
What you need to buy for gasification at home. Private house gasification project

A gas connection project will be necessary both during the construction of a new facility and during the reconstruction of an existing one. It is required to make a gas project both during gasification of a private house and for large industrial facilities. In this case, the project is necessary in the case of gas supply to the plant with the installation of technological equipment, and if the owner of the house wants to move the gas meter from one wall to another.

Projects are carried out in accordance with applicable norms and rules, as well as the requirements of the organization that issued the technical specifications. Gasification projects for private households are coordinated with the land users on whose lands it is planned to carry out a gas pipeline, as well as with the gas distribution organization that issued the technical conditions.

For gasification projects of settlements, it is necessary to undergo an examination, as well as a series of approvals with the executive authorities and local self-government.


ENERGOGAZ Group of Companies offers gas connection design services to individuals, organizations and government agencies.

Or use our "Gas Online" service to calculate gasification work
private residential building in real time.


ENERGOGAS Group of Companies is ready to offer gas connection design services to both large companies, the structure of which requires an individual approach to solving problems, and to an individual who needs help in the gasification of the house. The interaction of all the structures of our company allows you to optimize the work, offering a very flexible pricing policy. The company guarantees compliance with deadlines and bears all responsibility for the result. In case of default - a refund.

Direct supplies of equipment from manufacturers will ensure its high-quality and long-term operation. And most importantly - already at the initial stage of cooperation, you will know exactly the amount of financial costs, the value of which will not change during the work.


  • With the cooperation of the ENERGOGAZ group of companies, it is also committed to the preparation of gas connection projects. The range of services includes the development of gasification projects for private houses, industrial facilities, gas boiler houses, settlements, the preparation of internal gas equipment projects and its placement, coordination of projects in all necessary instances, examination of project documentation, as well as architectural supervision of construction. The need to create gas projects arises both from the owner of a private house, and from large enterprises. In our capabilities to develop as installation projects gas equipment for the plant, taking into account the location and requirements for the premises, as well as projects for the installation of a gas meter, gas boiler or boiler room, gas pipe, as well as during their transfer or installation.
  • Our gas connection design services have a very affordable price tag. Adequate pricing is built from several factors. The whole range of work is carried out by our company without the involvement of third-party contractors, equipment is supplied directly from manufacturers. At the same time, the cost of the necessary costs is established at the initial stage of cooperation, and remains unchanged throughout the work, which is guaranteed in the relevant clause of the contract. All work on the design of the gas is carried out strictly on time, and if this condition is not met, our company will return the amount spent.
  • So, if you still have a question - where can I get the project development, whether it’s installing a gas meter or gasification of a village, then the answer remains the same - it’s possible to get a competent project for connecting gas at an affordable price to the Energogaz Group of Companies.

First of all, you need to find out who owns the gas pipeline (as a rule, this is the local gas), a meeting with which will determine the likelihood of a tie-in into its gas pipeline. If you received a positive response from him, then the next instance will be an organization that will carry out and produce a project for connecting your home to this gas pipeline. Already with a ready-made project agreed upon by Gorgaz, you are heading to the installation organization, which will take on the solution of all the problems associated with the installation of the gas pipeline. She is also responsible for the commissioning of this section of the pipeline, so she must have a license (and from 2010 must be registered with the SRO) for this type of work. All settlement operations with the installation company are preferably carried out only after the gas pipeline has been delivered to the regulatory or inspection bodies of Rostekhnadzor or local gas supply. When all of the above instances have been completed and all stages of work have been completed, you can use the gas for your own purposes and at your own discretion. But let's take a closer look at where to start gasification at home and what else you might need for this.

2. Necessary documentation for gasification.
The documentation includes various acts and documents that reinforce your right to own a house and land, permission to gasify a house, etc.
Registration of acts can be divided into two stages:
- the first stage is the execution of acts that need to be drawn up before the start of work on laying a gas pipeline to your home
- the second stage, these are acts that are drawn up in the process of work, namely:
- permission of the head of the architectural and planning department (APU) for the gasification of a personal home;
- a copy of the technical passport of the inventory bureau (BTI) on private house;
- topographic survey of the site with a view of the personal house and gasification facilities on the site at a scale of 1: 500 with applied communications and a gas pipeline, certified by the local gas service;
- written permission from neighbors to connect to the gas pipeline, if it is laid along their sections (however, as a rule, such permission must be obtained at the local gas company, since it is in most cases that it is the owner of the gas pipeline);
- documents for gas equipment to be installed in the house (certificate of conformity, permission to use this equipment, contract for further maintenance of this equipment);
- act of inspection of chimneys by the service (in Ukraine - the Ministry of Emergencies, fire inspector).

3. Obtaining technical conditions and design.
To obtain technical conditions for gasification, you must visit the local gorgaz. To receive technical conditions You will need to provide a BTI technical passport for home ownership, your passport data and an identification code number, as well as write an application for technical specifications for the gasification of your home.
Note: this service is paid, and the technical conditions themselves, you can wait from 14 to 30 calendar days.
After obtaining the technical conditions in gorgaz, you need to complete the gasification project, for this you need to choose the design organization, of which there is a huge amount today.
Attention! When contacting one organization or another, a design institute, it is necessary to check the availability of a license (now this organization has joined the SRO) for performing this type of work. The difference in the cost of design services sometimes reaches from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. But it will be better if you immediately find out at Gorgaz which project company they recommend, then there will be less problems. If you require an engineer-designer to go home to carry out all the necessary measurements, then pay attention to this clause being stipulated in the contract. It is with the designer that you agree on the choice of gas appliances in the house and their type. When the gasification project is ready, the responsible person (designer) will have to coordinate it with the technical department of the gas department without fail. Do not choose a design organization that transfers project coordination onto your shoulders. This procedure can take from 10 to 14 calendar days. Having completed all the necessary steps described earlier, you will be able to make calculations and make an estimate of all the work according to the design documentation. Next, you draw up a contract for technical supervision and provide an act of inspection of chimneys VDPO, (in Ukraine, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire inspector).

4. Construction work.
When all the necessary documents are signed and all matters are settled with Gorgaz and the design organization, you follow the installation company, after which it will begin to carry out all the necessary construction work. Do not hesitate, similarly to the previous descriptions, to find out her license (SRO), because the installation company itself is obliged to hand over the work to the technical supervision of gorgaz, as a result of which the entry in the gorgaz registry is required to testify to its existence;
Note: in most cases, installation organizations have a license (SRO) for the execution of not only installation, but also design work, in such a situation, if you order the execution of gasification work in such an installation organization, then the cost of gasification of your home is reduced by 25 -30% of the total amount.
When you have approved the terms and cost with the installers, be sure to sign an agreement with them, so that if you had at least some guarantees from the contractor.
The following guarantees and promises from the installation company should be written in the contract:
In the process of laying the external and internal gas pipeline:
- during construction work, the contractor is required to have all the urgent fire extinguishing means, as well as a protective shield, which is important for protecting the plane of the walls from heating;
- in the aftermath of the final calculations for the work performed, the installation organization gives you the technical documentation;
- the construction and installation organization undertakes to make all the activities described in this agreement on time;
In the process of commissioning:
- make rational regimes of gas equipment to ensure economical use of gas;
- instruct you on the proper operation of the equipment;
- if it is impossible to rebuild the operation of gas equipment or individual components, establish the root cause of such impossibility to fix it in the act and stop work until the defects are eliminated;
- hand over the outcome of the work with the execution of a bilateral act on the work performed.
In order to insert your pipeline into gas main, you will need to make a payment before the start of this type of work, which will be set by the gas injection service, with which you will first be required to approve the terms.
Then pipes for the gas pipeline will be brought to you, loaders will carefully lay them along the gas pipeline laying line, and welders will connect them.
After a gas injection, representatives of the gas service open a gas valve and perform a test run of gas on devices, checking, in sequence, for leaks (this service is considered commercial - approximately the price of such a service can be 3000 rubles).

5. Commissioning of gas equipment.
After starting the gas, you will need to contact the organization with which you signed the service contract for all the gas equipment provided so that it will put this equipment into operation. This will be one of the main conditions for warranty service of your equipment for the prescribed periods in the warranty service contract (what warranty period will be set depends on the situation of your residence, on average, the warranty period for servicing gas equipment is from 1 year to 3 years).
Certificates for calculating the demand for heat and fuel will also be useful to you, which will help you find the necessary capacity of the boiler and other gas equipment to provide heating and hot water to your personal home (for this, you should contact specialists from the housing and communal services for floor copies of all heated rooms of the house with indicating heights and areas, exteriors and the number of points of intake of warm water, bathtubs, etc., a description of the likely use of a gas boiler for technological needs.

The owner of a personal home has the right to make all approvals both independently and contact the organization that takes up the solution of gasification issues at home and the installation of the gas pipeline (design organization).

6. Registration of executive technical documentation.
After completing the installation of the gas pipeline, as well as all the necessary equipment, the executive technical documentation is compiled, and the assembled gas pipeline is accepted by a special commission, consisting of the chairman of the commissioning commission and members of the commission, the contractor and the representative of the gas company.
The acceptance period for the commission may be from 15 to 30 business days. If no comments have been made, then the Gorgaz representative will usually provide you with a technical supervision receipt, which you will have to pay and then give a copy to the installer. The average payment is about 1000-1500 rubles.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that at the time of acceptance, not only must be installed, but also all the equipment listed in the design documentation must be connected. After the commission, the installation organization will prepare and transfer to Gorgaz all the necessary technical documentation, where it will be stored.
Based on the decision of the commission and the provision of all documents to gorgaz, the representative of the regional gas will be sealed with a gas gas representative within 21 working days and an agreement will be concluded with you for the supply of gas, as well as for further maintenance of both the gas pipeline and the gas equipment inside the house.

7. Safety training.
When all of the above list of actions is left behind, you will have to undergo mandatory safety training when using gas.
You can be instructed directly at Gorgaz, where a safety engineer will instruct you, after the briefing, you sign in a magazine that remains at Gorgaz, and you will be given a book about this briefing.
You can also be instructed at home by a certified specialist to conduct safety briefings during the commissioning of gas equipment. You, as well as after the briefing in Gorgaz, sign in the TB journal, in the future this journal will be transferred to gorgaz.

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The advantages of living in a country house in a private house are obvious, and today it is possible to make the living conditions in it as comfortable as possible. Frequently Asked Question - how much is the gasification of a private house? Autonomous gasification will help to solve not only the issue of high-quality heating and hot water supply, but also autonomous power supply, if you use a gas generator. Often, homeowners are concerned about the need to develop and register gasification project at home. As you know, the execution of permits in our responsible authorities is a troublesome and costly business.

In fact, it all depends on which method of gasification you choose and with what organization you will cooperate. Our company offers customers autonomous gasification using a gas tank. In this case private house gasification project not required! The system we offer is officially classified as a domestic installation. Clear advantage autonomous gasification - high-quality gas supply independent of centralized systems.

How is the preparation process for the installation of the system? After the application for the installation of autonomous gasification is received, our engineer leaves for the client. However the project gasification at home, price which would be high enough in the end, not compiled. This is not necessary, and this is not required by law. An engineer, having studied the object on the spot, provides the owner with explanations of how the system will look, where its main elements will be located, etc. Then the client concludes an agreement with us for the installation of autonomous gasification. Because a gasification project for a private house is not required, the price of services, respectively, is more affordable.

Cooperation with us will allow you to quickly, efficiently and at an affordable cost to resolve the issue of gasification of your home!

Housing only then becomes a real home when it is as comfortable and convenient as possible. At the same time, it’s worth buying a gas tank for heating, hot water in the faucet, heat in the house, even for a gas stove - the main components of a real family nest. The very one you want to return to in the evening, and then do not want to leave in the morning.

What makes up the price of a gas holder?

Although in our offer you will find many models, the main factors influencing final cost five gas tanks:

  • Tank volume. Despite the fact that there is always the temptation to save money by purchasing a small gas holder, this is not worth it. The cost of regular gas refueling services will make your choice “golden”. It is much more profitable to choose a model “with a margin” of volume.
  • Performance features. In addition to the tank itself, the performance of a particular model is important. Elongated nozzles, enlarged filler neck, shape - that's just a fraction of what you have to consider when choosing, and then installing. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to professionals.
  • The presence of additional elements. We work only with those manufacturers who do the best, and also provide a full guarantee for work and equipment. We value our name.
  • What is a gas holder made of. All varieties of gas holders in our offer are made according to the sandwich technology: the case is made of especially strong steel, with a thickness of 4 to 8 mm plus a polyurethane coating that prevents rust and other external factors. Regardless of the climate, seasonal temperature changes or soil characteristics, the integrity and monolithicity of a gas tank can be forgotten for more than a dozen years.
  • Its installation. For us there are no two identical orders: each is individual. At the same time, EuroGas specialists will not only help you choose exactly the gas holder that you require, but they will also correctly install it.

from all this the cost of the selected gas tank is summarized. our prices for equipment, as well as work, are on the corresponding pages of the site.

therefore, when refueling, installation of a gas storage is necessary, you are only considering a site development project with the placement of the main tanks or are interested in the turnkey price of a gas tank, contact the professionals. like us.