
Methods for laying and connecting a gas pipeline to a private house

Gas is the most popular fuel for heating systems. Gas heating is much cheaper than electric heating, and at the same time brings much less hassle than solid fuel counterparts.

However, the process of supplying explosive fuel to a private home requires compliance with a large number of rules associated with both paperwork and significant financial costs.

Laying gas pipelines is a long process and also quite expensive. In order to reduce the cost of the entire process, some installation work can be carried out independently. But for this you need to carefully study the rules and regulations of SNiP.

Contents of the article

Procedure for gasification at home

Everyone knows about the flammability, explosiveness, and chemical activity of natural gas, so amateur activity in this situation is out of the question. Gas supply system must be installed exclusively by specialists according to the approved plan.

If you decide to supply gas to your home, prepare for a long paperwork process and be prepared for trips to various authorities with long queues.

Before a team comes to you to carry out installation work, you will have to make a gasification plan, obtain all permits, and only then purchase the necessary gas equipment.

Collection of necessary documents

Before contacting a design organization to create a gasification project for a building, you will have to collect a whole package of necessary documents. Let us note right away that some of the required papers will cost money, so immediately prepare for the financial costs.

So, what papers do you have to collect:

  • a document confirming ownership of the house and land;
  • copies of identification documents of the owner;
  • conclusion on the technical feasibility of carrying out work on gasification of the building;
  • technical passport from BTI;
  • a topographic map made to a certain scale, which shows all buildings subject to gasification;
  • a map showing all laid communications and the planned gas pipeline, which is certified by the gas service;
  • if the gas pipeline to the house has to be pulled through neighboring areas, written permission from their owners will be required to carry out the relevant work.

This is an approximate list of documents that you will need to collect.

Depending on certain features, for example, underground or above-ground gasification is planned, it may be necessary to provide some more paperwork.

Preparation of project documentation and conclusion of contracts

Please note that services for the preparation of project documentation are paid. This work can only be carried out by design bureaus that have the appropriate license.

There is no point in trying to create a project on your own, since it must take into account a large number of nuances known only to specialists:

  • depth of the central gas pipeline;
  • location and depth of gas pipes from the central gas pipeline to the house;
  • gasification methods (underground or aboveground). This is influenced by the characteristics of the soil, the depth of groundwater, the interweaving of other communications, buildings, road surfaces, etc.;
  • details of installation work;
  • connection points for gas appliances and requirements for them in accordance with SNiP;
  • materials, joints, as well as the distribution of gas pipes inside the house.

In addition, all project documentation must be certified by the relevant organization.

The cost of the project will depend on the complexity of the project itself, the materials used and the design organization itself. Therefore, it makes sense to consider all possible options, study prices, reviews, and then choose the most suitable agency.

To carry out installation work and put into operation the gas supply system, you also need to conclude the following agreements:

  1. Agreement for installation work and preparation of technical documentation.
  2. Agreement on gasification and installation of gas equipment.
  3. The act of putting the gas pipeline and gas equipment into operation.
  4. Inspection report for smoke ventilation ducts.
  5. Agreement for the supply and payment of natural gas.

Selecting a contractor and starting installation work

When it comes to gasification of a building, the choice of contractor must be taken with full responsibility. Before concluding an agreement, make sure that the company has the appropriate licenses, contracts, necessary permits, and qualified employees with all the necessary clearances. Installation work to install an underground or above-ground gas pipeline to the building begins after all documentation has been prepared.

However, it is the contractor who will have to provide reports on the work performed and acts that will detail all the actions carried out on the site. Based on these acts, the gas service will have to connect the gas, carry out a series of commissioning works, and then give you a lecture on safety precautions.

Features of materials and gas supply works

When it comes to gas, in no case should you neglect the rules of SNiP for the selection of materials, equipment and features of installation work, since gas is not only explosive, but also toxic.

All materials that will be used in the process of supplying gas to the house and wiring inside the building, from pipes to electrodes, must be of high quality and have appropriate certificates.

For gasification, low-alloy metal or polyethylene pipes can be used. It is worth noting that polypropylene pipes have a number of advantages compared to metal ones: mother weight, ease of installation, ease of transportation, non-corrosion, electrical non-conductivity, reasonable cost, long service life.

  1. There are a number of restrictions for laying plastic pipes:
  • above-ground gasification cannot be carried out using plastic pipes;
  • the use of polypropylene pipes for indoor wiring is prohibited;
  • use is prohibited in regions where temperatures drop below -45 degrees;
  • prohibited for use on seismically active soils;
  • Do not use a plastic pipe to pass through natural or artificial barriers.
  1. It is not allowed to embed any welded or gas pipelines into walls or foundations. They must be located so that they are constantly accessible for inspection, maintenance and repair work.
  2. Elements of the gas pipeline should not come into contact with flammable elements of the building - door frames, window frames, temporary partitions, etc.
  3. Distortions of the gas pipe are not allowed either outside or inside the building. Vertical sections should run strictly vertically, horizontal sections should be laid with a slope of 2-5 mm per meter towards the devices.
  4. The gas riser can have a slope of no more than 2 mm. The riser is located in non-residential premises (houses) or along the facade of the building. Under no circumstances should he be in places where people usually are (bedroom, dining room, bathroom).
  5. Particular attention should be paid to taps. They should be positioned so that the axis of the plug runs parallel to the wall.

Methods for laying a gas pipeline

The gas pipe from the central main to the facade of the building can pass underground or above its surface. Based on this, underground and aboveground gasification methods are distinguished. It is worth noting that there is often a need to combine these two methods.

So, for example, if a gas pipe has to be pulled across the road, Most often they resort to the above-ground method, so as not to block traffic for a long time. After passing the road, the pipe is deepened underground. However, if new horizontal drilling technologies are used, this need may disappear.

Overhead gas pipeline

An aboveground gas pipeline is much cheaper than an underground one. Savings, in some cases, can be up to 60%. If the gas pipe to the house goes above ground, we will not worry about the depth of groundwater, the intertwining of other communications, or other problems associated with underground work.

However, in this case, pipes laid on must be protected as much as possible from corrosion, deformation, temperature changes and mechanical influences.

In addition, you will have to constantly ensure that unscrupulous neighbors do not connect to your gas pipeline, which, in the case of an underground gas pipeline, is hampered by the depth of the pipe.

Stages of connecting gas to a house (video)

Underground gas pipeline

Although this technology is much more expensive, it is much more popular. When stopping at an underground gas pipeline, you need to remember that the depth of the pipe should be completely comply with the gasification plan for security.

Before the advent of horizontal directional drilling technology, laying gas pipelines underground was associated with a number of problems:

  • depth of groundwater;
  • seismically active soils;
  • passing obstacles and road surfaces;
  • soil with a high content of corrosive substances.

However, this technology solved all the problems at once, also reducing the time required to complete the work. Instead of the lengthy process of digging a trench, the depth of which can reach 1.5 - 2 meters, a horizontal hole is drilled from the central highway to the building.

It is only necessary to dig two wells near the pipe, to connect to it, and near the building, to enter the house. The inlet and outlet of the drill are spilled with solution and. In the case of difficult soils, the pipe can be laid in a special protective case.