
Trellis for grapes: optimal support for a climbing plant. Forging grapes - master class How to paint a metal grapevine

Growing grapes on an industrial scale is one thing. Another option is to do it yourself summer cottage, or in the yard of your house to do what you love. However, for the cultivation and development of a culture, it is necessary to create certain conditions. We are talking about the base along which the vine will curl - the trellis.

Types of structures

Today you can purchase almost any design. But every connoisseur of emerald clusters should know why and how a trellis for grapes is made with his own hands at the dacha. Let's first understand the types of structures and materials, as well as technologies. Then let's move on directly to the manufacturing process.

Design types:

  • straight columnar design;
  • canopy in the form of a semi-arch;
  • arched design.

Straight column design

A simple view of a trellis. In short, this is a small number of poles, between which several rows of fishing line, wire or cable are stretched. This is a simple, primitive option for maintaining the vine and its development. Support pillars are buried in the ground. For strength, you can use concreting. Gardeners choose different distances between posts, but experts and experienced gardeners They recommend 2.5 meters. The first row of wire is stretched at the bottom, and the subsequent ones at intervals of half a meter or 40 cm.

There are two types of design:

  1. Single.
  2. Double.

Any material is suitable for both single and double construction. But knowledgeable people For a single structure, it is recommended to use (if possible) metal support with or without concrete reinforcement, as shown in the photo.

The diameter of the support pipes, as practice shows, can be 32 – 57 mm. This best option. It is advisable to install square pipes. They will cost less. For fastening, welding or an angle with a metal screw is used. Now about the height, which is important. For the structure in question, the optimal height would be up to 2.2 meters from the ground.

There is an opinion that the higher the trellis, the larger the bunch. This is a misconception. In addition, care at altitude is difficult. You can't do without a stepladder.

Optimal depth for supports

The vertical support for grapes is installed 500 - 600 mm into the ground. This is the minimum entry. A hole is being prepared with dimensions of 60/600 mm and a depth of 800 mm. The deepening is carried out with a traditional tool - a shovel or drill. You should get a deepening of the shape of a reverse trapezoid.

Before installing the support, do not forget to add sand and a thin layer of crushed stone into the finished recess!

This careful approach can save you a lot of money in the future. There will be no joy in redesigning the structure in five years. After all, grapes can germinate in one place for 50 years, remember this!

Double design

For those who have a plot area that allows them to grow grapes in large quantities, we recommend using a two-lane trellis option. These are identical supports dug vertically into the ground at a short distance or a structure of two pillars in the shape of the letter V. Thanks to two-lane trellises, it becomes possible to place grape vines more freely, which significantly increases productivity. The trellis for grapes, the photo of which you see, is a double design.
Design feature. Need more space. It is impossible to grow other crops between rows. The principle of work is similar to the previous one. Therefore, there is no point in dwelling in detail on issues of depth and height. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the distance between the rows. It directly affects the formation of grape vines!

Canopy in the form of a semi-arch

This support option involves growing several table varieties of different ripening periods and serves as a small canopy and shelter from the sun. Used for single-row planting of grapes in the yard to create a recreation area near the house. The windows of the house are simultaneously closed from the scorching rays of the sun, but the view remains free. It is preferable to install a plastic covering at the top to protect from rain.

Arched option

Installation in a large spacious courtyard arched canopy preferable. This is a two-row planting of grapes or a combined version of fruit bushes with decorative vines. The owner of the farmstead has the opportunity to simultaneously provide his family with delicious berries and create an unusual blooming paradise.

But there is one drawback. Both in the semi-arch version and when using an arched structure, the recommended height from the ground should be 3.2 meters. This makes the top difficult to maintain. The use of a stepladder is required. But in the shade you can put a table for relaxation or cover your car from ultraviolet sunlight. Also, the arched version has a decorative function, closely related to landscape design. The arched design is essentially a canopy for grapes, clematis and other vines

In order for the vine to develop well and produce a harvest, you need to learn how to tie it up correctly.

How to properly tie grapes to a trellis?

Proper garter to the trellis is the same development path for all buds. The further development of the vine, and, consequently, the harvest, depends on this operation. How to properly tie grapes? Last year's vines that bore fruit are tied up in the first row. It is allowed to tie them on the second row (partially).

It is possible to place the vine in two directions:

  1. In horizontal.
  2. In an inclined position.

When staking vertically, it is not recommended to tie up the vine with buds. Since there is an intensive growth of only the upper ocelli, which will inevitably lead to a slowdown in the development of the lower ocelli, or even they may not wake up at all. Naturally, the yield in this case decreases.

When tying the vine in an inclined position, the angle should be 45 0.

The vine must be secured tightly, but not to damage it. Special clamps are used for this, but many summer residents traditionally use wire or small pieces of material, as shown in the photo.

Viticulture is addictive. Every year new information appears, advanced varieties are proposed that you want to plant on your site. But the basis remains unchanged - this is the trellis, as the initial path for the development of the vine! It should not only be durable and reliable, but also look beautiful and neat.

Video about a two-plane trellis for grapes

There are different types of hedges. Of course, to make them faster, they use a variety of artificial materials. But structures made from living plants are much more pleasing to the eye. Conifers and evergreens are especially attractive. Original from clematis, blackberry or raspberry bushes raised on supports. Such barriers are beautiful at the time when flowers are blooming and clusters of juicy berries hang on the bushes. Some winegrowers or simply summer residents improve their plots by constructing pergolas, gazebos, trellises, arches, and various frames made of grapes. Of course, it is not only beautiful, but also practical. Since for this they use not only decorative grape varieties, but also table grapes. And this is also a harvest of amber berries. How to properly create grape structures on supports will be discussed in this article.

Features of living and decorative hedges

Nowadays, few people pay attention to beautiful and high fences, made according to the latest fashion or from some valuable and beautiful materials. Another thing is a hedge. Not only are such “buildings” in which nature took part beautiful in description, they also have many useful properties:

  1. Protection from prying eyes.
  2. Noise reduction.
  3. Dust retention.
  4. Wind protection.
  5. Others hide outbuildings and create a recreation area.

If the hedge is from a fruit-bearing vineyard, then during its ripening season you can enjoy delicious berries.

And if these are ornamental grape plants, such as, for example, Juliana, Italy, Prirechny, Valiant, Giant, then they do not need shelter and can be grown in areas with low winter temperatures.

A hedge made of grapes will not only give the fence a second life, but will also make it the envy of all neighbors.

Grape varieties

If the hedge is from a fruit-bearing vineyard, then during its ripening season you can enjoy delicious berries. Ornamental plants are also used.

Maiden or wild An ornamental plant that is used to decorate fences, walls of houses, and open verandas. Growing virgin grapes is not difficult. It reproduces by seeds, pieces of roots, and possibly by layering. IN wildlife

  • There are more than ten varieties of maiden grapes, but in garden plots near houses you can find three main types as decoration:
  • attached;
  • five-leaved (virginian);

ivy-shaped (triacute).

The leaves of this ornamental plant are large with jagged edges. Bright green in summer. In the autumn season, the leaves that are on the sunny side become red. Closer to winter, the foliage turns yellow. The leaf length is approximately ten centimeters. The main decorative feature of the maiden grape is its beautiful ornamental foliage, especially in the fall, when it turns a dark crimson color. Such a beautiful shade of autumn foliage, perhaps, will not be given by any garden plant. Maiden grapes have a very powerful root system, growing in depth and to the sides. This plant pleases not only with its aesthetic appearance, but also performs a useful function. near the house it will collect excess moisture from under the foundation and walls. Thereby preventing mold from developing.

Maiden grapes are able to climb vertical walls and pillars with the help of tendrils on which adhesive pads are located.


Another interesting ornamental plants is the Coignier grape. Or as it is also called, Japanese. Kuanye is a beautiful frost-resistant vine native to Japan. The leaves of the plant are large, heart-shaped and rounded. Three-five-lobed, dark green above, grayish or reddish-pubescent below. Kuanje is a fast-growing plant. Over the course of a year, growth can be up to 4.5 meters. This decorative grape is propagated by layering, cuttings, and seeds.

Even an inexperienced gardener can create a hedge on the site from such an unpretentious plant, because the variety takes root well in any conditions and requires minimal care.

Kuanye is used for landscaping arches, canopies, gazebos, pillars, trellises, and trees. You can find out about planting grapes using cuttings at home.

Ornamental grapes can tolerate drought for quite a long time, but they still need to be watered at least once a month. Using 8–10 liters of water for this.

Some plants, especially those that climb, require a sturdy structure to create a hedge.

Types and description of grape supports: gazebo, canopy, pergolas

Grapes are a perennial plant. From about two to three summer age he needs strong, reliable support. The support consists of concrete, wooden or metal stakes driven vertically into the ground, with wire stretched between them at a distance of 25–40 cm from each other. For fruit-bearing grapes growing on, from which you only plan to collect fruits and does not perform a decorative function, it is enough to make the simplest straight columnar support. If the vineyard will also serve as a decorative element, a canopy from the sun, or a wall protecting the area from prying eyes, more complex structures will be required. Let's look at some of them.

Pergolas for vines

A pergola is a structure of arches connected to each other by a lattice ceiling. This is a structure or canopy that is covered with climbing plants. Pergola has long been used in various southern countries as protection from the scorching sun. Also, these designs were very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. These days, pergolas are gaining popularity again. They ennoble personal plots, decorate parks and squares, and they are also decorative buildings near houses. Pergolas are made of wood, plastic, metal or stone. The most popular material from which pergolas are made is wood. It's all quite simple to explain. To make wooden structures, you do not need a special tool, wood is not difficult to process, and products made from it have an attractive appearance. Pergolas fit into almost any landscape near buildings.

It is enough to come up with or choose the design you like, take correct measurements, make drawings and calculations.

Giant bars

Wooden and metal trellises for grapes are an excellent support for ornamental plants, and also allow you to grow fragrant bunches on them. This type of structure can be used to separate one area from another and decorate paths near the house. Most often, gratings are made by hand. The process is not complicated and does not take much time. This will require a minimum of material and tools. Wooden flat slats are knocked down with nails or twisted with self-tapping screws in such a way that diamond-shaped or square-shaped cells are formed. Their width can vary from 20 by 20 to 40 by 40 centimeters. The vine entwines such structures. The leaves of the plants receive even sunlight, which allows the berries to ripen completely. Decorative grapes, braiding a checkered structure, create a reliable and attractive wall that performs many useful functions. It does not allow dust to pass through, serves as a shelter from the sun on hot summer days, and fences off the area near the house from prying eyes. Also read about sweet, non-covering grape varieties for the Moscow region, in.

It is better to paint wooden gratings or treat them with special anti-rotting solutions for a longer service life.

Arches for the vineyard

An arch for grapes can be not only a landscape decoration for a private house or cottage, but also a structure in which you can hide from the hot sun on summer days. This design perfectly holds the vines, which bear heavy bunches during the season. Building an arch is not difficult. Almost anyone can make this from wood. Wooden arches have a rather attractive appearance; they do not require expensive tools or experience to make them welding work. The only disadvantage of such structures is that they are not as durable as those made of metal. Metal arches, if properly treated with anti-corrosion paints, can last for tens or even hundreds of years, but they are quite expensive. Arches made of plastic pipes do not rot or corrode, but under heavy loads from pouring grapes they can sag.

Frames: size and placement

Before mounting the frame, you need to decide on its dimensions, where it will be located, how many inputs and outputs there will be, and also calculate all the parameters. After planning, you can begin to implement your plan:

This one will tell you how to make trellises for grapes.

When making frames as supports for planting grapes, you need to know that the crop is susceptible to diseases and therefore it will have to be treated with various chemicals, including fungicides. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a variety that can withstand pathologies. In addition, if the frames are small in size, then it will be enough to plant 1-2 bushes and then form them correctly so that they are not thickened and completely cover the material from which the frame was made with their vegetative mass.

Be sure to cover after finishing work metal structure varnish or paint.

How to make a trellis with your own hands according to the scheme: from metal, pipes, wood

For good development In order for the vineyard to bear fruit, it is necessary to constantly care for it. Also, grape plants need strong support that will hold the vines and ripening bunches. Trellis, pergolas, trellises, arches are made from various materials:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic pipes.

Supports for grapes are classified according to several criteria:

  • single-plane. The simplest type of grape supports. Making them will not take much time and money spent if everything is made from scrap materials. To do this, you will need wooden, metal or reinforced concrete posts dug into the ground, between which wire is stretched in one plane, in several rows;
  • two-plane. Supports that have two flat frames connected into one structure. To make them you will need 2.5 m metal pipes, wire, cement with sand and crushed stone. A rectangle 3 meters long and 80 cm wide is marked with pegs. Four holes 0.5 m deep are dug at the marking site. Metal pipes they are placed in them at such an angle as to form an English letter V. The width at the bottom should be 80 mm and at the top 1200 mm. The pipes are then filled with concrete. After complete hardening, the wire is stretched along the pillars. The first tier is 50 cm from the ground, the distance between the next ones should be about 40 cm;
  • pergolas, trellises and other decorative supports. What such a structure will look like, and what it will be made of, everyone must choose for themselves. Guided by your preferences and availability of materials.

It is necessary to secure the pipes as best as possible so that they do not tilt under the weight of the future harvest.

The need for construction: where to place the ivy-shaped

Along with the use of grapes as very healthy and tasty berries, their bush can also be used for landscaping. But you can find out why greenhouses for grapes are so popular.

Nowadays, grapes are grown near the walls of houses for the construction of various galleries, gazebos and other structures. Growing grapes in this way has its positive aspects:

  • decoration of the home landscape;
  • creating coolness in hot summers;
  • serves as protection against dust.

This is especially beautiful when grapes wrap around the balconies of the lower floors and also when constructing hedges. Usually, decorative varieties are used for these purposes, which either do not produce a harvest at all or are inedible fruits. Meanwhile, table varieties have now begun to be used for these purposes. And grapes are grown for consumption in fresh. And also for making juices, wine, liqueurs, jam and other products.

The bushes are planted so that they are not covered for the winter, and so that they do not freeze, their trunks must be tied with some kind of material. This must be done in the central regions of the country. But table varieties, such as and others, are planted only where there is enough sun, that is, on the south side of the structure. The northern parts of the building are planted with decorative frost-resistant varieties. The most important thing is to protect the perennial parts of the vineyard from frost. With this method of cultivation, the crop needs careful green operations to avoid thickening of the shoots, irrigation and fertilizing.

You can plant seedlings of a wild frost-resistant variety, and when they reach a certain height, regraft them with a table variety.


In this video you can see how to build a support for grapes with your own hands.


Grapes can be grown not only to produce tasty and healthy berries. But also for landscaping the surrounding landscape. For this purpose, pergolas, trellises, arches, and frames are constructed. Features of growing grapes on supports:

  1. If these cultivated grapes are successfully placed (placement) according to the scheme, then you can get them from the bushes good harvest berries
  2. Structures and stands serve as a factor in protecting the area from wind, dust and hot sun in summer. They create coolness.
  3. Hedges will protect the estate from the prying eyes of neighbors.

You can find out what vitamins are contained in grapes.

But it happens that decorative grapes, for example, maiden grapes, are raised on supports. It has its own characteristics:

  1. The fruits are inedible.
  2. Does not require shelter in persistent frosts.
  3. You can also plant seedlings of wild grapes for gazebos, and when they reach the required height, plant a table variety that is resistant to fungal diseases.

It must be remembered that plants on supports need the same operations as a fruit-bearing vineyard on a personal plot. This includes irrigation, fertilizing and the obligatory removal of green shoots. Operations are needed for growing table varieties; virgin varieties are less demanding.

Today there is practically not a single gardener who does not have grapes on his plot. This plant is not only a good product, but also an excellent decoration for the site. Like any other plant, grapes require careful care. For its growth and development, suitable conditions are required: more space and reliable support. It is for this purpose that trellises were invented.

These structures do not allow the grapes to sag and create the shade necessary for their growth. You can buy trellises, or you can make them yourself.

Planting scheme

To build and install a grape trellis, you need to take into account several factors at once:

  • planting scheme;
  • plant variety;
  • method of necessary pruning.

You can build or select a trellis only on the basis of all these factors.

If grapes are planted on the site for the first time, then too perfect and sophisticated trellises will not be useful at all. Temporary buildings should be used. It is impossible to delay its further installation, since already three years after planting the first fruits appear on the plant. Later, the root system becomes stronger, and it will no longer be possible to install the trellis.

Since the trellis is not a temporary device, you should approach the choice of location for it very carefully and carefully. It should be spacious and well lit sunlight

place. The rows of supports should be directed towards the northern part. This will allow sunlight to reach absolutely all parts of the plant. The distance between rows should be two meters. The remaining space can be used for planting fruits or other crops. This will save space. It would be nice if north side

Dense trees will grow from the trellis - this can shelter the plants from the cruel north wind. But close-growing trees on the western and eastern sides will be a big obstacle to receiving sunlight. Grapes should be planted away from such trees. It is advisable to have a flat area under the grapes. Better yet, it should be slightly inclined to the south and southwest. Such a place is the most suitable for optimal heating of plants. Better soil for grape roots is loose soil

. Excessive dampness affects them negatively. The length of grape roots can reach eight meters, thanks to which they receive moisture even during drought.

The scheme of this planting contains two main factors - the gap between the bushes in each row and the gap between the rows. Each directly depends on the type of trellis and on the variety of grapes chosen. If it is vigorous, then it is better to plant it further from other bushes.

To calculate the required gap among the bushes, you need to remember linear meters. The load on the bush is 30 green shoots. But the shoots of some varieties are difficult to plant on a trellis, since with a small excess, excessive thickening can occur, and much less light will reach the plants. You should not allow the distance between the shoots to be too small - the bunches will begin to lean on each other, and the risk of disease becomes greater. The optimal distance between shoots is considered to be 20-25 centimeters.

Each type of trellis has its own calculation system.

Planting a single-plane trellis

If we talk about a single-plane scheme, then the distance between the shoots is 20 centimeters. To calculate the planting size, you need to multiply the number of shoots located on the bush by the distance between them. The result is the length of the device.

When choosing the space between the bushes, you should be aware of the fact that absolutely the entire length should be located at the selected distance. The distance between bushes in a row is 3-4 meters. But with the gap between the rows of bushes the matter is different. When it comes to single-plane construction, the distance between the rows should not be less than the height of the device. The recommended length is 2 meters.

Two-plane scheme

On it, bushes are placed in several planes at once, so the number of shoots will be greater, and the distance in the row can be reduced. There is no need to get too carried away with this, as this can significantly reduce the feeding radius of the bushes. The optimal distance is considered to be approximately 2 meters. Then one bush will include 4 linear meters of trellis. This length allows you to accommodate about 40 shoots.

Due to the fact that there are two rows of pillars per row, the distance between the rows of bushes must be increased. Recommended – 3 meters. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the size of such a trellis allows you to grow a little more plants than on a single flat trellis.

Types and materials

It is important to know what types of trellises there are, To calmly navigate this matter:

  • single-plane;
  • two-plane (two-way);
  • decorative trellis.

You can place bushes in your dacha strictly in one row or on a support. Only bushes belonging to the same variety can be placed in a row, because each individual variety requires individual care.

Single-plane trellis

It was called single-plane because the plant growing on it moves only in one direction. This type can be different, and each variety differs in some way from the others. This trellis looks like several posts covered with wire. The advantage of the building is that a large amount of materials is not needed for its construction. It is characterized by low price and ease of construction.

Another advantage is that pruning a plant on such a trellis is easy and the plant will be constantly ventilated. Grapes growing on a single-plane trellis are very convenient to cover before cold weather.

In addition to the advantages, this design also has disadvantages. For example, plants that have several branches at once will be quite difficult to form - this threatens further thickening. It is also worth knowing that the total area of ​​the trellis is too small to place several vines on it at once.

For the design you only need the required number of pillars. They can be iron, wood and plastic in their material. The height of the trellis directly depends on their size. On average, their height ranges from 3 to 4 meters.

Two-plane trellis

Two-plane ones are divided into the following types.

  • Direct. Such a structure is built from two foundations located nearby.
  • V-shaped. These trellises are similar to straight ones, however, here the planes are placed obliquely.
  • Y-shaped. Here the planes are separated at an angle of 45-60 degrees. This building resembles a one-plane model with a canopy, however, here, all planes have canopies. The basis of the structure here is a Y-shaped trellis.
  • L-shaped trellis. It resembles the letter "G". It is used quite often - it is very easy to carry out processing on it.

The two-plane design is more reliable than the single-plane design. it makes it possible to grow many more grape bushes on it. The yield here increases due to the fact that the bunches are in a shady shelter, and gusts of wind do not hit them.

Of course, building such a structure will be somewhat more difficult than the previous one. You will also need more materials, and installation here is extremely difficult.

Decorative trellises

Such trellises are used mainly for uncovered varieties, since the main purpose of the design is to make the yard more attractive. It can be made from a variety of materials, however, wood is considered the most common option.

Drawings and dimensions

As mentioned earlier, choosing the correct location and size of trellises is very important. Speaking about a single-plane trellis, it can be noted that here the optimal height of the pillars will be 2.5-4 meters. It is also important to consider that about 50 centimeters of the structure will be buried in the ground. The thickness of the wire should be from 3 to 4 millimeters.

For two-plane trellises, you will need wooden or metal supports, the diameter of which can range from 30 to 60 millimeters. The wire must be galvanized, and its diameter must not exceed 4 millimeters. For decorative structures, any supports should be used, however, wooden ones are best.

How to make a support with your own hands?

You can build a single-plane trellis from profile material. For this you will need:

  • several columns;
  • wire.

The depth to which the pillars should be inserted is approximately half a meter. If the pillars are made of wood, then you need to treat the place where they are immersed in the soil. To do this you will need copper sulfate (3-5 percent). It will help protect the structure from rotting. If the pillars are made of metal, they must be treated with bitumen - this will save them from corrosion.

Next, the process of tensioning the wire is carried out. Here it is important to ensure that the bunches do not fall down, since such a load can cause the wire to bend. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to place the wire of the bottom row at a distance of 40 centimeters from the soil.

The row located above is placed at a distance of 35-40 centimeters from the previous row. Three rows are created, however, for reliability, five can be built.

It is also important to provide shelter for the grapes in winter. If the shelter will be provided using slate, then the pillars should be installed 40 centimeters further from the base of the vine. You can also use the tunnel method. Here you just need to throw the protective film over the bottom wire.

There are several ways to create a two-plane structure. To make the most suitable one, you need to explore all the options.

The V-shaped one is considered the most basic and reliable. To make it you need to prepare:

  • four pipes, the height of which is at least two and a half meters;
  • crushed stone and cement;
  • thirty meters of wire;
  • stakes;
  • roulette.

The height of the finished building is exactly 3 meters and the width is 80 centimeters.

In the place of the future vineyard, you need to draw a rectangle, and you need to hammer stakes in the corners. In the places where they are located, you need to dig small holes. Their width should be 30 centimeters and depth 50 centimeters. In the dug holes you need to insert pipes onto which bitumen was applied.

The distance between them is 80 centimeters. Their tops need to be separated at a distance of 1.2 meters. The resulting position can be fixed with crushed stone, and then pre-prepared cement can be poured into the holes. After the mixture has dried, you can continue working.

Then the process of installing the wire is carried out. The lower one should be stretched 70-80 centimeters from the ground. The gap between the remaining rows is 50 centimeters.

Decorative trellises will be a great addition to a girl’s garden, and it’s quite easy to make.

First you need to prepare the place. It is necessary to mark with stakes the places where the racks will be located. The optimal distance for them is 1–3 meters, and for neighboring arches – 1–1.5 meters. At selected points you need to secure the reinforcement with concrete. This must be done so that there are 50 centimeters of the device in the ground, and about one meter above the ground.

From the used pipe fragments, choose a length of 1.5 meters and several crosses. It is necessary to prepare an arched crossbar, and opposite it it is necessary to install pipes of vertical posts. The length of such racks should be slightly higher than the selected pergola height. At the end there should be something like a ridge with ribs.

The manufactured structure must be attached to pre-prepared reinforcement. It will be difficult to work here without outside help. Having formed an arch, securely fasten the pipes to the fittings. To do this, you should make a small hole in the rack, and then insert a small nail into it. It must be placed so that the fasteners pass through both the pipe and the fittings.

The finished structure can be taken to the construction site. Now you need to create horizontal jumpers, which will consist of the same pipes. You can attach them to the support using wire or cord.

How to lift and how to tie a vine?

When the structure for attaching the grapes is ready, you can begin tying up the vines.

Wide strips of fabric of any material will come in handy here. One side needs to be tied to the shoot, and the other to the jumper. A wide fabric will be relevant here due to the fact that a narrow one can damage the grape bark.

The direction of escape must also be taken into account. It depends only on the molding method. The following are considered popular:

  • Fan molding with two or six sleeves. In this case, the bush will consist of three to four shoots diverging from one point. This type of molding will be especially relevant for fast-growing plants, and it is suitable for absolutely all trellises.
  • Horizontal cordon with one or two shoulders. Usually two shoots emerge from the “head” of such a bush; fruiting shoots grow on them. With the help of such a garter you can grow a fairly strong bush that can produce a large amount of harvest. A T-shaped trellis is considered suitable for this type of trellis.
  • Sleeveless crown of capitate type. This crown has the shape of a fan, however, you can notice that fruit-bearing shoots come out of its “head”, but there are no sleeves. Such a bush requires a minimum amount of space, however, a rich harvest is guaranteed here. Absolutely any trellis will do, but its height should not be very large.
  • Arch molding. Performed in the form of a cordon, but with a vertical shoulder. It is best used for gartering cold-resistant grape varieties, since building a winter shelter will be quite problematic.

For fastening, you can use the vertical or horizontal direction. If the vine has buds, then a vertical garter should not be used - this will lead to slow development of the lower eyes, and then to a small harvest.

It is necessary to secure the plant as tightly as possible, but without damaging it. Here you can use clamps or wire.

Growing grapes is not an easy task. Proper care and the right trellis are required. It is not necessary to buy such a device in a store, because with the right and extremely careful approach it is not difficult to make it yourself. The choice of trellis and garter of grapes determines its future and the amount of harvest.

To learn how to make a trellis for grapes with your own hands, see the following video.

If the task is to cover the sky above your head with a green vine of grapes this year and it doesn’t really matter how it’s done, you can invest only 500-800 rubles. With this money you can build a canopy measuring 10x5x3 meters (length, width, height). Let's get down to business.

  1. We install metal supports in parallel in 2 rows, the length of the row will be 10 meters, the width between them will be about 5 meters, and the distance between two supports in one row will be no more than 2 meters. Each support will be approximately 3 meters in height - this is enough. The role of support will be played by a profiled pipe (square) with a shelf size of 25 mm. The cost of such a product is approximately 20 rubles per 1 meter, if you buy it at a metal depot. Total, only 10 supports of 3 meters each = 30 meters of pipe costing 600 rubles.
  2. We stretch the wire every 50 centimeters along the height of the support along the row, then we tie the tops of the metal squares together, stretch the “crossbars” there every 50 centimeters, we get a kind of mesh. With a cell 50x200 cm.
  3. We stretch the last supports in the row. We screw 5 meters of wire 4-5 mm thick, wind the second end to a hammered peg in the ground, and tighten it by twisting the wire. As a result, the entire structure is gradually stretched.

Now everything is ready, the grapes can be planted along these rows, and the shoots will braid themselves and find the place they need to grow. The entire structure will cost no more than 800 rubles if you use inexpensive materials, ordinary braided wire. The disadvantage is its fragility, since under the weight of the grapes everything can stretch and sag. In a year, you will have to tighten the guy lines again and change the wire.

Welded canopies - advantages and disadvantages

For those who want to make a truly durable structure, and not constantly fool themselves with tensioning and alterations, a welded canopy is suitable. It’s quite simple to make; you don’t need any special construction skills, you just need to know how to do a little welding (and it won’t take long to learn). The only drawback of such an arch is its cost, which is tens of times higher than conventional “wire” structures. You will have a 15x15 or even larger square at the top, so the supporting elements must withstand a significant weight, taking into account the fact that the crop can also weigh several hundred kilograms.

We make the supports from a 40x20 mm profiled pipe; it is advisable to concrete the bottom of the pipe with a columnar foundation. Using a drill, we dig a hole to a depth of 50 centimeters, with a diameter of 30 cm, install a support, and fill it with concrete. Next, you need to connect them together with jumpers; we will make them from a 15x15 mm square - this will be quite enough to withstand a significant load of the crop. We tie the top with a 30 mm channel or a 30x15 mm profiled pipe so that it does not bend under the solid weight of the grapes that will braid everything. We also make the grid from a 15x15 mm square.

When making a canopy for grapes with your own hands, do not forget to treat all metal with an anti-corrosion suspension, especially those that are in the ground and will not be tinted periodically. Without protection, it can rot in a few years, which obviously will not suit you. If you want to make an original and truly beautiful design, you can add forged elements at the corners on the outside - this will look very impressive.

Arched structures - are they difficult to make?

In fact, making them is much easier than all other buildings, there is only one caveat - you cannot bend the metal yourself, you will have to buy it, and this is very expensive. An arch with dimensions 5x5x3 will cost you no less than 15,000 rubles based on materials, so here it’s worth weighing whether you’re ready to pay that kind of money for your grapes to grow beautifully. You can cheat a little, worsening the appearance, and achieve a halving of the price.

To do this, you need to buy ordinary supports, install them using the second method on columnar foundation, then put the bent profile on top. This way, your sides remain smooth (they will be almost invisible behind the grapes), and the top is in the form of an arch. Since the arched profile is 2 times more expensive than the usual one, and 60% less of it was used, you will save a lot of money. You can also save on supports if you embroider them with a small pipe, since a narrow profile is also much cheaper than large supports.

Another disadvantage of arched structures is the need to guide the vine so that it always grows along the outer perimeter. If the branches braid the bottom of the arch, it will immediately lose its appearance, and the grapes will be very difficult to find in the green grove. Vineyard canopies with arched elements are much more difficult to maintain. Here you already need to choose the lesser of two evils: either constantly look after the planting, or it is better to make it an ordinary square, which looks less neat, but is cheaper and more convenient.

Slanting canopies for the house, their features and advantages

Many people build such structures directly next to a house or other building to create a shade under a gazebo or simply create a cozy corridor for movement. The main advantage of such a structure is its relative cheapness, since you already have one wall and it must be made of metal. You build a metal frame 2-3 meters from the house: 30x15 mm supports and several smaller jumpers between them. This structure is then connected to the house. Here it is already necessary to use anchors, since otherwise you will not be able to connect the metal to the brick.

The easiest way would be to weld a plate on the end of the square, in which you make 2 holes using - this will be a place for the anchor. At the point where the support touches the wall, make holes in the brick for the anchor, screw it through the plate - the support is attached to the wall, you can move on to the next one. Do this until the end of the entire canopy, and the support should be adjacent to the wall at an angle of 45 degrees so that the grapes grow upward along it and do not intertwine. The only inconvenience is that you need to constantly trim the vine that reaches the wall - it will twist and grow in the other direction.

Many gardeners use an ordinary garden net made of plastic with a cell of 40 centimeters instead of metal jumpers - grapes weave along it perfectly, and such a polymer miracle costs a penny. Another advantage of the mesh is its light weight. It does not burden the supporting structure at all. There is also a minus - fragility. Next year we will have to completely change it. However, this minus is questionable, because by changing it you can very easily care for it, you don’t have to cut the grapes out of the metal frame into pieces.

If you do everything according to the instructions, your grapes will delight you not only in the fall, but even throughout the year with excellent shade and appearance!