
Apple chips in the microwave. Step-by-step photo recipe on how to make apple chips at home for the winter How to cook apple chips in the oven

Instead of harmful potato chips, you can always enjoy more natural and healthy snacks made from apples and other fruits. This product contains a minimum amount of calories. Homemade apple chips contain no preservatives, colors or flavor enhancers. In addition, such a delicacy acts as a light snack during diets.

Apple chips in the oven

  • “Gala” apples - 5 pcs.
  • sugar - 75 gr.
  • citric acid - 3 gr.
  • filtered water - 250 gr.
  1. Before cooking the chips, you need to make the syrup. Citric acid, together with sugar, will prevent the fruit from acquiring a darkened appearance, and the taste of the snacks will be more pronounced.
  2. Combine water and bulk ingredients in a common container. Place the container on the stove and wait for the composition to boil. Stir the ingredients until the crystals are completely dissolved. Set the syrup aside until it cools slightly.
  3. Next, start peeling the fruit. Wash the fruits as usual and chop into rings no more than 2 mm thick. For convenience, you can use a special grater. Remove cores and seeds from apples.
  4. Place the prepared raw materials in warm syrup. The apples should sit in the mixture for at least a third of an hour. The fruits will be slightly saturated with a sour base. If the apples do not fit completely, you can do the manipulation one by one.
  5. After the allotted infusion time, excess syrup must be removed from the apples. Place the fruits on parchment or paper napkins and wait until dry. After this, place the apples on a baking sheet.
  6. Be sure to line a heatproof tray with parchment paper ahead of time. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven on the middle rack. The apples will be ready after 2 hours at a simmering temperature of 70 degrees.

Spiced Apple Chips

  • filtered water - 950 ml.
  • vanilla - to taste
  • cinnamon - in fact
  • lemon - ½ pc.
  • ripe apples - 4 pcs.
  1. Wash the fruits with cold water and dry thoroughly. Next, it is recommended to remove the stalk along with the core. Try to carry out the manipulation carefully so as not to break the apples. After this, chop the fruit into rings no more than 5 mm thick.
  2. Place the prepared raw materials in a cup with water and fresh lemon juice. As a result, the apples will gain a more pronounced flavor and will not darken. Leave the product in the composition for half an hour. After the manipulation, place the rings on paper towels.
  3. After a few minutes, excess moisture will be absorbed into the material. After this, put the dried rings on a thread or twine. Keep in mind that there should be sufficient distance between snacks. This move is necessary for proper air circulation.
  4. Stretch the rope in a suitable room, leave the chips for 3 days. If it is not possible to use a rope, do the same manipulation with wooden skewers. After the specified time, place the prepared apples on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  5. Place the tray in the oven and finish drying the chips at minimum power. During the procedure, you can open the oven door slightly. This will allow excess steam to escape. It is advisable to turn the chips over once. Once they are almost ready, remove the raw materials on a tray.
  6. Combine cinnamon and vanilla into a mixture and sprinkle on future chips. After this, the baking tray with the product must be placed back into the oven and the door closed. The apples should remain warm for some time. If you are going to store snacks, then the best place for them will be glass, wicker, wood or ceramic containers. The chips must receive sufficient oxygen.

  • green apples - 3 pcs.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • powdered sugar - 25 gr.
  • ground cinnamon - 20 gr.
  1. Thoroughly wash the fruits from possible dirt and get rid of the stalk. Chop the apples into thin rings, remembering to remove the seeds. You can use a special device that will help you cut fruit into slices. This way the treat will be prepared faster.
  2. Place the prepared raw materials on paper towels; over time, excess moisture from the fruit will be absorbed into the material. Place the apples in a suitable sized bowl. Sprinkle snacks with fresh lemon juice. Mix the plates carefully so they don't break.
  3. Next, proceed in the classic way, preheat the oven to the optimal temperature (70 degrees). Place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet. Place apples on a tray in 1 layer. Sprinkle the fruit with a mixture of powder and cinnamon.
  4. Place the baking sheet with the contents in the oven for 2.5 hours. Cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the slices. The readiness of apple chips can be easily determined by their appearance. You will clearly see that the chips will change color and become more ruddy. Try it on your teeth, the snacks should be crunchy.
  5. These chips are suitable for dietary nutrition; you can simply omit the powdered sugar in the recipe. Snacks go well with tea and honey as a snack. Don’t be afraid to experiment; you can add various spicy spices to apples.
  6. To save time, chips cook in the microwave 2 times faster. You can add poppy seeds, Easter powder or sesame seeds to them. Children will be delighted with such a delicacy. When preparing apple chips, it is important to follow the recommended temperature, otherwise the snacks will simply burn.

You don't need any special skills to make apple chips. This procedure will not take much effort, just be patient. Some recipes require a lot of time. Follow these simple recommendations and you will be able to prepare delicious and healthy snacks. Please your loved ones with an interesting treat; chips can be supplemented with any ingredients.

Video: 5 ways to make chips from different products

An excellent remedy for a girl's night watch. Or as a means to fight for the harvest. Give thanks when a huge number of apples fall on you again in the fall.

In the meantime, we are preparing from store-bought ones. I actually tried three methods, but this one is the simplest and the best.

Wash the apples well.

I wash them with dishwashing detergent and a regular foam sponge.

Place the apples on a towel or napkin. There is no need to dry them.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil.

Among the tools you will need is a knife, a board, and this device for removing the core from apples.

You can buy it both in the nearest Ikea and in “Everything for some rubles” stores. Or order on Ali Express. You can do without it (but the cut out centers are a hundred times more aesthetically pleasing, and you won’t have to spit anything out). You will also need a small strainer.

Then everything is very simple.
Line baking trays with baking paper. Please note that I wrote about why some baked goods stick to paper, and in the comments the girls voiced reliable varieties of it. In addition to the baking sheets, you can also line the oven racks with paper. The bigger, the better.

Remove cores from apples.

Cut the apples into rings 3 millimeters thick.

Then, one by one, dip 2-3 apple rings into the hot syrup.

No need to boil. But your apples should sit in the cooling boiling water for about 5 minutes.
Use a slotted spoon to remove the apple rings to a plate.

Warm up the syrup a little again and dip the next portion (on one baking sheet) of apples into it.

Place the rings from the plate in one layer on a baking sheet.

Then pour some cinnamon into a strainer and sprinkle it over the apple rings.

This is how you should do it: place the strainer suspended above the apple ring and literally tap the edge of the strainer with your finger twice. And so on for each ring. Aim! In order not to waste cinnamon by covering all the paper and the surrounding area with it.

Turn on the oven to 100 degrees.
If you have a modern electric oven, then set the upper and lower heating elements plus convection.
If the oven is gas, then try to set the temperature as low as possible.
Start placing the baking sheets in the oven, one on top of the other, as you fill them with apple rings. I generally don't recommend using more than one baking sheet when baking. But here we are not baking, but drying. So feel free to fill the entire oven.
Dry the chips for 1.5-2 hours.

Set the timer for an hour and a half, and then start checking from the first baking sheet you put in the oven.

The finished chips are already dry, but still able to bend.

At this point, you need to remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the chips cool without removing them from the baking sheet.

Since you will have a time gap of 10 minutes between each baking sheet placed in the oven, you will not have to clutter the kitchen with sheets. The previous one will have time to cool before the next one is removed.
Pour the finished chips from the paper into one baking sheet and leave overnight at room temperature.

Drying immediately after the oven, the apple rings become crunchy, as befits chips, unlike dried fruit.

I also tried to replace the sugar in the syrup with stevia (a sweetener), but the result did not impress me at all. Simply removing the sugar syrup doesn't work either. Because the output is ordinary apricots, that is, dried apples like in a compote, but they dry much longer, unlike apple rings boiled in syrup.

In industrial production, in a convection oven, I would first put the rings laid out on paper on steam mode for about 10 minutes. And then I would also sprinkle them with cinnamon mixed with powdered sugar. And I would have dried it further at 100 degrees.

And don’t worry too much about the one and a half glasses of sugar in the recipe - half of the syrup will still be left unused. Apples are not a cotton pad; they won’t absorb excess.

If you cook with a reserve, be sure to store it in a dry cupboard and in a paper bag.

But for some reason I don’t keep them for a long time))) hrum-hum, what should I store there...

Chips from the store contain harmful additives, they spoil your figure and negatively affect your health. But sometimes you really want to snack on something tasty and crunchy. An excellent alternative to a store-bought product is homemade apple chips. These chips are a great snack during the day with health benefits.

Composition and calorie content

Apple chips have a completely natural composition: apples and spices. Snacks may also contain nuts, sugar or honey. Depending on the ingredients added during cooking, the calorie content of the apple product may vary.

The calorie content of fresh apples is 47 kcal. During the drying process, the apple loses a large percentage of water, so there are more calories per 100 g of fruit. The calorie content of ready-made apple chips is 240 – 260 kcal.

Apple chips contain a high carbohydrate content - 60 g. Carbohydrates can be simple and complex, and chips contain both types. Simple ones include fructose, glucose, sucrose, and complex ones include fiber and starch. At the same time, starch is presented in a minimal amount, only 0.05 g, but the amount of healthy fructose in 100 g of dried fruit can reach 10 g. Apple snacks also contain proteins (2.2 g) and a very small amount of fat (0. 1 g), which makes apple chips a popular product in many diets.

Benefits and harms

It is good to include apple chips in your diet for weight loss. They do not spoil your figure and, on the contrary, even help you get rid of extra pounds. Thanks to the presence of fiber, they cleanse the body of toxins, and the malic acid present in the fruit improves metabolism.

In general, malic acid has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Prevents acidification of the body, normalizes the alkaline environment of the stomach, and prevents various rashes on the body. Malic acid is found more in green, sour apple varieties.

Apple chips retain all the beneficial substances of fresh fruits. The high content of vitamins, microelements and easily digestible composition of the product help:

  • establish excellent functioning of many body systems;
  • increase immunity;
  • normalize digestive activity;
  • improve metabolism;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Separately, it should be noted the high iron content in apple chips. This element improves blood composition and prevents the development of anemia. Iron is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones and promotes better absorption of B vitamins. Chips contain more iron than fresh fruits. If you need to eat at least 5 apples a day to provide your body with the daily requirement of iron, then one handful of apple chips is enough.

There are almost no contraindications to eating apple chips. But this product should not be used if you have allergic reactions to apples and spices.

Conditional contraindications are diabetes and gastric ulcer. In these cases, you should simply limit the use of the product and abandon it completely during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

The spices added according to the recipe also contribute to the benefit of the product. Thus, vanilla increases stress resistance, cinnamon rejuvenates and is an excellent antioxidant, and nutmeg tones.

Where can I cook?

According to the classic recipe, apple chips are cooked in the oven. According to reviews from housewives, this is the best option. The big plus is that there is a lot of space in the oven and you can spread out several batches of fruit snacks on three baking sheets.

Modern housewives prepare this healthy product in the microwave. If you need to cook chips quickly, and there is only a small amount of the original product, then it is better to use a microwave. The quick cooking process makes it easy to make multiple batches of crispy apples.

The healthiest chips are made in an electric dryer. Cooking at low temperatures ensures the greatest preservation of nutrients in the product. But the chips are not so crispy and look more like dried fruit.

Apple pulp is very tender and boils quickly when heated. Therefore, you can’t make apple chips in a frying pan. Even the heat on the stove, set to the minimum level, heats up quite strongly, and the chips can lose their taste and all their beneficial substances. The frying pan method is more suitable for potato chips.


It will take half a kilogram of apples to prepare 40 g of chips. It is better to choose beautiful apples without wormholes, so the appearance of the chips will be more appetizing. Broken and overripe fruits are unsuitable; the fruit must be elastic. The most suitable apples are sweet and sour varieties:

  • "Golden";
  • "Duchess";
  • "Pink Lady"
  • "Champion";
  • "Braburn".

Making apple chips at home is easy. There are many original recipes, some make the snacks more tasty, others make them healthier. The most popular is the classic recipe. It will require the following ingredients:

  • apples – 400 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 teaspoons;
  • cane or regular sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 150 ml.

The apples must be washed, dried and the core removed with a special knife; the peel must not be removed. Next, thinly slice the fruit into even slices. You can use a special grater that will cut the apple into very thin, neat slices. The thickness of the slice should not exceed 3 mm, otherwise the chips will not crunch, but will look more like dried fruit. Large apple slices can be divided into two equal parts.

Then you need to make the syrup. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, add sugar and remove from heat. Mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add lemon juice and cool.

Dip the apple slices into the resulting sugar solution. It is necessary that they are completely saturated with syrup and become softer. To do this, just hold them in the sugar liquid for 10–15 minutes. Some recipes omit this point, but it is the soaking in syrup that makes the chips crispier and the taste richer.

Pat the apples dry using a paper towel and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Set the oven to 70 degrees and place the apples in it for 2 hours. To avoid excessive heat, the door can be opened slightly.

If the apples were cut very thin, about 1 mm, then they can be ready in 1 hour. Therefore, it is necessary to control the process, periodically check readiness - the apple slices should brown and become wavy. Ready chips must be removed from the oven to cool. In order for them to become crispy, they need to sit at room temperature for a while.

Chips can be made without sugar. They are prepared according to the classic recipe, but without dipping the snacks into syrup. In this case, it is better to choose red apples, sweet varieties, and cut them as thin as possible.

If you need to make chips quickly, you can use a microwave recipe. Rinse the sliced ​​apples in water and dry with a towel. Next, sprinkle the slices with lemon juice and place on a wide plate. You should not place the apple slices overlapping; it is better to place them so that they lightly touch each other.

Set the microwave to maximum power and microwave the apples for 10 minutes. After this time has expired, you must immediately take out the plate of chips. If they are left in the microwave, they will not be crispy.

Apple and cinnamon are a perfect pair, so you should definitely try adding this spice to chips. To do this, cut the apples into slices, wash, dry and sprinkle with cinnamon and powdered sugar before cooking. You can cook these chips in the microwave or oven.

Vanilla will add extra flavor to the apples. Sprinkle apple slices with vanilla sugar. Vanilla goes well with cinnamon, so that can be used too.

A truly healthy and tasty treat is apple chips with honey and pine nuts. Prepare the apples: cut, wash, dry with a towel. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 40 minutes. We observe the temperature regime: no more than 70 degrees. We take out the apple slices and grease them with a thin layer of honey, put them in the oven for another 20–30 minutes. At the end, sprinkle with chopped pine nuts.

To prepare apple chips in an electric dryer, you need to thinly slice the apples and select the desired program on the kitchen appliance. No additional ingredients required. Apple chips cooked in a fruit dryer are not as crispy, but they can not only be consumed as an independent product, but also made into compotes and added to baked goods. It is especially useful to add such a natural product to porridge for young children.

You will learn the recipe for making apple chips in the next video.

Healthy chips: cook at home. Delicious potato and apple chips in the microwave and oven.

Store-bought chips contain preservatives and additives that are harmful.
Such food can be harmful to adults, and is generally contraindicated for children. But is this a reason to refuse a tasty treat? If you can cook it yourself.

At the same time, a good housewife knows that homemade chips cooked in a deep fryer are not much different from the store-bought counterpart. Unless there are no harmful seasonings and preservatives.
This article contains delicious and healthy chips recipes for the whole family.

Note that chips cooked in the microwave and oven can be given to children from one year old!

Truly a treat for the whole family!

Potato chips: preparation, cutting

Chips are potatoes. And despite the fact that chips are prepared with other ingredients, potato chips are the most popular.

Before moving on to the recipes, you need to prepare the raw materials. Potatoes must be of certain varieties:

  • Lady Rosetta
  • Saturn
  • Carlena
  • Pirol
  • Verdi
  • Fantasy

But it is possible to use other varieties if they meet the following requirements: dry when peeled, do not crumble when boiled, round in shape (then the shape of the finished chips will closely match the store-bought ones), with shallow eyes.

Also, to prepare chips, you need to cut them correctly.
A knife will not work in this case, since even the most experienced cook will not be able to cut the potatoes into thin slices of equal thickness.
This will require shredder or grater. An attachment for shredding cabbage or a special attachment for potato chips.

Video: Well, Delicious Homemade Chips!

Potato chips for a picnic: recipe

Children's favorite treat in nature. For a “bag” of chips you will need 4 potatoes, a liter of water, 2 tbsp soy sauce. spoons, flour 3 tbsp. spoons, half a liter of oil for frying.

The simplest recipe.

  • Shred potatoes
  • Pour marinade of water, sauce and salt over it
  • Leave for an hour
  • Prepare paper towels and lay them out in an even layer
  • Dry
  • Dip in flour and place in deep fryer

After frying, drain in a colander to drain excess fat. Bon appetit!

Homemade chips in the oven: recipe

  • Peel the potatoes, cut into even thin slices and rinse under running water to remove as much starch from the cuts as possible.
  • Place in an even layer on paper towels and blot dry. Dried potatoes cook faster, are covered with a golden brown crust and do not crumble.
  • Grease the baking sheets with oil. If desired, you can grease with warmed butter.
  • Arrange the potatoes in one layer.
  • Spray the surface of the potatoes with oil. If desired, you can add dry spices to the oil, you will get chips “with the taste” of herbs, paprika, cheese, etc.
  • Bake at 260 ºC for 15-25 minutes depending on thickness.

Place on paper towels to remove excess fat. You can add salt if you wish. It is not recommended to add salt during baking.

Homemade potato chips in the microwave: recipe

These chips are without oil and salt. These crunchies are an excellent snack for even the smallest children. All you need for cooking is potatoes. If desired, at the end you can sprinkle with salt and seasonings to your taste.

  • Wash the potatoes with a brush; there is no need to peel them.
  • If you love chips and can’t imagine life without them, you can purchase a slicer from Aliexpress from the catalog, and.
  • It's a real pleasure to chop with it.

  • If you want seasoned chips, brush each wedge with oil and season with seasoning.
  • Place them on a dish in a single layer and microwave.
  • Turn it on at 700 W, time 5 minutes, if the cut is wide - 7 minutes.
  • Ready as soon as they turn brown.
  • If you leave it a little too late, the chips will burn; if you don’t wait a little longer, they won’t have a pleasant crunch.

Can you cook homemade chips in a frying pan?

Yes, and they will be no worse than in the deep fryer. To do this, prepare the potatoes.

  • Wash and peel potatoes
  • Shred
  • Rinse under running water and dry on a paper towel.
  • After this, roll in flour with spices (salt, pepper, paprika, dill, etc.)
  • Pour 2-2.5 cm of refined oil into a frying pan
  • Heat and pour in the potatoes so that they are evenly distributed and coated with oil. Preferably in one layer
  • As soon as it turns golden brown, remove it immediately.

Homemade Pringles

These chips have gained worldwide popularity due to their taste...and advertising. If you are a housewife who counts money, you can easily cook a kilogram of Pringles for the price of just one kilogram of potatoes! Interesting? So, let's prepare the potatoes!

We will need:

  • Potatoes - 3 large tubers;
  • Butter - 30 g;
  • Oatmeal (without additives) - 100 g;
  • Flour - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • Spices (paprikash, mushroom, Italian herbs or other to taste);
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Yeast - 2 gr.


  • Peel the potatoes and boil them like mashed potatoes
  • Drain the water completely
  • Grind the potatoes with a blender, adding oil, seasoning, salt to taste, and yeast in the process.
  • Grind the flakes into flour and add to the puree
  • Send wheat flour there and add 1 egg
  • Grease the table with oil and lay out a piece of dough
  • Cover with cling film and roll out into a thin layer
  • Remove the film and squeeze out neat thin circles with a glass.

Heat oil in a frying pan. Using a spatula, transfer the chips from the table into the boiling fat. Fry for only 5-10 seconds on each side. We quickly take out and put in the next ones.

Important: To save time and energy costs, cook the chips together. One rolls out, and the other watches the pan.


Homemade apple chips

Whatever one may say, potatoes are high in calories and not very healthy. But you can crunch apple chips even on a diet! But it will take longer to cook than potato ones.

How to cook apple chips in the oven? Simple, but a little longer compared to potato ones.

For apple chips you need to prepare:

  • 5 firm, not juicy apples
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon citric acid
  • 80 gr. Sahara

Preparation of syrup:

  • Combine water, sugar and citric acid and put on fire.
  • The last ingredient will enhance the taste of the apple and prevent it from darkening when cut.
  • As soon as the syrup boils, remove it from the heat.
  • Wait a few minutes until the syrup cools slightly.
  • Meanwhile, wash the apples thoroughly and chop them into thin layers. Remove the core.
  • Place the apples in the syrup and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Place on a paper towel to absorb excess moisture.
  • Line a baking sheet with paper and place the apples in one layer.
  • The oven is preheated to 80 ºC.
  • Bake until the apples are slightly wavy and golden brown.

How to cook apple chips in the microwave?

The microwave allows you to reduce the preparation of apple chips several times. Especially with the grill function.


  • Wash, chop, sprinkle apples with cinnamon and sugar if desired.
  • Place them on the wire rack, overlapping each other (in the process, the chips will become wavy and there will be less space).
  • Place in the microwave at full power, dry for about 10-15 minutes, and at the end add “grill” for a few minutes.
  • The crunchies are ready!

Video: Cooking apple chips

Dmitriy: With the advent of children, our lives changed completely. Alcohol left our house forever, and we already watched football with lemonade. But we couldn’t get out of the habit of chips. Until my eldest tried the store-bought version and we ended up in the hospital with a terrible rash.

While my wife was at the doctor’s appointment, I was already surfing the Internet and realized either healthy children or my favorite taste of food. But family friends told us a way out - homemade chips. Fruit ones were especially recommended for children. I've never heard of these. But the Internet will tell you everything. Now we are masters in preparing all kinds of chips, and we gather friends to taste new and new flavors!

Galina: I'm a fast food fan. Until not long ago. Until I heard a joke about a balloon from my friends. Now I’m on a diet, but having gathered with “well-wishers” I also want crackers, chips and much more. Social networks and a recipe for apple chips saved me. It turns out that you can eat them as much as you like and lose weight! Now I'm a fan of healthy fast food.

Video: How to make chips in the microwave in 5 minutes

Hello my dear sweet tooths. I have a surprise for you. I suggest you prepare an amazingly tasty and incredibly healthy delicacy. These are apple crisps in the oven. They are sweet, crunchy and very flavorful. These chips literally melt in your mouth, fueling the desire to take 1 more... or 5... or 10... Finally, the plate is empty. Oh, how delicious it was. But they quickly “evaporated” 🙂 But what I’m praising everything about – you prepare it yourself. Read the recipe with photos below.

What are the benefits of apple chips?

It turns out that this product has a rich chemical composition. There is:

  • fructose;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins C, , , and others;
  • iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium, etc.

Due to the presence of pectin, the treat can have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. In addition, it provides an antimicrobial and cleansing effect (removes toxins and other “garbage”).

Potassium and iron present in apple chips are involved in metabolic processes. They are also responsible for the growth and full development of the body. Therefore, this delicacy (unlike other sweets) is very useful for children.

The ascorbic acid present here helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, this vitamin strengthens the body's immune system.

But although apple chips are very healthy, such dried fruits are not particularly suitable for a diet. That is, you can afford a few pieces as a snack. But I don’t recommend replacing fresh apples with chips when losing weight. The thing is that this delicacy has a considerable calorie content - 253 kcal per 100 g. It contains 59 g of carbohydrates, 2.2 g of proteins and 0.1 g of fat. For comparison: the energy value of fresh apples is 52 kcal.

Features of preparing apple chips

This delicacy is very easy and quick to prepare. Especially if you have a convenient vegetable cutter. You can, of course, cut it with a knife, but it will take a little longer. The thinner the slices, the faster they will crisp.

The ones I made were very thin and fragile. They are great as a decoration for desserts. If you want to make them as a snack for work, make the slices a little thicker. This way they won't break when carried.

Any apple can be used for this recipe. If too sour, add a little more sugar, and if too sweet, sprinkle with lemon juice. There is no need to remove the core.

Use sugar or cinnamon to suit your taste. I saw a recipe that added a pinch of nutmeg. I haven't tried this version yet. If you cook, write in the comments to the article how it turned out for you.

Once the oven temperature is set to the right temperature, you can forget about the slices for a while. But this is only until the air is filled with the aromas of cinnamon and apples. I used to dry apples at a very high temperature of -175°C. We had to constantly monitor them to protect them from burning.

But now I cook at a temperature of 100°C. And I want to tell you that the problem of delicacy burning has been solved. The slices remain light, crunchy and have a subtle sweetish taste.

The only thing you need to do as soon as you take them out of the oven is remove them from the parchment paper. Otherwise, the chips will stick, and when you start to tear them off the parchment, you will break them.

How to properly store apple chips

If you are preparing them for future use, make sure they are stored properly. By the way, such a delicacy (provided that it is without sugar and other additives) can be stored for a long time.

To do this, place the cooled chips in a fabric bag. Or place in a container with good ventilation. But I don’t recommend placing this delicacy in a tightly closed container. The chips will get moldy there.

Well, here is the promised recipe for apple cinnamon chips. Cook and crunch with pleasure. You can post a link to it on social media. net. I think your friends will also like the recipe for a natural treat. Yes, for those who care about a slim figure, I recommend preparing