
Fairy tales of the blue fairy. Lydia charskaya - tales of the blue fairy Tales of the blue fairy charskaya

“Everyone who has to follow children's reading, both teachers, and heads of libraries, and parents, and questionnaires conducted among students, unanimously affirm that Charskaya's books are taken by readers in great demand and always cause rave reviews in children and a special feeling of affection and gratitude ... "(" News of Children's Literature ", February, 1911). Lidia Alekseevna Churilova, Lidia Charskaya (1875-1937) - one of the most famous Russian writers, who at the beginning of the twentieth century became the "ruler of the hearts" of young readers. Her novels, poems and plays, stories for young people, children's stories and fairy tales enjoyed unprecedented popularity and were translated into German, English, French, Czech. For fifteen years she has published about eighty books. If the Guinness Book of Records had existed at that time, Lydia Charskaya would probably have got there. Moreover, Lydia Charskaya managed not only to write books, but also to perform on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, where she worked for a quarter of a century! During her lifetime, and even after her death, Charskaya was repeatedly subjected to devastating criticism. And after the revolution, her books were even withdrawn from libraries. And so it happened that information about her is very scarce. Neither the exact date of her birth (1875 or 1876), nor the place of birth (Caucasus or St. Petersburg) are known, the exact date of her death (1937 or 1938) and place (presumably - Crimea) are unknown. The real name of the writer is known - Lydia Alekseevna Churilova (nee Voronova). It is also known that at the age of ten, the future writer was writing poetry, and at the age of fifteen she began to keep a diary, which later helped her reliably recreate the atmosphere of women's institutions - educational institutions for girls, the types of teachers and students. Lydia Voronova graduated from the Pavlovsk Institute in St. Petersburg, and the love for the theater that flared up in early childhood led her to the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater. From the beginning of the century, books by the writer Lydia Charskaya (she chose a pseudonym for herself) began to appear one after another - stories for children, for youth, fairy tales, collections of stories, plays, poems. Simple language, ingenuous plots, the situation and relationships of characters in Charskaya's works, accessible to the young reader's understanding, earned her a hitherto unprecedented popularity among those to whom the writer's stories and stories were addressed - among children and adolescents. You will hear the amazing Tales of the Blue Fairy, where the talent of Lydia Charskaya most successfully corresponded to the goals and level of "baby" literature. What are we expecting from fairy tale? Our imagination, and especially the imagination of a child, needs something extraordinary, enchanting, mysterious and always with a happy ending. The fairy of "blue air and spring sky", "golden sun and May holiday" will carry him into the world of magic and fairy tales. Princess Icicle Magic obi King from a painted picture Fairy in a bear den Sorcerer Hunger Daughter of a Fairy Tale Three tears of the princess Dul-Dul, a king without a heart Wonderful star Galina true Merry kingdom Melnik Narcissus Alive glove Queen's sword

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Ha! Ha! Ha! Hi! Hi! Hi! For dozens, hundreds, thousands of miles, loud rumblings of cheerful, carefree laughter were heard. They were distributed from morning until ...

Merry Kingdom / Lydia Charskaya ("Tales of the Blue Fairy")

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Hi! Hi! Hi!

For dozens, hundreds, thousands of miles, loud rumblings of cheerful, carefree laughter were heard. They were distributed from morning to evening, from sunset to sunrise, were distributed without interruption.

It was the inhabitants of the Merry Kingdom who were laughing. It was a strange, very special kingdom. There is no other such, there has not been and will not be on earth.

A very entertaining kingdom. There, no one ever grieved, did not cry, did not complain, did not grieve, did not get sick. Everyone there laughed, laughed constantly, laughed tirelessly. They walked and laughed, sat and laughed, worked and laughed, talked and laughed, even ... slept and laughed. Only he could hear: ha, ha, ha, yes, hee, hee, hee!

There was no sorrow or worries in the Merry Kingdom. Its inhabitants knew neither poverty nor sadness; they never got sick, did not suffer, and lived, cheerful and contented, to a ripe old age. They were born with laughter and died with laughter, passing on to their descendants the ability to laugh cheerfully.

The king of the Merry Kingdom laughed the happiest of all. The cheerful smile never left his face; on his high forehead there was never a wrinkle of sadness, and the royal eyes constantly sparkled with laughter - a kind, cheerful laugh.

In the morning the cheerful tsar would wake up and ring the bell with a laugh. The royal servants appeared with laughter.

Let's get dressed. Hee hee hee! - the king commanded.

Excuse me, your majesty, ha ha ha! - the servants poured.

Having dressed, the king went out to the balcony of his palace to listen to the laughing of his subjects in his capital.

Laughing people ran along the streets, with a laugh the driver offered their services to passers-by, with a laugh the traders sold their goods ...

Everyone was laughing. Everyone ... Both adults and children, youths and elders, gentlemen and servants, generals and soldiers, rich and poor. Like a silver ringing stood over the Merry Kingdom, as if a bright, joyful holiday was constantly being celebrated there - so everyone was happy and cheerful.

And suddenly one day into this kingdom of joy, contentment, happiness and laughter wandered into an old, thin, bent over three deaths old woman - such as had never been seen in the Merry Kingdom. She had a gloomy, sad face, some bewildered eyes, half-blind from tears, and her cheeks were hollow from thinness. Gray braids of sparse hair knocked out from under her kerchief.

Hee hee hee? What a strange old woman? - the happy people of the Merry Kingdom were surprised. - Ha ha ha! Who are you, grandma? they asked.

My name is Need, ”she said in a deaf grave voice. - I came to you from a neighboring state where my sisters live: Grief, Illness, Sadness, Hunger, Suffering. We are all constantly wandering from one place to another, and in other places we stay for a long time. None of us has ever been to your kingdom, so I decided to drop by to see if I could somehow find a place here. But I see that I can't live here: you are all well-fed, contented, cheerful ...

Can you laugh? Ha ha ha! Do you know how? - rang, buzzed in different voices around her.

The old woman drew herself up proudly. Her eyes flashed angrily.

I don’t know how to laugh, and I don’t want to laugh, and I hate laughter, ”she said sternly. - Need shouldn't laugh. She is crying. And if I stayed with you, I would soon teach you to cry.

Cry? - the cheerful people asked with surprise. - No, old woman, you are thinking in vain. Ha ha ha! But we will make you laugh, you will see - we will make you.

Never! - sternly cut them off the old woman Need.

No, we will. We will certainly force you, ”the cheerful people repeated several times. - Ha ha ha! Let's laugh now. Do you hear?

Never! - Repeated Need. - And don't ask me to laugh: if I laugh, you will be in trouble.

Ha ha ha! - answered the cheerful people. - Can there be trouble from laughter? No, grandma, you have to laugh with us. Well, start!

I won't! the old woman repeated gloomily.

Well, at least a little!

Never! - Repeated Need.

No matter how hard the cheerful inhabitants of the Merry Kingdom tried to make old woman Nuzhda laugh, their efforts did not lead to anything. Finally, the funny people got angry, but they got angry, of course, in their own way, in a funny way.

It is a crime not to laugh in our Merry Kingdom, but to be sad and sad when we all laugh, ”they said. - We will not let this pass and will hand you over, old woman, to court. Let smart judges decide how to deal with you.

And without thinking twice, they grabbed the old woman and dragged her to court.

Ha ha ha! What was this old lady guilty of? - asked the judges when they brought Need to the large room in which the court was sitting.

The cheerful people said that the old woman was stubborn and did not want to laugh for anything.

The judges began to consult - what to do, what punishment to come up with for the sad old woman. They conferred, of course, laughing and laughing. At the same time, not only the judges laughed, but also the guards who stood at the door, the scribes who wrote down the decision of the court laughed, the watchmen and the gatekeepers laughed. Need alone did not laugh.

For a long, long time, the judges consulted, at last they turned to Need with the following speech:

Listen, old woman. You better repent and laugh. Then we will forgive you. Ha ha ha!

But Need angrily refused such an offer. She won't laugh. Never will! I have never laughed and will not laugh. Her business is to sadden people, and laughter does not suit her.

And we still will make you laugh, - the judges laughed. “If you don’t want to, we will punish you with all the severity of the laws of the Merry Kingdom.

Punish! I am not afraid of anything! - the obstinate declared haughtily.

Again the judges began to deliberate. As if the buzzing of bees hung in the air, they argued and cackled, constantly interrupting their speech with laughter.

Finally, they finished the deliberation and passed the following verdict:

Since the old woman, in spite of all admonitions, is stubborn and does not want to laugh, then immediately expel her from the borders of the Merry Kingdom and not allow her to remain among the merry people for a minute.

Need listened to this verdict in silence. But the cheerful people who brought her to court were unhappy with the verdict.

What is this punishment? they shouted. - No, we must certainly make the old woman laugh. It is absolutely necessary. The judges got it wrong! - and they demanded that other judges be called in, who would come up with a different punishment for the old woman.

This desire was immediately fulfilled. Again the judges gathered, again deliberated, argued, and pronounced the following verdict:

Close all the outposts of the Merry Kingdom and do not let the old woman out until she starts laughing.

But the cheerful people remained dissatisfied with this verdict.

Ha ha ha! - shouted cheerful people in different ways. - Will such a sentence have any effect on a stubborn old woman? Not at all. No, apparently, the judges cannot decide this case. We'd better go to our king: he will be able to tell the old woman to laugh. Ha ha ha!

And they rushed to Need, grabbed her and dragged her into the palace.

Tsar! Merciful and fair! - shouted cheerful people, crowding around the dwelling of the beloved king. - Come out to us. We have brought to you the old wanderer Necessity, who came to our kingdom with a sad face and does not want to laugh with us. Order her, king, to laugh.

The king went out to the crowd, approached the old woman and, laughing loudly, said:

Laugh, old woman!

I won't! - Necessity responded sullenly.

They tell you, laugh!


The king wanted to make a stern face and ... could not. It just jumped with laughter.

And the old woman grew gloomier and gloomier by the minute.

The cheerful king thought how and how to make the old woman fulfill the desire of the people, that is, to laugh, and finally said:

Listen, Granny Need. As a punishment for your stubbornness, I deprive you of the most precious thing in the world: from now on, I forbid you, once and for all, to laugh. No matter how fun your soul may be, you are no longer able to laugh. This is a terrible punishment! You will feel it, old woman, because just as a fish cannot live without water, just as no earthly creature can exist without air, so a person cannot live without laughter. And you, Need, are now deprived of this great blessing, ha-ha!

Ha ha ha! - there were thunderous rumbles of laughter of the cheerful people, very pleased with the clever sentence of their king, in response to this.

Along with the people, the old woman Nadezhda herself burst out laughing, contrary to all expectations.

She burst out laughing with her hoarse, burial, disgusting laugh, so loud that it drowned out the laughter of thousands of cheerful people.

She burst out laughing because the old woman Nadezhda could not expect such a punishment.

She was deprived of something for which she felt an irresistible disgust, that which she herself could not stand. She, who had never laughed in her life, was forbidden to laugh! It was so new, unusual and funny that Need could not stand it and burst out laughing for the first time in her long life. The king burst out laughing at her. Behind him are warriors, guards, people. And bursts of laughter began to be heard from everywhere. But old woman Nadezhda herself laughed the loudest. It is strange, however: the louder she laughed, the quieter the laughter of the inhabitants of the Merry Kingdom around her became ...

And their faces, always so cheerful, contented, became more and more serious. No matter how hard they try to laugh as before, their laugh comes out somehow stifled, sad.

And old woman Need laughs louder and louder, dances, gallops ...

A day passed, then another, then a third - and in the Merry Kingdom no more peals of laughter are heard. Only the strange, hoarse, unfriendly laughter of the old woman of Need is heard ...

A few more time passed - and in the Merry Kingdom no more laughter could be heard. People have definitely forgotten how to laugh.

Even the king himself did not laugh anymore. His face became sad, sad, and his eyes, which could only smile, now wanderingly look into the distance, where the old woman Need, moving from house to house, laughs, jumps, dances. And wherever she appears, people immediately forget how to laugh.

Stop it, old woman! - shout to her.

But the old woman is not appeased.

Ha ha ha! You made me laugh, she replies, now I can't stop ...

And since then the Merry kingdom has turned into a kingdom of sadness

"Tales of the Blue Fairy" by Lydia Alekseevna Charskaya (1875-1937) is a unique opportunity for adults and children to plunge into the magical world of the forest, listen to what the river murmurs about, the nightingale sings and the spring whispers.
Find out how little queens live, what kings worry about, how people suffer. In addition, the tales of the sun in golden rays will teach children and remind adults how to distinguish truth from lies, selfishness from nobility, cruelty from kindness.
The fairy tale "Fairy in a Bear Den" tells about the touching and devoted friendship of a stern and embittered bear and a small, cheerful, frivolous little fairy. The disinterested friendship of such different creatures allowed everyone to find hidden feelings in their hearts and souls. Despite the fact that people killed the bear's family, he still found the strength to fall in love with the little fairy. And she, in spite of all her lightness and free temper, realized that there are things that are much more important than the sun, wind and flowers. They both learned what true friendship is, which remains in the heart forever.
The kind King and Queen learned the price of real happiness in the fairy tale "Three Tears of the Queen". Having no children for a long time, they finally received a gift from Destiny - a beautiful girl who was destined to die immediately after she shed three tears. And as the mother and father did not protect their child from the horrors of the real world, the grown-up Princess saw the suffering, illness and oppression of people. The inevitable happened and only the death of his beloved daughter showed the King how great the suffering of people.
In the Merry Kingdom, people did not know troubles and problems. Every inhabitant of the merry kingdom laughed day and night, without stopping and was not afraid to look stupid at the same time. Until the old woman Need came to the kingdom. Merry people wanted her to laugh in their Merry kingdom. But as soon as their wish came true and Need began to rejoice, the laughter of people began to sound quieter and quieter. The fairy tale "Merry Kingdom" shows how easily people can lose their happiness, simply succumbing to whims and stupidity. Very quickly, the Merry Kingdom turned into the Kingdom of Sadness.
"The King from the Painted Picture" - this fairy tale reveals to us the heart and feelings of the king from the picture, who lived in the shop window. Once they forgot to close his window, and he witnessed injustice, cruelty and despair. This caused suffering in his paper heart, for which the fairy sorceress made him alive, a real king. In a new guise, the King decided to restore justice in his kingdom, to make everyone happy. But desire alone is not enough, as it turned out. You need to have strength, will, determination. This means that it is better for the paper king to remain on paper, and great things should be done by great people.
"Galina Pravda" is a sad story about a brave girl whom her mother bequeathed to tell only the truth. Galya was not afraid to speak the truth in the face of the formidable king of the overseas kingdom, a strong and mighty leader of a huge forest tribe, a capricious princess. For the truth, little Galya was considered crazy, mistaken for a deity, they wanted to take her life. But it was the truth that connected Galya with her mother in heaven. Do we need truth on earth?
The story of the confrontation between good and evil was told by the Blue Fairy in the fairy tale "The Duke over the Beasts". The evil older brother, out of envy and dislike for the younger beautiful Leo, took him to the forest in bad weather and left him there. But Leo's meek look and kind open heart conquered even wild animals, over which he became a ruler. In the heart, in which love and goodness live, there is no place for revenge and evil. Therefore, Leo hastened to help his brother with his bestial army when he was threatened with death. Such a disinterested and sincere act killed the hatred in the heart of the evil Roland.
"The daughter of the forest king" little Leia was not angry. Her subjects loved her, she loved her parents. But in a small heart there was a terrible egoism, which became the reason that Leia separated the blonde Katya from her mother. The little forest queen made Katya her captive because she fell in love with her. But true love cannot be painful. And Leia realized this only when she almost lost her mother. Only then did generosity and understanding awaken in her heart.
The real princess Tale lived in a distant forest. She was beautiful and loved by her subjects. But the "Daughter of the Tale" was not a welcome guest in the company of her mother. And this is not surprising, because Truth was her daughter. With her dark eyes, she knocked her mother off her beautiful stories, revealed the most unpleasant sides of the kingdom's life. The truth was as ugly as her mother was beautiful. To get rid of her daughter, Skazka decided to marry her off. But neither Prince Love, nor Prince Friendship, nor others could withstand the gaze of Truth. Only the King of Justice and Justice, who loved and sought Truth, turned her into a beautiful princess. After all, justice cannot live without truth, and only together they reveal their charm.
The Blue Fairy also told the tale "The Living Glove", in which the Fierce Knight turned into the Knight of the Right and the Noble thanks to the magic glove of Victory. Only magic forced the knight to abandon cruelty, deceit and self-interest. But one can find generosity only in the heart in which it is, no matter how deeply it is hidden.

  • Blue Fairy Tales Intro
    • Magic Obi
    • Princess Icicle
    • King with a painted picture
    • Sorcerer Hunger
    • Daughter of a Fairy Tale
    • Three tears of the princess

Lidia Alekseevna Charskaya

Blue Fairy Tales


The sun ... spring ... greenery all around ... Good. Oh, good!

What is the forest whispering about? Do not know.

What are moths and grasshoppers whispering about? I don’t know either.

But only good! It’s so good, as if I’m three years old again, and the old nanny weaves a wreath of field chamomile for me.

I would like to make friends with the sun, and with the river, and with the grumbler-forest, which makes noise and noise about something. And why it is making noise and what it is making noise - no one will understand and cannot understand.

Chu! What's this? Either a bird jumped out of the bushes and touched me with its wing, or a moth fluttered on my shoulder, looks ... laughs ...

Not! Not a bird, not a moth, but a funny little blue girl. She has silvery wings behind her back and curls as light as down. I know her - she is the fairy of the blue air and the spring sky, the fairy of the golden sun and the May holiday.

- Hello, blue fairy! Why did you come to me?

She is laughing.

She always laughs, blue, joyful, carefree.

“I flew in,” she says, “to tell you about what the forest is rustling and the river is roaring, about what the nightingale and spring are singing, to tell you about how little queens live, rejoice and suffer, how tiny fairies have fun. And about the harsh and meek kings, about kind wizards, about the poor and unfortunate people and about much, much more I will tell you fairy tales. And you, big one, will pass these fairy tales to little people ...

- I know fairy tales. Many old fairy tales that my nanny used to tell me by the fireplace as a child, - I say to the fairy.

And the fairy laughs. Her silvery voice murmurs, sings.

- You are strange, - the fairy laughs, - you know human fairy tales, and I will tell you those that the old forest and the playful river and the golden sun sent here with spring rays to us. And those that the eagle brought on its wings, the bear growled in the den, and those that rang out with silver voices are the same little fairies like me. Listen! Listen!

The fairy murmured, whispered, rang - and I learned from her everything, everything ... Now I know about what the forest whispers. What is the river babbling about ... What is the wind rustling about ...

What sends the sun in golden rays ...

How people suffer, how fairies have fun, how kings and queens live ...

I know the tales given to me by the blue fairy. There were many, many, but not all are remembered. What I remembered, I'll tell you what I forgot, the blue fairy will repeat another time.

Do not exact ...

Princess Icicle

On a high, high mountain, under the very sky, among the eternal snows stands the crystal palace of the King of Cold. It is all built of the purest ice, and everything in it, starting with wide sofas, armchairs, carved tables, mirrors and ending with pendants by the chandeliers - everything is icy.

Father Tsar is formidable and gloomy. Gray eyebrows drooped over his eyes, and his eyes are such that whoever looks in them will be pierced by the prickly cold. The tsar's beard is completely white, and in it, like sparkles from precious stones, are entangled, and with semi-precious sparks it all shimmers.

But more beautiful than the royal beard, more beautiful than his tall palace, more beautiful than all the treasures are the three daughters of the king, the three beauties of the princess: Blizzard, Cold and Ice.

The Princess Blizzard has black eyes and such a sonorous voice that you can hear it far down in the valleys. The Blizzard Princess is always extremely cheerful and dances and sings all day long.

The middle princess, the Cold, will not yield in beauty to her older sister, only she is proud and arrogant, she does not say a kind word to anyone, does not nod her head to anyone, and walks, slender and ruddy, in her mansion, quite pleased with her beauty, not revealing to anyone your heart.

But the younger sister, Princess Ldinka, is completely different: she is talkative, talkative and so good that at the sight of her at the most formidable king of the Cold, the eyes light up with tenderness, gray eyebrows are straightened and a kind, affectionate smile slides over her face. The tsar admires his daughter, loves her and pampers her so much that the older princesses take offense and are angry with the tsar for this.

“The ice is my father’s favorite,” they say with envy.

And the beauty is the younger princess, such a beauty that you cannot find another such in the whole Ice Kingdom.

The princess's curls are pure silver. The eyes are blue like sapphires and gemstones like diamonds. The lips are scarlet, like a rose flower in the valley, but she herself is all delicate and fragile, like a precious statue of the finest crystal.

As I glance at someone with his blue radiant eyes of Icicle, so for one glance, this each one is ready to give his life.

The princesses live merrily in their tall mansion. During the day they dance, play and listen to the wonderful tales of the elder princess of the Blizzards, and at night they go out to hunt leopards and deer.

And then, through all the mountains and gorges, such a roar and noise rises that people in fear of this noise rush from the mountains and from the forest to their homes.

The princesses can only leave the house at night. During the day, they do not dare to appear from the tower, since the Tsar of Cold and his beautiful daughters have a dangerous, terrible enemy.

This enemy is the King of the Sun, who lives in a high mansion, higher than the palace of the King of Cold, and every now and then sends his army to the Ice Kingdom, every now and then sends his Rays to find out how it is easier and better to defeat his invincible enemy - the King of Cold ... And their enmity is long-standing, old. Since the time when the crystal palace was built on the cliff, since the bees began to fly for honey in the valleys, since the flowers bloomed in the forest and in the field, since then this enmity has risen between King Cold and King Sun not for life, but for death.

Tsar Cold is strictly watching, so that the crafty king does not somehow penetrate into his royal dwelling, does not burn his daughters with his fatal fire, and the very palace of crystal ice.

Day and night there is a guard on guard around the royal palace, and she is strictly ordered to watch that not one of the Sun King's Warrior Beams penetrates here. And the princesses are strictly forbidden to leave the palace during the day, so as not to somehow inadvertently meet with the king.

That is why, day after day, while the terrible king walks through his own and other people's possessions, beautiful princesses sit in a mansion and lower pearl necklaces, weave diamond yarns, and compose wonderful fairy tales and songs. And night will come, golden stars will lull the sky, a clear month will emerge from behind the clouds, then they come out of the crystal tower and jump into the mountains to chase leopards and deer.

But not all princesses chase leopards and deer, and count the stars, draw out diamond threads, and add wonderful songs and fairy tales.

It's time to marry the princesses.

King Cold called all three daughters to him and said:

- My children! Not all of you in your own house sit under your father's wing. I will marry you to three beautiful princes of our side, three brothers. To you, Princess Cold, I will give you the red-cheeked prince Frost; he has innumerable riches from pendants and precious jewelry. He will endow you with countless treasures. You will be the richest princess in the world. To you, Princess Blizzard, I will give the Prince of the Wind to be your husband. He is not as rich as his brother Frost, but he is so powerful and so strong that in power and strength there is no equal to him in the world. He will be a kind protector-husband to you. Rest assured, daughter. And to you, my darling, ”the old tsar turned to his youngest daughter Ldinka with an affectionate smile,“ I will give you a husband that suits you best. True, he is not powerful like Prince Wind, and not rich like Prince Frost, but he is distinguished by unspeakable, boundless kindness and meekness. The Snow Prince is your betrothed. Everyone loves him, everyone respects him. And it's not for nothing that he will caress everyone, cover everyone with his white veil. Flowers, herbs and blades of grass feel like in winter under his shroud, just like under a warm, duvet. He is kind and affectionate, meek and gentle. And a kind, tender heart is dearer than all the powers and riches in the whole world.

The older princesses bowed low and low to their father, and the younger pouted, furrowed her eyebrows and hissed through her teeth in an unhappy voice:

“It’s not a good idea, father-tsar. I found the most unenviable groom for me, my beloved daughter. What's the use that the prince Snow is kind and gentle, when he can neither give me precious garments, like Frost to the Stagger sister, nor beat himself to death, like the Prince of the Wind, with enemies and defeat everyone with his strength. Moreover, his older brothers took such power over him! The wind whirls and twirls him at will, and Prince Frost with one wave of his hand can chain him to the spot, and without his permission the poor Prince Snow is not able to move.

- So that's good! - said the king, frowning his gray eyebrows. - Prince of Snow is the youngest of the brothers, and obedience to the elders is one of the best qualities of a young prince.

But the princess keeps repeating her own things:

- I do not like Prince Snow, father, I don’t want to marry him!

King Cold got angry, angry. I blew to the right, blew to the left. Ice-glaciers creaked, the earth went cold. All the fur-bearing animals hid in their holes in fear, and the old mountain eagle threw up its wings, and immediately froze in the air.


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The sun ... spring ... greenery all around ... Good. Oh, good!

What is the forest whispering about? Do not know.

What are moths and grasshoppers whispering about? I don’t know either.

But only good! It’s so good, as if I’m three years old again, and the old nanny weaves a wreath of field chamomile for me.

I would like to make friends with the sun, and with the river, and with the grumbler-forest, which makes noise and noise about something. And why it is making noise and what it is making noise - no one will understand and cannot understand.

Chu! What's this? Either the bird jumped out of the bushes and touched me with its wing, or the moth fluttered on my shoulder, looks ... laughs

Not! Not a bird, not a moth, but a funny little blue girl. She has silvery wings behind her back and curls as light as down. I know her - she is the fairy of the blue air and the spring sky, the fairy of the golden sun and the May holiday.

Hello blue fairy! Why did you come to me?

She is laughing.

She always laughs, blue, joyful, carefree.

I flew in, - she says, - to tell you about what the forest rustles and the river rumbles about, what the nightingale and spring sing about, tell you about how little queens live, rejoice and suffer, how tiny fairies have fun. And about the harsh and meek kings, about kind wizards, about the poor and unfortunate people and about much, much more I will tell you fairy tales. And you, big one, will pass these fairy tales to little people ...

I know fairy tales. Many old fairy tales that my nanny used to tell me by the fireplace as a child, - I say to the fairy.

And the fairy laughs. Her silvery voice murmurs, sings.

Strange you, - the fairy laughs, - you know human fairy tales, and I will tell you those that the old forest and the playful river and the golden sun sent to us here with spring rays invented. And those that the eagle brought on its wings, the bear growled in the den, and those that rang out with silver voices are the same little fairies like me. Listen! Listen!

The fairy murmured, whispered, rang - and I learned from her everything, everything ... Now I know about what the forest whispers. What is the river babbling about ... What is the wind rustling about ...

What sends the sun in golden rays ...

How people suffer, how fairies have fun, how kings and queens live ...

I know the tales given to me by the blue fairy. There were many, many, but not all are remembered. What I remembered, I'll tell you what I forgot, the blue fairy will repeat another time.

Do not exact ...