
How can you water strawberries during flowering? Fertilizer for strawberries for feeding. How to choose fertilizer

Fertilizing strawberries in early spring and then in subsequent phases of development is an important stage. If you do not feed it on time or skip feeding altogether, the harvest will fall behind schedule and will not be distinguished by its abundance. Spring feeding is especially important, when the season is just beginning. In addition, during this period it is necessary to carry out a number of activities necessary for the proper development and fruiting of the crop.

Caring for flowering strawberries consists of the following: fertilizing, proper watering, trimming the mustache and pollination. To care for the crop correctly, it is necessary to analyze each stage separately.

On a note! It is very important to feed strawberries according to a certain pattern. This will help you get a healthy and rich harvest.

Fertilizer scheme by age:

  • 1 year of development - the berry is not fertilized. When planting, strawberries receive enough nutrition and mineral elements that will last them for the season;
  • 2 year - it is necessary to fertilize the berries with mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • 3rd year - the crop only needs mineral supplements;
  • 4th year - needs organic and mineral fertilizers.

That’s right, according to age, you need to alternate fertilizers annually.

The first fertilization of strawberries is carried out in early spring, around mid-April, when the snow has just melted and the leaves have not yet blossomed. At this time, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be applied. Before feeding, it is recommended to trim the bushes. This method will allow you not to disturb the plant several times. Popular mineral complexes are used for feeding; you can use folk recipes for preparing the solution.

Mineral complexes:

  • 1 tbsp. l. ammonium sulfate + 2 tbsp. mullein + 10 l water. Mix the fertilizer well. Apply 1 liter under the berry bush;
  • 1 tbsp. l. nitroammophoska + 10 l water. Apply 0.5 liters under the berry bush;
  • Fill a bucket of fresh nettle with a bucket of water, preferably warm, and leave for 3-4 days. For root feeding, the mixture does not need to be filtered. It is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 liters with water. Strawberries need to be watered depending on their size from 1 liter to 0.5 liter. for 1 plant. For foliar use, you will need to strain the nettle solution and dilute 1:20 liters with water;
  • Fertilizers based on mullein or chicken droppings are perfect. To prepare them, you need to take 1 part of manure or mullein and add 10 liters of water, leave the solution for 3-4 days. Water the strawberry bushes with a dosage of 0.5 liters of solution per 1 bush.

To make root feeding more effective, it is best to carry out foliar feeding at the same time. This will allow the bush to receive several times more nutrition and useful elements.

Spring foliar feeding

Conducted in cloudy, dry weather, the optimal time is early morning or late evening.

Rules for foliar feeding:

  • carried out after abundant watering of strawberries;
  • spraying begins with young shoots and leaves;
  • Better yields can be expected if you fertilize strawberries during the flowering period;
  • It is most effective to use fertilizer with the addition of boric acid.

The most optimal option is foliar spring feeding is the solution: 1 tsp. boric acid + 30 drops of iodine + 1 tbsp. ash + 10 liters of water.

Feeding during the flowering period

The plant is fed the second time when it enters the flowering phase. In time, this is approximately the beginning of June, when strawberries are just beginning to bloom. At this time, strawberries need potassium. Potassium fertilizing helps improve the appearance of the bushes and produce sweeter berries. In addition, the harvest will be several times greater than if you ignore this event. In addition, potassium promotes longer shelf life of strawberries.

When a plant lacks this element, the tips of the leaves begin to turn brown. If you do not apply fertilizing in a timely manner to improve the situation, you can lose absolutely the entire harvest.

Popular feedings:

  • 1 tsp. potassium nitrate + water 10 l. All berry bushes are watered with the resulting product at a dosage of 0.5 l;
  • for foliar feeding, a 0.02% solution of zinc sulfate is used;
  • At the beginning of the flowering phase, it is good to use a mullein solution.

The use of such fertilizing makes it possible to obtain large berries if you carry out extraordinary fertilizing when the plant has already faded. For it, use any complex fertilizer that contains the maximum amount of microelements.

Important! It should be remembered that the solution for spraying using fertilizers in combination is prepared in a much lower concentration than for root feeding.

Traditional methods of fertilization

There are several effective ways berry fertilizers, which are considered folk fertilizers. Compost is great for this. It is simply laid in a circle around the plant; when moisture gets on it, nutrients enter the root system.


Coniferous and wood ash, as well as ash obtained by burning grapevines, sunflowers, and potato tops, contains a huge amount of useful microelements. Ash is used in early spring. A handful of ash must be added to the hole when planting berry bushes.

For root feeding, it is recommended to make an ash product. Infuse 1 liter of ash in 10 liters of water, water each berry bush with 1 liter of the product. Ash helps very well against diseases. If damaged or dry leaves appear on the bush, you need to powder the bush with ash. For each infected bush you need to use about 15 g of ash.


Iodine has antiseptic effects. It is used not only for treatment, it is perfect as a fertilizer. Spraying with iodine solution is carried out before the plant blooms. Next, the procedure must be repeated 3 times with a time interval of 10 days. For the solution, you need to dissolve 5-10 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water. The dosage must be observed, otherwise the plants may get burned.

Bread crusts

Yeast has a beneficial effect on the growth of bushes; it is found in abundance in rye bread. For the solution you need 1 loaf rye bread or crust, soak in 1 liter of warm water. Let it ferment well for 7 days. This mixture turns out to be quite concentrated; before use, it is diluted in 10 liters of water.

On a note! Fertilizer based on rye bread is valued for its high content of amino acids and essential minerals.

Boric acid

It is very useful to feed the berries with boric acid-based fertilizer during the budding period. It stimulates the setting of buds. To prepare the product, 2 g of boric acid is dissolved in 10 liters of water, 1 liter of ash and 2 g of potassium permanganate are added. The entire bush is sprayed with the solution from all sides.


Yeast feeding is also very useful. Thanks to it, strawberry bushes get sick less often and grow faster. For fertilizer you need 200 g fresh yeast soak in 0.5 liters of water and leave for 20 minutes. The water should be warm. After which the mixture is poured into 9 liters of water, the berries are watered generously.

You can use dry baker's yeast. The mixture is prepared as follows: dissolve 1 packet of yeast and 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. sugar and leave the mixture for 2 hours. Fertilizer is applied to the soil when temperature conditions air +15 degrees.

Spoiled milk

To fill the soil with phosphorus, sulfur, potassium and normalize the acidity of the soil, you can fertilize with sour milk. Sour before use milk product diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Milk is added to the soil at a distance of 10 cm from the root system of the plant. This method helps to increase yield and disease resistance. The solution can be applied by the root method, as well as sprayed.

Mineral fertilizers

There are complex mineral fertilizers and single-component ones. Applying single-component fertilizers means that only one useful element, such as nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus, enters the soil. The introduction of complex or complex fertilizing into the soil involves the introduction of several important elements into the soil, along with which substances such as copper, boron, iron, and calcium enter.

Such fertilizers are produced in granular, dry and liquid form. They can be used for root and foliar feeding.

Important! Strawberries do not tolerate chlorine, so fertilizers containing this element are not recommended.

The next fertilization of the berries is carried out around mid-April; the constant air temperature at this time should be at least +16 degrees. It is necessary to add fertilizing with urea to the soil. This is very important, because at lower temperatures, strawberries do not absorb nitrogen well. For this feeding, the main thing is to dilute the solution correctly. For 10 liters of water add only 1 tbsp. l. urea. Each bush is watered with the product at a dosage of 0.5 liters.

Mineral fertilizers should be diluted strictly according to the instructions recommended by the manufacturer. Otherwise, a more concentrated solution may burn the plant, while a weaker solution will have no effect.

Organic fertilizers

They have undeniable advantages. They are completely safe, environmentally friendly and accessible to absolutely everyone.

One such remedy is chicken manure. In early spring, its solution is applied to the soil only once every 2-3 years. This fertilizer supplies the soil with a huge amount of useful macro and microelements. The litter-based product is prepared in a 1:2 ratio with water. Mixes well. For a working solution, 1 liter of this mixture is diluted with 10 liters of water. It is introduced into the soil not under the bush itself, but at a distance of 8-10 cm.

Important! The maximum amount of fertilizer based on chicken manure is once a year. Frequent feeding with this product can contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in fruits. Also, if you fertilize too much, you can burn the plant.

Mineral-organic fertilizers

The greatest efficiency is achieved when feeding the plant with mineral-organic fertilizers. They include all the nutrients and microelements necessary for the plant. They are introduced at a time when the leaves begin to bloom.

Mineral-organic complexes:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Dilute ammonium sulfate in 10 liters of water. Water with a dosage of 1 liter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. urea + 0.5 tbsp. ash + 0.5 tsp. boric acid + 3 g potassium permanganate. All components are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Water with a dosage of 0.5 liters. for 1 bush.

Removing unnecessary mustaches

Whiskers on strawberries grow very quickly, so if you don’t watch them, after a while the strawberry plantings will become very thick. If you trim the mustache on time, you can get high-quality material for planting. To increase the yield of strawberries, excess mustache must be removed.

For planting material, it is necessary to select the first rosettes of the mustache. They need to be lightly sprinkled with soil for them to take root. After complete rooting, the mustache and subsequent rosettes should be cut off. At the end of August, you can already plant strawberries in a permanent place.

Mustache trimming rules:

  • it is strictly forbidden to pick off the strawberry tendrils; along with them, you can tear out the plant completely or damage the roots;
  • carry out processing in dry, cloudy weather. You can also prune early in the morning or late in the evening. It is not recommended to prune the plant in hot weather. At high temperatures and the scorching sun, it can become stressed, and in damp weather it can become infected with fungal or infectious diseases;
  • cut the mustache at a distance of 10 cm from the native bush;
  • pruning is carried out using sharp pruning shears or scissors.

Watering during flowering

Watering during the flowering phase for strawberries plays a vital role. At this point, it requires moderate and regular watering. Lack of moisture can negatively affect the fruits; they will not be able to fill in time. Excessive moisture is also not advisable. In this case, the berry may rot. Therefore, when watering it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean.

In particular, everything depends on climatic conditions. If there is a lot of rainfall at this time, the strawberries do not need to be watered at all. If the weather is dry and hot, the berries should be watered after 3 days.

Strawberries need to be watered with water whose temperature is close to the temperature of the soil. Watering with cold water is not recommended. The watering process is carried out strictly at the root, and care must be taken to ensure that the roots of the plant are not exposed.

Strawberry pollination

Inadequate pollination can be a consequence of rain, fog, decreased air temperature and results in the production of small deformed berries. To help strawberries, you can resort to manual pollination. To do this, use a sponge or soft cloth to transfer pollen from one flower to another. If the size of the strawberries is impressive, pollination can be carried out using a fan.

Another way to pollinate strawberries is with a honey solution. 1 tbsp. l. honey should be diluted with 1 liter of warm water and sprayed on the bushes with the solution. This will attract pollinating insects, which will help pollinate naturally.

Each of the activities described above is of great importance in the development of strawberries. If you care for the crop correctly and do not skip important processes, you can get a harvest of tasty large berries from your strawberry bed every year.

Many novice gardeners have to face problems when growing strawberries. One of the main reasons for poor fruiting and insufficient development of a berry bush lies in the lack of nutrients in the soil. As soon as the balance of minerals and organic substances returns to normal, strawberries are unrecognizable - the bushes become lush, and a lot of berries begin to ripen.

The optimal periods for feeding are spring, summer and autumn. In the spring, additives are used to ensure that the bushes awaken after winter hibernation and the root system begins to actively develop. In summer, fertilizing is introduced, which ensures abundant flowering and increases the number of berries during their ripening. Autumn supplements help stock up on useful substances for the winter and affect yields in subsequent years.

It is important to remember that fertilizers with a certain elemental composition are used at each time of the year. Improper use will not only not give the desired effect, but can significantly harm the plant - burn the root system and destroy the strawberries. All fertilizers are diluted according to the instructions given on the package.

Feeding in early spring

In mid-April, when the snow has already melted and the ground has warmed up to above-zero temperatures, they begin to process the berries. Before starting to use fertilizers, the beds are cleared of debris accumulated over the winter, and last year's mulch is removed from the ground. Dry leaves, old shoots and tendrils are removed from the berry bushes, and the soil around the rhizome is slightly loosened.

The first fertilizers used to stimulate new shoot growth and greenery are nitrogen-based additives. Mineral fertilizers include urea, ammonium nitrate, and nitrophoska. They are similar in action, help increase future yields and accelerate fruiting. Fertilizers are applied in diluted form under the bush. You can irrigate the bushes with a nutrient composition. Supplements should be used no more than once every 10 days. About a liter of fertilizer is used per bush, no more.

To properly dilute nitrophoska, a teaspoon of powder is dissolved in a bucket of water. Ammonium nitrate is also diluted with water in the amount of 10 grams per 10 liters of water. Urea is diluted in the same proportion as saltpeter. It is better not to use powders in dry form; a high concentration of nitrogen in the soil can have a detrimental effect on strawberries. If strawberry seedlings have just been planted, nitrogen fertilizers are used only the following spring.

Important! Nitrogen fertilizers are used before flowering begins.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers have a positive effect on the plant. They are aimed at a wider spectrum of action, increase the immune properties and quality of ripening fruits, and also accelerate their ripening period. Organic fertilizers include chicken manure. It is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. Then the solution is infused for 3-4 days, and then the bushes are watered. Instead of chicken manure, liquid mullein or horse manure is suitable; breeding is carried out by analogy with chicken manure.

Another equally significant additive option is wood ash. You can use stove ash or ash left over from burning potato tops, sunflowers, birch or coniferous trees. Ash normalizes the water balance in the soil and actively saturates the soil with minerals. It can be used in dry form if the first signs of decay appear on the leaves of the plant. Dust the leaves with powder and leave, after a while the rot will go away. In the spring, a glass of ash is poured into a bucket of water and left for 1-2 days, and then the mixture is poured over the berries.

Since the crop loves acidified soil, boric acid will help compensate for its deficiency. 2 grams of acid powder are diluted in a bucket of water and a couple of drops of potassium permanganate are added. Spray the mixture evenly onto the shoots and stem. In addition to nutrition, foliar feeding provides prevention against various diseases and has an antibacterial effect.

During flowering and fruiting

At the beginning of June, when white buds appear on the strawberries or are just starting to form, a second wave of fertilizing is carried out. The fundamental element during flowering and fruiting is potassium. It gives the berries taste and aroma, and also improves appearance plants. Dissolve a teaspoon of potassium nitrate in 10 liters of water and water the crop in the morning. Instead of potassium nitrate, you can use any potassium salt.

When using foliar fertilizers, add ½ teaspoon of zinc sulfate to diluted potassium nitrate. The mixture is applied to the leaves by irrigation. This composition not only contributes to the laying of excellent quality future fruits, but also prevents the formation of viral infections and fungal diseases on the leaves and stem.

Attention! The first sign of potassium deficiency is the formation of brown spots on the tips of the leaves.

In garden stores you can purchase a special complex for feeding strawberry crops during the fruiting period. As a rule, the complex already includes potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and other useful elements. The complex is diluted according to the instructions. Such additives include “Rubin”, “Agros”, “Gera”. They can be applied both to the leaves and stem of the plant, and to the ground. Watering with ash or cow dung can be continued. It is important not to combine the use of these products with other supplements that contain potassium. To prevent an unpleasant odor from the solution with cow manure, it is neutralized by adding Baikal humate.

When strawberries begin to bear fruit, the use of additives is reduced by 3 times. It is better to abandon fertilizers altogether at this time, so as not to disrupt the natural process of fruit ripening. If additives are used correctly and regularly during flowering and before fruiting, fertilizing will no longer be necessary.

After fruiting

In the fall, when the harvest has already been completed and the bushes are resting, natural additives are used - humus or peat. They mulch the ground around the rhizome. To store nutrients for the winter, you can feed the strawberry crop with organic substances by adding a little nitrophoska or ammonium nitrate. Fertilizing is carried out before mulching the soil. Nitrogen supplements should be used for older plants that have a lifespan of more than 2 years.

The berry no longer needs fertilizer. In autumn and winter there is a period of rest; there is no need to disturb it. For the winter, the bushes need to be well covered to prevent freezing of the soil and shoots. With the onset of spring, the cycle of adding additives is repeated in a circle.

Folk remedies

For those gardeners who prefer to use additives with natural compounds, the following options are suitable:

  • Yeast. The method has been known since ancient times and ensures the growth of the bush, an increase in the size of the berry, and strengthening of the root system. Dilute a packet of any dry yeast in a bucket of water and add 2 tablespoons of sugar. After a couple of hours, water the plants with the mixture. Fertilizing with yeast is carried out a maximum of 2-3 times during the entire period of growing the berries. The first feeding is carried out in the spring, the second and third - in early and mid-summer;
  • Bread crusts. Since bread also contains yeast, this method is similar in action to the previous one. Fill the bucket halfway with dry bread crusts and pour hot water. Infuse the solution for a week, then filter through cheesecloth and water once a week;
  • Iodine. It is a valuable component for berries and an antiseptic. The use of iodine solves two problems at the same time: it nourishes the plant and kills pathogenic microorganisms. 5 drops of iodine solution are dissolved in 10 liters of water and sprayed on strawberry leaves for a month at intervals of 1 time in 10 days;

  • Nettle. A very useful method that you can safely use. Nettle does not harm the berries, so it is suitable for feeding strawberries even at the beginning of fruiting. The entire bucket is filled with cut nettles, and then hot water is poured over it. Leave the solution for 2-3 days, and then dilute the concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10. Spray strawberries with the mixture once a week for a month;
  • Spoiled milk. This method is only applicable to slightly acidic soils. If there is enough acid in the soil, it is better not to use it. Mix sour milk with water in a ratio of 1:2, and then spray the leaves and water the bush at a distance of 7 centimeters from the rhizome. Fermented milk products contain a lot of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, therefore they increase productivity, activate plant growth, and improve immune qualities.

Removing unnecessary mustaches

The formation of whiskers on a plant is a natural process. Strawberries reproduce with their mustache, but at the same time the yield level is significantly reduced. Therefore, if you do not plan to grow the berries, trim the mustache. It must be carried out regularly and in a timely manner. The first whiskers appear after flowering. You can trim each mustache as soon as it appears. There is no need to wait for a large number of whiskers to grow, as it will be more difficult to remove them later.

Pruning is carried out in two stages: immediately after flowering and in the fall. The procedure should be carried out on a rainy day, preferably in cloudy weather. For pruning, pruning shears or large scissors are suitable, or you can use a knife. Pulling off mustaches with your hands is not allowed. In autumn, the leaves are cut off along with the mustache. After pruning, only the stems should remain. After removal, protection is carried out at the cut site against infection. Apply potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide.


Start watering the berries from the beginning or middle of May. Before fruiting begins, it is enough to water the soil no more than 3-4 times a month, that is, once a week. When fruiting is over, watering is reduced to 2-3 times a month.

Watering is especially important during flowering. At this time, strawberries react sharply to the lack of moisture in the soil and, if there is a lack of it, they can drop their flowers. Excellent system for growing strawberries drip irrigation. With its help, water flows to the roots evenly along the entire perimeter, and its consumption is also quite economical.

The water should be slightly warm, not cold. Watering is carried out in the first half of the day. The norm is 20 liters per 1 square meter of land. The soil should be saturated with moisture to a depth of 30 centimeters, no less. It is at this depth that strawberry roots are located. After watering, to preserve moisture in the ground, pine needles, sawdust or freshly cut grass are laid between the rows.


To increase plant productivity, they often resort to stimulating pollination. There are several ways. When growing berries in greenhouses, they are used for enhanced pollination by bees or bumblebees. A hive with insects is installed in a greenhouse and left for a couple of days. For better results, before installing the hive, the strawberry bushes are irrigated with honey solution. The sweet smell of honey will attract insects, so pollination will occur faster and more intensely.

When growing strawberries outdoors, the manual method is used. Take a soft brush for painting and transfer pollen from one peduncle to another. The method is labor-intensive, but effective. It is advisable to use it if there are only a small number of strawberry bushes on the site. Wind pollination has a similar effect. Turn on the fan and direct the air flow to the flowers. The wind carries pollen from the buds, thereby pollinating them. Shaking the bushes is a proven old method of increasing pollination. During flowering, the crown of the stem is slightly shaken so that the falling pollen falls on neighboring plants.

Growing strawberries is not particularly difficult. The main point when growing is timeliness. All fertilizers will be beneficial if they are applied correctly and in the right proportions. And the strawberry bush itself will grow for a long time if it is pruned at the right time. Strawberries are considered a crop that requires care; without it, it is simply impossible to get a decent harvest. Feeding, watering, pollination, shelter for the winter - all these factors have a great influence on the quality of berry bushes and determine their life expectancy.

Feeding strawberries is a responsible matter. The health of the bushes, as well as the future harvest, largely depends on the correct and timely application of fertilizers. It is important to fertilize at the seedling stage, during flowering, ovary formation and fruiting. But feeding during the flowering period is especially important - we’ll talk about it in the article.

Let’s find out what the goals of introducing additional nutrition for strawberries during this period are, what formulations are best to use, and we’ll find out the technology for fertilizing.

The value of fertilizing

Let’s find out what functions feeding strawberries during the flowering period is intended to perform.

So, adding additional nutrition to the plants during this period allows the strawberries to finally recover and recover from the winter they have endured. Fertilizing also promotes the formation of more flowers and ovaries. This means that you can expect a much more abundant harvest of berries.

Proper feeding eliminates the risk of ovaries falling off, as this usually occurs due to a lack of nutrients. Here's how it works with ammonia, and how to do it yourself.

In the video - how to feed strawberries during flowering:

Essential Minerals

During the flowering period, strawberries need many minerals and elements. In order for full-fledged ovaries to form, which will subsequently produce juicy large fruits, the plant requires a large amount of nutrients. Let's take a closer look at the most essential minerals for strawberries during flowering.


This substance is responsible for the safety of the crop. In addition, a good level of potassium in the soil increases the sugar content of berries and improves their taste. If there is not enough potassium, the leaves may begin to wither, fall off, and die.


This essential microelement promotes abundant and long-lasting flowering of strawberries. Therefore, the more flowers set, the greater the harvest of berries that can be harvested later. If there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, this will lead to pale and weakened foliage, smaller berries, and a deterioration in their taste. But what to do when aphids appear on strawberries and how to treat them for better results is outlined

Phosphorus and magnesium

These minerals are needed for the successful and abundant formation of flower ovaries. With proper use of magnesium and phosphorus, gardeners can expect a high yield of berries.

Phosphorus and magnesium

Types of fertilizers

Let's consider the most suitable and necessary fertilizers for flowering strawberries.


This universal preparation is used to feed many garden plants. It is also useful for strawberries. The drug replenishes the lack of nitrogen, quickly and – in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer – safely.


Potassium monophosphate

This drug replenishes phosphorus deficiency in the soil, is very easily absorbed, and is used simultaneously with irrigation.

Potassium monophosphate


The drug is considered safe due to the absence of chlorine, sodium and some other pesticide substances.


Kemira Lux

This mineral fertilizer replenishes the lack of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium at the same time. It comes in the form of granules, which must be used dry, scattered over the garden bed.

Kemira Lux


This liquid solution on an organic basis, is not a chemical preparation, which is important. The preparation contains significant quantities of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, which help the bushes to bloom profusely and for a long time.

It is important that this fertilizer, due to its soft composition, does not threaten to burn the roots even in the event of an overdose. The standard consumption of Gumi is 2 teaspoons per bucket of water. But how to spray strawberries from the weevil before flowering, and how to do it correctly, is outlined in this

Baikal M1

This drug is not used to feed strawberries, but to improve the quality of the soil, which ultimately still leads to an increase in crop yield.

Potassium nitrate

This mineral fertilizer saturates the soil with potassium and nitrogen, and can be successfully used during strawberry flowering. To prepare the correct solution, a teaspoon of the substance must be diluted in a bucket of water. Half a liter of the prepared solution is poured under one strawberry bush.

Potassium nitrate

Organic fertilizers

Let's find out which organic fertilizers will be most effective for strawberries during their flowering period.


This substance of natural origin contains large quantities of useful microelements, so the benefits of ash are unconditional and undeniable. The concentrate is prepared as follows: a glass of ash is poured into liters of boiled water, after which the infusion is left alone for a day.

Ash as fertilizer

The resulting concentrate is diluted before use with a nine-liter volume of water, resulting in a working solution suitable for use. It should be used for root feeding.

Bird droppings

This organic fertilizer is very good for improving the taste of berries and increasing the overall yield. To prepare a solution suitable for use, you need to dissolve half a liter of litter in a bucket of water.

Bird droppings as fertilizer

The solution needs to be left in place for one to three days. Watering should only be done on pre-moistened soil.

Boric acid


This substance, used in cooking, can also be successfully used to feed strawberries during their flowering period. It is recommended to fertilize yeast twice during the growing season. To prepare the desired solution, dilute a kilogram of yeast (dry or raw) in five liters of water.

Yeast as fertilizer

The solution needs to sit for several hours, after which it can be used for irrigation. The resulting concentrate, half a liter, is diluted in a bucket of water and used for watering procedures.

It will also be useful to know whether PVC pipes are horizontal.


Feeding containing iodine perfectly protects the immunity of strawberries, thereby preserving the health of the plants and the future harvest.

Remontant strawberry

Strawberry varieties of this type are good because they have a very long fruiting period, and besides, they have high yields. During the flowering period, remontant strawberries must be fed strictly in doses and not indiscriminately.

Strawberries of remontant varieties begin to bloom around mid-May - and especially during this period, the plants need potassium. The rich content of this mineral in the soil will make the berries very large and sweet. In addition, potassium improves the appearance and shelf life of berries.

Remontant strawberry

You can feed remontant strawberries with potassium during flowering using both root and foliar methods. If this is root feeding, then you can use a solution of potassium nitrate. And for foliar application, it is recommended to use zinc sulfate.

Boric acid is also useful for remontant strawberries - cheap and accessible pharmaceutical drug. Dilute the acid in a proportion of 5 grams of the substance per bucket of water.

When adding additional nutrition in this case, it is not recommended to combine different types fertilizing Each of them should have its own time and composition, and the minimum break between procedures should be at least 7-10 days.


Foliar feeding in this case is also very effective, and sometimes preferable to watering. Note that when strawberry bushes are sprayed with various nutritional compounds, the latter are absorbed by the plant directly using the lower part of the leaf.

Spraying strawberries

Foliar feeding is especially effective during the period of mass flowering of the strawberry bed. Let us next consider which solutions are used especially often for this purpose.


Ready-made complex formulations and monofertilizers of a mineral nature are very often used for foliar feeding of strawberries, including during flowering. I advise experienced farmers to use ready-made compounds such as Rubin, Agros, Gera and others.

It is very important to prepare solutions according to the instructions, without deviating from them (especially in the direction of increasing concentration).

Zinc sulfate

This substance is useful for strawberries, as it increases their yield. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a solution for spraying in a weak concentration: the substance in the solution should not exceed 0.0.2%.

Potassium nitrate

Fresh nettle infusion

A green infusion of young nettle has a stimulating effect on strawberries, prolongs flowering, and increases the number of ovaries. To prepare nettle fertilizer, you need to chop the green mass, place it in a bucket, and fill it with water heated to +50 degrees.

Fresh nettle infusion

The solution is infused for 24 hours, then it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, and can be used for spraying.

Attention: for the foliar feeding procedure, choose a dry day; however, you should not spray the bushes in the hot sun, as this can lead to burns of the leaves.

Experienced gardeners recommend using natural ingredients to feed flowering strawberries. This approach will ensure the safety of the future harvest and will not harm the plants themselves. In addition, many of the natural compositions can be prepared independently from available materials purchased inexpensively.

Do not use all types of fertilizers, but only some of them, the most optimal in a particular case. Massive use of all possible compounds will not bring anything good, only harm. Optimal options are selected empirically.

Apply organic matter only diluted with water. Mullein, manure, droppings and other organic fertilizers added in concentrated form can severely burn strawberry roots.

The video shows how to properly feed strawberries during flowering:

Before any fertilizing, be sure to moisten the soil. This way, nutrients can penetrate the soil and plants the fastest.

So, we learned what and how to feed strawberries during their flowering. As you can see, it is necessary to fertilize at this stage if you want to see a bountiful harvest of large and sweet berries. By alternating mineral and organic fertilizers, you can achieve the maximum benefit from your plants, resulting in a wonderful harvest to the surprise of all your neighbors and friends.

Last year, my favorite strawberries produced very few berries; I couldn’t even make jam from them. And my neighbor’s strawberries turned out to be so fruitful that she made several three-liter jars of jam from them! I asked my neighbor what magical methods she uses.

It turns out that it’s not enough just to plant strawberries, they also need to be fed periodically in order to bear fruit better. This year I did everything as my neighbor advised, now I don’t have time to pick the fruits, so many of them have grown!

In this article I will tell you how to feed strawberries during flowering and fruiting in order to reap a huge harvest.

To make the result more effective, it is important to know how many years have passed since the strawberries were planted: in the first year they are not given any fertilizer, since during planting the soil is fertilized with minerals.

In the second year they give mineral and organic fertilizer, in the third year - only mineral fertilizer. After another year they give again mineral and organic. They alternate this way every year until the time comes to change the old culture to a new one.

The first fertilizer containing nitrogen is applied immediately after the snow has completely melted, but the first leaves have not yet blossomed. Before this, you need to trim last year’s bushes from the garden.

Folk nitrogen-containing recipes:

  • Take a bucket of fresh nettles and fill with warm liquid to the very edge. Wait 4 days. Then dilute with 10 liters of water and pour to the very root.
  • Dilute one part of chicken manure with 10 liters of plain liquid and leave for 4 days. For one bush, 500 ml of solution is enough.
  • In a ten-liter bucket of liquid, dilute 2 tablespoons of mullein and 1 tablespoon of ammonium sulfate. Apply one liter for each crop.

It will be more effective if, simultaneously with root feeding, there is also foliar feeding.

Spring feeding

To useful material do not evaporate quickly; they are introduced either early in the morning or late in the evening. If the weather is cloudy, then the procedure can be carried out during the day. First, the plant is watered abundantly, then fertilizer is added. Foliar fertilization always begins with spraying.

In spring, the plant needs boric acid, so 1 teaspoon of boric acid and 30 drops of iodine are mixed in 10 liters of liquid, then 1 cup of wood ash is poured in. Mix all this thoroughly and water the bushes once. This must be done even before the first flowers appear.

Feeding during flowering

The fruit plant absorbs fertilizer best during the flowering period, which occurs around June. During this period, the crop lacks potassium, so it must be included in the fertilizer. It has been proven that berries that receive potassium in a timely manner grow very beautiful, large, sweet and juicy in taste, and can be stored longer.

Brown tips of the leaves indicate a lack of potassium. Therefore, in order to save the future harvest, you need to immediately apply potassium-based fertilizer made according to any recipe:

  • Mullein solution.
  • Zinc sulfate solution (0.02%).
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of potassium nitrate into a 10 liter bucket of water.

Folk recipes

Not all gardeners trust chemicals, as some of them are far from harmless. Fortunately, many folk recipes can completely replace chemical ones.


The main thing to remember is that you should never burn household waste to make future fertilizer. They only burn wood that is no longer needed. grapevine, last year's potato tops, pine branches. Then this ash is sprinkled around each bush or in the hole when planting a young crop.

Or you can make a solution by diluting one liter of ash in a ten-liter bucket of liquid. If the leaves are sick, then just sprinkle them with ash on top, which will help the plant recover.


Such a cheap product as iodine disinfects not only wounds, but also plants, simultaneously fertilizing the soil. You just need to make sure that the dosage is not too high, otherwise, instead of treatment, the plants get burned. And this solution is usually sprayed on berry crops.

Dissolve 10 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water, then spray the crop before the first flowers bloom. Then this procedure is performed three times throughout the summer with an interval of ten days.

Bread crusts

Few people like the bread crusts of day-old rye bread. Therefore, they can be put aside in a separate bag, so that later they can be used to make excellent fertilizer. The crusts collected from one bread are soaked in one liter of warm water for a week.

Then additionally dilute 10 liters of liquid and water each bush. And it doesn’t matter whether the crop is blooming or bearing fruit at the moment.

Boric acid

During flowering, strawberries require not only potassium, but also boric acid, which improves bud setting. Pour 2 grams of potassium permanganate and boric acid into 10 liters of water, then 1 liter of ash.

This solution is used to water the entire bed once after it has been watered in the usual way.


Yeast helps plants get sick less often and grow better. Soak 200 grams of fresh yeast in 500 ml of warm water. After 20 minutes, pour 9 liters of liquid into this mixture and water each bush generously.

If fresh yeast is not available for sale, you can replace it with dry yeast. In this case, the recipe is slightly different: dissolve a packet of yeast in 10 liters of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and leave at room temperature for two hours. After which the beds are watered with it.

Spoiled milk

If you find forgotten sour milk or fermented kefir in the refrigerator, do not rush to throw it away; they can be used as an excellent fertilizer, as they contain potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and improve the acidity of the earth.

To do this, the dairy product is diluted with water twice as much. Then it is poured no closer than 10 centimeters from the bush. You can spray the leaves with it.

Cow dung

Pour 2.5 kg of cow dung into a standard bucket, fill it to the brim with plain liquid and leave it for a day. Then mix thoroughly with a stick. Then the beds are watered with it, being careful not to get it on the root neck of the plant.

Chicken droppings

They are fertilized only once every one or two years, no more. And only in early spring. Chicken droppings supply the earth with an incredible amount of beneficial microelements. First, make a stronger solution in a 1:2 ratio with water, then 1 liter of this solution is diluted with a bucket of water. And they water the beds around the berry bushes.


You need to remember that strawberries can die from chlorine, so it is important to read the composition of any fertilizer.

In the northern or Ural part of Russia, where the weather is unstable, experienced gardeners It is recommended to fertilize the soil with urea in April, which will help the crop receive nitrogen during frosts.

One tablespoon of urea is poured into a ten-liter bucket of water, after which the plants are watered with it.

Feeding during fruiting

The most ideal fertilizer during this period is considered to be a solution of mullein with water (1:14). It is infused for three days in a tightly closed container, then one liter of solution is poured under one bush.

Removing unnecessary mustaches

To increase productivity, you need to cut off excess whiskers, since there are those varieties of strawberries in which they grow very quickly and take away almost all the beneficial minerals.

From the first mustache that grows you can get planting material. To help them take root better, they are simply lightly sprinkled with soil. And at the end of August they are cut off from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place, or left where they took root.

You need to remember that the mustache is cut off with sharp scissors, and not torn off with your hands, as this can damage the roots. First, they wait until the mustache grows at least 10 centimeters.

This treatment is carried out in cool and dry weather; in the heat and under the sun’s rays, it is better to forget about this procedure. If you trim your mustache in wet weather, you increase the risk of contracting any fungal disease.

Watering during flowering

During flowering, strawberries need not only more feeding, but also regular watering so that the fruits can form and fill in time. The main thing is not to overwater, as the fruits may rot. If the weather is cloudy, then it is enough to water once a week, but if it is rainy, then it is better to forget about watering.

But in hot weather it is recommended to water every three days. The irrigation liquid should be approximately the same temperature as the soil in the garden bed. It is not advisable to water with liquid that is too warm or too cold, as the greens may become sick. The most ideal way to water is at the root.


It does not always happen that pollinating insects visit a bed with fruit plants. Sometimes, due to bad weather, they do not visit the flowers at all, which means the fruits will not be able to grow. Therefore, in this case we resort to hand pollination. Take any clean brush or sponge and touch each flower with it one by one.

In this way we help the pollen spread. If the beds are large, then you can use a hand fan, which will simply spread the pollen throughout the bed.

To help attract pollinating insects that for some reason fly by, one tablespoon of honey is dissolved in one liter of warm liquid. Then the leaves of the crop are sprayed with this solution. After this, insects will definitely come to the smell.

If you correctly follow all the above rules, then in the middle of summer you will reap a huge harvest of sweet and juicy strawberries.

You cannot grow a rich harvest without fertilizers - any gardener knows this. Strawberries are one of the most popular berry crops, therefore, it is important to know how and when you need to fertilize the soil in strawberry beds, what fertilizing this berry requires in early spring, how to feed strawberries during flowering, whether it is possible to feed strawberries during fruiting and whether it is necessary to fertilize the area in the fall. You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

When and what fertilizers do strawberries need?

Strawberries are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. It is especially important to provide the plant with nutrition in spring, summer and during the formation of flower buds.

Mineral fertilizers ensure healthy growth and abundant flowering of strawberries. In conditions of shortage nitrogen you'll end up with pale leaves and small, tasteless berries. The most commonly used nitrogen fertilizers for strawberries are calcium nitrate or ammonium sulfate. Anyone who is busy or in a hurry can fertilize the beds with Nitroammophos.

Potassium Strawberries need it to increase the sugar content in the fruit and prolong the growing season until autumn. Potassium salt or potassium sulfate is used as fertilizers.

Liquid fertilizer for strawberries

A universal fertilizer for strawberries is urea: it is completely soluble in water and is suitable for any type of soil. However, you should not overuse strawberries with urea, since the fruits may become watery and lose their taste.

Their phosphorus Superphosphate is the most commonly used fertilizer.

Organic fertilizers humus and compost – improve the properties and structure of the soil, it retains water longer, and the nutrients from these fertilizers are concentrated in the soil for several years to come. An effective fertilizer is ash, which can be applied to the soil to increase yield twice a season - in early spring and after pruning.

When and how to fertilize strawberries

How to fertilize strawberries in spring

The first fertilizing - organic, nitrogen - in the form of a solution of mullein or chicken droppings is carried out at the beginning of the season, as soon as the snow melts. It is necessary to stimulate the growth of leaves and young shoots of strawberries. However, this feeding will be required for bushes of the second year and older, and strawberries planted last year will need enough fertilizer, which was applied when preparing the site. After applying fertilizers, the soil on the site can be mulched with organic matter: moss or sawdust, which will gradually turn into humus.

When the strawberries bloom, they are fed with a solution of the complete mineral complex, prepared in accordance with the instructions. During this period, you can add a solution of wood ash and potassium permanganate to the soil, since when flower stalks appear, the plant needs potassium more than other elements.

During the period of ovary formation, the soil in the area is watered with herbal infusion, for the preparation of which weeds collected from all beds are crushed, after removing their roots, filled with water and left for a week in a warm place. Strawberries also respond well to nettle infusion prepared according to the same recipe.

Foliar feeding is also effective in spring: on a windless morning, strawberries are sprayed on the leaves with a solution of nitrogen and microelements, for example, boric acid.

How to feed strawberries after harvest

Fertilizing strawberries in summer

In the second half of July, mineral fertilizers containing potassium and microelements are added to the soil, which are necessary for strawberries to form new roots and lay flower buds for the next year. You can also feed strawberries with slurry: fill a quarter of a bucket with manure, add water to the top, let it sit for three days, stirring from time to time, and dilute it again with water before adding it to the soil. Strawberries also respond well to yeast fertilizer, for the preparation of which a large packet of yeast is dissolved in 5 liters of warm water, allowed to ferment for several days, and then half a liter of this yeast fertilizer is added to a bucket of water.

Nitroammofoska, ash and urea are used to fertilize strawberries in the summer. A solution is prepared from urea, and the ash is simply scattered around the bushes. If the weather is dry, water the strawberry bed thoroughly after fertilizing.

At the end of August, it is advisable to add a urea solution to the soil around the strawberry bushes.

How to feed strawberries in the fall

Feeding in mid-September should help the bushes, especially newly planted ones, survive the winter well. At this time of year, strawberries need both organic and mineral fertilizers, and one-year-old bushes need feeding most of all. The most preferable organic materials are a solution of fermented mullein and wood ash in powder form. The main purpose for which fertilizing is applied is to preserve the roots and provide them with nutrition throughout the winter, therefore, the phosphorus and potassium components in the fertilizing should be increased, and the nitrogen component should be reduced to nothing.

Properly cared for strawberries

September fertilizing is applied in liquid form, but in October it is better to use granular and dry fertilizers. If you want to make a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers, then keep in mind that this must be done immediately before adding it to the soil, but they cannot be infused together.

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