
Tulips transplant when. When digging and planting tulips after flowering, care after flowering in the open soil. Tulip transplant after flowering

Few a flower garden or the garden costs without bright beautiful and fragrant. Our gardeners-gardeners have become accustomed to the fact that these unpretentious plants make up their bloom even with minimal care. But, in some cases, a tulip transplant is required. Then we will discuss when to transplant them to another place in the summer, in the fall, in the spring.

When you can transplant tulips

It is quite difficult to name the exact timing of tulips transplant. Often, similar subtleties depend largely on the characteristics of the variety of plants. But still there is an optimal time period when the plant will occur in the ground in the best possible way - this is autumn (from the first decade of September to the first decade of October).

The plant planted during this period of time will have time to firmly rooted in the ground, to prepare properly to wintering and will take time in the flowering phase.

But, unfortunately, it is not always possible for a possible autumn transplant. Many are interested in the question: can we transplanted the tulips in the spring? The answer to this question gardeners give pretty double. I guess, yes. But at the same time it should be extremely gently, it is extremely careful to handle the bulbs.

Attention! With the spring transplant tulips, it is not worth waiting for the flowering plants on time. In addition, with more probability, it can be said that the plant can not grow so beautiful and rivet flowering. But with a competent approach, the result will be positive.

It is worth noting that the spring disembarks will be better transferred to those tulips that winter "worried" in special containers. Thus, it is possible to maximize the transplantation as efficiently, by almost excluding the possibility of damage to flower bulbs.

In what cases is possible transplant

To understand the feasibility of transplanting tulips, it is necessary to find out for the beginning, in what cases it is worth it to carry out such a procedure, because this plant can safely "live" in one place under 4 years.

So, the first and quite natural cause for tulip transplantation can be a long period of its stay in one place (longer than 4 years). The second reason for transplantation (and urgent) may be the absence or insufficient bloom of the plant or the deformation of its flower petals. Such "symptoms" testify to the damage to the plant by pests or that the soil tulip did not quite fit.

Flower transplanting process

As mentioned earlier, the tulip transplant is possible for several periods. About this next.

Spring landing

The transplantation in the spring period, of course, is not the most desirable, but when there is no way out or so the circumstances have developed, it is important to know how to do it right. So, first, it is necessary to select the most beautiful and healthy bulbs and put them in a container with the prepared soil. Capacity Choose very carefully: its depth should not exceed 15 cm. The transplant process is better to carry out by the end of April.

Sutting down the bulbs, try to keep the minimum distance of 3 cm between them. After landing, be sure to sprinkle them with a layer of Earth in several centimeters and carefully pour. With the appearance of the first sprouts, it is possible to plant a plant into an open ground.

Council. If the tulips have already begun to bloom, it is undesirable to carry out their transplantation, since many varietal plants react rather sharply to this process. If the circumstances are so formed, then try to act as much as possible: dig each flower with a large room of the earth, gently transfer to a new place. Pulling the holes of the earth, not tamping it. Lightly pour.

Autumn planting

As for the autumn planting, how it was already said earlier, this is the most sparing option for tulips. So, the transplant is starting tentatively by mid-July. By this time, scales in the bulbs will be brownish. Try not to be late, otherwise the plant will begin to start the roots, and then the transplant process will become much more difficult. Dropped bulbs Leave to do either in the fresh air, or in a well-ventilated room.

At the beginning of the autumn, dry bulbs must be carefully cleansed from husks and dry stems, hold in weak manganese to protect against pests and diseases, to dry and land in the ground.

Remember, the transplant area must be practically mad and sufficiently lit. Soil necessarily feels on the eve of landing.

Here, in principle, all you need to know about the subtleties of tulips transplant to a new place. Good luck!

How to put tulips: video

Tulips are one of the most unpretentious colors. They please them with their color from the first Spring Days. One of the basic principles of care is a bulbs transplant. Some varieties need this procedure annually, and some sufficiently transplant once a few years.

Consider when digging tulips after flowering and when to plant them, as well as how to do it.

It is possible to understand that the bush is ready to the dig of the surface of the above-day part. She must ship approximately half. It is very important that the stalks and leaves do not start to dry. Many are waiting for this moment, but in this case the bulbs will not be so full of strength, and they will be much harder to find them.

Tip! If you are planning a transplant in advance, cut the stalks to the formation of buds. So all the power of the plant will go into the bulbs and you can get a magnificent planting material.

The bulbs dig up, dried and lay out for storage in mid-June-early August. Deadlines depend on the variety and weather conditions, how to determine that the tulip is ready to transplant, we have already spoken.

If you have parrot, fringe, green, and other valuable grades of tulips in your bed, then they need to dig each year. In another year, from year to year their distinctive features will deteriorate. Simple early and late, as well as Kaufman, Greag, Phoster, Triumph and a variety of hybrids replanted every three to six years.

Note! There is an opinion that it is necessary to dig up the tulips during flowering, but this will only lead to a decrease in the size of the bulbs and a decrease in their qualitative characteristics.

In 2018, the lunar calendar for digging in 2018 is ideal 15.06,,17.07,07.07 and 31.07.

How to dig and store tulips after squeezing

Spread the bulbs of tulips are recommended in dry sunny weather from the morning. The well need to make a sewing to get not only strong bulbs, but also small "children." Do not throw them away. A little effort and you can get a beautiful landing material from them.

If the nights are hot, then the bulbs can be left on the beds until the next morning, if not, it is better to collect them in the evening, sorry and remove into a well-ventilated barn or at least under the canopy.

After about three to five days, the bulbs should be cleaned from the old scales, roots and clothe the remaining remaining, and also to sort. The bulbs with light brown scales are considered healthy, dense, smooth, without damage, stains, rot and other defects.

The storage of tulips is decomposed into one layer. So lie they will be about 20 days. The optimal is the temperature of +23 and humidity of about 80%. Such conditions contribute to the formation of strong floral escape, leaves and root system.

At low temperature, this will not happen, and the plant or will die, or weaken so much that there will be no bloom for several years in a row. Therefore, in the cellar or storage room, the bulbs are not worth it.

As the disembarkation time approaches, the temperature is better reduced to +15, and humidity up to 70%. So the bulbs will pass a natural hardening.

Important! The bulbs of tulips, especially young "kids" very much like mice, so regularly examine your planting material, remove damaged.

When planting tulips

Small bulbs-kids need to plant in a warm primer. It happens at about the beginning of August-early September, depending on the climate.

But adults should not be rooted. For normal development and flowering, they must be overwhelmed in the soil. It happens in late September-early November. It is allowed that the land from above was slightly frozen. The main thing is that at a depth of 15 cm it was not colder than 10 degrees.

Take a note! If you have missed the landing in the ground, remove the bulbs of tulips for storage in the cellar, pre-speaking them with sawdust or sand.

How to plant tulips

The flowerbed for tulips is desirable to have a well-lit place. The soil should be fertile and loose enough. It does not hurt to pre-eat it with humus.

Each bulb before planting to clean from the old husk, dip in the saturated pink solution of manganese.

Lunka dig into a depth of 15 cm, to pour egg shell on the bottom for drainage, on top of sand. Lukovka to remove from the mangartee, to cut in wood ash and put in the hole. From above gently pour out the ground. Regarding the distance between the wells, recommendations should be taken into account on the cultivation of this variety, but most often it is 20-40 cm.

Two weeks later, it is necessary to carry out warm water. And after two weeks later, you can float the flower widths with fallen leaves or peat. The shelter serves as an additional fertilizer, just do not forget the spring gently clear the place around germinating tulips.

Tulips are perhaps the most common bulbous perennial plants growing on domestic homestead and summer cottages. It is due to the excellent decorative properties and relative unpretentiousness in cultivation. An integral component of agrotechnical rules of care is to regularly transplantation of plants. How to transplant tulips correctly - the topic of today's article.

Tulip transplant: the need for procedure

As a rule, under all the rules of agrotechnology, tulips grow in one place in approximately 3-4 years, after which it is necessary to replant with a perennial plant to a new site, as well as make a parallel separation from the main tuber (bulbs) of children.

Important!There are varietal species that need more frequent transplant due to these individual features.

Signs indicating that it is time to transplant tulips:

The dates of landing depend on various factors, for example, weather and climatic conditions, the state of perennials and individual characteristics of the varietal varieties. Fortunately, there are general recommendations when transplanting tulips in the open soil.

Many agronomists, especially beginners, take care of the question when you can transplanted tulips from one place to another. The optimal time for this procedure is autumn, the interval with the second-third decade of September to the end of the second decade of October. In this case, the plant remains a sufficient time interval for rooting and adapting on a new land plot. Using this time to transplant, tulips begin to bloom in the spring, without any delays.

Note! Sometimes there are situations when it fails to transplant in the fall. If the most appropriate time was missed, the procedure can be carried out in the spring, but it is necessary to observe increased accuracy. In this case, the likelihood is high that bloom will come slightly later, in one of the summer days or at all for the next year.

Regardless of the above, there are periods, during which the transplant is unacceptable.

  • Transplantation During flowering, this culture transfers very badly. If you neglect by this rule, the perennial can start whatever and ultimately disappear;
  • Transplanting shortly before flowering - unwanted measure. It is recommended to wait when the tulips are already wondering;
  • The transplant on the eve of the first frosts is extremely undesirable. Otherwise, plants will not be able to root and adapt in a new place, it will inevitably lead to their death.

Now, it will be about the periods, during the flow of which the transplant, on the contrary, is recommended:

  • Approximately a month before the first snow falls;
  • When the soil temperature is approximately + 8-10 degrees at a depth of 10 cm;
  • In the middle band, the transplant is carried out until mid-October;
  • The plant hung and green leaves have already begun yellowing;
  • In the northern regions, the transplant is recommended to produce until the end of September, is due to the most early onset of winter.

Flourishing tulips

How to transplant tulips

How to transplant tulips in the summer? How to send tulips in the fall? These and many other questions take care of flowerflowers, because the life and development of the plant depends on the correctness of the transplant.

Detailed algorithm for carrying out tulips transplant:

  1. To prepare the soil, it is necessary to start in the middle of summer, at this time it is recommended to dig bulbs. It is ultimately not recommended to postpone this process, otherwise, the bulbs may begin to root, which is negatively affected by the state of the plant if it is disturbed.
  2. Dugged tubers need to be rinsed under running water, after which to treat a disinfectant, for example, a weak mortar of manganese. After drying and store in a dry, well ventilated room. Dusting effects on the bulbs are provided by drafts, they should not. Optimal temperature for storing planting material + 20-24 degrees. The humidity of the air also plays great importance, its indicators should be approximately 70%.
  3. After, from the prepared planting material, it is necessary to remove the old root processes and the scaly. It is necessary to do it carefully that on the surface of the bulbs do not leave mechanical damage. Inspect the bulbs for the presence of damage and defeat diseases and pests must be necessary. The affected bulbs are utilized.
  4. Immediately before planting the bulbs, they are again treated with a disinfectant solution, for example, a weak solution of manganese or garlic infusion.
  5. On the prepared plot on the flower, landing fumes are made, diameter and size depends on the size of the tuber. The bulbs of large sizes must be deepen by 10-15 cm, and the children are 5-7 cm.
  6. The optimal distance between the wells should be approximately 8-10 cm, if you neglect by this rule, the tulips simply will be closely, and the lush flowering will not be able to contemplate.
  7. Immediately before planting the soil, it is necessary to moisten well. You can start a landing only after the moisture is absorbed into the soil.
  8. The bulbs of tulips are descended into the wells, after which they are sprinkled with fertile soil.
  9. After landing, the soil is cautiously tamped and overwhelmed again with warm water.
  10. The entire area using the rake, rolls. After that, it is necessary for plants to ensure proper care.

Transplant Tulipov

Further plant care

Tulips care does not have any specific requirements. The first shoots need to regularly water and carefully loose (due to this, the root system is properly saturated with oxygen and nutrients), it will be technically mineral, organic fertilizers. Throughout the growing season of tulips, it is recommended to carry out three feeders: the first - after the emergence of the first germs, the second shortly after the formation of buds and the third after the cessation of flowering.

Tulips are attractive, bright and unpretentious perennial flowering plants that grow in themselves at the flowerbed even beginner agronomy.

When transplanting tulips to open soil, the peculiarities of local climate and soil take into account. Experienced gardeners argue that the most appropriate time for this is the autumn period. If you put on the bulbs in the spring, they will not cause. Therefore, the transplantation is produced in autumn - in October. For flowering it is necessary to ripen the bulbous kidney. But many are still risking and planting these flowers in spring. You can use the bulbs of plants that have not planted in autumn, for pastures (long and proper storage). After the tulips are swinging, the bulbs dig up and sent to the box to save. With proper preparation and care of the tubers, the finished planting material is planted in spring in the open ground.

How to prepare bulbs?

In the wild, tulips bloom in early spring, and when the heat comes, the flower fades. All his life strength focuses in a bulb, so the plant deepens to the ground to, when the autumn coolness comes, release new roots. With the onset of spring, new flowers will grow. The bulb of the tulip is vital to the cold to accumulate useful components, thanks to which growth and flowering plants occurs.

The gardeners who decided to plant tulips in the spring should be considered the following factors:

  1. 1. Before planting to strengthen the immune forces of the tuber. This can be done if you put a box with floral bulbs down the refrigerator, where the temperature rests within 4 degrees above zero.
  2. 2. Protect from diseases and pests. It is recommended to put bulk eggs into a weak manganese solution for thirty minutes.
  3. 3. Make a thorough inspection for the presence of upper cover damage. Remove the spoiled fungus and ulcers, otherwise the bulbs will give weakly growing tulips.
  4. 4. Dry at room temperature.

To combat pests and disinfection is suitable, bought in a pharmacy. Slowing tubers for half an hour in a weak warm solution, you can get the result no worse than after manganese baths.

The bulbs need to be stored at a temperature of 19-23 degrees and 70% humidity of air in a dry and ventilated room, in a vegetable drawer or flower pot. It is important to monitor that the temperature does not rise, the flower kidney will die otherwise. If the drying material drying is performed in the open air, you need to pay attention to solar rays to it. Having received sunburn, the bulb of the tulip will perish.

In order for the spring transplant of tulips to be safely, they should be put in the box in the fall, half filled with high-quality soil, and stored in a cool place close to the temperature of 4 degrees. By the time the landing time comes, sprouts will appear on the bulbs.

Color transplant rules

In the garden without transplanting tulips, no more than 3-4 years are growing. Next, plants transplant, separating children from maternal bulbs. Babies are imprisoned separately from adult colors, as the trimmed specimens in the spring will bloom, and there are no babes. It is necessary to spread them gently so as not to damage the roots. Tulips need to update the soil every year on the plot, remove unhealthy and damaged flowers.

If the flowers cease to grow or with buds occur (trembled, the petals acquire the wrong shape), it means that the plant does not fit the soil, it is damaged by pests and ill. In this case, there is an urgent transplant to a new place, be sure to wait for the end of the growing season. Usually tulips transplanted from one place to another after flowering, in the summer months. At the end of June - early July, when the leaf and scales of the bulbs wish, start digging the plants. If you skip this period, the tuber will start rooting. Then it is better not to disturb him, especially if you want to grow flower from it.

If we plant tubers in an open ground without having predicted, they will bloom 14 days later. In order to plant tulips in the spring, they are digging along with the soil. So tubers will be stored in native soil. In the spring, they are transferred to the pre-prepared bed prepared.

The bulbs are planting in a faded soil when its temperature at a 9-centimeter depth will reach 10-12 degrees. In this case, the landing raw material is faster to root. If the temperature is higher or lower, the root system will not be able to properly and give weak flowers. In dry, the sunny day is digging a small hole and planting the planting material to the depth of three tubers (25 cm). Between them should be the distance to the width of two bulbs. So the colors will be enough space to germinate well. It is allowed to plant up to 10 tubers in one hole.

Preparation of soil

When the soil flashes, you can begin preparation for landing. First, it is treated with land, reappearing it at the bayonet level of shovels (25 cm). The best soil is considered to be enriched with a slower Suglin with a neutral indicator. If in the soil contains a lot of clay, it is improved by large river sand, peat or manure. The peat add a little lime to neutralize some of its properties.

If the land is not fertile enough, it must be filled with organic and mineral fertilizers:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • feeders containing nitrogen;
  • with double superphosphate.

The soil fertilize early in spring, before resetting from one to another place, for example, from the drawer in the ground.

Typically produced three feeders:

  • when the first searches appear;
  • when tulips are ready to bloom;
  • at the end of flowering.

Observing the rules of feeding, gardeners get healthy flowers in the spring time, whose tubers are saved healthy.

Farming care

Caring for the bulbs of the tulip after flowering is made in compliance with certain rules. They relate to all varieties planted in spring in open ground:

  1. 1. To examine whether all the bulbs sprouted, and get the defective.
  2. 2. Drop the plants with signs of diseases so that the infection does not apply to other flowers.
  3. 3. Water flowerbed, not allowing the dryness of the Earth. Immediately after irrigating the soil blast.
  4. 4. Near the small shoots neatly loosen the land to reduce moisture loss and give access to oxygen to the root system.
  5. 5. In the first feeding, apply nitrogen-containing feeding. Thanks to them, the tulip is growing rapidly, strong leaves are formed. Gardeners are recommended to use crystalline with additives necessary trace elements and nitroammophosphate.

When buds are formed, blooming tulips fertilize the second time. The second feeding is considered optional, but it strengthens the flowering plant, and the petals hold longer.

Few a flower bed or the garden costs without bright beautiful and fragrant tulips. Our gardeners-gardeners have become accustomed to the fact that these unpretentious plants make up their bloom even with minimal care. But, in some cases, a tulip transplant is required. Then we will discuss when to transplant them to another place in the summer, in the fall, in the spring.

When you can transplant tulips

It is quite difficult to name the exact timing of tulips transplant. Often, similar subtleties depend largely on the characteristics of the variety of plants. But still there is an optimal time period when the plant will occur in the ground in the best possible way - this is autumn (from the first decade of September to the first decade of October).

The plant planted during this period of time will have time to firmly rooted in the ground, to prepare properly to wintering and will take time in the flowering phase.

But, unfortunately, it is not always possible for a possible autumn transplant. Many are interested in the question: can we transplanted the tulips in the spring? The answer to this question gardeners give pretty double. I guess, yes. But at the same time it should be extremely gently, it is extremely careful to handle the bulbs.

Attention! With the spring transplant tulips, it is not worth waiting for the flowering plants on time. In addition, with more probability, it can be said that the plant can not grow so beautiful and rivet flowering. But with a competent approach, the result will be positive.

It is worth noting that the spring disembarks will be better transferred to those tulips that winter "worried" in special containers. Thus, it is possible to maximize the transplantation as efficiently, by almost excluding the possibility of damage to flower bulbs.

In what cases is possible transplant

To understand the feasibility of transplanting tulips, it is necessary to find out for the beginning, in what cases it is worth it to carry out such a procedure, because this plant can safely "live" in one place under 4 years.

So, the first and quite natural cause for tulip transplantation can be a long period of its stay in one place (longer than 4 years). The second reason for transplantation (and urgent) may be the absence or insufficient bloom of the plant or the deformation of its flower petals. Such "symptoms" testify to the damage to the plant by pests or that the soil tulip did not quite fit.

Flower transplanting process

As mentioned earlier, the tulip transplant is possible for several periods. About this next.

Spring landing

The transplantation in the spring period, of course, is not the most desirable, but when there is no way out or so the circumstances have developed, it is important to know how to do it right. So, first, it is necessary to select the most beautiful and healthy bulbs and put them in a container with the prepared soil. Capacity Choose very carefully: its depth should not exceed 15 cm. The transplant process is better to carry out by the end of April.

Sutting down the bulbs, try to keep the minimum distance of 3 cm between them. After landing, be sure to sprinkle them with a layer of Earth in several centimeters and carefully pour. With the appearance of the first sprouts, it is possible to plant a plant into an open ground.

Council. If the tulips have already begun to bloom, it is undesirable to carry out their transplantation, since many varietal plants react rather sharply to this process. If the circumstances are so formed, then try to act as much as possible: dig each flower with a large room of the earth, gently transfer to a new place. Pulling the holes of the earth, not tamping it. Lightly pour.

Autumn planting

As for the autumn planting, how it was already said earlier, this is the most sparing option for tulips. So, the transplant is starting tentatively by mid-July. By this time, scales in the bulbs will be brownish. Try not to be late, otherwise the plant will begin to start the roots, and then the transplant process will become much more difficult. Dropped bulbs Leave to do either in the fresh air, or in a well-ventilated room.

At the beginning of the autumn, dry bulbs must be carefully cleansed from husks and dry stems, hold in weak manganese to protect against pests and diseases, to dry and land in the ground.

Remember, the transplant area must be practically mad and sufficiently lit. Soil necessarily feels on the eve of landing.

Here, in principle, all you need to know about the subtleties of tulips transplant to a new place. Good luck!

How to put tulips: video