
Compose a fairy tale about the gnomic and the magic feather. Three fairy tales of gnomes Brothers Grimm. Alternative audio player

The first story
Summer fairy tale

Once a dwarf appeared in the forest. No one saw where he came from. He appeared and that's it. Just in one very bright and very warm summer day Someone saw that on the root of the old fir sits a gnome in a red cap, green caftane and wooden shoes with gold buckles.
The gnome was so glorious that everyone immediately liked. He didn't like only one ravene, which was called the irresistible crow, but no one never liked her.
The gnome was very small, not more than a dandelion. Actually, it was not a gnome, but a gnome. And all the way began to call him - "Gnomic".
Settled a gnome on the yellow edge. It was called because the yellow butterms here were much more than green blades.
The house of the gnome decided not to build himself, because the days and summer nights were very warm, and if
closed the rain, then you could hide under the big burdock, which is importantly grew on the middle of the yellow edge.
The most important jewel of the dwarf was a red cap with a bubber. The gnomic ran through the forest, the bubber rang, and everyone immediately guessed that it was running a gnome.
For three days have passed since the gnome appeared in the forest, and then three more days and more, and more. During this time, he had many friends. First, the bunny and brother of the bunny and another brother of the bunny, then squirrel, hedgehog, three funny tits, mole. True, he saw with a mole rather rarely, because Mole was sitting underground in the afternoon, and at night the gnomic slept, but it still did not interfere with their friendship. Only with the unlocking ravene, the gnome could not make friends.
One day, when the bunny, brother of the bunny, hedgehog and a gnome sunk on the shore of the stream, brother the brother asked:
- Gnomic, and could you do something magic? My mother said that the gnomes are always a little wizard.
The gnomic was embarrassed. He did not know, he can do something magical or not. And then there is still an irresistible crow, which was sitting on the branch and eavenned, hoarsely wrapped and jarked:
- Carr-Shmar. Carr-Shmar. From such Carrrapuz there is no rumble, - and threw fir-blindly in it. Little gnome was very offended.
"If I grew up," he thought, "if I rose only for a minute with this Christmas tree, then the crow would never dare to laugh at me.
The bubber on his cap is quietly ranging and the gnome began to grow, grow, grow. Here, his cap touched the lower branches, here's medium, and now, finally, Gnomic Doros to that branch, on which the irresistible crow sat. She looked at him with yellow eyes and wrinkled.
"Think," the crow said, "this is not a miracle, and Karr-Smarnaya nonsense."
Then she waved the wings and flew away.
Gnombic looked down.
At the bottom, a little bunny was sitting, a small brother of a bunny and a small hedgehog.
The gnomic wanted to be small again, and he began to decrease, decrease, and soon became the same as before, no more dandelion.
Bunny, brother of the bunny and hedgehog was silent and looked at the gnome round frightened eyes. Then the brother of the bunny said for some reason in a whisper:
- Gnome, you know what? You no longer do such big magic. Better you do small magic so that they are no more than ourselves.
And only here the gnome realized that he was really a slightly wizard, it was only something to want.
And the next day it happened that's what.
The gnomom ran to visit the hedgehog, the bubber rang, the sun shone brightly brightly, and the sky was blue ... and suddenly ...
Everything around darkened, black cosmatic clouds closed the sun, from somewhere flew cold evil wind. He began to bend and twisted the tops of the pines, move the big cones, and then suddenly sat on the oldest pine and overwhelmed loudly and scary.
The gnomic scared, ran, and the cold wind rushed after him. In the sky, something scary rummaged, as if the giants beat with huge hammers on the iron plates. Sparkling fiery flashes and shaggy clouds were danced in a terrible round dance. And then it rushed rain. Gnombic never thought that he could be so rain in the sky. It seemed to him as if someone turned the huge bowls with water and poured them to the ground.
And the frightened gnome fled everything and ran. He fell, got up, he fled again, and suddenly rolled into a hole under the root of the old ate. It was dark as in the dungeon and pretty dry. And at the top, everything rumbled and rumbled.
The gnome is very tired, dying and frozen. He found a piece of dry moss at the bottom of the day, she took himself, squeezed into a lump and somehow fell asleep.
When the gnome woke up and out outward, the sun shouted again and only on the leaves hung large sparkling drops.
- Zhr, - flew past the concerned bee.
- Listen, "the gnomic shouted - what was it?
"Jr. Rushkaya Thunderstorm," he managed to publish a bee. She was very in a hurry in their bee affairs.
"So, such a big rain and roar in the sky, called a thunderstorm," thought Dwarf, "but if the bee quietly flies through his bee affairs, it means everything is in order."
And the gnomic smoked the jacket, corrected the buckles on the shoes, pulled the cap ... That is, he wanted to pull the cap, but the cap was not.
- Oh, where is my cap, where is the red cap with a silver buckler? - asked the gnomic.
He asked just so, because there was no one near anyone. But from the tree there was a sniffer voice:
- Turswish, you threw it when I wondered from throzen. - It was, of course, the irresistible crow. She was sitting on the branch and cleaned her black feathers.
- How can I be? Said a gnome. - Can you see when I don't have my cap with a puff, I can't make any magic, nor big nor little.
- Carr-Shmar, - Skrying the crow, - you are no gnome without magic, and a carr-shoping misunderstanding.
Gnombic sat on the hammer and burned his nose. He sat for a long time and a long time nozzle with his nose, trying not to cry, because he was ashamed to cry before the unlucky raven. And when he raised his head, there was no one on the branch.
Suddenly, puffy was heard and hedgehog came out of the grass.
"Hi, a gnome," hedgehog said, "and we are looking for you, we are looking for, and why are you so sad?"
"The cap disappeared," the gnome whispered.
- Well, that, my mother will save you even better, it is the main town of the forest. Even from distant cleansing come to her needles.
- No, you do not understand, hedgehog. There is a silver tambourine on the cap, and without this a bubber I can not make any magic.
Hedgehog also stuck and sat down near. So they were sitting near and sniffing, hedgehog and gnomic. Then hedgehog said:
"You know that, a gnome, it's nothing that you can not make any magicians, we love you without magic.
But here they fell a large winged shadow and some red wet rag fell on top and hurts the hedgehog over the nose.
"Cap, my cap," the gnome shouted. It was really his cap, though very wet and dirty. And on the branch again sat in the irresistible crow, although in truth, she no longer seemed so intense.
"Thank you, thank you very much, aunt crow," said a little gnome, and Hedgehog rubbed his bruised nose and smiled.
Then they ran to the mother of the hedgehog, and she was postponed and stroked the cap, and he became even brighter than before. Gnombic put on him and joined his joy. He jumped, jumped, jumped, ... And the buberer did not ring. And the gnome was becoming more sadder and sad. Then he stopped jumping and said:
- That's it. It happens. You see, the ringing in my cap was very tender, and when the cap was lying in a cold puddle, the ringing was cleaned and his voice disappeared. Therefore, I am not a gnome now, but a nightmare misunderstanding.
Here he could not stand and cried, and hedgehog was crying behind him, because he was very sorry for the gnomic, and then the bunny and brother of the ribbon, I cried too, because we were crying the hedgehog and gnomic.
"Carrshmar, Carrshmar," he ran away from the Christmas tree, "What is prodigis-walk?"
It flew to the irresistible crow. But everyone cried and cried. And then the mother of Hedgehog told the ravene, what's the matter.
- Pererests, - Rumped the crow.
From surprise, friends were silent and wet from tears stared at the crow.
"ICRROTE," Crow said contemptuously, "pick up tears. I know how to help you, a gnome. I will take you to the blue glade. She is true, far away. We must fly our entire forest, then wearen the forest, then a completely someone else's forest, and here it is on his edge and there will be a blue glade. It is called so because it grows on her blue bells. You, gnomic, ask them and they may be shaking with you ringing.
The crow grabbed the gnomer for the collar, which was not very polite, but she did not differ in politeness at all, waved his black wings and rose to the tops of the fir.
Below on the clearing jumped and waved some small bugs with legs. It was a hedgehog, bunny and brother of a bunny.
The gnomic was very scary, and besides, he was afraid that the crow would make a remark by some flying bird, because she loved to make comments very much, and then he will fall from a huge height and breaks down, and in the forest will not be so small, such a funny, Such a good gnome.
And the gnomic was so sorry for him that he again stuck his nose.
But here the crow finally began to decline, and at the bottom of something brightly buried. This blue got closer and closer.
And now the gnomic was already stood on a unthinkable Blue Polyana, where only the blue bells grew up alone.
A terrible stir rose acroved across the glade and such a chime that the crow waved the wings and rose into the air.
"Rewind themselves," she shouted from height and flew away.
- How will I come back? - just managed to think the gnomic.
And from all sides, the bells stretched to him, they rang, shaking the blue heads, and each rang in his own way. Dwarf seemed that they sing all together some kind of ringing transparent song.
"Please," the gnome whispered and pressed his arms to the chest, "give me some of your ringing, very little for my little bubber."
The bells were nodded with heads and ranked:
- We heard about you, you're a good gnomic. We will give you your own ringing. We will even give you all our ringing, because very soon he will not be needed at all.
And they again nailed heads. Gnomic seemed that from their blue cups, sparkling ringing droplets fly out and fly to it. And the bells all nodded and nodded with heads, their ringing became all quieter and quieter, and finally sat down at all.
The gnomic gnawed carefully, the bubblychik on his cap responded with a gentle crystal ringing.
- Thank you, thank you very much. - Now I will be a real gnome, and not a nightmare misunderstanding.
And the gnomic laughed and jumped, and his bubber rang all the bell glade, because now there was a ringing of all bells.
"But why did you give me the whole ring, why wouldn't you need you?" - asked the gnomic, but the bells were silent.
They could not answer him and only nodded themselves with their blue heads.
The gnome bowed to them all, pulled the cap and began to want to return to his yellow glade very much. He even snagched his eyes from the effort. The Bubenchik closed quietly, and when the gnomic opened his eyes, he was already sitting on his yellow glade under a big green burdock.
The sun dropped to the ridiculous tops of the firs, the lilac twilight was filled, and the gnome was sitting and thought everything:
- Why did the bell told that the ringing would not be needed soon?
Suddenly, the glada flew the smallest and smarter of all evening bins. He played with a big yellow maple leaf.
"What a yellow leaf," the gnome thought.
- Hey, breeze, where did you get such a sheet and why is he so yellow?
The breeze flew closer and said:
"Didn't you know, a gnome, the autumn came today.

History Second
Autumn fairy tale

Story Three
Winter fairy tale

Once in the frosty winter day, the gnome was sitting at the window of his little house and missed. Usually hedgehog was always coming to him and then they had a lot of interesting things. But yesterday, Mama Hedgehog was laid in a hedgehog to sleep until the spring, because the hedgehogs also had a winter hibernation. Hedgehog very much wanted to fall asleep, but Mama-hedgehog said: "You're not small and should understand what to walk in the woods when all our relatives sleep, just indecent." And the hedgehog had to fall asleep and all interesting occupations were immediately shared. And so the gnome was sitting and missed.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Together with the cloud of a frosty couple in the room rolled the bunny. "Gnomic!", "He shouted," Being more! " Behind the big Christmas tree, winter arranged an icy mountain, and you have never risen from an icy mountain. "
And the gnomic gathered to run, but then remembered that he had no warm fur coats. And then he said: "You see, I have no warm fur coats, and I'm afraid to frozen, although I really want to ride with an icy mountain. "Well, you, a gnome!", "The bunny even jumped out of impatience," you can, since you can put a fur coat once. " For example, a fur coat from the raccoon is very warm or even better than the fox fur coat, "he schitried. "No, bunny. If I have someone's fur coat, then someone will remain naked, and this is unfair. Tell me, and she is a very icy this mountain? " "Very," said the bunny and looked around his new winter and unusually white fur coat, "you know that a gnomic," he said, "" You still have to ride from this mountain. Perhaps I will lend you on a little my fur coat. " "And how are you?" "And I am,", "said the bunny, took off his new fur coat and gave a gnome. Gnombic quickly dressed her and ran to the ice hill. That was a mountain! And he rode from her and rode. And a completely naked bunny was sitting in a chair at a warm stove and waited for a gnome. When a gnome returned, he ran to ride a bunny, and so they rode in turn until evening.
And hedgehog slept and slept. He fell asleep very displeased, and therefore his sleep was also obtained very dissatisfied. In a dream, hedgehog puffed loudly and by the morning of Puffed so much that they began to get out of the mink and crowd at the entrance. They mixed and turned out one pretty big puff, almost from the hedgehog itself. There was a light breeze, and he had fluently hesitate, what to take to him, he was stretched, then the opposite was going to a lump, and finally accepted the shape of the hedgehog. Then he snorted, just like Hedgehog himself and ran to the house of the gnomic.
And the gnome was just sitting and thought that it was, of course, very fun, but much more fun. At this time, someone is very familiar with the door at the door and when the gnome looks out, he saw a white cloud that was unusually, surprisingly similar to the hedgehog. "Who are you?" Asked the gnomic. "I am a hedgehog," said the cloud, - "Let's go play!" "But I have no warm fur coats," the gnomic gnome was upset again.
"Fu-Fu," puffed, "" Take someone else from the protein. "
"No, puff, I need such a fur coat so that no one remains nobody."
Then I thought, and he thought for quite a long time, and then said: "You know what, you can sew a fur coat from puffs. You do not think the fur coat from the puffs of someone is a big very warm. "Hurray!", - shouted the gnome and kissed the breath into a white soft nose. "Where do we gain such puffs?"
"Wait a minute," said Piah and ran somewhere. Rather, he did not run, but flew over the earth itself, but his little white legs of the seed was completely like a leg of a hedgehog.
Piah flew to a big burgroge, where the lazy and kind bear slept, who was completely called Mikhail Ivanovich, but everyone called him a tinsel in the forest and he was not offended. Misut slept and loudly puffers in a dream, much louder than hedgehog. Puff Mishutins were sitting next to the Berllo and played in nonsense.
Piah Hedgehog flew up to them and said: "Here you are doing here, and you could make a useful thing." Mishutin puffed were the same kind as their owner, and therefore they immediately agreed to become a fur coat of the gnome.
And the gnome was sitting at the window and waited. And so he saw how the hedgehog flew out of the trezhal. He had a very satisfied appearance, and behind him flew a white fluffy fur coat from an extraordinarily warm tiny puff. The gnomomer dressed her and they ran with the hedgehog puffed onto the slide, and then they played snowballs, and then another bunch of lost interesting activities immediately had an entire bunch of lost interest.
And in the evening, I flew back to the hedgehog and told him on the ear as they played with a gnome, and the hedgehog began to dream, as if he rolled down from an ice mountain and plays snowballs, and then another and then another.
And the gnome gently drove into the wall a large pine needle and hung his new unusual fur coat from tiny puffs.
The next morning, the gnome woke up early early, he suddenly seemed to him that his fur coat had disappeared, but she was on the spot, and the winter rose sun was light up behind the window. And the gnomic decided to stroll. He dressed his new fur coat and thought: "If I meet anyone and ask:" Gnombic, what is your fur coat made? ", I will say -" From Puffs "and someone will say:" That's yes! I have never seen a puff fur coat. "
Just in case, the gnome took small sledges with him, suddenly the twieth or birch chips will fall, besides, if someone asks: "Where are you going?", "You can always say:" behind the rhinth "and no one guess that he is just. I want to show all your new fur coat.
The forest was quiet and very cold, even the trees were barely called from frost, like glass. But the gnome was warm, he had fun having fun his sledges and purred under the nose winter song, which he himself composed:

All around white-white
White snow cooked,
From frost even christmas tree
Sounded like glass.

I'm not afraid of frost,
I go and merry,
Because I have
Pohn fur coat.

Here at the end of the song he did not go well with Rhyme, and the gnomic came up with and invented new words to rhyme with the word "fur coat". He walked and muttered: "The fur coat - there is no tooth. Fu, nonsense. Shuba - a lip, even worse, besides not a lip, but a lip. " The gnome was so carried away that he did not notice the ice tuber at all, stumbled and slammed in the snow.

"Ice tubercle
Overturned me from the legs. "

I composed a gnome. And suddenly he saw that it was not at all a tubercle, but completely overlaid larks. Gnombic slowed him: "Get up, why didn't you flew away?" But the larks, of course, did not answer anything. Then the gnomic raised him, put it on Sanki and the heat looked at his puffy fur coat. Suddenly he noticed a small bunch of bright multicolored glands in the snow, but there was no time to collect them. And is it possible to think about multicolored ice floes when the larks in trouble. Gnombic quickly ran to the house. He was very in a hurry. "Suddenly I will not be able to warm the poor lark," he thought. And of course, no one else would never be behind the lark, but the gnomic was a little wizard. He put the bird on the sofa and began to really want her to come to life. The gnome very much wanted, it seems that he has never even wanted anything so much. Therefore, it is quite soon a bubber on the cap ranks quietly, and the larks opened his eyes and jumped off the sofa.
He cleaned the feathers and wanted to sing the gnome a grateful song, but only hissing from his beak was heard. "What's wrong with you, cute larks?", Gnombic scared. "I lost my song," the larders stuck and cry.
And then the gnomic guess that the multicolored glands, which he saw in the forest, and there is a frozen lark song. Probably, she rolled out from his beak when the larks frozen, and he was herself.
The gnome quickly dressed his fur coat, took the basket and ran to where he found the lark. Fortunately, the ice floes were in place, and who needs ice floes in the frozen forest, even if they are multi-colored. And the gnomic gathered them in a basket all to one, and then returned home and neatly decomposed on the shelf. Then they got to the bench with the lark and wait.
Soon he was heard: "Cap Cap, Din-Din" - they melted the ice. And all the ice floes these Cap Cap and Ding Ding were different. It seemed that an invisible musician sets his violin. Soon the ice was completely melted, and there were multicolored peas in their place. The larks flew to them and spared everything to a single pea. Then he cleared the neck, set back the right thin leg and sang the most joyful, the most grateful and sunshine of the lark. The song was so the most that she became closely in the small house of the gnomer, and then she flew out into the window and flew over the forest.
"Ah," the largest icicle was pretended, "Oh, what a wonderful song." I cry from the dignity. " And all the icicles in the forest we cried out of the dignity too. They imitated the biggest icicle in everything.
"Cap Cap, Cap Cap," he ran out all over the forest. The gnomic and the larks opened the door and looked out. "Oh-oh!", "Gnombic was surprised," "I think, the larks that your song woke up spring."
And it was true. Spring began in the forest.

History Four
Spring fairy tale

In the forest markedly warmly, the trees and ate shook out their branches from the snow, and the merry stream under the window of the gnome was woken up and quickly ran somewhere in his affairs. "I am a roping, I'm growing," he hung. And one day, and this really was a wonderful sunny day, someone terribly loudly banked at the door to the dwarf of the fuck-fuck-fuck. "Who could it be?", "Thought the gnome," "For my friends, this fuck is too loud." He opened the door and saw Mishut. Misut of course it seemed that he knocked very quietly. "Hello, gnomic," said Mishut, "" I'm sorry, please, don't you puff my? ". "I have, I", "answered the gnome and showed it on his puff fur coat. "You could not give them them?", I asked Mishut, "if, of course, you no longer need you."

"Well, what are you! Take them, please, in the fur coat is already very hot and thank you very much, "said the gnomic. Here the puff fur coat flew herself with a pine needle, on which hung and broke up into a lot of puffs. Mishut revealed his mouth ... "Well, the mouth," thought the gnome, - "It's good that Misut is such a Dobryak!"
And puff flew up to Mishut and hid in his widespread mouth. "Goodbye, a gnome," said Mishut, and sobed hard. And at every step, he said: "Pone, puffy, puffy," and now everyone, hearing Mishutino puffy, knew that he had already woke up. And when Mishut woke up, all others woke up. And therefore, when a friend's door rang out a familiar snatch and a gnomic look out, he saw no hedgehog, but the hedgehog himself. They were happy to each other. "And I know everything about you," said Hedgehog, "I told me." And they took the hands and ran to look like snow melting. But the snow did not melting. Huge drifts remained huge, only a little bit and darkened. And so it was the next day, and the next day. And then the unwriting crow and jarked over the clearing and felted: "What is cursed? I live in the light of Tre-rista, and I see it first. Spring fell asleep! " "Oh!", "Everything was frightened," it means in our forest never melts snow. " What to do?" "But what to do," said Gnomic, "I'll go and wake spring." He looked at the stream, who was still in a hurry somewhere, and decided: "No, I'm better saving." And the gnomic made himself a lightweight boat from a large piece of pine crust. The boat had no steering or sail. But it was and for nothing, because the stream picked up the boat with a gnome and cautiously rushed just where it was necessary. The farthehead of the gnome from his native glade, the warmer became in the forest, now and the snow was not left completely and somewhere even looked like thin green blades. And further, on a green hillside among wonderful flowers, a gnome saw spring, she slept tightly and did not wake up even when the gnomic approached her. Spring was so beautiful and slept so sweet that the gnome was sorry to wake her, so he got alongside the side and began to wait. And spring woke up. "Oh, it's you, a gnome," said Spring, "" I really want to sleep, I didn't sleep, some larks woke me too early, never had such an early spring. Spring smiled and fell asleep again. "What to do?" - thought the gnomic. - "After all, if in all this it should be understood, it turns out that it is me, a gnomic, to blame for the fact that Spring did not sleep.
"If you allow, Mrs. Spring, I will work for you," he said. But spring slept and did not answer anything to him. But the gnomic appeared that she nodded softly in a dream. Then he got up, corrected the caftanchik, pulled the cap pulley and began to work. He really tried very much. He poured on the kidney trees, elevated from the land of the bravery. True, not everything turned out as it should, because he worked for the spring for the first time in his life. But if the gnomic did not know how to do this or that, he invented something funny and unusual. And finally, he came up with Tako-O!, That even the irresistible crowd rider from somewhere: "PR-RECT-RAST, CR-RAC, TR-Rista I live, and I have not seen such a pr-rearness!" However, she ceased to be unlocking raven, and now her was called "Weldling Crow."
And the gnome was invented and invented and his fiction turned into small multicolored joys. The bubbenchik on his hat ranning without ceasing, he was very proud of a little dwarf. Still would! Which bubbenchik has such a gnome that works for the spring!
And the gnome was so carried away that he did not notice how Spring herself woke up. She looked around and laughed: "Oh, what did you do, a gnome!" Spring went through the forest, and where her little bare feet stepped out, violets and yellow daisies crumbled. Spring was walking and the call laughed, but she did not fix the gnomic mistakes, because she knew that he came up with all this in order to get joy to everyone in the forest.
And if you once seen how pink bells are blooming on the wild apple tree, then you know, this is the work of a small gnome. True, this can be seen only on the most distant forest glades, and not everyone, but for those who really want to see it.

In this fairy tale, you will get acquainted with the magic of the gnome, as well as his friends: a little girl Annie and Cat Murzik, who will fall into the magical, fabulous country of the Dwarfs. or

Tale "About Dwarf and Girl"

He reads the author of the fairy tale of Silovina Olga Nikolaevna. Duration 23 minutes. Publication date 04.06.2017

Alternative audio player

Chapter 1

Anyuta's little girl lived in one small town. Today she was 4 years old. From the morning, she put on a beautiful dress, mother braided her pigtails, tied bright bows. Anyuta ran to the large mirror and looked at his reflection for a long time. She liked everything very much - and these bows, and a dress. She just often ran to her mother in the kitchen and was looking forwarded when guests would come. Especially she waited for dad, who on this day promised her a big surprise.

True, she still did not know and did not understand what it was, but in her representation surprise there was something magical and large. Anyuta caught her pet, Cat Murzik, stroking him on the fur, she tried to tie him a bow, but Murzik didn't like it at all:

"That's just, I just lacked the Girls on the neck!" - I thought the cat, quietly hitting the anesthennaya paw.

"Murzik," his girl persuades, "you should be very elegant today, like me, because my girlfriends will come soon, and I want you to like you."

But the cat began to purr and resist.

Anuta stunned by foot:

- Well, go, - she was offended by her pet, "now you will not get anything delicious, especially my birthday cake!

Murzik was also offended by the girl and it was important to come out of the room. He went to the kitchen, where she climbed under the closet (it was his favorite, secluded place), and began to watch what was happening in the house. He dreamed of a piece of sausage, the smell of which was broadcast all over the kitchen. His bowl was not far from the cabinet, and he looked at her.

- Because of all this fuss - Murzik sighed, - they all forgot about me!

But at that time my mother looked into the kitchen, she put a piece of sausages in a bowl and quickly came out. The cat was ashamed of her former thoughts. Murzik climbed, something under his nose and wanted, it was, already to go out and taste the long-awaited sausages, which so tasty smelled to him all morning, as suddenly he heard the steps approaching the kitchen. Murzik pressed her ears. At the door, Annie with her friends, she persistently called a cat, clamping a piece of pie in his cam:

"Well, where are you, Murzik," the girl checked.

Cat pretty grinned in the mustache: "No! Nobody forgot about me and Annie is my real friend! ". He sighed and slowly began to get out of his shelter, deciding to give himself together with this funny flock of girls:

"Let Annie be delighted, because today is her holiday."

And the cat boldly came out to the palms stretching towards him.

No one in this house even suspected that Murzik had another friend, they had a little toy gnome, alone standing in the corner, on one of the shelves of the rack, among other toys in the pansy room. This rack built dad and he strictly followed the order on it. And when Annie broke it, Dad shake her head and frowned her eyebrows.

Gnome also loved purity and order, so his white shirt, a short vest and black pants, in which he was dressed, were always tidy. And especially he watched his red cap with a tassel, which was concerned on his head. But the chists and his shoes with big shiny buckles were also.

When the night came, covering the streets and at home, there was silence, and everything around was immersed in a dream, the gnome came to life. He knew his little legs, bouncing in place, while ridiculously poured and squeezed. Caringly straightening his cap, he slipped off the shelf and sat down at the cub's headboard on which Annie was sleeping. Gnome at the same time quietly faced his hands and began to tell her his wonderful fairy tales.

Murzik, conveniently settled in a corner on his small fluffy rug, Murcha quietly, listened to their interest. The moon, rushing outside the window, also listened to the story of the gnome, and her lunar bunny played on the Bed of Anuti. From this, the room became somehow surprisingly light and elegant, cozy and mysteriously.

Annie sleptfully slept in his soft, warm bed and saw a wonderful sleep-fairy tale inspired by the gnome. And in the morning he was already standing in his former place and composed for her a new fairy tale.

"Today," he decided the gnome, "I will send Anuta to my fabulous country." It will be a great journey, and it will be my gift for the day of her birth. And the cat will accompany her, so she will be cheerful with him.

And so, when guests were separated, all the gifts were considered, the tired and agitated Anuta went to bed. The cat entered the room, he looked at the girl and began, sitting in the corner, waiting for night wonders.

"Tick-so," - quietly ticked the clock on the table, measuring the time. The gnome looked at them, was fixed and hastily began to descend from the shelf. The time remained less and less, and the dwarf felt it:

"You need to act soon, otherwise we may not have time to get into a fairy tale!"

He whispered on the move, pointing his hand to the sleeping pinion. Suddenly the cat loosened a cold wave, he lowered the muzzle and closed his face firmly, and when he opened his eyes, then there was a very little old Anyuta next to him, she began to grow with the gnome. The girl, of course, was frightened by such a change and was already ready to splash, as arrived by the gnome. He took her hand and said:

- Annie, do not be afraid! We and I and Cat, Murzik, go now to travel to a fairy tale, and it will be my country.

The girl calmed down and agreed.

- Well, friends - he said, - then in the way!

Gnome began to sweep the comrades, directing them to the large mirror, which hung in the hallway. He felt that something for a moment, through which they should get into his fabulous city, would come very soon and it should not be missed!

Running to the mirror, they took up their hands, jumped up together and, already dropping down, felt that some kind of whirl was picked up, enveloping into a soft, blue light as in a dying blanket.

In one instant, pleasants were in a wonderful city, at home and the streets of which were drowned in colors. There was a night, shining a big round moon. The cat, Gnome and Anuta were on a large area of \u200b\u200bthe fountain. The moon is happiness looked at them. She, of course, recognized this trinity and smiled, reflected in the waters of the fountain with a golden path. She then quietly floated across the bottomless celestial ocean, then diving, then appearing among the waves-clouds.

- Friends! Said Gnome, pointing his hand to the city, "I live here and my brothers and sisters, it is a city of dwarfs. So I invite you to visit us! But while there is a deep night, let's go to the night of my friend a firefly. He lives here not far, in this park, and will be very happy to our parish.

When they deepened into the park, a quiet crying was heard under one of the bushes. The gnome spread the branches of the bush, and friends saw a little, red, fluffy bobcon with big eyes buttons. He looked at them.

- What are you doing here in such a late hour, in the dark, without mom and dad? - Anyuta asked.

"I ..." I ... "Soblipped the Belchonok," played with friends in hide and, hiding, I did not notice that I ran so far. I waited for someone to find me, but no one came ... - he continued to cry.

From pity for him, our heart heroes were pounded as bells.

- Do not Cry! - I tried to calm him Murzik, - we will not leave you in trouble!

And at that time, the Firefly was engaged in its usual work. Every time the night fell and bright stars were lit in the sky, he put on his glowing suit and sat on the thresholds of his own house, which cozy as much as the big stump under a huge fir.

Referring in the dark, the firefly was the beacon of hope, to which everything worn lost in this huge night forest - whether it is a beast or some bug, or a resident of a fabulous city. Everyone was striving for this light and always found a firefly dinner, shelter and a good word.

Still published a firefly noticed an approaching company.

"Something happened," he pulled out and turned on a small flashlight to be better visible to those who came.

Having learned the gnome among them, he was very happy. Anyuta Svetova looked at the firefly: she noticed with his little transparent wings behind him, which he sometimes waved. And so, the Firefly looked like an ordinary man, only his clothes and a hat radiated the yellow light, and therefore it was made to seemed a small bearing.

Nobody looked at him for a long time ago, because he was very happy to guests.

- Firefly, dear you are my friend! - Gnome said, "we need your help."

And they told him the story that happened to them and the Belchonk. The Firefly immediately recognized the little, Jurtsky, firm, neighbor's baby. And, offering guests a little rest, he decided to take the baby to his parents himself. After all, they probably have come down from their feet in search of her son. Friends agreed with him.

The Firefly flew slowly, making her little wings, and a bobcon was pulled along the path. Passing a little, the baby turned around and waved his paw to his Savior.

Because of the night incident with the Belchonkom, friends did not notice how the dawn came. Saying goodbye to the firefly, they hurried to the city.

Chapter 2.

The sun slowly rose over the horizon, carefully dropping the bedspreads of the night and gradually illuminating the pink light of the trees. Morning quickly spread over all corners. Birds, meeting dawn, started their new song.

A new day began, the city slowly woke up. His inhabitants began to leave their small houses and go out into the street, they hurried about their affairs. All the inhabitants of this city were dressed strictly equally, standing out except with multi-colored caps with tassels on their heads.

While Annie considered these serious men, the Golden Coach appeared on the street. The sun rays fell on her, from which she shone even more and glitter, blinding the eyes of everyone around. It seemed that under the cover of this light, the carriage did not rub, but sailed. Talled her two beautiful white horses. Light breeze played with long curls of their mane. The girl was awesome looking at it.

- Interesting, whose can there be a carriage? She asked the gnome, but the gnome only shrugged. Murzik, from what he saw, hatched with his long mustes. Meanwhile, the crew slowly approached them.

"Oh," Annie exclaimed, "because it should be Cinderella's careta!" - Holded it. At that moment, the carriage was filled with our heroes. The girl looked inside and saw an important, round, red seen tomato. He was very strictly and sullenly looking at the shooting chart of cherry.

"After all, this carriage and her passengers from the Fairy Tale" Chippolino "- she exclaimed," Mom recently read it! "

Only a gnome managed to inform about it as Anuta noticed the park at the park, on which an old man with a long, rare and gray beard was sitting. It was dressed in a striped bathrobe and slippers with noses twisted to the sky. The old man often slowed himself over his beard, trying to snatch the hair of a piece of chanting something at the same time. She watched him with great curiosity for some time. Annie became very interesting than he does it and she boldly headed for an old man.

"Hello, grandfather Hottabych," said Anyuta, while he stretched his handle. The old man left his occupation and looked with curiosity on a small, fit girl standing at his feet. He noticed her hand outstretched to him, leaning her, he cautiously shook it. His baby was very talked by his bravery and immediacy.

- Oh, girl, the light of my eyes! What will you like tales and how to call you? Anyuta told how she fell into a fabulous city. Hottabych was wondered for such great magic.

"That's the way there is also a drawer with ice cream popsicle!", I thought Annie. Hottabych smiled only, but, remembering his friend's hair with Angina, decided not to fulfill this wish.

Everyone was looking forward to flight. Hottabych with a big trembling pulled out from under the floors of his robe old, a loss of the carpet.

"Well, here, friends, this is our plane," said the old man and looked at them with pride. I looked at this small rug with interest with interest, without understanding how they could climb him into the air. Murzik height was not afraid, he had repeatedly climbed onto a high roof of his house, but the Annie bothered him, and he looked at a small, thin girl.

"No matter how the air flow is not blown up," the cat thought, while taking her hard arm. As he expected, Annie was very frightened, the girl clung to the cat's fur coat. Hottabych noticed it and decided to interrupt the flight and land in the city park, where the city orchestra was playing. Thanks Hottabach, they spread apart with the old man. In the park, not only residents of the city were strolled, but also the heroes of different fairy tales. Murzik saw a cat in a large black hat with multi-colored feathers and in red boots, he was very important to survive along the alley, while pressed to the belt of a small sword. Murzik recognized this famous cat. He listened to the fairy tale with great pleasure about him, who was read by Anyutina Grandma. And after that the cat still dreamed of becoming the hero of the same feats and about the same red boots.

The Anyuta disassembled her eyes, she just managed to recognize the heroes of his favorite fairy tales, she wanted to meet everyone and talk. But the gnome was fascinated by them farther and farther into the city. He really wanted to see how to see and hug his grandfather, introduce him to his friends. When three buddies went outside, a very unpleasant incident happened to them: from behind the corner, the car jumped out and drove on a large puddle, which remained after watering colors, sprinkling our heroes. The car stopped and the boy came out of it in a blue big hat, he was very frightened and, staring, tried to justify himself for his misconduct, but the gnome stopped him:

"The boy," he said, you need not to justify before us, but apologize for the sodden act. - The boy was embarrassed, began to apologize and the excitement confused all the syllables of words. Everyone has become fun and they met.

"I am Dunno," the boy introduced himself.

Gnome smiled, he had already recognized him for a long time, but the Annie and Murzik had not yet been familiar with him.

- Who is it? - I tried to remember the girl, - no, I have not come across this hero. Be sure to ask my grandmother so that I read the book about him, I thought Annie.

Speaking goodbye to Ignorant, new acquaintances agreed the next time to meet on the pages of his book.

Having passed a little on a very cute, blooming street, the houses of which were drowned in the haze of beautiful flowers, they saw that a huge brown bear was moving towards a large basket behind the shoulders. A closing beast called to themselves passers-by, who looked at him with caution, but he rejoicedly stretched her pies with mushrooms who baked Masha.

Friends also assigned them and only now they understood how hungry! Anyuta and gnome pies ate with great pleasure, but Murzik did not really love pies with mushrooms. Thanking Potapitch for treats, they moved further towards new adventures.

When the friends finally got to the Dwarc, the street came on the street, and in the Anyutin city there was a dawn. They entered the house in the form of a large round pumpkin. It was dark, and a large screen was glowing on the wall. In the middle of the room stood a round table, he sat behind him the same gnome, only he was very old. He had a computer mouse in his hands. Annie was quite surprised by learning a computer. She looked at it with great surprise.

The old man gnome came out of the table, said hello to them, and turned to each named, which was even more surprised by Anuti.

"This is my grandfather," said the gnome, hugging the old man. Grandfather Gnome shook his head.

- How did I miss you, my dear granddaughter!

Gnome told the grandfather, how he lived on a visit to the girl Anyuta all this time, and that he still told her not all fairy tales. But grandfather asked him to stay for a while and bother at home.

Anyuta happily agreed, though, in the depths of the soul, she did not really want it. But, remembering how she herself loves to go from her grandfather, the girl began to persuade him, not to give up this proposal.

And at this time, something clicked, and earned a computer. The old gnome bowed to them, and turned back to the monitor. He pressed some key on the keyboard, immediately the screen blunted, and the Annie did not even have time to say anything to friends, as it turned out to be at home in her crib, and near the bed, on the rug, in his corner, sat Murzik cat, wiping his face paw. Annie translated his eyes on the rack with toys. There on the bottom shelf in the corner, where her beloved gnome was always stood, it was empty! ... Annie was confused!

- So this happened to appear or did it all dreamed of me? - she was surprised, "hence, the gnome fairy tales ended! As a pity, I thought Annie.

And Murzik just grinned into his mustache. He knew well that the fairy tales would never end, and the gnome would ever be sure to return!

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Did you like the fairy tale?

Worldwide live millions of good gnomes who are selfless

work, helping people in their daily matters. They will settle in

basements and in attics or in the forest, near any village.

Every day with the first rays of the sun gnomes leave their secluded

housing and go to apartments, offices, restaurants, and just on

streets to help people make the right choice or save from

hazardous step, create an accident and inspire desperate. They are

translucent and so small that people do not notice them. And only children

could sometimes see them. But no one believes when they

tell adults that this small gnome turned over the cup with

milk, broke a plate or dropped a pot with flowers to the floor. "What the

stupidity - adults are indignant and clap their baby on the pope -

delivered business and dump on some dwarves. " And do not guess

adults that dwarf, breaking milk, relieved their child from the unfortunate

case. After all, do not do it and the child, going to school for five minutes

previously, I would have hit the car, which shouted past them

at home. True, sometimes adults do not pay attention to the like

warnings and delays and then the gnomes can no longer help.

Against stubbornness and stupidity of people they are powerless. But sometimes gnomes,

long communicating with people, adopt their habits, ambitions and


In one quiet, the coniferous forest lived seven dwarfs. They helped residents

the villages that stood nearby. Gnomes got up early, and lay down

late, and spent the whole day in the village. There were no time eight, but

a few months ago, the old gnome died, which was the main thing.

Remaining without the older, the gnomes continued to work hard, patiently

expecting when the Great Gnome comes, which will choose from them new

main Gnome. The Great Dwarf constantly traveled to the world, visiting

all settlements of the gnomes and coordinating their work. For the year he managed

go around the whole world, because only once a year he appeared in one way or another

settlement. But the closer the deadline for the arrival of the Gnome Gnome was approached,

there was a bigger excitement in the souls of the gnomes. Who will become the main thing in their

settlement, because they are all equally young? "We all work a lot like

the Great Gnome will choose one of us alone? ". Everyone considered himself quite

decent, but others were no less worthy. They knew that

the main gnome must work more than others. All with great zeal

they were accepted every day for work, making incredible efforts and

ahead of all charts. Their reports on the work done that they

regularly sent to the head center, called universal delight and

delight. And again everyone considered himself worthy, but saw that

others are not lagging behind. When, before the arrival of the Gnome, everything remained

three days, every gnome in itself decided that the main one would be the one who

loaded later, but gets up earlier. Oscases.ru - Site

And the evening came. Dwarves dinner, told each other like

passed the day, and what they managed to do, then made up plans for tomorrow

and distributed duties. Time approached midnight, but none of

dwarfs and was not going to go to bed. Each has urgent urgent.

To whom the jacket had to be wrapped up for tomorrow, who sat down to write

a letter to Uncle to America, someone decided to read a new one today

the book of the Gnome Dwarf, and one even began to turn the already pure

dishes. In general, everyone found a lesson. All night they performed

"Copy urgent work." And none of the gnomes never went to sleep in

that night. In the morning, a bit sleepy and burly they began for their

daily business. Next night the situation was repeated. And in the morning

drunk coffee, they crawled like sleepy flies. Everything rolled out of their hands.

The gnomes flew and stumbled upon each other. In the village where they helped

people, everything went to the battlefield.

In the evening, the gnomes gathered again in their house. "Well, things," thought

everyone, "the great gnome comes tomorrow. How will he choose from us

one, because we all work day and night? " However, immediately after dinner

one of the gnomes went to bed.

"Let I do not become the main thing - I thought, falling asleep, gnome, - but I will give

the opportunity to go to sleep. " But no one followed his example.

The next day, at noon, came the Great Dwarf. With difficulties,

cooking a festive lunch, the gnomes sat at the table of an expensive guest. They are

literally rolled down, and when they sat down their noses to dinner so

low, as they concerned the plates. And only one of them was cheese and fresh,

fussed, changed dishes and soap dishes.

- I remember when I came to you a year ago, - smiling, looking at them,

Great Dwarf, - You all learned to eat chopsticks. Now I see you

we decided to learn to peck like birds.

Looking around the gnome to blame the head.

- We are not going to learn at all, - Dwarves blocked, - just

we did not sleep three nights.

- You did not sleep three nights? But why? - surprised by the Great Dwarf.

- Well ... In general ... we thought ... it ... that one who later go to bed ... in

general, he is worthy, to become the main thing.

- And none of you and did not go to bed?

- Well, yes ... except one. Yesterday he ... could not stand ... how are you now

will you choose from us the main thing?

"I already chose," answered the great gnome, getting up. - the main gnome is not

just have to work most, he must still take care of good

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Galina Morozova

The abstract of integrated exercise on the topic"Walk to the forest to the gnomes"

artistic design From paper by origami + drawing

Thing: Fine activity in kindergarten - artistic designing in Origami, Painting.

Children's age: Preparatory group of kindergarten - 6 - 7 years.

Algorithm of duration time classes:

1 occupation - 40 minutes.

Organizational moment - 1 minute.

Hearing Music Grams P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" - 2 minutes.

Reading poem "Color lights" - 1 minute.

Movable game « Dwarfs and protein» - 3 minutes.

Presentation or Opens Map « Gnome» Sequential folding toys - 2 minutes.

Fingering gymnastics « Dwarfs - Probe» - 2 minutes.

Folding toys - Gnomic - 10 minutes.

Folding a classic model "House" - 5 minutes.

Drawing room with furniture for Gnome - 10 minutes.

Reading poem « Gnome» Z. Y. Rota - 1 minute.

Analysis classes - 2 minutes.

Surprise moment - 1 minute.

Materials K. lesson:

Didactic material: TSO technologies Computer presentation of phased folding toys on the topic « Gnome» - 10 slides, music center, cassette with the record of music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", Winter landscapes.

Handout: Boxes with material for origami classes, in which lybed: Square sheets of paper, glue, scissors, markers.

Methods and techniques used on classes:

Information-receptive method,

Verbal method

Visual method

Practical method

Game method.

IN occupation included: organizational moment, musical accompaniment, artistic word, presentation of phased folding toys « Gnome» , reoperative map of the phased folding of the basic model "House", Moving games, a finger game, a surprise moment, analysis of children's work.


Replenish the encyclopedic knowledge of children about the mythical fabulous heroes.



Learning children to correlate seen on the picture of a winter landscape with a heard classic musical work. Hearing music for winter theme: P. I. Tchaikovsky. "Seasons".

Give children the opportunity to see and feel the beauty of winter forest, the joy of the arrival of the wizard-winter with her fun and entertainment.

Fasten the methods of folding toys in the style of modular origami from two composite squares.


To bring up the initiative, creativity, improvisation in games with toys, made by your own hands by the way Origami, on the topic of Russian and Mari folk fairy tales.


Develop logical thinking, intelligence, imagination;

Preliminary work K. lesson:

general information "Who are they gnomes» ?

Gnomes In the mythology of European cities, small anthropomorphic beings living under the ground in peas or forest. They were with a child or with a finger, but endowed with supernatural power, wearing long beards. Live Gnomes are much longerthan people, guarding the lands of the Treasures of precious stones and metals. They are skillful artisans can block magic rings and swords. In the old days, people believed that there are many unusual creatures that own the secrets of magic. These creatures treated and gnomeswho were attended by various names in the beliefs and fairy tales of various nations.

Gnomeswho inhabited in Ireland were magic shoemakers. These were tiny, wrinkled old men in less than a newborn baby.

In Scotland were gnomes, a little higher, their growth delivered about 60 centimeters. They chose their home to taste, and settled in it. Having waited for the night, they came out of their shelters and were taken for cleaning, soapy dishes and made another homework, and only the mission of sour cream and the edge of white bread were satisfied as the board.

English gnomes They wore green camisoles and simple hats and had fun in that the crickets and grasshoppers were danced.

In Scandinavia they were called white elves. They lived in the forests and fields, and a simple mortal could find the way to their home only in one of the four magical nights in year: Night of the summer equinox, night on the eve of May Day, Christmas night and Halloween - the holiday of all saints, noted in the fall.

Gnomeswho lived in Germany were higher than the growth, as well as English goblins and Scandinavian trolls.

"Villagers" - The world of Slavic mythology is a house.

Ancient Slavs believed that this spirit lives in every home, only not everyone had the opportunity, he will meet with him. But the memory of him is alive to this day. In addition to family members, there was still a bright, friendly, but excessively touchy creature - the house. In the old days it was affectionately called "Master", "Grandfather", "Bolshak", "Kormiltsy", "King". He could live in the scene, in the attic, but the most favorite place for him is Golball - a small space, a chosel behind the stove. And they represented this spirit in the appearance of a small peasant with a gray beard, brought up a soft flush, with long claws. The main responsibility of this spirit is to look at the household, domestic animals and livestock, help in the work on the house. But only the birthplace could count on his help, and the leaning owners. Well, if you are lazy and sloppy, then we take care, will not give life. There will be no rest from his leprosy and mischief. He hoses only at night, wanders around the house, shouting his feet, rattles dishes, strokes sleeping inhabitants, and where it happens during the day. In the beliefs about the houses reflected the love of the people to their home. In distant pagan times, people believed that each house has its own soul. The Russians are preserved proverbs: - "In your home and corners help",

- "Hold on a friend of the old, and at home - new".

The good owners were plentifully pleased with the houses, put a snuffy tobacco tobacco under the oven, breadcrumbs, multicolored ribbons, and moving to another house, took the house with by himself: Screens up behind the threshold, collect the garbage in the scoop and pour out in a new hollow. And on the housewarming, you need to bring him a pot of porridge and to tell: "Grandfather houses, come out home. Go to us live! " What do you think, moving into a new home, Russian people first launched a cat? - Responses of children. The house like to turn into a dog, in the rat, and most often in the cat. In cat appearance, it is admitted to a new home.

Good fabulous hero, dressed in a funny cafeter.

And the cap is dressed on it, who will name it,

After all, he is small, prompt ... Gnome

We are walking along the mountains and we guard.

Guys everyone knows, we are fabulous ... Gnomes

Lived under the slide of the river, little men.

Quietly lived without worries. Drank tea from a round mug,

Fir round cheesecakes with round meal all year round.

All of them live together.

Who learned what their name is ... Gnomes & nbsp.; R. SEF

Lives in a small cave, funny little man,

It can be vest, red cap.

In the mountains all day walks, gems mined ... Gnome

"Happy gnomic»

He lived in the world gnome little growth,

And laughing gnombic is extremely simple:

"Ha hay, yes Hehehe, heeh-hee, yes sooooooooooooo!

Bu-bu-bu, yes Be-Be-Be, Ding - Ding Din, and the Treh Three! "

Once, seeing spider, scared scared,

But, clutching the sides, loud laughed:

"Hee heeh, and ha ha ha, ho-ho-ho, yes Gul - Gul!

Guy-Guy, da Ga-ha-ha, go-th, yes Boule-Boule! "

And at seeing dragonfly, it's terribly angry,

But from laughter on the grass and fallen:

"Gee-Gee-Gee, and the GU-GU-GU, go-go, yes Bah-Bach.

Oh, guys can not! Oh, guys, ah! "

« Gnomic»

Along the track gnome & Nbsp.; fled

And the song spoke side side side - side side.

My magic cap, I will hang on the barrel.

One, two, three, four, five.

I need to stand, stand.

I am preparing, I do not yaw, I throw a bag behind my back.

And slam in your hands, dancing your dance.

I am fun today, I found a treasure big.

« Gnomic» Galina Novitskaya.

My kind lives gnombic in the mysterious forest.

He wears a hundred freckles on a tiny nose!

He at sunrise with the sun goes to wonderland.

And catches his familiar forest.

Forest coarse nuts and berry forest.

And fairy tales will fill him a big pocket.

My kind gnomic knows almost certainly

Where the path runs, where the river is in a hurry.

He goes to concerts, only sunshine will go up.

He plays a little bit and seems to sing.

And if gnomic Meet you in your forest.

Freckles on the nose bother with joy!

AND gnomic Himself puts you a big pocket.

So that you got a fairy tale from him with your own hand.

Song O. gnomic

On the forest, on the prom.

Under the pine, under the pine.

Lived funny, sniffing gnome.

On the forest protaly

He built a small one

Slight more, Valenka House.

In the forest for years a hundred already, he was a guard,

Vlands headed for a hundred years in a row.

But he was permanent, boring became poor.

He took out chubban in the forest,

Made a ringing drum,

Sitting on Zavalinka, like an odor,

Bil as hit the drummers in the drum.

Staging game "Autumn troubles"


I got up in the morning, went out into the forest,

The whole forest people disappeared.

Do not play, do not sing, visit Gnoma is not name.

What happened? Why?

I don't understand anything.

I will continue to the pennies now.

Way, I will converge.

I scroll a hundred thousand times.

I know everything now.

Jumps on the pencils, "Crawling".

Running bunny.

Hello, bunny, how do you live?

And where are you from?

Why in your forest I will not find anyone?

Bunny Fall, Gnomic, I came to us.

All with them hurt

On the fields, the gardens - now there are a lot of work there.

Minks need to warm and stock products.

You eat a carrot, I treat, goodbye, running away.

Gnome. Bunny, right suggested: Autumn has come!

Rained the foliage, all the rain was washed.

It is necessary to call the hedgehog, I want discover:

Than he busyhow does it live?

Let him come to us now.

It enters his hedgehog with a basket of apples.

Hedgehog. Hello, Gnome! And guests too.

All congratulate the hedgehog glad:

And with a good harvest, and with a ruddy karable.

Take a treat, all the guys treat!

Gnome. Well done, my old friend!

Come out more in the circle.

We will dance for guests, Bay in your hands!

Gnome. Pozov now brazing, firuch, chalube.

Let him go to this garden and look at the guys.

Again "Crawling" on hemp.

There is a bear with a barrel, and in it candy.

Hello, Misha!

Do not rob! P

running forward bold.

What in a barrel? Honey you carry?

Good you live.

Bear. Honey is not.

It is not necessary to be sad, the compression of all chocolate.

Take my gift, well, I hurry home.

Gnome. A treat all for you.

Goodbye, leaving.

You will wove you in winter.

Story « Gnomes assistants» Translation, Catherine Nevelova.

Every time the night fell on the city, five small dwarfs In multicolored caps, they lit their magic lanterns. They quietly went through the sleepy streets of the city. All night small gnomes workedBy helping people living in the city. They swept the streets, windows windows. They drove the carts loaded with bricks, prevented the solution and built walls of future houses. Quietly, quietly, so as not to wake sleeping people, they entered the human dwellings. Helping the joiner, they sawed and plaged boards. Quietly, but very smoothly knocked their small hammers, scoring on the hats shiny metal nails. How quickly and nodded with them anyone even the most difficult job. From the joiner, they went to the house to the bake, tired per day. But people will certainly want to taste soft buns with a rosy crispy crust. AND gnomes burned oven, Mesili dough, looked from it buns and baked in the oven, putting on a huge shovel. And none of the people have seen how little helpers work hard. After the baker gnomes We visited the sausage shop. Here they twisted a heavy meat grinder, getting minced meat. They made a stuffing sausage and cooked it in a large cast-iron chane. And again, not the time to rest - they fled to the next house. Helping tailor dwarfs Kroili Kaftana, gently sewed brilliant satin challenges, decorated with elegant lace dresses and gold buttons. That's all the hands of the masters were these gnomes!

But somehow it happened so that the tailor passed among the night looked at the stitched gnomes Caftan and became angry.

Matilda! He shouted, calling his housekeeper.

Matilda, just look here, black buttons. I wanted gold!

I know who is to blame for this, Mr. tailor, - answered the housekeeper.

Clean the same, I will show this tagged, how to confuse the color of the buttons!

With these words Matilda went to look dwarfs. As if storm, she collapsed on small helpers. AND gnomes, frightened and surprised, hurried to escape from the house. And soon the city was left at all, consistently no longer help stupid and ungrateful people. The inhabitants of the town were very upset, having lost wonderful assistants. They are dragged housekeeper, but dwarfs do not return. Since then, we had to do it all on their own, not counting on the help of a small population.

Legend « Gnome»

Small gnome He loved to walk along a flowering meadow, and admire the beautiful blossoms and flowers. How many of them bloomed around, and they were all so beautiful. But small gnome Everyone loved one flower more, it was a chamomile. Chamomile was similar to an umbrella, and by legend, in ancient times, a long-standing time she was an umbrella gnome. Rain will start, gnomic Takes under the chamomile, or squeezed it, and walks around the meadow, lifting a flower above his head. Rain knocks on the chamomile umbrella, the jets flow from it, and gnomic It remains completely dry. Here's how the chamomile helped dwarf during the rain.

The game "He lived in the inkwell Gnome»

Pedagogue: In the old, abandoned inkwell lived gnome. Gnomes Usually live in old, abandoned houses. But our gnome He was very small and therefore chose to live an empty inkwell for living, because no one writes ink for a long time.

The task: Imagine small gnomesFor which the inkwell could be home.

Describe it?

Responses of children.

Waking up in the morning, small gnome Magic mood came up with himself. Every day new. Sometimes he wanted a warm mood, and then he adopted with the sun and washed his rays. When he sought to feel the strong and powerful, like oak, he imagined himself with a high slender tree. And to create a good mood and have fun gnome jumped on one leg and said: "How good! Ah yeah I!"

Let's try to come up with my mood. You can naughntage your or take what has already come up with gnome. You can choose the magic words you want to say. Teacher shows all three exercises, children choose and repeat: "Greeting the Sun" - Raising hands up, stretch to the sun, presenting themselves in the stream of sunlight. "Wood" - legs together - trunk, hands over head, fingers to the sides, stretch on the socks up. "Joy" - Jump on the right, then on the left leg.

You know what I did gnome day? In the afternoon he walked. But walks were not ordinaryBecause he walked along the magic forest in which there were many multicolored cleans, on each there were plants, animals and birds, close in color. On yellow clearing, dandelions and foxes, and other yellow and red animals lived.

Who can live on yellow glade? - Green, blue, white.

What are birds, plants and animals that harmonize with the color gamut clearing?

Responses of children.

Having arrived in the magic forest, gnome went to listen to sea fairy tales.

What do you think, who can tell sea fairy tales?

Responses of children.

Gnome He loved to listen to the noise of the sea. It seemed to him that the sea sings magic songs or tells fairy tales. Let's and we will try to listen to the noise of the sea and come up with your fairy tale. Sit quietly and listen to music, and then you will tell you. Sounds any product of Mozart "Mozart and ocean sounds".

Children listen, then tell their fairy tales.

Once ours gnomic became very sad.

What do you think why?

When is it sad? -

Responses of children.

And he happened sadly because he had no one to talk to. When you do not talk to, I thought a little gnome- We must go to the mountain.

Agukalo, Agacolo, Aumor and crying,

But laughed laugh, and called ... echo

In the mountains lives echo. With echo, it's so pleasant to chat about this. I suggest you play the game "Echo"

On the forest edge you have fun.

We will restore the mining echo every time.

Imagine that the gray mountains get up.

And somewhere under me, endless expanses.

One I'm on top, I wanted to shout.

And you do not miss here, and loud, voiced echo.

I immediately answer me. Echo!

You must repeat the last word for me, as if I gnome, and you are mountains. I say I'm small, you in response, small, small.

You shouted, it was silent, you were silent, it scratcho: I am kind. I am strong. I am bold. I'm smart. I am beautiful. I am confident.

After little Gnome walks Returned home, I sat on the edge of the inkwell and lit a candle.

Teacher lights a candle. Small gnome I looked at the fire and remembered the last day.

Music sounds. "What good, sunny was morning", "thought gnome. "And in the afternoon I walked for a walk", - remembered gnome.

Questions? - Where Walked gnomeWhat did he see and hear, who talked to?

And what happened in the evening?

Responses of children.

Generalization of the response of the teacher: Our gnombic admired fire, Po-minals a good day, fished a favorite song. Under the sounds of lullabies gnome I fell asleep and saw in a dream beautiful, good fairy tales.

Fingering game "Just say hello dwarf cache»

Fingers that do not work, compressed in a fist. With the handshake, the child must say polite, affectionate words, which is usually said when meeting: "Good Morning Cute Kesha", "Dear Kesha, how are you doing", "Are you a cache?", "It's nice to meet, Kesha". Pedagogue: look: who's come? Showing a rag doll - gnome. He wants to say hello to you. Handles is small, weak. Kesha with each wants to say hello. Shake him my right hand with my thumb and my mother's little finger. Rest fingers: index, medium and non-name - pillows push to palm. And now with a thumb and my mother's little arm. gnome left hand, do not forget to tell him good, affectionate word or greet it.

Physical Minutes

« Gnomic»

Gnome in the forest walked, - Walking in place.

The cap is lost - tilting forward, looking for a loss.

The cap was not simple, with a ring of gold - cotton in your hands.

Glome Whoever tells exactly, - jumping in place.

Where to look for him a loss? - Walking in place.

« Gnombic in the forest»

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

The gnome on the path walked, Bustard found a mushroom.

Once - fungus, two fungus, put in his body.

Bodychard downloaded and home he hurried.

« Gnome»

In the morning Our gnomic woke up, scored and reached out.

Once - bent, two - bent - perform movements in line with the text.

Hands on the sides spread, he did not find gold - the gesture regret.

To get jewels, you need to squat a lot - squatting.

Gnombian Our very tired, treasure he no longer searched - sit on chairs.

« Gnome under fungus» T. A. Tkachenko

Somehow at dawn Gnome & Nbsp.; - Stand up, sit down.

It was decided to leave the house, - get up, my hands to close above my head.

And with a basket of huts gnome Rushed by mushrooms - running on a place with a high leg raising.

Thunder rattles, the thunderstorm rumbles, - get up, cotton over his head.

Gnome Strong rain wets, - Mahi raised to her hands.

But not afraid Thunder,

Gnome She hovered under the mushroom - sit down, silently over his head.

Structure occupation

Pedagogue: Guys want to commit walking in the Winter Forest. To do this, we do not need to dress, go to warm fur coats, wear fur caps. This walk will be in our imagination.

Close your eyes, once, two, three in the winter forest we all came.

Quietly included recording Music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"

Pedagogue: - How quietly around. The wizard was tried and wrapped the forest into the snowy bedspreads, squeezed huge snow caps on the tops of the trees, dried the branches of shrubs. Fell asleep with a strong sleep. Do not hear bird singing, only sometimes the snow looks with a fir paw - this protein cottones, pulls out its autumn reserves, and it will be raised by them. The lack of a hatch sun shines, but how beautiful to sparkle and overflow snow, it seems as if we got into the fabulous kingdom, where right in front of the fears of gold and silver. We are visiting the Mother of Winter. It seems that the winter forest is empty, and there is no one in it, and maybe we fell to visit you to a small dwarf.

The child reads a poem

"Color lights"

Color lights are burning like asterisks shine.

Them every evening gnomes are burned everywhere,

Forest hello lanterns, send stars and moon.

And the crystal ringing is heard in transparent silence.

A gold lantern is burning, and lights the forest.

Magic light calls with him, in the world of fairy tales and miracles.

Pedagogue: - Guys, since we are in a fabulous forest, where such fabulous miracles occur, play the game

« Dwarfs and protein»

Children perform action on text

Hey you gnomes are goingDeliver hammers.

They put their own bags, tightly, tie.

And picked up them.

We will go to the high fir, we will go sickly - to look for silver - go in a circle with small steps.

Small legs quietly seed

Forest tracks run away back.

Shone - Shone - Shone, Yes Top - Top - Top.

With a bag behind his back

In the morning early gnome Retset under Christmas tree.

Suddenly the squirrel ripped the cap, gnome from the head

And quickly - quickly rose,

With that cap on fir - hands alternately raise upstairs, scissors.

It is necessary to get a hat and climb on the Christmas tree - the villages are looking up.

Here - here you will touch the cap, - get up quietly, - Hands alternately raise upstairs, scissors

And the squirrel grabbed the hat grabbed the cap

And again under the Christmas tree lowered it - they get up on the socks and sharply fall down.

You need to get a hat and climb under the tree

And protein up, and squirrel down

And protein up, and squirrel down

And we are up, and we are down, up - down, up - down - get up on the socks and sharply fall down.

Oh, I got to the cap - put on the hats.

We are now almost with the goal, we came to where they wanted.

Began to wade inside, we deeper, we dig

Treasures mining.

Pedagogue: Guys look, yes here and really treasure are indispensable, we find a box with a surprise.

Oh, we left us such a miracle. ?

Yes, there are different tasks, the card is a reference.

Who is depicted on it?

Responses of children.

Pedagogue: Right - gnomic, and paper is different, it seems to me that someone wants to teach us dwarfs to fold.

Guys and you would like to learn how to fold gnomic?

Responses of children.

Pedagogue: Gnomes Live many - many years, they are small good and cute little men who guard precious stones and unpretentious underground treasures. So you will have small gnomeswho will be able to carry out your little dreams.

Sit all on your chairs, see the sequence of manufacture gnomicwhich is folded from two squares of different sizes.

Suit gnomic It is necessary to add from a large square, and the cap with the head of the square is smaller.

Production sequence gnomic:

Costume dwarf:

1. Fill at the square small strips of paper on themselves on top and bottom, - upper grade Costume collar, lower limb bottom suit, turn the workpiece.

2. Fold the workpiece in the basic form "A door", I will take off to the middle of the workpiece right and the left side so that they come into contact in the center of the rectangle.

3. Upper corners of the workpiece by will be right and left to the outstand, put the triangles at the workpiece forming the collar - the costume is ready.

Head and cap from another square:

1. Fold the workpiece into the base form "Kite", I will shine a square sheet of paper in half connecting together the angles of the square, will schedule the middle of the square, we will expand the workpiece and run two sides to the center so that it comes into contact in the middle of the sheet.

2. Once again, we will run the parties to the center for the resulting workpiece - it turned out a long cap and face, turn the workpiece.

3. A sharp corner of the cap will be a bit to the side, invert the workpiece with a face, make details together.


To dwarves fold start,

Little fingers we must smash.

Fingering gymnastics « Dwarfs - Probe»

Lived - were small in the house gnomes: - Children compress and squeeze the cams.

Currents, peaks, faces, fish, mickey - catch fingers starting from large.

Once, two, three, four, five - bend fingers, starting with the maizins.

Become dwarfs erase: - Cut fists about each other.

Toki - shirts, peaks - handkerchiefs - fingers bend, starting with thumb.

Faces - pants, Chuki - socks, - Finger bend, starting with thumb.

Mickey - clever was, we wore to all.

Children proceed to folding gnomic, consistently performing all the operations for the teacher when the details of the costume and hats

family - on the face dwarf - paint eyes, nose and mouth, with a pencil glue connect both details together.

Pedagogue: Are your figures ready?

Responses of children.

Pedagogue: - And where will your live gnomes?

Responses of children.

I suggest you, fold dwarfs small housesin which they will live.

Classic model "House", take a square sheet paper:

Square sheet of paper will be shine diagonally in half, the triangle figure turned out.

We will take off the triangle from the two opposite sides to the zipper fold, the wall of the house will be.

From the front side on the triangle, you can cut a beautiful curly cooler, and you can draw a house design, roof, pipe, shutters and porch.

And turning the house with the back side, you can draw a room gnomic.

- What can stand in the room gnome?

Responses of children.

Pedagogue: So draw the table, chair, stove, you can hang a picture on the wall. When all work is ready, we put them on the table, near each house costs gnomic.

Children admire their jobs.

The child reads a poem « Gnome» Z. Ya. Root

Where the fabulous magic, the dense forest is noise.

On the sunshine, our old house is worth

Forest wizards in that house live

And adults and their children dwarfs call,

We are small gnomes, we live hundreds of years.

We know about everything in the world and this is not a secret.

Pedagogue Look guys until we worked with you, we have another box with a surprise in the group. Let's see what in her, yes it is to us dwarfs Pass submitted, for our good job.

Children are heard sweets, candy marine pebbles, similar to gems.

Phased folding scheme taken from benefits for kindergarten educators "Origami in kindergarten". Musienko S., Falotkin G., - Obruch, - Moscow 2010.

Presentation of the sequence of manufacture gnomic You can see in the file.

He lived yes in the Locker, in the fact that behind the pavement, cute and kind, in general, very good gnome. The gnome was small-premium, even less than you with growth, but strong-previve. Gnoma had Mama-Gnome, who walked him every morning and did a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, the gnome put his green cap and walked in the field - to work. Although the gnome was very small (even lower than you), but he was strong and much cleaned about. Therefore, he could already work.

Gnome was kind and honest: never deceived mom and did not stroll work. In the evening, he returned home, washed, and then Mom faded his delicious dinner. And on the night sang a lullaby or told an interesting fairy tale. So they lived.

But here one sunny day on the way to work, Gnome met his neighbors.
- Ege Gay! Hello, Gnome in a green hat, they shouted to him.
- Hello friends-gnomes in yellow, red and blue caps!

Gnome said that, because his friends had multicolored hats. One had a long yellow happy. The other had a wide red hat, the same broad, as well as his wide round head. And the third gnome had a blue hat, all in holes and very dirty.

Gnome in a blue hat was very fun: he worked for the second day, and instead ran into the river.

- And I go, guys, to swim with me! Said Gnome in a blue hat.

"I don't know ..." said Gnome in a red hat.

"Mom will scold us," answered a gnome in a yellow hat.

- What about work? Said our gnomic in a green hat. - If I do not work on the field, the crop does not grow up and there will be nothing to eat.

"Nothing - answered the gnome in a blue hat - I have already done so many times, so do not doubt. Mom did not know about anything, and if the harvest does not grow up, you can always say that it was just a year was a lack of town.

Brothers wondered. Of course, they really wanted to go to the river and do nothing all day, but they were afraid that they would punish them.

- Well, Tihonhechko told the dwarf in the Red Hap - from one day, it would not be harmful and the truth will not?
And all the gnomes decided to go to the river.

What was a wonderful day! Dwarves bathed, riding ducks. They floated on the road, jumped around the water lily, sang along with the toads. And the day flew unnoticed.

In the evening, when it was time to go back home, our dwarf in a green hat was a little scary. What if my mother finds out that he walked all day and did not even work? Oh, how she will probably get angry! It will swear, and maybe even crying. The gnome's cheeks became red, like a hat from his friend - he was very, very shameful.

Our gnomic came home later than usual, washed and sat down to dinner. And my mother looked at his son and was very promoted.

- Ay-Yai-Yai, a poor gnome, so today earned, already dark on the courtyard. And see what cheeks do you have red, you did not get sick, my good?

The kid gnome was ashamed even more: Mom cares about him, he worked for a whole day, she retired at home, washing, stroking lingerie, she prepared dinner, and he did nothing useful for the whole day. Mom Gnomic was prepared very and very tasty, but today he was unpleasant to dine: he knew that he did not deserve such award.

After dinner, the gnome wanted to at least wash the dishes. But my mother did not allow him:

"What are you," she told him, "this is my job." You and so, the poor, spent the whole day on the field and was so tired that even the sad all evening set. Go, my good, bow down today early. And I will wash the dishes and I will come to tell you a fairy tale.

Dwarfs did not have anything, except to go clean his teeth, put on pajamas and lie down in the crib.
Mom very quickly did everything and came to his bed to tell the interesting fairy tale. But the gnomic was sad to listen to a fairy tale about good and working friends who performed feats every day and worked more and more. The gnomic was very ashamed that he was not at all like friends from the fairy tale. And he thought he could not be worse, but he was mistaken.

"My gnome, how lucky I was that I had such a wonderful son, so kind." Such worker. If you didn't work so hard every day, could I do such delicious breakfasts and dinners? I love you so much.

"I love you too, mommy" answered a gnome. Warfed into the blanket, turned away to the wall and cry.

He had never been so embarrassing. No friends and games, even hiking on the river could console him and were not more important than mom.

Gnombic did not sleep. The next morning he did not want to get up: it seemed that he did not sleep as much as ten days and very tired. But for this night, the gnome definitely decided that he would never again deceive mom, would never walk work.

He quickly had breakfast, put his green hat and went to work. On the way, he met friends again and called to the river, but the gnomic did not go with them, it was very painful to remember him how he was tormented yesterday after a whole day of idleness.

Of course, he really wanted to swim and unintellite water dragonfly, and did not want to work at all. After the gnomom missed only one working day, he was very difficult. The sunshine is very strong, and the gnomic asked: "Sunny, the sun, not the pekki so much, I did a bad thing yesterday and walked work, and today it is very difficult for me." And the sun replied: "Good gnomic, I also work, and if I walk or work badly, then your harvest will not mature." Gnombic sighed with sadness and continued to work.

And the good sun decided to cheer it up: "But I can help you: let's sing the funny song together."
And the gnomic, together with the shining sun, sank the fun song about how good the crop matures. And immediately it became more fun to work, and the day flew unnoticed.

In the evening, the gnome came home very vigorous and joyful, he was very satisfied with himself, because the gnome worked so well. And he has never been so tasty Mother dinner, like that evening. And never Mom has not yet told such an interesting fairy tale for the night. And never the lining was so soft and comfortable. The gnomic fell asleep almost immediately, as Løge on her, and he was dreaming of wonderful dreams. And the gnome rested very well: after all he knew that he had deserved all this, because he worked so well all day and did not stroll.

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