
Personal care table by day. Self care plan daily care. Daily self care

care plan for yourself: daily care

Before you start working on yourself, you need to:

set a specific goal. Be sure to mark it on paper. Set a deadline. The goal must be real. You must be sure that, subject to the execution of all executions, you will become exactly the same as you painted for yourself.

think over all the measures to achieve the desired image.

Only without fanaticism. If from Monday your body is taken aback by a water diet, a hundred squats, two hours of running and an hour of swimming, it will all end sadly. Very soon after such violence, you decide to return to your idea. Therefore, it is better to plan the very minimum of the most pleasant procedures, to lay the foundation, which in the future, as you get used to it, will be replenished.

Now we paint everything in the organizer. Schedule events at times that are convenient for you. For example, my venture with morning exercises failed miserably on the first day. I gnawed myself for a long time for a complete lack of willpower, and then I simply postponed it for half an hour after breakfast - I am the most owl, and no matter what time I get up, I will walk like a swoon until the first cup of tea.

The most important thing is not to deviate a single step from the planned plan. first month the most difficult, already on the second or third day you want to score everything and habitually lie on the couch. That is why in first month it is better to take care of yourself purely symbolically, with the sole purpose of accustoming yourself. But then, then! Everything will be done by itself, on the machine, and the result will delight every day.

Well, exemplary care plan for yourself, you can take it as a basis and adapt it for yourself.

Morning. Shower without soap with a light massage with a mitt - 15 minutes

Tonic, Mineral Water Ice Cube, Light Day Face Cream - 5 minutes

While I read the mail - I slowly and tasty drink a glass of homemade kefir - 30 minutes

And now you can portray something like charging, even a few simple exercises familiar from kindergarten are surprisingly invigorating - 10-15 minutes

Day. If most of the day is spent working at the computer - get out for half an hour, stretch, jump to the music

If the whole day was spent in household chores - on the contrary - lie down for half an hour, relax. You can put on pleasant calm music, you can put cucumbers on your face in between.

Evening. Required minimum - face and neck cleansing (lotion or milk, tonic, night cream) - 10 minutes

Small face and neck massage - 5-10 minutes

Well, a glass of yogurt for the night.

See - just something! And in a month, when you will do all of the above almost imperceptibly to yourself, you can safely add a couple more points on self care to your organizer.

Every woman dreams of impeccable appearance, excellent health and natural beauty. It goes without saying that in order to maintain all these parameters on high level you will have to take care of yourself at least minimally throughout your life. Without a well-designed personal care plan, maintaining beauty and health will be very difficult.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of plan

First of all, it is worth deciding on the specific goals that you want to achieve. Of course, a personal care plan for every day is created not only to keep the body in good shape, but also to correct and improve certain parameters.

It is likely that such a plan may include points for tightening the skin of the face, improving the condition of the hair and restoring it, burning fat and reducing the volume of the abdomen, getting rid of acne on the face and body. These are the very goals that will help to emphasize when drawing up a schedule.

How to make a plan

Be sure to coordinate your plan with household chores, work, as well as other responsibilities and entertainment. You can draw up a plan both on a piece of paper and in any suitable smartphone application. Here, the only criteria will be ease of viewing and editing, coupled with recording results and tracking progress.

For any daily procedures in the beauty plan for self-care, you should allocate from 30 minutes to one hour. It is enough to look at a lot of plans on the Internet, find the most useful and suitable procedures and carefully and evenly distribute them over seven days of the week.

The main rule is that the plan should be unobtrusive and light. You should not immediately perform unthinkable feats, because after a few days or weeks of such tests, such self-care can backfire and cause complete apathy for any such procedures.

What can you plan

If we talk about self-care for every day, the plan is made up of dozens of different procedures, most of which can be distributed in any way. In this case, of course, it is worth following the logic of distribution. For example, if you plan to apply a face mask twice a week, then it is better to do it at approximately equal intervals, that is, on Wednesday and Saturday (Monday and Thursday, and so on).

Typically, a minimum self-care plan includes the following items:

  • face masks,
  • hair masks,
  • pedicure and manicure,
  • epilation,
  • leg and foot massage,
  • facial massage,
  • back massage,
  • Anticellulite massage,
  • sports activities,
  • jogging.

Face and hair masks

Both are recommended to be applied twice a week. Also, all visits to hairdressers and beauty salons that will be associated with cutting, dyeing, styling and other care and restoration procedures can be attributed to this item.

For the face, there are a huge number of masks that are made at home. But if there is no time for preparation, then the stores will offer a wide range for any purpose. The face masks used in the weekly self-care plan are divided into moisturizing, nourishing, whitening, anti-aging and lifting effects, as well as purifying peels and anti-acne masks.

Hair masks, like facial masks, are easily created from improvised means right at home. In the plan, it would be best to alternate the application of different compositions, but you need to look at the situation. In some cases, frequent use of certain hair masks is required to achieve a goal such as thickening, improving color saturation, preventing hair loss, or moisturizing dry hair.

Manicure and pedicure

Both procedures are mandatory in the schedule of the vast majority of modern women. Professionals advise updating a salon manicure every 7-10 days, and if a girl takes care of her nails on her own, then manicure procedures should be included in the weekly plan.

Pedicure, due to physiological characteristics, does not require such vigilant attention, therefore, in terms of self-care for a month, it can be assigned to only one specific day. Of course, this takes into account the proper care of the feet and toes throughout the month.

Hair removal procedures

They are done as needed, that is, the frequency of procedures directly depends on the rate of hair growth and the type of hair removal itself. Some prefer visiting salons that provide wax, sugar, laser or any other hair removal services, while others shave on their own with special epilators or ordinary razors.

You need to choose the appropriate type of hair removal not only according to the availability of free time in the plan, but also according to your own pain threshold, since some types of hair removal are very painful. Hair removal will have to be included in the personal care plan based on the type of procedure itself and the physiological characteristics of the body.

Face and body massage

This method of skin care was used by the ancient Egyptians, who considered it to have a beneficial effect on human health and beauty. Face and body massage is now widely recognized as an excellent method for improving skin firmness, smoothness and softness, as well as calming nervous system and improve the general condition of the body.

No self-care can do without a massage. A definite plus would be to include foot massaging every evening in the schedule if you often have to wear high-heeled shoes for a long time. Relaxing back massage, facial and anti-cellulite - once a week. The latter is also well combined with a visit to the bath.

Sports and jogging

A self-care plan for every day will not be effective enough without regular exercise. It should be noted that this is not a mandatory visit. gym or fitness center. Enough of simple basic training and exercise on a stationary bike several times a week (but not less than two). If possible and desired, one dance class per week is recommended.

Jogging has always been good for health, of course, subject to the measures in the loads. You can run only two days a week, and the training time and distance covered should be adjusted according to the state of health. Adequate substitutes for running are skiing, skating and simple long walks in the fresh air.

Weekly plan example

The self-care plan is made for one week and can be applied without changes for one or more months. Nevertheless, the achievement of the desired results in some areas and other nuances allow you to adjust this and any other plan at any time.

  1. Monday. Fitness or any other sports activities. We apply face and hair masks. We apply a scrub for the face and hair. We take care of the feet and massage the problem areas of the body.
  2. Tuesday. We use eyelash oil. We massage the head and then carry out hydromassage. Apply the oil on the body and rub the cream on the hands and feet.
  3. Wednesday. I'm going for a run. We apply face and hair masks. We apply a scrub for the face and hair. We take care of the feet and massage the problem areas of the body.
  4. Thursday. We use eyelash oil. We massage the head and then carry out hydromassage. Apply the oil on the body and rub the cream on the hands and feet.
  5. Friday. I'm going for a run. We apply face and hair masks. We apply a scrub for the face and hair. We take care of the feet and massage the problem areas of the body.
  6. Saturday. We do manicure and pedicure. We apply the cream all over the body. We do hydromassage. We use scrubs for the head and lips. We lie in a hot bath, apply clay to the body and completely relax for a while.
  7. Sunday. We apply face and hair masks. We apply a scrub for the face and hair. We take care of the feet and massage the problem areas of the body. We color and pluck the eyebrows. We carry out epilation or depilation.

It is always worth imagining the future result, and in this case it is one hundred percent worth it. In just a month, the reflection in the mirror will become noticeably fresher, and in two months the flow of compliments to the new toned look will be truly inexhaustible.

Most modern women can talk a lot and willingly about the shortcomings of their figure. But it is much better to move from talk to decisive action.
You can look great, having by nature not the most favorable external data. Any "shortcomings" are corrected, corrected if efforts are made.
Of course, every woman knows that there are a huge number of personal care products. But, nevertheless, many remember them only when faced with some problems.

Taking time for yourself is a great way to deal with stress. No matter how smart and lucky we are, we constantly worry about how things will be with us in various areas of life - at work, in school, in personal life, etc. Meanwhile, if we constantly talk about something worry, the result is the opposite. Stress paralyzes us, takes away strength, makes us weak-willed, weak.

But if you mentally abstract from numerous problems, switch from them to something else, decide to devote time to yourself, the only, beloved and unique, then hidden resources are released. As a result, it is possible to do much more necessary and useful things. So why not make it a rule in the morning, afternoon, evening to devote time to caring for your hands, face, hair, figure. Sooner or later you will get used to it and you will not be able to do without everyday self-care procedures.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that we need to make a plan for self-care!

First you need to think about what procedures need to be done DAILY. It can be:
- Drink water (you can water with honey or lemon)
- Washing (oatmeal, gel, herbs)
- Cleansing, toning, moisturizing the skin
- Care of the area around the eyelids
- Cream for face, hands, feet
- Cream, lotion, body perfumes (eau de toilette, perfume, deodorant)
- Nourishing the lips (eg apply honey)
- Clothes and shoes, hairstyle, make-up
- Exercise (any fitness)
- Gloves on hands during homework, apply cream or olive oil under them. Nail care (pushing back and moisturizing cuticles), refreshing manicure
- Heel care (baths, scrub, softening, cream, special products in the morning and at night)
- Vitamins, tonics
- Anti-cellulite measures
- Anti-varicose measures

Then we think over the procedures that need to be done EVERY WEEK. For instance:
- Manicure
- Pedicure
- Epilation
- Washing head
- Scrub and face mask
- Aromatherapy
- Body wraps (waist, hips)
- Foot massage bath
- Bath, sauna
- Self-massage
- Visiting the ice rink, tennis, gym and other active recreation
- Correction of the shape of the eyebrows
- Outings in nature

Have you thought of everything?
Now WE START PLANNING. For instance,

Monday is hand and nail care day
Tuesday is foot care day
Wednesday - face, neck and décolleté day
Thursday is hair care day
Friday is a day to pamper yourself
(I have it on Friday, because that is the day I do the WHAT (weekly cleaning hour), on this day I especially deserve pleasantness)

This plan means that every day, along with the daily necessary procedures, I do ADDITIONAL procedure for the care of a designated part of the body.
On the weekend it is advisable to plan a joint walk with the whole family in the fresh air and of course you can plan additional pampering procedures.

Now let's take a closer look, what can we plan in addition to daily procedures.

On the day of hand and nail care:

Hand mask
- in order for the skin on the hands to be soft and elastic, it is necessary to do baths. For example: take 2 liters of warm water, to which 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (or 1 tsp ammonia and 1 tbsp glycerin). The procedure should be carried out for about 15 - 30 minutes, within 10 - 15 days. After a month, this procedure can be repeated.
- hand massage should be done several times a month, for those under the age of 25, and 3 times a month after the age of 35
- nail massage that helps to strengthen nails, as well as improve metabolism, soften the nail fold and give hands a beautiful look
- softening nails. To do this, use a bath with a foaming agent - it can be liquid soap or a classic manicure. This procedure softens the skin around the nails and helps to relax the muscles of the hands.
- it is useful to do rubbing into the nail plate using table vinegar or lemon juice, red or black currant cranberries.
- in order to remove yellowness from the nails (if it is not a fungal disease), you need to lubricate them with a piece of lemon, which will lighten your nails and also strengthen them.
- masks for softening the skin on the elbows, for example, if the skin is rough or dry, mix 1 teaspoon of fine salt, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of cream or heavy sour cream, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Steam your elbows, spread them with a mixture and wrap with cellophane for 45 minutes. Rinse and spread with a fat cream. 1-2 procedures are enough and the skin will be velvety.
- masks for strengthening nails: take a few tablespoons olive oil, a few drops of lemon juice and literally a couple of drops of iodine, mix everything. Dip the nails into the mixture and hold for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with water without soap.

On the day of foot care:

Swollen and tired feet can be wiped with a piece of ice. It will be especially good if the ice is made from infusions of chamomile flowers, cornflowers, arnica, sage or yarrow.
- baths, for example, from sea salt (100 grams per liter of water) or from dry mustard (one tablespoon per liter of water). Foot baths should not be performed if softening of the skin of the feet is unacceptable, for example, with eczema, allergies, ulcers, polyneuropathy. In case of circulatory disorders, short and not too hot foot baths can be carried out only after consulting a doctor.
- once a week, clean with a special grater or pumice stone to wipe off dead skin layers.
- capital cleansing of the feet: after steaming the legs in hot or warm water, remove the softened stratum corneum with a pumice stone, a stiff brush or a special foot grater. Just not with a razor! After we wipe our feet, dry, massage with cream.

On the day of face, neck and decollete care:

Massage your neck and décolleté with cool water from the bottom up.
- neck exercises
- masks for the neck and décolleté, for example, a parsley neck mask 4 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley pour 250 ml of hot milk. A handkerchief is soaked in this mixture and placed around the neck. The neck is not washed after the mask, it is allowed to air dry and smeared with cream.
- facial massage
- peeling
- before a bath or shower, beat a little cream into the skin of the neck, and then wrap it with a warm, damp towel. While sitting in the bath, from time to time, moisten a towel with warm water. Such a compress rejuvenates the neck, which, as you know, has the unpleasant property of aging before the face.
- masks for eyelashes, for example, an oil elixir for eyelashes and eye skin: castor oil, oil extract of chamomile, oil extract of calendula
- massage mixture to nourish the eyelids and strengthen the eyelashes: take 1 tsp. castor oil, finely chopped parsley and aloe juice. Rub the mixture into the eyelids once a day, the course of treatment is 1-2 months. Light massage of the skin of the eyelids enhances the effect of active ingredients

On hair care day:

A haircut
- hair masks, for example, a kefir mask for oily hair - apply ordinary kefir (or yogurt) on the scalp and hair along the entire length, then leave for 30 minutes.
- head massage
- rinsing hair with special decoctions of herbs
- rub decoctions or infusions of herbs (for example, aloe) into the scalp.

Here is an example of how you can pamper yourself:

Are you desperately short of time to take care of yourself? Perhaps it is the lack of a clear plan of action. We will teach you how to plan your care with my appearanceand what daily and additional cosmetic procedures to include in it.So, let's start the path to a well-groomed and beautiful body.

Any woman wants to be beautiful - fit, energetic and well-groomed from head to toe. You are no exception, but ... your desire for regular self-care, dreams of radiant elastic skin and shiny hair are shattered by endless workdays.

Unfortunately, a working woman has little time to go to beauty salons, and Saturday-Sunday plans to soak in the bath and try out new home beauty treatments often recede under the onslaught of cleaning, cooking, activities with children, or simply because of ordinary human laziness. How to be? How to find time for self-care and organize it so that you finally see the result? The way out is a clear plan of action.

Where to start taking care of yourself

First you need to sit down and think priority areas their actions. If you want to lose weight and get rid of cellulite, exercise, diet, and skin care should be number one on your plan.

Perhaps you are concerned about the condition of your facial skin - then you should pay more attention to peeling and masks.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you will have to do body wraps, but limiting yourself to only caring for problem areas is not an option.

Taking care of your body should be comprehensive, because you want to be well-groomed from head to toe.

Daily self-care cannot include all cosmetic procedures at once, and this is not necessary. For example, face and hair masks are recommended to be done only every other day, and peeling no more than once a week. In order not to miss the important, write down all the necessary procedures and distribute them by day of the week.

1 zone - face,

2 zone - legs,

3 zone - hands,

4 zone - body,

5 zone - hair.

On Monday you'll care for the first zone, on Tuesday for the second and third, on Wednesday for the fourth, on Thursday for the fifth, and from Friday you will return to the top of the list.

Daily Care

morning routine

Physical exercise - 15 minutes.

Hygienic shower, better contrast.

Washing and brushing teeth.

In the presence of bags or circles under the eyes: a compress for the eyes, rubbing the skin of the eyelids with a piece of ice from green tea or peppermint decoction.

Rubbing the chest with a piece of ice.

Facial skin toning: rubbing with a piece of ice and tonic lotion.

Moisturizing in the summer, nourishing the skin in the winter.

Combing hair.

Evening beauty treatments

Cleansing of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté to remove make-up and impurities.

The cleanser is selected depending on the type of skin.

Hygienic shower, body skin cleansing, massage of problem areas with a hard mitten, roller massager or brush.

Nutrition and hydration of the skin of the body.

Nutrition of the skin of the eyelids.

Nourishing lip balm.

Nourishing the skin of the face in the summer and moisturizing in the winter.

Thorough combing of hair, plus strengthening hair balm.

Extra Facial

Facial cleansing.

Compress or steam bath for the face.

Peeling of the skin of the face and lips.

Face mask depending on skin type and existing problems.

Cream for the face, eyelids and décolleté.

Self-massage of the face.

Extra care for hands and feet

Bath for hands and feet.

Peeling of the skin of the hands and feet.

Peeling mask for elbows and knees.

Mask for hands and feet.

If necessary, manicure and pedicure.

Extra body care

Bath with the addition of sea salt, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, essential oils; bath or sauna.

Body scrub.

Anti-cellulite massage, cupping or using a mechanical massager.

Body wrapping mask.

Hair care

Purifying hair mask.

Nourishing hair mask.

Head massage, acupressure.

An important addition to the self-care plan

Take your care plan seriously, consider your daily duties, training program, and even visits to the bath or sauna. Your plan must fit harmoniously into your life, otherwise it will be quickly abandoned and forgotten.

For example, if you like to visit the bathhouse on Saturday, you can combine it with a whole range of face, body and hair care procedures. If you visit a massage parlor, it would be logical to combine a massage with a body wrap.

Do not forget that beauty is impossible without sports in any of its manifestations, whether it is morning jogging, walking, team games, aerobics or going to the gym. Choose an activity to your liking: training should be enjoyable, in which case their effect is enhanced many times over by increasing the synthesis of endorphins, the happiness hormones.

Physical activity not only allows you to get rid of extra pounds, but also activates blood circulation, saturates every corner of the body with oxygen, helps restore tissues, increase their tone, improve complexion, skin, hair and nails. Work out at least two, and preferably three times a week, visit the pool, and if you do not have enough time for the gym, consider purchasing home exercise equipment.

A special place in terms of self-care should be occupied by nutrition and fortification. Give up questionable diets and fasting, there should be enough meat, dairy products, various cereals, vegetables and fruits on the table. Only good nutrition is able to satisfy all the needs of your body for nutrients, vitamins and trace elements necessary for health, beauty and youth.

No, of course, you don’t frighten passers-by with a crow’s nest hairstyle, cut your nails a little more often than once every six months, and sometimes, in a fit of taking care of yourself, your beloved, smear sour cream on your face.

But what if the beauties from the pages of glossy magazines make you feel like Katya Pushkareva?

We will suggest how to take care of yourself, even if the cinematic curse “So that you live on one salary!” Is the cruel “truth of life” for you.

Beauty requires...discipline: a weekly plan for how to take care of yourself at home

In order not to rush around the apartment in a panic, shouting “Chief! Everything is gone! ”, Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he recommends dividing the entire beauty routine of self-care by the days of the week (this is why the author of the article has a special “magic” notebook):

1) Monday: hair is softer than pink silk

To get through the start of the week with a sound mind and a firm memory, pamper yourself this day with a head massage, scrub and mask according to your hair type.

Do this regularly at home - and soon even the cartoon Rapunzel will envy your hair, and your girlfriends will vying to ask how to take care of themselves.

2) Tuesday: "do" the face, and at the same time the neck and chest

On this day, the question “How to take care of yourself?” comes down to a steam bath for the face, a gentle scrub and a suitable mask. And then no pimples, blackheads, redness and peeling will suit you "sabotage" before a romantic date and a responsible meeting.

When taking care of your face, do not forget to apply all your cosmetic treasures to the neck and décolleté area, “so that it doesn’t hurt excruciatingly” when you have to wear an open top or an incredibly beautiful swimsuit.

3) Wednesday: how to take care of the body so that it is crazy?

The middle of the week is the time to pamper yourself with a scrub and body milk.

The most "turned" on the question "How to take care of yourself at home?" they can force someone close to them with blackmail and threats, or violently rub their sides with anti-cellulite creams.

4) Thursday: handles like the Swan Princess

No, we do not guarantee that with regular hand care at home, you will wave your right hand - and a self-assembled tablecloth will spread, wave your left - and your husband’s shirts will fit in a neat pile in the closet, but the fact that you can not hide them under the table in a good restaurant and without hesitation to sign documents at work - this is a fact.

So on Thursday, use a hand scrub and gently fix your manicure with a nail file.

PS. For the most “advanced” in matters of how to take care of themselves at home, we offer to master home paraffin therapy.

5) Friday: red carpet legs!

How to take care of your two workers at home?

It's simple: massage, scrub, cream and unedged pedicure are mandatory procedures for a girl who wants to "sit on the neck" of her man and "dangle her legs."

6) Saturday mix

Ask yourself how to take care of yourself at home so that there is time to chat on the phone with your best friend, google Kate Middleton's latest outfits and run to the market for a bunch of parsley? Our answer is Her Majesty Saturday.

It is on this day that you can do everything that “left behind the scenes” during the working week (I didn’t have time to read, I forgot, I was too lazy and other “good” reasons not to take care of myself).

“My personal life hack is to wake up on Saturday at the same hated 6.30 in the morning as on a working day. But by 10 o’clock, when “normal” people “teleport” to the kitchen for the first cup of coffee, I have time to do my exercises, load the laundry into the washing machine and even figure out something like cleaning. So there is more time to take care of yourself at home, ”

- shares Svetlana from the Ukrainian city of Kamenetz-Podolsk.

7) Sunday: we make "Napoleonic" plans for how to take care of ourselves at home

If you survived until the long-awaited Sunday and did not go berserk from all these masks, scrubs, creams and rubbing, with which you took care of yourself, then honor and praise be to you.

Today on our self-care to-do list is NOTHING! So you can jump on your favorite sofa with a book in a big way or go to the field to listen to grasshoppers.

The most responsible ladies can take 10-20 minutes to write out a plan for how to take care of themselves at home for the next week, for example, add a moisturizing mask to the beauty schedule if the skin with peeling and dull color tells you “Water to me, yes more!”.

Beauty in 24/7 mode: or how else can you take care of yourself every day?

Step #1. Fresh May rose: morning self-care

No matter how bitter it is to part from the blanket in the morning, you still have to take care of yourself, because the list of small “miracles” that will make you Vasilisa the Beautiful is quite impressive:


Rubbing your face with an ice cube
Washing (gel, foam, milk, micellar water) - tonic - day face cream
Light eye gel
Light moisturizing hair spray
Contrast shower for the elasticity of the body and chest
Lip balm
Favorite scent
Light makeup (tone, powder, mascara)

Step #2. Evening magic: how to take care of yourself before going to bed?

In order not to bring your loved one to a heart attack in the morning with your “non-dressy” look, learn how to take care of yourself before you go to the side:


Washing (milk, make-up remover, micellar water, gel) - tonic - night face cream
Eye cream
Combing hair with a wooden brush
Warm relaxing shower
Cream for hands and elbows
Foot cream
Lip balm
Burdock oil for eyelashes and eyebrows
Favorite fragrance (as oil)

Watch a useful video: 7 self-care tricks

7 procedures that are best done by professionals or how to take care of yourself so as not to become a laughing stock?

No matter how much you would like to take care of yourself only at home, there are situations when it is better to turn to the “magicians” of beauty and style:

We hope that our advice on how to take care of yourself at home, will help you fight men on the spot, so that they "stack themselves in stacks." And let an equally spectacular smile, excellent mood and positive attitude become an addition to a spectacular appearance.

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