
Down shifters. Downshifting - what is it? Creator or Slacker - who will win

»I briefly told about the path that led me to minimalism of life and irrepressible thirst for travel. Now I wanted to answer the question “What is downshifting” as fully as possible and take a broader look at its reasons and features.

Downshifting is the abandonment of a busy and frantic career race, rat race and office work in favor of a quiet and measured life, with a consequent decrease in income and consumption levels.

True, in the post-Soviet space this concept is not known as widely as in the West. And the reason is very simple: our people have not yet had time to get enough of the benefits of a material consumer society, since periods of social stability and prosperity in our countries are very fragile.

The reaction of the majority to your personal choice still sounds like a reproach or condescension to a bad whim. We have few downshifters that could form the backbone of any movement. More often they are retired office workers who, after 3-4 months of traveling in India and South-East Asia, return to their cozy offices.

At one time, I was exactly the same: searched, tried, retreated and gave up. I was drawn to stories of $ 2 a day life and overcrowded Indian trains. Even for the same psychos I wrote an article about how you can. And every time, after another similar homelessness (for example, a night out), I returned to cozy, warm offices and lived with hope until the next vacation.

However, I was inspired by historical examples:

The first known downshifters

  1. Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha. Leaving his family, the royal throne and a carefree life, the prince set out in search of truth. He wandered for a long time, but very effectively! The result is teaching, followers and over 2,500 years of experience. Then he disappeared back in the wilds of history and the genealogies of the kings of the Shakya clan, few would remember his influence today.
  2. Saint Nicholas is one of the first downshifters in Kievan Rus. Having received power, a tower and servants from the princely family, he became disillusioned with the worldly and went to Orthodox monks, for he was interested in relations with God more than diplomacy and the needs of the fatherland.
  3. Roman emperor Diocletian, who gave up the throne for the sake of growing cabbage
  4. Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy with the idea of \u200b\u200bsimplification and approximation to nature.
  5. Uncle Fedor, who left the city to live in the country. His wild charisma, despite his small age, inspired even his parents. Remember the final phrase of one of the buttermilk cartoons? "If I had a second life, I would have spent it here, in Prostokvashino!"

Of course, these stories are very interesting, however, I was even more inspired by the living carriers of the idea. Someone quit a hated job for hobbies and hobbies; and someone just went to wild trash without earnings and any understanding of what would happen next. While traveling, you can often often find both the first and the second, but which of them is more - I have not yet understood.

Downshifter erysipelas

But I realized very clearly that ...

Downshifting has its pros and cons

And for the most part, both the pros and cons are dictated by the personal experience of one or another downshifter. There is no objective division here: they say, this is good, but this is not. Everything is purely individual ... However, in terms of general characteristics, all adepts can be divided into 2 camps: creators and idlers.

To answer the question "who is a downshifter" in more detail, we will describe these 2 types in a little more detail


Most often, this camp includes people who do not run away from the system, but go to a specific goal. For example, those who leave their homes in favor of ecovillages, work and life in the countryside, or for the benefit of any of their own projects. They are healthy and open personalities, without bad habits, smoky voices and red eyes. Their motivation is in close communication with the family, self-development and attentive attitude to the environment.

Among them, you can often find measured travelers, impressive in the scope of their interests and a deep view of the world. You can meet sedentary citizens whose meaning of life is in creative work on earth. But despite the external differences, all of them are united by a meaningful attitude to their own goals, which subsequently leads to upshifting, i.e. improving living standards. A common phrase about finding a job to your liking and not knowing what work is until the end of your days is about them.

They earn by their own labor and do not sit on anyone's thin necks, therefore, they cause persistent awe in those around them.

And then there is ...


This category can sometimes be confused with the first, especially if downshifting adherents suddenly find themselves in a common cauldron, for example, at the same table somewhere. However, they differ from the first in their manic passion for freebies. Who would you meet to eat for free? Who would make eyes to buy a return ticket? Who would you greet with to get free hashish? They are furiously enraged by entrance tickets to attractions, transport fares (no matter how low they are) and any mention of labor and effort.

Some of them rent out a room-apartment in Moscow, which adds a certain degree of self-importance to the irrepressible thirst for freebies. It is they who can most often be found drunk in an asshole and stoned to green snot. The worst thing is when, according to such adherents, the attitude is transferred to you ...

The most interesting thing is that I myself sometimes meet the characteristics of the second type, but I do not manage to see this right away. Especially after I suddenly find out the prices for entrance tickets in Sri Lanka or China.

The stories of these "second" are most often relishly replicated by the media for the edification of yuppies and hamsters: they say, do not bother, freedom is dangerous ... see how many people suffer from excessive drinking on the beaches of Bali? And these are still flowers ... For example<и далее по списку>... It is clear that such emissions are the easiest way to attract attention, because few people will suddenly be interested in a Russian peasant who suddenly moved to Belize to build a house. You never know what kind of envy will arise?

Downshifting to Thailand or Goa?

I often see publications about how another manager from Russia (mainly from Moscow or St. Petersburg) suddenly becomes disappointed in serving the golden calf and decides to give up everything for a quiet and unhurried life somewhere in warm countries. Mostly or Thailand. I don’t know what exactly these two directions are looking at to our compatriot, but the fact is on the face.

Of course, many settle here, dissolve, rent a small modest apartment (especially if real estate is in the capital) and do not blow up. More precisely, they blow, but exclusively with charas and exclusively for spiritual and educational purposes (as they explain to themselves). Such a contingent, despite the quirkiness of forms and expressions, is quite quiet and relaxed and almost does not cause trouble. I often intersect with him and we even build friendly and good-neighborly relations.

It is worse if the person starts to roll off the coils. And then the entire black side of Goa or Thailand devours it with great appetite. Drugs, substances, relaxation, sex tourism, and total irresponsibility. In such conditions, rolling down is a great pleasure. And in spite of all the downshifting, the acquired speed reaches enormous proportions. And as a result - overstays, deportations, a crooked conscience and pissed-off money.


Nevertheless, no matter what type this or that adept belongs to, his "decrease in turnover" is very unprofitable for industrialists and sellers. The consumption level is decreasing ... Just remember the hippies! In my opinion, they had a tremendous impact on the social sphere, culture and politics. In those 60-70s, full of idealism and spirit of freedom, hippies and their worldview were a reaction to the slowly decaying bourgeois morality and unhealthy tendencies to resolve conflicts in foreign countries by military means (for example, in Vietnam).

Things are a little different these days. And the scale is much more modest. Well, technically, it's now easier to downshift. All around, freelancing and earning opportunities via the Internet. Young idealists ceased to need status scandals, they began to be attracted by a free lifestyle and the ability to use the Internet in such a way as to make a profit from it.

This is how the “new rich” appeared: a special caste of entrepreneurs who lead a minimalist lifestyle and turn over very good capital. True, I am sure that soon there will be reactionaries to this tendency, making us think about the truth of our efforts and the conscientiousness of our choice.

Sometimes there are questions on the net like “how to become a downshifter”? As if there are some detailed guides for this. Any label is nothing more than an approximate model that describes in the most general approximation certain trends, nothing more. Therefore, if you decide to simply reduce the level of consumption and change the bustling metropolis to village silence, you can safely be called a downshift)

I think general questions like "what is downshifting?" and “how I came to him” are more than fully disclosed. Perhaps a little later I will have an addition, or some new understanding that will inspire me to a new article.

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Downshifting is one of the most interesting modern trends of the Western people. The concept originates from automotive terminology, where downshifting refers to the intentional reduction of speed or gear shifting from high to low. Downshifting as a way of life also has the same tendency, when a person tries to minimize his needs, desires and other social attitudes.

How should a modern person live? Society offers us a lifestyle of a successful individual who has a large circle of useful acquaintances, holds a high position at work or is generally an entrepreneur, has large amounts of money, and can afford any material prank. That is, a modern reader of an online magazine site must be successful, active, purposeful and every time reproach himself for giving up somewhere, giving up, giving up on success.

Downshifting assumes that a person simplifies his life as much as possible. He gives up success, the race for money and fame, and just begins to live in peace and enjoy the world around him. Downshifting can be roughly described as “having fun with little things”. This assumes that:

  1. A person ceases to care about the amount of money and is content with the earnings that he has. No matter how much money there is, a person should not worry about it.
  2. A person ceases to strive for anything. If you have not been successful up to this point, it may not be necessary.
  3. The person refuses to exert effort. He even refuses to do self-improvement. You can just start accepting yourself in any form and love yourself for it.
  4. A person must give up desires that are promoted in society, success and other goals that previously caused him a nervous and irritated state.

Do nothing and be content with little - the motto of many downshifters! Now the person should simply:

  • Enjoy the gifts of nature and enjoy what life already gives.
  • Not chasing what a person does not have, but enjoying what he already has.
  • Give up big capital, power, fame and other desires that make a person feel nervous.
  • Get closer to nature, turn inward, understand your true needs and enjoy being.

What is downshifting?

It may seem to many that downshifting is a person's lifestyle that regresses. He stops in his development, does not strive for anything, refuses everything civilized. Downshifting implies a lifestyle that excludes aspirations and ambitious desires.

Downshifting is a person's landing, calming him down and bringing him closer to a peaceful life. It is impossible to speak unambiguously negatively about downshifting, despite the fact that a person to some extent refuses the benefits of civilization, stops developing in step with the social world, does not strive for success. Undoubtedly, downshifting promotes the lifestyle of a person who is already happy with his life along with what he already has. However, on the other hand, this current helps a person to find freedom and even peace in a rapidly flowing and changing world:

  1. Downshifting does not always involve a person leaving the forest, where he will hunt predators and live in a cave. A person can simply leave the city, where everyone is striving for success, and settle in a village to grow vegetables and fruits.
  2. Downshifting is a way to get rid of neuroses and stress. Even Freud said that all human neuroses are a consequence of the desire to achieve success, to succeed, always and to keep up with everything. We'll just say that the constant race, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, the pressure of society, which makes everyone richer, smarter, more beautiful, more successful, causes neurotic states. If you abandon the constant race for success, then you can achieve inner peace.

Downshifting invites a person to abandon the goals that society hangs on. He invites a person to be alone with himself, to reflect on how he wants to live. At the same time, a person should not think about what goals to set for himself and what to achieve for a long time and persistently. Downshifting offers a person to live as he is comfortable, enjoying it, and give up the desire to rule, rule the world, have big money, etc., if this person does not have it.

There are many examples of downshifters. At all times, there were people who were tired of civilized life, emotionally and physically burned out, understood that they were constantly running somewhere, achieving something, but did not even know why. They understood that they were running in one flock that wants to be successful, rich and happy. Moreover, no matter what a person achieves, everything is not enough for him, he needs more.

When a person got tired of the civilized world with its constant rules and unattainable success, he left it. Someone went into the forest, someone generally refused any benefits, and someone simply went to the village to engage in gardening. Even many modern rich people are in some way downshifters, since they prefer to buy houses not in the centers of megalopolises, but outside the city, where it is quiet, calm, far from the city bustle and the constant race for success.

Downshifting is a rejection of the constant race for new impressions, passions and storms of feelings. The civilized world constantly sells people travel, cars, bright and eventful life, nightclubs, etc. If a person wants to be successful, then he must always be “on the wave”, “in the center of events”. Downshifting offers to abandon the constant race for passions and storms of emotions, which cause neurotic states. A person is not able to become happy, because he is always and everything is not enough, he wants something new, interesting.

Downshifting is a lifestyle with a minimum of emotions. Here, a person experiences emotions, but they are calmer, more peaceful. A person is already becoming happy, he is content with what he has. His emotions may not be as violent as those of people in cities, but they are sincere, pure and objective. While people are chasing numerous experiences and emotions, the downshifter simply experiences inner calm and relaxation, feeling happy already in the fact of his existence, that he lives the way he wants.

However, it should be understood that downshifting is one of the extremes of a lifestyle. Downshifting is contrasted with the constant race for fame and fortune. Downshifting to some extent becomes a degradation or regression of a person who refuses the progress of humanity. There is one drawback here - the rejection of new results and improving the quality of your life.

How do people usually react to innovations when there are already stable laws, rules and methods? Ideas are often abandoned. "I have an idea how to increase sales," and the answer is: "Your business is to sell, not to put forward ideas." This is what unsuccessful people do, who do not understand how you can miss any opportunity to promote your business, become better, and develop.

If people a priori did not accept new ideas and adhered to the established rules, then humanity would still live in caves. But ideas are promoted and developed. If a person did not realize his idea, then they would not appear mobile phones, computers, cars, aircrafts, etc. Ideas create progress, but not all.

A successful person always accepts new ideas. But at the same time, he protects himself from the risk of losing everything because of this idea. Thus, if you are offered to try something new, then agree if you do not know the results of the implementation of this idea. Do not put everything into a new idea, but do not discard the idea itself. If your employee offers a method that will increase the sales of your product, then let him try it. At the very least, you will have a visual experience of whether a given idea works or not. What if it works? Then your sales will rise and your profits will increase. What if it doesn't work? Then you will know from now on that this method does not work and you will not return to it again.

Don't give up on an idea until you've seen the results. Of course, sometimes you are afraid to take risks, and sometimes you do not want to lose. How else will you gain experience? The one who does not try, does not get anything, and the one who tries, makes mistakes and loses, but soon begins to win, because he has experience of what should not be done, which means he knows what needs to be done. Therefore, do not give up ideas, no matter how unthinkable they may be. See in practice the results of this idea. And maybe you can use it, transform, improve and achieve victories with it.

Downshifting types

Each person understands in his own way what downshifting is. If you misunderstand this meaning of the word, then you can really be naked in the forest without a crumb of bread in your mouth. In fact, downshifting and its types do not imply that a person:

  1. Leaves in a fictional or illusory world.
  2. He will leave reality in principle, because he will get tired of constant injustice.
  3. He will not become a misanthrope who is offended and simply weak in adapting to society.

Downshifting is a person's choice to live the way he wants, conveniently and comfortably, without the desire to achieve that success that he does not need, but is actively promoted by society.

Downshifting is understood by everyone in their own way:

  • Someone moves to the village to be closer to the ground.
  • Someone leaves for warm countries to be in nature and engage in spiritual development.
  • Some just switch to organic food.
  • Someone just lives a free life, not committing themselves to family concerns.

Downshifting assumes that a person will simply begin to live for himself, not wanting to please anyone or get approval from society.

Downshifting, or How to work with pleasure?

Downshifting is when a person finally asks himself the question: "What do I really want?" He stops chasing what society is promoting, and begins to do what is personally interesting to him and brings moral satisfaction. To become a downshifter, you don't have to leave civilization and live in the forest. You don't even have to change your job if it suits the person in principle. Downshifting assumes that a person will finally do what brings pleasure.

And here it is often a question of work, since many people spend their years on work that only emotionally and physically exhaust them. They work to have at least some money. And someone is working to get big money. At the same time, a person is emotional and, since his work does not bring him pleasure.

Downshifting invites a person to get away from the work that exhausting him, and start doing what he likes and enjoys. Here you can develop and become a professional in your field.

Many people underestimate their enjoyment of work. Accustomed to constant hardship and limitations, most poor people devote their whole lives to pleasing someone, but not themselves. It doesn't matter if you work for someone or you have your own business. But if you do not get pleasure from the work, then your development as a professional is also absent.

How to enjoy your work? Sometimes even those who do what they love ask themselves this question. Sometimes creative people get tired of their job. How do you get back your inspiration?

Learn to take an interest in the work process. Many people are focused on the result of work - money. Ordinary workers feel happy only one day a month - when they receive wages. Do you really want to spend a whole month to be a truly happy person for just one day? If you want to live every day happily and harmoniously, then learn to enjoy the process of work. Show interest in what you are doing, how you do the work, what qualities you have to show and develop in yourself in order to work best. Get interested in your work, you don't need to focus only on the result.

It is similar to the way fishermen catch fish. They can spend more money on fishing equipment and food than they end up catching fish. Fishermen need not only the result (to catch a lot of fish), but also the process itself is interesting (preparation for fishing, finding the "ideal" food, the moment of catching fish with a hook and pulling it out). Imagine what would happen if the fishermen did not enjoy the process of fishing? Then no one would fish at all, there would be no such thing as fishing.

Learn to get the same inspiration from work as if you were fishing. Take an interest in the very process of solving issues, finding ways out of difficult situations, drawing up strategies, implementing them and obtaining a result that needs to be analyzed and try to achieve with less effort next time. How much can you learn by achieving one goal!

What is downshifting in the end?

If you correctly understand the meaning of the word "downshifting", then you can realize that this is the way of life of a person who finally lives for his own pleasure. Of course, here you will have to make an effort to have everything that you need and want. But you give up on the success that is imposed by others, and live the way you yourself want it.

From the article you will learn (content):
2. When did downshifting appear? Who introduced the concept of downshifting?
4. Video. Interview with downshifters - former successful PR-managers, directors, businessmen.

1. Who is this Downshifter? Downshifting what is it?

The words downshifter and downshifting come from the word downshifting (eng)... Word downshifting in English means shifting the vehicle to a lower speed, and in broad sense means slowing down the pace of any process.

Downshifting is called a new style life, in which people abandon the constant race for a career, material wealth, stop helping others to achieve their goals, and begin to live their full life, free up time for themselves, for their loved ones, begin to embody OWN, and not other people's goals and dreams.

Downshifters are followers of the downshifting lifestyle. According to surveys, in America more than 30% of people, in Australia - more than 26%, and in Europe - more than 15%, have already taken steps towards downshifting.

In Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, these figures are much lower (1-5%) and downshifters are available only in metropolitan cities. The higher the standard of living in the country, the more people think about reconsidering their attitude towards earnings and careers.

2. When did downshifting appear? Who introduced the concept of downshifting?

Downshifting appeared at the end of the last - the beginning of our century. I think its appearance is due to the fact that people tired of the ideal of consumption imposed on them by society: YOU NEED TO FINISH A COLLEGE - THEN GET A HIGH-PAYING JOB - A LOT OF WORK - TO BUY A HOUSE ON A CREDIT - TO PAY A COLLEGE A CHILD - WHO HAS TO WORK AGAIN, etc.

And after the crisis broke out and people lost their homes, loans on which were paid for decades, many realized the failure of this model. You work hard, you make a lot of money, but you don't even have time to spendto spend time with family, to make time for their dreams and hobbies.

Therefore, people began to look for work that would took less time, albeit with less income... This is how the idea appeared downshifting.

Term downshifting first used in her article "Life in Low Gear: Downshifting and a New Look at Success in the 90s" journalist Sara Ben Breatna December 31, 1991 in The Washington Post.

3. Ideas and lifestyle of downshifters in different countries.

A downshifter is usually someone who has become disillusioned with the "career race" and realized that a person does not need such a big house at all, as is commonly believed in his circle. And you don't need such an expensive car.

home the idea of \u200b\u200bdownshifters is the rejection of "other people's goals" that are imposed by society, rejection of the values \u200b\u200bof the "consumer society", rejection of "monetary slavery" when your the employer actually buys your time \u003d your life.

Another important the idea of \u200b\u200bdownshifting is to simplify life... Transition to life in harmony with nature, oneself, with loved ones and loved ones. Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bdownshifting can manifest itself in finding the meaning of life, in achieving peace of mind, harmony in life.

In this sense the first downshifter can be called the Roman emperor Diocletian (IV century), who, after a serious illness, unexpectedly left the throne, retired to his estate and started growing cabbage. These words belong to him:

Ah, if you knew what kind of cabbage I grew, you would not call me back!

Downshifters have different lifestyles in different countries and downshifting manifests itself in different ways. Downshifters change their place of residence most often in Australia, move closer to nature. Downshifters in the UK pay special attention to the environment, grow organic products, recycle waste, use alternative energy sources. In Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, downshifting is manifested in moving to countries where you can live closer to nature - Thailand, India and others eastern countries.

INTERESTING VIDEO about famous successful businessmen, directors, PR-managers - downshifters.

They voluntarily abandoned successful businesses and successful careers and became downshifters, moving to India, Thailand and other eastern countries. In the video, they explain why they did this.

I wish everyone to find exactly the place to live where you can feel like a truly happy person!

You don't have to go far to find yourself and do something you like!

I myself also consider myself a downshifter, because I left the metropolis with my family closer to nature.

The term itself is quite new, but the concept of hermitism has existed from time immemorial. The downshifter is a secular hermit. Its essence is contained in itself - down shift, which means "moving down". That is, the downshifter voluntarily descends the social ladder, abandoning the goals imposed on him by society. They themselves try not to call themselves that. In Russia, they usually contact the residents of the megalopolises of Moscow and St. Petersburg, who rent their property and use this money to live in warm places, for example, in India.
In Goa, there are whole communes of downshifters, there are numerous cafes and restaurants in Russian. The people who live there call themselves “goashifters”.

A downshifter cannot be considered an ordinary rural rogue - moving downwards implies precisely the rejection of certain life benefits and attitudes. The reasons for such a radical change in lifestyle are varied. Firstly, many move to the land of eternal summer to live for their own pleasure. Others try to go to the countryside to improve their health spoiled in the conditions of the metropolis. Some people do it to spend more time with their family. Others want to live in harmony with nature. The famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy can be considered such a downshifter.

Downshifting disadvantages

There is an opinion that downshifting is a harmful and irresponsible occupation, that improving well-being and striving for comfort are the natural needs of a person, and a downshifter is a loser and a lazy person who has run away from difficulties. He gives up most of his income, prosperity in life and cannot provide enough for his family and the future of his children. Often, a downshifter living in Goa, Thailand or Egypt uses drugs and gets in trouble with drug addiction. Someone comes into conflict with their relatives or family members, which sometimes leads to its disintegration.
There is no single opinion whether downshifting is useful or harmful, but, of course, a person takes some risk, radically changing his life.

It is worth saying that downshifting is usually a temporary phenomenon, and people who have run away from the world for several years return to their former way of life. Some come back filled with new strength, others - on the contrary, disappointed, having lost their skills and are no longer able to return to their previous level of professional activity.

Recently, downshifting has become a very popular and controversial phenomenon. Who are downshifters? What does downshifting mean in the lives of different people and society as a whole? How did downshifting originate and in what forms does it exist today?

The history of the origin of downshifting

To understand what downshifting is in its modern sense, it is necessary to recall the ancestors of downshifting, which are rightly considered the "generation X", which appeared in America about 3 decades ago. They were educated, intellectual youth who left lucrative jobs, career advancements, and life in luxurious apartments for a much simpler and more modest life. When asked by friends and relatives about their mental health they quite reasonably and logically explained that they did not want to waste their best years on a system-imposed lifestyle and pursuit of material wealth, as well as the illusion of so-called success.

Famous downshifters

Perhaps the first downshifter known to the world was the emperor Ancient Rome Diocletian, although he, of course, did not know what downshifting means in the modern sense of the word. During the heyday of his empire, the ruler unexpectedly left the throne and retired to his estate to grow cabbage. Members of the Senate subsequently came to him more than once to persuade him to return to power, but he was quite happy and did not back down from the decision, despite all the persuasions.

A certain idea of \u200b\u200bwhat downshifting is can also be obtained from the life of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. He gave up the privileges and the princely title that his origins gave him, and instead of a comfortable metropolitan life, he preferred living in the rural outback.

Downshifting definition

Understanding what downshifting is is helped by the fact that it emerged as a natural response to the yuppie lifestyle, in which career, image and social status are most important. A real yuppie often refuses hobbies and hobbies, as in his eyes this is an impermissible luxury and a waste of time. With great pleasure he will stay at work for a few extra hours, if this, of course, will contribute to his career growth. The needs of such a person grow with his capabilities, and he becomes a hostage to the constant pursuit of them. The desire to break this vicious circle, which for the majority has become the norm of life, is what downshifting is.

The definition that can be given to a downshifter, in some reference books, sounds like this: this is a person who deliberately refuses to work hard and prefers to live modestly, but at the same time have more free time. The main thing that a downshifter refuses is other people's desires and goals.

What Drives Downshifting?

Often, people choose such a way of life for themselves, because, due to the economic crisis, they are convinced from their own experience that material values \u200b\u200bare unreliable and deceptive, and wealth and position in society achieved by hard work can disappear in an instant. Others just get tired of the stress of work and the ever-accelerating hectic pace of life. Some rethink life after a tragedy, such as loss loved one... There are, of course, many other reasons why a person decides to go beyond the existing system of values.

Downshifting types

The meaning of the word downshifting becomes clearer with the literal translation of this concept from of English language... Shifting is switching, and down is down, so downshifting is a kind of philosophy of simplifying life, or, in other words, voluntary simplicity. There are two main types of downshifting, depending on the reasons that prompted it. This is the downshifting of the Creator and the downshifting of the Loafer.

If a person or family moves, for example, from a large industrial city to a village with the aim of starting a farm there, doing crafts, a vegetable garden, raising children in an ecologically clean environment, in a word, living closer to nature and working on the land, then this is the Creator's downshifting. A person who chooses such a path of life seems to be returning to his ancient roots, he leaves the bustle of the city, but does not cease to benefit society, reviving agriculture.

But there is a different way of life: moving to resort places for a long rest, as well as the destruction of the old system of values \u200b\u200bfor the sake of one in which only one's own “I” matters. Downshifting Slacker is a movement that is often followed by people who have accumulated a certain amount of capital. They stop working and devote all their time to travel and all kinds of entertainment, such as surfing, skiing, or even just relaxing in a hammock. Sometimes even poor people become such downshifters. Moving from large cities and not working anywhere, they live, for example, by renting out their urban housing.

What does the downshifter refuse?

What these two types of downshifting have in common is that these people abandon the consumer value system, where material prosperity is at the forefront and according to the laws of which the vast majority live. Sometimes the downshifting movement is compared to the hippie lifestyle, but in fact there is practically no similarity between them. Downshifters have no codes, no hymns, no common preferences in matters appearance and clothes. Conventional consumer values \u200b\u200bare abandoned by the most different people, unlike each other. Some of them do not even suspect that their choice corresponds to the fashionable philosophy of our time. What is downshifting, the definition of this concept and how popular it is, hardly worries them. Often they do not oppose the social system itself, but the slogan "faster, higher, stronger", in accordance with which society lives, is alien to them.

Substitution of values

It is almost impossible to completely get out of the consumption system and do without money, and those who really understand what downshifting is, and not just follow fashion, do not set such goals for themselves. In addition, by abandoning old values, a person inevitably acquires new ones, so it cannot be said that he becomes absolutely free, just his life guidelines are radically changing.

Creator or Slacker - who will win?

When it comes to Downshifting Loafers, such a selfish life solely for its own sake does not bring lasting deep satisfaction. Race for material assets a person exchanges for the pursuit of pleasure and fun, and instead of filling life with real meaning, he simply burns it out. A person may think that he has begun to “live for real,” but many psychologists say that this is, rather, an imitation, and not life in the full sense of the word.

Much more satisfaction is brought to a person by useful activities when he develops himself and helps others to develop, creates something new and works for something important. Then the rest and fun in his life become comparable to a seasoning, the use of which in reasonable quantities makes the taste of food more varied and richer. Largely for this reason, Creator's downshifting is a life position that seems reasonable to everyone. more people.