
Simple and original homemade cappuccino recipes. Rules for making cappuccino in a coffee machine Making cappuccino at home

In this article, we will tell you how to brew cappuccino coffee in a Turk. Here are the ingredients you need:

  • 150 ml milk
  • 1 small piece of dark chocolate and / or a pinch of cinnamon for topping
  • 2 teaspoons finely ground coffee
  • 40 ml of drinking water

Do you like sweet compositions? Then prepare one teaspoon of sugar, you can with a slide. Sugar can be taken not classic, but brown, cane. In this case, the drink will show its aroma brighter, and the taste will be more "caramel"

It is very important to choose correct milk for cappuccino. The volume of the foam, as well as the overall texture and flavor composition of the drink, will depend on it.

When choosing milk in a store, you need to focus on the following criteria:

  • Fatness
  • Amount of protein

Professional baristas say it's best to add 3-3.5% milk fat content... This is the "golden mean" to avoid both wateriness and excessive flavor saturation. In this case, the texture of the cappuccino will turn out to be balanced - and you can enjoy every sip of the prepared drink.
The second in our list, but by no means the second most important criterion - amount of protein... It is due to the correct percentage of protein (and not at all from fat content, as many mistakenly assume) milk gives a really fluffy froth.

Another significant criterion is temperature. According to the rules of preparation, milk must be chilled to +4 ° C. An important point: it shouldn't be boiled.

When frothing the milk, the temperature of the milk must not exceed 65 ° C. Otherwise, protein breakdown will occur.

Equally important in the matter of making coffee are the shape and material of the Turks. In fact, you can use any cezva - for example, ceramic or glass. But, it is better to purchase a vessel made of copper. The fact is that copper has an optimal level of thermal conductivity, so the coffee beans poured onto the bottom will not burn during preparation.

As for the shape, ideally it should be cone-shaped: the narrow neck will prevent the active evaporation of aromatic substances, since in this case the area of ​​contact of coffee with air will be minimal. And the wide bottom will ensure the stability of the cezve on the gas stove burner.

Step-by-step recipe - or how to brew cappuccino coffee in a Turk in five minutes:

  • Place a spoonful of ground grains in cezve. Sugar can be added immediately
  • Pour water on top, do not stir
  • Put the Turk on low heat. Wait until the contents are well heated and a dense foam forms on the surface.
  • When the drink begins to rise up, immediately remove it from the heat, without waiting for an active boil. Thus, you will be able to prepare a classic espresso - black, strong, invigorating and aromatic.
  • Heat milk to 65 ° C. It feels like it should be very hot, but without steam and without bubbles, indicating that it will soon boil.
  • Pour the milk into a French press or deep cup. Begin whisking with a simple metal whisk. Your movements should be very energetic. To make the foam more dense and stable, experts recommend whipping the milk in two passes
  • Rinse a cup with boiling water and pour the espresso into it. Then pour milk on top. Do this as carefully as possible: ideally, you want the layers not to blend.
  • Decorate the coffee with milk froth from the churning. After that, sprinkle the hot elixir with chocolate or cinnamon on top.

The proportions of layers in a classic cappuccino should ideally be maintained as follows:

  • 1/3 part espresso
  • 1/3 part milk
  • 1/3 part milk foam (some people prefer to use low-fat whipped cream)
  • Toping to taste

Now you know how to brew cappuccino coffee in a Turk in the simplest and most correct way. If desired, you can add other ingredients to it:

  • Chopped nuts
  • Pieces of marshmallow or marmalade
  • Cocoa powder
  • Almond extract
  • Coconut flakes (and the most sophisticated gourmets prefer recipes with coconut milk instead of regular)

You can also add melted caramel and fruit syrups. These ingredients are usually sprinkled with cream in bars and restaurants. That is, they make the lush foam even more elegant, increasing the demand for the product among the guests.
Using these simple tricks, even at home from drinking coffee - whether before cappuccino or latte - you can get it unconditional aesthetic pleasure. All that remains is to prepare delicious cups and invite your friends for a delicious drink tasting!

Are you a coffee lover? And you want to be able to make at home not only Americano, but also more complex drinks with foam? I will tell you how to brew cappuccino in a coffee machine, without it, and also share the secrets of creating froth. You can enjoy aromatic cappuccino, latte and other frothy drinks at home.

How to properly prepare a cappuccino in a coffee machine?

Modern coffee machines are equipped with dozens of different functions. Many of the devices automatically whisk milk, just select the Cappuccino or Latte program. And the cappuccino is served without your participation, the machine whips and mixes all the necessary ingredients by itself.

Some appliances are equipped with a special cappuccino maker - a tube that delivers a powerful stream of hot air. This allows the milk to be whipped quickly. What is the correct way to prepare a cappuccino in a coffee machine in this case?

It is very easy to do this:

  1. Grind the coffee. This can be done either in a separate manual or automatic grinder, or in the coffee machine itself, if it is equipped with this function.
  2. Pour ground coffee into the horn with a measuring spoon and secure it.
  1. Place a cup under the spout of the horn... The cappuccino mug must be of a suitable height to fit freely under the cone.
  2. Turn on hot water... She will walk through the horn making coffee.

  1. After 1-2 minutes, the fluffy cappuccino froth is ready.... It remains only to pour it into a cup in a 1 to 1 ratio with coffee.

Sometimes milk and cream are used for whipping. They are mixed in various proportions. The fat content of the cream can be any.

How to make cappuccino froth without a coffee machine?

I know and can make three versions of froth without a cappuccino maker with my own hands. I will gladly share these secrets with you.

Option 1. Blender

The instructions for creating milk froth are very simple: heat the milk to 70-90 degrees, then beat it thoroughly with an immersion blender with a whisk attachment. The milk should occupy at least 2/3 of the container in which you will whisk it.

If the blender has a slow whipping speed, it will take a long time for the milk to froth. Be patient and beat for at least 4-5 minutes, and it is better to turn on the maximum speed right away. By the way, preparing coffee in a coffee machine with a cappuccinatore also takes about 5 minutes.

Option 2. Mini-cappuccino maker

The price of this device varies in the region of 100-300 rubles, so it will not "hit" the budget. This unit is a mini-blender with a round spiral attachment. If you are thinking how to make a cappuccino without special expenses without a coffee machine, then this solution is for you.

This design allows you to create a very fluffy and soft foam in a matter of minutes. You need to work with the cappuccino maker in the same way as with the hand blender. According to the previous instructions, connect the device to the mains and immerse it in heated milk.

You can buy mini-format cappuccino makers not only in specialized stores that sell coffee, dishes and equipment for coffee houses. They can be found in soap and cosmetics boutiques, where it is important to mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Option 3. French press

You can even make a cappuccino at home using a French press. To do this, pour about 1/3 of the volume of warm milk into a flask. Move the filter up and down quickly. Soon the milk will turn into foam, which will then be conveniently poured into a cup of coffee.

In order for the French press to whip up the milk, the filter must be immersed freely in the milk. If you add too little liquid, the filter of some French presses may simply not reach the milk. Most likely, you will get more froth than you need for one cappuccino, so it is easier to prepare several cups of coffee at once.

You can check the density of the foam by taking a little mass per teaspoon and turning the latter over. Ideally, it shouldn't fall off the spoon quickly. But it all depends on your taste, if you like a lighter froth in a cappuccino, do not beat the milk for too long.

Delicious cappuccino recipes

First of all, I will clarify how to make a cappuccino according to a standard recipe. You just need to mix coffee with milk froth in a 1: 1 ratio. But you don't need to add regular milk to the drink.

There are also many options for making cappuccino with various syrups, noble spirits (for example, cognac), cinnamon, nuts and other seasonings.

The first steps in preparing any original coffee specialties will be the same:

  1. Boil strong coffee in cezve (2 teaspoons in about 120 ml of water).
  2. When the drink is ready, use any of the above methods to foam the milk or cream.
Illustration Step by step recipe

Chocolate cappuccino:
  • Grated chocolate on a fine grater (1-2 tbsp. l.) pour into the bottom of the cup.
  • Fill on top its very hot coffee.
  • Over coffee Place the froth in a 1: 1 ratio with the amount of coffee.
  • Sprinkle drink with chocolate chips.

Ginger Cappuccino:
  1. Ginger topping- if you have one, pour it over the sides of the cup from which you are going to drink cappuccino.
  2. Pour coffee into the container about half a cup.
  3. The rest of the space fill with whipped foam.
  4. Pour on top of it 1/2 teaspoon dried ginger. If desired, this spice can also be added to the coffee before applying the froth on it.

Vanilla cappuccino:
  1. Mix 50 ml cream with 1 tsp. powdered sugar.
  2. Add into the vanillin mixture on the tip of a knife.
  3. Pour in 100 ml of coffee in a cup.
  4. Next, add the vanilla-creamy mixture., and the remaining space should be filled with whipped milk.

If you want to learn how to make frothy coffee at home quickly and easily, you will need not only methods of frothing milk and interesting recipes, but also tricks that will make the drink as tasty as in a coffee shop.

Rules which should be followed when making cappuccino at home:

  1. It is important to use ground coffee... Instant can spoil the taste of the drink, and you will not fully enjoy the taste of the cappuccino. If you like very strong and bitter coffee, pay attention to Robusta. If you like sourness more, take Arabica.

  1. The ratio of ingredients. You can make a latte at home without a coffee machine using the same three methods that I described above. But in addition to foam, milk is also present in the recipe. Hot milk is poured into about 1/3 cup, coffee is introduced into it in a thin stream, and the drink is decorated with whipped foam on top (all ingredients are taken in a 1: 1: 1 ratio).
  2. Milk. Many have already wondered, what is the best milk for a cappuccino? I do not recommend taking milk powder, as it may not whip up. The best option is milk with a fat content of 2-4%.


In the article, I told you how to make froth on a cappuccino without a coffee machine, and shared with you instructions and original recipes. You can personally see the preparation of cappuccino at home in the video in this article. And if you still have questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments!

Today, a cup of coffee begins the morning of each of us. Someone likes a tart, invigorating expresso. Others prefer a bright coffee flavor with a hint of milk and a thick, creamy froth. You guessed that it comes about a cup of aromatic cappuccino. And if it is easy to enjoy your favorite drink in a coffee shop, then not everyone knows how to prepare it at home. We will look at the main ways on how to create a unique classic cappuccino at home.

Milk frothy coffee is a great start to the day

A few words about the drink

Nowadays, a treat with milk foam is not uncommon. They know how to cook and serve it in almost any cafe in the city. But how did this delicious combination of milk and coffee come about?

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History of creation

Cappuccino is native to Italy. The date of its creation dates back to the 16th century. But the history of its origin is shrouded in legends. The creation of the delicacy is attributed to the order of the Capuchin monks. According to one version, the clergy wore a dark brown cassock and white hoods. And when coffee with milk froth became popular, everyone visually associated it with the vestments of the Capuchin monks. Therefore, the treat received such a name.

Italy - the birthplace of the drink

According to the second legend, the representatives of the order lived in poverty. The coffee was very expensive at the time. And to make it last longer, they began to add milk to it. Cold, it quickly spoiled the taste of the drink. They began to warm it up. It was once beaten by mistake before adding. The effect surprised everyone - delicious milk foam has become an invariable attribute of a true coffee delicacy.

Other historians claim that black coffee was considered the "drink of the devil" in the Middle Ages. Therefore, the monks began to add milk to it. Subsequently, they began to make whipped milk foam from it.

How it really happened, we will not know for sure today. Only one thing is known - he conquered the whole world with his taste, and has become an invariable attribute of the menu of any cafe or restaurant.

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Classic recipe

Not all coffees with milk will be called cappuccino. In addition to it, coffee latte, macchiato, latte macchiato, mocha have such a composition. They all include freshly brewed black coffee, milk, and froth. But the proportions of the ingredients and the method of preparing drinks will be different.

In the classic recipe, a serving is usually 150 ml of the drink. One third of which is freshly brewed espresso, the second third is warmed milk, and the last third is whipped milk froth ("hood"). On top of the foam is often "dusted" with chocolate, nutmeg or cinnamon.

Different techniques for mixing ingredients are distinguished. Because of this, the cocktail is "black" and "white". The first is obtained by first pouring black coffee into a cup, followed by milk and milk froth. In the second case, the cup is first filled with milk, after which the expresso is poured into it. The foam is invariably laid out on top. Different cooking technologies practically do not change the taste of a classic delicacy.

Some coffee lovers use heavy milk cream to prepare the drink, but the classic recipe uses high-fat milk. The delicacy is served hot, about 60-70 degrees Celsius.

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Real cappuccino - cook at home

Part of the audience of coffee connoisseurs argue that a real cappuccino cannot be prepared at home - only coffee machines are capable of this. But let's not forget that initially the drink was prepared precisely without the use of special equipment in an ordinary kitchen. Therefore, you can easily try to brew true coffee with milk foam at home.

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Cappuccino from a coffee machine

This is the easiest way to enjoy your drink at home. If you are the owner of a coffee machine, then you just have to place a cup under the spout of the machine, press the corresponding operating mode on the control panel and wait. Do not forget to fill the special container with milk before doing this! The device will brew the espresso itself, add milk to it and create a froth.

Not all coffees - machines are capable of preparing a drink in automatic mode

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Cooking at home in turk

Not everyone has fashionable cooking devices in their kitchens today. different types coffee. Many people use the Turks to enjoy their favorite drink. So is it possible to prepare a classic old drink in it?

The answer is definitely yes. To do this, you will need:

  • ground black coffee beans - 2-3 teaspoons;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • milk 3.5% fat and above - 80 ml;
  • mixer or whisk;
  • sugar, cinnamon, chocolate - to taste.

The first step is to brew black ground coffee. We do this in a Turk. Pour the mixture into it, fill it with 2-3 water and set it to heat. Do not bring the drink to a boil. As soon as coffee crema and large bubbles appear on it, the heat is removed from the Turk and cooled down a little. Then they are heated again. This cycle of actions must be repeated 6-7 times. Coffee beans will maximize their taste and aroma to the drink. If you boil them, the coffee will taste bitter. But some coffee lovers appreciate the bitterness in their favorite drink.

Coffee in a Turk should not boil

The second step is to heat the milk. When it becomes warm, put a hand whisk or mixer into it and begin to stir intensively. Milk should not be boiled! We continue to beat the milk with a whisk until a stable foam forms on top of it.

Please note, do not immerse a metal object deeply in the milk and do not touch the bottom of the cookware. It can melt when heated.

After preparing all the ingredients, we begin to mix them:

  1. Fill a third of the cup with a black espresso. It is better to strain it through a sieve so that no Turkish grains get into the cocktail.
  2. Pour another third of its capacity of warm milk into the cup. This is the so-called "black" version. If we change the sequence of filling the cup, we get a “white” version of the treat.
  3. At the end of cooking, transfer a dense milk froth onto it.

This is a classic way to make a drink. If desired, add sugar to taste into the cup before adding the liquids.

Gently transferring milk froth to coffee

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Video - lesson - making coffee with milk foam in turk

Top of the foam can be sprinkled with grated chocolate, nuts, cinnamon.

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Cooking at home in the French press

French press is convenient for preparing various types of coffee

Another way to make coffee with airy, creamy foam at home is to brew it in a special device. French - press - mechanism, consisting of a container, a cover and a piston, a filter plate is fixed on it. To make coffee, he insists and squeezes.

Making an espresso in a French press is easy. For this:

  1. Pour the mixture into the bottom of the flask. Better to do this, take coarse coffee, so it will stay well in the piston filter.
  2. Pour into a container hot water... Not steep boiling water, about 80 degrees.
  3. Let the liquid brew a little, squeeze it out with a piston.
  4. Expresso is ready.

For making cappuccino at home, it is better to use two French presses. So you can brew coffee and whip milk in parallel. If there is no second device, use one in sequence.

To whip the foam in a French press, you need:

  1. Heat the milk to the desired temperature (50-60 degrees).
  2. Pour it into the flask of the device.
  3. We begin to intensively move the piston up and down. The movement of the filter whips the milk into a stable foam.

Whisk milk in a French press

  1. Add sugar to the cup if desired.
  2. We consistently fill it with hot liquids.
  3. We spread the foam.
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Quick drink recipe

If you are in a hurry, but still want to enjoy your favorite drink, use the express option for creating a delicacy. There is no need to whip the heated milk in it. For this:

  1. Brew in a Turkish or French press expresso.
  2. Warm up the milk.
  3. Mix in proportion to liquid in a cup.
  4. Use store-bought canned cream. Place them neatly on top of the drink.

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Original recipes for making cappuccino at home

In addition to classic coffee with airy foam, you can surprise your family and guests with a drink prepared in an original way. Its taste will be somewhat different.

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Vanilla sugar cappuccino

There is no sugar in the classic recipe. But many people with a sweet tooth prefer to add it to their favorite treat. The cocktail is especially tasty when vanilla sugar is added.

The creation algorithm will be similar. The only difference is the addition of sugar while the treat is being prepared. For this:

  1. Before heating the milk, pour a few tablespoons of vanilla sugar into a container with it.
  2. Heat the liquid over low heat and beat.

With the addition of sucrose, the foam on the milk will be more stable, it will better retain its shape when transferred to a cup. You can even draw pictures, the so-called latte art, on such foam.

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Homemade cappuccino with honey and vanilla

If you want to diversify the palette of tastes of your drink, use this original recipe. With new ingredients, your favorite delicacy will "sparkle" with unexpected flavors.

Vanilla gives the classic drink an original taste and aroma

You will need:

  • a tablespoon of ground coffee;
  • 80 ml of milk;
  • a spoonful of honey, better than fresh;
  • vanilla pod;
  • Turk, mixer or French press.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Expresso is brewed in a Turk in exactly the same way as in the classic method of preparing a drink.
  2. Add honey to milk before heating. It is better that it was fresh, more liquid consistency, without sugar elements.
  3. In a mixture of honey and milk, clean the vanilla beans from the pod.
  4. Heat the liquid and beat.
  5. Then we mix everything in a cup in classic proportions.
  6. To prevent vanilla grains from getting into the finished drink, add milk passed through a strainer to the cup.

There is no need to add sugar to such a delicacy, it will turn out to be sweet due to the presence of honey in it. Its aroma will pleasantly surprise you. Vanilla works wonders with its taste too.

Sprinkle the froth with grated bitter chocolate or nutmeg.

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Add toppings

If desired, you can add various fillers to the treat: caramel, syrups, hot chocolate.

Note! Juices should not be added to cappuccino. Due to the acids present in them, the milk in the drink can curdle.

It is better to add toppings to the treat not cold, but at room temperature. They pour into the cup after the black espresso, but before the hot milk.

Toppings for coffee with milk froth may vary.

Another way to prepare a drink with fillings is to use a shaker:

  1. Freshly brewed coffee, hot milk and filling are poured into a shaker.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a cup.
  3. Put a dense milk foam on top.

The taste of such a drink with fillings will be more uniform and unusual than when we simply added toppings to a hot espresso.

You can use any shaker to make coffee with milk

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Painting on foam (latte art)

The technology of applying images to the foam of coffee is called latte art. But it works just as well for cappuccino foam.

Another way to apply a pattern to the froth of coffee is a special shaker for cocoa powder.

Surprise your guests with an original design of a cup of coffee with milk froth. Even a beginner can draw the simplest shapes on it:

  • heart. Milk foam fills the entire surface of the cup, with a toothpick or a thin stick, the pattern is completed to the heart;
  • Apple. With a small amount of foam we form the stalk at the edge of the cup. In the center of the foam we form a circle. May be supplemented with a leaf;
  • flower. We fill the far semicircle of the cup with foam, then, shaking the container, pour the foam with a "snake".

Examples of drawings on milk coffee foam

With the ability to draw, the patterns are additionally decorated with a toothpick or a pointed stick.

International competitions in the technique of drawing pictures on milk froth of coffee are held annually

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Video - a lesson on applying latte art on coffee foam

Such an airy foam

Cappuccino is one of the five most popular drinks in the world. The combination of tart, invigorating coffee, delicate milk and airy foam has won the hearts of millions of its fans. Enjoy the classic taste of home-made cappuccino.

Cappuccino is an Italian espresso-based coffee drink. Classic version includes a double portion of black coffee, hot milk and thick milk foam, but some baristas use cream instead of the last two ingredients, they also add cinnamon, chocolate chips, and orange peel to the drink.

Cappuccino has a mild taste with a light coffee bitterness. If everything is done correctly, the drink should turn out to be sweetish even without added sugar (due to the fatty milk foamed with a cappuccinatore).

An interesting fact: for all the seeming simplicity of the recipe, making a cappuccino is quite difficult. At international competitions for baristas and coffee makers, masters often compete in the preparation of this particular drink.


The name "cappuccino" comes from the order of the Capuchins, as the color of the drink resembles the beige and brown robes of the holy brothers. The very same word cappucio (lat. Caputium) is translated from Italian as "hood" - an indispensable attribute of the daily dress of the ministers of the order.

Capuchin in the hood drinks cappuccino

For the first time the term "cappuccino" is found in Italian in 1930, but a similar drink Kapuziner existed in Austria in the 18th century. Then it included coffee, sugar, cream and egg yolks (although it is not known in what proportions). In those days, Italy was under Austrian rule, when the countries were divided, cappuccino "changed its citizenship" to Italian.

Fresh milk instead of cream began to be used in the 20th century, when refrigerators appeared. Until the 1950s, the term "cappuccino" was understood as a fairly heterogeneous drink (with milk or cream, with or without spices), but with the spread of coffee machines, the term stuck in its modern meaning.

Characteristics of a cappuccino

Suitable coffeeA blend of medium roasted arabica and robusta (proportions may vary). Possible 100% Arabica.
Composition and proportions~ 15 g of freshly ground coffee beans, 60-90 ml of milk (sometimes more, depending on the recipe, fat content from 3% or more), 50-100 ml of water.
Pressure in the coffee machine8-10 bar.
Ingredient temperature during cookingThe water temperature for espresso is 84-90 degrees, the milk temperature is 60-70 degrees.
Cooking time1 - 2 minutes.
The volume of one serving150-180 ml, sometimes 360 ml (double cappuccino).
Strength (caffeine content)50-75 mg Per Standard Serving.
Serving temperature60-63 ° C.
Recommended daily allowance3-4 servings (180 ml).
Calorie content36-56 calories (depending on the fat content of the milk). Each level teaspoon of sugar adds 16 more calories to the drink.

Attention! The figures and proportions given are arbitrary: every good barista has his own recipe, which can differ significantly from the classic one. In the United States, skim milk is often used, other baristas, on the contrary, prefer 11% cream, there is also a half'n'half option - a mixture of cream and milk.

Differences between cappuccino and other types of coffee

Cappuccino coffee is very similar to latte, but served in smaller cups (180 ml versus 300 ml), contains less milk and more milk foam.

Macyato (Caffe macchiato) consists only of espresso and milk without foam.

Cortado is a Spanish coffee cocktail that contains espresso and milk in 1: 1 or 1: 2 proportions, condensed milk is often used instead of fresh milk.

Flat White is a cross between cappuccino and latte, its characteristic feature is a very thin layer of foam, most often - with a pattern.

Classic cappuccino recipe

Traditional proportions of coffee, milk and froth are 1: 1: 1.

Modern cappuccino is prepared in a coffee machine. First, a double portion of espresso is poured into a coffee glass, then the same amount of hot milk is added, a lush head of milk foam crowns the composition. Another option is also widespread: milk is not poured separately, but simply more foam is whipped, so that it not only settles on the drink with a voluminous cap, but also partially dissolves in it.


  • coffee (espresso) - 60 ml;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • sugar to taste.

Cooking technology

1. Pour double espresso (60 ml) into a tall coffee glass or a cup of at least 180 ml that has been preheated with steam.

2. Heat the milk to 60-70 ° C, then whisk it with a cappuccino maker, whisk or mixer until finely frothed.

3. While holding the froth with a spoon, add milk to the espresso, sweeten with sugar if desired and stir. Put the foam on top.

The cappuccino maker is a thin metal tube through which steam is supplied under high pressure. Milk whipped in this way acquires a sweetish taste and a particularly delicate structure due to microscopic bubbles.

Manual electric cappuccino maker. Many frother machines have a separate unit

Alternative recipe. Kapuziner - Served in old Viennese cafes, black coffee with a few drops of heavy cream just to get the color you want.

Making cappuccino without a coffee machine at home

There are two methods:

  1. In the microwave. First, a glass of milk is heated in the microwave at maximum power until small bubbles appear on it (on average, this takes less than a minute). It is important to ensure that the liquid does not "run away". Then the hot milk is whipped with a whisk or mixer, successively transferring the foam to another cup. When about half of the milk froths, brew a double shot of espresso, pour the rest of the milk into it, spread the froth on top.
  2. Manually. Coffee is brewed in a Turk or brewed in a French press, hot milk is whipped with a whisk. Then all the ingredients are added to the cup.

Microwave cappuccino

Types of cappuccino

In addition to the traditional recipe, there are some more variations:

  • Latte Art is a regular cappuccino drink, but with a pattern on milk froth. Some baristas achieve such perfection in this art that they can even depict a portrait of a guest.
  • Wet cappuccino is a cocktail in which the ratio of coffee, milk and foam is shifted in favor of milk.
  • Dry cappuccino ("dry" cappuccino) - the opposite of the previous version, this recipe contains less milk than other ingredients (foam can be more or the same).
  • Iced cappuccino (cappuccino with ice) - chilled black coffee and milk (in a ratio of 1: 2), ice cubes, sugar to taste are whipped in a blender. You can also add syrup and / or spices or replace the milk with cream (part or all).
  • Cappuccino Freddo (cold cappuccino) - Prepares like a regular cappuccino, only all ingredients must be cold, including frothed milk.
  • Babyccino is a non-coffee (and therefore caffeine-free) whipped milk, often served with syrup.

How to serve and drink cappuccino

In continental Europe, cappuccino is traditionally drunk in the morning, mainly at breakfast, with a croissant, white toast or other pastry. In Italy, it is even considered bad manners to drink this coffee cocktail after 11 o'clock in the afternoon and / or eat something substantial, like meat or a hot dish - for all the love of Italians for coffee, they prefer espresso after dinner.

Americans, on the other hand, drink cappuccino all day long and do not mind finishing off a hearty meal.

As already mentioned, classic cappuccino is served in a pre-warmed coffee glass or porcelain cup with a volume of 150-180 ml, but in fast foods and coffee houses like Starbucks, portions up to 600 ml are found.

Portrait on a cup of cappuccino, it's even a pity to drink this

Health benefits and harms of cappuccino

Like any coffee-containing drink, cappuccino has an ambiguous effect on the body.

  • invigorates, increases adrenaline levels, improves performance;
  • regulates sugar levels, prevents type II diabetes, helps to lose weight (only cappuccino without sugar).
  • increases concentration.
  • Reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer (such as lung cancer)
  • contains antioxidants and has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart (in moderate doses);
  • serves as the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and some other brain diseases;
  • improves mood, helps fight depression.
  • "Overdose" of caffeine is manifested by arrhythmia, tremors, mild nausea;
  • can provoke insomnia, increased anxiety;
  • sometimes negatively affects the development of the fetus during pregnancy, doctors recommend limiting this period to one cup a day.

Coffee drinks are a combination of three main components: espresso coffee, milk and sugar in different proportions, temperatures and consistencies. Cappuccino is one of the most favorite drinks with a pronounced creamy note, which can be prepared both in a coffee machine and at home. What are the most popular recipes for its preparation?

What is cappuccino

According to one of the legends, the homemade cappuccino recipe was invented in Italy back in the 16th century. In those days, coffee beans were not available to everyone due to the high price. Another reason to consume it in limited quantities was the opinion about the devilish power of the drink, which invigorated too much. It is for these reasons that the Capuchin monks began to add milk or cream to the cup. This component softened the bitterness of the drink and its energizing properties, and also made it possible to save on coffee beans.

Capuchin monks in those days wore black robes with white hoods, which gave the name to the world favorite drink, which acquired official status only in 1855, when the first coffee machine for making cappuccino was presented at a specialized exhibition in Paris.

At the same time, standards for cappuccino were developed, according to which the drink should be served in containers with a volume of 150 to 180 ml. In the drink, 1/3 of the volume is strong espresso, 1/3 of milk and 1/3 of milk foam. It is customary for professionals to decorate cappuccino with drawings on milk foam.

If a few decades ago, real cappuccino could only be tasted in bars and cafes, today it is successfully prepared at home, even without a coffee machine.

Classic cappuccino is 180 ml of true pleasure

Classic cappuccino recipe

How to make a classic cappuccino at home? This will require natural ground coffee, milk or cream, sugar if desired. From the tools you need a turk and a whisk or mixer.

For a standard 100 ml of espresso, take 80-100 ml of milk or cream and sugar to taste. First, strong coffee is brewed in a Turk. To do this, pour 1.5 tsp into it. ground coffee, pour 100 ml of cold water and bring to a boil, repeating the procedure up to 5-7 times. When the coffee is ready, the Turk is set aside and begins to prepare the milk. In a high container, 50 ml of natural milk is heated; in the process of heating, they begin to gently beat it with a whisk or mixer at medium power. When the milk increases in volume and a thick foam appears, turn off the fire and start combining the ingredients.

  1. Pour boiling water over or microwave a small porcelain cup with thick walls, wipe dry.
  2. Pour coffee from the turk and add sugar to taste.
  3. Milk is carefully poured.
  4. Spread milk foam on top with a spoon.

Milk or cream must necessarily be natural, not powdered, otherwise such a product will not work to beat until the required foam. Milk should be of maximum fat content, and the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. The drink prepared in this way can be called a classic cappuccino.

Correctly whipped milk is the key to a classic Italian drink

Cappuccino with additives

To make an unusual cappuccino at home without a coffee machine, you can use the following recipes.

Thick vanilla cappuccino

To prepare it, you will need to brew strong coffee in a Turk from 120 ml of water and 2 tsp. ground grains. The egg-vanilla-creamy component is prepared separately. To do this, separate the yolk from the protein and gently beat it with 2 tsp. powdered sugar and a pinch of vanillin. Warm up 50 ml of cream with a fat content of 30%, add the egg-sugar mixture to them and beat them until foamy. Next, the liquid part is poured into a cup of coffee, the foam is spread on top. The drink is ready.

Cappuccino with syrup

You can add some syrup to the cup to add a richer taste and an unusual aftertaste. The most suitable for cappuccino are vanilla, chocolate, nut or caramel syrup. A standard 180 ml cup will require 1 tsp of the sweet component.

Coffee is prepared according to classic recipe: Brewed in a Turk and whipped milk. Then the coffee is poured into a cup, milk, liqueur are added, and only after that the milk foam is spread. Sugar is not put into such a drink, since the syrup is always prepared with sugar or its substitute.

Egg foam cappuccino

There is one secret to make a cappuccino at home without a coffee machine with a beautiful foam like whipped cream. Its essence is in the use of egg white. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. In a Turk, brew 150 ml of strong coffee.
  2. Heat 30 ml of milk to 60 degrees.
  3. Separate the white from the yolk and beat it with 1-2 tsp. powdered sugar.
  4. Pour coffee, warm milk into a warm cup and add egg foam.

This cappuccino looks more like a dessert than a drink, which is why it is often decorated with chocolate chips or cinnamon.

About milk

Not everyone succeeds in whipping milk for cappuccino correctly the first time. It is important to choose a product with a fat content of at least 3% and no additives. Slightly heating it in a container, they begin to slowly beat it up, catching up with the pace. First, large bubbles should appear on the surface, later small ones, forming the very foam that covers the cappuccino. Beat the milk until the froth turns into a layer of a few millimeters, in which case it will not disappear when the milk is poured into a cup.

You can use a French press or blender to make a cappuccino with a thick froth. To do this, heat the milk to 60-70 degrees, pour it into containers and start whipping. In skilled hands, the milk will be ready in 2-3 minutes.

Cappuccino is one of the most beloved drinks in Italy - the homeland of Europe's main coffee lovers. It is no less popular in Russia, and many housewives, using the presented recipes, will be able to prepare a delicious drink in just 5 minutes.