
Effective parenting. Methods and means of education. Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of an individual

To solve educational problems, you can choose different combinations of methods, techniques and means. This choice primarily depends on the specifics of the goals and objectives.

The teacher selects and uses a system of methods in accordance with the goals set. Since they are “tools for touching the personality” (A. S. Makarenko), when choosing them it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties and characteristics of the student’s personality. There is no good or bad method. The effectiveness of solving educational problems depends on many factors and conditions, as well as on the sequence and logic of applying a set of methods.

Classification of methods is a system of methods built on a certain basis.

P. I. Pidkasisty offers the following grouping of educational methods:

1) forming the worldview of students and exchanging information;

2) organizing the activities of pupils and stimulating their motives;

3) providing assistance to students and assessing their actions.

By nature, education methods are divided into:

· belief,

· exercise,

· encouragement

· punishment.

The classification of I. S. Maryenko names such groups of educational methods as:

· explanatory-reproductive,

· problem-situational,

· training methods and exercises,

· stimulation,

· braking,

· manuals,

· self-education.

Classification of education methods based on orientation (I.G. Shchukina):

1. Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual. (story, explanation, clarification, lecture, ethical conversation, persuasion, suggestion, instruction, debate, report, example)

Conviction presupposes logical proof of a concept, a moral position, or an assessment of what is happening. At the same time, students’ consciousness is influenced not so much by concepts and judgments as by their evidence. Students, evaluating the information received, either confirm their views, positions, or correct them.

Persuasion as a method in the educational process is implemented through various forms, in particular today excerpts from various literary works, historical analogies, biblical parables, and fables are used. A number of scientists are creating anthologies that contain material for the moral education of students. The method of persuasion is also used in various discussions.

Suggestion is an emotionally charged influence on a child in order to create a certain state in him or encourage him to take certain actions. According to the figurative expression of V.M. Bekhterev, suggestion, in contrast to conviction, enters a person’s consciousness not from the front door, but as if from the back porch, bypassing the watchman - criticism. To suggest means to influence feelings, and through them, the mind and will of a person. Suggestion is based on the child’s needs and aspirations. This method in pedagogical practice is used quite widely. The use of the method of suggestion contributes to the formation of feelings and emotional experience of the required behavior.

Suggestion can be carried out both by speech means (words, intonation, pause) and non-speech means (facial expressions, pantomime, gestures, surroundings, etc.).

2. Methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior. (exercise, training, pedagogical requirement, public opinion, assignment, educational situations)

Exercises. In mastering the experience of social behavior, activity plays a decisive role. You cannot teach a child to write by telling how others write; It is impossible to teach how to play a musical instrument by demonstrating virtuoso performance. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the following important conditions:

1) exercise systems; 2) their content; 3) accessibility and feasibility of exercises; 4) volume; 5) repetition frequency; 6) control and correction; 7) personal characteristics of pupils; 8) place and time of exercises; 9) combinations of individual, group and collective forms of exercises; 10) motivation and stimulation of exercise.

The adequacy of the exercises to the projected behavior is another condition for the pedagogical effectiveness of this method.

Habituation is an intensely performed exercise. It is used when it is necessary quickly and on high level create the required quality. Accustoming is often accompanied by painful processes and causes dissatisfaction. All barracks education systems, for example the army, where this method is combined with punishment, are based on harsh training.

A requirement is a method of education with the help of which norms of behavior, expressed in personal relationships, cause, stimulate or inhibit certain activities of the pupil and the manifestation of certain qualities in him.

The form of presentation distinguishes between direct and indirect demands. A direct requirement is characterized by imperativeness, certainty, specificity, accuracy, and formulations that are understandable to students and do not allow for two different interpretations. The demand is presented in a decisive tone, and a whole range of shades is possible, which are expressed by intonation, strength of voice, and facial expressions.

An indirect requirement (advice, request, hint, trust, approval, etc.) differs from a direct one in that the stimulus for action is not so much the requirement itself as the psychological factors caused by it: the experiences, interests, aspirations of the pupils.

3. Methods of stimulating behavior and activity. (competition, encouragement, punishment).

Competition is a modification of the method of educational situations and contributes to the formation of the qualities of a competitive personality. This method is based on the child’s natural needs for leadership and competition. In the process of competition, the child achieves some success in relationships with friends and acquires a new social status.

Encouragement is the expression of a positive assessment of the actions of students. It reinforces positive skills and habits. The action of encouragement involves the arousal of positive emotions and instills confidence. Encouragement can manifest itself in various ways: approval, praise, gratitude, granting honorary rights, rewarding. Despite its apparent simplicity, encouragement requires careful dosage and caution, since failure to use this method can be harmful to education.

Encouragement should be a natural consequence of the student’s action, and not a consequence of his desire to receive encouragement. It is important that encouragement does not pit the student against the rest of the team. It must be fair and, as a rule, consistent with the opinion of the team. When using incentives, it is necessary to take into account the individual qualities of the recipient.

Punishment is a component of pedagogical stimulation, the use of which should prevent undesirable actions of students, slow them down, and cause a feeling of guilt before themselves and other people.

The following types of punishment are known: imposition of additional duties; deprivation or restriction of certain rights; expression of moral censure, condemnation.

The punishment must be fair, carefully thought out and in no case should humiliate the dignity of the student. This is a powerful method. It is much more difficult to correct a teacher’s mistake in punishment than in any other case, so one should not rush to punish until there is complete confidence in the fairness of the punishment and its positive impact on the student’s behavior.

Since ancient times, many philosophers have proposed their own methods of education. They, the methods, did not develop by chance, but in accordance with the way of life of different peoples. Therefore, there are many methods of education.

Being a parent is not an easy job. Raising children properly is very difficult. This is a truism, although some parents behave as if someone initially promised them that everything would be very easy. Therefore, when faced with the need to overcome difficulties in the process of raising children, they perceive it as a personal misfortune.
Even if parents want to raise their children correctly, they can rarely systematize their own approaches to education. Because of this, they begin to go to extremes, jumping from to democratic, and then to, and all this within a couple of hours.
We will not talk about all the listed styles now. These are topics for separate articles, but we will definitely return to them more than once in our publications.

Today we will focus on general principles effective parenting. You don't need to know much to do this. All you have to do is stick to the seven most important things. You can be sure that this will not only bring order and peace to your parent’s heads, but will also have a tangible educational effect.

1Nurture self-respect in your child. Watch how you talk to your child and how you behave with him. Praise your child for his successes and achievements, and also allow him to show independence. It plays an important role in developing self-esteem, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Never underestimate a child or speak poorly of him. If your negative feedback is passed on to your child from other people, it will make him unhappy. Never compare your child to other children (in either a positive or negative context).

2Try to be a good role model. Remember that your child learns about the world by observing his parents' behavior and then imitating that behavior. He tries to behave or act “like mom” or “like dad.” This tendency is especially noticeable in childhood, and subsequently, the skills acquired by imitating the behavior of parents become the basis for building a pattern of individual behavior.

Therefore, it is necessary that you as parents provide high quality “behaviours”. “Actions speak louder than words,” therefore, instead of talking and lecturing, you can teach your child by example, simply through your actions, such concepts as respect, honesty, friendliness, kindness, reliability and tolerance. Never be aggressive or use swear words to express your anger or dissatisfaction with your child's behavior.

3Appreciate your child for good deeds. Praise and appreciate your child for his good behavior. Always celebrate out loud not only his obvious successes, but simply everything he does right. In fact, you need to compliment him, not as a woman on his clothes or appearance, but on his good behavior.

Your praise, love and kindness are the greatest gifts you can offer your child. Never use sarcasm towards your child or constantly scold him for the same thing. If a child repeats the same mistakes, this is not a reason to reprimand him once again, but a reason for parents to think about why this is happening.

4Make time for your child. IN modern world When both parents work, making time for your children often becomes a difficult task. But the time you spend with your child is another priceless gift. Children really need attention. A child's bad behavior is very often caused by a lack of attention to him.

Thus, with the help of bad behavior, children are simply trying to become noticeable, to make their parents devote time to them. Therefore, it is very important to set aside some of your time specifically for children. For example, you can devote one whole day off to communicating with children. It is also necessary to allocate at least 40 minutes of daily communication with your child. Try to do everything you can with your children: have breakfast, lunch, dinner, clean the house, work in the garden, at the dacha, etc.

5Learn to communicate correctly with children. Establish clear, consistent and clearly interpretable communication with your child. Learn to express your thoughts and feelings clearly and clearly using words.

Your child must clearly understand what you expect from him and why you require him to do something this way and not otherwise. If any problems arise, you should be able to explain it to your child or even ask him to make counter-offers. Let your child participate in decision making.

6Be flexible and adapt your parenting style. Every child is different, and therefore you must tailor your parenting style to suit your child. This needs to be done subtly and not often, but only depending on a certain period of personality development and the individual characteristics of each child.

Recommendations taken from books will not help. Each child develops at his own speed. One child may develop quickly, another slowly. This concerns not only physical, but also mental and mental development.

Comparing your child to other children can set you up with unreasonably high expectations, which usually leads to disappointment. That's why uniform style education for each individual child cannot be the same. You may need to change your parenting style as your child gets older. What works now may not work in the future, so be flexible.

7Convince your child that your love for him is unconditional. Let your child know that your love is unconditional, and even if he misbehaves, your love for him will not change. This does not mean that he can behave badly or unworthy, but the child needs to know that you still love him. He may be afraid of upsetting you or hurting you, but he should never be afraid of losing your love.

Never blackmail a child with love and do not tell him: “I will stop loving you” or “I don’t love you.” All the mistakes that a child makes, especially in childhood, these are consequences of natural knowledge of the world around us or a lack of your upbringing. Remember this!

Instead of criticizing, scolding and “reporting”, it is better to explain what you really expect from him and encourage him - “next time you will definitely do the right thing.” At the same time, do not forget to say once again that, despite the offense he committed, you still love him as before and believe in him.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of an individual and not the advice of a specialist. I’m trying to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I don’t physically have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also don’t have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires a huge amount of free time, and I have very little of it.

In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, and do not expect that I will advise in the comments or accompany your situation.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many people do), but in this case, be prepared for the fact that I may not answer you. This is not a matter of principle, but solely of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you want to receive qualified help, please seek advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

With respect and hope for understanding, Frederica

There are a great many methods of raising children. All of them, of course, are aimed at achieving one goal - to raise a harmonious personality, a worthy member of society and simply a happy person. But achieving this goal occurs in different ways.

Let's get acquainted with the features of methods of raising children.

This is one of the oldest and most effective methods of raising children. It involves the parent gradually convincing the child that he is right, but not with the help of authoritarian pressure, but with the help of conversation. If the child does not want to do something, you need to find out in a calm and confident tone the reasons for his behavior - and give your arguments why this should be done. As a result, the child must comprehend his behavior, sum up his results and draw appropriate conclusions.

This method of raising children is suitable for a child of any character and any age.

Isolation method

The peculiarities of this method of raising children are the isolation of the problem situation from the child or the child from the problem situation. For example, to prevent a child from taking candy, you need to lock it in a cabinet with a key, so that the child does not beg in the store - you can simply not take it with you, etc.

This method is good if you urgently need to stop the hysteria or prevent it altogether. The educational value of this method of raising children is very small, and its use is constantly fraught with a deterioration in the relationship with the child and his lying to you. Therefore, it is better to use the isolation method sometimes and in combination with other methods.

Method for developing incompatible behavior

This method of raising children can only be used as a preventive measure against a child’s bad behavior. When the hysteria has already begun, the method of developing incompatible behavior will not help.

What are the features of this method of raising children? Its essence is to keep the baby busy with something that simply will not give him the opportunity to hysteria and indulge. For example, when going to the store, to prevent your child’s requests to buy something, give him a list of products and ask him to find them on the shelves. So the child will be busy with work - and he simply will not have time left for begging. And so that when your baby gets hungry he doesn’t ask you for the cakes he sees in the store, take some sweets with you from home and feed the baby before leaving.

Or another situation: the baby is aggressive and sometimes likes to hit his parents. Give him a special pillow that he can use as a “pear” to release negative emotions.

This method of raising children will gradually help you replace the child’s bad behavior with such incompatible behavior in a similar situation.

The “carrot and stick” method

The peculiarity of this method of raising children is that all the actions of the baby receive a positive or negative reaction from the parents. For example, when a child has done something well, he is needed praise, hug in every possible way to show how pleased you are with his actions. When a child does something bad, the response to this should be a remark or punishment. In no case should punishment be associated with physical violence or actions that the child is required to do at will. For example, you cannot force a child to do homework or clean the room as punishment - otherwise in the future he will associate these actions only with punishment.

As a “stick” within this method of raising children, you can use leaving the child alone, temporarily stopping communication with him until he calms down and can talk normally, depriving him of sweets (but not food in general), etc.

True, recent studies have confirmed that it is more effective to raise children under 12 years of age by praising them for good behavior and ignoring (or scolding them less) for bad behavior. Children after 12 years old already perfectly understand both scolding and praise - therefore, they need to be praised and punished in accordance with their actions.

The "horror story" method

The peculiarities of this method of raising children are to show the child the consequences of the actions that he wants to perform (of course, with a discount for his age). For example, if a child persistently tries to jump out of a window, tell him that he can die from this or about fractures that can make him disabled for life. You can show photos or videos of children in wheelchairs with the words: “They also decided to have fun, like you.”

The main thing in this method is not to scare the child to death, so that he does not develop phobias, and so that he does not become afraid of everything around him.

Method "1-2-3"

The features of this method of raising children are the calmness of parents and the inevitability of punishment. The essence of the method is to demand the child to stop misbehaving until you count to three. Moreover, you need to speak in an even, calm tone, and count slowly. If after you pronounce the number “three” the child does not calm down, you can apply punishment with a clear conscience (of course, without assault or cruelty). In this case, the child will understand that it is better not to joke with you - and you really do what you promise.

Empirical method

Or the “method of one’s own experience.” We all know very well that, of course, we need to learn from the mistakes of others - no one does this. It’s much more revealing and clearer to learn from your own! This method of raising children involves teaching the child from his own mistakes (of course, if this does not lead to tragic results).

For example, if he wants to scatter food on the floor, let him scatter it. Only he will have to wash everything after himself too! He wants expensive toy- buy it for him. Just count all together how many chocolates or ice cream could be bought for this money - and divide by the number of days that the child will have to do without sweets.

Concerning educational function– then this method is very good.

Signal method

The peculiarities of this method of raising children are that bad behavior should be carried out only on a signal, and absolutely everyone should behave badly. For example, your baby screams and throws tantrums every day, but you stop it. The signal method states that it is possible to behave this way - but according to a certain signal. For example, once every 2 weeks on a certain day, your whole family organizes a “disobedience holiday”: scream, rage, jump on the bed, make a mess, etc. This way you all release your emotions - and if after a while the child starts to behave inappropriately again - you can tell him that the festival of disobedience will be in so many days - and let him remember what he wants to shout about so that he can do it when it will be possible. But before this time there should be no hysterics. So the baby will understand that it is possible to behave badly - but only at a certain time. This is the essence of a subtle psychological move - if the baby knows that he will have the opportunity to scream - at another time he will gradually stop wanting to!

“Away from controversy” method

Very often, parents go into great detail, explaining to their child why something should or should not be done. And cunning children are happy about this - after all, you can talk to your mother and she will forget about everything in the world! To help you avoid this, there is an excellent method of “beyond the controversy.”

The peculiarities of this method of raising children are to stubbornly insist on your own and say in a calm tone what needs to be done, without starting a fight with the child.

A standard example when a mother gives in to excuses for her child:

I don't want to!

Maxim, let's do it quickly, I have to rush to work.

No, I go to work, I don't stay at home.

This kind of dialogue can continue for a long time. Isn’t it better to use the “beyond controversy” method? In this case, the conversation will be conducted differently:

Maxim, it's time to go to kindergarten!

I don't want to!

Maxim, you need to get dressed and go out!

Well mom, let me stay home with you!

Maxim, get dressed and let's go!

The child, having convinced himself that arguing with his mother is useless, will simply do what she demands. And thus, with the help of this method of raising children, you will achieve the desired result.

Ignore method

Children are wonderful manipulators. And very often he begins to behave defiantly, whine or whine in order to achieve the desired reaction from an adult. This is where a method of raising children called ignoring will come to your aid.

The peculiarities of the method lie in its very name. If you directly tell the child that all this has no effect on you, and really do not show any response, very soon the child will simply get tired of behaving this way - after all, no one can “beat his head against the wall” for a long time without the slightest result.

Method of clear and short requirements

The peculiarities of this method of raising children are in the formulation of clear and precise requirements for the child - and in a positive way. That is, you should not reproach the child for not doing something or doing something wrong, but to clearly say what is expected of him.

For example, the phrase “Again, you have toys scattered all over the room! What kind of pig is growing like this??” It’s better to replace it with the phrase: “Clean your room now.” And the phrase: “Make sure you don’t fall” is more effective to replace with the phrase: “Be careful, there are steps here.”

What methods of raising children to follow is up to you to decide. But remember - as a rule, these methods must be used together. After all, the effectiveness of a particular method depends on the specific situation in which it is applied. And the peculiarities of methods of raising children act differently in one situation or another. And only your wisdom, intuition and love for your child will help you in raising him.

Modern methods of education are aimed at the formation of a full-fledged personality with a clear worldview, self-determination and revealed abilities.

Features of modern methods of teaching and education

Modern education is built taking into account the interests and needs of children, and the basis of the educational process is made up of pedagogical concepts and principles.

The main goal of modern methods of education is to solve pedagogical problems and achieve a positive result in the education of the individual.

The main objectives of new methods of education include:

  • Formation of personal qualities and development of the child’s abilities;
  • Education of morality and culture;
  • Formation of social roles (citizen, family man, etc.);
  • Development of educational and cognitive skills;
  • Formation of universal human values;
  • Development in accordance with interests and abilities.

Characteristics of modern methods of education

In modern pedagogy, there are four new methods of education: the G. Doman method, Waldorf pedagogy, the Montessori method, the L. Bereslavsky method.

The Waldorf pedagogical system has found its greatest application in preschool educational institutions. The method is based on education through actions and practice, rather than words and theory. A child under 7 years of age is considered an imitator who follows the example of parents, teachers and educators. Adults should set only positive examples. Development according to the Waldorf pedagogy method occurs through training fine motor skills through modeling, crafts and playing with small objects.

Modern methods of education according to G. Doman and L. Bereslavsky are similar in many respects. According to these methods, education should begin from the very early age so as not to miss the moment and not lead to serious problems. The development of motor skills should begin at the age of 2, teach the child to distinguish colors and shades, geometric figures and magnitude. These techniques involve constant performance of exercises on attentiveness, development of logical thinking and expansion of ideas about the world around us.

The Doman method is aimed at intensive development of thinking and intellectual ability in children under 7 years of age. The method is based on the use of special cards with words and letters that need to be remembered and repeated. Classes should be short-term but regular. During the learning process, memory should be trained, fast reading should be taught, and aspirations for knowledge should be reinforced with praise.

The most famous modern method of education and training is the Montessori system, developed by an Italian teacher, designed to develop labor skills. Classes with your child should begin with simple household chores (watering flowers, wiping off dust, putting things and toys in their places, washing dishes, etc.). Education according to the Montessori method is carried out using abstract tasks, logical exercises and the development of perception.

Classification of modern methods of teaching and upbringing in domestic pedagogy:

These modern methods education can be effectively used in a holistic system to form a full-fledged personality, capable of acting logically and meaningfully in various situations, making decisions and controlling oneself.

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Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region

State Autonomous Educational Institution "Golyshmanovsky Agropedagogical College"


Discipline: General and professional pedagogy

Topic: Effective parenting methods

method education exercise stimulation

1. Education method

2. Factors determining the choice of education methods

3. Classification of education methods



1. Education method

Education method-- a system of interconnected actions of the teacher and the students, ensuring the assimilation of the content of education. The method of education is characterized by three features: the specific content of educational activities; a certain way of assimilating it; a specific form of interaction between participants in the educational process. Each method expresses the uniqueness of these characteristics; their combination ensures the achievement of all goals and objectives of education.

The choice of the most effective methods of education is determined by the content of education, the characteristics of the students, and the abilities and capabilities of the teacher. Therefore, an experienced teacher or leader must master the entire range of educational techniques, find combinations of them that best suit a specific situation, and remember that a template in this matter is absolutely contraindicated. To achieve this, you need to have a good understanding of the essence of the basic methods of educational influence. Let's look at the most important of them.

Belief - one of the methods of the first group aimed at forming consciousness. The use of this method is the initial prerequisite for the next stage of the educational process - the formation of proper behavior. It is beliefs and stable knowledge that determine people’s actions. This method is addressed to the consciousness of the individual, to her feelings and mind, to her inner spiritual world. The fundamental basis of this spiritual world, according to the traditions of Russian self-awareness, is a clear understanding of the meaning own life which consists in the optimal use of those abilities and talents that we receive from nature. And no matter how difficult this task may be at times, due to the complexity of specific rex social conditions in which each of us often finds ourselves, everything else depends on the nature of its decision: our relationships with other people (relatives and strangers), and our labor successes, and our position in society. Therefore, when implementing the method of persuasion, first of all, you should pay attention to the problem of self-education, self-improvement and, on this basis, consider problems of relationships with other people, issues of communication, morality, etc.

The main tools of the persuasion method are verbal (word, message, information). This could be a lecture, a story, especially in the humanities. The combination of information content with emotionality is very important here, which greatly increases the persuasiveness of communication. Monologue forms should be combined with dialogic ones: conversations, debates, which significantly increase the emotional and intellectual activity of students. Of course, a debate or conversation must be organized and prepared: the problem must be defined in advance, a plan for its discussion must be adopted, and regulations must be established. The role of the educator here is to help students discipline their thoughts, adhere to logic, and argue their position.

But verbal methods, for all their significance, must be supplemented by the power of example with special powers of persuasion. “Long is the path of instruction,” said Seneca, “short is the path of example.” A successful example concretizes a general, abstract problem and activates the consciousness of students. The effect of this technique is based on the feeling of imitation inherent in people. Not only living people, leaders, educators, parents, but also literary characters and historical figures can serve as role models. Standards formed by the media and art also play an important role. It should be borne in mind that imitation is not only a simple repetition of patterns, it tends to develop into creative activity personality, which is already manifested in the choice of samples. It is therefore important to surround students with positive role models. Although it should be borne in mind that a timely and appropriate negative example, showing the negative consequences of certain actions, helps to keep the student from doing the wrong thing.

Of course, the most effective is the personal example of the teacher, his own beliefs, business qualities, unity of words and deeds, and his fair attitude towards his students. Despite the importance of beliefs, clear thoughts and feelings, they form only the starting point of educational activity. By stopping at this stage, education does not achieve its ultimate goals, which are to form the required behavior and combine beliefs with specific actions. The organization of certain behavior is the core of the entire educational process.

A universal method of developing the necessary behavioral skills is exercise method.

Exercise is the repeated repetition and improvement of methods of action that are the basis of behavior. Exercises in education differ from exercises in teaching, where they are closely linked to the acquisition of knowledge. In the process of education, they are aimed at developing skills and abilities, at developing positive behavioral habits, and bringing them to automatism. Self-control, self-control, discipline, organization, culture of communication - these are just some of the qualities that are based on habits formed by upbringing. The more difficult the quality, the more exercises you need to do to develop the habit.

Therefore, in order to develop certain moral, volitional and professional qualities of an individual, a systematic approach is needed when implementing the exercise method based on the principles of consistency, planning, and regularity. A teacher, manager, or coach must clearly plan the volume and sequence of loads, while following the recommendations of K.D. Ushinsky:

“Our will, like muscles, becomes stronger only from gradually increasing activity: with excessive demands you can strain both will and muscles and stop their development, but without giving them exercise, you will certainly have both weak muscles and weak will.”

This leads to the most important conclusion that the success of the exercise method depends on comprehensive consideration of the psychological, physical and other individual qualities of people. Otherwise, both psychological and physical injuries are possible.

However, neither the methods of forming consciousness, nor the methods of developing skills and abilities will give reliable, long-term results if they are not supported by methods rewards and punishments, forming another, third group of educational means called stimulation methods. The psychological basis of these methods lies in the experience that one or another element of the behavior of the person brought up causes on the part of his comrades or leader. With the help of such an assessment, and sometimes through self-assessment, correction of the student’s behavior is achieved.

Promotion - This is an expression of positive assessment, approval, recognition of the qualities, behavior, actions of a student or an entire group. The effectiveness of encouragement is based on the arousal of positive emotions, a sense of satisfaction, and self-confidence, which contribute to further success in work or study. Forms of encouragement are very diverse: from an approving smile to rewarding with a valuable gift. The higher the level of the reward, the longer and more stable its positive effect. Particularly effective is public rewarding in a solemn atmosphere, in the presence of comrades, teachers, and managers.

However, if used ineptly, this technique can also cause harm, for example, pitting the student against other members of the team. Therefore, along with the individual method, a collective method should also be used, i.e. encouraging the group, the team as a whole, including those who showed hard work and responsibility, although they did not achieve outstanding success. This approach greatly contributes to the unity of the group, the formation of a sense of pride in the team and each of its members.

Punishment - This is an expression of a negative assessment, condemnation of actions and deeds that contradict accepted norms of behavior and violate laws. The goal of this method is to achieve a change in a person’s behavior, causing feelings of shame, a feeling of dissatisfaction, and thus push him to correct the mistake he made.

The method of punishment should be used in exceptional cases, carefully considering all the circumstances, analyzing the reasons for the offense and choosing a form of punishment that would correspond to the gravity of the guilt and the individual characteristics of the offender and would not humiliate his dignity. It should be remembered that the cost of a mistake in this matter can be very high. However, sometimes punishment cannot be avoided. Their forms can be varied: from reprimand to exclusion from the team. It should, however, be remembered that the use of this method is the exception rather than the rule; its too frequent use indicates a general problem in the education system and the need for its adjustment. Anyway, but general rule a repressive, punitive bias in education is recognized as unacceptable.

In the process of education it is necessary to use the entire diverse range of methods and techniques. This is persuasion by a word addressed primarily to the mind, the use of the method of persuasion, the power of example, this is the influence on emotional sphere, feelings of pupils. The most important role in the educational impact is played by constant exercises, the organization of practical activities of students, during which skills, abilities, habits of behavior are developed, and experience is accumulated. In this multifaceted system, methods of motivation, stimulation, especially methods of punishment, play only a supporting role.

2. Factorsdetermining the choice of education methods

§ Goals and objectives of education. What is the goal, so should be the method of achieving it.

§ Age characteristics of pupils. The same problems are solved using different methods depending on the age of the students.

§ Level of team formation. As collective forms of self-government develop, methods of pedagogical influence do not remain unchanged: flexibility of management is a necessary condition for successful cooperation between the teacher and students.

§ Individual and personal characteristics of pupils.

§ Conditions of education - climate in the team, style of pedagogical leadership, etc.

§ Educational means. Educational methods become means when they act as components of the educational process.

§ Level of teaching qualifications. The teacher chooses only those methods with which he is familiar and which he owns.

§ Time of education. When time is short and goals are high, “strong” methods are used; in favorable conditions, “gentle” methods of education are used.

§ Expected consequences. When choosing a method, the teacher must be confident of success. To do this, it is necessary to foresee what results the application of the method will lead to.

3. Classification of education methods

Classification of methods is a system of methods built on a certain basis. Classification helps to detect general and specific, essential and random, theoretical and practical in methods and thereby contributes to their informed choice and the most effective application.

The nature Educational methods are divided into persuasion, exercise, encouragement and punishment.

According to the results Methods of influencing a student can be divided into two classes:

§ influence that creates moral attitudes, motives, relationships, forming ideas, concepts, ideas;

§ influence that creates habits that determine a particular type of behavior.

Classification of education methods based on focus:

§ Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual.

§ Methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior.

§ Methods of stimulating behavior and activity.


Since ancient times, many philosophers have proposed their own methods of education. They, the methods, did not develop by chance, but in accordance with the way of life of different peoples. Therefore, there are many effective parenting methods. I described the general methods of education. I also found out that just because one method works for one child does not mean it will work for another. From the above we can conclude that the topic “ effective methods education" is relevant today.


Task No. 1 The science that studies the pedagogical culture of a tribe, ethnosociety, nation, nationality is called...

about comparative pedagogy

O ethnopedagogy

about social pedagogy

about family upbringing

Task No. 2 One of the methodological parameters of pedagogical research is...

o teaching methods

o subject

O an object

Task No. 3 Among the concepts of “pedagogical diagnostics”, “observation”, “methods of pedagogical diagnostics”, “principles of pedagogical diagnostics” the most common is the concept...

o “principles of pedagogical diagnostics”

O " pedagogical diagnostics"

o “methods of pedagogical diagnostics”

o "observation"

Task No. 4 The permanent tasks of pedagogical science include...

q identifying interpersonal relationships in a team

q studying the causes of academic failure

q education forecasting

q generalization of practical experience

q revealing the laws of training and education

Task No. 5 Ethnopedagogy studies...

O formation and development of traditional folk cultures of education

o national traditions and rituals

o the formation and development of ethical knowledge and beliefs of the student

about the problems of interethnic interaction

Task No. 6 Depending on the sectors of activity, there are...

o history of pedagogy, sociology of education

O military pedagogy, industrial pedagogy

o pedagogical technology, therapeutic pedagogy

about typhlopedagogy, deaf pedagogy

Task No. 7 The testing process can be divided into stages such as...

q test selection

q testing

q interpretation of results

q adjustment

q self-analysis

Task No. 8 The level of competence and methodological reflection of the researcher determines the methodological…

O culture

about creativity

o skill

Task No. 9 There are diagnostics...

q methodological

q subject

q social

q psychological

q pedagogical

Task No. 10 The methodology of pedagogical research includes...

q patterns of pedagogical research

q ways to organize pedagogical research

q methods of education and training

q procedure for applying research methods

q interpretation of the results obtained

Task No. 11 The basic scientific discipline that studies the laws of human learning and education is __ pedagogy

o comparative

o social

O general

o age

Task No. 12 The priority of universal human values ​​in the relations of students among themselves and with teachers is declared by the principle...

O humanization

about empathy

about tolerance

about tolerance

Task No. 13 The educational and educational influence of a teacher on a student, aimed at his personal, intellectual and activity development, is called...

about teaching

O pedagogical activity

about education

about learning

Task No. 14 A set of procedures that ensure the receipt of reliable empirical material is the _________ level of methodology

o practical

O technological

o design

o theoretical

Task No. 15 A school based on the pedagogical concept of one teacher or a team of teachers is called...

about professional

about the profile

Task No. 16

q transformative

q reflexive

q diagnostic

q explanatory

q projective

Task No. 17 The pedagogical goal is...

about the direction of the teacher's work

Task No. 18 The technological function of pedagogy is implemented at such levels as...

q transformative

q reflexive

q diagnostic

q explanatory

q projective

Task No. 19 The pedagogical goal is...

about the direction of the teacher's work

o the main position of the teacher’s activity

o teacher’s perception of his teaching activities

O ideal model of the expected result of the pedagogical process

Task No. 20 To the main forms of connections between pedagogy and other sciences not applicable

about the use of terms and concepts of other sciences

o application of research methods of other sciences

o creative development of scientific ideas

O use of leading trends in the development of education abroad


1. Methods of vocational training [Text]: Educational and methodological complex of the discipline / Compiled by: M.V. Dovydova; Biysk ped. state University named after V. M. Shukshina. - Biysk: BPGU im. V. M. Shukshina, 2008.

2. Methodology of vocational training Skakun V.A.-M.: “Intellect-Center”, 2003.-320 pages

3. Skakun V.A. organization and methodology of professional training: tutorial/ V.A. Skakun.-M. : INFRA-M, 2009.-336p.- (Vocational education)

4. Slastyonin.V.A pedagogy: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastyonin.-3rd ed., stereotype.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004-576p.

5. Erganova N.E. Methods of vocational training: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / N.E. Erganova.-2nd ed., St.-M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.- 160 p.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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