
In a dream, I buy sweets: what does it mean by sinniks. Buy candy Buy candy in a dream why

Surprisingly, in dreams, even the most seemingly ordinary, simple little things sometimes acquire a deep meaning, carry secrets, open the doors to the future.

Those who believe in dreams and ask the interpreters for answers are often surprised at how accurately it is possible to decipher the signs that have come into dreams, and how to successfully apply them in reality. It is worth paying attention to even the most ordinary objects - after all, in dreams they acquire different meanings than in reality.

For example, candy. A symbol of childhood, joy, pleasure and sweet life. Even in reality, in reality, a simple box of chocolates can speak of affection, express gratitude, become a romantic declaration of love or an apology.

Sweets are given for all holidays, they are presented simply to bring joy, they are not just a treat.

What can we say about dreams! In this mysterious world, everything is not just like that, everything is more complicated. And if you dreamed about sweets, you should know that it makes sense and a message.

Just to decipher what sweets dream about, you need to pay attention - and remember the details of these “candy” dreams. What were they like, what did you do with them in a dream? For example:

  • You just saw candy in a dream.
  • You are dreaming of a lot of little sweets.
  • I dreamed of a variety of sweets.
  • You saw lollipops in a dream.
  • A showcase is dreaming, in which sweets are laid out.
  • You yourself make candy in your sleep.
  • There is a crunchy, crumbly candy in a dream.
  • There is some chocolate candy.
  • Sour candy in a dream.
  • You received a box of chocolates in a dream from someone.
  • Themselves gave them to someone.
  • Buy candy in a dream.
  • Or sell them.

"Candy" dreams can talk about different things - but, no doubt, they are not associated with anything bad. Surely, a dream in which delicious sweets figured promises something pleasant - but that's what the interpreter will reveal to us. So remember all the nuances, and find out what sweets dream about - so different.

Just watch!

In many dreams, sweets come as if in separate visions - in other words, the dreamer does not eat, does not touch them, but only sees from the outside. What does such a dream say? Let's ask the dream books.

1. If you are dreaming about candy, or several, the dream book says that you can safely expect pleasant emotions associated with communication and joyful events. Let these joys be not of a universal scale, but bring you a lot of pleasant and light.

2. To see in dreams a lot of small sweets - caramels, chocolate balls, candies and so on - this is a lot of pleasantries, joys and surprises.

A bright streak awaits you, during which you will receive small but very pleasant gifts from fate in whole bundles. Get ready to enjoy life, or better start now!

3. Sweets come in a dream to predict wealth for you - and rest assured, this dream will come true. Where the money will come from - you may not even suspect at all, but you will probably soon become much wealthier than you are now.

4. Seeing lollipops or beautiful multi-colored caramel in a dream is a hint that some pleasures and delights await you. Do not deny yourself the joys, have fun to the fullest!

5. Seeing sweets and sweets in a dream in a beautiful showcase, or on the counter of a candy store, is a hint of your daydreaming. Dreaming is useful, as they say, and it is imperative to believe in your dream, but just do not live completely in the world of dreams and illusions, do something real to make them come true.

So delicious and sweet!

One has to see sweets in dreams, perhaps, less often than to eat, buy, give, and so on. More often it is the action that we dream about. But remember what it was in order to find out exactly what sweets are dreaming about and draw the right conclusion. What will the interpreter say?

1. If you dream at night about how you yourself make sweets with your own hands - chocolate, caramel and more - that's good. Such a dream in which you made sweets says that thanks to your diligence and hard work, your well-being will soon improve significantly.

You have a lot of strength and energy, talents and abilities! Use them actively, and soon you will live happily and comfortably.

2. Not only just to see from the outside, but also with pleasure in a dream there is a crunchy, light, crumbly candy, for example, waffle or with nuts - this is a dream that promises you luxury and pleasure from it.

Secular pleasures and exquisite entertainment high level, good company and the joy of these delights. Be worthy of it all and enjoy!

3. Such a sweet dream, in which you eat delicious sweets, chocolate is a sign of imminent love that will knock on your life. Let her in - sweet experiences, romance and great happiness await you! Don't close your heart to new love!

4. There is sour candy in a dream - this is a hint that you are very irritable. Think, maybe it makes sense to work on yourself, become more tolerant of people and events, try to perceive reality more calmly. Irritability does not suit you and significantly harms your precious health, moreover.

5. As the dream book says, the candies that you suddenly received as a gift from anyone in your dream is a symbol of your soonest prosperity - both in the material sense and in the spiritual sense.

You will not only become richer on a financial level, having received new opportunities and sources of income, but, perhaps, you will become richer internally, spiritually, learn to be kinder and wiser, to give others joy and light.

6. But such a "candy" dream, in which you yourself present candy to someone, indicates an excess of hopes - sometimes they can be empty.

This does not mean that you should not hope, and does not bode well. The dream book simply advises to be more a real person, to look at the world soberly - and not to build unnecessary illusions.

7. Buying sweets in a dream is a great sign. If you dreamed of this, feel free to expect great luck and undoubted good luck in all your good deeds.

Fortune begins to pursue you relentlessly, which means that now you can implement bold projects and take decisive steps. You're in luck!

8. The dream in which you sell sweets is very good for the dreamer - he points to him best qualities that need to be actively implemented. You have a lot of goodness and aspiration to help those in need, do this - give joy, love, help to other people, from this you will be happy.

Such different "candy" dreams, and they are all good and enjoyable. What does a dream promise you? Love or pleasure, goodness or luck - in any case, you should never have a shadow of doubt that this will soon come true.

Believe in the best - and your life will rapidly and confidently change for the better day after day, joyful events will just magically happen in your everyday life, and luck will become your companion forever. Without any doubts! Vasilina Serova

Source: http://www.grc-eka.ru/sonnik/k-chemu-snyatsya-konfety.html

Why dream of sweets, a box of delicious sweets or chocolate - a detailed interpretation of the dream

Anything can be seen in a dream. Night dreams are both frightening, scary, and pleasant, sweet. Often people dream about candy. They can buy them in a dream, eat, give them, treat someone to them.

At first glance, this is a completely innocent vision. But what can such dreams talk about? What are they warning about? Taking several dream books as a basis, it will not be difficult to interpret the image.

The main thing is to just listen to the interpretation and try on the situation for yourself.

Why do you dream about chocolates according to Miller's dream book

Why are they dreaming chocolate candies? Many dream books interpret such night visions. They have something in common, but also many interpretations differ significantly from each other.

Miller's dream book connects chocolates with good events in the dreamer's life. These night dreams can mean:

  • strengthening the financial position;
  • career;
  • well-being.

However, do not assume that all of this will literally fall from the sky. Only hard work, diligence and diligence will contribute to the realization of sleep.

A dream about chocolates, in which the dreamer sees him eating a crunchy, crumbly, very tasty delicacy, may indicate imminent pleasures of a secular nature. You can also interpret what you see as a sign of finding love for people of any age.

Seeing sour candies in a dream means annoyance, irritation, illness, loss of trust in a loved one.

A box of chocolates received as a gift, according to Miller's dream book, is harassment. For a young man, such a dream will bring only minor troubles associated with hypocrisy and perseverance.

If in a dream the dreamer dreamed that he himself was sending a present to someone in the form of a box of chocolates, then in the near future he would have to make an offer to someone in the work sphere or in personal relationships. However, one should not expect a favorable outcome of the situation.

The dreamer will be disappointed and bitter. He will be rejected.

Note! Sometimes a dream about chocolates, sugar and honey can portend death.

Why do you dream about chocolates according to hasse's dream book

Medium Hasse interprets candy dreams in different ways. If a person sees how he himself enjoys the taste of a delicacy, then soon a love adventure or a real serious romance awaits him. Receiving sweetness from someone means a likely invitation to a holiday or celebration.

Felomen's dream book: chocolates

Explanations of Felomen's dream book: chocolates seen in a dream have the meaning of doubt. When someone gives the dreamer a treat, there is a high risk of being in an unseemly position because of a step into a dubious business for the sake of every minute pleasure. When you dream of sweets received as a gift from a stranger, you should expect the destruction of all ideas and desires.

If you dreamed of a situation in which a person himself presents sweetness to someone as a gift, then the dream warns of the possibility of fulfilling his cherished desires in the foreseeable future. Moreover, he himself can help someone in the implementation of plans and ideas.

Chocolates according to Kananita's dream book

The Apostle Simon the Canaanite interprets dreams about sweets in different ways. Such a dream may portend:

  • love;
  • early visit of guests;
  • an invitation to a secular ceremony, an important celebration or a family holiday.

This dream book does not personify this image with something negative and black.

Why do sweets dream according to Freud's dream book

In different dream books for sleeping with chocolates, the interpretation can vary significantly. For example, such visions in the night according to Freud are associated with the pleasure that the dreamer receives in real life from relationships.

In addition, the image can warn of diseases. Sometimes a dream portends an excessive abuse of treats, which can provoke a serious malfunction of the whole body.

If you dream of sweets on a tray, cake or multi-colored delicacies, then love life will soon sparkle with new colors, it will turn out to be rich and interesting. Also, a dream can portend a variety of love and sexual partners.

When a person sees in a dream a lot of chocolate candies, Freud recommends an analysis of his own experiences. It is also worth understanding your sexual activity.

Buying sweets in a dream and giving them to someone in bed is a sign of the realization of the wildest desires in sex. In addition, such an image can be interpreted as the ability to give pleasure in relationships and in bed even to the most demanding and demanding person.

Why do you dream about chocolates: Wangi's dream book

Why do you dream of chocolates if you interpret the images from Vanga's dream book? Seeing chocolate candy in a dream according to Vanga's dream book means getting fed up with your wealth. Most likely, the person simply does not know what to do with all the financial resources that he has. At one time, the fortuneteller recommended such dreamers to engage in charitable causes.

But why do you dream of a lot of sweets? According to Vanga's dream book, to see whole mountains, bags, sacks of treats in night dreams is a bad sign. It is believed that in real life a person will face serious difficulties, which he will hardly have the strength to overcome.

Interpretation of sleep with chocolates according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Do you dream about sweets? According to Tsvetkov's dream book, this means that a person in everyday life lacks vivid impressions, positive feelings, pleasant emotions.

Buying candy in the form of pills in a dream is a sign of financial well-being. It is likely that the dreamer will soon receive a profit or monetary reward.

On a note! There are several candies in a dream at once - unfortunately.

How the family dream book interprets chocolates

The family dream book calls a dream with sweets a sign associated with good events:

  • good news;
  • pleasures;
  • enjoying your own life;
  • meeting good people;
  • pleasant acquaintances.

You should be wary if the candies in a dream turned out to be sour or bitter.

Giving candy to someone in a dream or giving out candy is a symbol of prudence. Most likely, the dreamer will be able to find the best way out of the current problem situation.

Buying sweets in boxes is interpreted by the family dream book as an offer. It can be done by the dreamer himself or addressed to him. In any case, you should not expect anything serious from this venture.

Why dream of a lot of sweets according to the dream book of Dmitry and the hope of winter

Why do you dream of a lot of chocolates? Is this a good sign or a bad sign? The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima interprets such an image as a harbinger of everyday joys, albeit insignificant.

Finding sweetness in your own pocket means receiving good news or small little things in the near future that can make life more joyful.

If you had to see sweets in a dream that the dreamer eats, then the image should be interpreted as a warning about fatigue. A person who has dreamed of this should take a little rest or do something pleasant for himself

Note! Bitter delicacies or a tongue bitten from them indicate the need to limit entertainment in your life. And an empty candy wrapper is a sign of disappointment and disappointment.

Buy sweets in a dream according to Longo's dream book

If a person is looking for the right sort of sweets in a dream for a long time and buys it, then Longo's dream book foreshadows difficulties for him in the implementation of his plans.

It is likely that the dreamer has been trying to find an approach to the right person for a long time, appeasing him and even bribing him. In this situation, the nocturnal image is just a projection of real life.

If a person steals sweets in a dream, then he can no longer endure the current problem situation and is ready to solve the issue in any way.

There is a delicacy in a dream, according to Longo's dream book, it means hassle, vanity, search for easy ways in various life situations.

Why do you still dream about chocolates? It is likely that the chocolate eater in his nightly dreams considers himself a victim. He sees himself undeservedly offended. Sleep can also be interpreted as a serious internal conflict.

Modern combined dream book: eating chocolates in a dream

A modern combined dream book interprets the delicacies seen in a dream in its own way. There are chocolates or dragees - for love or entertainment of a different kind. Making sweets yourself means that the dreamer will make a profit in the near future. Tasting sweets with a sour taste is a harbinger of irritation, discontent and illness.

Giving sweetness in a beautiful box is a possible marriage proposal, which will disappoint in the future. Receiving such a gift means enhancing wealth.

Why dream of buying sweets, giving them, eating or doing? As you can see, there are a great many interpretations. The dreamer can interpret them in his own way, according to the peculiarities of the dream and the chosen dream book.

Source: http://snitsya-son.ru/po-smyslu/other/konfety/

Why do you dream about sweets and a lot of sweets?

Each person gets acquainted with such a delicacy as sweets from early childhood. And very many people do not want to end this acquaintance to a ripe old age.

In reality, sweets are found everywhere: we eat them over tea, give them to loved ones and colleagues as a sign of love and respect, and make our kids happy. But sometimes this sweetness appears to us in a dream as a sign from above.

In this article, you will find out why a lot of sweets and other sweets dream.

Best prophecies

  • Dream interpretation Enigma This modern dream book considers dreams about a lot of sweets to be a happy sign, symbolizing joyful events, enjoyment of life and a carefree future. Very often dreams of such content promise the dreamer an improvement in his financial situation and real prosperity in the near future... At the same time, the dream book warns: you will not get all this for nothing, but thanks to your hard work and diligence. To see in a dream is not just a lot, but too many chocolates of bright colors - such a dream symbolizes the dreamer's dreams and his bright hopes for the future... If in a dream you touched these sweets, and even tasted them, rejoice: your dreams, even the most daring and secret ones, will come true. If not, alas, the future will not meet your expectations. appearance and the taste of the delicacy - it is on them that the true meaning of the vision shown to you depends. If the candies were chocolate and wrapped - soon you will be lucky enough to pull off a large and successful financial transaction. Marmalade - in the near future, fate will provide you with a great chance, which would be foolish to miss. Fruit - the personification of erotic adventures in which the dreamer will get involved. Caramel candies - a dream about caramels warns you: now is the time to enter into a romantic relationship with the person you like. Lollipops - warning that you shouldn't hope to make big profits... Boxed - a sign that heralds you an invitation to some kind of holiday or banquet, where you will be able to have fun with all the heart.
  • Dream interpretation for lovers The compilers of this book of dreams are convinced that a lot of sweets in a dream are an unambiguously positive sign that prophesies a happy relationship and marriage to a person. The only exception is if the candies were sour or bitter. In this case, the person with whom you associate plans for the future will bring you disappointment and bitter regret in your choice. he portends you sweet love and a happy relationship with the man of your dreams... The only exception is a dream in which you are presented with an elegant box of chocolates. In this case, you will have to literally fight off the annoying advances of an unwanted person. Boy - the meaning completely coincides with the previous interpretation: see or eat candy - to a happy relationship with your girlfriend; giving them to someone in a box - to a sharp refusal of the chosen one and the irresponsibility of your feelings.
  • Dream interpretation of Medea The sorceress Medea counted the candies seen in a dream a symbol of naivety, carelessness and childishly light joy. Eating a lot of different sweets is a bad sign, meaning the dreamer's hopeless position. Seeing them - to the realization of all hopes and desires. Buying sweets is a harbinger of your relatives visiting you soon. The visit will be unexpected and therefore doubly pleasant. a dream that promises the dreamer to receive an impressive sum of money... A lot of caramels - for a trifle.
  • Dream interpretation of miss Hasse Unlike her colleague Medea, Miss Hasse mostly interpreted candy dreams as a positive sign. Most often, such a delicacy symbolizes falling in love and the sweetness of a romantic relationship.... Receive sweets as a gift - soon you will be invited to a holiday or celebration. Eat them, enjoying the pleasant taste - a harbinger of a happy love flirtation and mutual love. Chocolate candies are a dream that promises the dreamer joy and high spirits. Buying candy is a vision that promises a lot of pleasure. Seeing whole mountains of sweets in a dream - having seen such a dream, become more determined. A similar sign is shown to people who are too hesitant to behave with the opposite sex. Stealing candy from a store or from a merchant - you will be able to achieve all your goals, but this will take a lot of effort and even take risks. Candy with nuts inside is a sign that in reality you are overly indulging in inner reflections, instead of just enjoying life. Making candy yourself is a dream that promises an improvement in the dreamer's well-being.
  • Dream interpretation of Gustav Miller According to Miller's dream book, sweets are considered a symbol of intimate pleasures and all kinds of pleasures... Feasting on melted or soft candy is a harbinger of erotic adventures. Tasting an unpleasant taste of candy - soon the dreamer will experience grief and despair. The people and events around you will deliberately make your life painful and dull. a symbol of the fact that in reality you like a very persistent and deceitful person... To give candy to someone yourself - such a dream should be understood literally: soon you will make someone an offer (business or personal), but you will receive an unequivocal refusal in return.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Spouses Winter Esoterics Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima consider candies revealed in a dream a harbinger of life's joys, which, however, will be very insignificant. Eating them in a dream is an internal sign that in reality you are very tired of constant stress and want your life to become brighter and happier. to find a handful of sweets in your pocket - soon happiness will appear in your life, and quite unexpectedly and from an unexpected source... Troubles associated with sweets (bite of the tongue, bitter, sour or tasteless sweets) - such a dream warns: you are too keen on pleasures, and you may not notice the dangers that lie behind them.

Collect lollipops in the graveyard

At first glance, such a dream seems frightening, because the cemetery is associated with death, deprivation, grief and despair. If you saw such a dream, do not rush to get upset - the best dream books interpret such a sign as extremely positive.

Collecting sweets at the cemetery portends a large monetary profit, prosperity and enrichment in one form or another. It can be a big win, a promotion, receiving an expensive gift or a substantial inheritance. Waking up after such a dream, be sure that luck has really turned in your direction.

What did you do with them in your dream?

As the best dream books in the world indicate, not only objects (in this case, sweets) carry an important meaning in a dream, but also actions with them. To better understand the meaning of the dream that appeared to you, try to remember exactly what you did with the sweets:

  • Eat them- a dream that completely depends on the taste and type of sweets. Sweet, beautiful sweets with an unforgettable taste are considered a symbol that heralds the dreamer a pleasant pastime with pleasant people. It can be an interesting party or a date with your loved one. On the contrary, sour, bitter or unleavened candy prophesies disappointment, grief and the need to hang out with unpleasant people against one's will.
  • Stealing candy- a dream, which should be understood as a harbinger of the dreamer's enrichment and the fulfillment of his most cherished desires. But it is worth remembering that this will not happen by itself, as the saying goes, "water will not flow under a lying stone."
  • Hand them out- an unfavorable dream, symbolizing the dreamer's enormous disappointments. It seems that the hopes that you pinned on the people around you will completely collapse, and in fact they will not be what you imagined. You will not receive any gratitude for everything that you have done selflessly for them.
  • Give candy to someone- a favorable dream that promises you pleasant communication with a pleasant person. This can be either a conversation with a like-minded person, or a date with a person you have long dreamed of.
  • Buying sweets in a dream- a harbinger of tremendous luck and good luck in all spheres of life: good health, a successful career, reliable friendship and a happy personal life are guaranteed to you.
  • Take candy from someone- a dream foreshadowing the receipt of an interesting offer from someone. To understand from whom exactly, remember the details of the dream: you took sweets from a representative of your gender - you will be offered to spend time interestingly; on the contrary, the person who has sympathy for you will try to get closer to you.


Dreams about candy wrappers are interpreted very ambiguously. The wrappers that you managed to pick up are a symbol of large monetary profit in the dreamer's life. It looks like you will soon get a big win, and perhaps you will receive a large inheritance or a cash bonus.

If you did not manage to touch them - it is a symbol of vivid memories of your past... Apparently, the present seems to you dull and empty, and you are chasing the ghosts of bygone times.

Box of sweets

If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, the person you are indifferent to will make every effort to win your attention. Having seen such a dream, prepare yourself for the intrusive and annoying behavior of your fan (or groupie).

To give them to yourself - you have feelings for a person who is not going to reciprocate you... All your gifts, surprises and courtship will not only not make your feelings mutual, but will also cause irritation and even dislike of the chosen one (or the chosen one).

Other sweets

If in a dream you dreamed not of sweets, but other sweets, do not despair: the best dream books will help you understand visions of any content. So, you dreamed about:

  • Chocolate bar- sweet moments await you, which will mainly relate to relationships with a soul mate.
  • Chocolate bar- a sign foreshadowing career growth and getting a good position.
  • Lollipop- there is a person in the world who loves you madly (albeit secretly).
  • Cake- a symbol of the dreamer's excessive naivety and his tendency to wander in the clouds.
  • Small cake- a sign of complete satisfaction with your own life.
  • Big cake- a symbol of the dreamer's ambitions and the desire to make life even brighter and happier.

How can you understand sweets and sweets do not always portend a "sweet" future... And nevertheless, a detailed study of the interpretations of the best dream books, multiplied by your intuition and will, will help you draw the right conclusions and avoid any possible troubles.

Source: http://www.hiromantia.net/primeta/k-chemu-snyatsya-konfety-mnogo/

Dream interpretation of candy why dream about candy in a dream

Dream interpretation candy

People themselves decide to believe them in prophetic and prophetic dreams or not. But you need to remember that night scenes are sent by our subconscious, and after analyzing and interpreting the night dreams, you can understand why you happened to have such a dream.

Dreams are directly related to reality and household chores. A dieter may dream of a delicious candy or other goodies. But why dream of candy for any other person who in real life is not worried about his figure.

For a quick and more accurate deciphering of the dream seen, it is better to use an online dream book. To do this, enter in the search bar keywords the fragment seen. As a result, you will get the most common online dream books with the most accurate decoding of the plot.

For correct analysis and the interpretation of such night dreams is to use a dream book. It is by using it that you can understand what the seen plot means.

General interpretation of the candy plot

If you dreamed about candy

For many, sweets, like any other sweets, are associated with pleasant emotions. Why do you dream about sweets? In general, this is a good sign. But still it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of a night dream.

If the plot dreamed of sweets, then this is a sign that you are living a carefree, happy life.

Dream Interpretation Hasse interprets the plot with sweets - the dreamer will have a long-term love relationship.

Did you see a bright wrapper in a dream? Meet an interesting person in life.

The interpretation of dreams in which you happened to see candy wrappers is a dream about good emotions.

Cooking sweets in a dream - work and perseverance will lead to the achievement of a result.

Collect them from the floor - do not be stingy, save within reason. Enjoy life, otherwise it will pass you by.

In a night dream, collected them in the cemetery? Try to get rid of the bad feelings of envy in your life.

Found sweets in your pocket? Good changes in life are coming.

Did you steal them in your dream? You will achieve your goal, but put a lot of effort into this.


If you dreamed about candies and caramels

Chocolates dream of profit. And the higher the grade of chocolate, the more solid the profit will be. Any new idea will bring positive moments into real life. Watching another person hold chocolate sweets in their hands - someone has sympathy for you.

Lollipops and caramels

Lollipops portend a small amount of money. Another interpretation of the plot indicates that luck in the future directly depends on the dreamer. To see marmalade - to a pleasant stay.

Boxed candies

It is important to note which box they were in. A beautiful box - symbolizes that the dreamer will be looked after. According to the interpretation of dreams, a box that was ugly - to an acquaintance with a fake person.


It is important to take into account in the plot of dreams whether the filling was in sweets. According to her taste and what emotions such a candy aroused in the dreamer, the decoding of sleep depends.

  • A berry or fruit filling indicates tender feelings.
  • Nut - the dreamer thinks a lot.
  • Alcoholic filling (cognac, liqueur, etc.) is a pleasant surprise.
  • With the plot of dreams, the filling is spoiled? You risk being deceived.

The sweetness quickly melted away - emotions and events will be fleeting and will not affect a person's life in any way. Did it melt and smear all the clothes? You are now in a rather confusing situation.

Seeing the plot of dreams, where a beautiful wrapper, but the candy itself disappointed the dreamer - you will also be disappointed with the event, and they also want to deceive you.

Eat sweets

Eating candy in a night dream - you really get good news. Have you tried it and liked it? The plot foreshadows a fateful acquaintance. Did you not like the taste of the treat? A new acquaintance will disappoint you, the relationship will not develop further than flirting. Bitter and firm - portends grief in reality.

The girl dreams of sweets as a sign that an persistent guy will pay attention to her, the girl will have to fight back from his courtship. The dream book of health indicates that such a plot portends diseases of the pancreas and the occurrence of caries.

The family dream book interprets the plot in which they ate candy like this: you will soon meet your love. Sour portends illness and grief.

Give or receive candy as a gift

Candy as a gift

If in the plot a guy saw how he presented a box of chocolates as a gift, then in reality he intends to become a husband for his beloved girlfriend. But it is likely that the girl's answer will not please him.

Giving candy in a dream is a sign of unrequited love in real life.

Receive a box of chocolates as a gift - to financial independence. Present yourself - dreams will remain dreams.

The dream book of the American psychologist Miller indicates that receiving candy as a gift - the dreamer should be careful because he is insincere in his environment. According to Miller's interpretation, giving sweets - you will begin to perform a task that will not be crowned with success.

According to Hasse's dream book, to receive sweets as a gift - in real life, you will receive an invitation to a holiday.

Buy or treat them

Treating sweets in a dream means in reality meeting a faithful friend. Seeing how you were treated - you will actually be walking at a noisy party.

To refuse treats in a dream - the dream book of Health advises to undergo a blood test, since there is a risk of diabetes mellitus.

Handing out sweets - you will experience disappointment in real life.

Why do you dream about the candies that you had to buy? Get ready for the imminent arrival of relatives. Buying and choosing the most delicious varieties - get a well-deserved reward. Buying expensive chocolate is a real pleasure. For businessmen, such a plot indicates that a lucrative contract will be concluded.

If in the plot of dreams it was necessary to buy sweets with negative emotions and the dreamer was unhappy with the purchase, the plot indicates that there will be poor health. It is also worth being economical and not wasting money.

A dream in which you dreamed of candy portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with the traditional proposal to marry him.

To receive a set of expensive sweets as a gift means that you will be invited to the celebration.

Giving a box of good chocolates in a dream means being the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream - a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love.

Sweet sweets mean profit, sour sweets - to illness and irritability, mints - annoyance and disappointment will come in place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel - therefore, the person whose reciprocity you seek is not indifferent to you.

Lollipops in a dream portend treason on the part of imaginary friends.

Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and the business will be rolled out in full swing.

Making sweets in a dream - you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work.

Buying candy is completely wasted.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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Dream interpretation - candy

The dream in which you eat crispy candy suggests that you will be happy in love and live a secular life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she is receiving a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to fight the persistent harassment of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he is giving a box of chocolates, this suggests that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Interpretation of dreams from

Shopping in a store in a dream is always good. Dream Interpretations promise a lot of pleasant events, a lot of flirting, entertainment and a carefree life. Seeing sweets, buying sweets and cookies - for a quick solution to complex issues, moreover, in all spheres of life. Why dream of purchasing sweets will help to find out the details and nuances that are etched into the memory of the dreamer.

What Miller's dream book says

The psychotherapist confirms in his dream book that luck will accompany everyone who dreamed of treats on the counter. To ask the price of them, to try, or just to see, is a sign of a person's high spiritual organization. However, Miller recommends paying attention to their wrapping, quality and even the taste that you experienced in a dream.

So, why dream of buying sweets:

  • chocolate - to big wins;
  • caramels, lollipops - for little luck;
  • marmalade - to a passionate romance;
  • waffle - to recovery.

Ahead "sweet" life and other joys

If you dreamed that you liked the taste of chocolate sweets in a dream and you decided to buy a lot of sweets, get ready for easy victories and wins. A dream means that in a work collective you will not have any difficulties in communicating with colleagues and bosses for a long time.

In addition, dream books reduce the interpretation of sleep to profit. All the cases started during this period will bring moral satisfaction and considerable financial profit. Extraordinary ideas, chic opportunities for their implementation - exactly what you dream of buying sweets and other chocolate "goodies" in the store.

Give in to temptation

The famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud interestingly describes what gummies dream about. It turns out that to see them in a dream, to eat, to treat someone - to light flirting with a pleasant person. Even married ladies will receive a portion of the well-deserved attention from outside men if they dreamed that they had a chance to buy sweets.

Slightly sour but tasty lollipops mean that your relationship with your partner has become boring and monotonous. The dream interpretation suggests that it's time to take care of yourself, pay attention to beauty salons, physical training, so that your partner becomes interested in you again.

Energy and health will be enough for a lot

Buying sweets in the store and eating them right away is a complete recovery. It is especially good if you dreamed that the goodies had a variety of fillings, a waffle base, or were generally sold interspersed with cookies.

The dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus claim that a dream guarantees getting rid of frequent headaches and colds. If recently you had to be a lot of nervous and worried, then buying roasted nuts, truffles, butterscotch in a dream indicates the time has come when there will be no trace of problems.

To figure out what sweets dream about, you will need to take into account many factors.

Dream interpretation: seeing candy in a dream

Miller's dream book treats delicious sweets as pleasures in reality, sour ones - to discomfort. Making sweets yourself is an improvement in the material sphere through diligence.

According to Vanga's dream book tasteless candy indicates upset. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the state of health, especially on the stomach. Fresh or chocolates are creative ideas.

Dream interpretation of Medea suggests that when you dream about sweets, this is a symbol of a carefree life.

According to a romantic dream book candy to a woman means loyalty to a partner, and a lonely girl is predicted to meet with a worthy candidate.

By culinary source if you dream, they give you sweets, a risky but pleasantly exciting incident will happen soon.

Interpretation of sleep by the variety and type of candy

The dreamed sweets of candies in most sources are considered an excellent sign indicating the onset of an auspicious period. However, there is an interpretation according to which this is a symbol of the dreamer's slightly frivolous nature.

Chocolate candy in a dream is a great dream. After it, new ideas may appear, and thanks to the surging inspiration, the result of many projects will be enchanting.

When candy dreams in wrapper, it means surprises. The quality will tell you what they will be. Fresh, tasty ones are good surprises, and old, spoiled ones are unpleasant.

Candy wrappers- the personification of paper banknotes. The more, the better.

Many different sweets - an abundance of pleasant events. It is also a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have to make a choice between equivalent alternatives.

Candy for lovers caramel are one of the most coveted dreams. Feelings are mutual, and nothing darkens them.

Appetizing glossy candies lollipops mean pleasures in reality.

Dreaming sweets dragee symbolically reflect the sleeper's desire for the ideal.

If big the candy was in the hands of a friend, this is a certain hint. This person has sympathy for the sleeping person.

Sweet filled candies are interpreted depending on the filling. Fruit - romantic feelings, with liqueur - a surprise. Nuts inside indicate that the sleeper is carefully thinking over his actions.

Spoiled and not tasty sweets in a dream - to resentment. You will probably have to be very disappointed in something or someone.

Marmalade - for mental relaxation.

Smart box of sweets- to obvious manifestations of signs of attention on the part of representatives of the opposite sex. Crumpled, ugly, torn - a meeting with an insincere person.

Great plot - dreamed at the same time candy and biscuits... All adversity is over.

There will be an opportunity to make money, this is what they dream about candy in the cemetery... The project may involve a person who has offended in the past.

See in a dream candy shop with shelves full of pastries is a great symbol. Ahead is a rendezvous with a loved one.

Actions with sweets in a dream

Some of the dreamer's penchant for fantasy is embodied in the plot. choose candies. There is nothing wrong with that, but more often than not, fulfilling a dream requires leaving the world of illusions into reality.

Dreaming about the visit of distant relatives buy candy in the store... The arrival will be unexpected, but the hassle of meeting will be rewarded with pleasant emotions. In general, buying candy even on the market is a good luck. Maybe you get lucky.

If you dreamed collect candy in the graveyard- This is an indication of negative character traits. Such a plot reminds that envy is a destructive feeling.

Interpreting what it means there is candies in a dream, depends on their freshness and taste. Delicious and fresh means enjoyable personal experiences. Sour indicates an uneven temperament and irritability. Spoiled - trouble, resentment. Eating chocolates is a Freudian love delight. Other dream books promise exciting adventure and inspiration.

Steal candy is a warning. It will be difficult to achieve this goal.

TO spiritual development - receive as a gift candies. At the same time, the material sphere is also pleasing.

A pleasant conversation means a dream in which it happened treat sweets.

To empty hopes - hand out candies. The plans will not be fulfilled, which will lead to disappointment.

When you dream about sweets that you sell, everything in life is going well, and it is relaxing. But if you put in extra effort, you can reach dizzying heights.

Find candy in your own pocket - a positive change. Picking up from the ground or floor is the personification of the manifestations of stinginess.

When candy is dreamed, the dream does not carry a pronounced negative, and even warnings are sweetened by such stories.

Such a dream often predicts holidays and various pleasures. Sometimes a box of chocolates dreams of an offer made to you or you, flattery, pleasant conversations and conversations.

In various situations, chocolates in a dream to joy, childhood memories and interesting meetings. However, the dream book writes that sweets from childhood have several meanings.

If you want to know why you dream of buying sweets for your dreams, pay attention to how they got to you in a dream. And how much I liked their taste.

Sweet dreams

There are chocolates in a dream, if they are different, it means a carefree pastime, various pleasures and pleasant impressions. The dream book writes that just seeing various sweets in a dream, especially chocolate ones, often predicts pleasant conversations, shopping and pleasure for you, provided that there is no allergy to this product.

In other situations, especially if you hate chocolate or cannot use it, the dream book writes that such a dream predicts trouble for you, exacerbation of the disease, stomach and intestinal diseases. However, if there is no allergy, then such a dream predicts you pleasures and interesting offers, tender feelings and favorable coincidences.

The dream book also writes that you dream of chocolates in a box for an offer, a reward for some activity, work or flattery, a meeting with a nice young man or girl. Expensive chocolates or sweets with various fillings mean dates, events, pleasant pastime and joyful emotions.

Sometimes the dream book writes that receiving them in a dream means joy, pleasant events or a romantic proposal. Business people dream of chocolates made from good and expensive chocolate for successful and fruitful business communication, pleasant emotions and joy.

But, if in a dream the chocolates turned out to be tasteless, expired or wormy, then expect disappointment and grief. The dream book writes that this dream can predict you an untimely offer, disappointment, resentment or insult. Sometimes their appearance in a dream is a dream of deception. This dream often predicts for you an intimate proposal from an old person who is very unattractive in appearance.

Lollipops and marshmallows

Lollipops in a dream, marmalade or airy marshmallows dream of pleasant emotions, joy, happy moments and a pleasant pastime. For girls, such a dream predicts short-term pleasures, a pleasant pastime, happiness in love. But sometimes the dream book writes that such a dream predicts disappointments and short-term pleasures for you.

Very often, such a dream is dreamed of fleeting dates that will be beautiful, but empty. Sometimes such a dream predicts communication for you, which will be pleasant, but very short-lived.

The marmalade that your friends treat you means sweet promises. Sometimes a dream predicts unpleasant conversations for you, promises that will remain so with pleasant words... Sugar candies and marshmallows mean tender, beautiful promises and empty words. Especially if a girl dreams that a guy gives her marshmallows, sweet marshmallows, sweets with cakes that simply melt on her lips.