
A message on the theme of the life of the mtsyri in the monastery. The story "the life of a mtsyri in a monastery". Why Mtsyri fled from the monastery

Why did Mtsyri run away from the monastery?

"Mtsyri" - a romantic poem written by M. Yu. Lermontov in 1839, tells about the tragic fate of a captive mountain boy who escaped from the monastery walls, and about his death. Before his death, Mtsyri confesses to an old monk who once saved and raised him. In his confession, he says that he does not repent of his escape and does not regret that he endured worldly difficulties behind the walls of the monastery. Why did he run away from the monastery?

Mtsyri is a proud and freedom-loving young man, a child of the mountains and the son of a brave people. He always wanted to live like his ancestors, in the wild and in unity with the wild. However, fate decreed otherwise. At the age of six, he was captured, depriving his family and home. On the way, Mtsyri became seriously ill and the Russian general, taking pity on him, gave him up to local monks. The boy was cured, baptized and brought up in a righteous spirit. However, thoughts about freedom and his native village did not leave him. The monastic life could not kill his love for the vast expanses and mountains. Gloomy walls and stuffy cells did not become native to him.

Despite the fact that the people surrounding the young man were not enemies for him. On the contrary, they once saved him, did not let him die of hunger, gave him shelter, brought him up as a worthy person, treated him like a brother. These monks, for one reason or another, deliberately renounced worldly life. However, Mtsyri could not accept the way of life imposed on him. He did not even know what to lose by taking the tonsure, but still he could not live without it. Life in the monastery for him meant a gray, boring and joyless existence. He was ready to exchange such two lives for one, if only full of worries and unrest. So he decided on this escape.

All thoughts of Mtsyri were directed to the Caucasus. He wanted to visit his native land, to find the bright and beautiful homeland of his ancestors. The homeland in the poem is a symbol of freedom and an ideal world. From childhood, he swore to himself to find his family and see his relatives at least once, and the thought that he could not do this haunts him. Even before his death, it is precisely this perjury that burdens him most of all. But he is glad that he was able to live at least three days outside the walls of the hateful monastery, to see the beauty of nature, to experience a feeling of fear or tenderness, to meet face to face with a mighty leopard, to stealthily watch a beautiful Georgian woman. Only behind the walls of the monastery, he was able to fully feel and understand what life is. He seemed to have been in paradise, after which he was not afraid to die.

Mtsyri died of anguish. Realizing that he would never see his native land and would not be able to exist in the wild, he lost interest in life and deliberately hurried his death. To the author main character congenial. He supports the impulses and experiences of the young novice, considers him the embodiment of courage and love of freedom.

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1. Where was Eugene Onegin born and lived?

1) in Moscow
2) in St. Petersburg
3) in Samara
4) in Yekaterinburg

2. In what language did the main character “could speak and write”?

1) in Latin
2) in German
3) in French
4) in English

3. Specify who in question in the following lines:

One foot touching the floor
Another slowly circles
And suddenly a jump, and suddenly it flies,
It flies like fluff from the mouth of Eol;
Now the camp will sow, then it will develop
And he beats his leg with a quick leg.
1) Istomina
2) Pavlova
3) Karsavina
4) Danilova

4. How much time did Onegin spend at the mirror before going out?

1) 20 minutes
2) 1 hour
3) 3 hours
4) 4 hours

5. How did Onegin replace the corvée in his village?

1) quitrent
2) filing
3) tax
4) cash collections

6. Indicate who is being referred to in the following lines:

Handsome, in full bloom of years,
Kant's admirer and poet.
He is from foggy Germany
He brought the fruits of learning:
freedom dreams,
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech
And shoulder-length black curls.
1) about Onegin
2) about Lensky
3) about Zaretsky
4) about Larina

7. Find out the hero from the description.

Always humble, always obedient,
Always cheerful like the morning
Like the life of a poet, simple-hearted,
Like a kiss of love, honey...
1) Olga Larina
2) Tatyana Larina
3) mother Larina
4) Tatiana's nanny

8. Find out the hero from the description.

Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe is timid,
She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl.
1) Olga Larina
2) Tatyana Larina
3) mother Larina
4) Tatiana's nanny

9. Indicate who is being discussed in the following lines.

... was a good fellow,
Belated in the last century;
But he saw no harm in books;
He never reads
They were considered an empty toy
And didn't care about
What is my daughter's secret volume
Slept until morning under the pillow.
1) father Larin
2) Zaretsky
3) Lensky's father
4) Uncle Onegin

10. Indicate who is being discussed in the following lines.

She traveled to work
Salted mushrooms for the winter,
Conducted expenses, shaved foreheads,
I went to the bathhouse on Saturdays
The maids beat angry -
All this without asking the husband.
1) mother Larina
2) Olga Larina
3) Tatyana Larina
4) Onegin's mother

11. Indicate the patronymic of the Larin sisters.

1) Alexandrovna
2) Alekseevna
3) Sergeevna
4) Dmitrievna

12. Who was Onegin's second?

1) Zaretsky
2) Skotinin
3) Monsieur Guillot
4) Buyanov

13. What was the fate of Olga Larina after Lensky's death?

1) She continued to love Vladimir.
2) She married a lancer.
3) Olga agreed to marry a landowner next door.
4) The heroine dedicated her life to God by becoming a nun.

14. In what language was Tatyana's letter written?

1) in Russian
2) in French
3) in German
4) in Latin

15. Indicate whose words these are:

For two weeks the matchmaker went
To my family, and finally
Father blessed me.
I cried bitterly from fear
They untwisted my braid with weeping
Yes, with singing they led to the church.
1) mother Larina
2) Olga Larina
3) Filippovna, Tatyana's nanny
4) Tatyana Larina

16. Indicate who is being referred to in the following lines:

Once a riot
Ataman of the card gang,
The head of the rake, the tribune of the tavern ...
Falling off a Kalmyk horse,
Like a zyuzya drunk, and the French were taken prisoner.
1) about Lensky
2) about Onegin
3) about Zaretsky
4) about Buyanov

17. What lay under Tatyana Larina's pillow during divination?

1) scallop
2) book
3) letter
4) mirror

18. What title did Tatyana Larina's husband have?

1) count
2) prince
3) baron
4) viscount

19. How did Onegin's last explanation with Tatyana end?

1) The heroine kicked Onegin out of her house.
2) Tatyana said that she no longer loves Onegin.
3) Tatyana admitted that she still loves Eugene Onegin, but she cannot break her oath of allegiance to her husband.
4) Onegin told about his feelings for Tatyana to her husband.

20. Where did Eugene Onegin go after the last meeting with Tatyana Larina?

1) on the water to be treated
2) to serve in the Caucasus
3) to your village
4) this is not mentioned in the text

The image of Mtsyra in the poem
During the classes

... what a fiery soul, what a mighty spirit, what a gigantic nature this Mtsyri has!

V.G. Belinsky

1. Implementation of homework

Mtsyri's life in the monastery, the character and dreams of a young novice

Teacher's comment

Lermontov does not give a detailed description of the monastic life of Mtsyri. Monastic life first of all meant a departure from people, from the world, a complete rejection of one's own personality, service to God, expressed primarily in fasting and prayers. The main condition of life in a monastery is obedience. Those who took monastic vows were forever cut off from human society, the return of a monk to life was forbidden.

For the hero, the monastery is a symbol of bondage, a prison with gloomy walls, "stuffy cells." To stay in the monastery meant for him to give up forever freedom and homeland, to be doomed to eternal slavery and loneliness (“to be a slave and an orphan”). The author does not reveal the character of the boy who ended up in the monastery, he only draws his physical weakness and fearfulness, and then gives a few strokes of his behavior - and the personality of the prisoner emerges clearly. He is hardy (He languished without complaints - even a weak moan did not escape from children's lips), proud, distrustful, because he sees his enemies in the monks around him, he has known unchildish feelings of loneliness and longing from an early age. There is also a direct author's assessment of the boy's behavior, reinforcing the impression - Lermontov speaks of his mighty spirit, inherited from his fathers.

What is the purpose of the escape? What does it mean for Mtsyra to be free?

Long time ago I thought

Look at the distant fields

Find out if the earth is beautiful

Find out for freedom or prison

We are born into this world
my burning chest

Press with longing to the chest of another

Though unfamiliar, but dear
I lived little and lived in captivity

Such two lives in one

But only full of anxiety

I would change if I could
I have one goal

Go to your native country

Had it in my soul.

Conclusion: Mtsyra's idea of ​​freedom is associated with the dream of returning to his homeland. To be free means for him to escape from the monastic captivity, to return to his native village. Living in a monastery, the young man did not stop seeing "living dreams"

About dear, near and dear ones,

About the will of the wild steppes

About light, mad horses,

About alien battles between rocks

The image of an unknown, but desired "wonderful world of worries and battles" constantly lived in his soul.
2 Work on the image of Mtsyri (Conversation on the text of the poem)

Lermontov's poem is romantic. Her hero is not like the people around him, he denies their life values, strives for something else. Prove this idea with lines from Mtsyri's confession.

Mtsyri confesses to the old monk

I knew only one thought power,

One fiery passion:

She, like a worm, lived in me

gnawed the soul and burned

She called my dreams

From stuffy cells and prayers

In that wonderful world of worries and battles.

Main passion hero - aspiration to live fully, in the world of struggle and freedom, outside the walls of the monastery, in the distant beloved Motherland.

Work with text

What did Mtsyri see and what did Mtsyri learn about life during his wanderings?

(Answer in ch 6, 9-11)

The personality of Mtsyri, his character is reflected in what pictures attract him, how he talks about them. He is struck by the richness and diversity of nature, contrasting with the monotony of the monastic setting. And in the close attention with which the hero looks at the world, his love for life, for everything beautiful in it, is felt.

The role of the landscape in the poem

The landscape plays a significant role in the poem, especially since it is given in the perception of the hero, which means that it becomes a means of characterizing Mtsyra

Reread the description of the morning from chapter 11. What is special about you. What can be said about a person who perceives nature in this way?

(From the words “God’s garden bloomed around me” to the words “I drowned in it with my eyes and soul”)

The landscape is extraordinarily beautiful, for the hero it is doubly attractive because it is his first morning in the wild. From this morning, knowledge of the world begins for him and a romantically inclined young man inhabits it with fantastic invisible creatures who know the secrets of heaven and earth. The hero perceives the blueness and purity of heaven unusually, he is ready to see the angel of flight. A poetically exalted soul and a desire for freedom allow Mtsyri to compare a free life, wildlife with paradise. Before death, this comparison becomes even more rebellious, rebellious. Mtsyri is ready to exchange the "paradise of eternity" for the realization of his dream.

In romantic fiction, an exceptional hero acts in exceptional circumstances Reread the passage from chapter 6. Prove that the poet painted a romantic landscape. What artistic means did Lermontov use? (From the words “I saw piles of dark rocks” to the words “gray-haired unshakable Caucasus”) This landscape can certainly be called romantic, because every detail of it is unusual, exotic - “ mountain ranges bizarre, like dreams" smoke at dawn, along the banks of a mountain stream - "heaps of dark rocks", the snowy peaks of the mountains are hidden in the clouds.

Analysis of artistic techniques

Main artistic techniques v poem - personification and comparison. It is interesting that the basis of the detailed metaphor - the personification of the two banks of a mountain stream is a Russian folk riddle (two brothers look into the water - they will never converge)

Comparisons: the tops of the mountains smoked “like altars”, the snows “burn like a diamond”, the clouds are compared to a caravan of white birds. The landscape is shown through the eyes of the hero and conveys his thoughts and feelings. The first picture is the shores separated by a stream - loneliness, despair. The final one - clouds heading east, towards the Caucasus - an irresistible desire for the Motherland.

Did Mtsyri find the answer to the question “is the earth beautiful”? Why does a person live on earth?

Mtsyri saw nature in its diversity, felt its life, experienced the joy of communicating with it. “Yes, the world is beautiful!” - this is the meaning of Mtsyri's story about what he saw. His monologue is a hymn to this world. And the fact that the world is beautiful, full of colors and sounds, full of joy, gives Mtsyri an answer to the second question: why was man created, why does he live? Man is born for the will, and not for prison - that's the conclusion.
3. Group work

Analysis of the episodes where Mtsyri acts.

The feeling of happiness in Mtsyra is caused not only by what he saw, but also by what he managed to accomplish.

A) Escape from the monastery, an attempt to find the way to his native land

B) Meeting with a Georgian

B) fight with a leopard

Escape from the monastery during a thunderstorm gave him the pleasure of feeling friendship “between a stormy heart and a thunderstorm”, communication with nature brought joy (it was fun to breathe in the night freshness of those forests), in a battle with a leopard he knew the joy of struggle and the delight of victory, a meeting with a Georgian caused “ sweet sorrow." All these experiences Mtsyri unites in one word - life. "What I did in the wild: Lived"

What does it mean to live for a hero?

To be in constant search, anxiety, to fight and win, and most importantly, to experience the bliss of the “liberty of the saint.” In these experiences, the fiery character of Mtsyri is very clearly revealed.

At the beginning of the lesson, we already talked about Mtsyri, a prisoner who lived in a monastery. Even then, he was a strong and proud young man, possessed by a "fiery passion" - love for the motherland and freedom. But it is important to note that even then, in the monastery, he himself did not know much about himself, since only real life tests a person and shows what he is.

What did Mtsyri learn about himself when he found himself free?

On the loose with new force Mtsyri's love for the Motherland was revealed, which merged for the young man together with the desire for liberty. And if in the monastery the hero only languished with the desire for freedom, then in the wild he knew the “bliss of liberty” and strengthened in his thirst for earthly happiness. Mtsyri learned that he was bold and fearless. Fearlessness, contempt for death, and passionate love for life, thirst for struggle and readiness for it are revealed in the battle with the leopard. Mtsyri's "fiery passion" - love for the motherland makes him purposeful and firm, he refuses the possible happiness of love, overcomes the suffering of hunger, in a desperate impulse tries to go through the forest for the purpose of "going to his native side." The death of this dream gives rise to despair in him, but even in a desperate impulse, Mtsyri appears not as weak and defenseless, but as a proud, courageous person who rejects pity and compassion. Mtsyri is hardy. Tortured by the leopard, he forgets about his wounds and, having gathered the rest of his strength, again tries to get out of the forest.

What artistic means does the poet use when drawing his hero? Give examples.

Hyperbole: Oh, I'm like a brother

I would be happy to embrace the storm!

With the eyes of the clouds I followed

I caught lightning with my hand

Metaphors: I nourished this passion in the darkness of the night with tears and longing ...

I gnawed the damp breast of the earth ...

Comparisons: I myself, like a beast, was a stranger to people

And crawled and hid like a snake

Epithets: But free youth is strong

And death seemed not terrible
Task: Find in Belinsky's article "Lermontov's Poems" the lines in which the critic speaks about the language of the poem, about the size in which the poem is written.

“It can be said without exaggeration that the poet took the colors from the rainbow, the rays from the sun, the sparkle from the lightning, the rumble from the thunders, the rumble from the winds - that all nature itself carried and gave him materials when he wrote this poem.

This is an iambic tetrameter with only masculine endings - it sounds and abruptly falls, like a blow of a sword striking its victim. Elasticity, energy and sonorous monotonous fall are in amazing harmony with the concentrated feeling, indestructible strength and tragic position of the hero of the poem.

Mtsyri is a powerful and fiery nature. The main thing in him is passion and striving for happiness, which is impossible for him without freedom and homeland, intransigence to life in captivity, fearlessness, courage, courage and courage. Mtsyri is poetic and youthfully pure in his aspirations.

Why did Mtsyri die? Why, despite the death of the hero, do we not perceive the poem as a gloomy work, full of despair and hopelessness?

The origins of the Mtsyri tragedy are in the conditions that have surrounded the hero since childhood. The circumstances in which he found himself deprived of his connection with people, practical experience, knowledge of life, making him a “dungeon flower” and led to the death of the hero. His last desire is to be buried outside the monastery walls, to once again feel the beauty of the world, to see his native Caucasus. This cannot be called reconciliation with the fate and defeat of the hero. Life doomed Mtsyri to slavery, humility, loneliness, and he managed to know freedom, experience the happiness of struggle and the joy of merging with the world.
4 Meaning of the poem

Teacher's word.

The whole poem is a passionate call to fight for freedom, it calls not to put up with the slave conditions of existence, tearing a person away from nature, from his native people, from his homeland and dooming him to vegetation, to a passive attitude to life. In the specific historical conditions of the 30s, such an appeal sounded like a bold challenge to contemporaries, because. Mtsyri's feelings and experiences are the feelings and experiences of the poet himself. The poem posed questions to readers about the fate and rights of the individual, about the meaning of existence. The image of Mtsyra forced contemporaries to abandon indifference and apathy, called to see and feel the beauty of the feat. The poem led to the idea of ​​the need to change life, to make it as beautiful as it was revealed to Mtsyri.

Many learned the poem by heart, Belinsky was very fond of the poem.

Student's message "Our contemporaries about Lermontov's work" - material in the textbook on p. 158
Homework - prepare an excerpt from the poem for expressive reading by heart, prepare for the test on the poem.