
How many days cucciver raises eggs. The chicken brought chickens: what to do, how to care for them? In which place is best to plant a bird on eggs

With the question of increasing or replacing the livestock chickens, each poultry faces sooner or later. We'll have to decide how to get a new generation. Buy young, engage in artificial incubation or to stay on a proven method of natural smoking by chicken-zoom?

Under the conditions of a small compound, artificial incubation and the purchase of young people are most often unprofitable, and natural surveillance will become the most optimal choice. Consider how to properly prepare a zoom to this process, how much time chicken is raising eggs, and which breeds are considered the best for the removal of offspring.

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Features of the egg laying and instinct of surgery at chickens

Compared to other poultry, the chickens are distinguished by the longest period of the egg laying, it lasts about a year, then the non-batch is interrupted for a month. Most eggs chickens are carrying in the first year, but the desire to sit on the eggs completely wakes up only by 2 to 4 years.

This factor must be considered in the selection of the nasal. Usually, the eggs are not planted on eggs, although some individuals and at this time the surveillance instinct manifests itself well.

Not all categories of chickens have instinct of motherhood. If in the future it is planned to receive young people in a natural way, you need to know that on the instinct of smoking the chickens are divided into three categories:

The number of deferred eggs directly affects the instinct of the surprise, so the launching with high egg stage the maternal instinct is practically not manifested. But the chickens of meat and meat-friendly directions retained the desire to take care of the offspring to the fullest.

True, problems arise with rocks. Meat chickens have a large, and sometimes just tremendous, weighing and when surrounding the eggs.

In addition, they are clumsy and possess most of their powerful legs, so they can hide the eggs.

Possess a calm temperament, and sometimes too lazy interferes to sit down chickens. Such individuals sit on the eggs, but after a few days they leave the nest, without bringing the process to the end.

An excellent naews will be chickens of the measoy direction, but you need to choose a medium size to protect the eggs. Measic chickens are beautiful mothers, the average survival rate of chicks in this category is 95%.

If we talk about the specific breeds of meat and meat, then you can mention the following:

The selection of the zeal should occur not only on the basis of the category and, but from the individual features of the bird.

Before the start of incubation, you need to look at the chicken, choose a suitable zoom and prepare it for the surgery of eggs.

Selection and preparation of the zeal

A good nasal in the livestock is easy to determine - the maternal instinct is manifested by frequent and restless quachine, the egg laying is reduced, the chicken is periodically sitting in the nest.

If you notice these signs, tele a chicken and inspect it for diseases.

It also happens that in the livestock none of the chickens exhibits inclinations to the surgery of eggs. The poultry farming learned to stimulate the instinct of maternity and call it the forced method. To do this, choose a person with the experience of sitting. Old chickens are suitable, which are already almost not rummaged, they are often good insens.

The bird is planted in, put the units of eggs, and the chicken itself is covered with a basket. A summary of a few days is getting used to the role of a mother, after which the uniforms are replaced with incubation eggs. Before boarding the nest and during the skiing period, special conditions of detention and balanced nutrition are needed.

Arrangement of nest

The nest is installed in a darkened place, away from restless neighbors that can scare a chicken. When arranging several nests, install them needed away from each other. Chicken-zeper can confuse the nest and start a quarrel with the hostess of the neighboring.

The bottom is lined with straw, down and feathers so that the eggs for eggs formed.

Additionally, the location where the nest is located, can be curtained with a cloth to save the chicken from excitement and unnecessary stresses during this period.

Food and walking

For two to three weeks before landing in the nest, the chicken is transferred to a special diet, in which proteins and trace elements should prevail. Special attention is paid to the replenishment of vitamins A, D and calcium.

To do this, the feed add chopped greens, chalk and pharmacy preparations of vitamins.

It is important that during the recovery period the zoom did not get rickets. Chalk and minor pebbles should always be available to chicken.

Some individuals are indeed developed by the motherhood instinct, that they do not get up during survival even for feed intake. In this case, the poultryman must ensure that the cha need to eat and walked at least two times a day. For comfort, you can put the feeder and water near the nest.

Note! If the challenge is long in walking, it must be returned. The supercooling of eggs will negatively affect the development of embryos. Walk time should not exceed 20 minutes. Eggs, while the chicken consumes food and walks, it is necessary to cover with warm tissue.

Data and period of natural incubation

Spring is considered the best time for incubation. At this time, it is already warm enough and not yet hot, as it happens in the summer. Optimal air temperature for the health of the supplies and normal development of embryos - + 15 ° C - + 20 ° C.

In order not to miss the appearance of chicks, you need to know how much the zoom sits on the eggs.

It happens that with the advent of the first chicks milf leaves the nest. You need to trace so that it completes the process completely. On average incubation lasts 20 - 21 days. For 19 days, the farmer must closely monitor the sockets. Chicks are hatched at different times, and as they appear sit down from the nest.

Practice shows that chickens contained with their mother after birth have a higher immunity and survival percentage. But many poultry farms take chicks and grown them at home, and under the zea put a new batch of incubation material.

Egg Selection for Incubation

Optimal is considered the selection of eggs for incubation for 2 to 4 days, but in terms of household conditions, it is not always possible to collect a batch within this time.

Therefore, the selection of eggs can be started in a week, storage at a temperature of B + 15 ° C and a humidity of 75% will be a guarantee of the quality of the material. Additionally, before bookmarking in the nest, the eggs are checked on an oskopope.

The same procedure is done several times during the period of survival. With visual inspection, chips, dark spots and cracks should not be viewed.

Beginners of the poultry farm often concerns the question of how many eggs should be under the zeal. On average, the masonry consists of 8 - 15 eggs, it all depends on the size of the chicken, because it must completely cover the eggs with their body. Thus, under the dwarf breeds of chickens, there are no more than 6 - 8 eggs, under the pumps of the meat direction 12 - 15, and under the chickens of the meat-friendly direction - about 8 - 12 eggs.

Note! Not only their own masonry, but also eggs breeds, in which females do not possess the motherhood instinct. There is also an experience of sitting in chickens of eggs of other types of poultry.

The novice poultry facilities will have several tips on how the process of sitting the eggs should be held correctly:

A healthy zoom with a well-developed maternal instinct is able to take care of the future offspring. If malfunctions began during the survival process, the poultry industry is able to adjust the situation and create favorable conditions for the appearance of chickens.

Chickens-nasal are the most common type of birds, which are bred in agriculture. They do not require special care and conditions of content, but at the same time bring double benefits in the form of useful meat and no less useful eggs. If there is a need, some species can climb chickens, thereby creating a new generation without special costs. However, it should be understood that not any chicken will sit on the eggs. For such purposes, it is necessary to select special breeds with strong maternal instincts. This will greatly facilitate the task, since such birds instinctively want to rake eggs before the appearance of offspring, and then monitor the safety of chickens. Deciding to breed birds in this way, you should prepare for possible problems in advance.

How chicken raises eggs at home

Modern technologies allow you to get a large number of chicks with help. However, this method is suitable for farms with large bird livestock. On small houses, there are still use of chicks to surfacing chicks. For this purpose, certain types of chickens are selected. In addition, they should be in the period of "desire to sit on the masonry". This condition indicates a number of characteristic features for which you can choose the right bird.

After checking on the preferabity in the nest, the eggs can put eggs. With the correct behavior, the chickens will start hatching for 19-21 days. To simplify the task, facilitate the care of the zoom and offspring, the elimination of chickens is better to do during the end of the spring - the beginning of summer.

Why chickens do not ride in this.

Chicken selection

Not every zoom is suitable for surviving. Some birds have a weakened maternal instinct or do not possess them at all. They are absolutely not suitable for such purposes, since at any moment the nest can leave or chicks. Conditionally all chicken breeds can be divided into three categories:

  1. Birds with well-developed instinct to surgery. They do without problems perform the tasks and carefully take care of the offspring.
  2. Bird with a weakened maternal instinct. Initially, they are well sitting on the masonry, but at any moment they can leave it.
  3. Bird without maternal instinct. Such chickens are absolutely no interest in the removal of chickens. This is usually cross and hybrids of industrial directions, as well as some breeds.

Chicters are recognized as the best sues.

Even the breeds famous for high maternal instinct may have separate birds without it. Claims for masonry should be selected by individual characteristics and personal observations.

Temperature body naews

The usual chicken temperature when surviving is first decreased, and then rises. In the first week - + 38-39 ° C, the last rises to + 40 ° C. The temperature in the nest varies within +33.4 - + 38.8 ° C. If the bird leaves the masonry for a long time, the eggs can be overcooked, which will affect the quality of brood. In the second stage of routing eggs produce heat independently, so the chicken does not sit on them more often, but it is in the nest above the masonry.

Changes periodically turn eggs with beak and paws. This allows you to level the temperature difference in their upper and lower part.

Cuchk: how to determine the best breeds

According to the common observations, the best for surgery are the most ordinary migratory chickens. This is due to a strong natural instinct to the removal of the offspring, which they have not yet had time to lose, as well as a mass of the body, allowing to close the eggs. Among the productive rocks most often on the laying of poultry meat-egg orientation. If you choose in the breed, then the best is the Kuchin jubilee, nobleman. You can identify the future zeal for the following signs:

  • frequent quorting;
  • long-lasting in the nest;
  • decrease in egg laying;
  • freshing feathers to increase body volume;
  • dropping the fluff and lining the nests.

It must be understood that some of these features may also indicate the problems with the health of the bird.

Preparation of nest

A place to survive is preparing in advance. After the start of the process of the zeal, herself will redo himself. From the owners only is required to periodically change the contaminated litter at a time when the chicken rises from eggs. After hatching chicks, the nest is cleaned, disinfected and dried. They can be reused for survival.

How to build brother for broiler chickens with your own hands.

The nests should be positioned on an elevation or in a suspended position so that the rodents could not get to the masonry.

What conditions are needed

The nests must be placed in a quiet, secluded and darkened place. The size should be free for the bird, but not too large area so that the eggs do not roll out from under the nasal. The optimal parameters of the nest 55 × 35 cm. Derne falls asleep on the bottom, the straw and the fluff falls on top of it so that the in the middle there is a bowl-shaped deepening.

Corners need to fasten well, which prevents the rolling back of eggs. Before entering the socket, a light range for shading is hanging, but free to pass the bird. In order for the cultivation of chickens with a suggestion as successful as possible, it should be ensured by comfortable conditions.

When in one room there is a few jacks with honeycombs, they must be placed at a sufficient distance, isolating each other. This will prevent confusion and a fight in birds and eggs.

Selection of Yaitz

Selected eggs for maternity acquisitions must be consistent with the following requirements:

  1. A bird that demolished the egg should be healthy and hawk.
  2. To remove chicks, you should take fresh eggs (not older than 6-7 days), which were stored at a temperature of 15-20 ° C.
  3. From the masonry it is necessary to exclude contaminated and broken, as well as check on a oskopope, the presence of dark or blood splashes. Such eggs are considered defective.
  4. Middle sizes should be preferred. There may be bad germs in small, large often have two yolks.
  5. The amount of masonry varies within 10-15 pieces. It depends on the size of the bird, its physique and rock. Eggs should lie in one layer and completely closed by a bird.
  6. The selection and lining of eggs under the zeal is carried out after it clearly manifested the instinct of reaching and the zeper is disguments.

Chickens are able to surround the eggs of other birds - geese, ducks, turkey and others.

How to put eggs under the zeal

Before planting a chicken on real eggs, it is necessary to test its preferabity on cheating. For a few days, the bird will come to the right state, and the deceptives can be replaced by real when the zeal will come out of the nest to eat. This method will not injure the bird. So that the challenge is less worried, put eggs preferably in the dark. In some cases, to secure the result, the nest is covered with a basket and for several days produce a bird twice a day for feeding only. About feeding Nonachiys at home read.

How many eggs to lay

The number of eggs depends on the size of the bird. Larger individuals are able to sit out the maximum number of chicks. However, under such birds should not put eggs with a thin shell, since they can damage them with their weight. Also, they must be put into the nest all together in one layer so that the challenge can completely close the masonry with his body.

The chicken leaves the nest after the withdrawal of the first chicks, so in no case cannot be in the process of reaching new eggs.

What time is it necessary to remove chicks: timing

The recovery process lasts three weeks. Chickens begin to hatch for 19-21 days after the chicken sat on the laying. During this time, it is necessary to carry out 3 inspections using a mat. This instrument allows you to identify deviations of embryonic development. Inspection is carried out on the 7th, 11th and 18th day since the start of reaching.

  1. During the first inspection Normally, the embryo should not be visible, only its shadow and blood vessels on the yolk. With bad development, the embryo is visible from the shell. The dead embryos have dark vessels in the form of a ring. Fully light eggs are explained by the lack of fertilization.
  2. The second inspection Healthy germs showing a network of blood vessels on a light field. Their shadow is the fourth part of the egg.
  3. With the third inspection The embryo is visible in the form of a dark spot. You can also observe his movement at the stupid end of the egg.

All defective instances must be removed from the masonry, and the remaining put closer to the center of the nest.

Table by day - how long the eggs are sitting

How to tame a bird to surge

Even in the presence of the qualities of a good poultry there can be a certain reasons for one or another to abandon the chicks or at a certain period to leave the laying. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the irritating birds in advance. Also, some chickens who are not going to engage in surprising, if necessary, you can stimulate to this process. If you take into account all the conditions and characteristics of birds in advance, it is possible to practically eliminate the likelihood that the zoom will leave the nest.

How to put a chicken on eggs

After selecting the right bird, it should be checked for the presence of maternal instinct. Therefore, before landing on this laying it is necessary to check the chicken for imitation. Artificial "eggs" are placed in the nest, and they are a zoom. With the right choice, it will come to the desired state of "mammies" in 2-4 days. To enhance the effect of the nest, you can close and produce a native for feeding only. If during this time, the chicken showed itself well, imitation can be replaced by real eggs and start counting over. During the period of survival, special attention should be paid to the nutrition of the nasal. If the bird itself does not go eat and drink, it is worth making it.

Why not sitting

Chicken may refuse to sit on a laying for a number of reasons. The main of them is the lack of maternal instinct. It may not be initially or it disappears in the process of reaching. Often, poultry farms in the absence of the necessary chickens are artificially introduced into this state of certain birds. And although at the same time they try to choose mature individuals who have already been sitting on eggs, the risk of abandoning after all the same exists. In addition, the zeal may refuse to surfacing due to unsuitable environments:

  • bad nest;
  • noise and stimuli;
  • strong lighting;
  • availability of other nosals nearby, etc.

How to make forcibly and you can teach a chicken

Not always at the right moment, the chicken manifests the instinct of the nasal. Therefore, it can be caused artificially. To do this, pour a bird with the experience of sitting. It is placed in an equipped nest on artificial eggs. The nest closes and keeps it for 4-5 days. Bird is produced a couple of times a day for feeding. With a good choice for this time, the zoom begins to quack. If the selected chicken does not react, it must be replaced with another and repeat the process.

What to do with chickens

After the start of hatching chicks should be launched in the "nursery" to eliminate the likelihood of escaper escape. Since kids are sensitive to temperature and drafts, closed containers (box, box) are used for their content. The heat, lamp, fabric or old blankets for insulation are placed inside them. The temperature in the "nursery" should be within + 30 ° C, but the air inside should not be too hot or cold. After hatching the last chick, the entire brood returns to the zeal. The first feed for chickens is a millet and boiled fine egg. Also, chicks constantly need access to water or fresh herbal bravery (rosehip, chamomile).


This video describes the zeal.


  1. Claws, celler chicken - a great option for obtaining a new generation of chickens. However, on an industrial scale it is desirable to choose an incubator and not torture (forcing / force, put, tame forcibly) a bird. Most often choose.
  2. Not every chicken is suitable for the surgery of eggs. It is necessary to choose in accordance with the physique and the breed to which planted, as well as take into account the personal characteristics of a particular individual.
  3. Before boarding the real eggs, the zeal must be checked on artificialized masonry. In the absence of interest over several days, the bird should be changed.
  4. The best choice for sitting chickens is the usual manless chickens. They are stronger than the most natural maternal instinct.
  5. In the process of survival, it is necessary to check embryos and delete defective. Only so can you get (do) a healthy brood.

It is possible to increase the livestock of chickens in two ways - to resort to artificial incubation or attract the zoom.

Natural incubation gives good results, if you provide backed care and care.

Moreover, in the forces of the farmer to significantly increase returns and directly affect the process of surgery. But for this it is important to know how to choose the right thing when and how to put an egg under it, at what time of year it is to do.

To begin the process of natural incubation is optimally in the spring time, it was during this period that the accident wakes up in chickens.
In addition, hatched chicks fall into comfortable climatic conditions.

At this point, you must carefully follow the chickens to understand which of them will become good zeal.

The breed does not play decisive importance, except for the broiler type breed, as well as patients and weak individuals. The optimal age of the zeal is from 7 months.

  1. It is possible to determine the "finished" zoom by active quortion, as well as the perfection in the nest, the reluctance to leave it.
  2. It can also pull the feathers and put them on the bottom of the nest.
  3. For additional checks, you can put a deception there and look at the behavior of the chicken. With insufficient instinct of surgery, the zeal will quickly leave the volatile, and if it remains, it means that you can safely attract it to the natural incubation.

We need fresh eggs under the chicken, and if you have to store them, you can do it indoors at temperatures up to 12C and humidity about 80%, with good ventilation.

Eggs for incubation are taken in appearance. First of all, pay attention to the form, it should not be pear-like or extended, the shell defects are not allowed - various growths, thickening, cracking areas.

It will help in choosing and an ososcope, which is convenient to shine the contents and determine the position of the air chamber. In good eggs, the air chamber is slightly shifted towards or can be located in a blunt end, and the yolk is located in the center.

Novice farmers worries the question what day to put eggs under the chicken

  1. In no case is not recommended to put eggs at once.
  2. First, the bird is planted on the nest, for two or three days you use snaps for "exciting".
  3. When the zeal is mastered, you can put on the present egg.
  4. Do it usually be late in the evening or even at night, so that the chicken is less worried.
  5. To secure the result, some farmers cover the nest basket and hold four days, release only for feeding or drinking.

The number of eggs allowed for lining depends on the peculiarities of the chicken itself - its physique, rock, sizes. The main thing is that the eggs can simultaneously be under the scene in one layer.

Under large individuals, you can put up to 15 eggs at the same time.

At the same time, the chicken are well sitting not only chicken, but also goose, duck, turkey eggs. If the chicken is heavy, it is worth considering it, otherwise it can damage eggs with a thin shell.

The refining process is as follows: when the bird snapped and saved from the nest, the deception is changed to real eggs. At the same time, to put new ones will then be impossible, since after the appearance of the first chicks, the mother will leave the nest.

How to care for the zoom in the period of reaching

After it turned out to take a chicken on eggs, the responsible stage of reaching is coming.

It is important to think about the location of the petition. The bird will be more comfortable in distance from other individuals, for this nest put in a secluded place in silence. Recommended socket size - 45x35 cm.

At the bottom of the straw or fluff, make a small deepening, in which eggs will be gather. Entrance to the nest is better separated by a canopy, but so that the bird is convenient to enter and leave it.

The nests make suspended or fasten at height to protect the eggs and chicken from rats. For several incidents, usually include isolation from each other to prevent the tracks with each other.

The arrangement of the nest must be performed before the start of surgery, as the bird will need some time to get used to the nest, lead it in order. Farmer will further need to change the litter to maintain cleanliness on time.

The permanent period last an average of 21 days. During this time, the eggs of the egg is carried out three times. This is done on 7, 11 and 18 days from the moment of the start of surgery.

The ovososcopy will allow you to take the defective eggs in a timely manner, and the rest put into the center of the socket.

After the first chickens appeared on the light, the chicken may leave the nest, so it is important to trace so that it does not throw the rest not yet sorted eggs.

The hatched babies hold several hours under her mom until they dry, and then sit down to the basket or box. Under the chicken it is allowed to put chicks not only chicken, but also other birds of feathered.

Video on the topic

After completing the sitting cycle, some chickens may well sit another offspring, but this is quite a serious load on the body, therefore it is not worth doing this for experimental purposes.

Farmers engaged in breeding birds can increase the number of chickens in two ways: buying chickens and planting eggs on eggs, with the aim of obtaining young. The best method to get healthy offspring is considered the second option using the zeal. Chicken gently protects brood, creates comfortable conditions for chicks. How much time is required by the zeal, so that she would sit and led the young?

On the readiness of the chicken

Before planting a naist for a nasal, it is necessary to understand whether chicted is ready for a similar procedure.

The readiness time, which means the generatality of birds depend on the breed:

  • Non-lacking chuckles are ready for picking chicks at 145-150 days of life.
  • Myasoy and migratory individuals grow up 22-26 weeks from birth.
  • Oranges of meat breeds are ready to continue the genus on the eighth month of life.

To accurately determine the degree of readiness of the zooms by scallop. He must become big, rich-red.

According to the natural biorhythms laid down from Curia, the egg laying begins in the spring and ends with the first frosts. If Nonaching is trying to sit down, the farmer must trace it, and prevent such.

Choose a challenge

It is not enough to know how much the chicken raises eggs. The farmer must understand what kind of part will be ideal as a zeal.

There are signs for which to identify a good scene is easy:

  • There are no signs of the egg carrying.
  • Regular quorting.
  • The bird begins to pull the feathers on his stomach, while remaining warm to the touch.

The best zeal is always:

  • Sleep little.
  • It has a big scallop, wings and stomach.
  • It has a dense physique, but without excess fat.
  • It features a bright, thick plumage.

If you managed to choose a suitable individual, it should be checked as far as the chicken is ready for surgery. You need to build a convenient volatile and put a couple of wooden eggs. If the zoom will sit down and will sit down, heavily warmed heat and protect the eggs, you can put real ones. You can be sure that this chicken will become for future chicks a caring mother.

Cooking eggs

To put under the eggs of the egg, they are collected during the week. Store painted, follows at a temperature of +15 0 s and with air humidity not higher than 75%. Eggs should be perfectly integer, without cracks, spots and other flaps. Considering the size of the chicken-nasal suits from 10 to a maximum of 15 eggs. It should be noted that the zoom can surround not only chicken, but also turkey, goose, duck eggs.

About the time of surprise

The most important question that is worried about novice farmers: how many chicken is silent to chicken? On average, it is 21 days or three weeks. In rare cases, the recovery time can last up to 23 days. Throughout this period, the chicken does not get up from this, constantly warms the eggs with its warmth. Note that it is not necessary to know how many days the chicken raises eggs, it is important to understand that this is an important process. Therefore, you do not need to make noise near her and in every possible way.

Knowing how many weeks the chicken rises the eggs, in the first two days it is better not to approach the piping. It is necessary to prepare calorie food and water for pets. Two days later, the chicken should be removed from this and give her to relax not more than 20 minutes. And so that future chicks do not frozen, the eggs need to be covered with a blanket. For 20 minutes of rest, the chicken is like, the paw will dismiss and release the intestines.

If the nest has crushed eggs, shell and other trash, it needs to be deleted, cleaned a place for the nasal. If the chicken pushes any egg out of this, should not put it back. The bird makes it clear that the embryo died.

After returning to the Nature, how many days did the chicken have eggs to chicken? Independence on how many minutes the nase left the nest, she will surround the eggs 21 days. If there is a caring naews, chickens begin to hatch for 20 days. The process of hatching can delay up to 22 days, but it does not happen longer.

About how much the eggs are surrounding the eggs, the farmer tells on the video.

In this way

To get a healthy chickens, it is necessary to choose a zoom. Only chicken, applying its natural flair, knows how many weeks the eggs should be hooked. If there is a caring chicken, chickens will get healthy, strong. The young man, derived by the zoom, is gaining weight than chickens from the incubator.

It is possible to increase the livestock of chickens in two ways - to resort to artificial incubation or attract the zoom. Natural incubation gives good results, if you provide backed care and care.

Moreover, in the forces of the farmer to significantly increase returns and directly affect the process of surgery. But for this it is important to know how to choose the right thing when and how to put an egg under it, at what time of year it is to do.

How to choose a chicken zoom and take eggs

To begin the process of natural incubation is optimally in the spring time, it was during this period that the accident wakes up in chickens. In addition, hatched chicks fall into comfortable climatic conditions.

At this point, you must carefully follow the chickens to understand which of them will become good zeal. The breed does not play decisive importance, except for the broiler type breed, as well as patients and weak individuals. The optimal age of the zeal is from 7 months.

  1. It is possible to determine the "finished" zoom by active quortion, as well as the perfection in the nest, the reluctance to leave it.
  2. It can also pull the feathers and put them on the bottom of the nest.
  3. For additional checks, you can put a deception there and look at the behavior of the chicken. With insufficient instinct of surgery, the zeal will quickly leave the volatile, and if it remains, it means that you can safely attract it to the natural incubation.

We need fresh eggs under the chicken, and if you have to store them, you can do it indoors at temperatures up to 12C and humidity about 80%, with good ventilation.

Eggs for incubation are taken in appearance. First of all, pay attention to the form, it should not be pear-like or extended, the shell defects are not allowed - various growths, thickening, cracking areas.

It will help in choosing and an ososcope, which is convenient to shine the contents and determine the position of the air chamber. In good eggs, the air chamber is slightly shifted towards or can be located in a blunt end, and the yolk is located in the center.

Novice farmers worries the question on what day to put eggs under the chicken

  1. In no case is not recommended to put eggs at once.
  2. First, the bird is planted on the nest, for two or three days you use snaps for "exciting".
  3. When the zeal is mastered, you can put on the present egg.
  4. Do it usually be late in the evening or even at night, so that the chicken is less worried.
  5. To secure the result, some farmers cover the nest basket and hold four days, release only for feeding or drinking.

How many eggs put under the chicken

The number of eggs allowed for lining depends on the peculiarities of the chicken itself - its physique, rock, sizes. The main thing is that the eggs can simultaneously be under the scene in one layer.

Under large individuals, you can put up to 15 eggs at the same time. At the same time, the chicken are well sitting not only chicken, but also goose, duck, turkey eggs. If the chicken is heavy, it is worth considering it, otherwise it can damage eggs with a thin shell.

What is the number of eggs to put under Kuru a zero

The refining process is as follows: when the bird snapped and saved from the nest, the deception is changed to real eggs. At the same time, to put new ones will then be impossible, since after the appearance of the first chicks, the mother will leave the nest.

How to care for the zoom in the period of reaching

After it turned out to take a chicken on eggs, the responsible stage of reaching is coming. Farmer requires to create the following conditions:

It is important to think about the location of the petition. The bird will be more comfortable in distance from other individuals, for this nest put in a secluded place in silence. Recommended socket size - 45x35 cm.

At the bottom of the straw or fluff, make a small deepening, in which eggs will be gather. Entrance to the nest is better separated by a canopy, but so that the bird is convenient to enter and leave it.

The nests make suspended or fasten at height to protect the eggs and chicken from rats. For several incidents, usually include isolation from each other to prevent the tracks with each other.

The arrangement of the nest must be performed before the start of surgery, as the bird will need some time to get used to the nest, lead it in order. Farmer will further need to change the litter to maintain cleanliness on time.

The permanent period last an average of 21 days. During this time, the eggs of the egg is carried out three times. This is done on 7, 11 and 18 days from the moment of the start of surgery. The ovososcopy will allow you to take the defective eggs in a timely manner, and the rest put into the center of the socket.

After the first chickens appeared on the light, the chicken may leave the nest, so it is important to trace so that it does not throw the rest not yet sorted eggs. The hatched babies hold several hours under her mom until they dry, and then sit down to the basket or box. Under the chicken it is allowed to put chicks not only chicken, but also other birds of feathered.

Video on the topic After completing the sitting cycle, some chickens may well sit another offspring, but this is quite a serious load on the body, therefore it is not worth doing this for experimental purposes.


How to plant a chicken on eggs: step-by-step instructions, photo and video review

Egging must be produced in the spring. At this time, the chicken is best manifested by a natural instinct to continue offspring. But many beginner farmers often occur: how to plant a chicken on eggs? It is in this that we will figure it out in today's article.

When landing it in the spring, the most comfortable conditions for the growth of chicks will be created, because the main period of their growth will be for the summer and the beginning of autumn, that is, for the warm period of the year. Poultry product is recommended for some time to watch the behavior of chickens very carefully to choose a future zeal, which is ready to cross chickens. Correctly choose a surge in home easy.

The chicken, who has already manifested the instinct of reaching, can be found at a certain type of behavior: she quoucht, for a long time sits in the nest, it gets out of it reluctantly and for a while. In addition, such a chicken often pluck down the fluff and feathers in order to organize a cozy nest for future chickens. Thus, it is necessary to choose a chicken, which already manifests the instinct of reaching.

If there is no such, then you need to put several eggs-deceptions in the nest and watch him a week. Most often, during a week, any of the birds will manifest an instinct of reaching and it will sit on the nest. A few days later, when the bird becomes accustomed to reaching, it is necessary to replace the bulls on the real eggs. It is necessary to do it so that the chicken does not see this. Eggs are lined up either from behind, under the tail, or replace during the absence of the nasal in the nest.

There is another way to force the chicken with a zeal and successfully withdraw chickens. To do this, choose a nest, which is placed in a dark place, put a belling there. Then you need to choose a chicken, which previously already had the experience of sitting off the offspring, and suck it into the nest. A few days later, in almost all cases, the chicken will begin to quack. But sometimes it does not happen, then should be replaced by a bird.

Landing chicken

To put the chicken on eggs at home is easy, it is necessary to perform a few simple actions. First of all, it is important to properly organize a nest. It should be in a fairly quiet place, the bird should be comfortable in it. But at the same time, it should not be too spacious so that the eggs in the process of sitting did not roll out. Ideal is considered to be size 55 by 35 cm.

To do this, you can use the wooden box in which the straw is placed. In the future, the chicken itself will create a comfortable environment for reaching, will warm the place in the octoch and feathers. The exit is best to deliver anything easy so that the chicken has the opportunity at any time to go out and go to the nest. Then put the flavors - it is necessary that the chicken is used to reaching. A few days later, the decks are replaced with real eggs.

It is important to know that if there is several naughters in one chicken, they should be seeding as far as possible from each other. It is necessary to make it in order to exclude confusion in a bird, as a result, possible fights. After the chicken is assessed, she herself will be able to clean up the nest, the poultry will need only to periodically follow him while the zoom feeds.

Choosing and Egg Lining

The chosen bird is attached to the nest, and with a good scenario, it is taken for surgery of eggs. One of the most important points in the removal of chickens is the correct entry of eggs. It is important to know which one should choose to incubation. Only fresh eggs are suitable, demolished no earlier than six days before lining, they should not be battered and dirty. It is better to take instances of medium sizes, because smallness often have a defective embryo, and large can contain two embryo.

It is important to correctly determine the required amount of eggs for lining - it directly depends on the complex of a particular bird. The quantity should be chosen in such a way that the chicken cover them all provided that they are located in one layer. If the chicken is large enough, then put from 13 to 15 pieces.

During the period of survival, it is impossible to add eggs, because after the appearance of the first chickens, the chicken will leave with the nest. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the chicken is very well coped with the surgery of eggs and other birds.

Specification Features

Proper courtship for the surgery in the period of survival contributes to the safe dismissal of chickens. When removing chickens at home, it is important to comply with the correct temperature regime. The room must be heated from 15 to 20 degrees, the optimal humidity of the air is 75%. It is important to monitor the bird at least 1-2 times a day left the nest for food and drink. It is also important that she carries out a walk in the interruptions between sitting.

If the challenge does not want to leave the nest, it is necessary to independently transfer it to the street for a walk and feeding. At this time, the eggs are recommended to cover with something. The duration of the walk is usually from 15 to 20 minutes. If, after this time, the chicken does not go back, it is worth transferring it there on their own.

During the walk and feeding, it is necessary to inspect the nests, clean it from dirt. Eggs should be carefully: sometimes broken or crushed - they should be removed. Sometimes the chicken throws several eggs from the socket - they should also be removed. It is important to organize a chicken coop so that the feeder and water container are nearby. Feeding the zepers usually includes feed, root and green grass (for example, a wet).

The most important stage of surprise is the first days. During this period, it is recommended not to disturb the bird, do not force to leave the nest forcibly. The entire process of reaching is usually from 19 to 22 days. After withdrawing chickens, they are placed in a warm room in the box and covered with gauze or grid. The hatched chickens are launched to a chicken after trying to end.

Video "Natural Incubator"

In the presented video, you can see how you can withdraw the hatched chicken without disturbing the zoom.

Chicken Sugar - Best Cuchk Breed and Chickens Sitting

Hello, dear readers! The chicken is the heroine of our material. Nobody knows that it was before, a chicken or an egg is a riddle that will remain for humanity, most likely, not even-shared.

But, everyone knows that for obtaining a new generation, testicles are needed. And also - a caring mother who can heat them with its warmth and give care to hatching young.

Despite the fact that scientific and technological progress presented us with a lot of different incubators to remove the offspring, after all, the natural way has so far remained relevant. As you already understood, today's conversation will be on the topic of nasal.

Many photos and videos are attached.

What chickens are good nasals?

Unfortunately, not all kinds of domestic chickens are capable of a feud of motherhood. Most modern and some ancient species are not something to take care of chickens, they can not even sit down. It is possible to conditionally divide all the rocks into 3 categories.

  1. The first category is those that have an instinct of surge and well developed. Such easily fulfill their task, can selflessly give heat to their future young and do not leave their place for a long time.
  2. The second category is those who have a maternal instinct, but it is too weakened. Such milfs may enthusiastically begin the task. But when they get bored, they will forget about their debt and run away in their chicken affairs.
  3. The missing maternal instinct is the third type. As a rule, such quality has industrial directions of crossies and hybrids, and some other breeds. Such feathered beauties do not at all show the desire to participate in reproducing offspring. They are not suitable for making chicks.

It is noteworthy that even some representatives of those breeds that are famous for good maternal qualities can sometimes relate to the second or third category - it is individually.

Therefore, to determine the necessary part of the poultry farmer is capable only thanks to personal observations.

How to determine a good mommy for future chicks?

In order for the removal of chicks to go successfully, carefully select not only the incubation material, but also the person's mother, under which it will be put. In the overall herd, you can reveal a good lack for these purposes in several signs.

Instinct is manifested by an unusual and frequent quachine, long sitting on the nest, weakening masonry. In addition, the future mother of chicken a zoom begins to pinch down the fluff and carefully put them in a nest for their chicks.

As a rule, such behavior can be observed in the spring. It was at this time of year that Maternity flows more successful. Moreover, spring is the most favorable period for receiving chickens, because they will be able to grow and develop warm. Also, this season gives the opportunity to feed the young greasy greens, and take it on the walk.

It is very important that the lady's mother chosen on the role was absolutely healthy. Therefore, those beauties that show the presence of maternal qualities are far from always can be used for these purposes.

Chicken zoom voluntarily or forcibly

It happens sometimes and so that from the existing family it is difficult to choose a suitable cum for reaching. In such cases, sometimes poultry products resort to the cunning reception and try to stimulate exercise.

For such purposes, as a rule, choose those in their lives have the experience of maternity. The elderly cakes are suitable, which are already practically not rushing. Such old women often become good moms for chicks.

To force the club to surf, nest first prepared properly. Install in a centered corner of the poultry house, rip the straw and put the uniforms - eggs-bellows.

So that the chicken of the zoom can get used to his role, at first sitting it and cover it with a large basket, from under which it will not be able to get out.

Sometimes farmers face the inverse situation - when you need to stop the attempts of the clubs to surround, and return it to normal life. In such cases, the people's proven will be used by centuries.

Preparation of chicken naews

The hen of the zoom needs special conditions for the period when it will fulfill its task. It is worth preparing the conditions in advance that the bird could feel comfortable and not distracted. Consider the basic rules of preparation.

  • You need to choose a suitable place to install. The "cradle" should be in a secluded place so that noise and buses published by the other family members did not distract and were not frightened.
  • If you plan to land a few naews, make their nests to be far from each other so that they do not confuse their landing places and did not quarrel because of this. Excess stress to caring mothers to anything.
  • Nests build small. Carefully linse the bottom of the nests by the turf, straw and down, and make a small recess for the installation of the testicles in the litter.
  • Each nest can be curtained with a cloth so that the chicken is not distracted by what is happening outside, and not frightened. It is very important to protect against possible stress during this period.

When to seen?

Very important is the right time to plant the zeal. Not immediately after the manifestation of the signs described above, planting on the nest with eggs. First, it is worth the wait until it throws, put the unawares - non-real, but similar in appearance. Only after the poultry truck is finally permitted in the presence of maternal abilities, you can put real ones.

How to choose the right eggs for incubation?

The efficiency of the process depends not only on the proper selection and preparation of the club, you need to pay attention to the quality of incubation material.

To get the maximum number of chickens, follow a few simple rules.

  1. Form the parent flock correctly. On 10 chickens should be 1 perhaps so that the eggs are well fertilized. If the ladies are larger, the rooster will not cope with the task. But, the problems can not be avoided and if the roosters are more - they can injure the kashchki, which is why those will begin with health problems.
  2. Another rule - parental individuals must be healthy and strong. Select the largest, strong and productive, and also, it is desirable to sort the phenotype.
  3. It is not recommended to produce eggs from novice nurses - you can get too small. It is recommended to use eggs - an incubation material of feathered workers older than 7-8 months.
  4. Of all the testicles choose the largest, without irregularities and other defects of the shell. The shell in turn should be dense, and necessarily - without cracks.
  5. Selected eggs are examined with a ovoskop and unfit to sort. Ovoscope - the thing in the breeding thing. Experienced farmers recommend browsing the incubation material 3 times during incubation to make breeding more efficient.
  6. For reaching exclusively, fresh testicles that have been collected during the current week are used. Be sure to store them in the correct conditions - at a temperature of 15-19 degrees, and medium air humidity.

After the bird is thrown on the docking, you can entrust her the responsibility of the warm-up of real. As for the quantity, which can be placed under one cum - this is determined individually.

If the poinnaya mammy is large and fluffy, like many representatives of meat and meat-egg breeds, it is capable of sitting at a time of about 15 chips. Small representatives of the avian world - egg and dwarfs, can over 1 time to extend about 6-8 testicles.

It's no secret to anyone that care for ordinary cruise workers is a little different. They have a completely different mode and lifestyle.

Some so selflessly nurse their future chicks that forget to take care of themselves. For this reason, it is important to comply with some simple rules to get chickens and keep their mom's health.

How to feed chicken a zeal

Features of feeding. As a rule, beautiful beauties do not eat very well. But, over the entire period, this can lead to exhaustion, and after that it will be difficult to establish a masonry.

It is necessary to ensure that even a small amount of feed covers the needs of the winged mummy. So that motherhood does not bring the chicken to exhaustion, execute a few simple rules.

  1. Important nutritional and calorie products. It is necessary to use more grain with protein and fats.
  2. In addition, it is important to add minerals and vitamins daily, which will cover the deficit of nutrients.
  3. Be sure to feed mom at least 2 times a day.
  4. Make sure that in addition to food she also drank well. Dehydration can lead to serious problems.

How many chicken helics sits

The appearance of chickens under the zeal. For about 19 days, the poultry farmer should be more attentive to what is happening in the poultry house. The fact is that the average term of surgery is about 3 weeks. Therefore, the appearance of the first piskunas can make a happy milf break from the nest and to quit his job.

It should be noted that chickens may appear unevenly. Announced babies sit down in a separate box as they appear, and only after they dry a little under the pies of the mother.

So far, the output is not over, the chickef is better to contain separately from their mommy in a box with a stable air temperature within 28-30 degrees. When the chicks are hatched, you can make a general resettlement.

Practice shows that the chicks that are contained with the mother have higher survival rates, develop and grow much faster.

But, you can mostly grow young, and under your mother put a fresh batch, to get another generation.

What reviews?

Best chickens in breed

It has already been said above that there are chicken, which did not save the instinct of surgery, so this fact should be taken into account when choosing tenants for his mind.

It should be noted that good moms are rarely excellent nurses, because the process of sitting requires the interrupting of the usual masonry mode.

Below will look at the list of the most popular varieties that have a well-developed survival instinct. Here is a short review, in more detail about the Caughty breed you can read the links in the notes.

Kuchinskaya jubilee

Popular domestic chicken hen Cuccin jubilee, which is not only good in motherhood, but also quite productive. Refers to frost-resistant, meat-egg directions.

Large and beautiful birds. Chickness survival is about 95%. Annual laying - from 160 to 200 pieces.


Incredibly beautiful, giant birds of meat direction. They loved the birds for the extraordinary, royal appearance. The Kohinhin breed has Chinese roots, but today is common worldwide. Sit and care about the crumbs better than other representatives of the world of Pernaty.

In addition, there are a source of delicious meat. There may be problems with fertilization.


Another representation of meat type of performance. Roosters can even weigh up to 9 kg, and the chickens are slightly smaller.

Brass are well coped with their duties, but often pressing what is under them, due to the fact that they have a very large weight, which makes them additionally clumsy.


Both standard and dwarf velzomer, is famous for overgrowth. These feathered beauties can hide for laying in the most unexpected places, and at the first convenient case, they are sent to the future young and care for the future.

At the sleezomers "attacks" of motherhood happen more often than others.

Difficulties in the process of breeding happen, although there is nothing particularly problematic! Nature took care that the chicken of the zeal can independently do what is designed to!