
Vietnamese pig behaves before farrowing. Vietnamese pigs. breeding features. Conditions for the sow

After publishing articles in which I talked about my experience in breeding and raising Vietnamese lop-bellied pigs, many letters came. The vast majority of questions asked by readers are about getting offspring and raising young animals.

This time I want to talk about a very important and crucial moment - childbirth and further care for a suckling sow and her offspring.

As you remember, Vietnamese pigs have an increased precocity. A young pig is allowed to mate at the age of 5-6 months when it reaches a weight of 30-32 kg. The upcoming pregnancy is not an easy test for the sow, so she needs to create all the conditions for her to bring strong, healthy offspring. You need to treat her kindly, evenly and calmly. Pregnancy in Vietnamese pigs, like in ordinary ones, lasts 114-118 days (three months, three weeks, three days). The most intensive fruit growth is observed in the last month of gestation. The sow should be fed well and of high quality, adding Calfostonik vitamins to food or Chiktonik vitamins to drink. The water should never be cold.

About a couple of days before farrowing, the sow begins to worry, and her stomach sinks, milk lobes form, nipples swell. If, when pressing on the nipple, colostrum is released, then childbirth can be expected within the next day. On the day of farrowing, the sow prepares the nest very carefully and responsibly, she crushes the litter, chews the hay to make it softer. Often lies down, gets up, cleanses the intestines and bladder. The refusal of the sow to eat is a sure sign of the imminent onset of childbirth, which must be met fully armed. The machine needs to be cleaned of sawdust and everything else, leaving only hay and a drinking bowl with clean water, since the pig during and after farrowing is very thirsty.

An infrared lamp is hung in the corner of the baby compartment to maintain the optimum temperature.

By the way, about the corner. Ordinary berlozhki, boards, boxes, boxes for gentle and caring mothers, which are Vietnamese pigs, are not suitable. Without close contact with offspring, pigs become nervous and restless. In my opinion, the most optimal solution is a metal grate, with a distance between the bars of 10-15 cm, installed diagonally, in the corner.

For childbirth, we prepare clean towels, scissors, thread, cotton wool, 10% iodine solution. Some Vietnamese pig breeders claim that sows do not need help in childbirth, I strongly disagree with this for many reasons. The sow under the supervision of the owner will feel calmer, childbirth will proceed easier and faster, the number of weak piglets will decrease.

Newborn piglets should receive a portion of colostrum within the first half hour of life. The fact is that piglets are born with a small supply of nutrients, and if they do not receive mother's milk on time, they may die. In addition, when suckling, piglets stimulate labor.
For each piglet, I quickly remove the mucus from the nose, mouth, ears, wipe dry, lightly massaging. At a distance of 2-3 fingers from the tummy, I tie the umbilical cord with threads and cut it off. I treat the wound with a solution of iodine, weigh the piglet and put it under a lamp to dry. The temperature in the first days of life should be maintained at 30°-32°C. At lower temperatures, thermoregulation is disturbed in piglets, they develop worse and get sick. On the first day of life, piglets suckle their mother in 25-40 minutes, so it is very important to track the quantity and quality of feeding of each baby so that there is no developmental lag in the future. Childbirth usually lasts 3-5 hours, in rare cases up to 12, and ends with the release of the placenta. The traces must be collected and removed. 10-12 hours after farrowing, I bring food to the sow.

At birth, piglets have two pairs of milk teeth in each jaw, for a total of eight. The teeth are arranged in such a way that when sucking they cover the nipple from all sides and help the piglets in the process of feeding by holding the tongue. Therefore, I strongly recommend not to remove milk teeth. Teeth are removed only if they are placed incorrectly in the mouth. But I have never had such examples.

The udder of the sow, being in a tense state, is more likely to be injured and inflamed. Cream-emulsion "DEK" gives a good effect both for the treatment and for the prevention of mastitis, cracks and sores of the nipples.

Sow milk lacks such important nutrients as iron and copper. From the first days of life in piglets, the level of iron in the blood is sharply reduced, which can lead to the development of anemia. Piglets begin to feel cold, lag behind in development, the skin turns pale and, in the end, may die. To avoid anemia, I vaccinate piglets on the 3rd and 10th day of life with iron preparations "Ursoferran-100" - 1.0 ml, or "Ferroselenite" - 1.0 ml, intramuscularly into the inner surface of the thigh. I refused to use the drug "Suifferovit" due to frequent complications and side effects. Perhaps complications arise because Suifferovit is prepared from the blood serum of ordinary pigs.

In piglets, from the age of a week, the main teeth erupt, and they have a need to gnaw something. So that animals do not gnaw on contaminated objects, I introduce chalk, red clay, coal as a top dressing - substances containing calcium, phosphorus, and iron. From the age of ten, I add roasted barley, starting feed for suckers. I put drinking bowls with clean water. I charge the water with silver ions, I believe that this gives a certain effect. Upon reaching two weeks, I feed the piglets with thick porridge, as for adults, with the addition of Prelak or other premixes, or I add cow's milk diluted in half with water. You can also use goat milk instead of cow's milk. Goat's milk, preferably cow's, is healthier, so if possible, take advantage of it.

By the end of the first month of life, the sow's milk production decreases, so the piglets must learn to feed themselves. Gradually, I begin to wean the piglets from the sow. I do this in stages, over six days, according to a certain scheme. On the first day, six feedings, followed by a reduction to one. I do not advise abruptly weaning piglets, it is harmful, both for piglets and for the sow. The mother may develop mastitis, and the children may experience indigestion and stress. At the age of forty days, piglets are prophylactic against helminths, with Invermectin or Ecomectin preparations, according to the instructions. After weaning, around the fifth day, the sow shows signs of heat and is ready to start again.

Experienced pig farmers know all they need to know about farrowing. If a person has recently started pig breeding, then the issue of breeding pigs must be approached responsibly and accurately understood how piglets are born and what complications may arise during or after farrowing. In addition, it is important to calculate the date of appearance of offspring as accurately as possible in order to prepare everything you need in a timely manner and plan your affairs.

Farrowing pigs at home in most cases goes well, but the process should still be controlled. Breeders are interested in how many piglets a pig can give birth to, since the material benefit directly depends on their number. Depending on the breed, age and number of births, a sow can have from 6 to 16 piglets. When pigs farrow for the first time, the number of offspring is minimal.

A pregnant sow carries piglets for 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days, i.e. piglets are born on the 114th day after a successful mating has taken place. However, only 25% of sows continue to gestate for the set period, 45% of sows give birth a day or 2 late, and 30% piglets a day or three earlier. The norm is farrowing in the period from 110 to 120 days.

In the event that the female is very large and massive, it will be normal for her to give birth to piglets earlier and for a whole week.

Pregnancy in pigs lasts from 110 to 120 days

The farrowing calendar of the sow is of great help in determining the approximate date of birth. Each individual is individual, it is affected by stress, weather fluctuations and age, which is why even a very experienced veterinarian will not be able to say exactly how much a pig walks pregnant.

Preparing for the survey

In order to get high-quality offspring, you need to properly care for the female and properly prepare everything for farrowing.


Feeding the sow should be of the highest quality and balanced. She needs to get all the vitamins and minerals she needs. It is especially important to monitor the levels of chlorine, sodium, phosphorus and calcium in the animal's diet, as they are vital for developing piglets. With illiterate feeding, it is impossible to get high-quality piglets, and not rarely they are born and generally not viable. Wet food will certainly need to be slightly salted, as edible salt a pregnant sow needs an increased volume.

Treatment for worms should be carried out twice: before the mating of pigs takes place and 3 weeks before the expected birth. You can consult a veterinarian about which remedy is best to use, who will select the best option, taking into account the condition of the animal.

A pregnant sow should walk every day, as moderate physical activity has a positive effect on the physical condition of the animal and greatly facilitates the process of giving birth to piglets.

A pregnant sow must walk daily

A couple of days before the expected date of birth, the animal's diet is halved to reduce the fullness of the intestines and its pressure on the uterus. This will positively affect the condition of the female at the time of farrowing and help avoid complications. Also at this time, one should begin to give the animal laxative food, such as bran. They are given by preparing a talker. If a pregnant pig moves very little, then for improved bowel cleansing, beets should be added to its menu. Roughage is significantly reduced or even completely eliminated.

Preparing the ancestral pen

The room in which the pig will give birth should be dry, without drafts, with good lighting and certainly warm. It should be put in order, removing all unnecessary items, treating everything with an antiseptic composition and whitewashing the walls and ceiling with lime. You also need to ventilate the barn well and lay a thick bedding of high-quality fresh straw. Since the farrowing of the sow must take place under the supervision of the breeder, it is best to equip a comfortable sitting place near the pen. If everything goes well, then human help is not required, and after the birth of the last cub, the pig with piglets is left alone.

In preparation for the interview, it is necessary to lay a thick bedding of high-quality fresh straw

The temperature in the birthing shed should be comfortable for the animal and maintained between +18 and +25 degrees. Given this, in winter, heaters for the pigsty should be used.

Piglets require a high temperature: from +27 to +30 degrees, and therefore they should arrange additional heating with an infrared lamp.

Required accessories

If something goes wrong while farrowing pigs, the owner should have the following on hand:

  • clean cotton cloth;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Medical latex gloves;
  • Disinfected strong threads;
  • Iodine 5%.

A solution of manganese may also be required, but since it cannot be stored, the preparation is prepared immediately before farrowing, when the pig is already giving birth.

Signs of farrowing

The behavior of the pig before the interview changes, and an experienced pig breeder will always be able to understand what is happening from it. The pregnant sow begins to move very carefully and slowly. Even a day before the birth, the pig prepares a place for itself, raking the litter into the corner of the farrowing pen. A few hours before giving birth, the female begins to lie down briefly, then get up, walk a little and lie down again.

External signs of farrowing appear shortly before childbirth. To understand that the female can farrow in the coming hours, the following external manifestations allow:

  • The lowering of the belly down, which is especially clearly seen in the position of the lower back, which begins to sag;
  • An increase in the size of the nipples and their friability;
  • Isolation of colostrum from the nipples when pressed on them;
  • Swelling of the external genital organs;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Secretion of mucus from the genital slit (this is a liquefied cork that closed the entrance to the uterus).

You can wait for a pig to farrow at any time of the day, but most often this happens at night, and therefore round-the-clock supervision should be established for the sow.


The pig is farrowed for a long time, depending on its condition and the number of offspring, from 2 to 10 hours. Piglets are born first from one uterine horn and then from another. The interval between the birth of the first two piglets is minimal. With subsequent it increases and can be up to 45 minutes.

You may need help with the survey
in cleansing the newborn from mucus and cutting the umbilical cord

At the birth of piglets, help may be required from the owner, which consists in the timely cleansing of the newborn from mucus and cutting the umbilical cord if it has come off at a considerable distance from the piglet's stomach. As soon as the baby has appeared, the owner should wipe it with a cloth. If the umbilical cord has come off more than 6 cm from the piglet's belly, then it must be cut off. To do this, just below the place of circumcision, it is tied up with a thread and cut off above it. In order to prevent infection, the cut site is treated with iodine. Normally, a sow does not need help for farrowing.


At the time when the pig is farrowing, complications may arise, and then necessary measures must be taken to preserve the offspring and the animal. It happens that the female cannot give birth to a cub. This happens due to his death or too large size. Complications can also appear when the animal's pelvis is excessively narrow.

In such a situation, the already born piglets are removed from the sow so that she does not suppress them, and, having disinfected her hands and also lubricated them with petroleum jelly, they probe the birth canal. On an attempt in the vagina, most often it is possible to find the legs of a piglet, for which it is pulled out. If this fails, immediate veterinary attention is needed.

If a live piglet is not removed in a timely manner, it will die from asphyxia. The sow herself will also die if she is not provided with the necessary assistance.

Postpartum complications are possible: bleeding, retention of the placenta and inflammatory processes. In this case, urgent veterinary attention is required. The fact that inflammation in animals is primarily evidenced by fever in pigs.

Also, after the female has farrowed, she may refuse to eat. In this case, the animal should be observed during the day. If the next day it does not eat anything, you need to contact the veterinarian.

A sow may keep her piglets away because her nipples are sore

If the pig does not let the piglets in, then most likely this is due to the strong sensitivity of her nipples. In such a situation, they try to put the offspring on the pig by force, but if this does not work, the milk pigs are taken for artificial feeding.


Caring for piglets and sows is not difficult. It is important to ensure that the pigsty is always warm and dry. As soon as the pig gives birth to the placenta, it is washed with warm water from behind and wiped dry. Bedding stained with blood and mucus is changed. Since the piglets are not very mobile in the first 24 hours, care must be taken to ensure that the mother does not crush them. Usually such a danger exists with primogeniture. Provide constant access to water.

Video: Farrowing a sow of a Vietnamese breed

Knowing how a pig gives birth, and what needs to be done before and after, even a novice pig breeder will be able to get quality piglets.

Childbirth in Vietnamese pigs usually proceeds without complications. These animals know how to take care of their offspring, but the presence of the farmer during farrowing is still necessary. It is important to know how to prepare for this event, what conditions need to be created for the newborn and the female, how to care for the uterus and offspring after farrowing. But first you need to make sure that the sow is pregnant.

How to determine the pregnancy of a pig?

The mating of pigs does not always lead to fertilization, but all farmers want to know as soon as possible whether the female has gestation. There are several ways to determine this - with the help of a veterinarian and on your own. If it is not possible to call a specialist to the farm, watch the sow. Changes in her behavior will tell if she is pregnant or not. Consider the signs by which you can determine the pregnancy in pigs in the early stages:

  1. If the fertilization of the female has occurred, her hormonal background changes, this is reflected in her behavior. The sow becomes calmer, her movements are smooth and careful.
  2. The animal has an excellent appetite, the female eats more than usual.
  3. Approximately 5-7 days after fertilization, a curdled secret is released from the vagina.

Such diagnostics cannot give one hundred percent certainty in the onset of pregnancy, but still it helps many farmers to make a preliminary conclusion about the condition of the sow. Clinical studies will be more accurate:

  1. Rectal examination by a veterinarian.
  2. Ultrasound procedure.
  3. Biopsy.
  4. Venous blood pregnancy test.
  5. Doppler diagnostics.

The most common method is still veterinary examination.. It allows you to determine pregnancy with high accuracy already 3 weeks after the fertilization of the female.

Signs of childbirth

When the mating has led to the desired result, the sow has become pregnant, the farmers are looking forward to the birth of the offspring. There are many signs by which it is easy to determine the approach of farrowing. Let's consider them.

  1. The sow becomes restless, she rushes about.
  2. Approximately a day before farrowing, the animal begins to equip a place for piglets - to crush the litter and chew it.
  3. Her stomach drops.
  4. The nipples swell a little, become red.
  5. When squeezing the nipple, colostrum can be seen.
  6. The animal hardly eats, drinks little.

Reference. Vietnamese sows, grown in the wild, having felt the approach of farrowing, they try to be closer to people.

Preparing for childbirth

Having noticed at least one of the listed signs of the approach of farrowing in a Vietnamese pig, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the birth process. It is necessary to put things in order in the room where the animal is kept, clean the machine from sawdust and litter. Before farrowing, only hay is left and the water in the drinking bowl is changed to clean. It is important to take care of a separate corner for newborn pigs. A soft bedding is laid there, boxes are installed where the piglets will be placed. If it is possible to connect a red lamp above this place, it is worth doing it. It will warm the babies, because up to a week of age they need a temperature above 30 degrees Celsius.

What should a farmer have on hand during the farrowing of a Vietnamese sow:

  • Scissors.
  • Clean towels or diapers.
  • Warm water.
  • Threads.
  • Cotton wool.

Before the start of labor, the sow is completely washed with soapy water, the stomach and nipples are especially carefully treated.

childbirth process

It is not difficult to determine that childbirth is starting - the female is breathing heavily, lying on her side. Contractions can have different duration - from 3 to 10 hours. The first farrowing lasts longer than all subsequent ones.. When attempts begin, piglets come out of the sow's vagina one by one with a short interval of time.

Each newborn is born in a film that needs to be removed. Then the piglet is cleaned of the patch and mouth of accumulated mucus and amniotic fluid. The body is thoroughly wiped with a clean cloth. The umbilical cord is tied up and cut at a distance of about 2.5-3 centimeters from the piglet's tummy. The cut site is immediately treated with iodine. This is how it is with all piglets.

Attention! Newborns need to receive a portion of colostrum from their mother within 20-50 minutes after birth.

Maternal colostrum contains antibodies and nutrients that will help little pigs survive. The farmer should try to have time to attach all the piglets to the udder, even if the sow continues to push.

Next, the offspring is placed in a pre-prepared box under the lamp. Toddlers get very cold because they do not have a fatty layer, like adults. They must be kept at a temperature not lower than 30 degrees.

How to attach piglets to the udder after farrowing?

Vietnamese piglets are too slow, it is difficult for them to find the mother's nipple. The farmer must help the babies get a portion of colostrum. First you need to wipe the udder with a damp clean cloth and lightly massage it. Massage movements will contribute to the flow of milk into the glands. Each piglet is carefully brought to the udder and the nipple is directed into the mouth.

Placenta exit

When the afterbirth comes out, childbirth can be considered completed. It is very important to ensure that the placenta has separated and exited the birth canal of the sow. Sometimes pigs eat it, but this happens extremely rarely in the Vietnamese breed. The afterbirth must be removed immediately - taken out into the street and buried. This is done not only in order to comply with the rules of hygiene, but also so that the pig does not eat the placenta.


Farrowing in Vietnamese pigs is easy and fast, and there are rarely complications after it. However, the farmer should be careful not to lose sight of the alarming symptoms. What conditions can occur after childbirth:

  1. Vaginal rupture. If labor activity proceeded rapidly, injuries to the vulva are possible.
  2. Detention of the placenta. In pigs, the placenta should come out about 1-3 hours after farrowing. If this does not happen, the help of a veterinarian is required.
  3. Prolapse of the uterus. In the field of childbirth, the reproductive organ may fall out, in which case it must be disinfected and put back into place. It is best to contact the vet.
  4. Eating the afterbirth. This rarely happens in female Vietnamese breeds, but there is still a risk. If the pig eats the afterbirth, there is a chance that she will destroy her piglets as well.

Care of the uterus after childbirth

The sow is very tired after farrowing. Her heart is working hard, she is thirsty. Immediately after the end of the birth process, it is necessary to give her a liter of water or a mixture of milk and water in the same volume. After 6 hours, you can allow the pig to drink plenty.

Attention! Make sure that the drinker has pure water. In its absence, the condition of the animal will worsen, milk production will decrease, the risk of cannibalism will increase - the pig can eat the offspring.

There is no need to rush with the first feeding - at least 8-10 hours after farrowing, you can offer the animal a third of the norm of liquid oatmeal or bran mash. Such food will help restore water balance and prevent constipation.

The feeding rate is increased gradually, because the abundance of food will provoke an active production of milk, and newborn piglets will not yet be able to suck out its entire volume. In this case, there is a high risk of developing stagnant processes in the udder. After about a week, the pig should receive the usual amount of food. Juicy feed is included in the diet on day 4 after farrowing, and roughage - on day 6-7. Starting from 2 weeks, increase the number of roots in the diet of the uterus, they stimulate the production of milk.

Newborn care

Piglets also need care and attention. Having received their portion of colostrum after farrowing, they almost constantly stay in their warm corner. In the first days of life, babies need to be taught to suck on a specific nipple. If this is not done, then subsequently large piglets will begin to win back the most milky nipples - the front ones, and weaker and smaller individuals will get those that are located behind. As a result, already large piglets will rapidly gain weight, and small ones will slow down growth and weight gain.

The farmer needs to spend 3-4 days accustoming newborns to certain nipples. To do this, they put marks on their backs. In the first days after birth, the farmer independently attaches the piglets to the desired nipples. Small and weak individuals - to the dairy front, and large - to the rear. The female's udder should be kept clean and checked for signs of mastitis.

Reference. If there is not enough food for babies who feed on milk from the rear nipples, they are given an additional 1-2 nipples.

Piglet care includes:

  • Room temperature control (the thermometer should not fall below 30 degrees during the first week of life of newborn pigs).
  • Umbilical cord processing. This must be done daily, cauterizing it with iodine. If you find purulent discharge, you should contact your veterinarian.
  • Inspection of newborns for signs of deterioration in well-being.

Reference. The farmer must take care that the female does not crush the piglets in the first days of their life, as they are inactive and are not yet able to run away from the mother on their own. To do this, set up special barriers.

Although the birth of Vietnamese pigs is almost always easy and not accompanied by complications, the presence of a farmer is still desirable. The female feels more calm if a person is nearby. His task is to accept the babies, clear them of mucus, cut and process the umbilical cord and attach to the nipple. The farmer must ensure that the sow and piglets are comfortable in the pen in order to increase the chances of survival of the offspring.

In our country in last years The Vietnamese breed of pigs has gained particular popularity, the main advantage of which pig breeders have fully appreciated is that the sow and boar are ready to mate already in the third month of their life, that is, just three months after the birth of the piglets, they become adults, sexually mature and ready to reproduce. With proper feeding, Vietnamese breed pigs reach a weight of 100 kilograms in just 3-4 months, you can earn income from their sale all year round, since the breed is bacon, meat is highly valued for taste and dietary qualities. One sow brings from 5 to 15 piglets per offspring, mating twice a year. In total, for the year, a farm consisting of only one sexually mature pig will receive about 30 well-fed and viable piglets, of course, subject to all precautions during farrowing, as well as timely veterinary care provided to the sow.

The first signs of the sow's readiness for farrowing

Vietnamese pigs differ from pigs of other breeds in the shape of the body and head, small stature, time of maturity, weight, but in terms of the passage of pregnancy and childbirth, there are no differences. The main signs by which you can determine the imminent onset of childbirth in a sow are the following:

  1. A few days before the birth, the sow begins to worry, rush around the pigsty, constantly grunting, trying to get out, looking for company, trying to be closer to people if she is bred in the wild.
  2. The belly of the mumps drops, the nipples and mammary glands clearly stand out.
  3. You can check whether it is worth expecting an offspring in the next few hours by pressing on the nipple, if at the same time milk appears from it, then it is worth starting the duty near the pig.
  4. The sow begins to actively prepare for childbirth, to create a so-called nest, for which the stall must be cleaned, disinfected and covered with straw in advance. The pig will carry the straw to a more secluded place from her point of view. As a disinfectant, you can use substances purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, while they should be practically odorless.
  5. The pig stops eating and drinking, the amount of food and water is better during this period is reduced.

As soon as you notice one of these signs, you should immediately begin preparing for farrowing.

Necessary tools and medicines for proper delivery

In order for the farrowing to be successful, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the adoption of childbirth, for which the following things are necessary:

  1. Clean rags, old towels, burlap;
  2. Warm water, several buckets;
  3. Boxes, baskets;
  4. Incandescent lamps;
  5. The drug "Oxytocin".

Rags will be needed in order to clean the piglet from the postpartum film and mucus; burlap is used for the same purpose. Iodine is necessary for the sanitization of the umbilical cord after delivery. Warm water may be needed to clean the sow and piglets, as well as to bring them to their senses in the absence of signs of life. Piglets should be placed in boxes or baskets immediately after birth, while placing incandescent lamps on top, piglets need a lot of heat in the first days and weeks of life, the temperature in the pigsty should reach 30 degrees Celsius. In winter, it is good to wrap piglets in burlap and old things.

Oxytocin will be needed during difficult births, it stimulates contractions. The drug is sold in any ordinary pharmacy in the form of injections, it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription, since it does not have any side effects. Oxytocin is administered at the first signs of difficult labor with a syringe. The ideal insertion site is the skin behind the ear, where it is softest. Oxytocin is injected twice - the first time to stimulate the uterus to induce contractions, the second time to stop the contractions and stimulate the release of the placenta. Two injections are enough. Oxytocin can be replaced with any other drug of the same spectrum of action.

Preparing a sow for farrowing

2-3 days before the appearance of piglets, a separate stall or crate should be allocated to the pig, the amount of feed is minimized, and very little water should also be given. As already mentioned, straw should be thrown on the floor, and a place for piglets should be separated in the corner. Vietnamese pigs are extremely gentle, they constantly need close contact with offspring, therefore, the closer the cage or fence with piglets is located, the calmer the sow will behave.

Before farrowing, it is necessary to wash the sow completely, including the lower abdomen and udder. This is done using liquid disinfectant soap. A few days before farrowing, the skin of the sow should be treated with antiseptics. In the first months before farrowing, it is necessary to give the sow preparations for worms, mostly for prevention.

It is important to correctly calculate the day of farrowing, that is, immediately after a successful mating, it is necessary to record its date and time in order to count 114 days from it, allotted to the sow for bearing offspring. Sometimes sows may not endure, or over-bear offspring, but this is extremely rare.

Farrowing of Vietnamese sows

Vietnamese pigs reach puberty at 3 months, but in order to obtain healthy viable piglets, it is necessary to wait with mating for at least 5 months, such measures are necessary to preserve the subsequent ability of sows to give birth.

The sow lays down on her side, she begins to contractions, the animal begins to breathe frequently - childbirth occurs. The duration of labor pains depends on the individual characteristics of the sow, the position of the piglets, as well as possible diseases associated with sexual health. Basically, contractions last from 3 to 10 hours, during which time the sow experiences several attempts, after each of which a piglet is born.

The piglet comes out of the uterus in the amniotic fluid and the film, which must be cleaned as soon as possible with a dry towel or burlap. First of all, the piglet needs to have its nose cleaned so that it can breathe and the mouth to prevent the piglet from choking. The umbilical cord is then cut, approximately 3 centimeters from the piglet's belly. The umbilical cord is treated with iodine to prevent infection, from which most piglets die.

Newborns should be immediately placed in baskets under incandescent lamps, for successful development they need a temperature of 30-35 degrees Celsius, this is due to the fact that they are born with an extremely small supply of fat, which warms ordinary piglets.

In order for piglets born without deviations to be healthy and subsequently, they must be fed with colostrum in the first half hour after birth, for which they must be carefully examined for crooked teeth and legs. Unlike piglets of other breeds, Vietnamese piglets do not need to remove milk teeth, they are located in such a way as to completely cover the nipple. It is very important to feed the piglets immediately, even if the birth is not completed. In this case, the piglets are placed next to the sow as soon as they are cleaned and warmed, while contractions can continue.

Before placing the piglets on the udder, it must be carefully wiped with a damp cloth and even given a little massage. Such actions will help to avoid the possible occurrence of mastitis and other udder diseases in the sow.

Piglets should be placed under the udder personally, because barely born, they are slow and unable to find the nipple on their own, besides, a sow, even as neat as a Vietnamese pig, can inadvertently roll over and injure small piglets.

In the first days of life, regular food and warmth are very important for young animals, so you should not save on electric heating.

A sign of the completion of childbirth is the exit of the placenta, it must be removed immediately, buried away from pets. There is an opinion that a sow who has eaten her afterbirth can also eat her offspring, which is why the release of the afterbirth must be monitored.

The first food should be brought to the sow only 12 hours after birth.

Piglets at the right farrowing

Viable, healthy piglets of the Vietnamese breed have two pairs of milk teeth, a total of eight teeth. Beautiful and outwardly healthy piglets can become seriously ill soon after birth, their main problem during this period is such a disease as anemia, the disease is caused by an insufficient amount of elements such as copper and iron in the sow's milk. Young animals become cold, fever begins, appetite disappears, developmental delay is observed, the skin turns pale, the end result is the death of the piglet. To avoid this, sucklings should be vaccinated on the third and tenth day after their birth, for which various iron-containing substances are used.

With normal development, after a week, the piglets have the main teeth, they begin to gnaw anything, so it is best to give the animals chalk, red clay and coal at this time, that is, something that contains phosphorus, iron and calcium. 10 days after birth, healthy piglets should be fed with mixed feed and drinking bowls for water. Piglets should be fed with cow's and goat's milk, from the second week they should be given porridge.

Weakened individuals need special care, immediately after farrowing, such piglets should be placed separately from the rest and watered by hand, trying to water and feed as often as possible, and most importantly, do not forget about the regularly high temperature, it is natural that good thoroughbred thoroughbreds will not work out of these piglets , but it is quite possible to start them up for fattening.

At the age of 10 one and a half weeks, a Vietnamese piglet with proper nutrition reaches a weight of 1 kilogram, in a month it should weigh at least 2.5-3 kilograms.

All of the listed characteristics of dairy piglets, which they must have, can only be observed in individuals with good appetite and vitality, which is possible only with a properly performed farrowing, regular monitoring of the sow and timely medical care provided to her.

Side effects during farrowing, causes of unsuccessful pregnancy in sows

Often piglets are born with defects, some limbs are missing, or an unformed fetus comes out at all, the reasons for the appearance of dead and premature piglets may be as follows:

  1. Untimely early farrowing, before the age of 4 months, the ideal time for mating is 5-6 months after birth;
  2. Diseases of the genital organs;
  3. Insufficient quality of boar semen;
  4. Constant presence in a pigsty with a lack of fresh air;
  5. There are other side effects that can lead to miscarriage and the birth of dead babies.

To summarize, it is necessary to draw the following conclusion - the farrowing of a Vietnamese sow takes place in the same way as pigs of other breeds, the only difference is that the Vietnamese pig is extremely attentive to its offspring, accidental strangulation, or eating it is rare.