
How to be yourself in any situation? Psychology of Personality. Incredibly beautiful quotes that will inspire you to be yourself What is it to be yourself

1. What are you trying to hide?

Find what you are ashamed of. You cannot be yourself when you are trying to hide a part of yourself from prying eyes. Be clear about what you are embarrassed about and be prepared to be open about it. Being yourself means being willing to show yourself as you are, and not as you think others will accept you. Larry King immediately spoke about his shortcomings and this made it easier for him to communicate with any interlocutor. Often he didn't even have to, but his willingness to talk about his shortcomings made him a better conversationalist and made his life a lot easier.

2. Three basic things to be proud of

Be sure to be proud of the basic things: your first name, last name and work. If your name is Diarrhea Gavnov, change your name. If you work as an incoming proctologist in a receiver of homeless people, change jobs. In cases far removed from these, be proud of yourself. Having flaws is normal, constantly thinking about them is not..

3. One day you are on horseback, another day you are under horseback and vice versa

During the rise, we want to think that this will always be the case, but then there is always a decline. When we are down, we lower our self-esteem and cannot be ourselves. We are ashamed. There is no need to be ashamed of recessions, they are part of progress, you need to be prepared for them. The position should be something like this: “Yes, today I am without a job and I have nowhere to live, but in general I am awesome and it will soon be seen.”

4. Haste

If you are in a constant hurry, you yourself may forget who you really are. Hurrying means putting your habits and thoughts in the grip of time. You can't be yourself when you're in a hurry. Stop while running, turn back and say to yourself running after you “gotcha ?!” Make stops while talking to people. Slow down the pace. The rule here is: the more you hurry, the further you run away from yourself . If you are asked a point-blank question: “You have to make a decision right now. So yes or no"? The answer should always be “no”. Without regret. This is the price of happiness.

5. Life situations

Notice in what situations you are not yourself. A clear pattern will be visible very soon. The same people, places and circumstances cause you tension and out of character behavior. Next time, give yourself permission to relax in these situations. Relaxation means returning to yourself. Learn not to tense up when you are tense.

6. Your language

Don't speak formally. Express yourself simply. Genius is not to complicate a thought, but to express it as simply as possible. To be yourself means to stop dressing your thoughts in triple layers of thick words.

7. Listen instead of talking

Change the purpose of your conversations with people from “speak up and impress” to “listen and understand.” In order not to create additional tension in yourself with the obligation to “understand”, always keep in mind the rule: Understanding does not mean agreeing.

8. Be curious

Ask questions, be interested in what you are talking about with a person. If you do not understand, be sure to ask what your interlocutor meant. Ask difficult questions. Don't feel sorry for people, you think too much about them. Difficult questions, by the way, develop your environment. They will be grateful to you for them later. Being yourself means being interested in the world.

9. Love yourself

Not in words, but in deeds. Make yourself courtesies that no one sees. Self-love should not be shown, but secret. Flowers are for show. Expensive underwear (it also applies to men, especially men) is a secret. Later, the secret will be revealed, and you will decide to always be yourself, because that is how you adore yourself.

10. Exercises to be yourself

Answer honestly - why is it difficult for you to be yourself? Because you are trying to please others! You are a prisoner of someone else's opinion. There are exercises on how to become yourself and not depend on the opinions of others. One of the most effective is to sometimes intentionally take other people out of their comfort zone. They probably won't like it. This is "weight training". Intentionally inducing negative feelings towards yourself is as far from trying to please as it can be, which means it is a powerful exercise on the path to yourself.

11. Look into the eyes

Learn to look people in the eye when you talk to them. Dogs cannot do this. On an animal level, we are programmed to obey whoever holds the gaze the longest. However, don't turn your conversations with people into a meeting between two boxers before a match. Don't avoid looking, be prepared to "watch" to the end until you've finished your thought. The escalator in the subway is a good place exercise at the beginning.

12. Start writing your blog

The more frank, the better. The first candid posts will be painful for you. You will be worried about what people think of you and you will want to fit in. There will be a temptation to hide in the middle of humanity and not stick out from there. But with each new article and with each critical comment addressed to you, the opinion of other people about yourself will worry you less and less, and louder and louder, you will hear your own voice from within. You will begin to become yourself also because you will gain tremendous knowledge of yourself while writing articles.

13. Find and define yourself by their conditions.

Oscar Wilde once said with his usual wit: "Be yourself, all the other roles have already been sorted out." As funny as it sounds, this is a summary of the truth. At the same time, you cannot be yourself unless you first know, understand, and accept yourself. This should be your first priority.

  • Take time to explore what you value in life and reflect on what makes you who you are. As part of this, consider your life and the choices you make. Try to understand what you like and don't want to do and act accordingly. Trial and error research helps more than you might think.
  • You can even take personality tests, but treat them as an aid, not allowing them to fully define your personality. Make sure that your self-definition is based on your own ideas, and that you feel absolutely comfortable doing so. You may feel awkward, but over time, if you are surrounded by the right people, they will accept you for who you are.

14. In the process of finding your values, do not be surprised that some of them may contradict each other.

This is a natural result of adopting values ​​from various sources, including culture, religion, mentors, inspiring people, educational resources, and so on. In fact, it is important to work through these contradictions in order to determine which values ​​are most true for you.

  • Just because your values ​​contradict each other doesn't necessarily mean you need to drop them. See it as part of your dynamic self. You cannot be stuffed into a box or protected in any way. You have values ​​in different aspects of your life, so it's natural for them to be different.

15. Don't dwell on the past by not allowing yourself to evolve.

One of the most unhealthy approaches to staying true to yourself is to make a decision about who you are dictated by a certain moment or period of time, and then for the rest of your life try to be that person from the past, instead of being yourself, but at the same time growing with each person who comes. season or decade. Allow yourself this space to grow, to improve, to become wiser.

  • Forgive your past mistakes and actions that you are not particularly proud of. Work on accepting your mistakes and the choices you have made - they have happened and they are in the past. You had good reasons, these decisions made sense at the time, so instead of becoming attached to the mistakes of the past, allow yourself to learn from them and continue to grow.
  • Look at the people around you who proudly claim they haven't changed a bit since they were 16, 26, 36 or whatever. Do they seem flexible, easy-going, happy people? Most often not, because they insist so zealously that nothing has changed, that they cannot perceive new ideas, learn from others and develop. Achieving each new milestone or stage in our lives is an essential component of self-confidence, emotional health, and integrity.
  • If someone says that he does not like something about you, this does not mean at all that it is bad and that you need to change it. Depends on what exactly; it is often a matter of personal preference.
  • Change is a continuous process. Change in your personality over time is inevitable, and it will happen in the best way, provided that you are aware of what is happening in the world and correspond to it, and make personal development a top priority in your life.
  • Even if your friends look different, don't hold back. Be yourself and if they don't accept you for who you are, then are they really your true friends?!
  • Trying to imitate someone just to get their popularity, looks and attitude can hurt you a lot. Be unique by focusing on your strengths being inspired by others, but not turning into them.
  • Following fads and fashion trends is a personal decision for everyone. Some people avoid it like the plague for fear of losing their individuality, but that doesn't mean you stop being yourself when you decide to follow a trend. It all depends on what you end up wanting.
  • Know that sometimes it is more profitable to go with the flow than to rest. For example: sometimes it's better to agree to go to a concert of a band you don't really like in order to have fun with your friends. You need to make concessions and respect the preferences of other people.
  • Don't say you can't do something just because you can't please someone! This will not contribute to the cause in any way, and the person will easily figure you out.
  • As you try to accept yourself, don't be discouraged by your flaws. If you can work with it, and even if you can't, remember that they make you who you are and help define who you are. Flaws are ultimately part of you too, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • When choosing an outfit, take a look at yourself in the mirror. Instead of focusing on your external flaws, focus on your strengths. This helps boost self-esteem.
  • Don't let your friends confuse you or drag you into something you don't want to do. Be yourself and be true to your true self.

Many people, in order to please their interlocutor, try in every possible way to adapt to him. When applying for a job, passing an interview We often try to appear smarter than we are in life. When looking for a companion or companion We (especially guys) try to show ourselves from a more advantageous side. We are trying to look more status in the eyes of the subject of our attention. The girls are trying to show their ideality and domesticity, which, perhaps, is not there.

What does this lead to? Only to disappointment and depression. I don't know people who could be actors 24/7. Any role can be played only for a certain time. Sooner or later you stop playing the role, revealing your personality, which can be very different from the role you played.

Why you should not pretend and you need to be yourself when dealing with people.

It doesn't matter if you are a guy or a girl. The guy wants to seem a little richer, more independent and cooler. In his opinion, this will speed up the process of establishing relationships, which, as he thinks, he needs. The girl wants to attract the attention of a young man who seemed to her a status, reliable person who can provide her with high level. In my opinion, everyone loses in this situation. There will be no relationship. It's not even about the money.

A beautiful girl is attracted to funny guys who are spinning in the spotlight. She liked one guy who, by nature, is not cheerful. The guy tries to seem to the girl the way she wants to see her companion. He succeeds. They start dating, but over time, the guy does not have the patience to endlessly play the role of a cheerful merry fellow. The girl does not understand why and when the guy has changed so much. She met a completely different person. Who needs such a relationship now? There is no love in these relationships. Read about it. Even if there is some kind of relationship, then they will wallow in a pit of distrust. You will spend more time on than on generating pleasant moments together.

Appear smarter than you are in life

When hiring, we always want to appear better than we are. On the one hand, it's pretty standard. On the other hand, it brings a lot of inconvenience to both you and your potential employer. You are asked about your goals for life, expectations from digging. You give memorized, but rather competitive answers. But in reality, your answers are at odds with your inner position. Yes, and it is quite possible that this work will not bring you sky-high income, and over time, every working day will turn into torture. If you are forced to lie in an interview, then this is clearly not.

“I'm afraid to be alone. Nobody is interested in me.”

This is one of the reasons that most people justify. Pretend and not be yourself in order to be surrounded by people who do not understand you and do not know what is in your soul? This will make you even more alone. There are always a lot of people around us. Especially if you live in a city with a population of over a million. With the same success, you can run to the nearest metro station and enjoy not only communication, but also physical interaction with people.

There are so many people in the Moscow metro that you will be felt in any way. No, not because someone wants it or you have a too attractive body. There are just too many people and not enough space. You must like it =)

Be yourself. Accept yourself as the person you are. You are no better, but no worse than everyone else. There are always those who are able to understand and love you with all their hearts. Be open to new acquaintances. Life is like zebra stripes: after black there is always white.

A fall is not a failure. Failure in the desire to stay to live where he fell.

Appreciate a person not for their appearance, but for their attitude towards themselves.

Don't take negativity to heart. Until you accept it, it belongs to the one who brought it.

Don't be afraid to say goodbye to things that don't make you happy.

Do not forget that the position - from the word "duty", work - from the word "slave", dismissal - from the word "will".

It's easy to believe people, it's hard to believe again.

Don't be afraid to show your feelings.
The people you love and appreciate should know how important they are to you..

We are offended, quarrel and get angry only at those whom we are so afraid of losing, whom we sincerely love ...

Everything will be as you dream, just wait.
Remember, sugar is at the bottom..

Over time, you get tired of reaching out to people who do not take a single step to meet you.

A horseshoe will never bring you happiness and good luck until you nail it to your hoof and start plowing like a horse!

Respect or not respect a person - your choice. Being respectful is your upbringing.

We must remain faithful. Loyalty to the word, obligations, others, oneself. You have to be one of those people who never let you down.
Erich Maria Remarque

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

You can't imagine what a man is capable of when he finally realizes that he has no other choice.

Do not try to sort things out with people who have disappointed you. Silently leave them alone with all their junk.

True beauty lives in the heart, is reflected in the eyes and manifests itself in actions.

Everyone complains about the lack of money, but no one complains about the lack of brains!

Those killed by a word are finished off by silence.

A man should be a calm lion, not a noisy mongrel.

Act like it's a dream. Be brave and don't look for excuses.

When it seems that everything in life is collapsing, start thinking about what you will build on the vacated place.

Sometimes in some strange ways in life everything gets better by itself.

There are no lazy people. There are useless goals - those that do not inspire.

Discipline is the decision to do what you really don't want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve.

The person who needs you will always find a way to be there.

Strong people speak with their eyes. Weak people open their dirty mouths behind their backs.

"Be yourself" is probably the most used phrase in the history of advice and heart-to-heart talk. Be yourself. Such a vague statement. What does it really mean to be yourself? And is it as easy as it seems? Following the steps below is quite possible.


Part 1

Find out who you are
  1. Find and define yourself their conditions. Oscar Wilde once said with his usual wit: "Be yourself, all the other roles have already been sorted out." As funny as it sounds, this is a summary of the truth. At the same time, you cannot be yourself unless you first know, understand, and accept yourself. This should be your first priority.

    • Take time to explore what you value in life and reflect on what makes you who you are. As part of this, consider your life and the choices you make. Try to understand what you like and don't want to do and act accordingly. Trial and error research helps more than you might think.
    • You can even take personality tests, but treat them as an aid, not allowing them to fully define your personality. Make sure that your self-definition is based on your own ideas, and that you feel absolutely comfortable doing so. You may feel awkward, but over time, if you are surrounded by the right people, they will accept you for who you are.
  2. In the process of finding your values, do not be surprised that some of them may contradict each other. This is a natural result of adopting values ​​from various sources, including culture, religion, mentors, inspiring people, educational resources, and so on. In fact, it is important to work through these contradictions in order to determine which values ​​are most true for you.

    • Just because your values ​​contradict each other doesn't necessarily mean you need to drop them. See it as part of your dynamic self. You cannot be stuffed into a box or protected in any way. You have values ​​in different aspects of your life, so it's natural for them to be different.
  3. Don't dwell on the past without allowing yourself to develop. One of the most unhealthy approaches to staying true to yourself is to make a decision about who you are dictated by a certain moment or period of time, and then for the rest of your life try to be that person from the past, instead of being yourself, but at the same time growing with each person who comes. season or decade. Allow yourself this space to grow, to improve, to become wiser.

    • Forgive your past mistakes and actions that you are not particularly proud of. Work on accepting your mistakes and the choices you have made - they have happened and they are in the past. You had good reasons, these decisions made sense at the time, so instead of becoming attached to the mistakes of the past, allow yourself to learn from them and continue to grow.
    • Look at the people around you who proudly claim they haven't changed a bit since they were 16, 26, 36 or whatever. Do they seem flexible, easy-going, happy people? Most often not, because they insist so zealously that nothing has changed, that they cannot perceive new ideas, learn from others and develop. Achieving each new milestone or stage in our lives is an essential component of self-confidence, emotional health, and integrity.
  4. Never stop looking for your strengths . Over time, they can change just like your self-image, but never stop directing and redirecting your attention to them. They adequately balance your shortcomings and are a reason not to compare yourself to others.

    • Comparison leads to dissatisfaction and resentment. A person filled with resentment cannot concentrate on the "be yourself" mantra, because at that time, he longs to be someone else!
    • Comparison also leads to criticism of others. A life filled with criticism of others grows out of low self-esteem and the need to pull them off the pedestal we put them on. On the one hand, this will lead to the loss of both friends and respect, and on the other hand, you will never be able to become yourself, because you will plunge into envy and waste a lot of time admiring the qualities of others, and not yourself.
  5. Relax . Stop replaying worst-case scenarios, especially in social situations. What if you fall flat in front of everyone? Or do you have spinach stuck between your teeth? Or you accidentally bump foreheads with your crush, leaning in to kiss. Learn to laugh at yourself both when it happens and afterwards.

    Part 2

    Relationships with others
    1. Be honest and open . What do you have to hide? We are all not perfect, we grow up and learn; we are only human. If you are ashamed or insecure about any aspect of yourself and wish to hide that part of you, whether physical or emotional, then you should come to terms with it and learn to transform your so-called quirks into personality traits or simply admit your own imperfection.

      • Try the tactic of acknowledging your imperfections during discussions with someone. Most likely, you will find that suddenly there is no need to stubbornly stand your ground, which is often just an attempt to save face and not give in. The moment you say, “Yeah, the mess in the room really pisses me off too. I realize that I shouldn’t leave a bunch of things right on the floor, but I still do it because of my laziness, which I’m trying to get rid of. Sorry. I know that I can behave better and I will try,” you will suddenly bring genuine honesty with yourself that will resolve the whole point of the dispute.
    2. Don't compare yourself to others . If you keep striving to be something you are not, you will never be happy. Comparing yourself to others can make you feel inferior to some extent. This is a slippery slope, and as a result, your thoughts will become more and more negative.

      • You only see the external signs that others want to put on public display, but you will never see what is really going on behind the scenes of their seemingly ideal world. By comparing yourself to others, you become dominated by their image and diminish your worth based on a mirage. This is a useless activity that only brings harm.
      • Instead, value yourself as a person, love your individuality, accept your flaws - everyone has them, and as explained earlier, being honest is better than avoiding them.
    3. Stop worrying about how people perceive you. Some like you, some don't. Accordingly, they will treat you either well or badly. It's almost impossible to be yourself if you're constantly asking yourself, "Do they think I'm funny? Does she think I'm fat? Do they think I'm stupid? Am I good/smart/popular enough to be part of their group?" To be yourself, you need to let go of this concern and just act naturally, guided only by your considerations for others, and not them idea of ​​you.

      • If you change for a certain person or group, the other person or group may not like you, and you will always go in circles trying to please people instead of developing your talents and strengths.
    4. Stop pleasing everyone . The constant desire for love and respect from others is ultimately a completely meaningless activity that can damage your personal development and self-confidence. Who cares what others say? As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "No one will make you feel inadequate without your consent." And most importantly, listen to your inner voice and faith in yourself, and if you lack it, start developing it.

      • Does this mean that no one's opinion should be taken into account? No. It is unpleasant to be rejected by society. If the situation forces you to spend most of your time around people who, for some reason of their own, can't stand you, this can lead you to internalize their negative self-images. You should decide whose opinion you value the most. It is much more useful to pay attention to people who treat you well and agree with your life aspirations.
    5. Surround yourself with positive people. Do not underestimate what happens to you if you are faced with negative social pressure or bullying. It is easier to counter this if you recognize it as pressure and build a reasonable defense. Surrounding yourself with trusted friends and people who share your beliefs and outlook on life is a good way to weaken the influence of hostile people. You may tell yourself that their opinion doesn't matter, but it's much easier when there are people around who agree with you and support you.

      • Compare people who love you with those who hurt you and it becomes clear that their opinion of you, your family or lifestyle is worthless. We are essentially occupied with the point of view of those people whom we respect and whom we look up to. It works both ways: if you are not respected, then all the comments about you are just empty words coming from a person who is little better than a complete stranger.
    6. Learn the difference between intimidating, sarcastic, scathing remarks and constructive criticism. The latter will focus on real bugs that you may not have noticed, but should be fixed. In this case, for example, parents, mentors, teachers, coaches, and the like can tell you what you need to digest and reflect on at your own pace in order to improve yourself and become better. The difference is that their criticism is meant to help you.

      • These people care about you and are interested in how you grow as a person and treat you with respect. Life will become much easier if you learn to notice the difference by rejecting pointless negative criticism and learning from constructive criticism.

    Part 3

    Cultivate your unique personality
    1. Treat yourself the way you would treat yours to the best friend . You value your friends and those close to you; who is closer to you than yourself? Gift yourself the same kind, caring, respectful attitude that you show to people you care about. If you had to spend a day on your own, how fun/pleasant/satisfied/calm/satisfied could you be while still being yourself? What is the best version of you?

      • Be responsible for yourself and for improving your self-esteem. If others don't tell you that you're great, don't take it personally. Remind yourself that you are special, wonderful, and worthy. When you believe this, others will feel that glow of confidence coming from you and start reinforcing your self-assertion!
    2. Develop and express your individuality . Whether it's your sense of style or your manner of speech, if your habitual actions go beyond the generally accepted and at the same time give positive results - be proud of it. Be an individual, don't follow the crowd.

      • Learn to communicate well - the better you can express yourself, the better easier for people who like you the way you are find you, and the rest stay away.
    3. Avoid being unfair to yourself. Sometimes comparison leads to the fact that we compare heaven and earth. I would like to be a leading film producer in Hollywood, although in reality you are a modest aspiring screenwriter. Watching the lifestyle of a top producer and wanting the same is not a fair comparison. This person has years of experience under his belt and celebrity friendships, while you are just testing the waters, starting to test your writing skills, which may one day be outstanding.

      • Be realistic in your comparisons and look to people as a source inspiration and motivation, and not as a way to belittle one's merits and merits.
    4. Follow your own style . It has become common for many people to try to copy other people's actions, because this seems to be the best way to fit into society. But isn't it better to stand out from the crowd? It is very difficult to stand out, but strive not to adapt to the opinions of others, even if you do not usually behave like that - this is what it means to be yourself.

      • accept yourself the way you are. Being different is wonderful, and it draws people to you. Don't let anyone change you!
    5. Sometimes things will go like clockwork, sometimes not. People may raise their eyebrows in surprise and even laugh at you when you feel really in your element, but ultimately, once you can shrug your shoulders and say "Hey, that's just me" while leaving it at that people will start respecting you for it, and you will start respecting yourself. Most people try in vain to be themselves; if you succeed, you will be admired.

      • Change is a continuous process. Change in your personality over time is inevitable, and it will happen in the best way, provided that you are aware of what is happening in the world and correspond to it, and make personal development a top priority in your life.
      • Even if your friends look different, don't hold back. Be yourself and if they don't accept you for who you are, then are they really your true friends?!
      • Trying to imitate someone just to get their popularity, looks and attitude can hurt you a lot. Be unique by focusing on your strengths, being inspired by others but not becoming them.
      • Following fads and fashion trends is a personal decision for everyone. Some people avoid it like the plague for fear of losing their individuality, but that doesn't mean you stop being yourself when you decide to follow a trend. It all depends on what you end up wanting.
      • Know that sometimes it is more profitable to go with the flow than to rest. For example: sometimes it's better to agree to go to a concert of a band you don't really like in order to have fun with your friends. You need to make concessions and respect the preferences of other people.
      • Don't say you can't do something just because you can't please someone! This will not contribute to the cause in any way, and the person will easily figure you out.
      • As you try to accept yourself, don't be discouraged by your flaws. If you can work with it, and even if you can't, remember that they make you who you are and help define who you are. Flaws are ultimately part of you too, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.
      • When choosing an outfit, take a look at yourself in the mirror. Instead of focusing on your external flaws, focus on your strengths. This helps boost self-esteem.
      • Don't let your friends confuse you or drag you into something you don't want to do. Be yourself and be true to your true self.


      • Just because you don't care what other people think doesn't mean you have to forget about good manners and etiquette. The rules of etiquette are based on elementary respect for ourselves and others, on the belief that we can all live in harmony, and everyone is expected to treat others politely.
      • Respect others as you respect yourself. Being yourself means expressing yourself, your opinions, dreams and preferences, but this certainly does not mean that you need to impose them on others! Each person has their own needs, dreams and desires, which are also worthy of respect, and each of us should be able to recognize the value of other people's preferences, as well as our own. Therefore, avoid being rude, thoughtless, and selfish in striving to be yourself.

It just so happens that we live in an era of authenticity, where the blurring of the boundaries between deep inner feelings and what should be shown to the world is extolled. The idea of ​​"being yourself" in this case determines everything in our life: how we love, how we live, how we build a career.

We strive to communicate with the same authentic people: we are looking for an authentic boss, an authentic partner, authentic friends. What can we talk about when the speeches of the rectors of institutes, as a rule, begin with the idea of ​​"remaining true to yourself."

But for most people, being yourself is terrible advice.

In fact, your real "I" is not interesting to anyone. We all have thoughts and feelings that we should keep to ourselves.

If you set up an experiment and live in the mode of utmost honesty for two weeks, all your relationships with friends and colleagues, and maybe with a love partner, will simply suffer an utter collapse. Saying whatever you think is a bad way. For several years, the writer A.J. Jacobs behaved in a completely authentic way for two weeks. He told his publisher that he would sleep with her if he weren't married, and told his wife's parents that he was bored talking to them. Without hesitation, he admitted to his little daughter that the beetle had died, and was not just dozing on her palm. He told the nanny that if his wife left him, he would invite her on a date.

Deception is what keeps this world going. Without deceit, all employees would be kicked out, marriages would fall apart, and people's self-esteem would simply be trampled on.

How much we strive for authenticity depends on such a trait of the psyche as social self-control. It presupposes the ability to analyze the environment in terms of how to act in a given situation, to adjust one's behavior to the circumstances. We hate social awkwardness and do our best not to offend or offend anyone. If our social control is poorly developed, then we are guided only by our own urges and desires.

Instead of trying your best to let the world know who we are, first try to understand how it sees you, and only then become who you want to be. Be sincere, not authentic. If your behavior doesn't match who you want to be, take the time to develop what's called uncharacteristic behavior. For example, if you are an introvert, but dream of being the center of attention, be! Practice public performance learn to cope with fears, be the best version of yourself.

It will definitely work. So the next time your friends are vying with each other to advise you to be yourself, stop them. In fact, the world is not interested in what is in your head. For him, you are of value only when your actions do not diverge from words.