
Calculation of pipeline capacity

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Calculation of pipeline capacity

Such a characteristic as the throughput of a pipe is metric. It provides the ability to calculate the ratio of the maximum volume (for example, liquid) for a certain unit of time through the pipeline. Pipe capacity, table, formula, program - all these concepts are directly related to the calculation.

The throughput of the pipe provides the ability to calculate the ratio of the maximum volume (for example, liquid) for a certain unit of time through the pipeline.

When using plastic products, the throughput coefficient practically does not change, since such products do not corrode from the inside, various deposits do not settle in them. But the throughput of metal structures (for example, steel) decreases after a certain time.

Knowing about the characteristics and capabilities of the pipe is very important. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the connection of all plumbing equipment. Having made the correct calculation, you will be sure that, using water in the bathroom, the water supply in the kitchen will also remain normal and will not stop.

Calculation of the throughput of the structure: methods

In order to make a correct calculation of throughput, you need to know a number of important values:

  • length of the main system;
  • the material from which the products are made;
  • number of water points and so on.

To date, there are several ways to help calculate the throughput of a structure.

Special formula. We will not go into it too much, since it will not give anything to an ordinary person without special knowledge. Let us just clarify that in such a formula averaged indicators are used, such as the roughness coefficient or Ksh. For a certain type of system and a period of time, it is different. If we calculate the throughput of a pipe made of steel (not previously operated), then the Ksh indicator will correspond to 0.2 mm.

An accurate throughput calculation requires knowledge of tabular data corresponding to a particular material.

But still, this data alone is not enough.

Tables. Accurate throughput calculation requires knowledge of tabular data corresponding to a particular material. There are a number of tables for hydraulic calculation of pipes made of steel, plastic, asbestos cement, glass, and so on. As an example, we can cite the table F.A. Shevelev.

Specialized programs for optimizing water supply networks. The method is modern and greatly facilitates the task of calculating. In such a program, the maximum value of all values ​​​​for any type of product is determined. The principle of operation is the following.

After entering into the program certain mandatory values, you get all the necessary parameters. The most expedient is to use the program when laying a large water supply system, to which water points are connected en masse.

The parameters to be taken into account when using a special program are as follows:

There are specialized programs for calculating the throughput of a pipe, you only need to enter certain mandatory values ​​\u200b\u200binto the program and all the necessary parameters will be calculated.

  • section length;
  • the size of the internal diameter of the structure;
  • roughness coefficient for a specific material;
  • coefficient of local resistance (this is the presence of bends, tees, compensators, etc.);
  • degree of overgrowth of the main system.

Any of the above methods will provide you with an accurate result of the throughput of the elements, and of the entire water supply system in the house. Having made a qualitative calculation, it is easy to avoid the difficulties associated with poor water supply or its absence at all.

Pipe capacity table

Type of pipeline system Speed ​​indicator (m/s)
For aquatic working environment
1. City knot from 0.60 to 1.50
2. Highways of the main character from 1.50 to 3.00
3. Central heating from 2.00 to 3.00
4. Pressure systems from 0.75 to 1.50
5. Fluids of a hydraulic nature up to 12
For oil (hydraulic fluids)
1. Pipelines from 3.00 to 7.5
2. Pressure systems from 0.75 to 1.25
For couple
1. Heating systems from 20.0 to 30.0
2. Systems of a central character from 30.0 to 50.0
3. High temperature heating systems from 50.0 to 70.0
For air and gas media
1. Main systems of a central nature from 20.0 to 75.0

Approximate bandwidth calculation

Suppose that, in accordance with the requirements of operating conditions in a production facility with horizontal or vertical pipes, according to the graph, the fluid flow through the structure occurs at a speed of 3.5 m/sec.

The diameter diameter of the structure is 125 mm.

Based on the above data and the vertical flow rate V=3.5 m/h, we can calculate the liquid volume Q=m3/h. As a result, it turns out that the throughput of a pipe with a diameter of 125 mm is equal to the value of 175 cubic meters / hour.