
Flying ship king. Fairy tale flying ship read. "Flying Ship" Russian Folk Fairy Tale

A young literature lover, we firmly convinced that you will be pleased to read the fairy tale "Flying Ship" and you can extract lesson from it and benefit. The story takes place in distant times or "long ago" as they say in the people, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. "Good always wins evil" - on this foundation is created, similar to this and this creation, from an early age laying the basis of our world. Here in everything feels harmony, even negative characters, they are like an integral part of existence, although, of course, going beyond the borders of the acceptable. Often, the dialogues of the heroes are concerned, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness and with their help, a different picture of reality is identified. After reading such creations in the evening, the paintings of what is happening become more alive and rich, filling with a new range of paints and sounds. Faced with such strong, volitional and good qualities of the hero, involuntarily feel desire and transform himself for the better. Fairy Tale "Flying Ship" read free online is definitely worth it, there is a lot of good, love and chastity, which is useful to educate the young individual.

Well or my grandfather and baba. And they had three sons: two clever, and the third fool. Smart they regret and holly, Baba every day white shoes gives, and fools scold everything, laugh at him. And he lies on his ovens in a black shirt; How to give anything, then will be, but no, - that and hungry.
But I went to the rumor that so, they say, and so: the royal decree came to the king to the feast they were going to, and who will build such a ship, so that he flew himself, and she would fly to that ship, for that the king daughter would give out.
Smart brothers are consulted among themselves:
- Do not go and us, maybe, there is our happiness waiting for us!
They consulted and ask her father with her mother:
"We will go," they say, "to the king on the feast: losing - we will not lose anything.
Old people - there is nothing to do - they took and gathered them on the road, Baba punched with white cakes, roasted the pig, the bottle of wine gave.
Seed brothers in the forest. Dried a tree there and began to think like a flying ship to build.
Fits them Old-Warry grandfather, like milk, white, beard to the belt.
- Hello, Sons! Give the fireside tube.
- Once upon all, we, grandfather, mess around with you. And again began to think.
- A good swine bark will come from you, kids, "said the old man." And the princes you do not see how your ears.
Said - and disappeared as if it was not. Thought the brothers, thought, broke their heads - did not come out of them.
"We will go to the king on the horses," says the elder brother. "They don't marry the princess, so at least just go."
Sang brothers on the horses and drove. And the fool sits on the furnace and also asks:
- I'll go and I go where the brothers went!
- What are you, fool, invented? - says Mother. - There you will eat wolves!
"No," says, "you will not eat!" I'll go!
Parents at first laughed at him, and then let's scold. Yes where! They see that nothing can be done with a fool, and they say finally:
- Well, go, but so that you are already back and did not return and not recognize that you are our son.
Baba gave him a bag, put a black-haired bread there, the bottle of water gave and spent it from the house.
He went.
It goes and it goes and suddenly meets on his grandfather: such a gray grandfather, a beard is very white - to the belt itself!
- Great, grandfather!
- Great, son!
- Where are you going, grandfather? And he says:
- I go through the light, out of the misfortunes of people. And where are you going?
- I'm to the king on the feast.
"Are you," the grandfather asks, "do you know how to make such a ship so that I flew?"
"No," says, "I don't know how!"
- So why are you going?
"And who knows him," says, "why?" Losing - I will not lose, or maybe there was somewhere my happiness fell.
"Saddy," says Grandfather, "yes rest to a little, we will have dinner." Get out that you have in the bag!
"Uh, grandfather, nothing is there, the bread is so smaller that you cannot bite him."
- Nothing, get out!
Here is a fool gets, and suddenly, from that black bread, these steel pies were white, that he was named and did not see such: like Panov. The fool was surprised, and grandfather grins.
They spread their scrolls on the grass, sat down, let's dinner. He had lunch as follows, thanked the grandfather of the fool and says:
- Well, listen, Son: Go now in the forest and find the biggest oak that the branches of the cross will grow. Thugs with an ax, and most likely fall plastics and lying, while anyone will not call you. Then, "says," the ship will build you, and you sit on it and fly, where you need, but take the way to take anyone else.
Fool thanked his grandfather and said goodbye. The grandfather went his way, and the fool went to the forest.
He entered into the forest, came to the oak, whose branches crosswise grow, hit the ax, fell a plastle and fell asleep ... I slept, I slept ... and after some time hears - someone wakes up:
- Get up, your happiness has matured, get up!
The fool woke up, looks - in front of him already the ship stands: the golden, silver tackle, and the sails are silly and swell - only to fly!
So he, not thinking for a long time, sat on the ship. The ship was rose and flew ... He flew down below the sky, above the earth - and do not catch up with the eye.
Futel-flew and sees: the man was rid on the road ear to the ground and listens. Fool and called:
- Great, Uncle!
- Great, brother!
- What are you doing?
"I listen," he said, "People have already gathered to the king.
- Do you go there?
- there.
- Sit down with me, I will pass you.
That sat down. They flew.
I flew-flew and see: a person goes on the road - one foot is tied to the ear, and on another jumps.
- Great, Uncle!
- Great, brother!
- Why do you jump on one leg?
"Because," says, - that if I quit the second and stupid once, the whole light overlap. And I, - says, I do not want ...
- Where are you going?
- To the king on the feast.
- Sit with us.
- Okay.
That sat down, and again flew.
They flew-flying and see: stands on the arrow road and aim from Luke, and nowhere can not be visible bird nor the beast.
The fool shouted:
- Great, Uncle! Where are you writing! Nowhere else does the bird visible, no beast!
- This is not visible for you, but I can see!
- Where do you see that bird?
"Ege," says, "there for a hundred miles, sitting on a dry pear!"
- Sit down with us!
He sat down. Flew.
Pilot-flew and see: a man goes and carries a full bag of bread behind his back.
- Great, Uncle!
- Great!
- Where you go?
"I go," says, "bread get to dinner.
- Yes, you have so full bag!
"And I don't have enough breakfast right here."
- Sit down with us!
- Okay!
Selo and this one. Flew.
I flew-flew and see: a man walks near the lake, as if she is looking for something.
- Great, Uncle!
- Great!
- What do you go here?
"Drink," says, "I want to do not find anywhere.
- So in front of you the asching lake, why don't you drink?
- Oh, how many water here! I am not enough for one sip.
- Say with us!
- Okay.
He sat down, and they flew.
They flew-flying and see: a man goes to the village and carries the cult of straw.
- Great, Uncle! Where is the straw carry?
"To the village," says.
- Is there no straw in the village?
- There is, - says, - Yes, not like that!
- Is it not simple?
"And this," says, - whatever hot summer is, but only scattering this straw, then immediately - from where it is refined - frost and snow.
- Sit down with us! That sat down, and flew on. Fly-flyed and see: a man goes to the forest and carries a knitting of firewood behind his back.
- Great, Uncle!
- Great!
- Where are you carved?
- In the forest.
- Ege! Is there no firewood in the forest?
- How no? There is, - says, - Yes, not so.
- What about?
"There," says, "simple, and these such that as soon as they scatter them, then immediately - where neither take - the army before you!
- Sit down with us!
And he agreed, sat down, and flew.
How long they flew, not long, and fly to the king on the feast. And there in the middle of the courtyard tables are installed, ponacrants, barrels of honey and wine Increased Chen: Pey, eat what you want! And people - barely not farming come true: both old, and small, and pany, and beggars. Like a bazaar. The fool flew with friends on the ship and sank at the king in front of the windows. They came down from the ship and went to dinner.
The king looks out the window and sees: the golden ship arrived! He says to his lacquer:
- Go ask who flew on the golden ship there.
Laci went, looked, comes to the king:
- Some, - says, are dangling men!
The king does not believe.
"Can't," says, "to be that the men on the golden ship flew!" You probably did not arrive.
I took and went to the people himself.
- Who, - asks, - here flew on this ship?
Fool went forward:
- I! - He speaks.
The king as I saw that he had a twist - a latch on a lathe, a portion - knees rose, so for her head grabbed: "How so that I gave my daughter for such a man!"
What to do? And let him order fool.
"Go," says Lake, "tell him that even though he flew on the ship, and if the water did not addate to the healing, so well, while people do not give, but not only the princesses, but the sword is his head from his shoulders.
Lackey and went.
And he had listened, the one thing that fell to the ground ear, heard that the king said, and he handed the fool. The fool sits on the bench at the table and sadness: not eating, does not drink. Skorokhod saw it:
"Why are you," says, "don't eat?"
- Where I have!
And told - and so:
- ordered me the king so that I, while people donate, got the water of therapeutic and healing ... And how do I get it?
- Do not worry! I will get to you!
- Well look!
Comes Lackey, gives him the royal order, and he has long known how and that.
"Tell me," answers, "what I will bring!" Tasted the leggings to the leg from the ear and how waving - so in one moment and burned down to the water healing and healing.
Scored, but very tired. "Well," thinks - while the dinner end, I will have time to return, and now I will sit under the mill, a little bit. "
Selly fell asleep. People are cumming up, and it is not. The fool sits nor either dead. Disappeared! " - thinks.
Listening to the Earth Ear - let's listen. Listen-listened yes and says:
- Not sad, sleeps under the mill, so that his famously!
- What are we going to do now? - says Fool. - How would we wake him up? And the arrows says:
- Do not be afraid: I will wake!
He pulled on the bow yes, how firrels - even sicks from the mill sprinkled ... The sword woke up - and rather back! Lunch people cum only, and he brings that water.
The king does not know what to do. Let's order the second order: if you eat six pairs of oxen fried and forty babes, then, he says, I will give my daughter for him, and not eat, so: my sword is my head from my shoulders!
Listening and it overheard and told the fool.
- What should I do now? I and one bread bread do not eat! - says fool. And again sealed - crying. And surgel and says:
- Do not cry, I'll eat for all, and there will be little.
Failure comes: so and so.
"Okay," the fool says, "let them give!" So they roasted six pairs of oxen, jumped forty babes of bread.
Omborate as it became - everything was ate and still asked.
- Eh, - says, - Little! If almost a bit gave ...
Sees the king - bad things. Again, ordered the order, so that this time twelve barrels of water drank in one spirit and twelve barrels of wine, and not drink: here is the sword - he is head from his shoulders!
Listening overheard and told. The fool is crying again.
"Do not cry," says Opuvilo, "I will drink, there will be little."
Here riquged down the twelve barrels of water and wines.
Opusylo how he began to drink, so I drank everything to the droplet, and I also laugh.
- Eh, - says, - Little!
The king sees that nothing can do anything, and he thinks: "It is necessary for him, the man of this, with the Lime Lime!"
So he sends to the fool of Lacey:
- Go and tell me: King said so that you went to the wedding to the bath.
And in the meantime, another lacquer orders the castopil to the bathhouse: "there he, such a fuck, hits!" Laci natopil baths so that the scream itself can be.
Said a fool. He goes to the bath, and behind him after frost with straw. There frost Rastres Sololo - and immediately it became so cold that the fool on the oven climbed and fell asleep, because the Odrog is as follows. The next day opens a lackey bath, thinks that only ashes and remained from the fool. And he lies on his ovens and at least that. Wake up his lackey.
"That's," says, "as I slept hard! You have a good bath!
They told the king that so and so: I slept on the furnace, and in the bath it is so cold, as if it's not fettered all winter. Tsar shook: what to do? I thought, I thought, I thought, thought ...
Finally says:
- There is a neighboring king of the war on us. So I want to test the grooms. Who will advise me to the ut-ru regiment of the soldier and will lead them into battle, as he will give her daughter to marry.
Listening to heard it and told the fool. Fool sits again and crying:
- What should I do now? Where am I a tword's army?
Going to the ship to friends.
- Help, brothers, "says," I disappeared at all!
- Do not Cry! - says the one that the wood of firewood in the forest. - I will cut you.
Comes Lackey and transmits the royal order.
"Okay, I will do it," says the fool. "Only tell the king that if you won't give up and now my daughter, then I'll go to him."
At night, he told his friend's friend in the field and brought with a knitting of firewood. How began to scatter those firewood there, so that neither the soldiers are. And so used the whole regiment.
In the morning the king wakes up - and hears: play. He is asking:
- Who plays it so early?
"This is," say, "the one flew on the golden ship, his army flies.
And the fool became such that he was not recognized: the clothes on it just shocks, and he himself is so beautiful, where there!
He leads his army, and he himself goes ahead on the crow one, for him a foreman. Soldiers in the ranks - as on the selection!
He led the fool of the army on the enemy. And so began to chop right and left that all the enemy soldiers defeated. Only at the very end of the battle wounded him in his leg.
In the meantime, the king and daughter came up to fight.
I saw the princes of the most bold warrior, wounded in the leg, broke the handkerchief for two halves. One half left myself, and the other tied the wound to that bold warrior.
That ended the battle. The fool gathered and drove home.
And the king made a feast and decided to invite him to visit the one who defeated his enemies.
We were looking for, I was looking for all over the kingdom - nowhere is there anything.
Then princess and says:
- He has a sign: I have bandaged him with my handkerchief.
Began to look again.
Finally, the two royal servants went to the fool. Look, and he really is one leg with the core handball is bandaged.
I grabbed his servants and let me drag to the king. And he - no place.
- Let's hurt, "says." Where can I go so dirty to the king! "
I went to the bath, washed, dressed that clothes in which he fought, and so again became beautiful that the servants even looked at the mouths.
He jumped at the horse and went.
It turns out to meet Tsarevna. I saw and immediately recognized the one who had been bandaged with his handker.
He liked him even more.
Then they were married and such a wedding was guided that right smoke went to the sky.
Here is a fairy tale, but I have a bunch of bunches.

The fairy tale "Flying Ship" is a story about how the king came up with a test for the grooms of his daughter: to build a flying ship. The grandfather helped a wizard to make a wonderful lethal apparatus to make a wonderful lethal apparatus, take a princess and to get pumped up.

Fairy Tale Flying Ship Download:

Fairy tale flying ship read

There were an old man yes old. They had three sons - two senior moolers were heard, and the younger was a fool called. Senior old woman loved - dressed clean, fed tasty. And the youngest in a holey shirt went, the black crust chewed.

He, fool, anyway: he does not understand anything, does not understand anything!

I once reached the village of Time: who will build such a ship to the king, so that I went to the seas and flew under the clouds, "the king will give his daughter.

Senior brothers happiness try to try.

Release us, father and Mother! Avos which of us will be the royal son-in-law!

The mother of the elder sons was equipped, dried onto the white pies to them on the road, press-headed chicken and jousy:

Go, sons!

The brothers went to the forest, began to chop and saw trees. Many disturbed-wrought. And what to do next - do not know. They began to argue and bore, that and looked, a friend in her hair trampled.

It approached them an old man and asks:

Because of what you, well done, the dispute is yes? Maybe I tell you what the word for advantage?

Both brothers fell on the old man - to listen to him did not, the bad words wrapped and away were driven. Gone an old man.

Another brothers were knighted, they ate all their suppresses that they gave them a mother, and returned home to nothing ...

As they came, the younger began to ask:

Let me go now!

Became a mother and father to discourage him yes to hold:

Where to you, bad, - you will eat wolves on the way!

And the bad kneading is told:

Release - I will go, and do not let go - I'll go!

They see the mother and father - they do not speak with him. They gave him the source of black dry bread on the road and spent wanted out of the house. He took a fool with himself and went to the forest. Walked-walked through the forest and lit a high pine: the top in the clouds, this pine rests on, grab it only to turn it out.

He quit my pine tree, began to clean it from the branches. An old man came up to him.

Hello, - Says, - Dietatko!

Hello, grandfather!

What is it, Dietatko, are you doing what a big tree has fed?

But the grandfather, the king promised to give his daughter for who the flying ship would build him, I am building.

Do you really can make such a ship? This case is wisdom, perhaps, and you do not speak.

Wisdom is not wisdom, but you need to try: you look, and I am famous! So you, by the way, came: Old people experienced, knowledgeable. Maybe you me that you will be.

An old man says:

Well, if you ask for advice to sue, listen: take your ax and your father's pine from the soster: here's so!

And showed how to cook.

Listened to the fool of an old man - silent pine as he showed. He holds up, the division is given: the ax and goes and walks and goes out!

Now, - says the old man, - Believe the pine tree from the ends: like that so much!

Durge of the old man's words past the ears does not miss: as an old man shows, so he does.

He finished work, the old man praised him and says:

Well, now it's not a sin to stay yes to eat a little.

Eh, grandfather, "says the badness," for me, there is a food, this is a stratum. And what to treat you? You suppose and do not get my treat?

Well, the ka, Dietyko, - says the old man, - let me here!

The fools filed him the edge. The old man took her in his hands, examined, felt and says:

Not such a stalk your own pain!

And filed her fool. I took a fool of the spot - my eyes do not believe: turned the edge into soft and white loaf.

As they singed, the old man and says:

Well, now I will put the sail!

And pulled out a piece of canvas because of the sinuse. The old man shows, the fool tries, everything makes everything - and the sails are ready, adjusted.

Go now to your ship, "says the old man, - and fly, where you need. Yes, look, remember my order: on the way they sorza into your ship of all the oncoming!

Here they sat down. The old man went to his way, and the fool on the volatile ship sat, the sail was placed. Sails inflated, shook the ship into the sky, flew faster than falcon. It flies a little lowering clouds of walking, a little higher than the forests of standing ...

Futel-flew a fool and sees: Lies on the road man - the ear to crude land fell. He descended and says:

Great, uncle!

Nice, well done!

What are you doing?

I listen to me that at that end of the earth is being done.

And what is done there, uncle?

Ecca you, what a charm! Sit to my ship, fly together.

He did not discharge, sat down on the ship, and they flew further.

I flew-flying, see - the man goes on the road, goes on one leg, and the other leg to the ear is tied.

Great, uncle!

Nice, well done!

What are you on one leg download?

Yes, if I quit another leg, so in three steps all the world will be overlapping!

Here you are how fast! Sit to us.

The sword did not refuse, climbed to the ship, and they flew further.

Little, if you never really fly, look - there is a man with a gun, aims. And what is aiming - unknown.

Great, uncle! Who are you, you are aiming - no beast, no birds are visible.

Esch you! Yes, I will not close to shoot. I kiss in a tetherk, which sits on a verst tree for a thousand from here. Here is such a shooting for me.

Sit with us, fly together!

They flew, flew and see: a man goes, carries a larger bag of bread behind his back.

Great, uncle! Where are you going?

I go to mine bread for lunch.

What are you still bread? You and so full bag!

Whats up! I put this bread in my mouth yes swallow. And in order to unhappy, I need a hundred times for so much!

You are what! Sit to our ship flying together.

The forests fly over the forests, fly over the fields, we fly over the rivers, we fly over the villages.

Look: a man walks near the big lake, head shakes.

Great, uncle! What are you looking for?

I want to drink, so looking for where to get drunk.

Yes, in front of you the whole lake. Drink to your pleasure!

Yes, this water will be just one sip.

Moved foolish, Moved his comrades and say:

Well, do not burn, there will be water for you. Sit down with us on the ship, fly away, there will be a lot of water for you!

How many flying - unknown, just see: there is a man into the forest, and behind his shoulders of his knitting.

Great, uncle! Tell us: Why do you drag in the forest?

And this is not a simple twig. If you scatter it, immediately the whole army will appear.

Sit down, uncle, with us!

I flew-flying, look: there is an old man, bears the culture of straw.

Great, grandfather, gray head! Where are you carrying a straw?

To the village.

But didn't little straw in the village?

Straw a lot, but there is no such.

What is your one?

But what: it is worth scattering it into the hot summer - and will become a creepy cold: the snow will fall, the frost will shine.

If so, the truth is yours: you will not find such straw in the village. Sit with us!

Refrigerated climbed with his car in the ship, and they flew further.

I flew and flew and flew to the royal court.

The king at that time sat at lunch. He saw a flying ship and sent his servants:

Go ask: who flew on that ship - what are the overseas Tsarevichi and Koroleichi?

The servants ran up to the ship and see - simple men sit on the ship.

They did not become royal servants and ask them: Who are and from where they flew from. Brought and reported to the king:

Anyway! There is no Tsarevich on the ship, there is not a single Korivea, but all the black bone - men are simple. What do you order with them to do?

"For a simple man, we give us a daughter to give us a shameful," the king thinks. - It is necessary to get rid of such grooms. "

He asked his courtiers - princes yes boyars:

What should we do now, how to be?

They attached:

It is necessary to ask the bridegroom to ask different difficult tasks, perhaps it does not solve them. Then we are from the gate turn and show!

The king was delighted, now he sent a servant to a bad taste with such an order:

Let the groom get to us while our royal dinner will end, lively and dead water!

The fool was thinking:

What will I do now? Yes, I and for the year, and maybe I will not find such a water.

And what? - says the sword. - MiG for you plead.

He dismissed his leg from the ear and ran for the thirty lands in the thirty kingdom. I scored two jugs of water alive and dead, and he thinks: "There is a lot of time ahead, give a little I sit down - I will have time to return to the deadline!"

Lit under a dense overwhelming oak, and he refrigerated ...

The royal lunch to the end is suitable, and there is no speed as not.

Torn everything on a fly ship - do not know what to do. And he was listening to the feast of crude land, listened and says:

Ecoo Salmon yes Lucky! He sleeps under the tree, snapped with might and main!

But I will wake him up now! - Says shot.

He grabbed his gun, aimed and shot in the oak, under which he slept. Spilled from Oak Acorns - right on the head soon. He woke up.

Batyushki, yes, in no way, I fell asleep!

He jumped up and at the same moment brought jugs with water:

Get it!

The king rose from the table, looked at the jugs and says:

Or maybe this water is not real?

Caught the rooster, pulled off his head and blurted out dead water. Head of the IMG gross. Dropped into live water - the rooster jumped up, the wings shook the "ka-ka-river!" shouted.

Announced the king.

Well, "he says fool," you performed this my task. Now ask another! If you are so deft, eat with your wits for one sitting twelve bulls fried yes so many breads, how much in the forty furnaces baked!

The fool was saddened, he says to his comrades:

Yes, I and one bread for the whole day do not eat!

And what? - Says united. - I and with bulls and with breads of them alone. There will be little!

Tried a fool to tell the king:

Take the bulls and breads. We will eat!

Brought twelve bulls of fried and so many breads as in the forty furnaces baked.

Coming, let's eat bulls - one after another. And the breads are so in the mouth and mosquito loaf for carabically. All the ages are empty.

Let's still! - screaming united. - Why so little sucked? I just entered the taste!

And the king has no more bulls, no breads.

Now, "he says," the new order to you: so that it was pressed against the forty beer barrels, each barrel for forty buckets.

Yes, I will not drink one bucket, "says fools to his shuts.

Eka Sorrow! - Responsible opened. - Yes, I'll drink everything beer, there will be little!

Round forty barrels-forty. They began to draw beer buckets yes feeding a fusion. It is both sward - bucket and empty.

What do you bring me buckets to me? - Says to operate. - Single We are all day renting!

He raised the barrel and empty her prases, without Ridge. Raised another barrel - and that empty rolled back. So all forty barrels and dried.

Hi, - asks, still beer? I don't get a drink! Not knocked her throat!

He sees the king: nothing fools can be taken. I decided to destroy His cunning.

Okay, "says," I will give my daughter for you, get ready for the crown! Just before the wedding, go to the bath, waving a well-dressed carefully.

And ordered to drown a bath.

And the bath was all the cast iron.

Three days the bath was treated, Rassed hot. Fire-fire from her breathe, for five sages to her do not come.

How will I wash? - says the fool. - Burn alive.

Not sad, - Refrigerated. - I'll go with you!

He ran to the king, asks:

Do not let me go with a bride in a bath to go? I will start him straw so that he did not drink his heels!

King what? He donated: "That one burns, that both!"

They led a fool with a refrigerator to the bath, locked there.

And the refrigerator scattered in the bath of the straw - and it became cold, the walls of the walls were tormented, the water was frozen in cast iron.

Some time passed, opened the servants. Look, and the fool is alive, and the old man also.

Oh, you, "says the fool, - yes in your bath you do not steam, but did you ride on the sled!

We ran the servants to the king. Reported: so, they say, and so. The king was noticed, he does not know what to do, how to get rid of badness.

I thought I thought and ordered him:

I put in the morning in front of my palace a whole regiment of soldiers. Let's exhibit - I will give you daughter for you. You will not exhibit - ran out!

And at the mind itself: "Where does a common man get to get the army? I can't do it. Here we will fade it in the neck! "

Heard a fool of the royal order - says to his shuts:

You got out of me, brothers, out of trouble more than once and not two ... And now what will we do?

Eh, you, found something to be sad! - Says an old man with a twig. - Yes, I at least seven regiments with generals put it! Go to the king, tell me - there will be a army!

Furious came to the king.

I will fulfill, - says, is your order, only the last time. And if you dissuade you - on yourself Penia!

Early, in the morning, the old man with a twig clically fumble and went out with him in the field. He cried knitting, and an indispensable army appeared - and walking, and equestrian, and with guns. Trumpeters in pipes are trumped, drummers in the drums beat, the generals of the team are served, horses in the ground with hooves beaten ...

The fool was ahead, the army knocked to the royal court. He stopped in front of the palace, ordered louder in pipe pipes, stronger in the drums beat.

He heard the king, looked out in the window, from frighting whore the canvas became. He ordered to lead their army to lead their army, to the fool of war to go.

The governors of the royal army were brought, began to shoot a fool. And the fools of the soldiers are the wall, the royal army of Mnut, like grass. The governors frightened and reversed, and after them, after all the royal army.

Taking the king from the palace, on the knees before bad crawling, asks for expensive gifts to accept yes with the princess rather to marry.

Says a fool of King:

Now you are not a pointer! We have our mind!

He drove the king away and never ordered to return to the kingdom. And he himself married the princess.

Tsarevna - the girl is young and good. There is no guilt on it!

And he became in that kingdom to live, all sorts of things should be left.

An interesting Russian folk fairy tale "Flying ship", about how the king decided to marry Toko who will build a flying ship, well, and of course a fool from the peasant family (and in the family there were three sons) I also decided to try my face. And in the end, built a flying ship, you want to know how he built and how the king did not want to get married the daughter, he invented the decrees, and everything was a fool, read the fairy tale of a flying ship.

"Flying Ship" Russian Folk Fairy Tale

Santa da Baba lived, they had three sons: two reasonable, and the third fool. The first babe loved, purely dressed; And the latter was ever wondered - in the old shirt went. They knew that they came from the king of the paper: "Who will make such a ship, so that he can fly, for the marriage of the Tsarevna." The older brothers decided to go trying happiness and asked for old people of blessings; The mother equipped them on the road, pushed them white pellets and a flask of honey and spent on the road.

Seeing something, the fool began to ask for and let him be released. Mother began to persuade him, so as not to go: "Where to you, bad; You will eat wolves! " But the fool sled one thing: I'll go! Baba sees that you are not allemen with him, gave him a black tortilla and a water flask and spent from home.

The fool was walking and walked and met the old man. Greeted. The old man asks fooling: "Where are you going?" "Yes, the king promised to give his daughter for the one who would make a flying ship." - "Can you make such a ship?" - "No, not a mind!" - "So why are you going?" - "And God knows him!" - "Well, if so," said the old man, then sit here; rest together and snatch; Take out what you have in Torba. " - "Yes, there is such that and showing a shameful to people!" - "Nothing, take out; That God gave - and give it! ".

The fools unleashed Torubu - and his eyes do not believe: instead of black pellets lie white bells and different seasonings; Sent an old man. "You see," the old man told him, "as God falso fools!" Although the native mother does not love you, but you are not deprived of ... Let's drink in advance honey. "

In the flask instead of the water, huzzled honey; They drank, snooze, and says the old man's fool: "Listen - go to the forest, come to the first tree, turn on the top three times and hit the tree with an ax, and you will fall asleep and wait for you until you break up. Then you will see the finished ship in front of him, get into it and fly, where it is necessary; Yes, on the way, take to yourself all the oncoming. "

The fooling thanked the old man, spread with him and went to the forest. It came up to the first tree, did everything as he was ordered: he crossed himself three times, she baulled the tree with an ax, fell to the ground and fell asleep. After someone began to wake him up. Ferrian woke up and sees the finished ship; I did not think for a long time, I got into it - and the ship flew through the air.

I flew-flew, looking - Lies on the road at the road, the ear to crude land fell. "Healthy, uncle!" - "Healthy, Empty." - "What are you doing?" - "I listen to what is being done in that light." - "Sit down with me on the ship." He did not want to dissuade, sat down on the ship, and they flew further.

I flew-flew, looking - there is a man on one leg, and the other is tied to the ear. "Healthy, uncle! What do you download on one leg? " - "Yes, if I bought another, so for one step all the world stepped out!" - "Sit with us!" That sat down, and again flew.

I flew-flying, looking - standing a man with a gun, aims, and what is unknown. "Healthy, uncle! Where are you marching? Not a single bird can be seen. " - "How, I will shoot close! I would shoot the beast or a bird of a verso for a thousand from here: I'm shooting! " - "Sit down with us!" Selo and this one, and they flew further.

Pilot-flew, look - the man bears behind his spin of a bag of bread. "Healthy, uncle! Where are you going?" "I go," says, "get bread for lunch." - "Yes, you have a full bag behind your back." - "Whats up! There is nothing to bite this bread for me at once. " - "Saddy with us!" Slotched on the ship, and flew on.

I flew-flying, looking - a man around the lake. "Healthy, uncle!" What are you looking for? " "I want to drink, but I will not find water." - "Yes, in front of you a whole lake; What don't you drink? " - "Eka! This water will not be one sip. " - "Say with us!" He sat down, and again flew.

I flew-flying, looking - there is a man in the forest, and behind the shoulders of Khpankaire. "Healthy, uncle! Why are you in the wood of firewood? " - "Yes, this is not simple firewood." - "What about?" "Yes, such: if they scatter them, so suddenly the whole army will appear." - "Sit with us!" He sat down to them, and flew on.

I flew-flying, look - a man bears the cult of straw. "Healthy, uncle! Where are you carrying a straw? " - "To the village". - "Is there a little straw in the village?" - "Yes, this is such a straw that, if neither be hot summer, but if you spread it - it will be cold: the snow is cold: snow and frost!" - "Sit down and you are with us!" - "Perhaps!" It was the last meeting; Soon they flew to the royal yard.

The king, at that time, sat at dinner: I saw a flying ship, I was surprised and sent my servant to ask: who flew on that ship? The servant went to the ship, sees that all the men, did not become and ask, and, turning back into the chambers, hence the king that there was not a single boyin on the ship, but all ordinary people. The king reasoned that he had to give his daughter for a simple man's one, and began to think, as if to get rid of such a son-in-law. So I came up with: "I will ask him to ask different difficult tasks." He immediately sends to a bad with the order, so that he takes him until the royal dinner end, kissing and living water.

While the king gave this order to his servant, the first oncoming (the one who listened to what was being done in that light) the royal speeches were heard and told his bad. "What will I do now? Yes, I and for the year, and maybe, and I will not find all my own century! " "Do not be afraid," said him soon, "I can't call you."

The servant came and announced the royal order. "Say: Bring!" - responded a fool; And his comrade crowded his leg from the ear, ran and MiG scored a kissing and living water: "IT IT," I think, - grogging! " - Lit under the mill to relax and fell asleep. The royal dinner is suitable for an end, and there is no it; Everything was drunk on the ship. The first oncoming student to crude land, listened and said: "Yes, he sleeps under the mill!".

The shooter grabbed his gun, fired in the mill and the shot woke the focus; Skorokhod ran and brought water in one minute; The king still did not get up because of the table, and its order was performed as it is impossible.

There is nothing to do, you need to ask another task. The king ordered to say a fool: "Well, if you are so cunning, so we show your remoteness: eat with your comrades at one time twelve bulls of fried and twelve kula baked bread." The first comrade heard and announced a bad thing. The foolish was frightened and says: "Yes, I and one bread at a time not eat!" - "Do not be afraid," answered united, "I still will be!" The servant came, revealed the royal decree.

"Good," said the fool, "let's eat." Brought twelve bulls of fried yes twelve coolars of baked bread; Overlooked one thing. "Eh," says, "little! More would have given a little bit ... ".

The king ordered to say the bad thing so that there were forty barrels of wine, each barrel in forty buckets. The first comrade fools overheard those royal speeches and handed over to him as before; He was frightened: "Yes, I and one bucket is unable to drink at times." - "Do not be afraid," says it, - I'm alone for all; There will be little! " Poured the forty barrels; I came down and I drank everything before one; I drank and says: "Eh, little! To drink yet. "

After the king ordered the fool to the crown to prepare, go to the bath Yes wash away; And the bathroom was cast iron, and that ordered it was hot-hot, so that a fool in her in one minute. Here they rolled the bath of hot; I went a bad thing to wash, and behind him followed by a man with straw: Subasterable is necessary. Locked them both in the bath; The peasant scattered a straw - and it became so cold that barely faded washed, as in cast iron the water began to freeze; He climbed onto the stove and lay there all night.

In the morning we called the bath, and the fool was alive and healthy, lying on the oven my song sings. Reported to the king; He saddened, does not know how to get out of fool; I thought, I thought and ordered him that a whole regiment of the troops put, and at the mind itself: "How is a simple man to get the army? I can't do it! "

As I learned about that fool, I was frightened and says: "Now I completely disappeared! You got out of me, brothers, from the trouble more than once; And now, it can be seen, nothing can be done. " - "Oh you! - a man with knitting firewood responded. - Did you forget about me? Remember that I am a master on such a thing and do not be afraid! " The servant came, declared the fool of the royal decree: "If you want to marry a prisoner, put a whole regiment of troops to the trust." - "Good, I will do! Only if the king and after that he will say to dissuade, then he will turn around all his kingdom and forcibly take princess. "

Night, his comrade fumbled in the field, made a knitting firewood and let's scatter in different directions - immediately appeared to And horseback, and walking, and with guns. In the morning, the king saw and scared in his turn; The expensive jackets sent to the fool of dignity and dresses, ordered to ask the palace with the princess to marry.

The fools dressed up in those expensive clothes, was made with such a young man, which is impossible to say! He appeared to the king, married with the princess, got a big dowry and became reasonable and guessed. The king with the queen fell in love with him, and the princess in him was not a chayale.

The tale tells about how one day the king decided to marry the daughter to raise the chapter to build. I smasher ship junior peasant son with a forest wizard. He punished the wizard to him all along the way to the ship to call his call. Flying on the ship, on the way he picks up wonderful fellow travelers. Wonderful Links (Sillar, Spear, Spinned, Wood, Frost-Trescun) Help the hero to marry, performing difficult tasks for him asked by the king ...

Flying ship read

There were an old man yes old. They had three sons - two senior moolers were heard, and the younger was a fool called. Senior old woman loved - dressed clean, fed tasty. And the youngest in a holey shirt went, the black crust chewed.
- Him, fool, anyway: he does not mean anything, does not understand anything!

I once reached the village of Time: who will build such a ship to the king, so that I went to the seas and flew under the clouds, "the king will give his daughter.

Senior brothers happiness try to try.

Release us, father and Mother! Avos which of us will be the royal son-in-law!

The mother of the elder sons was equipped, dried onto the white pies to them on the road, press-headed chicken and jousy:

Go, sons!

The brothers went to the forest, began to chop and saw trees. Many disturbed-wrought. And what to do next - do not know. They began to argue and bore, that and looked, a friend in her hair trampled.

It approached them an old man and asks:

Because of what you, well done, the dispute is yes? Maybe I tell you what the word for advantage?

Both brothers fell on the old man - to listen to him did not, the bad words wrapped and away were driven. Gone an old man.

Another brothers were knighted, they ate all their suppresses that they gave them a mother, and returned home to nothing ...

As they came, the younger began to ask:

Let me go now!

Became a mother and father to discourage him yes to hold:

Where to you, bad, - you will eat wolves on the way!

And the bad kneading is told:

Release - I will go, and do not let go - I'll go!

They see the mother and father - they do not speak with him. They gave him the source of black dry bread on the road and spent wanted out of the house. He took a fool with himself and went to the forest. Walked-walked through the forest and lit a high pine: the top in the clouds, this pine rests on, grab it only to turn it out.

He quit my pine tree, began to clean it from the branches. An old man came up to him.

Hello, - Says, - Dietatko!

Hello, grandfather!

What is it, Dietatko, are you doing what a big tree has fed?

But the grandfather, the king promised to give his daughter for who the flying ship would build him, I am building.

Do you really can make such a ship? This case is wisdom, perhaps, and you do not speak.

Wisdom is not wisdom, but you need to try: you look, and I am famous! So you, by the way, came: Old people experienced, knowledgeable. Maybe you me that you will be.

An old man says:

Well, if you ask for advice to sue, listen: take your ax and your father's pine from the soster: here's so!

And showed how to cook.

Listened to the fool of an old man - silent pine as he showed. He holds up, the division is given: the ax and goes and walks and goes out!

Now, - says the old man, - Believe the pine tree from the ends: like that so much!

Durge of the old man's words past the ears does not miss: as an old man shows, so he does.

He finished work, the old man praised him and says:

Well, now it's not a sin to stay yes to eat a little.

Eh, grandfather, "says the badness," for me, there is a food, this is a stratum. And what to treat you? You suppose and do not get my treat?

Well, the ka, Dietyko, - says the old man, - let me here!

The fools filed him the edge. The old man took her in his hands, examined, felt and says:

Not such a stalk your own pain!

And filed her fool. I took a fool of the spot - my eyes do not believe: turned the edge into soft and white loaf.

As they singed, the old man and says:

Well, now I will put the sail!

And pulled out a piece of canvas because of the sinuse. The old man shows, the fool tries, everything makes everything - and the sails are ready, adjusted.

Go now to your ship, "says the old man, - and fly, where you need. Yes, look, remember my order: on the way they sorza into your ship of all the oncoming!

Here they sat down. The old man went to his way, and the fool on the volatile ship sat, the sail was placed. Sails inflated, shook the ship into the sky, flew faster than falcon. It flies a little lowering clouds of walking, a little higher than the forests of standing ...

Futel-flew a fool and sees: Lies on the road man - the ear to crude land fell. He descended and says:

Great, uncle!

Nice, well done!

What are you doing?

I listen to me that at that end of the earth is being done.

And what is done there, uncle?

Ecca you, what a charm! Sit to my ship, fly together.

He did not discharge, sat down on the ship, and they flew further.

I flew-flying, see - the man goes on the road, goes on one leg, and the other leg to the ear is tied.

Great, uncle!

Nice, well done!

What are you on one leg download?

Yes, if I quit another leg, so in three steps all the world will be overlapping!

Here you are how fast! Sit to us.

The sword did not refuse, climbed to the ship, and they flew further.

Little, if you never really fly, look - there is a man with a gun, aims. And what is aiming - unknown.

Great, uncle! Who are you, you are aiming - no beast, no birds are visible.

Esch you! Yes, I will not close to shoot. I kiss in a tetherk, which sits on a verst tree for a thousand from here. Here is such a shooting for me.

Sit with us, fly together!

They flew, flew and see: a man goes, carries a larger bag of bread behind his back.

Great, uncle! Where are you going?

I go to mine bread for lunch.

What are you still bread? You and so full bag!

Whats up! I put this bread in my mouth yes swallow. And in order to unhappy, I need a hundred times for so much!

You are what! Sit to our ship flying together.

The forests fly over the forests, fly over the fields, we fly over the rivers, we fly over the villages.

Look: a man walks near the big lake, head shakes.

Great, uncle! What are you looking for?

I want to drink, so looking for where to get drunk.

Yes, in front of you the whole lake. Drink to your pleasure!

Yes, this water will be just one sip.

Moved foolish, Moved his comrades and say:

Well, do not burn, there will be water for you. Sit down with us on the ship, fly away, there will be a lot of water for you!

How many flying - unknown, just see: there is a man into the forest, and behind his shoulders of his knitting.

Great, uncle! Tell us: Why do you drag in the forest?

And this is not a simple twig. If you scatter it, immediately the whole army will appear.

Sit down, uncle, with us!

I flew-flying, look: there is an old man, bears the culture of straw.

Great, grandfather, gray head! Where are you carrying a straw?

To the village.

But didn't little straw in the village?

Straw a lot, but there is no such.

What is your one?

But what: it is worth scattering it into the hot summer - and will become a creepy cold: the snow will fall, the frost will shine.

If so, the truth is yours: you will not find such straw in the village. Sit with us!

Refrigerated climbed with his car in the ship, and they flew further.

I flew and flew and flew to the royal court.

The king at that time sat at lunch. He saw a flying ship and sent his servants:

Go ask: who flew on that ship - what are the overseas Tsarevichi and Koroleichi?

The servants ran up to the ship and see - simple men sit on the ship.

They did not become royal servants and ask them: Who are and from where they flew from. Brought and reported to the king:

Anyway! There is no Tsarevich on the ship, there is not a single Korivea, but all the black bone - men are simple. What do you order with them to do?

"For a simple man, we give us a daughter to give us a shameful," the king thinks. - It is necessary to get rid of such grooms. "

He asked his courtiers - princes yes boyars:

What should we do now, how to be?

They attached:

It is necessary to ask the bridegroom to ask different difficult tasks, perhaps it does not solve them. Then we are from the gate turn and show!

The king was delighted, now he sent a servant to a bad taste with such an order:

Let the groom get to us while our royal dinner will end, lively and dead water!

The fool was thinking:

What will I do now? Yes, I and for the year, and maybe I will not find such a water.

And what? - says the sword. - MiG for you plead.

He dismissed his leg from the ear and ran for the thirty lands in the thirty kingdom. I scored two jugs of water alive and dead, and he thinks: "There is a lot of time ahead, give a little I sit down - I will have time to return to the deadline!"

Lit under a dense overwhelming oak, and he refrigerated ...

The royal lunch to the end is suitable, and there is no speed as not.

Torn everything on a fly ship - do not know what to do. And he was listening to the feast of crude land, listened and says:

Ecoo Salmon yes Lucky! He sleeps under the tree, snapped with might and main!

But I will wake him up now! - Says shot.

He grabbed his gun, aimed and shot in the oak, under which he slept. Spilled from Oak Acorns - right on the head soon. He woke up.

Batyushki, yes, in no way, I fell asleep!

He jumped up and at the same moment brought jugs with water:

Get it!

The king rose from the table, looked at the jugs and says:

Or maybe this water is not real?

Caught the rooster, pulled off his head and blurted out dead water. Head of the IMG gross. Dropped into live water - the rooster jumped up, the wings shook the "ka-ka-river!" shouted.

Announced the king.

Well, "he says fool," you performed this my task. Now ask another! If you are so deft, eat with your wits for one sitting twelve bulls fried yes so many breads, how much in the forty furnaces baked!

The fool was saddened, he says to his comrades:

Yes, I and one bread for the whole day do not eat!

And what? - Says united. - I and with bulls and with breads of them alone. There will be little!

Tried a fool to tell the king:

Take the bulls and breads. We will eat!

Brought twelve bulls of fried and so many breads as in the forty furnaces baked.

Coming, let's eat bulls - one after another. And the breads are so in the mouth and mosquito loaf for carabically. All the ages are empty.

Let's still! - screaming united. - Why so little sucked? I just entered the taste!

And the king has no more bulls, no breads.

Now, "he says," the new order to you: so that it was pressed against the forty beer barrels, each barrel for forty buckets.

Yes, I will not drink one bucket, "says fools to his shuts.

Eka Sorrow! - Responsible opened. - Yes, I'll drink everything beer, there will be little!

Round forty barrels-forty. They began to draw beer buckets yes feeding a fusion. It is both sward - bucket and empty.

What do you bring me buckets to me? - Says to operate. - Single We are all day renting!

He raised the barrel and empty her prases, without Ridge. Raised another barrel - and that empty rolled back. So all forty barrels and dried.

Hi, - asks, still beer? I don't get a drink! Not knocked her throat!

He sees the king: nothing fools can be taken. I decided to destroy His cunning.

Okay, "says," I will give my daughter for you, get ready for the crown! Just before the wedding, go to the bath, waving a well-dressed carefully.

And ordered to drown a bath.

And the bath was all the cast iron.

Three days the bath was treated, Rassed hot. Fire-fire from her breathe, for five sages to her do not come.

How will I wash? - says the fool. - Burn alive.

Not sad, - Refrigerated. - I'll go with you!

He ran to the king, asks:

Do not let me go with a bride in a bath to go? I will start him straw so that he did not drink his heels!

King what? He donated: "That one burns, that both!"

They led a fool with a refrigerator to the bath, locked there.

And the refrigerator scattered in the bath of the straw - and it became cold, the walls of the walls were tormented, the water was frozen in cast iron.

Some time passed, opened the servants. Look, and the fool is alive, and the old man also.

Oh, you, "says the fool, - yes in your bath you do not steam, but did you ride on the sled!

We ran the servants to the king. Reported: so, they say, and so. The king was noticed, he does not know what to do, how to get rid of badness.

I thought I thought and ordered him:

I put in the morning in front of my palace a whole regiment of soldiers. Let's exhibit - I will give you daughter for you. You will not exhibit - ran out!

And at the mind itself: "Where does a common man get to get the army? I can't do it. Here we will fade it in the neck! "

Heard a fool of the royal order - says to his shuts:

You got out of me, brothers, out of trouble more than once and not two ... And now what will we do?

Eh, you, found something to be sad! - Says an old man with a twig. - Yes, I at least seven regiments with generals put it! Go to the king, tell me - there will be a army!

Furious came to the king.

I will fulfill, - says, is your order, only the last time. And if you dissuade you - on yourself Penia!

Early, in the morning, the old man with a twig clically fumble and went out with him in the field. He cried knitting, and an indispensable army appeared - and walking, and equestrian, and with guns. Trumpeters in pipes are trumped, drummers in the drums beat, the generals of the team are served, horses in the ground with hooves beaten ...

The fool was ahead, the army knocked to the royal court. He stopped in front of the palace, ordered louder in pipe pipes, stronger in the drums beat.

He heard the king, looked out in the window, from frighting whore the canvas became. He ordered to lead their army to lead their army, to the fool of war to go.

The governors of the royal army were brought, began to shoot a fool. And the fools of the soldiers are the wall, the royal army of Mnut, like grass. The governors frightened and reversed, and after them, after all the royal army.

Taking the king from the palace, on the knees before bad crawling, asks for expensive gifts to accept yes with the princess rather to marry.

Says a fool of King:

Now you are not a pointer! We have our mind!

He drove the king away and never ordered to return to the kingdom. And he himself married the princess.

Tsarevna - the girl is young and good. There is no guilt on it!

And he became in that kingdom to live, all sorts of things should be left.

(Ill. M. Bellainsky, ed. Soviet Russia, 1987, Moscow)

Published: Mishka 30.10.2017 11:19 24.05.2019

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There were an old man yes old. They had three sons - two senior moolers were heard, and the younger was a fool called. Senior old woman loved - dressed clean, fed tasty. And the youngest in a holey shirt went, the black crust chewed.

He, fool, anyway: he does not understand anything, does not understand anything!

I once reached the village of Time: who will build such a ship to the king, so that I went to the seas and flew under the clouds, "the king will give his daughter.

Senior brothers happiness try to try.

Release us, father and Mother! Avos which of us will be the royal son-in-law!

The mother of the elder sons was equipped, dried onto the white pies to them on the road, press-headed chicken and jousy:

Go, sons!

The brothers went to the forest, began to chop and saw trees. Many disturbed-wrought. And what to do next - do not know. They began to argue and bore, that and looked, a friend in her hair trampled.

It approached them an old man and asks:

Because of what you, well done, the dispute is yes? Maybe I tell you what the word for advantage?

Both brothers fell on the old man - to listen to him did not, the bad words wrapped and away were driven. Gone an old man. Another brothers were knighted, they ate all their suppresses that they gave them a mother, and returned home to nothing ...

As they came, the younger began to ask:

Let me go now!

Became a mother and father to discourage him yes to hold:

Where to you, bad, - you will eat wolves on the way!

And the bad kneading is told:

Release - I will go, and do not let go - I'll go!

They see the mother and father - they do not speak with him. They gave him the source of black dry bread on the road and spent wanted out of the house.

He took a fool with himself and went to the forest. Walked-walked through the forest and lit a high pine: the top in the clouds, this pine rests on, grab it only to turn it out.

He quit my pine tree, began to clean it from the branches. An old man came up to him.

Hello, - Says, - Dietatko!

Hello, grandfather!

What is it, Dietatko, are you doing what a big tree has fed?

But the grandfather, the king promised to give his daughter for who the flying ship would build him, I am building.

Do you really can make such a ship? This case is wisdom, perhaps, and you do not speak.

Wisdom is not wisdom, but you need to try: you look, and I am famous! So by the way, you came: old people experienced, knowledgeable. Maybe you know me.

An old man says:

Well, if you ask for advice to sue, listen: take your ax and your father's pine from the soster: here's so!

And showed how to cook.

Listened to the fool of an old man - silent pine as he showed. He holds up, the division is given: the ax and goes and walks and goes out!

Now, - says the old man, - Believe the pine tree from the ends: like that so much!

Durge of the old man's words past the ears does not miss: as an old man shows, so he does.

He finished work, the old man praised him and says:

Well, now it's not a sin to stay yes to eat a little.

Eh, grandfather, "says the badness," for me, there is a food, this is a stratum. And what to treat you? You suppose and do not get my treat?

Well, the ka, Dietyko, - says the old man, - let me here!

The fools filed him the edge. The old man took her in his hands, examined, felt and says:

Not such a stalk your own pain!

And filed her fool. I took a fool of the spot - my eyes do not believe: turned the edge into soft and white loaf.

As they singed, the old man and says:

Well, now I will put the sail!

And pulled out a piece of canvas because of the sinuse.

The old man shows, the fool tries, everything makes everything - and the sails are ready, adjusted.

Go now to your ship, "says the old man, - and fly, where you need. Yes, look, remember my order: on the way they sorza into your ship of all the oncoming!

Here they sat down. The old man went to his way, and the fool on the volatile ship sat, the sail was placed. Sails inflated, shook the ship into the sky, flew faster than falcon. It flies a little lowering clouds of walking, a little higher than the forests of standing ...

Futel-flew a fool and sees: Lies on the road man - the ear to crude land fell. He descended and says:

Great, uncle!

Nice, well done!

What are you doing?

I listen to me that at that end of the earth is being done.

And what is done there, uncle?

Ecca you, what a charm! Sit to my ship, fly together.

He did not discharge, sat down on the ship, and they flew further.

I flew-flying, see - the man goes on the road, goes on one leg, and the other leg to the ear is tied.

Great, uncle!

Nice, well done!

What are you on one leg download?

Yes, if I quit another leg, so in three steps all the world will be overlapping!

Here you are how fast! Sit to us.

The sword did not refuse, climbed to the ship, and they flew further.

Little, if you never really fly, look - there is a man with a gun, aims. And what is aiming - unknown.

Great, uncle! Who are you, you are aiming - no beast, no birds are visible.

Esch you! Yes, I will not close to shoot. I kiss in a tetherk, which sits on a verst tree for a thousand from here. Here is such a shooting for me.

Sit with us, fly together!

They flew, flew and see: a man goes, carries a larger bag of bread behind his back.

Great, uncle! Where are you going?

I go to mine bread for lunch.

What are you still bread? You and so full bag!

Whats up! I put this bread in my mouth yes swallow. And in order to unhappy, I need a hundred times for so much!

You are what! Sit to our ship flying together.

The forests fly over the forests, fly over the fields, we fly over the rivers, we fly over the villages.

Look: a man walks near the big lake, head shakes.

Great, uncle! What are you looking for?

I want to drink, so looking for where to get drunk.

Yes, in front of you the whole lake. Drink to your pleasure!

Yes, this water will be just one sip.

Moved foolish, Moved his comrades and say:

Well, do not burn, there will be water for you. Sit down with us on the ship, fly away, there will be a lot of water for you!

How many flying - unknown, just see: there is a man into the forest, and behind his shoulders of his knitting.

Great, uncle! Tell us: Why do you drag in the forest?

And this is not a simple twig. If you scatter it, immediately the whole army will appear.

Sit down, uncle, with us!

I flew-flying, look: there is an old man, bears the culture of straw.

Great, grandfather, gray head! Where are you carrying a straw?

But didn't little straw in the village?

Straw a lot, but there is no such.

What is your one?

But what: it is worth scattering it into the hot summer - and will become a creepy cold: the snow will fall, the frost will shine.

If so, the truth is yours: you will not find such straw in the village. Sit with us!

Refrigerated climbed with his car in the ship, and they flew further.

I flew and flew and flew to the royal court.

The king at that time sat at lunch. He saw a flying ship and sent his servants:

Go ask: who flew on that ship - what are the overseas Tsarevichi and Koroleichi?

The servants ran up to the ship and see - simple men sit on the ship.

They did not become royal servants and ask them: Who are and from where they flew from. Brought and reported to the king:

Anyway! There is no Tsarevich on the ship, there is not a single Korivea, but all the black bone - men are simple. What do you order with them to do?

"For a simple man, we give us a daughter to give us a shameful," the king thinks. - It is necessary to get rid of such grooms. "

He asked his courtiers - princes yes boyars:

What should we do now, how to be?

They attached:

It is necessary to ask the bridegroom to ask different difficult tasks, perhaps it does not solve them. Then we are from the gate turn and show!

The king was delighted, now he sent a servant to a bad taste with such an order:

Let the groom get to us while our royal dinner will end, lively and dead water!

The fool was thinking:

What will I do now? Yes, I and for the year, and maybe I will not find such a water.

And what? - says the sword. - MiG for you plead.

He dismissed his leg from the ear and ran for the thirty lands in the thirty kingdom. I scored two jugs of water alive and dead, and he thinks: "There is a lot of time ahead, give a little I sit down - I will have time to return to the deadline!"

Lit under a dense overwhelming oak, and he refrigerated ...

The royal lunch to the end is suitable, and there is no speed as not.

Torn everything on a fly ship - do not know what to do. And he was listening to the feast of crude land, listened and says:

Ecoo Salmon yes Lucky! He sleeps under the tree, snapped with might and main!

But I will wake him up now! - Says shot.

He grabbed his gun, aimed and shot in the oak, under which he slept. Spilled from Oak Acorns - right on the head soon. He woke up.

Batyushki, yes, in no way, I fell asleep!

He jumped up and at the same moment brought jugs with water:

Get it!

The king rose from the table, looked at the jugs and says:

Or maybe this water is not real?

Caught the rooster, pulled off his head and blurted out dead water. Head of the IMG gross. Dropped into live water - the rooster jumped up, the wings shook the "ka-ka-river!" shouted.

Announced the king.

Well, "he says fool," you performed this my task. Now ask another! If you are so deft, eat with your wits for one sitting twelve bulls fried yes so many breads, how much in the forty furnaces baked!

The fool was saddened, he says to his comrades:

Yes, I and one bread for the whole day do not eat!

And what? - Says united. - I and with bulls and with breads of them alone. There will be little!

Tried a fool to tell the king:

Take the bulls and breads. We will eat!

Brought twelve bulls of fried and so many breads as in the forty furnaces baked.

Coming, let's eat bulls - one after another. And the breads are so in the mouth and mosquito loaf for carabically. All the ages are empty.

Let's still! - screaming united. - Why so little sucked? I just entered the taste!

And the king has no more bulls, no breads.

Now, "he says," the new order to you: so that it was pressed against the forty beer barrels, each barrel for forty buckets.

Yes, I will not drink one bucket, "says fools to his shuts.

Eka Sorrow! - Responsible opened. - Yes, I'll drink everything beer, there will be little!

Round forty barrels-forty. They began to draw beer buckets yes feeding a fusion. It is both sward - bucket and empty.

What do you bring me buckets to me? - Says to operate. - Single We are all day renting!

He raised the barrel and empty her prases, without Ridge. Raised another barrel - and that empty rolled back. So all forty barrels and dried.

Hi, - asks, still beer? I don't get a drink! Not knocked her throat!

He sees the king: nothing fools can be taken. I decided to destroy His cunning.

Okay, "says," I will give my daughter for you, get ready for the crown! Just before the wedding, go to the bath, waving a well-dressed carefully.

And ordered to drown a bath.

And the bath was all the cast iron.

Three days the bath was treated, Rassed hot. Fire-fire from her breathe, for five sages to her do not come.

How will I wash? - says the fool. - Burn alive.

Not sad, - Refrigerated. - I'll go with you!

He ran to the king, asks:

Do not let me go with a bride in a bath to go? I will start him straw so that he did not drink his heels!

King what? He donated: "That one burns, that both!"

They led a fool with a refrigerator to the bath, locked there.

And the refrigerator scattered in the bath of the straw - and it became cold, the walls of the walls were tormented, the water was frozen in cast iron.

Some time passed, opened the servants. Look, and the fool is alive, and the old man also.

Oh, you, "says the fool, - yes in your bath you do not steam, but did you ride on the sled!

We ran the servants to the king. Reported: so, they say, and so. The king was noticed, he does not know what to do, how to get rid of badness.

I thought I thought and ordered him:

I put in the morning in front of my palace a whole regiment of soldiers. Let's exhibit - I will give you daughter for you. You will not exhibit - ran out!

And at the mind itself: "Where does a common man get to get the army? I can't do it. Here we will fade it in the neck! "

Heard a fool of the royal order - says to his shuts:

You got out of me, brothers, out of trouble more than once and not two ... And now what will we do?

Eh, you, found something to be sad! - Says an old man with a twig. - Yes, I at least seven regiments with generals put it! Go to the king, tell me - there will be a army!

Furious came to the king.

I will fulfill, - says, is your order, only the last time. And if you dissuade you - on yourself Penia!

Early, in the morning, the old man with a twig clically fumble and went out with him in the field. He cried knitting, and an indispensable army appeared - and walking, and equestrian, and with guns. Trumpeters in pipes are trumped, drummers in the drums beat, the generals of the team are served, horses in the ground with hooves beaten ...

The fool was ahead, the army knocked to the royal court. He stopped in front of the palace, ordered louder in pipe pipes, stronger in the drums beat.

He heard the king, looked out in the window, from frighting whore the canvas became. He ordered to lead their army to lead their army, to the fool of war to go.

The governors of the royal army were brought, began to shoot a fool. And the fools of the soldiers are the wall, the royal army of Mnut, like grass. The governors frightened and reversed, and after them, after all the royal army.

Taking the king from the palace, on the knees before bad crawling, asks for expensive gifts to accept yes with the princess rather to marry.

Says a fool of King:

Now you are not a pointer! We have our mind!

He drove the king away and never ordered to return to the kingdom. And he himself married the princess.

Tsarevna - the girl is young and good. There is no guilt on it!

And he became in that kingdom to live, all sorts of things should be left.