
Secretary of State is a high government position in many countries around the world. Zubov Igor Nikolaevich The emergence of the title in Russia

Secretary of State

STATE SECRETARY -I; m.[German Staatssekretär]

1. In Russia until 1917: personal secretary of the emperor (empress); later - an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personal report to the emperor.

2. In some countries: head of a national body, central department, ministry, member of the government, etc.

Secretary of State

1) in Russia - personal secretary (speaker) of the emperor (empress) in the 18th - early 19th centuries. Since the 19th century an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personally report to the emperor and announce his verbal commands. The State Secretary of the State Council is the head of a department of the State Chancellery. 2) In some modern states - the head of a national body, a central department or ministry, a member of the government, a deputy or closest assistant to a minister.


STATE SECRETARY, in the Russian Empire (cm. RUSSIA (state)) personal secretary (rapporteur) of the emperor in the 18th - early 19th centuries. Since the 19th century, Secretary of State has become an honorary title for senior dignitaries, giving the right to personally report to the emperor and announce his verbal commands. The State Secretary of the State Council was the head of the State Chancellery department.
In various states, secretaries of state are the heads of national bodies, central departments, ministries, members of the government, deputies or closest assistants to the minister. In the Russian Federation, state secretaries are officials appointed and dismissed by the government and who are ex-officio deputies (first deputies) of the head of the federal executive body. The main official responsibility of state secretaries is to ensure interaction with the chambers of the Federal Assembly. Secretaries of state participate in the formation of plans and programs for the legislative activities of the government; organize the presentation at meetings of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, their committees and commissions of bills introduced by the government, as well as official reviews, conclusions and amendments of the government; inform the committees and commissions of the chambers about the government’s position on bills introduced by other subjects of the right of legislative initiative; collect and summarize information about bills and laws being considered in the chambers, their committees and commissions on the subjects of jurisdiction of the relevant federal executive bodies; prepare proposals on the government’s attitude to bills and inform the government’s authorized representatives in the chambers about this; organize the preparation by federal executive authorities of draft official reviews, conclusions and amendments to bills; organize the preparation by federal executive authorities of responses in connection with parliamentary, deputy requests and appeals from parliamentarians.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


See what "state secretary" is in other dictionaries:

    - (German: Staatssekretär State Secretary) public position and/or title. Most often, the state secretary is the head of a national body, a central department or ministry, a member of the government, ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from German Staat state, and French secretaire secretary). Secretary to the person of the Sovereign. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. STATE SECRETARY is the title of a senior official who has the right of personal report... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    State Secretary, M. [German] Staatssekretär]. 1. An honorary court title for senior officials, which gave them the right to announce the king’s verbal orders, the so-called. “highest commands” (pre-revolutionary). || An official who managed a branch of the State... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    1) in Russia, personal secretary (speaker) of the emperor (empress) in the 18th century. 19th centuries Since the 19th century an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personally report to the emperor and announce his verbal commands. State Secretary of the State Council... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    STATE SECRETARY, me, my husband. In some countries: one of the highest government positions, as well as the person holding this position. | adj. State secretarial, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    State Secretary, State Secretaries... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    1) in Russia, personal secretary (speaker) of the emperor (empress) in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Since the 19th century an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personally report to the emperor and announce his verbal commands. S. s. State Council... ... Legal Dictionary

    STATE SECRETARY, in the 18th and early 20th centuries. personal secretary (speaker) of the emperor (empress). Since the 19th century also an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personally report to the emperor and announce his verbal commands. S. s. State... ...Russian history

    STATE SECRETARY- 1) in the Russian Empire, personal secretary (speaker) of the Emperor (Empress) in the 17th and early 19th centuries. Since the 19th century an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personally report to the Emperor and announce his verbal commands. S.s. State... ... Legal encyclopedia


  • Historical materials from the Archives of the Ministry of State Property. Vol. 1. The collection includes historical materials extracted from the files of the Archive and individual articles processed based on these materials. General supervision over the compilation and publication of the collection was carried out by an assistant... Category: Humanities Series: Publisher: Book on Demand,
  • State Chancellery. (1810-1910), the State Chancellery was established on January 1, 1810 according to the Plan of State Transformations of M. M. Speransky, who became its first head. The office was headed... Category: Humanities Series: Publisher:
Secretario de Estado) in the federal government of Argentina is a high-ranking official, equal in rank to a minister and responsible directly to the president. This position should not be confused with the lower position of "secretary", who reports to the minister.


As in France, the Secretary of State in Belgium is a junior minister who reports to a minister or prime minister.




According to the law of 1842 secretaries of state“occupied places” above all civil ranks of the same class as them, in particular “above privy councilors, even senators.” Rank Secretary of State given to trusted ministers, distinguishing them immediately from all others. Much less often, this title was received by fellow ministers, directors of departments, and only in exceptional cases by persons holding lesser posts. All cases of this kind were usually noticed by contemporaries, and they were given great importance.

In 1872, a special badge was established for His Majesty's Secretaries of State. By January 1, 1900, there were 27 secretaries of state.

State Secretary of the State Council- the position of head of the department of the State Chancellery, that is, the office of the State Council. The exception was the archive department, which was managed by the assistant secretary of state as a state secretary. Initially, when the State Council was established in 1810, it had a special secretary of state to accept petitions addressed to the highest name.

The secretaries of state had a certain number of assistants. Secretaries of state and their assistants were appointed and dismissed by decrees signed by the highest himself. Before the reform of 1906, secretaries of state prepared cases for reporting in the departments of the State Council and reported these cases. At the general meeting of the State Council, secretaries of state or their assistants read the cases assigned to the report by order of the Secretary of State.

Assistant Secretaries of State in the departments they prepared extracts from files and notes, collected additional information, reported cases in the departments by order of the secretaries of state, and in the general meeting - by appointment of the Secretary of State. They drew up draft resolutions, submitting them for further consideration by the secretaries of state, compiled reports on affairs, their responsibility included general monitoring of the order of affairs in the part entrusted to each of them by the secretary of state.

State Secretary for Finnish Affairs(Minister-State Secretary for the Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Finland) - an official who headed the administration of Finland during the period of its entry into the Russian Empire. His permanent place of residence was




According to the law of 1842 secretaries of state“occupied places” above all civil ranks of the same class as them, in particular “above privy councilors, even senators.” Rank Secretary of State given to trusted ministers, distinguishing them immediately from all others. Much less often, this title was received by fellow ministers, directors of departments, and only in exceptional cases by persons holding lesser posts. All cases of this kind were usually noticed by contemporaries, and they were given great importance.

In 1872, a special badge was established for His Majesty's Secretaries of State. By January 1, 1900, there were 27 secretaries of state.

State Secretary of the State Council- the position of head of a department of the State Chancellery, that is, the office of the State Council. The exception was the archive department, which was managed by the assistant secretary of state as a state secretary. Initially, when the State Council was established in 1810, it had a special secretary of state to accept petitions addressed to the highest name.

The secretaries of state had a certain number of assistants. Secretaries of state and their assistants were appointed and dismissed by decrees signed by the highest himself. Before the reform of 1906, secretaries of state prepared cases for reporting in the departments of the State Council and reported these cases. At the general meeting of the State Council, secretaries of state or their assistants read the cases assigned to the report by order of the Secretary of State.

Assistant Secretaries of State in the departments they prepared extracts from files and notes, collected additional information, reported cases in the departments by order of the secretaries of state, and in the general meeting - by appointment of the Secretary of State. They drew up draft resolutions, submitting them for further consideration by the secretaries of state, compiled reports on affairs, their responsibility included general monitoring of the order of affairs in the part entrusted to each of them by the secretary of state.

State Secretary for Finnish Affairs(Minister-State Secretary for the Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Finland) - an official who headed the administration of Finland during the period of its entry into the Russian Empire. His permanent place of residence was St. Petersburg.

In order to directly (in addition to Russian ministries) present Finnish affairs to the monarch in order to preserve local autonomy, Alexander I established in 1809 the Commission of Finnish Affairs. The commission was headed by the “State Secretary of Finnish Affairs”. In 1826, the commission was closed, and the head of the institution (the “Finnish State Secretariat”) received the title “Minister-State Secretary,” which was retained subsequently. In 1857, the collegial institution under the State Secretary was restored under the name “Committee under the Finnish State Secretariat”, and in 1891 it was again abolished.

The Secretary of State was appointed by the Emperor. The first was M. M. Speransky. From 1811 to 1899, Finnish natives were appointed to this position; in 1899, V. K. von Plehwe was appointed. The Minister-Secretary of State was in charge of the “Imperial Chancellery for all matters of civil administration of Finland.” He received and reported to the Emperor all these matters, through him the decisions of the Senate and the Governor-General of the Grand Duchy of Finland were presented, and he also communicated the highest orders to the Governor-General.

Russian Federation




Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Secretary of State” is in other dictionaries:

    I; m. [German] Staatssekretär] 1. In Russia until 1917: personal secretary of the emperor (empress); later an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personal report to the emperor. 2. In some countries: the head of a national body,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from German Staat state, and French secretaire secretary). Secretary to the person of the Sovereign. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. STATE SECRETARY is the title of a senior official who has the right of personal report... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    State Secretary, M. [German] Staatssekretär]. 1. An honorary court title for senior officials, which gave them the right to announce the king’s verbal orders, the so-called. “highest commands” (pre-revolutionary). || An official who managed a branch of the State... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1) in Russia, personal secretary (speaker) of the emperor (empress) in the 18th century. 19th centuries Since the 19th century an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personally report to the emperor and announce his verbal commands. State Secretary of the State Council... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

1) in Russia, personal secretary (speaker) of the emperor (empress) in the 18th - early 19th centuries. Since the 19th century an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personally report to the emperor and announce his verbal commands. S.-s. State Council - head of the State Chancellery department; 2) the head of a national body, central department or ministry, member of the government, deputy or closest assistant to the minister.

View value Secretary of State in other dictionaries

Secretary- secretary, m. (secretaire). 1. A person who conducts business correspondence for an individual or someone. institution, as well as in charge of office work. court. Personal secretary. At least smart......
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Chief Secretary M.— 1. Senior secretary, head of the office in the synod or senate (in the Russian state until 1917).
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

State lady J.— 1. The highest court rank of a woman from a privileged class, who is in the retinue of the reigning person (in the Russian state until 1917).
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

State Secretary M.— 1. An honorary court title for senior officials who served under the reigning person (in the Russian state until 1917). // A person who had such a title. 2. Official title........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Secretary of State (Secretary of State)— 1) In a number of countries - the official title of certain ministers, deputy (assistant) ministers or heads of individual departments; in the USA - Minister of Foreign Affairs. 2) In pre-revolutionary........
Political dictionary

UN Secretary General- - according to
UN Charter (Article 97), main administrative
United Nations. Appointed by the UN General Assembly on the recommendation of........
Economic dictionary

Secretary of State- -1) in a number of countries in Europe and America - the name of senior government officials. In the USA G.s. is the head of the State
US Department, i.e. foreign policy........
Economic dictionary

State lady- state ladies, w. (Gol. staatsdame) (pre-revolutionary). The highest court rank of a woman from a privileged class, who is in the retinue of the reigning person.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

State Secretariat- State Secretariat, Moscow (pre-revolutionary). Office, department of the Secretary of State (see Secretary of State in 1 digit). for Finnish affairs.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Secretary of State- Secretary of State, m. (German: Staatssekretär). 1. An honorary court title for senior officials, which gave them the right to announce the king’s verbal orders, the so-called. "highest commands".......
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Press Secretary- -I; m. A person authorized to explain the position of someone. official body, statesman, media.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Secretary- -I; m.
1. A person in charge of business correspondence and current clerical affairs of an institution, organization, or individual. S. court. Personal s. Clerk Secretary.........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Secretary-- The first part of complex words. Enters a sign: performing the work of a secretary (1 sign). Secretary-typist, secretary-assistant.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Secretary- the company is responsible
employee, not necessarily
director, whose
responsibilities include fulfilling the company's obligations as determined by the law applicable........
Economic dictionary

Secretary of State- -1) in the Russian Empire - personal
secretary (speaker)
emperor (empress) in the KhUL - early 19th centuries. Since the 19th century - an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave
Economic dictionary

State lady- -s; and. [Gol. staatsdame] In Russia before 1917: senior court lady in the retinue of the Empress or Grand Duchess.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Secretary of State- -I; m. [German] Staatssekretär]
1. In Russia before 1917: personal secretary of the emperor (empress); later - an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personal report to the emperor.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Secretary— Borrowing from German, where Sekretar goes back to the Latin secretarius.
Krylov's etymological dictionary

UN Secretary General- Chief administrative officer of the UN, heads the UN Secretariat. Appointed by the UN General Assembly on the recommendations of the UN Security Council. Participating........

Secretary of State- in some foreign countries - a minister, a member of the government. In the USA - the head of the State Department.2) In the Russian Empire from 1810 - the head of the State........
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Collegiate Secretary- in Russia, the civil rank is 10th class. Those who had it occupied lower management positions.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Secretary- a bird of the order Falconiformes. The head has several backward-facing feathers (resembling a goose feather behind a scribe's ear). Height approx. 1 m. In the Savannahs of Africa (sub-Saharan Africa). I'm eating......
Large encyclopedic dictionary

State lady- (from German Staat - state) - in Russia, the senior court lady in the retinue of the empress or grand duchess.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Secretary of State- in Russia, personal secretary (speaker) of the emperor (empress) in the 18th century. 19th centuries Since the 19th century an honorary title for senior dignitaries, which gave the right to personally report to the emperor and announce........
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Secretary— (Sagittarius serpentarius), bird of prey, unity, species of the same name. family Falconiformes. Dl. 120-150 cm. Claws are sharp, curved. On the back of the head there is a black crest of elongated feathers (reminiscent of feathers........
Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Bezobrazov Alexander Mikhailovich (State Secretary)- Bezobrazov, Alexander Mikhailovich, Secretary of State, one of the perpetrators of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904 - 05. He was an officer and rose to the rank of colonel; served in Eastern Siberia.........
Historical Dictionary

UN Secretary General— - chief administrative officer of the UN, heads the Secretariat. Appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council, participates in all........
Historical Dictionary

General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee- - the highest party position in the CPSU. Elected by the Plenum of the Central Committee of the party, led all activities of the Central Committee. The post was established in 1922. G.S. was elected by I.V. Stalin. Since 1934 G.S. has not been elected.........
Historical Dictionary

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (RKP(b), VKP(b))- - in 1922-1991. the highest official in the Communist Party. He was elected at the Plenum of the Central Committee, led the work of the Politburo and the Secretariat of the Central Committee. In a one-party system........
Historical Dictionary

Secretary of State- - in some foreign countries - minister, member of the government. In the USA, the head of the State Department. In Russia, since 1810, the head of the State Chancellery, an office management body........
Historical Dictionary

The title of Secretary of State is commonly used throughout the world to designate a mid- or high-level government position. The list of his duties and powers varies depending on the country. The governments of some states employ not one, but several secretaries of state. In many cases, the person holding this position heads a central agency or federal body. In a number of countries, the Secretary of State is an assistant minister. But in the United States, this position is one of the most important in the government.

The emergence of the title in Russia

The position of Secretary of State appeared during the reign of Catherine II. This title was awarded to the emperor's personal rapporteurs, who had the right to address him without obtaining prior permission. They were the monarch's confidants and carried out personal royal assignments. If the emperor gave verbal instructions, the Secretary of State announced them to his retinue and courtiers.

From Alexander I to Nicholas II

Since the beginning of the 19th century, this honorary title was conferred only by decision made directly by the monarch. Its owners were high-ranking civil dignitaries. In 1810, the State Council was formed in the Russian Empire. This happened as part of the liberal government reform program. It functioned as the country's highest legislative institution.

The advisory body had a special secretary of state. This was an official whose duties included accepting petitions and complaints addressed to the emperor. He was the most influential person in the State Council, since he determined the range of issues within the competence of this institution. The Secretary of State had at his disposal assistants appointed on the personal recommendation of the monarch. Their duty was to monitor the activities of the departments of the State Council.

Governance of Finland

Not all parts of the Russian Empire had the same status. Finland was part of it, while maintaining a certain level of local autonomy. There was a separate department to manage the territory with a special status. It was headed by the Secretary of State appointed by imperial order. In most cases, the persons serving in this position were of Finnish origin. The government official who held this post submitted his reports and reports directly to the emperor. The official residence of the Secretary of State for Finnish Affairs was in St. Petersburg.

Who held this position in the Russian Empire

As a rule, ministers who enjoyed the exclusive trust of the monarch were awarded this title. According to a law passed in 1842, the title of Secretary of State made the holder's position higher than that of other officials of his rank. Typically, this title was not given to civil servants who held a position below the ministerial level. In 1900, the total number of secretaries of state in the empire was 27 people. By decree of the king, a special breastplate was created for the holders of this title.

In Russian federation

The modern definition of this position is very different from the pre-revolutionary one. In today's Russia, a deputy minister is called state secretary. He coordinates legislative work. The responsibilities of the Secretary of State also include maintaining relations with a number of government and public bodies. The position was established by government decree in 1994.

In the United States of America

The official title of the US Secretary of Foreign Affairs literally translated from English is “Secretary of State”. He is the head of the foreign policy department and has more powers than colleagues from other countries. The Minister of Foreign Affairs occupies third place in the hierarchy of power. His candidacy is chosen by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

In Great Britain

In the United Kingdom, the Secretary of State is a member of the cabinet who heads a government department and is responsible for its work. British legislation provides for the existence of only one such post in the structure of government. However, in practice, the United Kingdom has a number of secretaries of state who manage the activities of different ministries.

In the Vatican

Under the Holy See, the Secretary of State is the highest administrative position, which can only be held by a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He is responsible for the political and diplomatic activities of the Vatican. The Secretary of State of the Holy See can be considered as the Prime Minister of this sovereign city-state. The candidate for this post is elected directly by the pontiff. The service of the Vatican Secretary of State ends after the death or abdication of the Pope and the beginning of the period of "vacant throne".