
Decree on gasification of private houses. What you need to know about connecting gas to a private or country house

Centralized home supply natural gas gives its owner a number of advantages in solving the issue of heating and hot water supply. Indeed, in our country, it is during the combustion of gas that the generated thermal energy has a minimum cost compared to the combustion of liquid fuels and the consumption of electricity. Of course, it is cheaper to heat with wood or coal, but it is much more difficult in the physical sense.

If there is no gas in the house yet, but the village is gasified, you need to connect the building to a centralized gas supply.

Connecting gas to a private house: where to start?

The rules and procedure for connecting residential buildings to a centralized gas supply are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 of December 30, 2013. At the same time, it does not matter whether the house is put into operation, is under reconstruction, under construction, or while there is only a plot for construction and a project. You can start work on connecting to the gas pipeline at any time.

It should be noted that all issues related to connecting gas to a private house can only be resolved by its owner or a representative of the owner, acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

Connection to the gas pipeline

  • To connect to the gas pipeline, you need to contact its owner. If there are several gas pipelines in the immediate vicinity of your house, you need to select the nearest gas pipeline and contact its owner with a statement, or rather with a request for the issuance of technical conditions for connection. In this case, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the ownership of the house and land plot.
  • Issued within 14 working days specifications connection or given a written justified refusal.
  • Having received the technical conditions and having studied them, the owner makes a decision on the further expediency of gasification, and, if it is positive, makes an application (request) to conclude an agreement for connection to the gas pipeline.
  • The organization that owns the gas pipeline, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, must send the applicant a draft connection agreement, and he, in turn, must sign it (also within 30 days) and send one copy to the owner of the gas pipeline.
  • After signing the contract, both parties (the owner of the house and the gas distribution organization) carry out all the activities stipulated by the technical conditions for connection.
  • Upon completion of all work, the parties sign an act on connecting the house to the gas pipeline.

For owners of small houses with a gas consumption level of less than 300 m3 per hour, the law provides for a simplified connection procedure, without obtaining technical conditions. It is enough for the owner of the house to immediately apply with an application for connection.

The calculation of consumption is made taking into account all gas appliances installed in the house: heating boiler, water heater, hob, convector, fireplace, etc.

This sums up maximum level gas consumption indicated in the technical data sheets of the devices used. mother-in-law alone important point: The power of the heating boiler must correspond to the area of ​​​​the house. If the owner of housing with an area of ​​100 m2 presents those. passport for a boiler with a power of 2 kW, then the calculation will not include its maximum flow rate, but the average value of the boiler flow rate, with a thermal power of at least 10 kW.

In the technical conditions received by the owner of the house when first contacting the owner of the gas pipeline, the following information should be indicated:

  • Maximum allowable gas consumption per hour
  • connection period
  • period of validity of specifications

If the owner of the house decided to connect to this particular gas pipeline, and applied with a corresponding application, he will be given updated technical conditions, which will indicate:

  • information about the gas pipeline and the nominal gas pressure in it
  • gas pipe material requirements
  • requirements for metering devices and equipment

What should the owner of the house do to connect the gas

The gas distribution company supplies gas only up to the border of the owner's plot. The gas pipeline from the border of the site to the entrance to the house is the property of the owner of the house. The owner of the house mounts it himself. This will require a project that can be developed by a gas supply company or a design organization that has the appropriate license.

If the project is ordered from a gas supply company, then all issues of its approval will be carried out by employees of this organization. The development of the project is necessarily stipulated in the gas connection agreement. The following documents may be additionally requested from the owner of the house:

  • House project
  • topographic survey of the site
  • layout on the communications section

The owner of the house can submit his own project made by a third-party organization, but in this case it must be agreed with the gas distribution organization. The project may have to be coordinated with a number of third-party organizations (power grids, water utilities, etc.)

After agreeing on the project, the owner of the house runs the gas pipeline through his site in accordance with project documentation. The organization supplying gas takes it into operation and connects the gas.

The law establishes a deadline for connecting gas: no more than 2 years should pass from the moment the contract is concluded to the start-up.

Gas / Gasification in the Moscow region

Built a house, suffered for a long time with electric heating(stove, diesel fuel boiler, etc.) and finally ripened - it's time to start gas ... This thing is frightening with uncertainty and misunderstanding, where to start, how to continue and how much will it cost in the end? Let's try to figure it out together.

Gasification of a private house. Deciding on the area

First, let's determine where you are. The fundamental question is - is there gas in your locality or not? If not, then the situation is seriously complicated. In this case, it is necessary to study whether the settlement is included in the gasification program for the Moscow Region. This information can be viewed on the Mosoblgaz website - http://www.mosoblgaz.ru/gazification/list/. In other regions, there are investment programs, which can also be found on the GDO websites.

If your settlement is not on the lists, then things are completely sour. The law does not provide for the possibility of joint gasification, as was previously accepted. But, Mosoblgaz goes to meet collective applicants and accepts applications from non-profit partnerships formed by a group of citizens. Let's make a reservation right away, the members of any Non-Commercial Partnership will receive gas at the borders of each section of the partnership member, and in 80% of cases the pipe built under the connection agreement will belong to the Mosoblgaz State Unitary Enterprise. This procedure is not simple and requires a separate discussion. Things are quite different in SNT. And this problem also needs to be considered separately.

But suppose you have gas in your village (village, settlement). Let's take an ideal case - a pipe runs along your street at a distance of several meters to several tens of meters. What is the algorithm of actions in this case?

Gasification of a private house: who owns the nearest gas pipeline?

We start with the fact that you need to find out who owns the “pipe” closest to your house (land plot). Most of the gas networks low pressure in the Moscow region belongs to Mosoblgaz (state enterprise responsible for gasification and gas supply in the region). However, there are also numerous private or departmental gas pipelines that belong to other owners.

One of the most common cases is a gas pipeline built at the expense of contributions local residents and being on the balance of the partnership created by them. As an option, your neighbor laid the pipe at his own expense. A separate and complex story is gas networks in holiday villages (DNT, SNT, KP, etc.). The infrastructure on the territory of these settlements is owned by the association.

The problem here is that you will need to obtain permission from the owners of private infrastructure to use it. What conditions for you this consent will be furnished depends on how you conduct negotiations and what are the appetites of the owners of the gas pipeline.

You can find out who owns the gas infrastructure closest to you by contacting local authorities or Mosoblgaz. And you can clarify the issue with your neighbors, who have already successfully extended the gas.

Applying for gasification

Well, whose gas pipeline - found out. Next you need to go to Mosoblgaz. Even if the gas pipeline from which you will be connected does not belong to Mosoblgaz, an application for connection to the networks must be submitted to this organization. After all, it is Mosoblgaz that has information about the characteristics of gas networks in the Moscow Region. And, therefore, it can determine the technical feasibility (or impossibility) of connection in your particular case.

Mosoblgaz has a really good website, once again the link is http://www.mosoblgaz.ru There you need to determine which of the company's branches your locality belongs to. This can be done here - http://www.mosoblgaz.ru/company/filials/. Contact this branch with an application for gas connection.

To apply, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport (or power of attorney for the representative of the applicant)
  • Legal documents for land
  • Location plan with reference to the territory of the settlement

For some time now, an application can be submitted through the Personal Account on the Mosoblgaz website. Register .

At Mosoblgaz, your application is checked for authenticity, the source and technical feasibility of your connection are determined. As a result, if you have the technical ability to connect, you will be given a draft Connection Agreement and Technical Specifications (TU) for connection. The term for preparing documents should not exceed one month.

Gasification of a private house in the Moscow region: work on the territory of your site

The TU will describe exactly what you must do on the territory of your site. Since gas networks are an object of increased danger and working with them requires the necessary permits and qualifications, you will not be able to fulfill the requirements of the technical specifications on your own. We need to bring in contractors.

For these purposes, you can enter into a separate agreement with Mosoblgaz. However, you can also contact another construction organization that has a permit to carry out gasification work. Under " work"In this case, we mean the development of a project, laying a pipe from the border of the site to your house, laying gas pipes around the house and connecting a gas meter and gas appliances inside the house to them.

So, you sign the TU and the Contract, start doing your part of the work. The cost and timing of the implementation of specifications depends on many factors - the distance from the house to the border of the site, the volume of gas consumption, the type and number of gas-using appliances that you plan to install at home, etc. There is one pitfall: you will not be able to start designing, let alone building a gas pipeline on your site until Mosoblgaz completes the external gas pipeline project and notifies you of the connection point on the border of your site within 5 days.

Regarding the contractor ... A private contractor will most likely do it cheaper than Mosoblgaz. And it will be more pleasant and convenient for you to communicate with "private traders". But keep in mind: the project, which will be carried out by an independent contractor, will need to be coordinated with Mosoblgaz. Its specialists will check the fulfillment of the specifications as a whole. All this must be weighed.

Naturally, you already have a question - well, what will be the final price? As mentioned above, it is difficult to accurately estimate the extent of future costs (figures depend on your individual circumstances). But if it’s quite approximately, then for a house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b90 - 150 square meters. project and construction and installation costs will amount to at least 200,000 rubles. Plus, you have to share the cost of buying equipment (boiler, meter, gas stove, etc.) And again - these figures are very arbitrary. However, do not expect that you will be able to meet a smaller amount.

Returning to the procedure for connecting gasification. Upon completion of work at your site, submit an application for verification of compliance with technical conditions to the customer service service of your branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz. They come, check, if everything is in order - they draw up an act.

Gasification of a private house: "pipe" to the border of your site

At the same time, Mosoblgaz is doing its part of the work. “Own part” in this case means the construction of a gas pipeline from an existing gas pipe to your fence. To assess the cost and duration of the work that Mosoblgaz will conduct, you need to answer the question: what category of applicants does your facility fall into?

The fact is that according to the current legislation on technological connection(i.e. connecting) to gas networks, future gas consumers are divided into several categories. The most “preferential” of them, it is conditionally called “First”, implies that the hourly gas consumption does not exceed 5 cubic meters of gas, the required gas pressure in the supply gas pipeline is no more than 0.3 MPa, the distance from the existing gas pipeline to the site boundary does not exceed 200 meters, and construction involves the construction of only a gas pipeline - input.

It is important that you be able to get into this group. For her, the conditions for connecting to gas networks are more or less formalized. In particular, it was established that the cost of construction of a gas pipeline branch to the boundaries of your site should be 53,350 rubles (as of 2015). The construction period is defined as one year, if the distance from the existing gas pipeline to the border of your site does not exceed 40 meters. And a year and a half if this distance is more than 40 meters.

Naturally, you have a question, what does consumption of 5 cubic meters per hour mean? As explained on the Mosoblgaz website, hourly consumption of 5 cubic meters. meters of gas has:

  • gas boiler with a power of up to 43 kW (indicate the power in the technical passport of the boiler)
  • boiler up to 33 kW + standard gas stove(4 cupboards and oven) 10 kW
  • boiler + stove + other equipment, all together no more than 43 kW
  • Well, or in the aggregate, gasification of a residential building with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 150 m²

In addition to the conditional " first"Category, there is also" second"And" third». They differ in large gas consumption and distance from the gas pipeline. For the second category, for example, consumption is indicated up to 500 cubic meters. meters per hour. The terms and cost of works on supplying gas to these facilities are already from 1.5 to 2 years. The cost is calculated based on the Standardized Rates.

But we proceed from the fact that your house fits into the requirements for objects of the "first" category. In this case, the summary will be as follows:

your costs will consist of two parts, the costs of work (project, construction, equipment-materials) on your site and work outside the site.

  • it is difficult to predict the cost of the first part in advance, but not less than several hundred thousand rubles.
  • with respect to the second part of clarity, more - 53,350 rubles in 2015 (the price is fixed even if the source is 1 meter from your site). This is if you fall into the most preferential group of those who connect (consumption is less than 5 cubic meters per hour, the distance to the existing gas pipeline is less than 200 meters, the pressure in the source is not more than 0.3 MPa, and only the construction of a gas pipeline is required).
  • the terms for connecting gas will be from a year to a year and a half (if you again fall into the preferential group). You probably won't be faster. Rather, the process will be delayed.

Upon completion of work on your part and on the part of Mosoblgaz, you sign the necessary acts. Sign a contract for the supply of gas. Coordinate the start of the gas. Next - enjoy))

A small conclusion

Life, unfortunately, is not as simple as we would like. And in your case, gasification at home can be complicated by additional problems and circumstances. However, we hope that our explanations at least clarified for you the general logic of the process, where to go and who is responsible for what on the topic of gasification of a private house in the Moscow region.

Concerning legislative framework process, the key in this area is the decree of the government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the rules for connecting (technological connection) of capital construction facilities to gas distribution networks, as well as on the amendment and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” dated December 30, 2013 N 1314.

If in your communication with Mosoblgaz you plan to rely on a solid knowledge of your rights, be sure to read it.

Well, and most importantly - without delay, submit your application for gasification to Mosoblgaz. The sooner you get down to business, the sooner you will have clarity about the very possibility of gasification and its cost.

Representatives of Mosoblgaz assure that it is better to apply through the Personal Account. And in the same place to conduct all communication with the gas workers. Unlike telephone calls and personal consultations, correspondence through Personal Area will be official. And you, if necessary, can use this circumstance to your advantage.

The Russians, who are the owners of private houses, are trying in every possible way to facilitate their living in such a residential building. Therefore, they are equipped in such a way as to feel comfortable and cozy: in addition to electricity and water, they conduct gas. What is needed for this? What documentation is required? How much does it cost to connect gas in 2017? Where to turn for help? Let's consider all these questions in this article.

Advantages of gasification of a private house

It would seem that by building or buying a private house, you can live perfectly in it without the use of gas. But having it will make your life easier, as gasification has a number of advantages:

  1. environmental friendliness;
  2. absence of combustion products and unnecessary waste;
  3. the cost is lower than that of electricity; durability of the gas system;
  4. safety of use (of course, subject to certain rules);
  5. possibility of connecting to heating system, cooker, geyser, etc.

But how much it costs to spend such a pleasure in a private house depends on the individual characteristics of housing and the cost of the services of the gasification process itself.

The process of gasification of a private house

A prerequisite for supplying gas to a residential building is the presence of a gas pipeline in the settlement itself. If so, then experts say that the process of connecting a private house to a gas pipeline will be as follows:

1. Obtaining a permit for gasification at Mosoblgaz (this condition works for residents of the Moscow region):

  • collect and submit to the appropriate organization the necessary package of papers;
  • fill out an application for concluding an agreement (can be done using the Mosoblgaz online service);
  • conclude an agreement with a gas distribution organization on technological connection to the gas pipeline.

2. Design (this procedure is carried out by experienced specialists):

  • the masters who arrived at the site perform the necessary measurements and topographic survey;
  • according to the measurements made, they draw up a project according to which construction and installation work will be carried out.

3. Carrying out construction and installation works within the boundaries of the land plot.

4. Conclusion of an agreement on the supply of gas.

5. Launch of the gas pipeline system in agreement with the local gas distribution organization.

A private house can be connected to a common gas pipeline in several ways:

  1. aboveground (using special brackets and supports for pipes above the ground, through which gas will be supplied to the house);
  2. underground (all communications are hidden in trenches dug in the ground around the building);
  3. combined (they combine two methods together, for example, from the side of the street they use the above-ground method, and in the courtyard of the house - the underground one).
It depends on the choice of one of the methods how much the whole process will cost to gasify a private house.

Preparation of the necessary documentation

In order to gasify a private house and obtain the appropriate permit for this, its owner needs to prepare the following papers:
  1. application to Mosoblgaz (now this can be done without leaving home, that is, online, using the Internet services using the Mosoblgaz website
  2. identity document (passport);
  3. title papers for a land plot and a house built on it;
  4. situational plan of the site with reference to the territory of the settlement;
  5. a copy of the registration certificate at home (take it from the BTI);
  6. act of inspection of chimneys (issued by the local fire service after a direct inspection of a residential building);
  7. technical documents for already installed equipment for the use of gas (for example, a stove, column or boiler).
You may also need the consent of the nearest neighbors (preferably in writing, notarized), if the private house is in common ownership.

Services for connecting gas to a private house: where to go

On the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region, there are several organizations that provide services for connecting gas to a private house. Consider what kind of gasification work they perform:

Mosoblgaz. After submitting an application and concluding an appropriate agreement with this organization, the customer will receive the execution of technical specifications (technical specifications), the performance of all related work, a check of the gas pipeline's performance and its actual inclusion.

Elazar Company. Carries out all types of design work (including topographic survey and all calculations), purchases and delivers materials with equipment, installation of an external gas pipeline, physical connection to internal communications, equipment testing (earthworks are not included in the cost of the company's work).
"Docagaz". Will help to obtain technical specifications, coordinate the project with the regional gas supply organization, control all types of installation work and start-up gas equipment to work, will also prepare all the necessary documentation for state registration.
"GazEnergoStroy" Engaged in gasification of private residential buildings on a turnkey basis (in addition to standard work, performs heat engineering calculations, according to the individual data of the house and site, calculates estimates, which include materials, equipment, and all types of services provided).
When choosing a company that will gasify a private house, its owner must focus not only on the list of services provided, but also on their cost.

How much does it cost to gasify a private house in 2017

How much does it cost to connect gas to the house? The answer depends on several factors:

  1. From the prices for services set by the company that will perform all the work.
  2. From connection type:

standard (includes a certain distance from a residential building to a common gas pipeline, the choice of a gas meter, connection method, location, prices for the region);

non-standard (depends primarily on the location of the house on the site, its shape, topography and soil quality).

  • 3. From the volume of ongoing land construction work (based on the length of the highway).
  • 4. From the materials and equipment used by specialists in the gasification process (for example, the use polyethylene pipes, installation of a coupling gas valve and a meter, etc.).
The local gas distribution company will provide you with a price list, according to which you can calculate how much it costs to connect gas to your home.
According to the agreement concluded with Mosoblgaz, the fixed cost of all works included in the application is 57 thousand 297 rubles 90 kopecks. To this should be added a fee for design and construction and installation work, which are estimated at estimated prices.
The GazEnergoStroy company varies its prices, it depends on the above conditions. On average, their gasification services for a private house cost about 300 thousand rubles (this includes paperwork - 200 thousand rubles and construction and installation work - 100 thousand rubles).
The LBM-Gazstroy company, which operates not only in the Moscow region, has posted on its website a price list of all gasification services for individuals - gazoprovodov.ru/prajs-list. On average, connecting gas to a house will cost from 150 thousand rubles and more. The price depends, as mentioned above, on the cost of the materials used. So, laying a gas pipeline from steel pipes costs from 650 rubles, and polyethylene - from 1100 rubles.
The company "Elezar" estimates its work at 300 thousand rubles. How much it costs to fully connect gas to a private house using their services depends on the installation of an external gas pipeline - one meter costs 4 thousand rubles. The rest of the rates are included in the contract.
Experts have calculated that connecting gas in the Moscow region will cost at least 500 thousand rubles. But how is it, because the prices provided by various companies are much lower. Let's try to deal with all the nuances.

Let's look at the details:

  1. coordination and endorsement of permits (preparation, collection, receipt of technical specifications, plus acceleration of the process, since it takes a period of one and a half years) - 200 thousand rubles;
  2. design and approval with a gas trust, its subsequent registration - 20 thousand rubles;
  3. piping from the main to the house and along it - from 3 thousand to 50 thousand rubles (although it all depends on the footage);
  4. tie-in to a common gas pipeline (carried out only after the conclusion of an agreement with a gas company) - from 30 thousand rubles;
  5. acceptance of a gasified private house by the relevant authorities (gas inspection), this includes the conclusion of another contract for the supply of gas and maintenance of all equipment, as well as an act from the fire inspection allowing operation - from 50 thousand rubles.
Experts suggest a way out: in order to reduce the cost of all the listed services for gasification of a private house, you can team up with neighboring homeowners, that is, draw up documentation for several houses at once. But in this case, this nuance will have to be coordinated with the local administration and the gas design organization.

Today, more and more owners of country houses are deciding to gasify their homes. Unlike other types of heating, gas has a lot of significant advantages. The main thing to remember when connecting gas is the collection of all necessary documentation and the legal registration of gas supply. After all, unauthorized connection entails significant penalties. So, we bring to your attention the most acceptable way to implement this procedure.

In order to connect a private house to the gas supply, it is necessary to collect a sufficiently voluminous package of documents necessary to obtain a permit for gasification. All these papers are handed over to the permitting authority to which the property belongs. So, you will need:

  • A written application from the owner of the property, in which he requests to allow him to carry out gasification.
  • Identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation)
  • Papers confirming the ownership of the property in which it is planned to connect gas
  • If the pipeline that will be pulled to your private house needs to be laid through the neighbors' plots, you must obtain their written consent to carry out such a procedure.

Additional Documentation

It happens that a private house has not yet been completed, and the owner is already starting the process of conducting gas supply. In this case, the applicant must prepare an additional list of securities. These are documents such as:

  • Written consent of the territorial state body, which confirms the legality of the construction work
  • A document confirming the applicant's rights to a land plot where a private house is being built
  • A certified copy of the technical passport for the property under construction. This paper is without fail must contain all agreed clauses of the law on gasification

When a private house has already passed the commissioning procedure, the list necessary documents, will be somewhat different. You will need to prepare the following papers:

  • The original of the act confirming the commissioning of housing
  • Certified copy of state registration certificate
  • Schematic plan of the facility where gasification is planned. This document must be made on A4 sheets. The main condition is a clear tracing of the boundaries of your home.
  • Estimate, which includes economically justified technological calculations

Preparation of documents by power of attorney

The procedure for connecting gas to a private house is a rather complicated process that requires a lot of time. Therefore, quite often the owners do not have the opportunity to personally deal with this issue. In this case, the right to obtain all necessary permits, a person can be issued to a private person, who will subsequently represent the interests of the customer. The basis for obtaining the rights to act on your behalf will be an ordinary power of attorney certified by a notary. You simply attach this document to the rest of the papers that are submitted to the licensing authority.

What is the process of gasification

When the owner receives all the necessary technical conditions, the process of gasification of a private house begins directly, which consists of certain stages and will require a lot of time and money from you.

Design stage

Having all the permissive papers in hand, the owner must decide on the choice of a design organization. Today, the service market represents a very wide range of firms and institutions that are ready to provide you with services of this kind. The most important thing to remember when contacting a design organization is that it must provide the client with an appropriate license to perform this type of work. The service for drafting a project, of course, is paid. Usually its cost varies between 10 - 50 thousand rubles.

In order to avoid subsequent troubles, many people immediately ask GorGaz employees which design organization is best for them to contact.

Scheme of the project of an honest house for gasification

All the necessary measurements for drawing up an individual project for your home should be made by a design engineer who goes directly to the site. However, this condition must be spelled out in the contract that you previously conclude with the design organization.

It is the designer who is obliged to approve the place where it is planned to install a gas boiler and other equipment. And also to tell the customer which brand it is better for him to choose. After the design organization issues the documents developed for him to the owner, the designer goes with them to GorGaz, where the approval process takes place. This stage of maxim lasts for 2 weeks.

Having received the gasification project in your hands, you can begin to draw up a cost estimate. The next stage is the execution of an agreement for the introduction of technical supervision and the receipt of a positive chimney inspection certificate.

Drafting a contract with a construction company

When the drafting of the project is left behind, the owner must contact the construction organization, which will carry out all the work on gasification to a private house. If it is necessary to replace any communications available in the housing, this will also be the responsibility of this office. The customer must remember that the result of the construction company's activities will subsequently be accepted by GorGaz, so the company must have a permissive license and a registration entry in the GorGaz register. When choosing such an organization, please note that some firms have the right to perform not only installation, but also design work. If you order all services in the complex, you can save up to 25% of personal funds.

To avoid any misunderstandings, be sure to conclude a preliminary contract with the installation company, which will specify all the conditions for the construction work. The main thing is the observance of the deadlines for the implementation of the order.

Stage of collection of executive and technical documentation

When the construction organization has successfully installed a gas pipeline and other necessary equipment in a private house, you can proceed to the next stage - the preparation of executive and technical papers. This document will allow the owner to receive a positive response from a special commission that will go to the site to accept a new gasification facility. This group usually includes representatives of GorGaz, organizations that carry out the project and installation work, as well as the customer himself.

The commission, as a rule, works on resolving the issue from 2 weeks to 1 month. If there are no violations, a GorGaz employee will issue you a receipt, according to which you must pay for the technical supervision permit. The amount of expenses usually does not exceed 1500 rubles.

The commission will consider your facility only if all gas equipment is already connected and ready for operation. If the commission accepts the gasification object, the construction organization provides GorGaz with a full package of documents, which will subsequently be stored in this institution.

After that, within 21 days, the customer will seal the meter and conclude an agreement with him, providing for the supply of gas to the facility and maintenance of all equipment.

Passing the safety instructions

This procedure is mandatory. The engineer Gorgaz, who is responsible for this direction, has the right to conduct it for you. Upon passing the briefing, the owner of a private house signs in the safety journal. You can conduct briefings directly on the site. In this case, it is carried out during the implementation of start-up measures for the supply of gas.

Connecting the facility to the gas pipeline

Tapping your gas pipeline into a common trunk can only be carried out by a special organization licensed to this species activities. After connection, specialists will carry out a preliminary gas supply to eliminate the possibility of leakage. This service is paid. On average, its cost is 3000 thousand rubles.

Gas pipeline launch

The final stage of the gas supply will be the work to launch the gas pipeline. This procedure must be carried out by the organization with which the owner real estate enters into an agreement. This document prescribes all the conditions for warranty service of all gas equipment. Usually it is made up for a period of 1 to 3 years.

During the launch of gas supply, the owner must have on hand a technological calculation that determines the power that is necessary to ensure uninterrupted heating and hot water supply of the facility.