
Diabetes mellitus 10 things to do. E10-E14 Diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia and its manifestations

Blood sugar levels are not always constant and may vary depending on age, time of day, diet, physical activity, and stressful situations.

Blood glucose parameters can increase or decrease based on a particular need of the body. This complex system is controlled by the insulin of the pancreas and, to some extent, by adrenaline.

With a lack of insulin in the body, a malfunction occurs, which causes metabolic disorders. After a certain time, an irreversible pathology of internal organs is formed.

To assess the patient's health and prevent the development of complications, it is necessary.

Sugar 5.0 - 6.0

Blood sugar levels in the range of 5.0-6.0 units are considered acceptable. Meanwhile, the doctor may be wary if the tests range from 5.6 to 6.0 mmol / liter, as this may symbolize the development of so-called prediabetes.

  • Acceptable values \u200b\u200bin healthy adults can be in the range from 3.89 to 5.83 mmol / liter.
  • For children, the normal range is from 3.33 to 5.55 mmol / liter.
  • The age of children is also important to consider: in newborns up to a month, the indicators can be in the range from 2.8 to 4.4 mmol / liter, up to 14 years of age, the data range from 3.3 to 5.6 mmol / liter.
  • It is important to take into account that these data become higher with age, therefore, for older people from 60 years old, blood sugar levels can be higher than 5.0-6.0 mmol / liter, which is considered normal.
  • During pregnancy in women, due to hormonal changes, the data may increase. For pregnant women, test results from 3.33 to 6.6 mmol / liter are considered normal.

When testing for venous blood glucose, the rate automatically increases by 12 percent. Thus, if the analysis is done from a vein, the data can vary from 3.5 to 6.1 mmol / liter.

Also, the indicators may differ if you take whole blood from a finger, vein or blood plasma. In healthy people, the average plasma concentration is 6.1 mmol / liter.

If a pregnant woman has a fingerstick sample taken on an empty stomach, the average can range from 3.3 to 5.8 mmol / liter. When examining venous blood, indicators can range from 4.0 to 6.1 mmol / liter.

It is important to consider that in some cases, under the influence of certain factors, sugar may temporarily rise.

Thus, increasing glucose data can:

  1. Physical labor or training;
  2. Long-term mental work;
  3. Fright, fear, or an acute stressful situation.

Also, in addition to diabetes mellitus, diseases such as:

  • Availability pain syndrome and painful shock;
  • Acute myocardial infarction;
  • Cerebral stroke;
  • The presence of burn diseases;
  • Brain injury;
  • Surgical operation;
  • Epileptic seizure;
  • The presence of liver pathology;
  • Fractures and trauma.

Some time after the effect of the provoking factor is terminated, the patient's condition returns to normal.

An increase in glucose in the body is often associated not only with the fact that the patient consumed a lot of fast carbohydrates, but also with a sharp physical exertion. When muscles are loaded, they need energy.

The glycogen in the muscles is converted into glucose and released into the bloodstream, which causes an increase in blood sugar levels. Further, glucose is used for its intended purpose, and sugar after a while returns to normal.

Sugar 6.1 - 7.0

It is important to understand that in healthy people, capillary blood glucose levels never increase above 6.6 mmol / liter. Since the concentration of glucose in the blood from the finger is higher than from the vein, the venous blood has different indicators - from 4.0 to 6.1 mmol / liter for any type of study.

If the blood sugar data on an empty stomach is higher than 6.6 mmol / liter, the doctor will usually diagnose that it is a serious metabolic disorder. If every effort is not made to normalize the state of health, the patient may develop type 2 diabetes.

With prediabetes, the blood glucose level on an empty stomach is 5.5 to 7.0 mmol / liter, and glycated hemoglobin levels are 5.7 to 6.4 percent. One or two hours after a meal, blood sugar readings range from 7.8 to 11.1 mmol / liter. At least one of the signs is enough to diagnose the disease.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient will have to:

  1. take a second blood sugar test;
  2. take a glucose tolerance test;
  3. examine the blood for indicators of glycosylated hemoglobin, since this method is considered the most accurate for detecting diabetes mellitus.

The patient's age is also taken into account, since in old age data from 4.6 to 6.4 mmol / liter are considered the norm.

In general, an increase in blood sugar in pregnant women does not indicate obvious violations, but it will also happen as a reason to worry about your own health and the health of the unborn child.

If during pregnancy the concentration of sugar increases sharply, this may indicate the development of latent latent diabetes. If you get into a risk group, the pregnant woman is registered, after which she is assigned to undergo a blood glucose test and a glucose tolerance stress test.

If the concentration of glucose in the blood of pregnant women is higher than 6.7 mmol / liter, the woman is most likely to have diabetes. For this reason, you should immediately consult a doctor if a woman has symptoms such as:

  • Feeling of dry mouth;
  • Constant thirst;
  • Frequent urination
  • Constant hunger;
  • Bad breath;
  • Formation of sour metallic taste in the mouth;
  • The appearance of general weakness and frequent fatigue;
  • Blood pressure rises.

To prevent the onset of gestational diabetes, you need to be regularly monitored by a doctor, take all the necessary tests. It is also important not to forget about a healthy lifestyle, if possible, give up the frequent use of foods with a high glycemic index, high in simple carbohydrates and starches.

If all the necessary measures are taken in a timely manner, the pregnancy will pass without problems, a healthy and strong baby will be born.

Sugar 7.1 - 8.0

If the readings in the morning hours on an empty stomach in an adult are 7.0 mmol / liter and higher, the doctor may assert the development of diabetes mellitus.

In this case, the blood sugar data, regardless of food intake and time, can reach 11.0 mmol / liter and higher.

In the case when the data are in the range from 7.0 to 8.0 mmol / liter, while there are no obvious signs of the disease, and the doctor doubts the diagnosis, the patient is assigned a passage.

  1. For this, a blood test is taken from the patient on an empty stomach.
  2. 75 grams of pure glucose is diluted with water in a glass, and the resulting solution must be drunk by the patient.
  3. The patient should be at rest for two hours, not eating, drinking, smoking and actively moving. After that, a second blood sugar test is taken from him.

A similar test for glucose tolerance is mandatory for pregnant women in the middle of the term. If, according to the results of the analysis, the indicators are from 7.8 to 11.1 mmol / liter, it is considered that the tolerance is impaired, that is, the sensitivity to sugar is increased.

When the analysis shows a result above 11.1 mmol / liter, diabetes mellitus is preliminarily diagnosed.

The risk group for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus includes:

  • People who are overweight;
  • Patients with constant blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg and above;
  • People who have higher blood cholesterol levels;
  • Women who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy, as well as those whose baby weighed 4.5 kg or more at birth;
  • Patients with polycystic ovary disease;
  • People with a hereditary predisposition to the development of diabetes mellitus.

For any risk factor, it is necessary to take a blood sugar test at least once every three years, starting at the age of 45.

Overweight children over the age of 10 should also be regularly tested for sugar.

Sugar 8.1 - 9.0

If three times in a row the sugar test showed overestimated results, the doctor diagnoses type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. If the disease is advanced, high glucose levels will also be found in urine.

In addition to hypoglycemic drugs, the patient is prescribed a strict therapeutic diet. If it turns out that sugar rises sharply after dinner and these results persist until sleep, you need to reconsider your diet. Most likely, high-carbohydrate meals are consumed, which are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.

A similar situation can be observed if a person did not eat fully throughout the day, but when he came home in the evening, he pounced on food and ate an excess portion.

In this case, in order to prevent surges in sugar, doctors recommend eating evenly throughout the day in small portions. Fasting should not be allowed, and carbohydrate-rich dishes should be excluded from the evening menu.

Sugar 9.1 - 10

Blood glucose values \u200b\u200bbetween 9.0 and 10.0 units are considered a threshold value. With an increase in data above 10 mmol / liter, the kidneys of the diabetic are not able to perceive such a large concentration of glucose. As a result, sugar begins to accumulate in the urine, which causes the development of glucosuria.

Due to the lack of carbohydrates or insulin, the diabetic's body does not receive the required amount of energy from glucose, and therefore fat reserves are used instead of the required "fuel". As you know, ketone bodies are substances that are formed as a result of the breakdown of fat cells. When blood glucose reaches 10 units, the kidneys try to excrete excess sugar from the body as waste slag along with urine.

Thus, diabetics, whose blood sugar values \u200b\u200bare higher than 10 mmol / liter with several blood measurements, need to undergo a urine analysis for the presence of ketone substances in it. For this purpose, special test strips are used, with the help of which the presence of acetone in the urine is determined.

Also, a similar study is carried out if a person, in addition to high data of more than 10 mmol / liter, suddenly felt bad, the body temperature rose, while the patient feels nausea, vomiting is observed. Such symptoms make it possible to promptly identify the decompensation of diabetes mellitus and prevent diabetic coma.

With a decrease in blood sugar with the help of antihyperglycemic drugs, exercise or insulin, the amount of acetone in the urine decreases, the patient's performance and general well-being improves.

Sugar 10.1 - 20

If, with blood sugar levels from 8 to 10 mmol / liter, a mild degree of hyperglycemia is diagnosed, then with an increase in data from 10.1 to 16 mmol / liter, an average degree is determined, above 16-20 mmol / liter - a severe degree of the disease.

This relative classification exists in order to guide doctors with suspected hyperglycemia. Moderate and severe degree reports on the decompensation of diabetes mellitus, as a result of which all kinds of complications of a chronic nature are observed.

There are the main symptoms that indicate an elevated blood sugar level from 10 to 20 mmol / liter:

  • The patient experiences frequent urination, and sugar is found in the urine. Due to the increased concentration of glucose in the urine, linen in the genital area becomes as if starched.
  • At the same time, due to the large loss of fluid through the urine, the diabetic feels a strong and constant thirst.
  • There is constant dryness in the mouth, especially at night.
  • The patient is often lethargic, weak, and tired quickly.
  • The diabetic dramatically loses body weight.
  • Sometimes a person feels nausea, vomiting, headache, fever.

The reason for this condition is associated with an acute shortage of insulin in the body or the inability of cells to act on insulin in order to utilize sugar.

At this point, the renal threshold is exceeded above 10 mmol / liter, it can reach 20 mmol / liter, glucose is excreted in the urine, which causes frequent urge to urinate.

This condition leads to loss of moisture and dehydration, which is what causes the diabetic's insatiable thirst. Together with the liquid, not only sugar is excreted from the body, but also all kinds of vital elements, such as potassium, sodium, chlorides, as a result, a person feels severe weakness and loses weight.

The higher the blood sugar level, the faster the processes described above proceed.

Blood sugar above 20

With such indicators, the patient feels strong signs of hypoglycemia, which often leads to loss of consciousness. The presence of acetone at a given 20 mmol / liter and above is easiest to detect by smell. This is a clear sign that diabetes is not being compensated and the person is on the brink.

You can identify dangerous disorders in the body using the following symptoms.

Incredible! Sugar level will be normal if ...

Blood glucose readings are a kind of weather vane that speaks of the state of health. Every new day of a person is not like another, the concentration of sugar in the blood is also not always the same. There is a direct relationship between jumps in glucose indicators and a number of factors. In a completely healthy person, blood glucose levels may differ:

  • morning and evening;
  • before and after meals;
  • before and after eating foods high in fast carbohydrates;
  • before and after significant physical activity or sports;
  • in young and older people.

But most often, the percentage of glucose in the blood is increased due to hyperglycemia, and a chronic hyperglycemic state leads to diabetes mellitus. If in a healthy body, after a short period of time, sugar drops by itself, then a person suffering from sugar disease must take a number of actions aimed at lowering glucose.

In any case, you need to first find out your sugar indicators. This requires a blood test. It is carried out in medical laboratories. The patient should prepare for the collection of biological material in order not to receive a distorted version in the end result.

Patients with infectious diseases, people taking medications, after x-rays or physiotherapy do not donate blood.
The normal glucose value is 3.88-5.5 mmol / L, and above 10.0 mmol / L. - diabetes. There are also borderline states when the sugar level approaches 10.0 mmol / l. At this time, glucose is not perceived by the body, which means that there is no energy necessary for life. In addition, high blood sugar negatively affects kidney function. It is almost impossible to stabilize the situation without a full-fledged medical complex.

Glucose levels for children are not identical to those for adults. So, in a newborn and a baby up to a year, the norm corresponds to 2.78-4.44 mmol / l. With age, the child's blood sugar level should approach 3.33-5.55 mol / L.

Everyone has their own threshold

So doctors think. Borderline figures are from 5.5 to 10.0 mmol / l. Defining your boundaries is easy enough.

It is necessary to empty the bladder, and then measure the blood sugar level.

After half an hour, the concentration of glucose in the urine is determined. Everything is recorded in the form of a table for tracking dynamics. Five days are enough for a qualitative analysis.
If glucose in the blood is close to 10 mmol / l., But in urine it is not, then the threshold is not exceeded. When there is sugar in both plasma and urine, the threshold is clearly violated upward.

Why is sugar growing, symptoms

When, during the analysis for sugar, the protocol of biochemical laboratory studies was followed and the blood sugar level was 10 mmol / l and higher, it is necessary to look for the reasons for such an increase.

Significantly increased. In a healthy person, the concentration of glucose decreases every hour, but in a diabetic this does not happen.

An increase in glucose may be associated not only with "sweet sickness", but also with:

  1. Hormonal disorders;
  2. Exacerbations of diseases: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, brain, thyroid gland;
  3. Food and toxic poisoning;
  4. Reinforced sports activities or the absolute absence of such;
  5. Alcohol and drug abuse;
  6. Violations nervous system;
  7. Pregnancy;
  8. Obesity, neglect of dietary food;
  9. Trauma and surgery;
  10. The use of diuretic, steroid, hormonal and contraceptive drugs.

Particular attention is paid to pregnant women, because some women may suffer from latent diabetes, which manifests itself precisely in the process of carrying a child.

For a correct diagnosis, clarifications are needed. The patient is advised to take a glucose tolerance test, a urine test for sugar. Research on glucose tolerance consists in conducting analyzes before and after the "sweet" load in the form of glucose solution.

Hyperglycemia symptoms:

  1. General weakness of the body,
  2. Drowsiness;
  3. Irritability;
  4. Dizziness;
  5. Nausea, vomiting;
  6. Thirst, dry mouth;
  7. Pain in the limbs;
  8. Peeling of the skin, its dryness;
  9. Decreased vision;
  10. Frequent urination
  11. Poorly healed wounds.

How to lower sugar levels, what will help?

Different types of diabetes are treated differently. In type 1 diabetes, insulin therapy is the only method. The patient needs to make up for the lack of insulin by injection, and the endocrinologist will calculate the dosage. It is important to stick to a healthy diet, namely a low-carb diet, which is not the main but an auxiliary treatment.

Diet therapy is also important for pregnant women with latent diabetes, since insulin or sugar-reducing drugs can be treated in rare cases when it is vital. By reducing the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index and minimal exercise, sugar in a pregnant woman's body can really be kept under control. Usually, after delivery, the glucose concentration in a woman decreases.

Type 2 diabetes is more common, its consequences affect the kidneys, cardiovascular system, and digestive tract organs.

A patient who has received disappointing test results does not know what to do if the blood sugar is high. You should definitely consult with an endocrinologist. The doctor will select a treatment method, taking into account age, weight, gender. The medical complex consists of:

  • the use of drugs, the action of which is aimed at lowering sugar;
  • following a low-carb diet;
  • regular physical activity;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • stress resistance.

Chronic hyperglycemia affects the internal organs, so it must be treated as early as possible.

Low-carb diets are not only about certain foods, but also about eating patterns. It is better to eat fractionally, up to six times a day. Vegetables and fruits should be cooked to a minimum. Dishes are steamed, boiled, less often - stewed or baked. But fried, smoked, pickles are excluded from the diet. Eaten during the day, the recipe for meals, their weight can be recorded in the food diary.

  • pasta;
  • bread made from premium flour;
  • fast food dishes;
  • some vegetables and fruits: potatoes, corn, grapes, tangerines;
  • dried fruits;
  • sausages, lard;
  • cane or beet sugar;
  • freshly squeezed or packaged juices.

Instead of traditional sugar, sugar substitutes are put in tea or sweet dishes: fructose, stevia, aspartame, xylitol, saccharin. Sometimes you can pamper yourself with a piece of dark chocolate or a spoonful of honey.

To reduce the percentage of glucose, use folk remedies, namely herbal infusions, teas, decoctions.

High blood sugar is not always a symptom of a systemic illness such as diabetes. High values \u200b\u200bcan be indicators of some other endocrine pathologies, stress on the eve of a blood sample, physical and mental overload.

Sugar also rises in pregnant women - quite often during gestation, this indicator in the blood is unusually increased, but after childbirth, all values \u200b\u200bare normalized. But still, in most cases, high sugar is a direct herald of prediabetes, not yet a disease, but already a direct threat to it.

What is prediabetes

Let's say a patient is going to be tested on schedule. And in the form of results in the column "glucose" it has a mark of 10. This is a high value, given that the normal range is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l. Of course, no one will immediately diagnose diabetes.

Often, the analysis is revised, and its indicators already fit into the norm. But the situation needs to be monitored. If sugar rises, jumps, if there are any deviations, it is time to be examined additionally and to find out the nature of this phenomenon.

And often, higher values \u200b\u200bindicate prediabetes. The name is eloquent: this is the name of the condition that precedes the development of the disease. This is a borderline state, diabetes is not yet possible, but it is no longer possible to leave the situation unchanged.

To diagnose an ailment, a number of examinations are carried out. First, fasting blood is drawn from the patient to check the glucose concentration. Then a glucose tolerance test (GTT) is required. This test involves drawing blood repeatedly. First, the sample is taken on an empty stomach, then one hour after the patient drinks a diluted glucose solution.

After checking a fasting blood sample, acceptable level sugar should not exceed the threshold value of 5.5 mmol / l. When taking venous blood, a mark of 6.1 will indicate the norm (but not higher).

GTT analysis is interpreted as follows:

  1. Sugar content up to 7.8 mmol / l is normal;
  2. The range of 7.8-11 mmol / L is considered a marker of prediabetes;
  3. Values \u200b\u200bover 11 are already diabetes.

False positive and false negative results are quite possible, therefore doctors always try to prescribe a duplicate examination in such a situation.

Who is at risk for pre-diabetes

Alarming information: according to statistics, two-thirds of patients do not know about their diagnosis or simply do not turn to doctors for timely adequate therapy. People get tested, often ignoring the doctor's request for a second blood sample if the blood sugar values \u200b\u200bare alarming.

The fact is that for some time the disease is asymptomatic, or its symptoms are not so pronounced that a person really begins to worry about his health.

So it turns out that the patient simply misses the still reversible stage of prediabetes. The time when the state correction is possible without drug treatmentturns out to be overlooked. And in most cases of diagnosing prediabetes, correction of nutrition and normalization of weight is enough for sugar to return to normal.

We can definitely say that at risk of prediabetes are:

  • People whose relatives have come across a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus;
  • Overweight patients;
  • People with arterial hypertension;
  • Women who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

At the first signs of a possible illness, you need to rush to the doctor. As already mentioned, this is a reversible condition, but only if it is noticed in time.

How does prediabetes manifest?

Overweight people prone to physical inactivity are more susceptible to diabetes. Potential patients do not consider some symptoms a harbinger of an illness, or they simply do not know how to react to them correctly. Therefore, it is so important to undergo an annual medical examination so that during a routine examination you can get a consultation from specialists.

Symptoms of prediabetes:

The symptoms do not have to appear all at once and together. Sometimes they are not so pronounced that a person is seriously alarmed. And the threshold of perception, pain and discomfort is different for everyone. Therefore, it is so important to undergo an annual examination without waiting for a reason to see a doctor.

What to do if prediabetes is found

If all tests are submitted and duplicated, the patient must definitely come for a consultation with an endocrinologist. He will give a definite prognosis for the treatment of prediabetes and will definitely accompany it with recommendations. And if the patient listens to them, then the risk of developing pathology will be minimized.

As for medications, they are not typical for prediabetes. Normalization of nutrition, moderate physical activity, weight correction - these are the three pillars, on which the prevention of diabetes rests. This is usual enough so that the insidious diagnosis does not frighten the prospect of its development.

Moreover, experiments conducted by scientists from the United States have shown:

The risk of diabetes is significantly reduced if a person manages to lose weight. People with prediabetes who normalize their weight are thought to significantly reduce tissue insulin resistance.

The first thing the endocrinologist focuses on is nutrition. From the moment prediabetes is detected, it should be curative. Some people are afraid of this very definition and the prospect of eating tasteless insipid food all their lives. But this is, of course, a big prejudice.

Medical nutrition can be tasty, another question is that a person simply does not want to lose their old eating habits, albeit far from health issues.

What are the goals proper nutrition in patients with prediabetes:

Each product group has its own approach. Many patients are surprised that the recommendations of an endocrinologist differ significantly from his own ideas about the diet of a person with high sugar levels.

It is known that foods with a high glycemic index must be severely restricted on the menu. But this is done not only because they increase blood sugar.

These foods add stress to the pancreas, literally force it to work beyond its strength, and, as you remember, it is the pancreas that is responsible for the production of natural insulin.

Specifically for prediabetes, insulin secretion is retained (sometimes the secretion is even excessive), but foods with a high GI stimulate the release of the hormone. As a result, insulin resistance worsens, a person's weight grows, and the prognosis for recovery is no longer so favorable.

What can you eat with prediabetes?

You can eat vegetables, but not all. Eat what grows on the surface of the earth - cabbage, beans, eggplants. You can eat vegetables that grow underground, but only raw (radishes and turnips). But sweet potatoes, potatoes and beets are excluded or included in the menu as rarely as possible.

Fermented milk products can be consumed, but not more than 150 per day. You shouldn't drink milk! You can eat cottage cheese and sour cream, moreover, of any fat content. Feel free to eat greens and salads, just watch the quality of these products. Avocados, plums, apples and pears will also be useful (but not more than 100 g per day).

Do not remove nuts and seeds from the diet, but you should not eat more than 25-30 g per day. I would like to remind you that peanuts are not a nut, but a plant of the legume family, a highly allergic and even conditionally dangerous product. You can eat berries - also up to 100 g per day. It is allowed to pamper yourself with a piece of dark chocolate in the amount of 30 g per day.

Very Important Information About Eating Fat:

Now scientists claim that one should not be fanatic about negatively regarding animal food. Meat and animal fats with natural fat content do not harm health if a person knows how to correctly enter these products into the menu. That is, if meat is in food every day, and even in several dishes, there is nothing good here. But you shouldn't give up the same red meat either. Eat so that you feel full, but don't overeat.

Another question is the cooking method. Salt - as little as possible, fried, spicy and smoked - remove from the diet. Boil, stew, bake, try new healthy recipes, and learn to enjoy the taste of the right food.

Why it is so important not to give up protein in prediabetes

Protein was, is and, apparently, will remain the main building material for the cell wall. Biologically active substances and hormones also, for the most part, consist of protein. And you need protein regularly, since every day regeneration processes take place in the body.

It is impossible to imagine healthy and proper nutrition without protein. Where to get this most important element, what food does it contain?

Protein foods:

People prone to hypochondria, upon learning of prediabetes, go on a strict and mindless diet. They eat only boiled chicken, vegetable soups and salad leaves. Of course, such food cannot be called varied or complete.

What is definitely removed forever from the menu is meat along with potatoes, but there is no point in giving up baked beef with vegetables or mackerel in your juice.

It is difficult at first: you need to draw up an approximate menu for a week, three types (to adhere to alternation), after which the diet becomes habitual, automatic processes are turned on. A reasonable step is to go to a nutritionist, a specialist, knowing about your diagnosis, will make a really correct, complete menu.

Complications of diabetes mellitus include damage to blood vessels, nervous system, urinary system, coma, etc.
The following symptoms will allow you to suspect vascular damage in diabetes:
- Visual impairment.
- Formation of ulcers on the lower limbs.
- High blood pressure.
- Pain in the legs when walking.
- Chest pain and other symptoms.
A dangerous complication that occurs in diabetes mellitus is vascular damage. Diabetic angiopathy occurs in the form of macro- and microvascular disorders. Microvascular complications include retinopathy, nephropathy and angiopathy of the lower extremities of diabetic origin. Macrovascular complications - aortitis, arteriosclerosis of the coronary, cerebral vessels, atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels.
Diabetic retinopathy is a lesion of the retinal vessels, characteristic of both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy can manifest itself not only with blurred vision, but also with retinal and vitreous hemorrhages.
Damage to the retinal vessels in diabetes mellitus can occur in 2 forms - background or proliferative retinopathy. Background retinopathy is characterized by small hemorrhages, metabolic products are deposited in the retina, and retinal edema develops. Background retinopathy develops more often in old age and leads to a sluggish decrease in vision.
Proliferative retinopathy develops due to impaired blood supply to the retina. Retinal detachment is common. It is observed mainly at a young age.
It was found that at the time of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus, 21% of patients already suffer from retinopathy. The diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy is made on the basis of examination of the fundus of the ophthalmologist, assessment of the visual fields, intraocular pressure, scanning of the internal structures of the eye.
Diabetic neuropathy is damage to various parts of the nervous system against the background of diabetes mellitus. There is a classification into symmetric generalized polyneuropathy and focal (polyfocal) mononeuropathy. Further progression of diabetic neuropathy leads to the development of trophic ulcers and the formation of a "diabetic foot". The presence of diabetic neuropathy can be suspected with pain in the legs of a burning nature, especially at night, discomfort (paresthesia), decreased pain, temperature and tactile sensitivity. The skin becomes dry, the temperature of the affected part of the body decreases or rises. This type of neuropathy develops most often in type 2 diabetes mellitus, in elderly patients. Central diabetic neuropathy includes the development of encephalopathy and myelopathy.
No less common complication of diabetes mellitus is kidney damage - diabetic nephropathy. The mechanism of development of diabetic nephropathy is associated with damage to the renal vessels. In conditions of hyperglycemia and hypertension, the kidneys lose the ability to perform their physiological functions - filtration and concentration of urine. This is the most common cause of disability and mortality among the contingent of patients with diabetes mellitus. Diabetic nephropathy develops in 5 stages:
1. At the onset of the disease, the stage of renal hyperfunction. An increase in the glomerular filtration rate is observed, renal blood flow increases, and the renal parenchyma is hypertrophied. No protein is detected in the urine.
2. After 2-5 years from the onset of the disease, the initial structural changes in the renal tissue occur. The second stage is characterized by a thickening of the basement membrane, expansion of the mesangium, the level of protein in the urine is still not hung.
3. The third stage is formed in 5-15 years, an increase in blood pressure and microalbuminuria are detected.
4. Severe nephropathy (stage 4) develops in 10-25 years, pronounced proteinuria is found, the glomerular filtration rate is moderately reduced.
5. Uremia develops 5-7 years after the onset of proteinuria. The glomerular filtration rate is less than 10 ml / min, symptoms of intoxication and arterial hypertension are expressed.
Diabetic nephropathy is dangerous in that it may not show any clinical signs until the terminal stage. For the timely diagnosis of this complication, it is necessary to take a urinalysis in a timely manner, where the main role is played by the detection of albuminuria, the determination of the level of urea and creatinine. It was found that 20% of diabetic patients develop diabetic nephropathy (Kimmelstil-Wilson syndrome) within 20 years. In 50% of patients, the course of the disease is complicated by chronic renal failure.
Diabetic foot is a diabetes mellitus syndrome caused by angio- and neuropathic mechanisms. The first stage of development of a diabetic foot includes superficial ulcers on the plantar surface of the foot, with callosities, under which the ulcerative surface is opened.
A deep ulcerative defect with the addition of an infection that does not reach the bone tissue develops with the 2nd degree of development of a diabetic foot. Further progression with bone involvement, the development of osteomyelitis leads to grade 3. Then limited gangrene develops (grade 4), and extensive gangrene (grade 5 diabetic foot).
Diabetic foot syndrome manifests itself in a neuropathic or ischemic form. The neuropathic variant is characterized by a pink color of the skin, sharply reduced pulsation, the presence of cracks, painless ulcers, calluses, with the development of gangrene of the fingers and Charcot's joints. Hyperkeratosis of nails and neuropathic edema of the foot join.
The ischemic form is accompanied by pallor of the skin of the foot, the integument is cold to the touch, there is also no pulsation. Painful ulcers and gangrene of the fingers occur.

Today I am publishing another article from my first blog. This article is very relevant today, because the number of people who have high sugar is constantly increasing.

How to keep blood sugar without chemistry.

Today I want to tell you how my wife and I keep blood sugar at the same level.

A bit of history.

After celebrating New Year 2011, on January 3 or 4, I began to feel dry in my throat and was constantly thirsty.

Considering that I do not drink alcohol at all, it was some kind of new unpleasant sensation for me. I told my wife about the problem. She advised to measure blood sugar, because in due time she faced the same problem. When I measured the sugar with a glucometer, I was extremely surprised by the result, there was a figure of 10.6 on the screen, which is at a rate of no more than 5.5. I began to think why it was suddenly such an attack, and I remembered that my mother had diabetes mellitus, and this disease, as we know, is hereditary, and of course the use of all kinds of New Year's delicacies affected.

And so, I earned increased sugar. The question arose: “What to do? How to lower it and keep it normal? " First of all, I excluded from my diet:

1. Anything that contains sugar.

2. White wheat bread.

3. Potatoes.

4. Pasta.

5. Rice and semolina.

I am opposed to the use of all kinds of chemistry, so I began to look for popular advice on lowering blood sugar. There were many recipes, but I settled on one and have been using it with success for more than a year.

Here's the recipe:

Take 150-200 ml of milk yogurt (yogurt can be used, but yogurt is more useful), add a tablespoon of ground buckwheat to it, mix everything well and leave this mixture overnight. Eat the composition in the morning on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast in an hour. Eating curdled milk with ground buckwheat daily in the morning, I have normalized sugar in a week and have been maintaining it at 5.0-6.5 for a year and a half. In addition, this remedy strengthens blood vessels and lowers cholesterol levels, and is useful for constipation.

Fluctuations in sugar occur because I eat almost everything, but foods containing carbohydrates, of course, I eat with caution. Replaced regular sugar with fruit sugar (fructose).

There she is:

In the morning on an empty stomach I eat 150-200 ml of yogurt with buckwheat, this serves as my first breakfast. An hour later I eat one large or two small apples, you can add a couple of tangerines or an orange, this serves as a second breakfast. During the first half of the day I drink two, sometimes three glasses of green tea with jasmine. I usually have lunch at 12-13 o'clock. Lunch is normal, no restrictions. After lunch, during the afternoon, until 5 pm, I drink a couple more glasses of green tea with jasmine. I have dinner at 18, maximum at 19. After this time, I no longer eat anything. But you can still eat an apple and an orange. Yes, whoever doesn't like jasmine tea can drink plain green tea, but only of good quality.

Now a little about each product separately.

Fermented milk dietary product that can be obtained from whole or skim pasteurized, sterilized or baked cow's milk by fermenting it with a sourdough prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria. I prepare curdled milk from natural milk, the shelf life of which does not exceed 5 days, with a fat content of 3.2-3.8. I ferment with a tablespoon of natural sour cream. At room temperature. The yogurt is ready within 24 hours.

Why is yogurt so useful? Mechnikov, a famous Russian biologist, noticed that peasants in Bulgaria often drink yogurt and live longer, and the signs of aging are not as noticeable as in other people. Later, upon closer examination, he discovered that a special microorganism was present in the yogurt, later called the Bulgarian bacillus. It actively produces lactic acid, which is harmful to putrefactive bacteria. These bacteria secrete substances that poison humans and their internal environment. Contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids - valine, arginine, leucine, histidine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, methylalanine. Sour milk contains starch, dietary fiber, sugars, vitamins A, C, E, K, vitamins of group B, numerous macro- and microelements. In addition, it slightly slows down aging, and besides, it is the only natural product that actually restores nerve cells.

Buckwheat has unique beneficial properties. First, buckwheat is the champion among cereals in terms of iron content. It also contains - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, vitamins B1, B2, B9 ( folic acid), PP, vitamin E. In terms of protein content, buckwheat surpasses all other grains, and these proteins are easily digestible. But buckwheat carbohydrates, on the contrary, are absorbed for a long time, therefore, after eating a buckwheat dish, a person feels full for a long time.

As it is sung in folklore: "Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye loaf is our own father!" The benefits of buckwheat were clear even to our dense ancestors! It was the simple Russian food - cabbage soup, porridge, rye bread that was the basis of their good health.

The high dietary properties of buckwheat have been confirmed by the latest research by scientists. Buckwheat is useful for patients with diabetes and obese people, since buckwheat contains less carbohydrates than other cereals.

Buckwheat helps the heart and liver, helps to eliminate excess cholesterol from the body, removes toxins and heavy metal ions from the body, saturates the blood with iron.

Even such a formidable disease as anemia is perfectly treated with buckwheat. To do this, you need to grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder into flour. To cure anemia, it is enough to eat 2 tbsp one to three times a day. spoons of such buckwheat flour, washed down with a cup of milk. This treatment is carried out until the hemoglobin level is completely restored. The benefits of buckwheat are also explained by the fact that it contains a lot of routine, and this substance thickens and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, buckwheat is an indispensable product on the table of those who suffer from hemorrhoids or varicose veins. Important! Traditional medicine recommends using only unroasted buckwheat for medicinal purposes. You can distinguish fried cereals from unroasted ones by color - unroasted cereals are lighter.

Green tea. Green tea was drunk in China 5 thousand years ago, around the time when tea trees began to be cultivated. Healers prescribed it as a medicine for depression, loss of strength, weakness and other ailments. Green tea is a perennial evergreen shrub up to 10 m high. The leaves are alternate, oval, leathery, smooth, dark green. Flowers are white, solitary. The fruit is a capsule. Seeds are roundish, dark brown. Blooms from August to late autumn. Fruiting in October-December. Beneficial features green tea is due to the many substances it contains: polyphenols, catechins, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, pectins, trace elements and plant pigments.

The beneficial properties of green tea are due to the many substances it contains: polyphenols, catechins, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, pectins, trace elements and plant pigments. managed to find out that people with healthy cardiovascular system do consume green tea statistically more frequently than their peers in the same age group. Green tea with jasmine prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Women who regularly drink green tea are 90% less likely to develop breast cancer. Jasmine also has a positive effect on vision. More recently, studies have shown that mental performance in older people who use green tea actually lasts longer. A rather vivid illustration of the health benefits of green tea is the so-called "Asian paradox": despite heavy smoking, many older people in Asia suffer from cardiovascular and cancer diseases much less often than Europeans. A substance that can fight AIDS has been found in green tea.

Green large-leaf tea is brewed with unboiled water cooled down to a temperature of 80-85 ºС at the rate of one teaspoon per 200 ml mug.

Apples.It is well known that apples are good for our health. An old English proverb says: "He who eats an apple a day does not have a doctor." Apples contain almost the entire vitamin complex: A, B1, B2, B3, B, C, E, PP, P, K. They are rich in fructose, amino acids, iron, calcium and a lot of trace elements so necessary for human life. An apple lowers blood cholesterol levels. It's all about the pectin and fiber. One medium-sized apple with peel contains 3.5 grams. fibers, i.e. more than 10% of the daily fiber needed by the body.

An apple without a peel contains 2.7 grams. fibers. Insoluble fiber molecules attach to cholesterol and promote its removal from the body, thereby reducing the risk of vascular blockages and heart attacks. Apples also contain soluble fiber called pectins, which help to bind and flush out excess cholesterol produced in the liver.

The researchers found that eating 2 apples a day lowered cholesterol levels by 16%, while eating the same apples, along with a small to medium head of onions and 4 cups of green tea, reduced the risk of heart attack by 32%. Regular consumption of apples for hypertension helps to lower blood pressure, relieve headaches and dizziness.

Here are some more recipes traditional medicine to lower blood sugar:

1. Take 10 bay leaves and pour 400 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1.5 hours. Strain the infusion. Take ½ cup 3 times a day. The same infusion helps with osteochondrosis and spring weakness.