
Do-it-yourself Dutch oven with hob, layout diagrams and drawings, step-by-step laying. Tiled Dutch oven Construction of a Dutch oven

Dutch oven (Dutch) for heating a house, cottage, cottage.

Heating country house using a Dutch oven.
When planning to purchase or build their own country house, almost everyone begins to think about how to heat the future home in winter period. If a stove will be used to heat a private house, then for its construction, of course, you should resort to the help of a highly qualified expert - a stove builder. It will be quite difficult to build a stove on your own.

Dutch heating method

Video - Dutch oven


Oven dimensions:
Length - 90 cm
Width - 70 cm
Height - 225 cm

Photos of Dutch ovens


To lay such a stove you need:
Ceramic brick M200 - 600 pcs.
Red clay - 100 kg
Fireproof brick - 80 pcs
Fireproof clay - 10 kg
Sand - 225 kg
Fire door (25x21) - 1 piece
Blower door (25x14) - 1 piece
Cleaning door (14x14) - 4 pcs.
Grate box (20x25) - 1 piece
Damper (14x25) - 2 pcs.


In accordance with SNiP 1991, stoves in log buildings are permissible only when the number of storeys of the building does not exceed two floors. Taking this into account, the temperature of the walls of the Dutch oven should be no more than 60 degrees.

These units are designed to heat, as a rule, one or two rooms. Their sizes vary depending on the heated area. For example, for a room with an area of ​​20 m2, a stove with dimensions of 750 x 750 x 2000 mm is quite sufficient, provided that the house is well insulated. Such a stove, stacked in the corner of the room, takes up very little space, and the lined ceramic tiles, and even with a glass fire door, can become a real interior decoration. For two rooms, the heated surface of the oven is doubled. Such a stove is placed on the border of adjacent rooms, and in this case it makes sense to think about making it a heating and cooking stove. These are the so-called “Swedish women”. Being multifunctional, they are ideal for summer residents who like to make preparations, dry mushrooms and berries, etc. Some ovens have two operating modes: summer and winter. Summer mode allows you to use the hob without heating the entire oven. This often comes in handy during long power outages. And now we move on to the fun part. These are combined stove-fireplaces, universal heating devices that combine the practicality of stoves and the aesthetics of fireplaces. The inclusion of a fireplace in the stove design is almost always associated with the need to develop a project. Increased cross-section of the chimney pipe stove-fireplace allows you to connect additional heating devices to it on the top floor of the house (metal stoves and factory-made fireplaces).

How to build a Russian stove with your own hands

The abundance of advanced technologies does not prevent us from taking advantage of the experience of our ancestors and organizing indoor heating using a stove. Its presence does not require the installation of a water circuit, and in the absence of a central gas line, it is the best option for heating. Among the variety of types for a small home, it is appropriate to choose a Dutch oven, which is compact and has the ability to quickly warm up.

Characteristics of the Dutch oven

The name of the stove indicates its historical homeland. It is most advisable to use a Dutch oven for heating in small rooms, and the number of floors does not matter much. There are examples when such stoves successfully coped with the heating of buildings with 2, 3 and 4 floors. In the original Dutch designs, the grate and ash pan were absent, and the slightly open firebox door served as a source of air for combustion. Over time, the design of the Dutch oven was improved and standard ones for us appeared:

  • ash chamber;
  • door;
  • grate.

Traditionally, the internal structure of a Dutch oven consists of very long flue gas passages. This provides an unusual height and compact dimensions of the base. The minimum dimensions of a Dutch stove are 52x52 cm; such a stove is capable of heating a room of up to 20 m2. Moving along long smoke channels, combustion products transfer thermal energy to the walls and leave the structure through a side opening. Distinctive feature Dutch oven is the possibility of changing the design, provided that key proportions are observed and the principle of operation is maintained. Among the variety of options for internal and external arrangement, for clarity, the photo below shows the classic masonry of a Dutch stove.

The operating principle of this furnace design is to organize intense smoldering. A raging flame is not provided here, otherwise the flue gases will pass through the channel system at an accelerated pace and come out without having time to transfer thermal energy to the side surfaces of the stove. Therefore, it is not advisable to load the Dutch firebox with small wood or other types of quickly burning fuel. With a properly organized heating process, the Dutch oven will quickly warm up and retain thermal energy for a long time. The temperature of the outer walls of the stove in this case reaches 60 o C.

Arrangement options

There are many options for arranging a Dutch oven. Based on the design features, they are divided into three main types:

Classic model. Such Dutch ovens may have a rectangular or round shape. The appearance is simple, the finishing is made of brickwork. The interior of the stove consists of a large firebox and six smoke channels. Thanks to them, the heating of the Dutch oven occurs gradually, preventing cracking of the surface or the formation of cracks on it.

Note! When laying a Dutch oven, special attention is paid to the height of the firebox. Its placement at a level of 25 cm from the floor ensures uniform heating of the room.

Dutch oven with stove. Some craftsmen complement the classic design of the Dutch oven with a stove. Thanks to this improvement, it becomes possible to organize the cooking process. To implement the idea, you will need to install a cast-iron stove over the Dutch firebox and decorate it with brickwork.

Design with fireplace. The key difference between this Dutch oven model is its wide base. The construction of the chimney and the ash compartment for the Dutch oven is carried out in the second row. A hole is also formed here to organize the cleaning procedure for the oven. Experts recommend forming a basalt cardboard gasket in such a stove, which prevents the formation of cracks and performs the function of isolating gas flows.

In addition to the design, Dutch women differ in external design options:

  • The most common is classic brick cladding, especially since modern materials look quite attractive.
  • Looking back into the past, you can find amazing models of stoves decorated with tiles. In this case, the means of heating the house turned into a real masterpiece of stove art.
  • There are options for designing a Dutch oven using natural stone.

Naturally, the classic model of a rectangular stove with a brick lining has become widespread. Round designs of Dutch women have a number of disadvantages during operation, so they are extremely rare.

Design features

The operating principle of a Dutch oven is as follows: passing through the first channel, the smoke transfers heat to the walls, and after cooling, it descends into the combustion chamber. After reheating, the combustion products rise again and then exit through the chimney.

When planning to equip your home with a Dutch brick heating stove, you should consider the following points:

  • Possessing significant weight, the stove design requires preliminary arrangement of a foundation located at floor level. Its thickness should be 10-15 cm, the base of the Dutchman is made of concrete based on a reinforcement frame. A solid foundation can replace the foundation reinforced concrete slab, located at the base of the floors. Its dimensions exceed the dimensions of the furnace masonry by 5-10 cm in each direction.
  • A characteristic feature of the Dutch oven is low requirements for the quality of building materials. Often the masonry is made from hollow stones that have cracks and were previously used for other purposes. Not being attractive appearance However, such a Dutch oven does an excellent job of heating.

    Advice! For quality masonry adherents, it is better to stock up on solid ceramic bricks that have undergone a competent firing procedure.

  • The simplicity of the design allows even an inexperienced stove maker to take on the work of arranging the stove; it is enough to have the skills brickwork with dressing.
  • To form a Dutch firebox, it is advisable to use high-quality refractory bricks. The connecting mixture is a sand-clay solution, brought to the consistency of sour cream. The mixture of sand and clay for laying the stove is mixed in a ratio of 2:1. For these purposes, you can purchase ready-made construction mixture.

Attention ! When laying the furnace, it is not allowed to use cement; the mortar based on it will crack as a result of temperature changes.

For heating a dacha, a simple model of a Dutch oven, shown in the diagram below, is suitable:

If it is necessary to increase the height, alternating rows from 17 to 21 and from 18 to 22 is repeated the required number of times. This design is designed to heat a small room up to 20 m2. It is better to equip a spacious house with a more powerful stove design that provides heating of 50 m2. An example of it is posted below:

Advantages and disadvantages

When considering various options for heating a small room, you should thoroughly study each stove model. Among the many advantages of Dutch ovens, the following points can be noted:

  • Compact dimensions help save space, this is especially important in small houses.
  • Economical consumption of building materials; compared to a standard Russian stove, it is almost halved.
  • Reduced material consumption ensures a lighter design of the Dutch oven compared to classic stove models. In turn, there is no need to equip a powerful foundation; a small strengthening of the base for the stove will be enough.
  • If savings are necessary, the cost of purchasing building materials can be reduced by using used bricks for laying the stove.
  • Dutch ovens are characterized by fast heating and slow cooling.
  • It is possible to modernize the design by adding the necessary elements at your discretion.

The many advantages of stoves come with some disadvantages, namely:

  • Low efficiency, less than 50%.
  • Straw, reeds, small wood and other types of light fuel should not be used as fuel.
  • After igniting the fuel, the damper in the stove must be kept closed, otherwise rapid combustion will provoke an accelerated process of heat loss.

As you can see, minor difficulties cannot overshadow all the advantages of the unusual design of a Dutch stove, which can become a life-saving straw when solving the issue of heating a small room.

The classic rectangular Dutch oven is heating only. This is a simple, compact and, at the same time, effective design. It heats up quickly with a minimum of fuel and cools down slowly. The simple principle of operation allows you to integrate a stove, hot water tank, oven, and water circuit.

What is this article about?

Design Features

Features of the classic design:

  • large rectangular firebox;
  • vertical chimney channels;
  • multichannel;
  • versatility;
  • slow burning;
  • The exit to the chimney is side.

IN classic version There is no grate and blower door. The Dutch woman looks like this:

Interesting historical fact: in Holland in the 14th–16th centuries, property taxes were calculated on the chimney, the more chimneys on the roof of the house, the higher the tax. The practical Dutch came up with a side exit at the chimney to divert the smoke of several stoves into one pipe.

Operating principle

In order for the gases heated by the combustion of fuel to transfer their heat to the bricks as much as possible, their path is deliberately lengthened. Hot gases from the firebox rise through the upward channel, warming up the walls, and cool down. Then they lower themselves to the firebox, warm up and again rise up. The smoke goes into the chimney from the last channel. The Dutch can be “stretched” upward by 2–3 floors, which the Dutch successfully did, saving space, materials, fuel and, minimizing the number of pipes.

Pros and cons of the design


  • With irregular use, compared to a Russian stove, there is a slight excess consumption of fuel.
  • Combination of fast heating with good heat capacity.
  • The stove is light in weight, since relatively little material is needed for a large Dutch oven, approximately 650 bricks. For example, for a small Russian stove you will need 1300 pieces.
  • Unpretentiousness to manufacturing materials. High-quality refractory bricks are needed only for the firebox; the thin walls of the furnace are not subject to severe thermal deformation. IN Soviet period with a total shortage of materials, Dutch women were even built from hollow bricks.
  • Depending on the design, a Dutch stove will heat a living space of up to 60 square meters; for comparison, a large Russian stove will heat a maximum of 45.

Disadvantages of Dutch women:

  • Low efficiency - 40%.
  • When the view is open, it cools down quickly; if you do not close the view in time, the heat will literally go down the pipe.
  • Smoldering is the optimal fuel combustion mode for a Dutch oven; therefore, quickly burning dry fuel, twigs, branches, brushwood, and straw are not suitable for the firebox.
  • To maintain a comfortable temperature, at least 2 fireboxes per day are required.
  • A large amount of soot in the chimney remains when burning inexpensive, ash-producing fuel. Soot, when accumulated, can catch fire, which is why the profession of a chimney sweep was in demand in Holland.
  • When reheated, an overheated Dutch oven is dangerous due to the release of carbon monoxide. Optimal temperature(about 60 degrees) of a heated Dutch oven can be determined by hand. If you touch the middle part of the stove, your palm will endure it, but the back of your hand will no longer bear it.

Dutch woman in Russia

In Russia, there was confusion with the concept of “Dutch oven”. Initially, Russian stoves decorated with tiles in a “foreign style” were also called Dutch. According to the principle of operation, the “Russian Dutch” were built not with ducts, but with bell-type ones. Russian stove makers, having obeyed the decree of Peter the Great to build stoves based on the Dutch model, copied the Dutch oven externally, preserving the internal “filling”, which was more suitable for Russian frosts. In a bell furnace, hot gases give off heat and are trapped under the bell. The efficiency of such a heating design is higher, it is less demanding on the quality of fuel, and cools down more slowly. Similar in appearance, but fundamentally different inside, the “Russian Dutch” migrated again to Europe.

The round Dutch oven is also an invention of Russian stove makers. It is made with an iron casing (case) one-fourth the size of a brick, so it is lightweight, has good heat transfer and is cheap. The casing for the stove is made of roofing iron, without welding seams, otherwise it may become deformed. Ready-made metal casings for Dutch women are available for sale.

For a round Dutch oven decorated with tiles, a brick case is laid out on a sand-cement mortar. This is a very painstaking work that requires precise calculations and professional skill.


Because of their obvious advantages, which greatly outweigh the disadvantages, Dutch ovens are widely used. It’s actually possible to build a Dutch oven with your own hands, having the skills to lay a simple brick wall, even if it’s not very beautiful, it will still heat.

Masonry scheme

We spent a lot of time searching for a normal procedure for a golanka stove, unfortunately there is nothing useful in the public domain. But we found good video order with comments. This scheme is designed for heating small rooms with a total area of ​​up to 40 meters.

Furnace laying

Materials for masonry:

  • Ceramic kiln brick Average quality, can be used, fireclay for the firebox.
  • Sand-clay solution of medium fat content, you can use ready-made mixtures.
  • Metal components - doors (furnace, cleanout, blower), views, grates, steel strips, wire, etc.

The heating structure is installed on a separate one.

The masonry mortar is mixed on soaked for two days in clay. The clay is thoroughly mixed with sand. The amount of sand is determined experimentally. The “sausages” made from the solution should be quite plastic, not fall apart or crack when dry.

Masonry bricks are moistened so that they do not “pull” water from the solution. The laying is carried out in rows, according to the layout of the selected furnace. Seam width 2–5 mm. An ideal option if there are already chimneys installed during the construction of the house. If this has not been done, holes are cut out in the ceilings and roof for the chimney.

The masonry is carried out in compliance with all fire safety requirements: insulation of the ceiling, floor beams, floor in front of the fire door, trims.

The gaps in the openings remaining after the pipe has been removed are carefully sealed, insulated and waterproofed.

Finishing work

A rectangular or round Dutch oven fits well into the interior of any room. Traditionally it was covered with tiles. Antique classic stoves, decorated with tiles, are a real antique luxury. Their cost may be higher than the cost of the premises itself.

If red ceramic bricks are used to build the structure, and the masonry is done carefully, then you can leave the oven without additional finishing. Unlined brick Dutch - good decision for a summer house, kitchen, utility room.

For the interior of the room, the Dutch woman “requires” cladding. As finishing material Clinker, tiles, decorative plaster are suitable.

After lining, it is better to wait a couple of weeks for the stove to dry out, then fire the first fire with a light load. The load is gradually increased, the maximum temperature can be reached in a week.

A lot of complex work on preparing materials, laying, and covering a Dutch oven will pay off in the future with soft, even warmth and comfort in the house.

Despite the widespread use of solid fuel heating boilers, traditional brick stoves are still in demand among consumers. They serve as inexpensive and efficient sources of heat, while simultaneously acting as decoration for residential interiors. From our review you will learn what a Dutch oven is, how it works and how to assemble it with your own hands. As an example, we will take the order of the simplest small-sized stove, but nothing prevents you from finding or ordering a drawing of a large-sized stove with increased power.

Design features of the Dutch

The Dutch oven is extremely simple. Armed with the tools and necessary materials, even a novice stove maker can assemble it. A traditional Dutch oven does not have a vent, which ensures a slow, long burning. That is, we put firewood in a large firebox, light it, then close the door and enjoy the warmth for many hours.

A modern Dutch oven is made with a blower and a grate. These two elements were not present in the original; they appeared later. The presence of a blower provides convenient adjustment of the combustion intensity. For example, at the very beginning of ignition, it is desirable to get a powerful flame to warm up the stove and the room. After this, we close the ash door - the combustion intensity decreases, saving firewood. As for the grate, it is necessary for more convenient cleaning.

A large firebox is a key feature of a brick Dutch oven for the home. Some stoves, like many modern heating boilers, have small combustion chambers. A lot of firewood will not fit here, and there are also restrictions on the maximum length of logs. By installing a full-size Dutch oven in their home, consumers have heating units with large fireboxes at their disposal.

The Dutch oven has a vertical design. It takes up a minimum of free space, and greater heat transfer is ensured due to its area formed by the vertical walls.

Advantages of a large firebox:

  • Long-lasting combustion - solves the main problem of wood heating associated with frequent addition of fuel.
  • Convenient fuel storage – including convenient work with large-sized firewood.
  • Ease of cleaning up ash and unburned firebrands - the extra space will make it easier to clean the Dutch oven.

If we talk about heat transfer, the Dutch oven is amazingly efficient. It gives off maximum heat. There are no strange tricks here that contradict the laws of physics. It's all about the multi-channel removal of combustion products. They are actually discharged through many vertical smoke channels. Passing through them, hot gases give off the vast majority of the heat to the brick. This ensures maximum efficiency of Dutch ovens.

Varieties of Dutch women

The simplest Dutch oven does not have a blower. We have already said what this leads to and why it needs to be equipped with this element. Therefore, all modern samples in mandatory contain blowers and grates. But that’s not all – one of the optional attributes is increasingly becoming a niche with a hob. It is located above the combustion chamber (furnace) and is used to prepare food or keep it warm.

The Dutch can have any shape, for example, rectangular. A round brick stove will appeal to those who want to make the heating unit more beautiful and appropriate for the interior. Many people finish their stoves facing bricks, plastered or covered with decorative tiles- semi-antique. As for the beds, they are not available here.

A typical analogue of a Dutch oven is a factory-made counter-brand metal stove. It is round, tall and does not take up much space in the premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

The stove is built very quickly, even a beginner can handle it.

The main advantage of this stove is its small size. It doesn't take up much space, but gives a lot of heat. A Dutch oven for a brick cottage will become great solution heating issue. Gaza on summer cottages This usually doesn’t happen; heating with electricity is insanely expensive, so wood will be the optimal source of thermal energy.

A DIY Dutch oven will give you comfort and coziness. And its construction will not take much time. By strictly following the assembly instructions and not deviating one step from it, you will have at your disposal a full-fledged heating unit that runs on cheap wood.

The next advantage is long cooling time. Complete combustion of wood in the firebox will not lead to rapid cooling of the Dutch oven. And the larger the oven, the longer it will remain warm. At the same time, she almost never gets capricious - the main thing is that there is good draft in the chimney.

There are also some disadvantages that are typical for any wood-burning stoves:

  • For long-term work, the Dutch needs good firewood, not rotten stumps.
  • When using damp firewood, a large amount of soot can be released - it forgets the smoke channels. And since the channels in large stoves run like a snake (up and down, in turn), problems will arise with cleaning the stove (installation of additional cleaning doors is required).
  • Good draft often leads to excessively rapid burning of logs - you need to learn how to regulate the intensity of combustion using the ash door.

However, Dutch ovens are still in use.

Detailed assembly instructions

Folding a Dutch oven with your own hands is not so difficult - ours will help you with this step-by-step instruction. We will use simple diagram small-sized stove for small buildings. For example, you can use it for heating country house. You need to start the assembly with the simplest thing - with the acquisition of tools and necessary materials. To assemble the stove you will need:

The use of high-quality fireclay bricks is not a whim, but a guarantee of reliable resistance fire safety. Therefore, you should not save on buying it in any case!

  • Ordinary brick - several hundred pieces.
  • Refractory (clamotte) bricks - several dozen pieces.
  • Mortar Clay – Used to hold brick together.
  • Doors for the firebox, vent and cleaning, as well as the grate, are sold in hardware and specialty stores (check out where they sell stoves and accessories for building your own baths and saunas).

You will also need tools - a hammer for knocking out bricks, a trowel for working with mortar, a building level for leveling the masonry, string to control the vertical position of the masonry, tools for cutting bricks, steel wire for tying doors and asbestos cord for laying between the brick and the doors. We will remember and mention the rest as we progress.

Foundation preparation

In this review we will focus on a traditional unit without a hob. A Dutch oven with a stove is assembled with your own hands in a similar way, but in a different order. All you have to do is find a suitable assembly scheme. You will also need to buy a cast-iron hob - such things are sold in the same place where doors with grates are sold (we wrote about this a little higher).

We are preparing the site for the foundation - the Dutch woman should stand on solid foundation made of concrete, not on wooden floor. This is the main difficulty in carrying out the work. It is necessary to dismantle the floors and reach the base of the house, build wooden formwork and pour the future foundation. If there are no floors yet, feel free to dig a hole 50-60 cm deep. Next, lay the layers:

  • 10-15 cm of sand - compacted carefully and for a long time.
  • Up to 20 cm of large stones - compact them again.
  • 10 cm of crushed stone - pressed again.

The future screed must be reinforced. We buy reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm, cut it with a grinder into rods of a suitable size, make a lattice with a cell size of 10x10 cm. The lattice should be located in the thickness of the concrete screed. We pour the concrete - the height of the base above the ground is 15 cm. Our foundation for the Dutch oven is ready, but do not rush to assemble it - let the concrete harden.

The recipe for concrete for the foundation is one part cement, 2.5 parts sand, 4.5 parts crushed stone, fill with water to a suitable consistency.

As for clay mortar, leave it to the professionals - they know how to properly prepare the clay and how to make a strong mortar out of it. For hobbyists, special fireproof mixtures for fireplaces and stoves are available for sale. The price of one pack is from 600 rubles.

The order of the little Dutch woman

We will assemble the oven according to the following procedure. It consists of 36 simple rows. At the end we will get an impressive stove, the power of which is quite enough to heat a small house.

Our first two rows are solid - they form the base of the Dutch. Simply lay the bricks according to the indicated pattern and connect them together with mortar. Tap the bricks with the back of a hammer or a wooden mallet, and cover the gaps between them with clay or a refractory mixture.

On the third row, side cleaning doors are installed - through them, the internal smoke channels of the Dutch oven are cleaned. This is where the smoke channels begin. A blower door is installed on the fourth and fifth rows. Pay attention to the fastenings of the doors - they are tied with steel wire, the ends of which are laid between the bricks. An asbestos cord is laid between the metal and bricks.

We have made the next row of the Dutch oven - check the correct installation using a level and vertical strings.

In the sixth row the smoke channels continue, and in the seventh row an innovation awaits us - here the laying of refractory bricks begins, which forms the beginning of the combustion chamber. At this stage we fix the grate. Starting from the eighth row, the Dutch firebox expands in depth. In subsequent rows, the laying of smoke channels continues. On the thirteenth row, the construction of the combustion chamber is completed. It turned out to be narrow, but quite tall.

Rows 14, 15 and 16 are similar to each other. Starting from the 17th row, the firebox of the Dutch oven ends; in the 18th row it is no longer there. In row 19, another cleaning door is installed. Their abundance will allow you to clean the smoke channels at any time without destroying the stove. The main body of the Dutchwoman ends on the 24th row - starting from 25 the chimney goes up.

There are many versions of the laying of Dutch ovens. In any case, you should end up with a compact vertical unit. A round Dutch oven in a metal casing will require skills in working with a welding machine for its assembly. Such models are characterized by increased compactness; they usually do not have cooking surfaces.

Final work

It is not forbidden to use special “Chimney Sweep” logs to clean the Dutch oven. Read the instructions for the log - this will help you avoid mistakes.

Our Dutch woman is ready, but there is still a long way to go before she starts using it. First you need to let it dry, usually this stage is 21 days. During this time, the concrete screed will fully mature and the fireproof clay mortar will harden. If beautiful smooth brick was used for cladding, you can begin testing. If you plan to decorate with ceramics or tiles, feel free to start work.

Testing a Dutch oven begins with checking the draft. To do this, a wad of paper or newspaper is set on fire in the firebox. If the design matches the diagram, the traction will be excellent. After this, we sweep away the ash, lay in large firewood, and place scraps of paper and small wood chips between them. We light the stored fuel, close the firebox door, and open the ash pan. Now our Dutch woman should warm up. As soon as the room becomes warm, the draft can be reduced by closing the vent. Now you need to add new portions of firewood into the furnace firebox from time to time.

Ash is removed from the ash pit as it accumulates; it is recommended to perform this operation at least once every 1-2 days. Two or three times a year, the furnace should be heated to the maximum, which will help avoid resin leaks.

Safety precautions

Compliance with safety regulations will make the operation of the Dutchwoman safer. Here are the recommendations and requirements.

This article is a guide for beginners who want to build a simple brick stove with a rough one for heating a house. We present to your attention an unpretentious channel-type Dutch oven, whose arrangement and laying we will consider in detail below.

Design and operation scheme

The Dutch oven, which came to us from time immemorial and is shown in the photo, is the best option for a novice craftsman or an ordinary homeowner. Its channel system is used in modern heating stoves and fireplaces, since it is one of the most successful solutions.

The classic Dutch oven is not equipped with a hob or oven and consists of the following main parts:

  • medium-sized firebox with grate;
  • ash chamber with blower door;
  • system of vertical or horizontal channels;
  • chimney pipe.

The principle of operation is shown in the diagram of the stove in two versions. Firewood is burned in a firebox and transfers heat to the room through the brick walls, and heated flue gases travel through a system of channels before exiting into the chimney. In the smoke circulation, combustion products cool, heating the furnace body from top to bottom.

What makes the Dutch oven so attractive:

  1. Ease of installation compared to pyrolysis or bell-type heaters.
  2. The rough can be laid out of ceramic bricks of any quality, as long as it is solid.
  3. Thanks to the repeating order, the stove rises to the required height and is capable of heating 2-3 floors at the same time.
  4. The structure is small in plan.
  5. Wood of any quality burns in the chamber, and a network of channels quickly warms up the rough and heated room.

Over time, the craftsmen improved the Dutch oven by adding a hob with an oven. It also served as a prototype for a round channel furnace with a diameter of 1 m, laid out inside an iron casing, as shown in the photo and diagram.

Lay out the Dutch oven

How to fold it yourself simplest option stoves with three vertical channels, we described earlier in. This publication presents a variant of a heat-intensive Dutch oven with a horizontal channel system shown in the drawing.

Heater specifications:

  • thermal power – 2.5 kW;
  • average heated area – 20 m²;
  • dimensions in plan – 51 x 89 cm;
  • planned height - 35 rows of bricks or 2.45 m (increased if necessary);
  • To save heat, an internal cavity is provided, filled with sand.

A traditional Dutch stove is suitable for heating a small private house, cottage or bathhouse. Placed in a convenient location in a heated room with a distance of 10 cm from the foundation of the building and away from the external walls. Since the design does not provide for a hob, the stove is built in a living room - living room or bedroom.

Procurement of building materials

A favorable feature of the Dutch house in terms of economy is the possibility of using second-rate materials, including used bricks. To prepare the solution, you will use ordinary gully clay and carefully sifted quartz sand.

To build the model shown in the drawing, building materials and furnace casting will be required in the following quantities:

We arrange a rubble foundation

Since the weight of the structure is about 1.5 tons, it is necessary to construct a foundation that is not connected to the foundation of the existing building. In order to save materials, it is made of rubble - from broken stone, brick and large construction waste. The upper plane of the foundation is brought to the level of the finished floor of the room.

The foundation is laid according to step-by-step instructions:

Level the surface of the foundation with cement mortar, wait until it hardens and place a sheet of basalt cardboard or clay-soaked felt on top. The oven base is ready.

Laying order

For the reliability of the construction, it is important to make the masonry mortar correctly. Soak the clay in water for 24 hours, pass through a fine sieve and mix with sand in a 1:1 ratio, then adjust the consistency. A solution that is too fatty subsequently threatens to crack, and a thin solution will not gain the required strength. In the first case, sand is added, in the second - clay.

Note. The thickness and fat content of the solution is checked by rolling it in your hand. The “sausage” should not crack (a sign of high fat content) or stick to the palms (lean mixture).

Advice. After forming each floor, it is recommended to thoroughly coat the joints with a clay-sand mortar.

If you have some experience in constructing stoves, you can take up a round Dutch oven, laid out inside a metal casing Ø1 m. The heater orders are shown below (rows 1-3 are made solid).

Building a chimney

The pipe for removing combustion products is laid half a brick thick, starting from the 36th tier of the furnace, which is the ceiling. In the masonry of the chimney duct, it is allowed to use a solution with the addition of M400 cement.

To meet fire safety requirements, the passage through the wooden ceiling and roof must be made with a pipe with thickened walls. A so-called groove is formed in the ceiling, and an otter is formed on the roof. The purpose of strengthening the walls is to ensure a standard distance of 38 cm between the flue and roof structures made of combustible materials, as shown in the diagram.
Upon completion of construction, give the Dutch 5-10 days for the mortar to dry completely, then carefully inspect all seams for cracks. If any are found, fill them out carefully. clay mortar, having previously expanded it with a trowel. At the end, check the draft and perform initial heating, as the master advises in the video:

How to place the stove correctly

The construction of a Dutch brick oven is carried out according to certain rules that must be followed when building with your own hands:

The internal surfaces of the channels are made smooth in order to reduce resistance to the flow of flue gases. This is achieved by wiping the inside walls with a wet cloth after laying 3-5 rows. The rule is also observed during the construction of the chimney.


The Dutch stove is almost the only heater that is subject to the hands of an inexperienced mason; garden and other outdoor stoves are not taken into account. If you manage to make a solution of satisfactory quality and avoid errors in procedures, then the oven will probably work immediately and will not create problems in the future. To be completely sure, instead of gully clay, use a ready-made stove mixture; the price of this building material is low and will have little effect on the cost of construction.

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