sauna stoves or in country houses, the use of which will be periodic. Can be used for stoves in greenhouses and outbuildings. With severe overheating, a lot of scale forms inside the pipe, which blocks the flow of the pipe.

Types by design

The iron chimney for the stove can be divided into two types according to its design: single-walled and double-walled. Now let's take a closer look at each of them:

Single wall

Based on the name, they have only one wall. These are installed mainly in the finished chimney duct of the stove, and serve as a sleeve. Also used in outbuildings, garages, etc. such a chimney. They can be made from stainless steel, galvanized steel, or regular iron.

They are more fire hazardous, and therefore are used in those areas of the chimney where the risk of fire is reduced. The cost of such pipes is two times lower than double-walled ones.)