
Boiled cough milk recipe. Milk and butter can help fight coughs. Milk and honey are effective cough suppressants

Milk with butter for coughs is often given to children with severe sore throat and coughing fits. In addition, adults are also treated with the remedy. Honey combined with dairy products soothes irritation and soothes mucous membranes. Alternative medicine is used in medicinal purposes with dry and wet cough.

The benefits of milk and butter for coughing

Cough is referred to as a concomitant symptom of respiratory diseases. There are 2 types of clinical syndrome by type - unproductive (dry) and wet, with sputum discharge. It is possible to alleviate the general condition of the patient and reduce the frequency of coughing attacks with the help of traditional medicine. They act gently and do not harm the body.

Oil and cough suppressant in combination with each other have a soothing, anti-inflammatory and emollient effect. With regular use of the drink, sputum discharge is accelerated, the intensity of coughing and the number of attacks decrease. Milk drink is consumed in unlimited quantities in the absence of contraindications.

With a dry cough, the drink eliminates sore throat, soothes the mucous membrane and prevents damage to the mucous membrane. With a wet cough, the milk drink dilutes and removes mucus from the bronchi, increasing the lumen of the bronchioles.

The benefits of milk and butter in the treatment of cough


Alternative medicine offers many recipes for making milk-based drinks with the addition of natural butter and other ingredients. They are prepared independently according to home recipes. Before cooking, you need to purchase quality products and pay attention to the expiration date.

Milk should not be fatty - the optimal amount of fat in the product is 2.5%. It must be boiled first, heat treatment will destroy pathogenic microorganisms, especially if the product was purchased from farmers. The fat content of the oil is not less than 72%.

Making a drink does not require time-consuming - 1 tbsp is added to hot milk. l. butter and stir until it is completely dissolved. It must be drunk warm to avoid burns of the mucous membrane.

Milk with honey and butter

According to the basic recipe, butter can be replaced with coconut oil. The remedy is drunk during the day and at night. Milk (250 ml) is heated to 70 degrees without boiling. Candied honey (1 tablespoon) can be melted in a water bath - this way it will dissolve faster. All ingredients, including butter (1 tablespoon) are added to milk and mixed thoroughly.

You can improve the antitussive effect with oats. A spoonful of cereal is added to the drink, infused for 5 minutes and decanted. Anise or ginger will strengthen beneficial features drink for an unproductive cough.

How to prepare and take milk and butter cough medicine

Milk with soda and butter

A dairy product in combination with sodium bicarbonate will help bring down the temperature, reduce the frequency of coughing attacks and clear mucus from the bronchi. The oil gently coats an irritated throat, warm milk relieves inflammation and relieves pain in the chest when coughing. Required Ingredients:

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • baking soda - ½ tsp;
  • oil - 15 g.

Add butter and baking soda to the preheated dairy product. To stir thoroughly. The unpleasant taste of soda can be "killed" with honey. It is recommended to melt flower honey in a water bath. It is important to observe proportions - if a large amount of soda enters the body, an intestinal disorder (diarrhea) may appear. The drug is drunk immediately. The course of treatment is 14 days, the drink is most often drunk before bedtime.

Tibetan recipe

If you thoroughly adhere to the Tibetan recipe, then the oil must be replaced with animal fat. The drink can provoke a gag reflex, so experts recommend adding no more than 1. tsp. fat. Lemon juice will help to avoid unpleasant sensations - it is diluted with water and drunk before the Tibetan remedy.

Cooking algorithm and required ingredients:

  • fat (badger, goose) - 25 g;
  • milk - 300 ml.

Milk is heated to 60-70 degrees. The fat can be melted with steam or water bath. Mix all ingredients. The drink is best consumed hot - this will reduce the risk of gagging. The remedy has contraindications, it should not be drunk by patients prone to allergic reactions and people with a "weak" stomach.

Benefits of Lemon Juice When Applying a Tibetan Cough Recipe

What kind of cough you need to drink milk and butter

Treatment of cough with milk, butter and other auxiliary components is possible if the clinical symptom accompanies respiratory diseases. For a heart or stomach cough, dairy-based drinks are ineffective.

With dry coughing, honey must be added to the drink. With a wet cough, mineral water can be added to milk - this will accelerate the liquefaction of sputum and its excretion from the bronchi.

When you can't take milk when you cough

Folk remedies based on milk have contraindications for use. A cough is not treated with milk at a high temperature (39–40 °). Dairy drinks with added butter are not recommended for babies. Elderly patients need to be treated with caution.

The absolute contraindications for drinking the drink include pathologies gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, acquired or congenital lactose intolerance and liver failure. Milk can provoke the development of allergic reactions in hypersensitive patients.

Hot milk with cough oil has long been used to relieve acute respiratory infections in children and adults. Milk in pure form already has an emollient effect, but when mixed with fat or honey, it will be many times more effective. This recipe was used even in Tibetan medicine, only oil was replaced there with lard, which doubled the effectiveness of the medicine. The affordable tool has a huge plus - it helps almost everyone without providing any side effects.

The principle of action of hot milk with fat on the body

Acute respiratory illnesses cause different types of cough. Distinguish cough at the site of formation of the focus. The cough can be due to phlegm in the bronchi, trachea, larynx, or pharynx. Hot milk helps with coughs caused by an inflammatory process in the throat. Its main action is to soften the irritated mucous membrane and envelop the inflammatory elements with a protective insulating fatty film.

The ancient Tibetan medicine has a very strong effect - it quickly heats up the body during hypothermia, thus reducing the manifestation of the common cold. Lard is rarely found in modern recipes; it has been replaced with high-fat butter. The butter must be natural - herbal counterparts and margarine are not suitable.

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How to Prepare and Take Tibetan Prescription Medicine

It is necessary to boil the milk and pour 25-50 grams of butter into it, using a glass or other utensil as a container. It is better to put in 50 grams of butter, but some people may vomit from this amount, so it is recommended to start with a small amount of fat.

To prepare the most effective and potent version of the medicine, you can use melted beef lard instead of butter. True, not every stomach will tolerate this remedy without nausea, but its effectiveness is very high. To avoid unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to use one little secret - before drinking a glass of hot medicine with fat, you need to take a few sips of an acidic liquid, for example, a solution of lemon juice with some added sugar or an infusion of kombucha.

After such a "preliminary vaccination", you can safely drink the medicine - the likelihood of an attack of severe nausea will be much less. It is important to know that you cannot do the other way around, that is, drinking a sweet and sour drink after a milk drink - this will wash away the entire softening layer from the mucous throat, and the irritating harsh acid will aggravate the cough.

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Other ways to make hot milk to treat cough

For those who find it difficult to drink fatty milk, in folk medicine there are other recipes that are more palatable, but no less effective.

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Delicious honey cocktail

If the above folk remedy does not have a good taste, then this option can be safely called tasty and pleasant. Hot milk with honey for coughs is extremely popular with children, who are difficult to get to drink unappetizing medicine, even in the name of health.

The honey for the treatment should be really real. There is one guaranteed way to buy natural honey - find honey in combs. In this case, the likelihood of purchasing sugar syrup is practically zero. It is very simple to prepare a honey product - just boil it and then stir a tablespoon of honey in a glass of milk.

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Combined recipes

Hot milk for coughs will work much more effectively if honey, baking soda and butter are added to the glass at the same time. Another thing that simply cannot be ignored is the whole oatmeal decoction, which can also be added to dairy medicinal drinks.

For a glass you need to take 20 grams of oil, a tablespoon of honey and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. The viscous enveloping composition will be most effective when used hot - you need to drink a sip to lubricate the sore throat every three hours.

Of course, when treating acute respiratory infections, you should consult a doctor, but the above medicine has no side effects, so there can be only one contraindication - an allergy to honey or milk.

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Milk-based recipe for all types of coughs

Milk with butter for coughing is one of the most common and safe ways to alleviate and eliminate a bothersome symptom. Many have long appreciated this drink, because it really is able to relieve a person from coughing, strengthen the body, and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Boiled milk from a cough copes well with cold symptoms, it can also be used in combination with medications, it can eliminate irritation in the throat, eliminate unproductive cough, accelerate the discharge of sputum, and reduce soreness behind the breastbone, which appears as a result of intense and dry cough. Milk for dry cough can be used by both adults and children, while drinking it in unlimited quantities.

Perhaps one of the safest and most effective is considered to be hot cough milk with butter. To improve the taste and enhance the recipe itself, honey or soda, propolis, egg, tar or other ingredients can be added to this drink.

Benefits of Milk and Butter for Coughs

Much is known about the benefits of milk. It is one of the most valuable products with a unique composition and multiple beneficial properties.

Milk contains a record amount of protein, vitamins, minerals and other substances. Milk with butter has a pronounced emollient property, promotes sputum discharge, relieves inflammation and irritation in the throat (see).

Important: Before use, fresh milk must be boiled, this will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but retain most of the nutrients.

Milk with butter allows you to eliminate perspiration, reduce the inflammatory process in the respiratory system, as well as the mucous membrane of the throat. Butter is also a healthy product with a unique and healthy composition.

The composition of butter contains a large amount of vitamin A, as well as minerals. It is a source of energy, improves brain activity, but experts do not recommend consuming more than 15 grams. oils per day.

Doctors recommend using cough milk for children with butter no more than 2 times a day, but at other times you can use milk with other ingredients: honey, dates, soda and other products that also cope well with cough symptoms.

What kind of cough you need to drink milk and butter

You can drink warm milk from a cough at any stage of the disease. It is useful for both common colds and acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis (see), pleurisy, pneumonia and even pulmonary tuberculosis.

Especially useful milk for dry cough and sore throat. The use of the drink allows you to clear the bronchial mucosa from accumulated sputum, accelerate its liquefaction.

Of course, milk cannot be considered a panacea for diseases of the respiratory system, but nevertheless its use in combination with other methods will speed up the healing process. More information about the benefits of milk, butter and other ingredients can be found in the video in this article, and the reader has the opportunity to see a photo of cough recipes based on milk.

How to properly prepare milk with cough butter

The milk for the recipe should not be too hot or cold. It is not recommended to use fresh milk, it must be boiled and cooled to the desired temperature.

To prepare the recipe you will need:

  1. 200 ml of milk;
  2. 20 g butter.

Milk needs to be heated to a temperature of 70 degrees, add butter, wait a few minutes for the butter to completely dissolve and drink in small sips. It is better to use homemade boiled milk to prepare the recipe. You need to drink this drink 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

The choice of butter must be approached very responsibly. To obtain the maximum effect, you need to use a quality product with a fat content of at least 72%.

In order to improve the taste and enhance the effect of the drink, you can add 1 tsp of honey. If a child is allergic to honey, then it is better to refuse to use it.

Important: When coughing, drink warm milk and butter, as a hot drink will increase throat irritation.

Other recipes with cough milk

Dates with cough milk

An effective way to combat coughs of varying intensity and etiology. Helps to cope with both acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

In order to prepare dates with cough milk you need 10 pieces of dates, pour 0.5 l of them. milk, put on low heat for 15 minutes. You need to prepare the recipe within 10 days.

Mineral water with cough milk

Such a recipe worthy to compete with some pharmaceutical preparations... To prepare it, you need to mix mineral water in equal portions, it is better to use Borjomi alkaline water, mix with milk, warm up and take 1 glass 2 - 3 times a day. The use of this recipe allows not only to thin phlegm, but also to moisturize an irritated throat, relieve inflammation.

Propolis with cough milk

Propolis is a natural antibiotic that is widely used in the treatment of respiratory system diseases accompanied by cough. For the recipe, you can use an alcoholic tincture.

It is enough to drip 10 drops of propolis into a glass of milk before going to bed, mix and drink. Milk with propolis for cough should not be taken by persons who are hypersensitive to bee products.

Milk with baking soda, butter and honey for cough

It is considered quite popular. This recipe well eliminates reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a drink, it is enough to take ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm milk, add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Milk with cough tar

With a lingering cough, severe tuberculosis, emphysema, tar with milk from the cough will help. It is enough to dissolve 1 drop of birch tar in 50 ml of warm milk before going to bed and drink.

Milk with egg for cough

Milk and egg cough treatment is good for children. In order to prepare a drink, you need to warm up the milk, add 1 egg and a spoonful of honey. It is necessary to use milk with an egg from a cough with a dry cough 3 times a week. In order to diversify the treatment of cough milk, recipes can be alternated throughout the day.

For example, consider a table:

When you can't take milk when you cough

Milk is generally a well-tolerated product, but there is a group of people who cannot tolerate cow's milk. If this product is well tolerated, it can be consumed in inorganic quantities, but extreme care must be taken when used in combination with other ingredients. Despite the good tolerance of natural products, many of them are capable of causing allergies, therefore, before using cough milk, the recipe must be studied well and all possible risks must be eliminated.

The price of recipes with milk is quite affordable, but it is important to know that the complex treatment and application drugs according to the doctor's prescription and studying the instructions for the drug, will help speed up recovery.

Important: Milk for the treatment of cough can only act as an adjunct to the main treatment, therefore, when a cough occurs, you need to consult a doctor, because this symptom is often a sign of a rather serious illness.

For various colds, bronchitis, respiratory diseases that cause coughing, ordinary milk is a very effective remedy in traditional medicine. It softens the throat, promotes the liquefaction of phlegm and the degeneration of dry reflex exhalations into moist ones. It is recommended to use cough milk not only in its pure form. Various additives are often used, sometimes even the most unexpected ones.

How to treat a cough with milk?

Traditional medicine makes it possible to use recipes, the ingredients for which are quite diverse. However, all experts agree on one thing - it is recommended to start treating cough with milk immediately after the first signs of a symptom appear. The displayed efficiency will allow you to recover faster and prevent the disease from developing into a chronic stage, which is much more difficult to get rid of.

Cough Recipe: Milk and Soda

The composition perfectly liquefies phlegm and facilitates its exit from the body, has a therapeutic effect on dry spastic exhalations, transforming them into wet ones, and helps to cope with a neglected phenomenon. Milk with soda for coughing is prepared as follows: a glass of liquid is heated over a fire, but it is not brought to a boil. Pour into a mug. Put half a teaspoon of baking soda. This composition is consumed twice a day before meals.

Cough milk: recipe with onions

The drink perfectly fights not only with spasms of the respiratory tract, but also with their provocateurs - viral and bacterial infections. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 2 large onions, cut them and pour milk over them. The medicine is brewed until the vegetable is soft. After that, the liquid part is drained, several spoons of honey are put into it. The composition is recommended to be taken every hour for 2 teaspoons. Several days are enough to get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

Cough Milk Recipe: Radish Option

The mixture perfectly cures prolonged exhausting reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Both ingredients have medicinal properties, which are amplified several times when these products are combined. The components must be mixed in equal parts, add a little honey. The medicine should be taken 6 times a day, one tablespoon.

Cough butter milk

Most often, the composition is used for pain and sore throat. The drink perfectly soothes irritated mucous membranes, relieves swelling, and helps to reduce inflammation. The medicine prepared according to this recipe promotes the discharge of phlegm. It is necessary to warm up a glass of liquid, throw 50 grams of butter there. Drink a medicinal cough drink before bedtime. It is recommended to do this every day until the unpleasant symptom completely disappears.

Milk with sage cough

Doctors recommend drinking such a drink with prolonged reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Prepare the composition according to the following recipe: throw a tablespoon of dry medicinal plant into a glass of milk. The liquid is brought to a boil and then allowed to cool to room temperature. The solution is boiled again, filtered. Add butter in the amount of 1 teaspoon and the same volume of honey to the resulting cough composition. They take the mixture at night so that after that they do not crawl out from under the blanket.

Milk, soda, cough oil

Well softens the throat and removes the reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by colds, the following recipe: put ½ teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of cow product. You can add carrot juice, figs.

Propolis with cough milk

The composition is recommended to be taken to soften the throat, enhance expectoration. The drink tends to soothe, so it is advised to take it at night. The recipe is simple enough. Necessary: ​​dissolve 10 drops of propolis tincture in half a milk glass and drink before bedtime. Milk with propolis should not be taken by people who are allergic to bee products. Everyone else can use the recipe safely.

Such a composition has been used in the fight against an unpleasant symptom for a very long time. It is taken if it is necessary to transform dry spastic exhalations into productive ones. To do this, you can use the following recipe: pour 1 half-liter jar of pre-sorted and washed oats into an enamel container. Pour 2 liters of milk there, preferably homemade. Put the container in a water bath, leave to simmer for 3 hours. After the required time has elapsed, remove the broth from the stove, cool. Strain the resulting composition through cheesecloth. Oats on cough milk should turn out to be yellowish. Consume 6 times a day before meals, 100 grams of broth.

Cedar cone with cough milk

The drink is very good remedy, which is recommended for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The medicine is being prepared by simple recipe: it is necessary to pour 2-3 cones with a slightly warmed liquid (1 glass). Add a small amount of goat fat and honey to the mixture. Drink the composition at a time. This remedy should be used several times a day.

Mineral water with cough milk

The composition can successfully compete in its effectiveness even with some pharmaceuticals. It will perfectly moisturize and soothe an irritated throat. The best option for the mineral water used is Borjomi and Essentuki, but any other alkaline varieties will do. The composition is made according to a surprisingly simple recipe. Mineral water at room temperature is mixed with warmed milk in equal proportions. The resulting medicine is taken before each meal for 1/3 cup.

Sage with cough milk

The leaves of the plant contain a large amount of valuable essential oils that have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. This helps the formulations fight cough-causing pathogens. Also, the drink has a good expectorant effect. To prepare the medicine, the following recipe is used: pour a tablespoon of dried sage with a glass of boiling water, let it stand for 30 minutes. After that, the same amount of cow product is poured into the concentrate. The medicinal drink is filtered and drunk instead of tea.

Milk with garlic for cough

The recipe is great for fighting airway spasms caused by colds. Required: Boil a glass of cow's product. Pour over a few cloves of crushed or chopped garlic. Cover the composition, let it brew until it cools. After that, add a little honey to the solution and drink in small sips. It is necessary to use the drug in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Cough Recipe: Milk with Cocoa

The tool is used to get rid of sharp spastic exhalation provoked by colds and bronchitis. For this: a glass of milk is boiled, a spoonful of honey and a small piece of cocoa butter are added to it. The composition is drunk several times a day in a warm form.

Carrots with cough milk

The tool perfectly helps to cope with respiratory tract spasms provoked by bronchitis. The recipe is as follows: a small carrot is cut into pieces, filled with liquid in the amount of 1 cup, and boiled for a short time. This drink is drunk up to 4 times a day. Carrots are eaten.

Due to its bactericidal properties, this livestock product has a unique storage capacity. Goat milk can be drunk with a cough both in its pure form (it contributes to the degeneration of dry, sharp spastic exhalations into wet ones), and various medicinal compositions can be prepared on its basis. For example, the following recipe is very effective for chest coughs: heat a glass of goat product until hot, put a tablespoon of any animal's internal fat or butter, and honey there. Drink the composition before going to bed in large sips.

Dates with cough milk

The remedy is very effective in helping to get rid of chronic reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. To do this, you need to use the following recipe: every morning for 15 minutes, boil 10 dates in half a liter of cow's product. Eat this medicine during the day. The treatment with dates must be continued for 10 days. Such a remedy helps to cure not only a cough, but also a cold that causes an unpleasant symptom.

Milk with egg for cough

The recipe is great for treating children. After all, it looks more like a dessert, not a medicine. To prepare the composition, you must: grind 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Add a glass of warm cow's product, some flower honey and whipped egg whites. You can drizzle a small amount of fruit juice (citrus juice is especially recommended). It is also useful to put a teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Do not forget that if warm boiled cough milk in its pure form can be taken without consulting a doctor and in any quantity, then prescription formulations are already drugs and their uncontrolled use is inappropriate. Therefore, the first step in treating reflex airway spasms should be to visit a physician and establish a diagnosis. Only after consulting with a specialist and confirming the advisability of treating an unpleasant symptom with the help of folk recipes, effective results and quick recovery can be expected.

For a long time, people have used products such as milk, honey and butter to treat coughs, from which a healing agent is made. Cough is a natural defense reaction of the body to irritation of the respiratory tract and it prevents various infections from entering the lungs.

If a cough with colds has turned into a more serious form, then this indicates a strong inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, treatment is required to relieve this symptom. Here, along with traditional treatment, traditional medicine comes to the rescue, offering it as a life-saving remedy and with oil.

Useful properties of milk

Milk (both cow and goat) has been used by people for a long time as a valuable, healthy and nutritious product. It consists of various components that help the body become stronger. For colds accompanied by a cough, it has been observed that milk speeds up the healing process and helps soften the tissues in the throat, relieving irritation.

Warm milk is great for viscous phlegm. It promotes better discharge, slows down its formation, softens the mucous membrane, and also helps with bronchitis. Milk also has soothing properties. When honey is added to it, irritation and sore throat decreases.

Useful properties of honey

It is also well known that honey has unique healing properties. It contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as glucose, fructose and water. If honey is natural, then after a while it begins to crystallize, but artificial honey does not have such a feature, and it simply hardens during storage.

What will honey help from? Many people use it as a medicine for various diseases, usually of a cold nature, because it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and strengthening effect on the body, it remarkably raises immunity. Honey is considered an excellent remedy for severe coughs, especially when used with milk.

If symptoms occur with angina, acute respiratory infections, flu, pharyngitis, laryngitis or the common cold, then milk with honey and butter in this case is an excellent treatment. Due to the combination of such components, sputum is excreted very well. In addition, immunity is strengthened, and the body receives strength to fight the disease.

Honey in the treatment of cough

This product helps to strengthen the secretory functions of the salivary glands, as well as the mucous membrane, which leads to a softening of irritation in the throat. A large number of products made on the basis of bee honey can be taken by all age categories, but children are often allergic to this product, so they are advised to cut the dose by exactly half.

If any cold disease, accompanied by a cough, begins to be treated at the earliest stage of its development, using milk with honey and butter, then there is a high probability of quickly getting rid of such a disease without the use of synthetic drugs - antibiotics, sulfonamides and others.

Traditional medicine recipes

There are several proven traditional medicine recipes with which you can get rid of coughs and common symptoms of colds.

A small enamel pot is filled with hot milk at the rate of 300 ml per serving. A small amount of baking soda is added there and This is a fairly effective remedy for colds.

In a glass of warmed milk put one tablespoon of honey, best of all May, which is characterized by powerful healing properties. A small amount of butter or cocoa butter can be added to soften the airways. Thanks to this drink, which includes milk, honey and butter, it is easy to get rid of a cough. When taken, the patient's recovery process is significantly accelerated. It should be drunk hot 3-4 times a day, and an additional portion is prepared at night, which should be taken right before bedtime. This simple remedy relieves coughs, giving you a good night's sleep and rest.

Many people add one teaspoon of lemon juice to milk with honey, which helps not only to get rid of cough, but also to eliminate sore throat and increase the body's defenses.

Hot milk with honey and butter is used for pneumonia. To do this, take 100 g of internal pork fat, the same amount of butter and fresh honey, as well as 30 g of freshly squeezed aloe juice. All components are thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew a little. It is recommended to take it one tablespoon at a time with a glass of warmed milk. If a child has pneumonia, only half of the serving should be given. After a few days, the temperature drops and the cough decreases.

What else does milk, honey and butter help with? This composition is effective for severe painful cough. To do this, boil one glass of oats in one liter of milk until the grains swell. The broth is filtered and a small amount of honey and butter is added to it. This remedy is taken as a tea during the day. This recipe is great for people after pneumonia.

Milk with honey and butter: reviews

If you study the reviews on the use of such products for medicinal purposes, you can come to the conclusion that their combination is excellent for coughs and many colds. In addition, many people are satisfied that this is a completely harmless product that is not capable of harming health, only if there is no individual intolerance to these ingredients. But there are also skeptics who speak unflatteringly about this method of treatment, believing that only pharmaceutical drugs can cure colds.


Thus, milk with honey and butter has long been used in folk medicine to relieve severe coughs and relieve sore throat with colds. These products are considered to be very healthy, and they have practically no contraindications.