
I dreamed of a big suitcase. The magic of numbers. Esoteric dream book suitcase

Bastetz Reply

I dream that our organization went out of town for the weekend. Summer, forest glade, fresh air, blue sky, sun ... We are standing in a clearing, further along the forest there are houses (one-story), where we will rest. I am a member of the organizing committee and run around, arrange everyone, place them in houses so that everyone is comfortable. So the day passes, the evening comes. I have placed everyone and, tired, I return to the clearing where I left my suitcase. He stands alone in the middle of the clearing, not needed by anyone, as lonely as I am. I try to enter the nearest house, but they answer me from behind the doors that the house is occupied. In general, having arranged everything, I was left completely alone, I returned to the clearing, sat down on the suitcase and wept bitterly, I wake up from this.

Alexander Reply

It is possible that this is a prophetic dream, especially if you are prone to this kind of behavior in life. After all, people don’t remember good things 🙂 ha ha
The second meaning of sleep is diagnosing problems with rest. After all, at the end of sleep, it turns out that you don’t have the opportunity to rest - there were some obstacles along the way. Are you a workaholic for life?

Kharkov Reply

I dreamed that I was getting on a train with a suitcase of money. Well, not so much with a suitcase full of money, but with a business suitcase in which there is a pretty decent amount. I put the suitcase in the luggage compartment, fall asleep, and when I wake up I do not find the suitcase. I don’t panic, I resign myself to the loss. The police appear. They drank, they say. A bit of a scandal. I didn’t drink, I say, I didn’t drink at all. The police leave. And I suddenly remember that I put the suitcase under another seat. I look, and he is there, safe and sound. What is it for?

Zuka-mail-ru Reply

I am a woman aged 28 years. I'm going to the attic. Around the old environment. I am very interested and curiosity took me apart. I see an open, dusty, old suitcase and I see some details from something. I start collecting. I understand that at that time it was impossible to collect such a thing. As a result, I assembled a device for virtual reality.

Ateh Reply

I remember a part of the dream. Tanya and I are outside with our school friend. it's snowing, snow is on the ground. Some kind of holiday - they want crowds of people all having fun. we are standing near some kind of gate. suddenly I need a suitcase for some reason. I go up to a man who is completely unfamiliar to me and ask him to give me his suitcase. He has such a black leather and small, but so cool. He looks at me in surprise, asks why I need him. I can't answer anything intelligibly. but I know it's very necessary. He gives me this suitcase and I run away to my friend. We stand further. Some time passes. They turn on the music and a friend calls me to dance to this young man. He pushes me in the side with his elbow and says - come on, go. Dance with him, come on, come on. I refuse - why, I don’t know him, etc. In general, in the end, a friend grabs my hand and drags me to this man. He lets me go and, grabbing his hands, begins to dance with him, they laugh out loud, fall into the snow. I am nearby, either standing, or lying, looking at them. The music ends. A friend runs up to me and says - this is your other half. I am very surprised, I can not understand why she decided so and how she managed to determine this. girlfriend starts telling me again that this guy is your other half, I'm sure don't miss him. I can't believe what's happening, I think she's delirious. and then I begin to swear at her for the fact that she danced with him. beyond that, I don't remember.

772 Reply

1. I am on a small platform surrounded by white walls (in height), on the left is a blue rack with 1 shelf, next to it are 2-4 steps (reminiscent of an oriental courtyard). I see 2 people with cases went up the stairs and left. A friend Tatyana comes with a case in her hand. I told her: “You are a chmodan, then quit!” She laughs repeating: "Chmodan!!". (before meeting T. or after I don’t remember) I go to a square bed (1x1m), it has high plank walls, and the earth is low on a par with the main surface. I bend over and plant a squash seed in each corner. At the same time, I think that high sides are not without reason, because in a high bed the roots are warmer, they grow better, they should be filled with earth. 2. I came to a 2-room apartment, on the right is the open door to the room, I see a man lives there, according to the addition of a dense representative appearance. I go further there, a stocky middle-aged man, I go into the room, we communicate. Suddenly, a man in blue caps appears in the corridor, overgrown with bristles, drunk, a “criminal” (Oh, horror!) And tells the man that he has an area in this apartment. The man first in the corridor closer to the exit shows a square: “Here, maybe?” I'm scared and the desire to leave the apartment unnoticed. Then the man shows with his hands which part of the room can be distinguished (1x1m) and part of the corridor. In the corridor at the front door, I see a small TV, an interesting program is on, I look a little, turn around and see that part of the corridor is already blocked off by a white wall of GVL, forming an additional room. I go out of the gate and brake a truck coming from the left, it passes by and starts to slow down after 50 meters. In the back I see a light green easy chair. Something is rolling along the side of the car (I don’t remember). At first I ran to the car, then I got worried when I saw 3 cars or a motorcycle coming towards me, where a man was driving. And she returned to the territory from which she left. At the gate I see a small TV, there is a transmission. Some kind of cart (garden?) with something loaded passes me and along the road going deep into the park. I stare at her in surprise. Here are 2 men and the actor Bezrukov, he extends his arms to me and I hug him and I feel this hug clearly, pleasantly, I don’t want to break away, but Bezrukov says: “I have to go”, I unclench my hug ...

Cook Reply

1. T.'s friend works as a chief accountant, she has a small garden, where I sometimes come to relax and work for my own pleasure and to help the hostess. I worked as an accountant 8 years ago and now I'm thinking of using my knowledge and updating something to earn some money. 2. 2, 3 men appear in a dream. I think it has to do with family, because I had 2 older brothers (with a difference of 11 and 14 years) and a father. It’s sad, but both brothers, although they were in demand people, ended their lives drinking (this contributed to their early death (44 and 54). The “criminal type” somehow reminds me of Sharikov, but in my family no one was in a quarrel with the law. I think this is a collective image of what I do not accept and fear in men.Recently, the actor has been dreaming of me for the 2nd time, after I (from the outside) got acquainted with the theater of spontaneous improvisation.

AnaLitik Reply

The theme of finding a sense of security continues here. When the heroine works on the beds, deals with the earth, this means the restoration of internal balance. In addition, let's try to touch on a very delicate issue related to the number "four". I plant four patisson seeds. I meet four men (representative - stocky - felon - actor). I stop one car, and three more drive towards me. All these repeated quantitative proportions point to the leading role of the complex. Imagine a person who looks at the world through a transparent tetrahedral crystal. A complex or a crystal distorts vision, it has its own vector graphics. Meneghetti writes about the number "four" that it "symbolizes a number striving for perfection. Represents an obsession with crucifixion; expresses obsession with the idea of ​​"bearing the cross", is generated by a sense of unfortunate position; is a consequence of distorted feelings, carries a feminine modality, which with rational accuracy social order builds up negative consequences.”

Those. the meaning of sleep is that I know how to regain peace of mind, but inside me there are certain stereotypes that - under the guise of help - will interfere with me in every possible way. This is also indicated by TV monitors placed everywhere and the appearance of celebrities. The complex throws its behavior patterns and role models at me. In addition, when in a dream we see a lot of walls, fences, GVL partitions, this indicates the existence of a barrier between the “I” and In-se. Or so: the voice of the soul is blocked by the sound of the TV.

Cook Reply

The day before, I talked with a man (I wrote about him earlier, I’ll call him VV), on the weekend we are planning a sightseeing trip for two. I also fantasized about sex, as the Analyst suggested, something didn’t work out very well))) what to fantasize, you need to live reality. This man has an adult student daughter, an adult student son and an “ex” wife in another city)) (In a dream, 2 women appear) Only if he lives in her apartment (de jure) and she is in it (de jure), it is clear that the relationship is not broken. And the most difficult thing is that adult children live with their dad while they study, and the children study)) at the daytime department, they shush Papa that he is talking on the phone at about 2300 Therefore previous dreams were furious)) In general, I decided to let these thoughts go and look differently at everything))

Cook Reply

I remember that in a dream there was a residential city house to the left of the river, and there was something on the right until I saw the perspective. The left side of the body is considered to be yin (female), the right yang (male). a barrier from negative psychology, does “not” and “no” mean all my conventions? Fear of a huge wave, I think my indecision may be the fear of something beyond

AnaLitik Reply

The river can be seen as a flow of instincts, because there are a lot of men and they vote yes when they see a woman swimming, the heroine of a dream And the heroine wants to photograph them Photography - like a moment stopped - is an erotic deviation when alive real person we are less interested than the moments and memories associated with it. The river itself, flowing into the sea, is instincts that connect with Being, that is, it is a symbolism of enlightenment. But this is de jure. And de facto, we still see a dividing barrier of logs. In addition, the water is cloudy, the fog in the air, the landscapes along the banks of the river are not very poetic. Such is the prose of current life.

In the first part of the dream, the heroine “wants 'home', but suffers from confusion. What does 'home' mean to you? Start a family with your friend? There are no “documents”, “tickets” for this yet. Probably, the dream that you will see after a joint excursion trip will be more informative.

Cook Reply

In reality, I'm interested in taking pictures, this is a wonderful opportunity to experience an emotion to capture the object that caused it And later, looking at the picture, admire again, it's similar to eating ice cream)))

Why does a living real person interest me less than the moments and memories associated with him? Maybe because these are MY moments and memories and it’s interesting and important for me what I see, experience, feel. If I’m interested in a person, get involved in him, I’m already losing some of my clarity, and so far it’s not enough The dream shows that this deviation is connected specifically with men I confess that I tend to keep men at a distance, as I have life experience when my spontaneity, openness, trust led to capture, sexual violence, when, as it seemed to me, I was not ready and disposed to such interaction Then it was a surprise for me, I felt confusion The physical strength of a man, of course more Reasons for distrust, of course, come from childhood, and the feeling that at the moment of openness I will be struck

It’s good that today I understand that these are just memories imprinted somewhere in the body and I need to at least do something to change the situation, somehow interact with the man (s) This is largely due to the practices conducted by P Erzyaykin in my a new understanding arose about the here and now, about acceptance, about how the human brain works, to feel at home I am grateful to him It is noteworthy that during the seminars I did not dream of anything, except for the current viscous yellow paint And when I went to work after the first seminar I dreamed that I'm standing at the window in the house And the house starts to move slowly at first, then it accelerates and moves faster and faster, I feel uncomfortable, I rush towards the city river embankment, in my opinion I fall and wake up

What does "home" mean to me? Home is akin to “finding yourself”, being in harmony with yourself, a feeling of some kind of integrity

What separates me from this? Fear of death, a former experience when, unexpectedly for myself, I began to hear and see, feel unusual Then I did not work, I had some money of my own, and when “this” happened, I experienced the horror that there was no getting rid of it and there was no one to help. Having received pills from a psychiatrist, I went to work in the same place where I left. Much later, I got to the PE and felt the ground under my feet, I realized that when a person is here and now he is healthy, and as long as he is alive, everything is possible for him. Only me and two people knew about my trouble, now - three Although, I completely forgot that K ( ex-husband) also knows a lot, he introduced me to PE - it turns out that you, Arseniy, are the fourth

Working with dreams, I want to understand what my life project is, how I can be realized based on what I have. Of course, I want to achieve mental and social health

Do I want to start a family with a friend of BB? There are no “documents”, “tickets” for this yet. Maybe that's why there are no documents and tickets, which I don’t think of? I still see that this is a man, and if he is a hipster, it means that he can organize a business, he can think big, at least within the framework of his projects Yes, he works in the ** gas ** system and therefore, partly does not belong to himself From his words he is divorced from his wife, and this is a plus for possible relationships I know that he has a desire to improve his personal life

AnaLitik Reply

I think that the violence that we endure from other people is best viewed in the context of our own masochism. Only in this case, it becomes possible to change at least something. If you look at the symbol "house" from the same angle, then "house" is the environment of the subject And what then does the phrase: my environment helps me "find myself" mean? May help, may not help "Environment" - in broad sense, these are not only people, but also the lifestyle itself. First we build our own style, and only then - in the second stage - can it work for us

AnaLitik Reply

It is important here: have you ever been in France before or not. If you were, then the anamnesis comes first, that is, the connection of times and events. and loves ” Those promising projects that can be useful as any search for a better one. It is only necessary to clarify something about the helicopter. In general, this image indicates a deviation monitor, that is, the influence on a person’s mind of information that is not related to his natural project. like this: the dreams of a better life shown in a dream take you away from the harsh reality, that is, it does not dispose you to commit specific and useful actions

1. Suitcase- (Dream Interpretation Medium misc Xacce)
Seeing - bad actions; to lay - the road is waiting; road - you will forget about something important
2. Suitcase- (Modern dream book)
The dream in which you saw a suitcase portends long trips and failure. Packing a suitcase is a harbinger of a pleasant trip soon. To dream of the contents of a suitcase scattered in disorder - predicts quarrels and a rash journey that will not bring you anything good. Empty suitcases, as a rule, predict disappointment in love and family life. For a merchant to dream that he is checking the contents of his suitcase is a sign of success in business and a harbinger of a comfortable life. If he discovers that the suitcase is too small for his goods, then soon his affairs will go smoothly and he will be able to satisfy his desires. If a young woman dreams that she is unsuccessfully trying to open a suitcase, then in reality she will make an unsuccessful attempt to win the heart of a wealthy person. If she fails to close her suitcase, then she will be disappointed in the anticipated journey.
3. Suitcase- (Miller's dream book)
Seeing travel suitcases in a dream - to travel, as well as to failure. Packing your bags means that very soon you will go on a pleasant trip. To see that the contents of your suitcase are in a terrible mess portends you a quarrel, as well as some short journey that will end ingloriously for you. Empty suitcase - to disappointment in love and marriage. If a suitcase is dreamed of by a person who often travels on official business, then for him the promise of success will be a dream about how he checks the contents of his luggage. If he dreams that the suitcase is small and does not contain all things, then such a dream promises him a promotion, a reward for his efforts. If a young woman tries in vain to unlock her suitcase in a dream, then this means that in real life she will try to win the heart of a very wealthy person, but circumstances will prevent her from succeeding. If she cannot lock her suitcase in a dream, this means that the desired journey will bring her nothing but disappointment.
4. Suitcase- (Dream Interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov)
get a suitcase with gifts - love, personal joys (for a woman); buying a suitcase - a new close friend (for a man); a suitcase in a suitcase - the birth or desire to have a child (for a woman).
5. Suitcase- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The suitcase is a symbol of a woman, female genital organs, uterus. If a woman packs her suitcase, then she is preparing for the upcoming sexual contact. If a man packs his suitcase, then he seeks to sort out his sex life. If something is missing from your suitcase, or someone has been rummaging through your suitcase, then you are afraid of publicizing your sex life. An empty suitcase speaks of your frivolity and gullibility. If a man takes care of his suitcase, then he values ​​\u200b\u200bcommunication with his sexual partner and is always afraid of betrayal. If a man has a lot of suitcases, then he leads an active sex life, but is not very selective in choosing sexual partners, of which he has many. If you are examining the contents of someone else's suitcase, then you like to spy on members of the opposite sex with a naked body, for example, while swimming or in the bath. If a woman borrows a suitcase from another woman, or offers her suitcase to her, then she is prone to lesbian love. If you borrow a suitcase from a member of the opposite sex, or lend him your suitcase, then you are striving for sexual contact with him. An old or torn suitcase symbolizes a woman's health problems.
6. Suitcase- (Esoteric dream book)
Buy, empty - you have the opportunity to replenish your intellectual baggage. Full, heavy - your "reserves" of life experience are large, it's time to get rid of excess weight. A good prospect for those who are going to engage in teaching or literary work, we will write memoirs. Lose, forget, stolen - someone will take advantage of your work, pirate your intellectual achievements. To take someone else's Ch. - you unscrupulously treated your predecessors and their works. "Piracy" is punishable by law.

And phenomena, and with simple and familiar objects. Take, for example, a suitcase. Each person associates this thing with a trip or a journey. But how should you interpret the dream in which you saw him? Is it worth going on the road or is its meaning different? So, in order to find out what the suitcase is dreaming of, we suggest turning to several popular and most accurate collections of interpretations of night visions.

Miller's dream book

Why with things according to the interpretation of this very popular source? It is interesting that this dream book considers such a vision both as an omen that you will soon go on a trip, and as a harbinger of some kind of failure. If you dream about how you pack your bags, then a pleasant trip awaits you. A vision in which you found a terrible mess in your travel bag promises quarrels with loved ones and a short trip that will turn out to be very stupid. An empty travel accessory promises disappointment in love and family life.

A person who travels frequently on official business? If he dreamed that he was checking to see if his things were in place, then the next trip would be very successful. If you dreamed that the suitcase was too small, and therefore it was impossible to fit all things into it, then you should expect to move up the career ladder and a worthy reward for hard work.

What can a young lady dream about a suitcase? So, if a girl dreamed that she was trying to unlock this object, but she did not succeed, then in reality she would strive to win the heart of a very influential man, but she would fail. A dream in which a lady cannot lock her suitcase in any way promises her a trip that will bring only disappointment.

Freud's dream book

Why dream of packing a suitcase in accordance with the interpretation of the founder of psychoanalysis? Such a vision promises a quarrel with a loved one, during which you can say a lot of unnecessary things, which you will later regret. Buying a suitcase in a dream suggests that in real life you find yourself in a very difficult situation and are counting on the help of a friend, which will allow you to cope with all problems. If you dream that you are carrying heavy trunks with things, then most likely you have a lot of complexes that prevent you from enjoying life. Try to get rid of at least some of them, otherwise you risk getting bogged down in problems for a long time.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to information from this collection, a vision in which you received a suitcase full of gifts promises you love joys. However, this interpretation is more relevant for representatives of the weaker half of humanity. Why does a man dream of a suitcase on wheels? If you dreamed that you were buying this item in a store, then you will have a new acquaintance with whom you may develop a close relationship. If a lady dreamed of a suitcase in a suitcase, then in real life she either really wants to have a child, or is about to become pregnant.

Old French dream book

The vision in which the suitcase appears is considered by the compilers of this collection as a symbol of the fact that in the event of difficulties, you will be able to help your loved ones, because of which you will receive great satisfaction. A bag filled with clothes and other things promises a pleasant journey. If in your dream the suitcase was empty, then you should be careful and take care of things and people.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed that you were packing while planning a long trip, then in real life you have a strained relationship with your superiors. Sitting on your suitcase, as they say, on the track - to a delay in receiving the money due to you. Carrying a very heavy bag - to the need to do work that is not your responsibility. A suitcase stuffed to the top with money, oddly enough, promises disappointment in life. A bag thrown into the trash predicts difficulties or even discord with your business partners. Why a suitcase? Such a vision warns that in reality you risk losing something very valuable to you. If in a dream you find someone's suitcase, then a slight joy awaits you. You may also begin to regret the missed chance and indulge in nostalgic feelings.

ABC of dream interpretation

This source considers the suitcase as a kind of storehouse of life experience, our feelings and memories. Also, this item may reflect your desire to change something. Sometimes this image is also associated with female sexuality. Why dream of packing things in a suitcase? Such a vision reflects the need to put your affairs and thoughts in order. If you dreamed that you were barely dragging a heavy suitcase, then in reality you cannot cope with the circumstances. An empty bag promises an unsuccessful trip, all sorts of problems and a break in relations with a partner (both business and personal).

Esoteric dream book

A collection of hints received in a dream

We propose to find out how this source answers the question: “What is the dream of a suitcase for?”. As a rule, this object in night vision is a harbinger of some kind of change. It is likely that very soon a new stage will begin in your life. However, most often such dreams portend a simple change of scenery. If things in a suitcase are in disarray, then changes in life will be unexpected and swift. It is also likely that the cause of these changes will be your own carelessness or fussiness. An empty suitcase symbolizes a hopeless business and undertaking. If you saw such a dream, then it may make sense to postpone the planned and think it over again. The vision in which you found other people's suitcases in your own house suggests that someone else can become the culprit of changes in your life. In exactly the same way, a dream is interpreted in which you see off or, conversely, meet a person carrying suitcases.

Empty suitcase - you are wasting your time. While you are thinking, your competitors are in full swing.

Stuffed with things - your associates and colleagues are going to set you up. You will have to answer for all their mistakes and shortcomings.

Collecting a suitcase in a dream - adverse changes await you.

Unpacking a suitcase - to quarrels in the family and trouble at work.

Buying a suitcase - your self-will and pride can cause a major failure, as a result of which everyone will suffer.

Checking a suitcase in luggage is a betrayal of a close friend.

To receive a suitcase in the luggage compartment - betray your comrade yourself, albeit unwittingly. This symbol will have a positive meaning only if you dreamed that you lost or broke your suitcase. This means that very soon your problems will be solved, and all at once.

Imagine that you lose your suitcase or throw it in the trash - and it is lost forever.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

The suitcase is a symbolic repository of everyday experience, memories, feelings.

It can also reflect the desire for change.

Sometimes its appearance is associated with female sexuality.

Do you move them from place to place? This means that you already have some kind of life baggage: feelings, experiences, mistakes.

To pack a suitcase - to put thoughts, affairs in order.

A heavy suitcase to drag is an inability to cope with circumstances.

To see an empty suitcase is a failure in business, a disrupted trip, a break in intimate relationships.

Do you anxiously pack your suitcases, carry them from place to place? This means that you already have some kind of life baggage: feelings, experiences, mistakes.

The second meaning of the suitcase is a female vaginal symbol.

For a man - in the case of the upcoming choice of a girlfriend.

He can see, for example, two suitcases that somehow (color, size) correlate with his girlfriends.

Picking up one of them, he makes his choice.

One of the meanings of the suitcase is a female vaginal symbol.

A woman may dream of it during pregnancy.

For a man - in the case of the upcoming choice of a girlfriend. He can see, for example, two suitcases, which somehow, Color, size correspond with his girlfriends. Picking up one of them, he makes his choice.

Interpretation of dreams from

Intimate relationships.

Freud's dream book

In a dream, pack your bags on the road- to a quarrel with a loved one, during which you will tell each other a lot of unnecessary things.

Buy a suitcase- this dream suggests that you are in a difficult situation and are counting on some help from a true friend, and then you will be fully prepared for the upcoming difficulty.

Carry heavy suitcases- you have already gathered a “whole load” of different complexes that prevent you from living a normal life, but you are too lazy to deal with them. Be careful, otherwise you risk getting hopelessly bogged down in problems.

Suitcase- is a symbol of a woman, female genital organs, uterus.

If a woman packs her suitcase- she is preparing for the upcoming sexual contact.

If a man packs his suitcase- he seeks to understand his sex life.

If something is missing from your suitcase, or someone has been rummaging through your suitcase- you are afraid of publicity of your sex life.

Empty suitcase- speaks of your frivolity and gullibility.

If a man takes care of his suitcase- he cherishes the connection with his sexual partner and is constantly afraid of betrayal.

If a man has a lot of suitcases- he leads an active sex life, but is not very selective in choosing sexual partners, of which he has many.

If you are examining the contents of someone else's suitcase- you like to spy on members of the opposite sex with a naked body, for example, while swimming or in the bath.

If a woman borrows a suitcase from another woman, or offers her suitcase to her- she is prone to lesbian love.

If you borrow a suitcase from a member of the opposite sex, or lend him your suitcase- you seek sexual contact with him.

Old or torn suitcase- symbolizes health problems in a woman.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Suitcase in a dream- usually portends some kind of change. It is possible that a new stage begins in your life. More often, however, such dreams mean a simple change of scenery.

If things in a suitcase are in a mess- changes in your life can be unexpected and fast. The dream also suggests that the reason sudden change may become your own carelessness or fussiness.

Empty suitcase- a sign of a meaningless and useless enterprise. You may be better off postponing some of your plans or more carefully preparing them.

Alien suitcases seen in a dream in your house- they say that other people can become the cause of changes in your life. The dream in which you meet or see off a person with suitcases has the same meaning.

Jewish dream book

Suitcase- news from afar.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Suitcase- long journeys.

Pack your suitcase- traveling together with your loved one.

Empty- Marriage can be disappointing.

Closed suitcase full of things- promotion.

Broken- it is advisable to postpone the trip, if this is not possible - be careful and careful.

New family dream book

Travel bag- dreams not only of travel, but also of all sorts of failures.

But if in a dream you were packing a suitcase- you will soon go on a pleasant trip.

Seeing in a dream that the contents of your suitcase are in a terrible mess- know that you, firstly, will quarrel with someone, and secondly, take a short trip that will not bring you either luck or joy.

Empty suitcase- dreams of disappointments in love and marriage.

If a person who travels frequently on official business dreams that he checks the contents of his luggage- he will have success on the way.

If he dreamed that the suitcase was small and all things did not fit into it- he will be promoted and material well-being.

A young woman who, in a dream, tries in vain to open her suitcase- in real life she will not be able to win the heart of a wealthy person: circumstances will not allow her to succeed.

If in a dream she failed to lock the suitcase- the journey, which she had long dreamed of, will disappoint her.

Modern combined dream book

The dream in which you saw a suitcase- portends long trips and failure.

Pack your suitcase- a harbinger of an imminent pleasant journey.

Seeing in a dream the contents of a suitcase scattered in disorder- predicts quarrels and a rash journey that will not bring you anything good.

Empty suitcases are usually- predict disappointment in love and family life.

To the merchant to dream that he is checking the contents of his suitcase- a sign of success in business and a harbinger of a comfortable life.

If he finds that the suitcase is too small for his goods- soon his affairs will go smoothly and he will be able to satisfy his desires.

If a young woman dreams that she is unsuccessfully trying to open a suitcase- in reality, she will make an unsuccessful attempt to win the heart of a wealthy person.

If she fails to close her suitcase- she will be disappointed in the anticipated journey.

Eastern female dream book

Suitcase- dreams of long trips.

Pack your suitcase- to a soon pleasant journey.

Empty suitcases- to disappointments in love and family life.

Children's dream book

Suitcase- you have to spend your time with friends and acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Suitcase- dreams of betrayal in love; an empty suitcase dreams of a waste of time.

Throw the suitcase on the top shelf of the common car- enlist.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Suitcase- to a dangerous road.

See an empty suitcase- to the loss, the dead.

Throw the suitcase on the shelf in the car- to travel.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Suitcase- receive news from afar.

Empty suitcase- dreams of divorce.

Throw the suitcase on the shelf or in the car- to an abandoned family.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

suitcase see- bad actions; lay down- waiting for the road; road- forget about something important.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Packing a suitcase in a dream, going on a long journey- a sign of trouble in relations with superiors.

Sitting on a suitcase before leaving- to a delay in the payment of money.

Carry a very heavy suitcase in a dream- you will have to perform work that is not related to your direct duties.

Dreaming of a suitcase full of money- to disappointment in real life.

Discarded suitcase- a sign of discord and uncoordinated actions with business partners.

If in a dream a suitcase with valuable contents was stolen from you- it means that in reality you will lose something very dear to you.

Find someone else's suitcase- minor joy, regret about missed opportunities and nostalgic feelings.

Women's dream book

Suitcases in a dream- to travel or to failures.

Packing suitcases- portends a close trip.

If the contents of your suitcase are in a terrible mess- a quarrel or a short trip with an unpleasant ending awaits you.

Empty suitcase- to disappointments in love and marriage.

If you can't unlock your suitcase- it means that in reality you will try to win the heart of a very wealthy person, but circumstances will interfere with your success.

If you can't lock your suitcase- you should not go on a trip that will bring only disappointment.

General dream book

Dreamed of a suitcase- this is to get to know a stupid, talkative person.

Collect- to a pleasant journey.

Empty suitcase- a warning about disappointment in family life.

In a dream, you bought or gave it to you- you run the risk of being considered a stupid or talkative person.

If you dreamed that you gave someone, sold or lost a suitcase- after an evening spent together, you will consider one of your best friends a stupid, talkative person.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A dream in which you are packing your bags- preparing for a trip, a quarrel with a partner. You will completely lose control over yourself and remember all the insults to each other.

Buying a suitcase in a dream- portends that you will get into trouble and will hope for help loved one. His support will inspire you to fight against difficulties.

If you dream that you are carrying suitcases, and they are very heavy for you- this suggests that you are prone to complexes. At the same time, you are in no hurry to deal with them, but prefer not to change anything, despite the fact that they interfere with your life. Take the time to sort out your problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Suitcase- departure, change of life; face a mystery, something mysterious; duty (responsibility).

Suitcase in a suitcase- birth of a child; an action that will not give a result, useless persistence.

Empty- disappointments in love.

Lay- put things in order; to the road.

Esoteric dream book

Suitcase to buy, empty- You have the opportunity to replenish your intellectual baggage.

full, heavy- your "reserves" of life experience are great, it's time to get rid of excess weight. A good prospect for those who are going to engage in teaching or literary work, we will write memoirs.

Lost, forgotten, stolen- someone will take advantage of your work, pirate your intellectual achievements.

Take someone else's suitcase- you have dealt unscrupulously with your predecessors and their works.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream of a suitcase- departure, road; expenses.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Suitcase- departure; receive a suitcase with gifts- love, personal joys (for a woman); buy a suitcase- a new close friend (for a man); suitcase in a suitcase- the birth or desire to have a child (for a woman).

Collection of dream books

Suitcase- hard work.

see suitcase- problems with internal organs; open suitcase full of stuff- to a possible operation.

Seeing a suitcase in a dream- means that in a moment of testing you will be able to become useful to your loved ones and experience a sense of satisfaction from this.

Suitcase full of things- dream about travel, but empty- warns you: you must be careful and careful with things and people.

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.