
In the Kurgan region, a tornado destroyed a village. The hurricane in the Kurgan region passed, the destruction remained Chronology of events and conclusions

On June 17 and 18, the Trans-Urals were at the mercy of the natural elements. On Saturday, the storm hit the west of the region, and on Sunday it hit the eastern regions. The storm warning paid off.

Weak tornado was filmed in Kurgan on June 16 . The intensity of its rotation was so low that it did no harm, but it surprised the locals.

Already on June 17, the first thunderstorm cells began to appear in the west of the Kurgan region. After some time, they merged into one powerful mesoscale convective system, which moved towards Mishkino and Yurgamysha. For greater clarity, I made an animation of satellite images with a step of 15 minutes.

Already 30 minutes after the passage of the convective system over Mishkino, the first reports of squalls and large hail appeared.

And the next day, we managed to get a video that confirms that in the vicinity of Mishkino there could be a squally wind up to 30-32 m/s that falls under the criteria of a hurricane. In the video, gusts tear slate from houses and fell trees.

The Shadrinsk region also got it. In the village of Sorovskoye, the hail was so large that it damaged the cladding of houses. The wind knocked down trees and electricity poles.

June 18 at 12 noon on the site Ministry of Emergency Situations the first official information appeared. The report claimed that the forecast for a storm warning was partially justified. On June 17 in the evening hours in the region in the Mishkinsky, Kurtamyshsky, Kargapolsky and Shadrinsky districts there were heavy thunderstorms with wind gusts up to 17-18 m/s. As a result, five localities ( Mishkino, Kurtamysh, Kirovo, Sorovskoe, Ostrovskoe) there were isolated cases of damage to parts of the roofing of residential buildings and buildings, as well as power outages due to gusts of overhead power lines. All necessary measures were taken to restore power supply to consumers in the region as soon as possible. It has now been completely restored.

Of course, the real gusts were much higher than 18 m/sec. Just between weather stations long distance and squalls can slip between them, which are not recorded by official instruments. But they are fixed by the inhabitants of villages and villages on smartphones, for which we thank them.

At 22 o'clock it was Kurgan's turn. A second thunderstorm cell approached from the southwest, which at some point transformed into a powerful supercell. Squalls, severe thunderstorms and heavy rain were recorded in the regional center. Fortunately, everything went off without incident.

The apogee of weather frenzy fell on Sunday. A small but powerful southern cyclone originated over Kazakhstan. The east of the Kurgan region fell into the warm sector of the atmospheric vortex, and the west into the cold one - explosive convection started on the border. Exactly at 14:00, a small cumulonimbus cloud appeared on the border, which in 15 minutes grew to the size of a thunderstorm cell. And after another 15 minutes, the cloud grew to the size of the Polovinsky district.

Comparing the speed of air flows and their direction, I quickly issued a warning about the deterioration of the weather in four areas of the region that were on the way to this thunderstorm cell. Animation of satellite imagery demonstrates how quickly the thunderstorm cell degenerated into a powerful mesoscale convective system.

A large hailstone with a diameter of 3 cm fell in Lebyazhye. local residents reported about the beaten harvest in the gardens. Ice blocks falling from the sky, the matter was not limited.

At 18:00, a tornado passed through the Mokrousovsky district, which almost completely destroyed the village of Maloye Pesyanovo. The village was without electricity. The poles were knocked down and the wires were cut.

- The village was badly damaged: some houses were completely destroyed, some had their roofs blown off, animals were beaten, the forest was mowed nearby, power supply substations were destroyed, an ambulance arrived and took away the victims- told me Tatiana Karpechenkova, local resident.

Later, a video was sent to me from the outskirts of the village. The video shows that the tornado knocked down many trees in a strip, demolished roofs, and simply destroyed flimsy wooden houses.

The element dealt the main blow to the energy complex of the region. As the press service of PJSC SUENKO informed the Ural Meridian news agency, “in the Kurgan region, there were emergency shutdowns of consumers in the Ketovsky, Vargashinsky, Lebyazhevsky, Mokrousovsky districts. Squall winds damaged power grid equipment of various voltage classes. 11 110 kV substations are de-energized. In the energy company, after the warning of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Kurgan Region about a possible deterioration in the weather, an operational headquarters was created, headed by the director of PJSC SUENKO Danil Anuchin. The emergency recovery teams of the energy company are working to restore the power supply to consumers. De-energized consumers are transferred to backup power, all available diesel generators are involved.

It is worth recalling that the hurricane wind that raged in Sverdlovsk region June 3-4, 2017, caused damage to the energy system of the region about . From reserve fund by order of the Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgenia Kuyvasheva allocated 170 million rubles for the restoration of infrastructure and assistance to the victims.

There is currently no information about damage in the Trans-Urals, an operational comment on the situation in the press service of the Governor of the Kurgan Region Alexey Kokorin failed to receive.

But that's not all. In the village of Mikhailovka (Mokrousovsky district) squally winds tore slate off roofs, knocked down trees and power lines. The wind blew the dome of the old church and knocked down one of the cell towers.

Officially, the weather station in Makushino recorded gusts of 20 m/s. I emphasize that the degree of destruction allows us to speak of more powerful gusts comparable to a hurricane (32 m/sec).

There was no hurricane in Kurgan, the weather station noted only 15 m/sec. But the regional center and Shadrinsk got another bela - a heavy downpour. In the capital of the Trans-Urals, 28 mm of precipitation fell in 5 hours, which is half the monthly norm. In Shadrinsk, 25 mm fell.

Photo znak.com

What is 28 mm precipitation? This is approximately 28 liters of water per 1 square meter.. In Kurgan, separate streets and their low-lying sections were flooded. Motorists on social networks reported missing numbers.

A survey conducted in the "45 region" group showed that only 60% of the region's residents received SMS warnings, and on June 16 Kurgan residents received messages addressed to Chelyabinsk residents.

It is scary to imagine what would have happened if the center of this mesoscale convective system had passed 70 km to the west. Then Kurgan would have to survive the most powerful storm in the 21st century. Fortunately, everything worked out, but it could have been worse.

11:58 — REGNUM The Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Kurgan region specified the number of victims of the hurricane on June 17-18, 2017. As a result of the collapse of the roof of a one-story residential building in the village of Maloe Pesyanoe, Mokrousovsky District, a woman and two children were injured. There is no information about other victims of the disaster yet, the correspondent was told. IA REGNUM in the press service of the rescue department.

The victims - a 33-year-old woman and two children aged 12 and 5 - were taken to the Mokrousovsky Central District Hospital.

Eight districts fell under the power cut - Kurtamyshsky, Shadrinsky, Yurgamyshsky, Ketovsky, Mokrousovsky, Polovinsky, Vargashinsky and Lebyazhevsky. As a result strong wind the roofs of more than 150 buildings were damaged in five municipalities, including the capital of the region, the city of Kurgan.

“The whole family got into this storm,” a resident of the Trans-Urals says in the comments to the news from Ura.ru. - 06/17/17 at 17:58 she found us on the road in the village of Sorovskoye, Kurgan region. Sitting in the car, I prayed to God that we stay alive. This was really scary! There was a strong storm, hail egg, downpour. Branches of trees flew past, roofs of houses were torn off, as if they were house of cards, along with the mount, the wires broke, damaged the cars. Visibility was zero. Sitting in the car, I thought we were about to turn over. The force of the wind was terrible, we pressed closer to the house, thanks to this house we survived. On the way home, I thought about how the inhabitants of this village are now. Every second house was damaged by the elements, as if a war had passed through this village. God forbid anyone get into this situation!

Recall that rescuers warned of a storm approaching the Urals on June 16. Citizens were informed through SMS alerts and the media. Hurricane winds, endless rain and hail three centimeters in diameter on June 17-18 de-energized 62 settlements in the east of the Kurgan region and 18,600 electricity consumers, the correspondent was told IA REGNUM in the press service of PJSC SUENKO. According to preliminary estimates, it will take at least three days to fully restore power supply in the eastern districts of the Kurgan region.

The element continues to rage on June 19. The Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Kurgan region warns that abnormal weather will continue in the region for another day.

As previously reported IA REGNUM, this is the second June storm in the Urals: on June 3 and 4, the hurricane wind hit the Kurgan, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. Then the Middle Urals suffered the most from the elements. The authorities of the Sverdlovsk region estimated the damage caused by the elements at that time at 100 million rubles.

Two houses were completely destroyed. In one of them, three people received various injuries, in the other, a large family lived. Details - in the material "Region 45".

A woman and two children aged 5 and 12 lived in the house destroyed by the elements. They were injured on June 18, when a hurricane hit the village of Maloye Pesyanovo in the Mokrousovsky district. The victims were taken to the central regional hospital, where they stayed for a day, on June 19 they were already discharged.

Another house in this village was blown away by a hurricane. On Sunday, during the elements, Irina Poletaeva, along with five children, hid in the bathhouse. The structure trembled under the onslaught of the wind. They held the windows with their hands to keep them from flying out. Everyone was saved. The Poletaevs will soon send their children to their grandmother in Kurgan. They themselves will remain to restore the house and look after the household.

At the other end of the village, the houses are also broken. Olga Urvantseva's house now stands without a roof, not even the rafters are left. A blue metal tile dangles from a nearby pole. The cladding of the house is like bullets fired with pieces of slate. They warned about the elements, Olga says, but no one would have thought to leave the village.

Representatives of the district administration went to the scene. Currently, a survey of residential buildings is being carried out and the damage is calculated. Financial aid affected families will be, assured the deputy head of the Mokrousovsky district Nikolai Kopytov. In the morning, a meeting of the commission was held in the administration, and a state of emergency was introduced in the district. The information was transferred to the government of the Kurgan region. Documents are currently being processed for sending and receiving assistance.

In addition to Maloye Pesyanovo, houses in the villages of Sungurovo, Mikhailovka, Novotroika, Staropershino were damaged. Problems remain with the power supply. Downed poles and broken wires lie in the village of Maloye Pesyanovo. An electrical team is on site.

The elements did not spare the nearby forests. Broken birch trees lie within a radius of several kilometers from the most affected village.

Residents of the Trans-Urals are recovering after a powerful hurricane that took place last weekend. Residents of the regional center are looking for lost numbers from cars in puddles, in the region, work teams are restoring power supply in the districts. VIDEO

Over the weekend, a powerful hurricane hit Kurgan and the region. In the regional center, the elements began to rage late on Saturday evening: lightning cut the sky for several hours, a heavy downpour passed. By Sunday afternoon, the bad weather only intensified: the central streets of Kurgan were flooded, cars stalled right on the roadway.

The eastern regions of the region were significantly affected by the hurricane. According to the press service of PJSC SUENKO, in the Vargashinsky, Lebyazhevsky and Mokrousovsky districts, the disaster led to catastrophic damage to the distribution network.

Emergency recovery work at the facilities began immediately, on the basis of the Kurgan branch Electricity of the net task force was set up. 12 brigades and more than 20 units of specialized equipment were involved in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters.

Restoration of the distribution network in settlements is ongoing around the clock. According to preliminary estimates, it will take at least 3 days to fully restore power supply.

In accordance with the weather forecast received from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Kurgan Region, natural phenomena will continue today, June 19, in the eastern part of the region. In this regard, the operational headquarters decided to send additional diesel generators to the Eastern Energy District.

In four more districts of the region - Mishkinsky, Kurtamyshsky, Kargapolsky and Shadrinsky - the hurricane knocked down trees, partially tore off the roofs of houses and buildings. Eyewitnesses called what they saw nothing more than a "tornado" and a "tornado". The video posted on social networks shows how the elements lifted sheets of corrugated board into the air, and visibility due to the dense wall of the shower became almost zero.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Kurgan region, at 12 noon on June 18, there was no information about the victims due to bad weather. The crisis management center of the Kurgan region communicates with the unified duty and dispatch services of municipalities every 2 hours.