
What Vanga said about the third world war. Prophecies about the Third World War Schema-Archimandrite Christopher

So what horrors did the clairvoyant Vanga predict for us? She spoke about the third world war more than once. At the same time, all her words are perceived both negatively and positively. The fact that the seer did not see the classic end of the world, which until recently there was a lot of talk, inspires some optimism. No, she believed that humanity would live and develop. Although the Bulgarian woman predicted considerable shocks for us.

Vanga on World War III: Europe

Two decades ago, the famous seer told the world that she would undergo huge changes. People will stop throwing themselves at each other using ordinary weapons. It will even become irrelevant. Now we ourselves are beginning to understand this. The logic is simple: why destroy nature and the infrastructure already created on enemy territory? There are other ways to get rid of the population, leaving everything created in the form in which it exists. This is how World War III will take place. Vanga's prophecies, in particular, concerned from which all of Europe should perish. According to her, there is no one alive on her territory.
will remain.

Wang about World War III: Russia

The seer in her visions saw Russia as the savior of the world. This country will save itself and bring peace and prosperity to all mankind, she believed. The strength of Russia was called the spirituality of its people. From faith will come the deliverance of the world from suffering. Vanga spoke about the White Brotherhood, which will replace all other religions on Earth. While researchers still can not say exactly what she had in mind. There is a theory that the clairvoyant foresaw the revival of the ancient Vedic teachings in Russia. Some researchers believe that this will only happen after a conflict with the Islamists, which will be armed and not associated with state affiliation. That is, it will be a war for faith, not a conflict between countries. Many terrorist attacks around the world are seen as evidence of this theory. These are just unproven reinterpretations of the words of the seer. And she herself predicted Russia's dominant position in the world, which should inspire optimism in its inhabitants!

Vanga about the third world war: timing

About when the catastrophe will begin, the clairvoyant said the following: "Syria has not yet fallen." That was over twenty years ago! At a time when Syria was still living a quiet life and no one was particularly interested in it. Now we are already beginning to understand that this country is becoming a “stumbling block” for the whole world recently watched how the presidents of the United States and the Russian Federation “fought” for little Syria. Until Syria fell. What will happen next? Should we wait for the second and subsequent aggravations of the conflict? Or maybe history made a sharp turn, and humanity jumped to a different probabilistic line, where there will be no climate weapons and the death of many of its representatives?

Seer Vanga: predictions

World War III will end with the victory of the forces of good! This is how Vanga saw it. Lots of people will die. And even at that time, twenty years ago, she saw the origins of these events. According to her, people become robots. Simple human joys have long gone from their lives, only money remains! The mother does not love the child, the husband and wife quarrel over coins! Happiness in its original form is unknown to people! All this leads to the impoverishment of souls, the impoverishment of the human aura. In such a situation, the destruction of mankind becomes possible. We ourselves are losing our powers that protect us, praying to gold, forgetting about simple but very strong values: love, good nature, humanity!

Talk about the beginning of the Third World War is heard more and more often, some even claim that it is already being waged in a hybrid form. What do the prophets say about this? Vanga's prophecies are well known in Russia, but she is rarely quoted in the world, probably because of Russophilia. We offer you the predictions of popular Western clairvoyants on this topic.

World War III will not do without Russia

1. Predictions of a 90-year-old Norwegian woman Gunhilda Smelhus(Gunhild Smelhus) from Valdre

In 1968 Pastor Emmanuel Tollefsen-Minos (1925-2004) is one of Norway's most influential evangelical preachers. "The third war will be the biggest catastrophe in history, it will not be marked political crises and it will start unexpectedly,” Smelhus said. “The prosperity of Europe and an illusory sense of security will force people to move away from religion: temples will become empty and turn into places of entertainment.” The value system will also be changed: “People will live like husband and wife, although not married”; cheating in marriage will be natural"; "TV will be full of violence, so cruel that it will teach people to kill."

World War 3 could be the biggest catastrophe

One of the signs of the approaching war, Smelhus called a wave of immigration: "People from poor countries will arrive in Europe, they will also come to Scandinavia and Norway." The presence of migrants will lead to tensions and social unrest. "It will be a short and very cruel war, and it will end atomic bomb". "The air will be so polluted that we won't be able to breathe. In America, Japan, Australia - in rich countries - water and soil will be destroyed. "And those living in rich countries will flee to poor countries, but they will be as cruel against us as we were against them," the Norwegian records say. pastor.

2. The Serbian seer is very popular in the Balkans Mitar Tarabich(died 1899)

- a peasant from the village of Kremna. He said that he heard voices in his head that told him about the fate of his people and the world. In his prophecies, he also saw "columns of refugees on the Serbian borders."

"In this war, scientists will invent the most diverse and strange cannonballs. Exploding, instead of killing, they will enchant all living things - people, armies, cattle. Under the influence of this witchcraft, they will sleep instead of fighting, but then wake up again "."Us (Serb. - Ed.) you won’t have to fight in this war, others will fight over our heads,” Tarabich said. According to the seer, the final conflict will affect most of the globe: “Only one country at the end of the world, surrounded by seas and as big as our Europe, will live in peace and without problems. "What kind of country it is, the reader, guess for yourself.

Interestingly, his descendant Jovan Tarabic, who died in 2014, that the main battle will take place between Russia and Turkey. As a result, Constantinople will again become Orthodox, and "the Russian people will liberate all Orthodox and Serbian lands."

3. Bavarian prophet Matthias Stromberger(Matthias Stormberger) (1753-?)

was an ordinary shepherd. He is that after the end of the Second Great War, there will be a "third general fire." "The third war will be the end of many nations. Almost all countries will take part in it, millions of people ... they will die despite the fact that they are not soldiers. The weapons will be completely different ". “After the great last war, a large farm can be bought for two or three gold coins,” Stromberger described the post-war world.

4. Another German clairvoyant, also from Bavaria, - Alois Irlmeier (1894-1959),

fountain builder - helped to search for the missing in the war. He saw "pictures" of events from the future. "The world will explode suddenly, but it will be preceded by an exceptionally fertile year," he said. Two digits should be associated with the start date of the war - 8 and 9.

"Armed Forces of the East (Muslim troops. - Ed.) move on a broad front Western Europe, battles will take place in Mongolia ... The People's Republic of China will conquer India. Beijing will use its bacteriological weapons during these battles... Five million people in India and its neighboring countries will die. Iran and Turkey will fight in the East. There will be a revolution and a civil war in Russia. There will be many corpses on the streets, no one will clean them up. The Russians will again believe in God and accept the sign of the cross. How long this will all last, I don't know. I see three nines, the third brings peace. When everything is over, some of the people will die, and the rest will be afraid of God."

5. The seer is very popular in the US Albert Pike (1809-1891)

- American soldier, poet and high-ranking Freemason, founder of the "Church of Satan". In a letter dated August 15, 1871, to the Italian freemason and revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini, Pike described the backstage of the three world wars. He predicted the First and Second World Wars as the invention of the Illuminati. Third world war Pike saw the conflict between Israel and the Muslim world.

"This war must be waged in such a way that Islam and the State of Israel mutually annihilate each other." Although the existence of the Illuminati is viewed by some as a conspiracy theory, Pike declared in the late 19th century, "We control Islam and we will use it to destroy the West."

According to Pike, the world after the Third World War will be the realm of Lucifer. "The people, disillusioned with Christianity, whose ideological spirit from now on will be without a compass indicating the direction, will receive the pure teachings of Lucifer," the Satanist wrote.

6. Predictions and prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga

The Russians believe her because her prophecies turned out to be surprisingly accurate. As for the Third World War, before her death, when asked about the beginning of the war, she answered: "Syria has not yet fallen." Hence the conclusion - you can not let Syria fall, which Russia is doing.

Whether a third war is about to break out or, as some argue, is already being waged in the form of smaller conflicts, it will undoubtedly lead humanity to the end of civilization. Albert Einstein said the following about this: "I do not know what weapons will be used during the Third World War, but the fourth will take place on sticks and stones ..."

Vanga predicted that the third world war will begin in Syria

Now, when the attention of the whole world is riveted on Syria, which the United States is going to bomb, they remembered and began to quote the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Allegedly, she once said that after Syria “falls”, tremendous upheavals will begin on our planet. The fact that the third world war will begin in the East was also predicted by other seers and astrologers. Here are the most famous predictions.

Vanga"Syria hasn't fallen yet..."

The fact that Syria is to play an exceptional role in the history of mankind, the Bulgarian clairvoyant of the last century allegedly stated in 1978. True, Vanga, who always explained herself vaguely, spoke not about a world war, but about severe trials for the inhabitants of the planet.

Here are her words: “Mankind is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events... Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come into the world... I am asked when this will happen, soon? No, not soon. Syria hasn't fallen yet...

According to the Bulgarian prophetess, after the fall of Syria and severe cataclysms, the world is supposedly waiting for the revival and the advent of a new religion: “The day will come - and all religions will disappear! Only the teachings of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the Earth with white color - and thanks to it, people will be saved.

Vanga foresaw the special role of Russia in the salvation of mankind: “A new teaching will come from Russia. She is the first to be cleansed. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Russia and go all over the world.

The interpreters of Vanga's texts believe that the prediction should be understood as follows: cataclysms in the world will begin due to religious contradictions. The world war will become a war between the Muslim East and the Christian West. It will begin after the fall of Syria and spread to the territory of Russia and Western Europe.

Europe will be defeated by the Muslims. Perhaps the Pope will be killed - there is a prediction that the current pontiff is the last. The role of the liberator of Europe, as in the Second World War, will be played by Russia. After this victory, she will become a superpower and will rule the world.

After the end of the war, a new religion will spread in the world and a millennium of peaceful development and spiritual rebirth will begin.

According to the interpreters of Vanga's texts, in 1978 the words about Syria sounded incomprehensible, since nothing threatened this country at that time.

But this has already happened: once everyone was surprised by the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant that "Kursk will go under water." The prophecy was remembered and understood only in 2001, when the Russian submarine Kursk sank.

Perhaps the prediction about Syria is from this series.

: "The war will last 27 years"

The French medieval healer and astrologer Michel de Nostradamus (1503 - 1566), according to the interpreters of his predictions, also believed that at the beginning of the 21st century a terrible destructive war would take place in the world.

“When the sun rises, they will see a big fire,” Nostradamus figuratively wrote. “Screams and death will be heard within the circle. From the sword, fire, hunger, death awaits them... The living fire that brings death will be hidden inside terrible, frightening spheres. At night, the fleet will blow up the city ... "

According to the interpreters of his texts, Nostradamus believed that terrible events would begin in the East. True, he allegedly named Mesopotamia, the territory of modern Iraq. And he said that the dishonorable “Third Antichrist” would unleash a war, who would “exchange everyone for an adulterous woman.”

In these words of Nostradamus, at one time they found a connection with US President Bill Clinton, who, as you know, fought in Iraq and had scandalous love affairs with a young intern, Monica Lewinsky. True, these events did not become a direct pretext for the start of a world war.

In his mystical poems, Nostradamus described the catastrophic consequences of the war: “Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falls on the ground ... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often depart, but then it will become worldwide.”

According to Nostradamus, the trials will be long: "A bloody war will last for twenty and seven years." And during this time, as the interpreters of the texts of Nostradamus say, climate change will allegedly occur on Earth with devastating consequences.

Bible prophets: "Damascus will be a heap of ruins"

The tragic fate of Syria and the city of Damascus, it turns out, was described by the authors of the Old Testament. Thus, the biblical prophet Isaiah wrote in the 17th chapter of his book: “The kingdom of Damascus will not be with the rest of Syria ... Damascus is excluded from the number of cities and will be a heap of ruins ...”. And in the 19th chapter of the same book it is said about civil war in Egypt and "the cruel ruler."

These biblical predictions now, as it turned out, are actively quoted by American newspapers that write about the military conflict in the Middle East. Most likely, Americans believe, Old Testament events and forecasts have nothing to do with our time.

Astrologer Vasily Nemchin: "A black man will come"

One of the first Russian astrologers, who lived in the 16th century, predicted that a world war would begin after a “black man” became the 44th ruler of a powerful overseas power. It was assumed that the astrologer, speaking in this way, had in mind a cruel ruler with a black soul. However, when the black Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States, this prediction took on new meaning.

Bishop Anthony: "After Syria, expect grief"

The prediction about the tragic role of Syria is also attributed to our contemporary - the late Greek bishop of Sisania and Siatitza, Father Anthony.

According to the disciples of Father Anthony, the holy elder allegedly said: “The grief will begin with the events in Syria. Everything will start from there... After that, expect grief in our country, grief and hunger... When events begin there, start praying, praying strongly...».

English soothsayer Joanna Southcott: "When war breaks out in the East, know that the end is near!"

An extraordinary Englishwoman who lived in the 19th century uttered this phrase in 1815. It is unknown what she meant. But many of Joanna Southcott's predictions came true: this woman was able to predict French Revolution the rise and fall of Napoleon.

Astrologer Pavel Globa: "The war could start in 2014"

According to a famous Russian astrologer, the period from 2010 to 2020 will be the most difficult in the last 70 years. All these years the global economic crisis will last, which will redraw the political map of the world and radically change the entire geopolitical balance of power.

According to Globa, the problems that have now accumulated in the world community cannot be solved otherwise than by war. According to the forecast of the astrologer, 2014 will be the year when humanity will come close to the beginning of the third world war.

“2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and this is a very militant combination,” Pavel Globa explained. – I fear the beginning of a permanent war in the East. God forbid, it will be connected with Iran, then in any case we will get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrolled total terrorism.”

According to the astrologer, the Arab revolutions will gradually move towards Russia and in the coming years will cover Central Asia. And the Black Moon is to blame for everything. On the day when she joined the Sun, the bombing of Libya began.

“But until 2014 there will be no war in Russia,” Globa assured. But the date of the possible start of the third world astrologer named with frightening accuracy: March 2014, exactly during the Olympics in Sochi or a maximum of five days after its completion.

Vanga's predictions about World War III have been haunting people's minds for more than twenty years. Will there be a third world war, when will it begin and what do the prophecies of the great clairvoyant say? All this is yet to be known.

In the article:

Vanga's predictions about the third world war

In the same article, we will try to describe Vanga's most common predictions about World War III. So, in almost all sources it is reported that Vanga always said that the Third World War would come, and pretty soon.

At the same time, just before her death, when asked about the beginning of the war, she answered: “ Syria hasn't fallen yet". This means that large-scale hostilities will begin only after the current conflict in Syria comes to its logical conclusion. In addition, there is another prophecy of the same seer about Syria. She said that Syria would kneel before the winner, however, he would not be the winner.

It is rather difficult to interpret this prophecy, since Vanga did not name any clear time frames, specific names and states. Therefore, it is still not clear to many who will become that very winner, and from what moment the war will begin. Especially if you take into account other prophetic words of the seer.

Is there a third world war going on now?

Some believe that Vanga's prophecies about the third world war have already begun to come true. So, the clairvoyant reported that the new war would not be as obvious as the previous ones, and the starting event for it would be a minor conflict in 2008, after which there would be an assassination attempt on several heads of state. Indeed, in 2008 there was a war between Russia and Georgia. But regarding assassination attempts, researchers of prophecies still have several opinions.

Some believe that the assassination attempt took place and was successful, calling the Smolensk tragedy, in which the President of Poland and officials close to him, died. Others say that the assassination attempt was thwarted, and by the four leaders, Vanga meant the presidents of Estonia, Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, who were about to fly to Georgia during the conflict. There is another opinion - that this prophecy concerned the current "Norman Four", consisting of the German chancellor and the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and France. Their meetings are held in Brussels, and in the middle of 2016, major terrorist attacks were prevented there several times.

A confirmation for such a theory can be the fact that Vanga did not always give the correct dates. The clairvoyant often deliberately confused people so that they would not use her revelations for evil. Nevertheless, she unequivocally said that the war would not be fought nuclear weapons but by other methods. Considering the difficult economic and political situation in the world, the numerous economic sanctions against Russia and vice versa - mirror in response, it can be said with confidence that in some form a world war is already underway. This designation can be called the war of sanctions, and a number of small conflicts around the world, and even the information war taking place now in the media. Perhaps it is destined to end like this without going into an open phase.

Also, some associate the known with a new world war, but this may not be true. Another article on our site talks about this prediction in more detail. Speaking of the world war, all Vanga’s prophecies, without exception, come down to the fact that Russia will not only practically not suffer from it, but will also become a real world hegemon after it ends, while the rest of the world will lie in ruins and ask the Russians for help .

World War III - Vanga and critics

At the same time, now there is more and more confirmation not only of Vanga's own predictions about the war, but also of the opinion that all this is profanity. Most of the prophecies of this Bulgarian seer were vague and inaccurate, therefore, according to skeptics, they can be interpreted in almost any way. In addition, far from all the information that is presented for the opinion of the clairvoyant came from the lips of Vanga herself.

Thus, the prophecy about Kursk, which made a splash just over a decade ago, is nothing but speculation. In no source from an interview with a Bulgarian seer or from other records, there was information that Kursk would be swallowed up by water. She appeared only after the infamous Russian submarine sank, allegedly opened by her daughter. As a result, the veracity of this prophecy is in doubt, as well as all the others. In addition, now the name of the seer is an excellent occasion for speculation and various political intrigues.

But, regardless of whether you believe Vanga's words or not, there is nothing to worry about. Indeed, as mentioned above, the seer did not see any serious troubles for Russia and the entire post-Soviet space. Of course, it is also full of disturbing moments, but in general, it is set up exclusively in an optimistic way.

Scientists and researchers of Vanga's prophecies considered that about 80% of her prophecies come true. But it seems to me that here the calculation is incorrect. Most likely she has all 100% come true. And 20%, these are those who cannot be understood. So it was, for example, with Vanga's prophecy that Kursk would be under water. In the 90s, they laughed at him and swaggered. Until the submarine Kursk really sank.

In this post, I want to tell about one of Vanga's prophecies about the Third World War, which I personally read about in the 90s. Today, however, I specifically found it on the net. This is exactly what I would like to discuss. Because, in my opinion, it is just beginning to come true. So here is the text of the prophecy:

... "The ANCIENT DOCTRINE will soon come into the world....

They ask me: "Will that time come soon?"

No, not soon... - SYRIA HAS NOT FALL YET!

There is an ancient teaching.

It will spread throughout the world.

New books will be printed about him, and they will be read everywhere on Earth.

It will be the "Fire Bible". The day will come when all religions will disappear!

Only this teaching will remain.

It will cover the Earth with white color - and thanks to it, people will be saved.

A new teaching will come from Russia. She is the first to be cleansed.

The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Russia and go all over the world.

It will happen in 20 years... it won't happen before.

In 20 years you will reap the first big harvest."

For greater clarity, it is worth explaining. That Vanga's prophecy about the Third World War was recorded in 1978. In addition, the possibility of an inaccurate translation should not be discounted, Vanga had a rather rare dialect, even for Bulgaria. But, nevertheless, I will try to imagine what it is about. And thus, to understand what to expect in the near future.

It is clear that in the 80s and 90s it all seemed complete nonsense, nothing globally threatened Syria. But now it doesn’t seem like nonsense, because the conflict in the Middle East threatens to escalate into a Third World War with the use of nuclear weapons today or tomorrow.

As far as one can tell, Vanga argued that with the fall of Syria, the revival of Russia would begin. Moreover, as far as one can understand, not just a revival, but a REVIVAL, contrary to everything that we see now, Russia will become not just one of the first. And country number 1. Apparently, even more powerful than the deceased USSR. How can this happen, and what kind of teaching are we talking about?

I see the following sequence of events. After the defeat of Syria, the WAR will begin and the hordes of Islamists will rush in two directions to Russia and Europe. And apparently, both there and there successfully.

In Europe, Muslims will sweep away everything. Apparently the Pope will be killed. No wonder they say that the next Pope is the last. By the way, the third Fatima prophecy, which has not been published for almost 100 years, also speaks of this. Here is his text:

"After the two parts that I have already explained to you, to the left of the Mother of God and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; the sword flashed with flames that looked like they want to set the whole world on fire; but they went out in the radiance that The Mother of God radiated in the direction of the Angel from her right hand. Pointing to the earth from her right hand, the Angel shouted with a loud voice "Reckoning!, Reckoning!, Reckoning!". And we saw the infinite light of God "something similar to how people look in the mirror, when they pass in front of him. "The priest dressed in White" it seemed to us that this was the Holy Father. Other Bishops, priests, religious men and women climbed up a steep mountain, on top of which was a large Cross made of rough-hewn cork trunks with bark; before reaching the summit, the Holy Father reached the summit he passed by a large city, half in ruins with a trembling stumbling gait, suffering from pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the dead he met on his way; reaching the top of the mountain on his knees, at the foot of the great Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and at the same time, in the same way, other Bishops, Priests, religious men and women, and various worldly people died there one after another. different ranks and positions. Under the two arms of the Cross were two Angels, each with crystal jugs in their hands, in which they collected the blood of the Martyrs and sprinkled this blood on the souls that followed to God"

I think this describes the execution of the entire papal curia. Other than hardcore Islamists, I don't see anyone else who could commit such a crime.

Many will say that this is nonsense, and the European armies will easily disperse the wild Islamists, if only they raise their heads. But I invite everyone to think about whether we know how many Islamists are already in the European armies? For example, in French or German. I think the percentage of Muslim soldiers should be much higher than the percentage of Muslims in the population of these countries. In general, according to the prophecy of both Vanga and the Virgin in Fatima, Europe is doomed (I remember many prophets talk about this, and futurists do the same).

But in Russia, it will be somewhat different. At first, the Islamists will be successful. Their success will lead to the collapse of power and force the people to rally. But in order for people to unite, an ideology is needed. No one will shed blood for budget cutters. Then, apparently, the Vedic teaching will serve as the basis for uniting Russia. For those who do not know, I inform you that it is represented by Rodnovers. It just came from India, our Vedas were restored according to Indian Ayurveda. Well, about antiquity, it’s not even worth talking about - it is ancient Christianity. Why Vanga mistook these people for the white brotherhood is easy to guess if you look at the clothes in which the followers of the Vedic teachings are usually dressed. By the way, the Vedists have the same worship of fire and occupies one of the key places.

Well, then I think that everyone already guessed how the war would go. And as many times before, the Russians on their bayonets will carry the Vedic religion around the world. Liberate Europe. After that, apparently, no one will restore the papal throne.

This is where I see the course of the current Third World War, according to the generally recognized prophets.