
An animal with a black nose. The most amazing animal in the world. The most unusual and rare animals in the world. An animal that, like a plant, can carry out photosynthesis

Frilled armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus)
This amazing animal lives on the dry plains of central Argentina, overgrown with thorny bushes and cacti.

Photo source: www.reddit.com/user/DonkeyGraves

Photo source: www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frilled_Armadillo

Aelee (Daubentonia madagascariensis)
This mammal of the order of semi-monkeys of the aye family can be found on the island of Madagascar.

Photo source: www.animalsadda.com

Maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
Any fashion model will envy the legs of this wolf. Thanks to such long limbs, the height at the withers of this wolf can reach 90 centimeters. This animal lives in the steppes of South America, and long legs help the wolf to survey the surrounding landscapes over the grass.

Photo source: imgur.com

Crested deer (Elaphodus cephalophus)
Found in southern China, this crested deer is notable for its tusks.

Photo source: zoochat.com

Deep-sea octopus found at depths of up to 6 km.

Patagonian mara (Dolichotis patagonum)
This "rabbit" is the Patagonian hare and the fourth largest rodent in the world (after the capybara, beaver and porcupine).

Photo source:

Naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber)
This rodent lives in the savannas of African countries: Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. The mole rats live in colonies, which sometimes reach 300 individuals. The social structure of colonies is similar to the structure of social insects (ants, termites). The colony is headed by a female and several fertile males. The rest of the individuals are workers. Animals of this species have an unprecedented lifespan for small rodents - 26 years.

Photo source: wikipedia.org

Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris)
This unusual beakless dolphin with a flexible neck lives in the Indian Ocean.

Photo source: imgur.com

Gerenuk (Litocranius walleri)
This African antelope has an exceptionally long neck and legs.

Photo source: imgur.com

Dugong dugon
This aquatic mammal is the only member of the dugong family of the order of sirens.

Photo source: wwf.org.au

Babirussa (Babyrousa babyrussa)
Canine teeth are an unusual feature of this animal of the pig family. In males, the upper canines grow through the skin of the upper jaw, curving up and back. In old brutes, they even grow into the skin of the forehead with their tips.

Photo source: oregonzoo.org

Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)
Fossa is a predatory mammal from the family of Madagascar predators. Previously, individuals of this species were erroneously classified as belonging to the feline family due to their external resemblance to the puma.

Star-nosed (Condylura cristata)
North American mole with twenty-two skin growths on the muzzle, similar to a star.

Photo source: synapsebristol.blogspot.com

Malay wool wing (Galeopterus variegates)
A mammal of the order of wool-wings, capable of flying from tree to tree at a distance of about 100 meters.

Photo source: identi.info

Zebra Duker (Cephalophus zebra)
A small artiodactyl of the bovids family, the height at the withers of which does not exceed 50 cm.The animal lives in West Africa.

Photo source: imgur.com

The Kiwa hirsuta crab lives in the thermal waters of the South Pacific. The limbs of this representative of decapod crayfish are covered with fur-like bristles.

Photo source: oceanleadership.org

Wonderful bird of paradise (lat.Lophorina superba)
A passerine bird that has fantastically unreal plumage.

Photo source: nationalgeographic.com

The deep sea fish Psychrolutes marcidus, found off the coast of Australia and Tasmania, is the most bizarre fish on the planet.

Photo source: coloribus.com

The population of which is either declining rapidly or improving, but is still catastrophically small.

Natural phenomena and the human factor are among the main reasons for the decline in the number of some rare animals.

The rarest animals on Earth are included in the International Red Book.

Here are just a few of these unique representatives of the animal world.

Rare animals in the world


Tarantula spider (Poecilotheria metallica)

In addition to being incredibly rare, this representative of the animal world is also one of the most beautiful tarantula spiders. This spider lives in rainforest southwest India, building houses high in the treetops. Younger representatives of this species live at the roots of the tree, where they can dig holes and braid them with thick cobwebs. In case of danger, they hide in their burrows.


Madagascar beak-breasted turtle (Astrochelys yniphora)

© KatarinaGondova / Getty Images

This view land turtles, also known as Angonoka Endangered. Endemic to Madagascar has been declared by the IUCN Rare Species Commission as one of the most "vulnerable" animal species on our planet. Today, Angonoku can be found in a small area in the northwest of the island of Madagascar. The density of these animals in nature does not exceed 5 individuals per square kilometer. In total, there are 250-300 individuals per 100 sq. km. In captivity, you can find 50 representatives of this species.


Peters' Proboscis Dog (Rhynchocyon petersi)

© ivkuzmin / Getty Images

This rare species of animals is included in the International Red Data Book as "at risk of becoming endangered". Also known as the red-shouldered proboscis dog, this jumping mammal lives in Africa. The species got its name in honor of the German zoologist Wilhelm Peters. Peters' Proboscis Dog can be found in the forests of southeastern Kenya and northeastern Tanzania.


Angelfish (Squatina squatina)

© Placebo365 / Getty Images Pro

Recorded in the International Red Data Book as "Endangered Species", angelfish (also known as European squatina) can be found in the seas of the northeast Atlantic, namely in the hot and moderate belts... Representatives of this species of shark from the squat-like order are similar to stingrays due to their enlarged pectoral and pelvic fins. They are most often found on the ocean floor and feed mainly on flounder fish.


Northern Longhaired Wombat (Lasiorhinus)

© manny87 / Getty Images

On the brink of extinction, this wombat is considered one of the rarest animals on our planet. There are fewer of them on Earth than Sumatran tigers. In total, there is one extremely small population left in the Epping Forest National Park, which is located in the center of Queensland, Australia. Scientists believe that the reason for the decline in the population of these animals is changes in their habitat. Add to that the fact that wombats are the dingo's favorite prey. Wombats usually live in eucalyptus forests, meadows with lush grass and loose soil.


Bubal Hunter (Beatragus hunteri)

© Enrico01 / Getty Images

Also known as Chirola, this species of the Chirola genus is listed as Endangered Species in the Red Data Book. Hirola lives in the northeastern regions of Kenya and the southwestern regions of Somalia. Before this species became rare, its representatives inhabited an area of ​​17,900 - 20,500 square meters. km. Today, the area of ​​their distribution is about 8,000 square meters. km.


Fine-toothed saw (Pristis microdon)

© frameyazoo / Getty Images

Also recorded in the Red Data Book as "Endangered Species", the pylon stingray is a fish from the family of saw-nosed rays. The habitat of these representatives of the animal world is the waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Sometimes these rays can enter rivers.


Tonkin Rhinopithecus (Rhinopithecus avunculus)

© outcast85 / Getty Images

This species of mammals of the monkey family is also on the verge of extinction. Already at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, the area was rather limited. Representatives of this species were found only in the forest near the Song Koi River in Vietnam. Tonkin rhinopithecus was found in the provinces of Tien Kwang and Wak Tai. At this time, monkeys can also be found in several other provinces of Vietnam.

Rare and endangered animals

7 . Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis)

© 0liviertjuh / Getty Images

This mammal from the genus of Sumatran rhinoceros is listed in the International Red Data Book as "Endangered Species". Moreover, it is the only surviving member of its genus and the smallest member of the rhinoceros family. The habitat of the animal is low-lying and mountainous secondary forests, tropical rainforests and swamps, located at an altitude of 2,500 meters above sea level.


Spotted marsupial marten (Dasyurus maculatus)

© CraigRJD / Getty Images

This species is included in the Red Data Book as "Close to a vulnerable position". The tiger cat (as it is also called) is the second largest marsupial predator, and the first place belongs to the Tasmanian devil. It is also worth noting that the tiger cat is the largest marsupial predator in mainland Australia. At this time, the Spotted Marsupial Marten can be seen in two isolated populations - one located in northern Queensland, Australia, and the other on the east coast, in an area that stretches from southern Queensland to Tasmania. It usually lives in moist rain forests and among coastal thickets.


Filipino sika deer (Cervus alfredi)

© MNSanthoshKumar / Getty Images

The coat of this rare animal has a reddish-golden color. Against this background, small white spots are "scattered". Habitat - tropical forests of the islands of the Philippine archipelago. This deer was filmed quite recently. It should be noted that the main enemy of this animal is the wolf. Most deer die in March-April - the season when animals are weakened by wintering.


Visayan warty pig (Sus cebifrons)

© wrangel / Getty Images

This animal was included in the Red Book of the World in 1988. In just 60 years (3 generations of the Visai warty pig), the number of this representative of the fauna has decreased by 80%. The reasons for the catastrophic decline in the population are uncontrolled hunting, transformation of the natural habitat and closely related crossbreeding. Today this animal can be found only on 2 islands - Negro and Panay.


Florida cougar (Puma concolor coryi)

© cpaulfell / Getty Images

Recorded in the International Red Data Book as "Endangered Species", this animal is the rarest under the guise of a cougar. In 2011, their number on Earth was only about 160 individuals (despite the fact that in the 1970s, this figure dropped to 20). The usual habitat of this cougar is the forests and swamps of South Florida (USA), mainly they occupy the area of ​​the Big Cypress National Preserve. The number of these animals began to decline, mainly due to drainage of swamps, sport hunting and poisoning.


White Lion

© Vesnaandjic / Getty Images

It is worth noting that the white lion is a specific polymorphism with a genetic disease - leukism, which leads to a lighter color of the coat. Despite the fact that this manifestation is, in fact, the opposite of melanism, white lions are still not albinos - they have natural pigmentation of the eyes and skin. The fact that white lions exist was proven only at the end of the 20th century. In 1975, cubs of a white lion were first discovered, which were in the Timbavati Nature Reserve in South Africa.

Rare animals: white lion (video)


Irbis, or snow leopard (Uncia uncia, Panthera uncia)

© Abeselom Zerit

This large carnivorous mammal lives in mountain ranges Central Asia... The irbis, from the feline family, has a slender, long, flexible body and rather short legs. It also features a small head and a long tail. Today, the number of snow leopards is very small. It was included in the IUCN Red Data Book (International Union for Conservation of Nature), in the Red Data Book of Russia, and other protection documents of various countries.

09/28/2018 at 17:15 · Johnny · 23 830

10 most unusual animals in the world that inhabit our planet

Amazing creatures live everywhere. They inhabit the distant Siberian lands, the Pacific ones forgotten by God, and numerous Finnish ones. These beautiful creatures live on earth, in water, underground and even in the mountains of Tibet, which literally touches the heavens.

We have compiled a rating of the top 10 most unusual worlds to show how beautiful and diverse creatures living on our amazing planet Earth are. Indeed, in noisy cities, we sometimes forget that besides people there are other forms of life.

10. Kitoglav

  • Species: Birds
  • Subspecies: Stork
  • Average size: body length - 1-1.3 meters; wingspan - 2-2.5 meters
  • Habitat: wetlands
  • Place of residence: Central Africa

This creature is a huge bird that lives in the wetlands of Central Africa. Kitoglav(Royal Heron) is predominantly diurnal and feeds on marsh algae. It should be noted that this creature is especially photogenic. The kitoglav can stand in one position for a long time, which allows you to carry out a whole photo session with this beautiful creature.


  • Species: Fish
  • Subspecies: Psychrolytic
  • Average size: 30-60 centimeters
  • Habitat: seabed
  • Place of residence: Pacific Ocean

This blot is a living creature! Who would have thought! Really strange body shape drop fish has a perfectly reasonable explanation. The habitat of this unusual creature is at a depth of 3,000 meters, where the fish's swim bladder cannot function. Therefore, evolution gave this fish such a bizarre body shape to move across the sea. By the way, the density of fish is less than the density of water.

8. Madagascar sucker

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Bat
  • Average size: 5-6 centimeters
  • Place of residence: Madagascar

Well, isn't he cute? Madagascar sucker- a cute flying creature that has suckers on its feet. These unusual animals are quite rare. It should be noted that the Madagascar suckerfoot is listed in. The main diet of this baby is small insects. The peculiarity of the Madagascar sucker is not only the suckers on the legs, but also the fact that this animal has practically not been studied by modern science.

7. Narwhal

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Cetaceans
  • Average size: 3.5-4.5 meters
  • Habitat: water
  • Place of residence: Arctic Ocean

It turns out that unicorns do exist! AND narwhal is the only representative of this mythical animal. It is a fairly large mammal that can weigh up to 1.5 tons. The amazing narwhal feeds on almost any fish that can be found in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean.

6. Dumbo Octopus

  • Species: Octopus
  • Subspecies: Mollusk
  • Average size: 3-8 centimeters
  • Habitat: deep sea
  • Place of residence: Tasman Sea

It is not clear what this representative of the animal world looks like. About this creature modern science knows practically nothing. The most interesting and remarkable thing about Dumbo Octopus- ears. In fact, these are tentacles, which, during evolution, for some reason have grown together.

5. Handle Ay-ay

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Primate
  • Average size: 30-50 centimeters
  • Habitat: rainforest
  • Place of residence: Madagascar

This unusual creature is a direct relative of lemurs. Although it was previously believed that Madagascar aye aye- semi-monkey. She is predominantly nocturnal. This nocturnal semi-monster can weigh up to 3 kilograms. The animal is listed in the Red Book.

4. Axolotl

  • Species: Amphibians
  • Subspecies: Neotenic larva
  • Average size: 20-35 centimeters
  • Habitat: mountain rivers
  • Place of residence: Mexico

Few people know about the existence of an amphibian axolotl... The animal looks a bit like a smiling fish with legs. This animal is very interesting, because the axolotl does not need to become an adult for reproduction. In case of a threat, the animal can turn into an ambist (similar to lizards) creature. In addition, the body of the axolotl has a unique ability to regenerate. If this animal loses any part of the body, then after a while it will grow back.

3. Star-nosed

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Mole
  • Average size: 9-15 centimeters
  • Habitat: forest
  • Place of residence: North America

After the axolotl, is it difficult to surprise you with something? I doubt. Star-nosed- this creature looks like a monster from or some kind of alien creature. In fact, this animal is a relative of the European mole. He is very incapable of harming a person.

2. Sloth

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Non-toothed
  • Average size: 50-60 centimeters
  • Habitat: forest
  • Place of residence: Central America, South America

Many people know this animal from the famous cartoon Ice Age. Sloth- an animal that sleeps 15 hours a day. He practically does not get off the trees. Sloths move extremely slowly, for which they received such a name.

1. Angora rabbit

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Rodent
  • Average size: 70-80 centimeters
  • Habitat: pet

We are glad to present the most unusual animal living on Earth - angora rabbit! It should be noted that this animal is a pet. The peculiarity of this creature is that it is completely covered with long hair. They can have so much wool that it is sometimes difficult to understand that this is a living being at all.

In this video, 8 unusual animals are told about the existence of which you may not even have guessed:

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What else to see:

However, not all representatives of the fauna are known to a large number of people. This is due to the fact that many animals live in inaccessible habitats for mankind, or are endangered and their number is very limited.

This article provides a list of 15 of the most amazing and unusual animals on Earth.

Frilled battleship

This animal is endemic to central Argentina. The upper part of the body is covered with a carapace (however, it is much softer than the others), and the lower part is covered with fur. These amazing frilled armadillos have massive claws on their forelimbs, thanks to which they can dig holes in compacted soil.


Fossa is a small puma-like animal and is considered the largest in Madagascar. For a long time, the species belonged, but now the fossa belongs to the family of Madagascar civets. Their semi-retractable claws allow animals to climb trees and descend just as easily.

Crested deer

This small deer species is common in central China and is known for its dark tufted forehead. Males of this species also have long canines that protrude from the mouth of this unusual animal.


This long-necked species of antelope, also called the giraffe gazelle, is found in eastern Africa. This slightly strange animal has long legs and neck, thanks to which it is able to feed on the branches and leaves of tall trees. Gerenuk's features also make them incredibly cute and a little awkward.

Naked mole rat

And although they look ugly, naked mole rats are pretty amazing animals. They live up to 28 years, which has no analogues among other similar creatures, and retain their fertility for almost all of their lives. They are often used in cancer and aging research. All these cool things can make up for the fact that this creature is not the most beautiful on our planet.

Irrawaddy Dolphin

By appearance the Irrawaddy dolphin is similar, although most closely related to the killer whale. The main features of this animal are: the absence of a beak (like other dolphins) and the presence of a flexible neck. This species is common in the waters of the South East Asia and the Bay of Bengal.

Southern whale dolphin

These fast and active swimmers of the Southern Hemisphere have neither teeth nor dorsal fin, unlike other dolphins. Their body color is black and white. Adults grow up to 3 m long and weigh up to 100 kg, while females are larger than males.

Malay Woolwing

This unusual animal is also known as the flying lemur, however it does not fly, but jumps and glides. Despite the name, it is not associated with lemurs. The Malay Woolwing lives in the trees of Southeast Asia and is a nocturnal animal. The main features of these woolly wings are: the skin membrane, which connects all the limbs, neck and tail; the presence of suction discs on the soles; as well as binocular vision.

Zebra Duker

These extraordinary antelopes live in the rainforests of the Ivory Coast and other African countries. They primarily feed on leaves and fruits. The main difference between these animals is their "zebra" stripes.


These members of the mole family live in the humid low regions of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. Star noses use their pink, fleshy tentacles (which contain about 25,000 receptors) as sensory organs. They also use them to dig the ground.

Raccoon dog

These East Asian dogs, also known as tanuki, are similar to striped raccoons in coat color, but are not related to them by blood. Raccoon dogs are characterized by a small body size, an omnivorous diet and a nocturnal lifestyle. The main feature of these animals is hibernation, which is not common among other canines.

Grape goat

The endangered goat goat is found in northeastern Afghanistan and Pakistan, and is also the national animal of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. When they chew gum, the foam falls from the mouth and dries on the ground, and then it is collected locals, and is used as a snake antidote. The name of the animal comes from the shape of its horns, which resemble a screw or corkscrew.

Hairy crab (Yeti crab)

These unusual ones were found on the seabed of the Pacific Ocean, where mineral-rich hydrothermal vents are located. They belong to the family Kiwaidae and their body is covered with a huge amount of feathery bristles that look like fur.

Roxellan Rhinopithecus

These monkeys live in Asia and are found in small groups of 5 to 10 individuals, or in large groups up to 600 rhinopithecus. They are known for their impressive vocal repertoire as well as unique and colorful looks.

Maned wolf

This species is considered the largest South American canine. He has an extraordinary appearance and looks more like a long-legged fox than a wolf, although he has no close connection with either foxes or wolves. It is likely that the animal's long legs are an adaptation for life in the vastness of high meadows. The mane is able to rise and is usually used to increase the size of the animal when the animal feels threatened or aggressive.